[julia-users] Re: a good IDE for Julia ? (Julia Studio does not work with Julia v 0.3.0)

2016-01-26 Thread Andre P.
No need to wait for Atom. I've been using Atom+Juno with Julia 0.4.2 for 2 
weeks  ow. It works very well. Easily the best IDE I have used with Julia.

[julia-users] Re: a good IDE for Julia ? (Julia Studio does not work with Julia v 0.3.0)

2016-01-26 Thread Andre P.
Just wanted to add that I use Atom+Julia client both on Windows and Mac. The 
firewall issue with Atom has been resolved.

The regular instruction had some issues. I suggest following the dev install.


[julia-users] Re: Juno stopped working - error message

2015-11-01 Thread Andre P.
Hi all. I upgraded to 0.4.0 and basically lighttables + Jewel stopped 
working.  The errors are pretty mucb as above.

   WARNING: LightTable.jl: cannot resize array with shared data
in push! at 
in read_operator at /Users/Andre/.julia/v0.4/JuliaParser/src/lexer.jl:368
in next_token at /Users/Andre/.julia/v0.4/JuliaParser/src/lexer.jl:752
in qualifiedname at /Users/Andre/.julia/v0.4/Jewel/src/parse/scope.jl:59
in nexttoken at /Users/Andre/.julia/v0.4/Jewel/src/parse/scope.jl:78
in nextscope! at /Users/Andre/.julia/v0.4/Jewel/src/parse/scope.jl:116
in scopes at /Users/Andre/.julia/v0.4/Jewel/src/parse/scope.jl:149
[inlined code] from /Users/Andre/.julia/v0.4/Lazy/src/macros.jl:141
in codemodule at /Users/Andre/.julia/v0.4/Jewel/src/parse/parse.jl:8
in getmodule at /Users/Andre/.julia/v0.4/Jewel/src/eval.jl:42
in anonymous at /Users/Andre/.julia/v0.4/Jewel/src/LightTable/eval.jl:51
in handlecmd at 
in handlenext at 
in server at /Users/Andre/.julia/v0.4/Jewel/src/LightTable/LightTable.jl:27
in server at /Users/Andre/.julia/v0.4/Jewel/src/Jewel.jl:23
in include at 
in include_from_node1 at 
in process_options at 
in _start at 
 I can no longer use Lighttable because of this. Tried some of the fixes 
above but no seemed to work. Has this been solved some how?

Julia Version 0.4.0

Commit 0ff703b* (2015-10-08 06:20 UTC)

Platform Info:

  System: Darwin (x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0)

  CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4650U CPU @ 1.70GHz



  LAPACK: libopenblas64_

  LIBM: libopenlibm

  LLVM: libLLVM-3.3



[julia-users] Re: 4th Julia meetup in Japan: JuliaTokyo #4.

2015-07-12 Thread Andre P.
Some of the slides are already available here. More should be posted 


I few of them are in English. I noticed that more and more participates are 
presenting using English slides despite the fact that the audience is near 
100% native Japanese speakers. Which I think is pretty amazing! Also, the 
vibe at the Julia Tokyo is really great.  Lots of people helping each out 
with some really fun n' interesting conversation in the after-party.

Feel free to contact us if you are visiting Japan. We would love to have 


On Monday, 13 July 2015 02:53:28 UTC+9, Viral Shah wrote:

 Please email juli...@googlegroups.com javascript: if you see such a 
 timeout. Often it just means that a new machine is booting up, and things 
 should work in a few minutes.

 Sounds like a really fun meetup. BTW, are any of these slides in English - 
 and if so, are they available anywhere?


 On Sunday, July 12, 2015 at 1:16:45 PM UTC+5:30, ther...@gmail.com 
 javascript: wrote:


 On July 11th we had our 4th Julia meetup in Japan, JuliaTokyo #4. This 
 time we had 30+ perticipants.


 JuliaTokyo #4 Presentation List in English

 # Hands-on Session
 by Michiaki Ariga
 (We tired to use JuliaBox, but failed with Maximum number of JuliaBox 
 instances active. Please try after sometime. ...)

 # Main Talks
 1. JuliaCon2015 Report - Sorami Hisamoto
 2. Julia Summer of Code: An Interim Report - Kenta Sato
 3. High-performance Streaming Analytics using Julia - Andre Pemmelaar
 4. Why don't you create Spark.jl? - @sfchaos
 5. Introducing QuantEcon.jl - Daisuke Oyama

 # Lightning Talks
 1. Material for Julia Introduction Materials - @yomichi_137
 2. Characteristic Color Extraction from Images - @mrkn
 3. Julia and I, sometimes Mocha - @vanquish
 4. It's Time for 3D Priting with Julia - uk24s
 5. Mecha-Joshi Shogi (AI Japanese Chess) - @kimrin
 6. Gitter and Slack - Michiaki Ariga


 We also had a survey on what kind of languages and softwares people use 
 on a daily basis. 56 people (multiple choices allowed);

 language, #people
 Python, 37
 R, 21
 C / Julia, 14
 Java, 13
 C++ / Ruby, 12
 Excel, 7
 Perl, 5
 SAS / Scala, 4
 Go / JavaScript, 3
 Matlab / Visual Basic / Haskell / PHP / Objective C / D, 2
 Clojure / F# / C# / .Net / SQL / Apex / ECMAScript / Elixir / Swift / 
 Erlang / CUDA, 1

 - sorami

[julia-users] Matlab minfunc - Optim.jl where the function evaluates the main cost function and its gradient simultaneously

2014-08-13 Thread Andre P.
I'm porting some Matlab code to Julia. 

The optimization objective function evaluates the main cost function and 
its gradient simultaneously. Some of the interim calculations from the cost 
function are plugged into to gradient calculation to avoid making the same 
calculation twice. Here is the actual function.

function SparseFilteringObj (W, X, N)

# Reshape W into matrix form
W = reshape(W, (N, size(X,1)))

# Feed Forward
F = W * X # Linear Activation
Fs = sqrt(F.^2 + 1e-8) # Soft-Absolute Activation
NFs, L2Fs = l2row(Fs) # Normalize by Rows
Fhat, L2Fn = l2row(NFs') # Normalize by Columns

# Compute Objective Function
Obj = sum(sum(Fhat, 2), 1)

# Backprop through each feedforward step
DeltaW = l2grad(NFs', Fhat, L2Fn, ones(size(Fhat)))
DeltaW = l2grad(Fs, NFs, L2Fs, DeltaW')
DeltaW = (DeltaW .* (F ./ Fs)) * X'
DeltaW = DeltaW[:]

return Obj, DeltaW

This is my first time using Optim.jl. It seems the interface requires that 
the objective function be separated into a cost and a gradient function, 
but it also says that I can get better performance by providing a third 
function, DifferentiableFunction(f,g!), that calculates both of these 
simultaneously. So, as I understand it, I have to split them up, and then 
re-combine them using DifferentiableFunction(f,g!) to get better performance. 
 Is this correct?

Any suggestions on how to split this in a way that avoids duplicating 
calculation? Do all the calculation that are shared as inline calcs perhaps?
It feels like I missing some easy solution. Any advice would be 

Gist of the as yet incomplete port:

Original matlab code

[julia-users] Succinct syntax for removing a column from a DataFrame using the column name

2014-07-01 Thread Andre P.
I have a data frame with a large number of columns and I would like to 
remove certain unnecessary columns as part of the initial data wrangling.

I can do this succinctly using the numeric index...

using DataFrames
A = DataFrame(A=1:3, B=4:6, C=7:9, D=10:12, E=13:15)
B = A[:, setdiff(1:end,[3,4])] # returns DFs without columns C  D

Is there a way to do this using the column names rather than their numeric 


[julia-users] Re: Succinct syntax for removing a column from a DataFrame using the column name

2014-07-01 Thread Andre P.
I figured out one way to do this...

B = A[:, setdiff(names(A),[symbol(D), symbol(E)])] # removes columns C 
 D using column names

A less verbose way?

On Wednesday, July 2, 2014 7:01:56 AM UTC+9, Andre P. wrote:

 I have a data frame with a large number of columns and I would like to 
 remove certain unnecessary columns as part of the initial data wrangling.

 I can do this succinctly using the numeric index...

 using DataFrames
 A = DataFrame(A=1:3, B=4:6, C=7:9, D=10:12, E=13:15)
 B = A[:, setdiff(1:end,[3,4])] # returns DFs without columns C  D

 Is there a way to do this using the column names rather than their numeric 


Re: [julia-users] Re: orthogonalize

2014-06-29 Thread Andre P.
I have some Matlab code I'm porting to Julia

BiasHN = rand(HN(i+1),1)*2 -1;
BiasHN = orth(BiasHN);

Was the equivalent of the orth() from Matlab added to Julia? Can't seem to 
find it.


On Thursday, April 3, 2014 10:32:31 PM UTC+9, Alan Edelman wrote:

 Maybe something like this

 function orth(A,thresh=eps(A[1]))   
  U[:, S.S[1]*thresh]


 20x4 Array{Float64,2}:

  -0.223607  -0.2136510.1837530.265684 

  -0.223607  -0.2136510.1837530.265684 

  -0.223607  -0.2136510.1837530.265684 

  -0.223607  -0.2136510.1837530.265684 

  -0.223607  -0.2136510.1837530.265684 

  -0.223607   0.0371419  -0.3725030.0993058

  -0.223607   0.0371419  -0.3725030.0993058

  -0.223607   0.0371419  -0.3725030.0993058

  -0.223607   0.0371419  -0.3725030.0993058

  -0.223607   0.0371419  -0.3725030.0993058

  -0.223607   0.3503580.163883   -0.0197973

  -0.223607   0.3503580.163883   -0.0197973

  -0.223607   0.3503580.163883   -0.0197973

  -0.223607   0.3503580.163883   -0.0197973

  -0.223607   0.3503580.163883   -0.0197973

  -0.223607  -0.1738490.0248676  -0.345193 

  -0.223607  -0.1738490.0248676  -0.345193 

  -0.223607  -0.1738490.0248676  -0.345193 

  -0.223607  -0.1738490.0248676  -0.345193 

  -0.223607  -0.1738490.0248676  -0.345193

 On Thursday, April 3, 2014 9:23:14 AM UTC-4, Alan Edelman wrote:

 I would use the svd with a threshold based on the norm
 and optionally adjustable

[julia-users] deepcopy() immutable types working as intended?

2014-06-12 Thread Andre P.

When using deepcopy() to copy an immutable type it does not copy everything 
There is a discussion here 
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/julia-users/kug8rdy5JYo/0d9014DugOgJ in 
which Stefan Karpinski requests a bug be filed resulting in #3301.
But the behavior seems to be the same. So, is deepcopy() supposed to copy 
inner arrays or not?

Here is an example:

First using an non-immutable type
type foo

f1 = foo([1,1])
f2 = f1
f3 = deepcopy(f1)
f4 = foo(copy(f1.myArr))

println(f1: $(f1) \nf2: $(f2) \nf3: $(f3) \nf4: $(f4)\n)
# prints...
# f1: foo([1,1]) 
# f2: foo([1,1]) 
# f3: foo([1,1]) 
# f4: foo([1,1])

f2.myArr[1]= 2
f3.myArr[1]= 3
f4.myArr[1]= 4

println(f1: $(f1) \nf2: $(f2) \nf3: $(f3) \nf4: $(f4)\n)
# f1: foo([2,1]) 
# f2: foo([2,1]) 
# f3: foo([3,1]) 
# f4: foo([4,1])

The above non-immutable type functions exactly as expected.

Now, the same using immutable types

immutable Immfoo

Imm1 = Immfoo([1,1])
Imm2 = Imm1
Imm3 = deepcopy(Imm1)
Imm4 = Immfoo(copy(Imm1.myArr))

println(Imm1: $(Imm1) \nImm2: $(Imm2) \nImm3: $(Imm3) \nImm4: $(Imm4)\n)
# prints...
# Imm1: Immfoo([1,1]) 
# Imm2: Immfoo([1,1]) 
# Imm3: Immfoo([1,1]) 
# Imm4: Immfoo([1,1])

Imm2.myArr[1]= 2
Imm3.myArr[1]= 3
Imm4.myArr[1]= 4

println(Imm1: $(Imm1) \nImm2: $(Imm2) \nImm3: $(Imm3) \nImm4: $(Imm4)\n)
# prints...
# Imm1: Immfoo([3,1]) 
# Imm2: Immfoo([3,1]) 
# Imm3: Immfoo([3,1]) 
# Imm4: Immfoo([4,1])

Here, Imm3 is pointing at the same array as Imm1 and Imm2. 
Is this as intended?


[julia-users] Re: Julia meetup in Japan: JuliaTokyo

2014-06-12 Thread Andre P.
I thought you all might find it interesting to know that this was over 
subscribed in a matter of hours. It was at 43 people for 40 person space 
within 2-3 hours and it now at 53/40. Some will not show up, but this is a 
very good sign. 


On Thursday, June 12, 2014 1:20:09 PM UTC+9, Viral Shah wrote:

 This is really great. I have added it to the communities section of the 
 Julia homepage.


 On Wednesday, June 11, 2014 7:55:28 PM UTC+5:30, ther...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi all,

 We will start a Julia study group in Tokyo, Japan named JuliaTokyo.  

 The first event will be on 5th July 2014; we've got more than 50 
 participants in less than a day!

 - Sorami

[julia-users] Re: deepcopy() immutable types working as intended?

2014-06-12 Thread Andre P.
After thinking about this a bit more deeply, it occurred to me that maybe 
this *is* the right behavior. 
After all, this is an immutable type, so I really shouldn't be modifying 
the internal values of array fields anyway.

If this immutable type array field happened to have a massive array 
attached to it, 
it might make sense to have both immutable objects point at that same array 
provided that array could not be mutated. 

The problem is that one *can* mutate the underlying array and undisciplined 
sods like me go and doing things like the above.

[julia-users] Importing Datetime data with microsecond fidelity

2014-05-07 Thread Andre P.
I have just started using Julia. I have a csv data files that use 
microsecond fidelity time stamps

ex: 2013-10-20T23:00:00.036928Z

I would like to import these into Julia, but I haven't been able to find 
any documentation on using Datetime types with anything beyond millisecond 
Is there a way to do this? 
