[julia-users] Help getting started with Julia's Graphs package

2014-02-22 Thread Ed Scheinerman
I have looked through the documentation for the Graphs package here:
But I'm finding it difficult to get started, even creating simple graphs 
(undirected, no loops, no multiple edges). Adding vertices doesn't seem to 
Is there a tutorial somewhere to help me get started? Thanks. 

[julia-users] Re: Help getting started with Julia's Graphs package

2014-02-26 Thread Ed Scheinerman
Thanks. This helps some. Let me illustrate. I just want simple graphs with 
integer-named vertices. This starts off well:

julia> using Graphs

julia> g = simple_graph(4)
Directed Graph (4 vertices, 0 edges)

julia> using Graphs

julia> g = simple_graph(4,is_directed=false)
Undirected Graph (4 vertices, 0 edges)

julia> add_edge!(g,1,2)
edge [1]: 1 -- 2

But if I want to add an additional vertex, I get trouble:

julia> add_vertex!(g,5)
ERROR: no method push!(Range1{Int64},Int64)
 in add_vertex! at /home/ers/.julia/Graphs/src/graph.jl:50

And I can't figure out how to delete vertices!

On Sunday, February 23, 2014 12:50:01 PM UTC-5, Uwe Korn wrote:
> On Saturday, 22 February 2014 22:24:24 UTC, Ed Scheinerman wrote:
>> I have looked through the documentation for the Graphs package here:
>>  http://julialang.org/Graphs.jl/index.html 
>> <http://julialang.org/Graphs.jl/index.html>
>> But I'm finding it difficult to get started, even creating simple graphs 
>> (undirected, no loops, no multiple edges). Adding vertices doesn't seem to 
>> work. 
> For an adjacency list representation, this short snippet may be helpful:
> using Graphs
> # Create new graph
> g = adjlist(KeyVertex{ASCIIString}, is_directed=false)
> # Add 2 vertices
> v = add_vertex!(g, "v")
> u = add_vertex!(g, "u")
> # Add an edge between them
> add_edge!(g, v, u)
> # This will print:
> #   KeyVertex{ASCIIString}(1,"v")
> # which is the neighbour of u
> println(out_neighbors(u, g))
>> Is there a tutorial somewhere to help me get started? Thanks. 
> I'm not aware of a tutorial (which would be indeed very helpful) but I 
> learnt how to use the Graphs package by looking at its tests like 
> https://github.com/JuliaLang/Graphs.jl/blob/master/test/adjlist.jl which 
> outline quite short how that package works.

[julia-users] Problems with Memoize in Julia 0.5.0

2016-09-23 Thread Ed Scheinerman

I use memoization frequently and have run into two problems with the move 
to Julia 0.5.0. 

The first is not too serious and I hope can be fixed readily.  The first 
time I memoize a function, a warning is generated like this:

julia> using Memoize

julia> @memoize f(a) = a+1
WARNING: symbol is deprecated, use Symbol instead.
 in depwarn(::String, ::Symbol) at ./deprecated.jl:64
 in symbol(::String, ::Vararg{String,N}) at ./deprecated.jl:30
 in @memoize(::Expr, ::Vararg{Expr,N}) at 
 in eval(::Module, ::Any) at ./boot.jl:234
 in eval(::Module, ::Any) at 
 in eval_user_input(::Any, ::Base.REPL.REPLBackend) at ./REPL.jl:64
 in macro expansion at ./REPL.jl:95 [inlined]
 in (::Base.REPL.##3#4{Base.REPL.REPLBackend})() at ./event.jl:68
while loading no file, in expression starting on line 0
(::#28#f) (generic function with 1 method)

More significantly, if I want multiple dispatch on a function name, the 
second instance creates a problem and the definition is rejected. Here I 
define a factorial function that always returns a BigInt. The first 
function definition succeeds but the second one fails:

julia> @memoize function Factorial(n::Integer)
 if n<0
 if n==0 || n==1
   return big(1)
 return n * Factorial(n-1)
(::#35#Factorial) (generic function with 1 method)

julia> @memoize function Factorial(n::Integer,k::Integer)
 if n<0 || k<0 || k > n

 if k==n
   return big(1)

 return n * Factorial(n-1,k)
ERROR: cannot define function Factorial; it already has a value
 in macro expansion; at /Users/ers/.julia/v0.5/Memoize/src/Memoize.jl:103 
 in anonymous at ./:?

julia> Factorial(10)  # this works

julia> Factorial(10,2) # but this doesn't
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching (::##35#Factorial#2)(::Int64, 
Closest candidates are:
  #35#Factorial(::Integer) at 

[julia-users] Trouble with PyPlot

2016-05-25 Thread Ed Scheinerman
I use PyPlot a lot with my Julia work so I've got a big problem in that 
PyPlot has suddenly stopped working after the latest Pkg.update()

julia> using PyPlot

INFO: Precompiling module PyPlot... 
ERROR: LoadError: InitError: cfunction: pyjlwrap_repr does not return 
 in __init__ at /Users/ers/.julia/v0.4/PyCall/src/pyinit.jl:88 
 in _require_from_serialized at loading.jl:84 
 in _require_from_serialized at /Applications/Julia-0.4.5.app/Contents/
 in require at /Applications/Julia-0.4.5.app/Contents/Resources/julia/lib/
 in include at /Applications/Julia-0.4.5.app/Contents/Resources/julia/lib/
 in include_from_node1 at /Applications/Julia-0.4.5.app/Contents/Resources/
 [inlined code] from none:2 
 in anonymous at no file:0 
 in process_options at /Applications/Julia-0.4.5.app/Contents/Resources/
 in _start at /Applications/Julia-0.4.5.app/Contents/Resources/julia/lib/
during initialization of module PyCall 
while loading /Users/ers/.julia/v0.4/PyPlot/src/PyPlot.jl, in expression 
starting on line 5 
ERROR: Failed to precompile PyPlot to /Users/ers/.julia/lib/v0.4/PyPlot.ji 
 in error at /Applications/Julia-0.4.5.app/Contents/Resources/julia/lib/
 in compilecache at loading.jl:400 
 in require at /Applications/Julia-0.4.5.app/Contents/Resources/julia/lib/
Enter code here...

[julia-users] Re: Trouble with PyPlot

2016-05-25 Thread Ed Scheinerman
It seems, perhaps, that the problem is actually with PyCall. Other packages 
that I regularly use are now causing problems ...

On Wednesday, May 25, 2016 at 8:22:07 AM UTC-4, Ed Scheinerman wrote:
> I use PyPlot a lot with my Julia work so I've got a big problem in that 
> PyPlot has suddenly stopped working after the latest Pkg.update()
> julia> using PyPlot
> INFO: Precompiling module PyPlot... 
> ERROR: LoadError: InitError: cfunction: pyjlwrap_repr does not return 
>  in __init__ at /Users/ers/.julia/v0.4/PyCall/src/pyinit.jl:88 
>  in _require_from_serialized at loading.jl:84 
>  in _require_from_serialized at /Applications/Julia-0.4.5.app/Contents/
> Resources/julia/lib/julia/sys.dylib 
>  in require at /Applications/Julia-0.4.5.app/Contents/Resources/julia/lib/
> julia/sys.dylib 
>  in include at /Applications/Julia-0.4.5.app/Contents/Resources/julia/lib/
> julia/sys.dylib 
>  in include_from_node1 at /Applications/Julia-0.4.5.app/Contents/Resources
> /julia/lib/julia/sys.dylib 
>  [inlined code] from none:2 
>  in anonymous at no file:0 
>  in process_options at /Applications/Julia-0.4.5.app/Contents/Resources/
> julia/lib/julia/sys.dylib 
>  in _start at /Applications/Julia-0.4.5.app/Contents/Resources/julia/lib/
> julia/sys.dylib 
> during initialization of module PyCall 
> while loading /Users/ers/.julia/v0.4/PyPlot/src/PyPlot.jl, in expression 
> starting on line 5 
> ERROR: Failed to precompile PyPlot to /Users/ers/.julia/lib/v0.4/PyPlot.ji 
>  in error at /Applications/Julia-0.4.5.app/Contents/Resources/julia/lib/
> julia/sys.dylib 
>  in compilecache at loading.jl:400 
>  in require at /Applications/Julia-0.4.5.app/Contents/Resources/julia/lib/
> julia/sys.dylib
> Enter code here...

[julia-users] Suddenly PyPlot giving me grief

2016-07-12 Thread Ed Scheinerman
I've suddenly been having a great deal of trouble with PyPlot on Julia 
0.4.6 on Mac. 

Here's one sort of problem I've gotten:

julia> plot([1,2],[1,3])

ERROR: ArgumentError: haskey of NULL PyObject

 in haskey at /Users/ers/.julia/v0.4/PyCall/src/PyCall.jl:292

 in plot at /Users/ers/.julia/v0.4/PyPlot/src/PyPlot.jl:381

I tried reinstalling PyPlot, PyCall, Conda and I get this:

julia> using PyPlot

objc[75453]: Class TKApplication is implemented in both 
/System/Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Versions/8.5/Tk and 
/Users/ers/.julia/v0.4/Conda/deps/usr/lib/libtk8.5.dylib. One of the two 
will be used. Which one is undefined.

objc[75453]: Class TKMenu is implemented in both 
/System/Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Versions/8.5/Tk and 
/Users/ers/.julia/v0.4/Conda/deps/usr/lib/libtk8.5.dylib. One of the two 
will be used. Which one is undefined.

objc[75453]: Class TKContentView is implemented in both 
/System/Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Versions/8.5/Tk and 
/Users/ers/.julia/v0.4/Conda/deps/usr/lib/libtk8.5.dylib. One of the two 
will be used. Which one is undefined.

objc[75453]: Class TKWindow is implemented in both 
/System/Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Versions/8.5/Tk and 
/Users/ers/.julia/v0.4/Conda/deps/usr/lib/libtk8.5.dylib. One of the two 
will be used. Which one is undefined.

UserWarning: Matplotlib is building the font cache using fc-list. This may 
take a moment.

  warnings.warn('Matplotlib is building the font cache using fc-list. This 
may take a moment.')

julia> plot([1,2],[1,3])

Exception in Tkinter callback

Traceback (most recent call last):

line 1537, in __call__

return self.func(*args)

line 283, in resize


line 355, in draw

tkagg.blit(self._tkphoto, self.renderer._renderer, colormode=2)

line 30, in blit

id(data), colormode, id(bbox_array))


julia(75453,0x7fff7ce8a000) malloc: *** error for object 0x7ff91bd574d0: 
pointer being freed was not allocated

*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug

signal (6): Abort trap: 6

__pthread_kill at /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib (unknown line)

Abort trap: 6

I can't plot anything now. 



[julia-users] Re: Suddenly PyPlot giving me grief

2016-07-13 Thread Ed Scheinerman

On Tuesday, July 12, 2016 at 8:16:03 AM UTC-4, David P. Sanders wrote:
> As a quick solution, I would suggest deleting or renaming ~/.julia/v0.4 
> and reinstalling all the packages.
Good suggestion, minor hassle. Did it and the problem is not solved. I got 
this today:

Exception in Tkinter callback

Traceback (most recent call last):

line 1537, in __call__

return self.func(*args)

line 283, in resize


line 355, in draw

tkagg.blit(self._tkphoto, self.renderer._renderer, colormode=2)

line 30, in blit

id(data), colormode, id(bbox_array))


julia(82876,0x7fff7ce8a000) malloc: *** error for object 0x7fefddbb2ad0: 
pointer being freed was not allocated

*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug

signal (6): Abort trap: 6

__pthread_kill at /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib (unknown line)
Abort trap: 6 

[julia-users] Re: Suddenly PyPlot giving me grief

2016-07-13 Thread Ed Scheinerman
And when I do a simple "using PyPlot" I get these errors. Someone, please 
help :-(

julia> using PyPlot

objc[83239]: Class TKApplication is implemented in both 
/System/Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Versions/8.5/Tk and 
/Users/ers/.julia/v0.4/Conda/deps/usr/lib/libtk8.5.dylib. One of the two 
will be used. Which one is undefined.

objc[83239]: Class TKMenu is implemented in both 
/System/Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Versions/8.5/Tk and 
/Users/ers/.julia/v0.4/Conda/deps/usr/lib/libtk8.5.dylib. One of the two 
will be used. Which one is undefined.

objc[83239]: Class TKContentView is implemented in both 
/System/Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Versions/8.5/Tk and 
/Users/ers/.julia/v0.4/Conda/deps/usr/lib/libtk8.5.dylib. One of the two 
will be used. Which one is undefined.

objc[83239]: Class TKWindow is implemented in both 
/System/Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Versions/8.5/Tk and 
/Users/ers/.julia/v0.4/Conda/deps/usr/lib/libtk8.5.dylib. One of the two 
will be used. Which one is undefined.

julia> plot([1,2],[1,3])

Exception in Tkinter callback

Traceback (most recent call last):

line 1537, in __call__

return self.func(*args)

line 283, in resize


line 355, in draw

tkagg.blit(self._tkphoto, self.renderer._renderer, colormode=2)

line 30, in blit

id(data), colormode, id(bbox_array))


julia(83239,0x7fff7ce8a000) malloc: *** error for object 0x7fe0916936d0: 
pointer being freed was not allocated

*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug

signal (6): Abort trap: 6

__pthread_kill at /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib (unknown line)

Abort trap: 6

On Wednesday, July 13, 2016 at 8:37:28 AM UTC-4, Ed Scheinerman wrote:
> On Tuesday, July 12, 2016 at 8:16:03 AM UTC-4, David P. Sanders wrote:
>> As a quick solution, I would suggest deleting or renaming ~/.julia/v0.4 
>> and reinstalling all the packages.
> Good suggestion, minor hassle. Did it and the problem is not solved. I got 
> this today:
> Exception in Tkinter callback
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File 
> "/Users/ers/.julia/v0.4/Conda/deps/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk/Tkinter.py", 
> line 1537, in __call__
> return self.func(*args)
>   File 
> "/Users/ers/.julia/v0.4/Conda/deps/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/backend_tkagg.py",
> line 283, in resize
> self.show()
>   File 
> "/Users/ers/.julia/v0.4/Conda/deps/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/backend_tkagg.py",
> line 355, in draw
> tkagg.blit(self._tkphoto, self.renderer._renderer, colormode=2)
>   File 
> "/Users/ers/.julia/v0.4/Conda/deps/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/tkagg.py",
> line 30, in blit
> id(data), colormode, id(bbox_array))
> TclError
> julia(82876,0x7fff7ce8a000) malloc: *** error for object 0x7fefddbb2ad0: 
> pointer being freed was not allocated
> *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
> signal (6): Abort trap: 6
> __pthread_kill at /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib (unknown line)
> Abort trap: 6 

Re: [julia-users] Suddenly PyPlot giving me grief

2016-07-13 Thread Ed Scheinerman
Sigh, yes I tried that.

> On Jul 13, 2016, at 09:04, Tom Breloff  wrote:
> Have you tried using the conda local install?
> ENV["PYTHON"] = ""
> Pkg.build("PyPlot")
> Also it's not a real solution, but you could try Plots.jl with a different 
> backend. It sounds like you have a system library clash of some sort, and in 
> my experience those sorts of bugs will easily sink a week of debugging with 
> no good solution. 

Re: [julia-users] Suddenly PyPlot giving me grief

2016-07-13 Thread Ed Scheinerman
One more thought for Mac experts. Based on this message:

Class TKApplication is implemented in both 
/System/Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Versions/8.5/Tk and 
/Users/ers/.julia/v0.4/Conda/deps/usr/lib/libtk8.5.dylib. One of the two will 
be used. Which one is undefined.

Does it make sense to delete the folder /System/Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework 
or will that mess other stuff up?

I’ve not had this problem on my Linux computer. 

> On Jul 13, 2016, at 10:12, Ed Scheinerman  
> wrote:
> Sigh, yes I tried that.
>> On Jul 13, 2016, at 09:04, Tom Breloff  wrote:
>> Have you tried using the conda local install?
>> ENV["PYTHON"] = ""
>> Pkg.build("PyPlot")
>> Also it's not a real solution, but you could try Plots.jl with a different 
>> backend. It sounds like you have a system library clash of some sort, and in 
>> my experience those sorts of bugs will easily sink a week of debugging with 
>> no good solution. 

Ed Scheinerman

Re: [julia-users] Suddenly PyPlot giving me grief

2016-07-13 Thread Ed Scheinerman
Not a permanent fix, but the Qt4Agg backend works just fine. You just have 
to add 

backend : Qt4Aggto 


This suggestion worked for me. The file matplotlibrc didn't exist but I 
just created it and added that single line.

On Wednesday, July 13, 2016 at 10:26:26 AM UTC-4, Steven G. Johnson wrote:
> See also:
> https://github.com/stevengj/PyPlot.jl/issues/164
> So far, the workarounds have been using a different backend (Qt4Agg 
> instead of TkAgg) or using a different Python distro (homebrew).
> I'm guessing that some library was recently updated in Anaconda, and 
> unfortunately conflicts with the Tk library that comes with MacOS X.   
> Probably there is some library-path environment variable that could fix the 
> problem.   Or maybe we could manually dlopen the desired library to work 
> around the problem?

[julia-users] Permutation data type for Julia

2014-07-24 Thread Ed Scheinerman
Dear all,

I've created a Permutation data type for Julia. A Permutation object 
represents a permutation of a finite set of the form {1,2,...,n}. 
Operations include composition and inverses. Output is in disjoint cycle 
format. I hope someone finds this useful.

It's available for download from github:


but all you need is the file "permutation.jl" (attached) and the brief 
instructions "permutation.pdf" (also attached).

-Ed Scheinerman

Description: Binary data

Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: [julia-users] Permutation data type for Julia

2014-07-24 Thread Ed Scheinerman
Thanks Kevin.

Sure. I’d be happy to do so. In a sense, this was a little project for me to 
learn how to work in Julia and practice for a more extensive package I’m doing 
for SimpleGraphs (that is not quite ready for prime time).  What do I need to 
do to be “in compliance”?


On Jul 24, 2014, at 2:06 PM, Kevin Squire  wrote:

> Dear Ed,
> Thank you for announcing this!  I don't have any projects right now that need 
> permutations, but I have in the past, and while there is some support for 
> permutations in mainline Julia, permutations as a data type are definitely 
> useful!
> I'm wondering if you're interested in creating an official package out of 
> this?  It would require a few small changes to follow Julia conventions, but 
> would make it easier for people to test. What do you think?
> Cheers!
> On Thursday, July 24, 2014, Ed Scheinerman  
> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I've created a Permutation data type for Julia. A Permutation object 
> represents a permutation of a finite set of the form {1,2,...,n}. Operations 
> include composition and inverses. Output is in disjoint cycle format. I hope 
> someone finds this useful.
> It's available for download from github:
> https://github.com/scheinerman/Permutation.git
> but all you need is the file "permutation.jl" (attached) and the brief 
> instructions "permutation.pdf" (also attached).
> -Ed Scheinerman

Re: [julia-users] Permutation data type for Julia

2014-07-27 Thread Ed Scheinerman
Kevin: Thanks again. I have uploaded Permutations.jl to github but not yet
tagged and submitted. (I've also posted some other modules there I've been
working on.) Before tagging and submitting, I would like to create a
runtests.jl file in a test directory, but don't know how to structure that.
Perhaps you can provide me with a *simple* version so I can use that as a
template? -Ed

On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 12:07 AM, Kevin Squire 

> On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 4:52 PM, Ed Scheinerman <
> edward.scheiner...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Kevin.
>> Sure. I’d be happy to do so. In a sense, this was a little project for me
>> to learn how to work in Julia and practice for a more extensive package I’m
>> doing for SimpleGraphs (that is not quite ready for prime time).  What do I
>> need to do to be “in compliance”?
> :-) Not much, just some minor renaming/rearrangements.  Almost all of this
> is convention, but mostly just taken for the right way to do things:
> First, the best way to start a package (and maybe recreate this one) is
> probably to run Pkg.generate("MyPackage.jl").  This will create the basic
> package structure for you under .julia/v0.3 (or whatever version you're
> running), with the preferred directory structure and skeletons for all of
> the typical files you'll need/want.  You might just want to run this
> command to create a dummy package (or recreate this one) to see what it
> does.
> That aside, starting from your package:
> 1. You probably noticed that packages can't contain types with the same
> name as the package, and you gave your package a lower-case name.  However,
> packages in Julia are upper case by convention, which causes problems when
> you have a package like Permutation with a type called Permutation.
> The solution that has emerged is to pluralize the package name (and module
> name).  So, `Permutations` and `module Permutations`.
> 2. (Almost?) all package names have a ".jl" suffix.  Convention again, but
> it makes it really easy to find them on github and with Google, etc.  So
> the repository name on Github should be `Permutations.jl`.  (Your local
> copy will still be named "Permutations", with no suffix.)
> 3. This is taken care of by the first two points, but it's also pretty
> much necessary that the package, main source file and module have the same
> name (including case).  If you name the file Permutations.jl and put it
> in ~/.julia/v0.3/Permutations/src/, Julia will automatically find it when
> do `using Permutations` or `import Permutations`.  (No magic--that's the
> first place Julia looks.)
> 4. If you want, you could create a test directory with a file called
> "runtests.jl", which will run some basic tests on your code.  If you do,
> these tests will be run automatically, once per day (against the latest
> version of Julia).  May not mean much for Permutations.jl, but at least you
> would know if some change in Julia broke your code.
> 5. While I appreciate latex as much as the next geek, it would probably be
> better to write your documentation using markdown, and perhaps as part of
> README.md for now.
> For your docs, in particular, this would be pretty trivial.  The only
> trick maybe is knowing that you can write  blocks using triple
> backtics and (optionally) the language name:
> ```julia
> julia> two_row(p)
> 2x6 Array{Int64,2}:
>  1  2  3  4  5  6
>  4  1  3  2  6  5
> ```
> =
> Once you've made these changes, you can tag and submit a version in
> METADATA.jl.  Rather than discuss that in detail, I'll refer you to the
> docs, but if you have any questions, please feel free to write back here
> with questions or to ask for help.
> Packaging docs:
> https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/kms/pkg_doc_updates/doc/manual/packages.rst#making-your-package-available
> The first link is the official docs. The second is part of a pull request
> that I hope gets integrated at some point, and which better explains the
> newer, easier (but still somewhat experimental) way of tagging packages in
> Julia v0.3.
> Hope this was helpful, and not too onerous.
> Cheers,
>> Best,
>> Ed
>> On Jul 24, 2014, at 2:06 PM, Kevin Squire  wrote:
>> Dear Ed,
>> Thank you for announcing this!  I don't have any projects right now
>> that need permutations, but I have in the past, and while there is some
>> suppo

Re: [julia-users] Permutation data type for Julia

2014-07-27 Thread Ed Scheinerman
I've got the Permutations package on git now and available here:

But I've run into the following trouble when trying to publish. Here's what
I get (and I'm using Julia 0.2.1):

julia> Pkg.register("Permutations")
INFO: Registering Permutations at git://
INFO: Committing METADATA for Permutations

julia> Pkg.publish()
ERROR: METADATA is behind origin/metadata-v2 – run Pkg.update() before
 in publish at pkg/entry.jl:259
 in anonymous at pkg/dir.jl:28
 in cd at file.jl:22
 in cd at pkg/dir.jl:28
 in publish at pkg.jl:53

julia> Pkg.update()
INFO: Updating METADATA...
INFO: Updating SimpleGraphs...
INFO: Updating ShowSet...
INFO: Updating Bijections...
INFO: Updating Permutations...
INFO: Computing changes...
INFO: No packages to install, update or remove.

julia> Pkg.publish()
ERROR: METADATA is behind origin/metadata-v2 – run Pkg.update() before
 in publish at pkg/entry.jl:259
 in anonymous at pkg/dir.jl:28
 in cd at file.jl:22
 in cd at pkg/dir.jl:28
 in publish at pkg.jl:53


On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 10:01 AM, Ed Scheinerman <
edward.scheiner...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Kevin: Thanks again. I have uploaded Permutations.jl to github but not yet
> tagged and submitted. (I've also posted some other modules there I've been
> working on.) Before tagging and submitting, I would like to create a
> runtests.jl file in a test directory, but don't know how to structure that.
> Perhaps you can provide me with a *simple* version so I can use that as a
> template? -Ed
> On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 12:07 AM, Kevin Squire 
> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 4:52 PM, Ed Scheinerman <
>> edward.scheiner...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks Kevin.
>>> Sure. I’d be happy to do so. In a sense, this was a little project for
>>> me to learn how to work in Julia and practice for a more extensive package
>>> I’m doing for SimpleGraphs (that is not quite ready for prime time).  What
>>> do I need to do to be “in compliance”?
>> :-) Not much, just some minor renaming/rearrangements.  Almost all of
>> this is convention, but mostly just taken for the right way to do things:
>> First, the best way to start a package (and maybe recreate this one) is
>> probably to run Pkg.generate("MyPackage.jl").  This will create the basic
>> package structure for you under .julia/v0.3 (or whatever version you're
>> running), with the preferred directory structure and skeletons for all of
>> the typical files you'll need/want.  You might just want to run this
>> command to create a dummy package (or recreate this one) to see what it
>> does.
>> That aside, starting from your package:
>> 1. You probably noticed that packages can't contain types with the same
>> name as the package, and you gave your package a lower-case name.  However,
>> packages in Julia are upper case by convention, which causes problems when
>> you have a package like Permutation with a type called Permutation.
>> The solution that has emerged is to pluralize the package name (and
>> module name).  So, `Permutations` and `module Permutations`.
>> 2. (Almost?) all package names have a ".jl" suffix.  Convention again,
>> but it makes it really easy to find them on github and with Google, etc.
>>  So the repository name on Github should be `Permutations.jl`.  (Your local
>> copy will still be named "Permutations", with no suffix.)
>> 3. This is taken care of by the first two points, but it's also pretty
>> much necessary that the package, main source file and module have the same
>> name (including case).  If you name the file Permutations.jl and put it
>> in ~/.julia/v0.3/Permutations/src/, Julia will automatically find it when
>> do `using Permutations` or `import Permutations`.  (No magic--that's the
>> first place Julia looks.)
>> 4. If you want, you could create a test directory with a file called
>> "runtests.jl", which will run some basic tests on your code.  If you do,
>> these tests will be run automatically, once per day (against the latest
>> version of Julia).  May not mean much for Permutations.jl, but at least you
>> would know if some change in Julia broke your code.
>> 5. While I appreciate latex as much as the next geek, it would probably
>> be better to write your documentation using markdown, and perhaps as part
>> of README.md for now.
>> For your docs, in particu

[julia-users] sizehint for Set objects

2014-08-02 Thread Ed Scheinerman
I work a good deal with Set objects. When I found the sizehint function, I 
thought this would be useful to use as the data structure supporting my 
sets would be pre-allocated to be large enough for what I anticipated 
putting therein. But sizehint doesn't apply to Set objects:

julia> A = Set()

julia> sizehint(A,1000)
ERROR: no method sizehint(Set{Any},Int64)

It appears that, under the hood, Set objects are built on top of Dict 
objects. So one can do this:

julia> sizehint(A.dict,1000)

But if the implementation of Set changes, this breaks. 

So I'm voicing all this to request that sizehint(Set) be implemented. 

Re: [julia-users] sizehint for Set objects

2014-08-02 Thread Ed Scheinerman
Not a disappointment at all! I look forward to 0.3 being officially 
released. Thank you.

On Saturday, August 2, 2014 4:00:12 PM UTC-4, Kevin Squire wrote:
> (Hope this isn't a disappointment, but this was implemented already in 
> v0.3.)
> On Sat, Aug 2, 2014 at 10:59 AM, Ivar Nesje  > wrote:
>> Note that we're not lazy, but we know that contributing to Julia is 
>> highly addictive. We want more people to look at Base with a critical eye 
>> in order to discover inconsistencies like this.
>> If you don't want to try, the fix will be committed within an hour.
>> Ivar
>> kl. 18:30:55 UTC+2 lørdag 2. august 2014 skrev Stefan Karpinski følgende:
>>> Would you be willing to take a crack at making a pull request? This 
>>> should be a one-liner, somewhere in the base/set.jl file with the obvious 
>>> definition.
>>>  On Sat, Aug 2, 2014 at 10:04 AM, Ed Scheinerman >> > wrote:
>>>> I work a good deal with Set objects. When I found the sizehint 
>>>> function, I thought this would be useful to use as the data structure 
>>>> supporting my sets would be pre-allocated to be large enough for what I 
>>>> anticipated putting therein. But sizehint doesn't apply to Set objects:
>>>> julia> A = Set()
>>>> Set{Any}()
>>>> julia> sizehint(A,1000)
>>>> ERROR: no method sizehint(Set{Any},Int64)
>>>> It appears that, under the hood, Set objects are built on top of Dict 
>>>> objects. So one can do this:
>>>> julia> sizehint(A.dict,1000)
>>>> Dict{Any,Nothing}()
>>>> But if the implementation of Set changes, this breaks. 
>>>> So I'm voicing all this to request that sizehint(Set) be implemented. 

[julia-users] What's new in 0.3?

2014-08-23 Thread Ed Scheinerman
Is there a document describing new features and significant changes between 
versions 0.2 and 0.3? 

One item I noticed is that in 0.2 the express 1:5 == [1:5] evaluated as true, 
but in 0.3 it's false. 

[julia-users] Re: What's new in 0.3?

2014-08-23 Thread Ed Scheinerman

On Saturday, August 23, 2014 9:06:50 AM UTC-4, Valentin Churavy wrote:
> There is https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/v0.3.0/NEWS.md 
> On Saturday, 23 August 2014 15:02:56 UTC+2, Ed Scheinerman wrote:
>> Is there a document describing new features and significant changes 
>> between versions 0.2 and 0.3? 
>> One item I noticed is that in 0.2 the express 1:5 == [1:5] evaluated as 
>> true, but in 0.3 it's false. 

[julia-users] Re: What's new in 0.3?

2014-08-25 Thread Ed Scheinerman
Thanks again for the pointer to the release notes. 

The issue I raised was not dealt with in the release notes: namely, 1:5 == 
[1:5] evaluates as true in Julia 0.2 but as false in Julia 0.3. 

I think the new behavior is a problem. I was happy with the old behavior, 
but if this is a bad idea for some reason, I would prefer that Julia raised 
an error in this situation rather than give a result that (in my opinion) 
is wrong. Certainly Julia compares objects of different type for equality 
(e.g. 0==0.0) so the fact that 1:5 and [1:5] are different types is not the 

> On Saturday, August 23, 2014 9:06:50 AM UTC-4, Valentin Churavy wrote:
>> There is https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/v0.3.0/NEWS.md 
>> On Saturday, 23 August 2014 15:02:56 UTC+2, Ed Scheinerman wrote:
>>> Is there a document describing new features and significant changes 
>>> between versions 0.2 and 0.3? 
>>> One item I noticed is that in 0.2 the express 1:5 == [1:5] evaluated as 
>>> true, but in 0.3 it's false. 

Re: [julia-users] What's new in 0.3?

2014-08-25 Thread Ed Scheinerman
Given a choice between 1:10==[1:10] returning false or throwing an error,
I'd vote for "error".

On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 12:06 PM, Stefan Karpinski 

> If you (or anyone) can come up with a clever scheme for hashing arrays and
> ranges so that 1:n and [1:n] hash the same but hash(1:n) isn't an O(n)
> operations, I'd be thrilled to switch this back. I could not figure out a
> good way to do this, however.
> On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 11:47 AM, Jacob Quinn 
> wrote:
>> See this issue: https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/7867 and the
>> discussion in https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/5778 for
>> information on the change.
>> -Jacob
>> On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 9:02 AM, Ed Scheinerman <
>> edward.scheiner...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Is there a document describing new features and significant changes
>>> between versions 0.2 and 0.3?
>>> One item I noticed is that in 0.2 the express 1:5 == [1:5] evaluated as
>>> true, but in 0.3 it's false.

Ed Scheinerman (e...@scheinerman.net)

Re: [julia-users] Re: What's new in 0.3?

2014-08-25 Thread Ed Scheinerman
My bad. Didn't read this carefully enough to realize this comment applied
to my issue.

On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 11:47 AM, John Myles White  wrote:

> The NEWS.md file does cover this:
> • Ranges and arrays with the same elements are now unequal. This allows
> hashing and comparing ranges to be faster. (#5778)
> On Aug 25, 2014, at 8:45 AM, Ed Scheinerman 
> wrote:
> > Thanks again for the pointer to the release notes.
> >
> > The issue I raised was not dealt with in the release notes: namely, 1:5
> == [1:5] evaluates as true in Julia 0.2 but as false in Julia 0.3.
> >
> > I think the new behavior is a problem. I was happy with the old
> behavior, but if this is a bad idea for some reason, I would prefer that
> Julia raised an error in this situation rather than give a result that (in
> my opinion) is wrong. Certainly Julia compares objects of different type
> for equality (e.g. 0==0.0) so the fact that 1:5 and [1:5] are different
> types is not the issue.
> >
> >
> > On Saturday, August 23, 2014 9:06:50 AM UTC-4, Valentin Churavy wrote:
> > There is https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/v0.3.0/NEWS.md
> >
> > On Saturday, 23 August 2014 15:02:56 UTC+2, Ed Scheinerman wrote:
> > Is there a document describing new features and significant changes
> between versions 0.2 and 0.3?
> >
> > One item I noticed is that in 0.2 the express 1:5 == [1:5] evaluated as
> true, but in 0.3 it's false.

Ed Scheinerman (e...@scheinerman.net)

Re: [julia-users] @inbounds is broken?

2014-08-29 Thread Ed Scheinerman
I'd like to use @inbounds also to speed up code that I'm 100% sure has 
proper array indices. But I tried the following experiment and found no 
significant difference using or omitting @inbounds before the array access. 
What am I doing wrong? Or is bounds checking so super efficient that I 
shouldn't worry about it. 

Here's the code:

function filler(data::Array{Int,1}, n::Int, reps::Int=1000)
for r=1:reps
for k=1:n

function fast_filler(data::Array{Int,1},n::Int, reps::Int=1000)
for r=1:reps
for k=1:n
@inbounds data[k]=k

n = 10*1000*1000 # 10 million
x = zeros(Int,n)

Here's the output:

elapsed time: 12.622814907 seconds
elapsed time: 12.287447772 seconds

On Monday, August 4, 2014 1:56:51 PM UTC-4, Jacob Quinn wrote:
> Steve,
> `@inbounds` is certainly tricky because of the lack of documentation, 
> which I think is slightly on purpose as this is meant to be for more 
> advanced usage.
> The main insight to using `@inbounds` correctly is realizing that 
> `@inbounds expression` returns the value `nothing`. That's why your first 
> two examples don't seem to work. The value is indeed being calculated with 
> bounds checking off, but you're not assigning the value anywhere, so 
> `nothing` is the result of the expression. You can also do multi-line 
> turning off of bounds checking by using a `begin...end` block.
> Try the following: 
> function sqrtfirst{T}(a::Array{T, 1})
> @assert(size(a,1) >= 1)
> @inbounds ans = sqrt(a[1])
> return ans
> end
> function sqrtfirst{T}(a::Array{T, 1})
> @assert(size(a,1) >= 1)
> @inbounds begin
> # do several getindex, setindex! operations
> end
> return ans
> end
> Hope that helps!
> -Jacob
> On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 1:45 PM, > wrote:
>> Dear Julia users,
>> The usage of the @inbounds macro is not explained the manual, and its 
>> syntax appears to be strange.  Consider the three functions at the end of 
>> this posting.  Only the third one works -- why?
>> In general, I think @inbounds is broken.  Besides the weird syntax, it 
>> has two other issues.  First, there is no way to apply the macro to one 
>> subscript operation but not another in a long expression (as far as I 
>> know).  Second, it is not extensible in the sense that if programmer A 
>> implements his/her own array-like structure with his/her own getindex and 
>> setindex operations, he/she might like to have two versions of 
>> getindex/setindex, one safe/slower and the other unsafe/faster, but there 
>> is no way for programmer A to detect whether user B, a user of his/her new 
>> array-like structure, has requested @inbounds or not.
>> I would like to propose the following replacement for @inbounds, which 
>> solves all three problems.  Instead of a macro, there should be two 
>> different subscript operations, say a[1] and a[$ 1 $], where the first is 
>> safe/slow and the second is unsafe/fast.  The compiler will compile the 
>> first as getindex/setindex and the second as getindexUnsafe/setindexUnsafe.
>> -- Steve Vavasis
>> function sqrtfirst{T}(a::Array{T, 1})
>> @assert(size(a,1) >= 1)
>> @inbounds sqrt(a[1])
>> end
>> function sqrtfirst{T}(a::Array{T, 1})
>> @assert(size(a,1) >= 1)
>> return @inbounds sqrt(a[1])
>> end
>> function sqrtfirst{T}(a::Array{T, 1})
>> @assert(size(a,1) >= 1)
>> @inbounds return sqrt(a[1])
>> end

Re: [julia-users] @inbounds is broken?

2014-08-29 Thread Ed Scheinerman
The compiler can't know how far I will traverse the array. That's passed in
as an argument. I've run this short of the end (and past the end) and
timings are always the same.

On Friday, August 29, 2014, Johan Sigfrids  wrote:

> I believe that for simple cases the compiler is smart enough to remove
> bound checking on its own. In that case adding @inbounds won't help.
> On Friday, August 29, 2014 8:03:35 PM UTC+3, Ed Scheinerman wrote:
>> I'd like to use @inbounds also to speed up code that I'm 100% sure has
>> proper array indices. But I tried the following experiment and found no
>> significant difference using or omitting @inbounds before the array access.
>> What am I doing wrong? Or is bounds checking so super efficient that I
>> shouldn't worry about it.
>> Here's the code:
>> function filler(data::Array{Int,1}, n::Int, reps::Int=1000)
>> tic()
>> for r=1:reps
>> for k=1:n
>> data[k]=k
>> end
>> end
>> toc()
>> end
>> function fast_filler(data::Array{Int,1},n::Int, reps::Int=1000)
>> tic()
>> for r=1:reps
>> for k=1:n
>> @inbounds data[k]=k
>> end
>> end
>> toc()
>> end
>> n = 10*1000*1000 # 10 million
>> x = zeros(Int,n)
>> filler(x,n,1000)
>> fast_filler(x,n,1000)
>> Here's the output:
>> elapsed time: 12.622814907 seconds
>> elapsed time: 12.287447772 seconds
>> On Monday, August 4, 2014 1:56:51 PM UTC-4, Jacob Quinn wrote:
>>> Steve,
>>> `@inbounds` is certainly tricky because of the lack of documentation,
>>> which I think is slightly on purpose as this is meant to be for more
>>> advanced usage.
>>> The main insight to using `@inbounds` correctly is realizing that
>>> `@inbounds expression` returns the value `nothing`. That's why your first
>>> two examples don't seem to work. The value is indeed being calculated with
>>> bounds checking off, but you're not assigning the value anywhere, so
>>> `nothing` is the result of the expression. You can also do multi-line
>>> turning off of bounds checking by using a `begin...end` block.
>>> Try the following:
>>> function sqrtfirst{T}(a::Array{T, 1})
>>> @assert(size(a,1) >= 1)
>>> @inbounds ans = sqrt(a[1])
>>> return ans
>>> end
>>> function sqrtfirst{T}(a::Array{T, 1})
>>> @assert(size(a,1) >= 1)
>>> @inbounds begin
>>> # do several getindex, setindex! operations
>>> end
>>> return ans
>>> end
>>> Hope that helps!
>>> -Jacob
>>> On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 1:45 PM,  wrote:
>>>> Dear Julia users,
>>>> The usage of the @inbounds macro is not explained the manual, and its
>>>> syntax appears to be strange.  Consider the three functions at the end of
>>>> this posting.  Only the third one works -- why?
>>>> In general, I think @inbounds is broken.  Besides the weird syntax, it
>>>> has two other issues.  First, there is no way to apply the macro to one
>>>> subscript operation but not another in a long expression (as far as I
>>>> know).  Second, it is not extensible in the sense that if programmer A
>>>> implements his/her own array-like structure with his/her own getindex and
>>>> setindex operations, he/she might like to have two versions of
>>>> getindex/setindex, one safe/slower and the other unsafe/faster, but there
>>>> is no way for programmer A to detect whether user B, a user of his/her new
>>>> array-like structure, has requested @inbounds or not.
>>>> I would like to propose the following replacement for @inbounds, which
>>>> solves all three problems.  Instead of a macro, there should be two
>>>> different subscript operations, say a[1] and a[$ 1 $], where the first is
>>>> safe/slow and the second is unsafe/fast.  The compiler will compile the
>>>> first as getindex/setindex and the second as getindexUnsafe/setindexUnsafe.
>>>> -- Steve Vavasis
>>>> function sqrtfirst{T}(a::Array{T, 1})
>>>> @assert(size(a,1) >= 1)
>>>> @inbounds sqrt(a[1])
>>>> end
>>>> function sqrtfirst{T}(a::Array{T, 1})
>>>> @assert(size(a,1) >= 1)
>>>> return @inbounds sqrt(a[1])
>>>> end
>>>> function sqrtfirst{T}(a::Array{T, 1})
>>>> @assert(size(a,1) >= 1)
>>>> @inbounds return sqrt(a[1])
>>>> end

Ed Scheinerman (e...@scheinerman.net)

[julia-users] Failed attempt to publish a package

2014-09-08 Thread Ed Scheinerman
I tried following the instructions here:  
to publish my "Permutations" module (available here: 

Here's the output I got:

julia> Pkg.publish()
INFO: Pushing Permutations permanent tags: v0.0.1
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
ERROR: failed process: Process(`git 
--git-dir=/Users/ers/.julia/v0.3/Permutations/.git push -q origin 
refs/tags/v0.0.1:refs/tags/v0.0.1`, ProcessExited(128)) [128]
 in wait at 
(repeats 2 times)
 in wait at task.jl:48
 in sync_end at 
 in publish at pkg/entry.jl:319
 in anonymous at pkg/dir.jl:28
 in cd at 
 in __cd#227__ at 
 in publish at pkg.jl:57

Help!? Thanks.

PS I did read this on the Julia documentation page:

For various reasons Pkg.publish() sometimes does not succeed. In those 
cases, you may make a pull request on GitHub, which is not difficult.

But I don't understand what to do or what this exactly means.

Re: [julia-users] Failed attempt to publish a package

2014-09-10 Thread Ed Scheinerman
Thank you for these detailed instructions. I *think* I've done all the
steps correctly.

On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 4:32 PM, Isaiah Norton 

> But I don't understand what to do or what this exactly means.
> I thought we had a guide for this somewhere, but I can't find it right
> now. So here is a quick shot at outlining the steps.
> Right now the git commit representing that "Tag 0.0.1" message in your
> output log only lives on your own computer. By "forking" the main METADATA
> repository, you can create a personal copy (of METADATA.jl) under your
> GitHub account. Once that copy exists, you can push your local changes to
> your copy (just like any other GitHub project). The trick is that GitHub
> keeps track of the difference between your fork and the master repository,
> and provides a nice button to make a request to merge your changes. That's
> all a pull request is. There are also some buttons for METADATA admins to
> merge those changes, which makes the workflow convenient all around and
> also facilitates some nice things like automatic testing integration.
> 1) go to http://github.com/JuliaLang/METADATA.jl and create your own fork:
> [image: Inline image 1]
> This will create a personal clone of the METADATA repository under your
> github account, so that you can commit to it.
> 2) add your fork as a remote repository for the METADATA repository on
> your local computer (in the terminal):
> # cd /Users/ers/.julia/METADATA
> # git remote add ers *https://github.com/scheinerman/METADATA.jl.git
> <https://github.com/scheinerman/METADATA.jl.git>*
> 3) push your changes to your fork:
> # git push ers metadata-v2
> 4) If all of that works, then go back to the GitHub page for your fork,
> and click the "pull request" link:
> [image: Inline image 2]
> The next page should show a preview of the changes, which should only
> include the single commit with the message "Tag 0.0.1", and then a "Create
> Pull Request" button at the bottom on the page.
> On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 3:39 PM, Ed Scheinerman <
> edward.scheiner...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I tried following the instructions here:
>> http://docs.julialang.org/en/release-0.3/manual/packages/#publishing-your-package
>> to publish my "Permutations" module (available here: 
>> https://github.com/scheinerman/Permutations.jl
>> )
>> Here's the output I got:
>> julia> Pkg.publish()
>> INFO: Validating METADATA
>> INFO: Pushing Permutations permanent tags: v0.0.1
>> Permission denied (publickey).
>> fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
>> Please make sure you have the correct access rights
>> and the repository exists.
>> ERROR: failed process: Process(`git
>> --work-tree=/Users/ers/.julia/v0.3/Permutations
>> --git-dir=/Users/ers/.julia/v0.3/Permutations/.git push -q origin
>> refs/tags/v0.0.1:refs/tags/v0.0.1`, ProcessExited(128)) [128]
>>  in wait at
>> /Applications/Julia-0.3.0.app/Contents/Resources/julia/lib/julia/sys.dylib
>> (repeats 2 times)
>>  in wait at task.jl:48
>>  in sync_end at
>> /Applications/Julia-0.3.0.app/Contents/Resources/julia/lib/julia/sys.dylib
>>  in publish at pkg/entry.jl:319
>>  in anonymous at pkg/dir.jl:28
>>  in cd at
>> /Applications/Julia-0.3.0.app/Contents/Resources/julia/lib/julia/sys.dylib
>>  in __cd#227__ at
>> /Applications/Julia-0.3.0.app/Contents/Resources/julia/lib/julia/sys.dylib
>>  in publish at pkg.jl:57
>> Help!? Thanks.
>> PS I did read this on the Julia documentation page:
>> For various reasons Pkg.publish() sometimes does not succeed. In those
>> cases, you may make a pull request on GitHub, which is not difficult.
>> But I don't understand what to do or what this exactly means.

Ed Scheinerman (e...@scheinerman.net)

[julia-users] Difficulty with DisjointSets from DataStructures

2014-09-20 Thread Ed Scheinerman
I ran into the following problem creating partitions of objects of varying 
types. I'm using the DisjointSets structure found in the DataStructures 

This code runs fine:

using DataStructures

elements = ["alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta"]

parts = DisjointSets{ASCIIString}(elements)# this is the line I will 
println("Before: number of parts is ",num_groups(parts))
union!(parts,"alpha", "beta")
println("After:  number of parts is ",num_groups(parts))

The output is what I expect:

Before: number of parts is 4
After:  number of parts is 3

However, if we change parts to hold objects of Any type we have a problem. 
Change the assignment of parts to this:

parts = DisjointSets{Any}(elements)

Then this is what happens:

Before: number of parts is 4
ERROR: `union!` has no method matching union!(::DisjointSets{Any}, 
::ASCIIString, ::ASCIIString)

By the way, it doesn't help to define elements like this: elements = 
{"alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta"}

Is it necessary for union! to check/assert the types of its 2nd and 3rd 

[julia-users] Re: Oddness in Graphs.jl

2014-11-22 Thread Ed Scheinerman
Hi all,

I have found the Graphs.jl package difficult to work with, so I've been 
(slowly) putting together a SimpleGraphs.jl package available 
here: https://github.com/scheinerman/SimpleGraphs.jl 

It's probably not as full featured as the Graphs.jl package, but it's 
easier (at least for me) to use. 

Please note that it is a work in progress, but I welcome contributions.


On Friday, November 21, 2014 6:56:06 PM UTC-5, Dahua Lin wrote:
> This is something related to the vertex indexing mechanism. Please file an 
> issue on Graphs.jl. We may discuss how to solve this over there.
> Dahua
> On Saturday, November 22, 2014 6:39:47 AM UTC+8, Richard Futrell wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Is this expected behavior? It was surprising to me. On 0.4.0-dev+1745, 
>> pulled today, but I had noticed it previously.
>> julia> using Graphs
>> # make a graph and add an edge...
>> julia> g1 = graph([1, 2], Edge{Int}[])
>> Directed Graph (2 vertices, 0 edges)
>> julia> add_edge!(g1, 1, 2)
>> edge [1]: 1 -- 2
>> julia> edges(g1)
>> 1-element Array{Edge{Int64},1}:
>>  edge [1]: 1 -- 2
>> # OK, all is well.
>> # But how about this graph:
>> julia> g2 = graph([2, 3], Edge{Int}[])
>> Directed Graph (2 vertices, 0 edges)
>> julia> add_edge!(g2, 2, 3)
>> ERROR: BoundsError()
>>  in add_edge! at /Users/canjo/.julia/v0.4/Graphs/src/graph.jl:87
>>  in add_edge! at /Users/canjo/.julia/v0.4/Graphs/src/graph.jl:98
>> # Despite giving me an error, it did in fact succesfully add the edge:
>> julia> edges(g2)
>> 1-element Array{Edge{Int64},1}:
>>  edge [1]: 2 -- 3
>> What's going on here?
>> thanks, Richard

[julia-users] Re: Oddness in Graphs.jl

2014-11-22 Thread Ed Scheinerman
That'd be great. And what I think I'd like to do is to write some 
"converters" that will take one of my SimpleGraph objects and return 
something that Graphs.jl provides. 

On Saturday, November 22, 2014 9:34:47 AM UTC-5, Dahua Lin wrote:
> I guess we really need some examples on Graphs.jl to make the learning 
> curve less steep.
> Dahua
> On Saturday, November 22, 2014 9:20:10 PM UTC+8, Ed Scheinerman wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have found the Graphs.jl package difficult to work with, so I've been 
>> (slowly) putting together a SimpleGraphs.jl package available here: 
>> https://github.com/scheinerman/SimpleGraphs.jl 
>> It's probably not as full featured as the Graphs.jl package, but it's 
>> easier (at least for me) to use. 
>> Please note that it is a work in progress, but I welcome contributions.
>> -Ed
>> On Friday, November 21, 2014 6:56:06 PM UTC-5, Dahua Lin wrote:
>>> This is something related to the vertex indexing mechanism. Please file 
>>> an issue on Graphs.jl. We may discuss how to solve this over there.
>>> Dahua
>>> On Saturday, November 22, 2014 6:39:47 AM UTC+8, Richard Futrell wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Is this expected behavior? It was surprising to me. On 0.4.0-dev+1745, 
>>>> pulled today, but I had noticed it previously.
>>>> julia> using Graphs
>>>> # make a graph and add an edge...
>>>> julia> g1 = graph([1, 2], Edge{Int}[])
>>>> Directed Graph (2 vertices, 0 edges)
>>>> julia> add_edge!(g1, 1, 2)
>>>> edge [1]: 1 -- 2
>>>> julia> edges(g1)
>>>> 1-element Array{Edge{Int64},1}:
>>>>  edge [1]: 1 -- 2
>>>> # OK, all is well.
>>>> # But how about this graph:
>>>> julia> g2 = graph([2, 3], Edge{Int}[])
>>>> Directed Graph (2 vertices, 0 edges)
>>>> julia> add_edge!(g2, 2, 3)
>>>> ERROR: BoundsError()
>>>>  in add_edge! at /Users/canjo/.julia/v0.4/Graphs/src/graph.jl:87
>>>>  in add_edge! at /Users/canjo/.julia/v0.4/Graphs/src/graph.jl:98
>>>> # Despite giving me an error, it did in fact succesfully add the edge:
>>>> julia> edges(g2)
>>>> 1-element Array{Edge{Int64},1}:
>>>>  edge [1]: 2 -- 3
>>>> What's going on here?
>>>> thanks, Richard

[julia-users] Re: Julia v0.3.4

2014-12-26 Thread Ed Scheinerman
I had a (fixable) problem installing on my Macbook Air. Upon first launch 
in a terminal window I got this error:

Warning: error initializing module LinAlg:

ErrorException("error compiling __init__: error compiling check_blas: error 
compiling openblas_get_config: could not load module libopenblas: 
dlopen(libopenblas.dylib, 1): Library not loaded: 

  Referenced from: 

  Reason: image not found")

Julia then started up but (not surprisingly) it wouldn't invert a matrix. 
The reference to "cellar" suggested a homebrew fix so I did 

$ brew install homebrew/science/openblas

and relaunched Julia. All seems fine now. My Julia 0.3.3 worked fine. I 
think making the distribution self-contained would be preferable. Or might 
there be something odd with my setup?

On Friday, December 26, 2014 6:43:42 AM UTC-5, Elliot Saba wrote:
> Hello all!  The latest bugfix release of the 0.3.X Julia line has been 
> released.  Binaries are available from the usual place 
> , and as is typical with such things, 
> please report all issues to either the issue tracker 
> , or email this list.
> As this is a bugfix release, there are not too many new big-item features 
> to announce, but if you are interested in the bugs fixed since 0.3.3, this 
> commit log  
> should 
> give you an idea of the effort put in by our team of backporters, as they 
> faithfully toiled to bring you an extremely early 2015 Christmas present.
> This is a recommended upgrade for anyone using any of the previous 0.3.x 
> releases, and should act as a drop-in replacement for any of the 0.3.x 
> line. We would like to get feedback if someone has a correctly working 
> program that doesn't work after this upgrade.
> Happy Hacking,
> -E

[julia-users] Complex infinity

2015-01-10 Thread Ed Scheinerman
Is there a way to have a single complex infinity? This may come at the cost 
of computational efficiency I suppose, but I can think of situations where 
all of the following give the same result:

julia> (1+1im)/0
Inf + Inf*im

julia> 1im/0
NaN + Inf*im

julia> 1/0 + im
Inf + 1.0im

It would be nice (sometimes) if these were all the same ComplexInf, say. 
Perhaps there's an "extended complex numbers" module for this sort of work? 

[julia-users] Types that behave like functions: can I define f(x) using something like getindex

2015-01-10 Thread Ed Scheinerman
I'm working on a type that will have a function-like behavior, so I'd like 
to write f(x) to evaluate the function f at x. I could define 
getindex(f::MyType,x::Number) so f[x] would behave as desired, but it would 
be aesthetically pleasing to be able to type f(x) in this case. Is there a 
way to have something like a "function_call" I could define to make this 
happen? Or perhaps this already exists in Julia and I just can't find it. 

Re: [julia-users] Types that behave like functions: can I define f(x) using something like getindex

2015-01-10 Thread Ed Scheinerman
Great. I'll wait for a stable 0.4. Thanks for the speedy reply.

On Saturday, January 10, 2015 at 8:06:45 AM UTC-6, Mike Innes wrote:
> You can override the `call` function to do just this, but the behaviour is 
> new to 0.4.
> On 10 January 2015 at 14:04, Ed Scheinerman  > wrote:
>> I'm working on a type that will have a function-like behavior, so I'd 
>> like to write f(x) to evaluate the function f at x. I could define 
>> getindex(f::MyType,x::Number) so f[x] would behave as desired, but it 
>> would be aesthetically pleasing to be able to type f(x) in this case. Is 
>> there a way to have something like a "function_call" I could define to 
>> make this happen? Or perhaps this already exists in Julia and I just can't 
>> find it. 

[julia-users] Re: Complex infinity

2015-01-11 Thread Ed Scheinerman
Wow! Thanks everyone for the thoughtful replies. It seems that the way to 
go is to create an alternative to Complex{T} types in which there is but a 
single ComplexInfinity. This would be an interesting project but I'm not a 
top-notch coder ... perhaps someone would like to take it on. When they do, 
creating polynomial and rational function types that properly handle 
complex infinity would be good too. That way f(x) =(2x-1)/(x+1) would 
evaluate f(Inf) as 2. :-)

On Saturday, January 10, 2015 at 7:55:09 AM UTC-6, Ed Scheinerman wrote:
> Is there a way to have a single complex infinity? This may come at the 
> cost of computational efficiency I suppose, but I can think of situations 
> where all of the following give the same result:
> julia> (1+1im)/0
> Inf + Inf*im
> julia> 1im/0
> NaN + Inf*im
> julia> 1/0 + im
> Inf + 1.0im
> It would be nice (sometimes) if these were all the same ComplexInf, say. 
> Perhaps there's an "extended complex numbers" module for this sort of work? 

Re: [julia-users] Re: Complex infinity

2015-01-11 Thread Ed Scheinerman
OK. Perhaps I'll give this a whirl. Any suggestions for a name for such a 
type. ExtendedComplex or RiemannComplex seem too long, but CompleX (with 
the "X" for extended) seems too cryptic. 

On Sunday, January 11, 2015 at 10:02:19 AM UTC-6, tshort wrote:
> Speaking as someone who's also not a top-notch coder, it might be easier 
> than you think. It's so easy to create types in Julia that with a few 
> basics and some Googling, you can do quite a bit. You can also start small 
> just to experiment.
> On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 8:44 AM, Ed Scheinerman  > wrote:
>> Wow! Thanks everyone for the thoughtful replies. It seems that the way to 
>> go is to create an alternative to Complex{T} types in which there is but a 
>> single ComplexInfinity. This would be an interesting project but I'm not a 
>> top-notch coder ... perhaps someone would like to take it on. When they do, 
>> creating polynomial and rational function types that properly handle 
>> complex infinity would be good too. That way f(x) =(2x-1)/(x+1) would 
>> evaluate f(Inf) as 2. :-)
>> On Saturday, January 10, 2015 at 7:55:09 AM UTC-6, Ed Scheinerman wrote:
>>> Is there a way to have a single complex infinity? This may come at the 
>>> cost of computational efficiency I suppose, but I can think of situations 
>>> where all of the following give the same result:
>>> julia> (1+1im)/0
>>> Inf + Inf*im
>>> julia> 1im/0
>>> NaN + Inf*im
>>> julia> 1/0 + im
>>> Inf + 1.0im
>>> It would be nice (sometimes) if these were all the same ComplexInf, say. 
>>> Perhaps there's an "extended complex numbers" module for this sort of work? 

[julia-users] Re: Complex infinity

2015-01-14 Thread Ed Scheinerman
And here are additional "unfortunate" behaviors with complex arithmetic as 
currently implemented. 

First, dividing nonzero by zero should give an infinite result. It does for 
real, but not complex:

julia> 1/0

julia> 1/(0+0*im)   # Should be some form of infinity
NaN + NaN*im

Second: Dividing by infinity (expect inf/inf) should give 0, but this is 

julia> 1/Inf

julia> 1/(Inf*im)
0.0 - 0.0im

julia> 1/(Inf+Inf*im)   # should be complex zero
NaN + NaN*im

On Saturday, January 10, 2015 at 8:55:09 AM UTC-5, Ed Scheinerman wrote:
> Is there a way to have a single complex infinity? This may come at the 
> cost of computational efficiency I suppose, but I can think of situations 
> where all of the following give the same result:
> julia> (1+1im)/0
> Inf + Inf*im
> julia> 1im/0
> NaN + Inf*im
> julia> 1/0 + im
> Inf + 1.0im
> It would be nice (sometimes) if these were all the same ComplexInf, say. 
> Perhaps there's an "extended complex numbers" module for this sort of work? 

[julia-users] Re: Complex infinity

2015-01-17 Thread Ed Scheinerman
I've posted a proposed solution 
here: https://github.com/scheinerman/RiemannComplexNumbers.jl.git

On Saturday, January 10, 2015 at 8:55:09 AM UTC-5, Ed Scheinerman wrote:
> Is there a way to have a single complex infinity? This may come at the 
> cost of computational efficiency I suppose, but I can think of situations 
> where all of the following give the same result:
> julia> (1+1im)/0
> Inf + Inf*im
> julia> 1im/0
> NaN + Inf*im
> julia> 1/0 + im
> Inf + 1.0im
> It would be nice (sometimes) if these were all the same ComplexInf, say. 
> Perhaps there's an "extended complex numbers" module for this sort of work? 