Re: [julia-users] Re: Strange performance issue in filling in a matrix column

2016-07-22 Thread Michael Prange
I'm new to Julia and do not know how to file a performance issue, but I am 
happy to do it. Can you point me to the right place?

Sent from my phone

> On Jul 22, 2016, at 18:09, Stefan Karpinski <> wrote:
> Can you file a performance issue? The built-in circshift should not have 
> these performance issues.
>> On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 4:18 PM, Michael Prange <> wrote:
>> I just discovered that Julia already has a function for circularly shifting 
>> the data in an array: circshift(A, shifts). However, its performance is 
>> worst of all. Using this new method,
>> function fill_W4!{TF}(W::Matrix{TF}, icol::Int, w::Vector{TF}, ishift::Int)
>> @assert(size(W,1) == length(w), "Dimension mismatch between W and w")
>> W[:,icol] = circshift(w,[ishift,])
>> return
>> end
>> the resulting timings are given by (with new random numbers)
>> fill_W!: 0.002918 seconds (4 allocations: 160 bytes) 
>> fill_W1!: 0.006440 seconds (10 allocations: 7.630 MB) 
>> fill_W2!: 0.009244 seconds (8 allocations: 7.630 MB, 21.61% gc time) 
>> fill_W3!: 0.002014 seconds (8 allocations: 352 bytes) 
>> fill_W4!: 0.049601 seconds (19 allocations: 30.518 MB, 3.63% gc time)
>> I would have expected the built-in method circshift to achieve the best 
>> results, but it is worst in all categories: time, allocations and memory.
>> Michael
>>> On Friday, July 22, 2016 at 2:23:16 PM UTC-4, Michael Prange wrote:
>>> Gunnar,
>>> Thank you for your explanation of the extra allocations and the tip about 
>>> sub. I implemented a version with sub as fill_W3!:
>>> function fill_W3!{TF}(W::Matrix{TF}, icol::Int, w::Vector{TF}, 
>>> ishift::Int)
>>> @assert(size(W,1) == length(w), "Dimension mismatch between W and w")
>>> W[(ishift+1):end,icol] = sub(w, 1:(length(w)-ishift))
>>> W[1:ishift,icol] = sub(w, (length(w)-ishift+1):length(w))
>>> return
>>> end
>>> Is this what you had in mind? I reran the tests above (with new random 
>>> numbers) and had the following results:
>>> fill_W!: 0.003234 seconds (4 allocations: 160 bytes) 
>>> fill_W1!: 0.005898 seconds (9 allocations: 7.630 MB) 
>>> fill_W2!: 0.005904 seconds (7 allocations: 7.630 MB) 
>>> fill_W3!: 0.002347 seconds (8 allocations: 352 bytes)
>>> Using sub consistently achieves better times that fill_W!, even through it 
>>> uses twice the number of allocations than fill_W!. This seems to be the way 
>>> to go.
>>> Michael
>>>> On Thursday, July 21, 2016 at 5:35:47 PM UTC-4, Gunnar Farnebäck wrote:
>>>> fill_W1! allocates memory because it makes copies when constructing the 
>>>> right hand sides. fill_W2 allocates memory in order to construct the 
>>>> comprehensions (that you then discard). In both cases memory allocation 
>>>> could plausibly be avoided by a sufficiently smart compiler, but until 
>>>> Julia becomes that smart, have a look at the sub function to provide views 
>>>> instead of copies for the right hand sides of fill_W1!.
>>>>> On Thursday, July 21, 2016 at 5:07:34 PM UTC+2, Michael Prange wrote:
>>>>> I'm a new user, so have mercy in your responses. 
>>>>> I've written a method that takes a matrix and vector as input and then 
>>>>> fills in column icol of that matrix with the vector of given values that 
>>>>> have been shifted upward by ishift indices with periodic boundary 
>>>>> conditions. To make this clear, given the matrix
>>>>> W = [1  2
>>>>> 3  4
>>>>> 5  6]
>>>>> the vector w = [7  8  9], icol = 2 and ishift = 1, the new value of W is 
>>>>> given by
>>>>> W = [1  8
>>>>> 3  9
>>>>> 5  7]
>>>>> I need a fast way of doing this for large matrices. I wrote three methods 
>>>>> that should (In my naive mind) give the same performance results, but 
>>>>> @time reports otherwise.  The method definitions and the performance 
>>>>> results are given below. Can someone teach me why the results are so 
>>>>> different? The method fill_W! is too wordy for my tastes, but the 

[julia-users] Re: Strange performance issue in filling in a matrix column

2016-07-22 Thread Michael Prange
I just discovered that Julia already has a function for circularly shifting 
the data in an array: circshift(A, shifts). However, its performance is 
worst of all. Using this new method,

function fill_W4!{TF}(W::Matrix{TF}, icol::Int, w::Vector{TF}, ishift::Int)
@assert(size(W,1) == length(w), "Dimension mismatch between W and w")
W[:,icol] = circshift(w,[ishift,])

the resulting timings are given by (with new random numbers)

fill_W!: 0.002918 seconds (4 allocations: 160 bytes) 
fill_W1!: 0.006440 seconds (10 allocations: 7.630 MB) 
fill_W2!: 0.009244 seconds (8 allocations: 7.630 MB, 21.61% gc time) 
fill_W3!: 0.002014 seconds (8 allocations: 352 bytes) 
fill_W4!: 0.049601 seconds (19 allocations: 30.518 MB, 3.63% gc time)

I would have expected the built-in method circshift to achieve the best 
results, but it is worst in all categories: time, allocations and memory.


On Friday, July 22, 2016 at 2:23:16 PM UTC-4, Michael Prange wrote:
> Gunnar,
> Thank you for your explanation of the extra allocations and the tip about 
> sub. I implemented a version with sub as fill_W3!:
> function fill_W3!{TF}(W::Matrix{TF}, icol::Int, w::Vector{TF}, 
> ishift::Int)
> @assert(size(W,1) == length(w), "Dimension mismatch between W and w")
> W[(ishift+1):end,icol] = sub(w, 1:(length(w)-ishift))
> W[1:ishift,icol] = sub(w, (length(w)-ishift+1):length(w))
> return
> end
> Is this what you had in mind? I reran the tests above (with new random 
> numbers) and had the following results:
> fill_W!: 0.003234 seconds (4 allocations: 160 bytes) 
> fill_W1!: 0.005898 seconds (9 allocations: 7.630 MB) 
> fill_W2!: 0.005904 seconds (7 allocations: 7.630 MB) 
> fill_W3!: 0.002347 seconds (8 allocations: 352 bytes)
> Using sub consistently achieves better times that fill_W!, even through it 
> uses twice the number of allocations than fill_W!. This seems to be the way 
> to go.
> Michael
> On Thursday, July 21, 2016 at 5:35:47 PM UTC-4, Gunnar Farnebäck wrote:
>> fill_W1! allocates memory because it makes copies when constructing the 
>> right hand sides. fill_W2 allocates memory in order to construct the 
>> comprehensions (that you then discard). In both cases memory allocation 
>> could plausibly be avoided by a sufficiently smart compiler, but until 
>> Julia becomes that smart, have a look at the sub function to provide views 
>> instead of copies for the right hand sides of fill_W1!.
>> On Thursday, July 21, 2016 at 5:07:34 PM UTC+2, Michael Prange wrote:
>>> I'm a new user, so have mercy in your responses. 
>>> I've written a method that takes a matrix and vector as input and then 
>>> fills in column icol of that matrix with the vector of given values that 
>>> have been shifted upward by ishift indices with periodic boundary 
>>> conditions. To make this clear, given the matrix
>>> W = [1  2
>>> 3  4
>>> 5  6]
>>> the vector w = [7  8  9], icol = 2 and ishift = 1, the new value of W is 
>>> given by
>>> W = [1  8
>>> 3  9
>>> 5  7]
>>> I need a fast way of doing this for large matrices. I wrote three 
>>> methods that should (In my naive mind) give the same performance results, 
>>> but @time reports otherwise.  The method definitions and the performance 
>>> results are given below. Can someone teach me why the results are so 
>>> different? The method fill_W! is too wordy for my tastes, but the more 
>>> compact notation in fill_W1! and fill_W2! achieve poorer results. Any why 
>>> do these latter two methods allocate so much memory when the whole point of 
>>> these methods is to use already-allocated memory.
>>> Michael
>>> ### Definitions
>>> function fill_W1!{TF}(W::Matrix{TF}, icol::Int, w::Vector{TF}, 
>>> ishift::Int)
>>> @assert(size(W,1) == length(w), "Dimension mismatch between W and w"
>>> )
>>> W[1:(end-ishift),icol] = w[(ishift+1):end]
>>> W[(end-(ishift-1)):end,icol] = w[1:ishift]
>>> return
>>> end
>>> function fill_W2!{TF}(W::Matrix{TF}, icol::Int, w::Vector{TF}, 
>>> ishift::Int)
>>> @assert(size(W,1) == length(w), "Dimension mismatch between W and w"
>>> )
>>> [W[i,icol] = w[i+ishift] for i in 1:(length(w)-ishift)]
>>> [W[end-ishift+i,icol] = w[i] for i in 1:ishift]
>>> return

[julia-users] Re: Strange performance issue in filling in a matrix column

2016-07-22 Thread Michael Prange

Thank you for your explanation of the extra allocations and the tip about 
sub. I implemented a version with sub as fill_W3!:

function fill_W3!{TF}(W::Matrix{TF}, icol::Int, w::Vector{TF}, 
@assert(size(W,1) == length(w), "Dimension mismatch between W and w")
W[(ishift+1):end,icol] = sub(w, 1:(length(w)-ishift))
W[1:ishift,icol] = sub(w, (length(w)-ishift+1):length(w))

Is this what you had in mind? I reran the tests above (with new random 
numbers) and had the following results:

fill_W!: 0.003234 seconds (4 allocations: 160 bytes) 
fill_W1!: 0.005898 seconds (9 allocations: 7.630 MB) 
fill_W2!: 0.005904 seconds (7 allocations: 7.630 MB) 
fill_W3!: 0.002347 seconds (8 allocations: 352 bytes)

Using sub consistently achieves better times that fill_W!, even through it uses 
twice the number of allocations than fill_W!. This seems to be the way to go.


On Thursday, July 21, 2016 at 5:35:47 PM UTC-4, Gunnar Farnebäck wrote:
> fill_W1! allocates memory because it makes copies when constructing the 
> right hand sides. fill_W2 allocates memory in order to construct the 
> comprehensions (that you then discard). In both cases memory allocation 
> could plausibly be avoided by a sufficiently smart compiler, but until 
> Julia becomes that smart, have a look at the sub function to provide views 
> instead of copies for the right hand sides of fill_W1!.
> On Thursday, July 21, 2016 at 5:07:34 PM UTC+2, Michael Prange wrote:
>> I'm a new user, so have mercy in your responses. 
>> I've written a method that takes a matrix and vector as input and then 
>> fills in column icol of that matrix with the vector of given values that 
>> have been shifted upward by ishift indices with periodic boundary 
>> conditions. To make this clear, given the matrix
>> W = [1  2
>> 3  4
>> 5  6]
>> the vector w = [7  8  9], icol = 2 and ishift = 1, the new value of W is 
>> given by
>> W = [1  8
>> 3  9
>> 5  7]
>> I need a fast way of doing this for large matrices. I wrote three methods 
>> that should (In my naive mind) give the same performance results, but @time 
>> reports otherwise.  The method definitions and the performance results are 
>> given below. Can someone teach me why the results are so different? The 
>> method fill_W! is too wordy for my tastes, but the more compact notation in 
>> fill_W1! and fill_W2! achieve poorer results. Any why do these latter two 
>> methods allocate so much memory when the whole point of these methods is to 
>> use already-allocated memory.
>> Michael
>> ### Definitions
>> function fill_W1!{TF}(W::Matrix{TF}, icol::Int, w::Vector{TF}, 
>> ishift::Int)
>> @assert(size(W,1) == length(w), "Dimension mismatch between W and w")
>> W[1:(end-ishift),icol] = w[(ishift+1):end]
>> W[(end-(ishift-1)):end,icol] = w[1:ishift]
>> return
>> end
>> function fill_W2!{TF}(W::Matrix{TF}, icol::Int, w::Vector{TF}, 
>> ishift::Int)
>> @assert(size(W,1) == length(w), "Dimension mismatch between W and w")
>> [W[i,icol] = w[i+ishift] for i in 1:(length(w)-ishift)]
>> [W[end-ishift+i,icol] = w[i] for i in 1:ishift]
>> return
>> end
>> function fill_W!{TF}(W::Matrix{TF}, icol::Int, w::Vector{TF}, 
>> ishift::Int)
>> @assert(size(W,1) == length(w), "Dimension mismatch between W and w")
>> n = length(w)
>> for j in 1:(n-ishift)
>> W[j,icol] = w[j+ishift]
>> end
>> for j in (n-(ishift-1)):n
>> W[j,icol] = w[j-(n-ishift)]
>> end
>> end
>> # Performance Results
>> julia>
>> W = rand(100,2)
>> w = rand(100)
>> println("fill_W!:")
>> println(@time fill_W!(W, 2, w, 2))
>> println("fill_W1!:")
>> println(@time fill_W1!(W, 2, w, 2))
>> println("fill_W2!:")
>> println(@time fill_W2!(W, 2, w, 2))
>> Out>
>> fill_W!:
>>  0.002801 seconds (4 allocations: 160 bytes)
>> nothing
>> fill_W1!:
>>  0.007427 seconds (9 allocations: 7.630 MB)
>> [0.152463397611579,0.6314166578356002]
>> fill_W2!:
>>  0.005587 seconds (7 allocations: 7.630 MB)
>> [0.152463397611579,0.6314166578356002]

[julia-users] Strange performance issue in filling in a matrix column

2016-07-21 Thread Michael Prange
I'm a new user, so have mercy in your responses. 

I've written a method that takes a matrix and vector as input and then 
fills in column icol of that matrix with the vector of given values that 
have been shifted upward by ishift indices with periodic boundary 
conditions. To make this clear, given the matrix

W = [1  2
3  4
5  6]

the vector w = [7  8  9], icol = 2 and ishift = 1, the new value of W is 
given by

W = [1  8
3  9
5  7]

I need a fast way of doing this for large matrices. I wrote three methods 
that should (In my naive mind) give the same performance results, but @time 
reports otherwise.  The method definitions and the performance results are 
given below. Can someone teach me why the results are so different? The 
method fill_W! is too wordy for my tastes, but the more compact notation in 
fill_W1! and fill_W2! achieve poorer results. Any why do these latter two 
methods allocate so much memory when the whole point of these methods is to 
use already-allocated memory.


### Definitions

function fill_W1!{TF}(W::Matrix{TF}, icol::Int, w::Vector{TF}, 
@assert(size(W,1) == length(w), "Dimension mismatch between W and w")
W[1:(end-ishift),icol] = w[(ishift+1):end]
W[(end-(ishift-1)):end,icol] = w[1:ishift]

function fill_W2!{TF}(W::Matrix{TF}, icol::Int, w::Vector{TF}, 
@assert(size(W,1) == length(w), "Dimension mismatch between W and w")
[W[i,icol] = w[i+ishift] for i in 1:(length(w)-ishift)]
[W[end-ishift+i,icol] = w[i] for i in 1:ishift]

function fill_W!{TF}(W::Matrix{TF}, icol::Int, w::Vector{TF}, 
@assert(size(W,1) == length(w), "Dimension mismatch between W and w")
n = length(w)
for j in 1:(n-ishift)
W[j,icol] = w[j+ishift]
for j in (n-(ishift-1)):n
W[j,icol] = w[j-(n-ishift)]

# Performance Results
W = rand(100,2)
w = rand(100)
println(@time fill_W!(W, 2, w, 2))
println(@time fill_W1!(W, 2, w, 2))
println(@time fill_W2!(W, 2, w, 2))

 0.002801 seconds (4 allocations: 160 bytes)
 0.007427 seconds (9 allocations: 7.630 MB)
 0.005587 seconds (7 allocations: 7.630 MB)