[julia-users] Re: Realtime Audio Processing with PortAudio.jl

2016-02-21 Thread Sebastian Kraft
Please only stick to the examples given in the Readme.md file. Single 
buffer IO is not working properly, yet. 
My current plan is to extend open() so you can pass a callback function 
which does the processing asynchronously. However, it does not seem to work 
when C code is called in an @async block... Have to investigate that 
further in the next days...

Am Sonntag, 21. Februar 2016 16:44:50 UTC+1 schrieb CrocoDuck O'Ducks:
> Hi there!
> I got into PortAudio.jl  recently 
> (see this 
> thread). I would like to code realtime digital filters. By that I mean that 
> I would like to acquire data from sound-card input(s) and, while the 
> acquisition goes on, filter the acquired samples and write the result to 
> the sound-card output(s). Latency does not need to be low. I have mostly 
> loudspeaker pre-hemphasis applications for acoustic measurements in mind 
> for that, that means I will time align what I need later on... I think the 
> PortAudio module should make me able to do that... but I have not figured 
> out how. Here what I have (very naively) tried:
> iostream = open(devID, (max_input_channels, max_output_channels), 
> sample_rate, buf_size)
> # Use a loop. Ctrl + C to exit the loop.
> doloop = true
> try
>   while doloop
> ibuffer = read(iostream, buf_size) # Collect Input
> obuffer = some_filtering_of(ibuffer) # Do some processing
> write(iostream, obuffer) # Write it to output
>   end
> catch excp
>   if isa(excp, InterruptException) # Ctrl + C generates an 
> InterruptException
> doloop = false
>   end
> end
> Of course, there are many problems with that (it is not collecting 
> consecutive buffers, for example). I guess it can help you understanding 
> what I have in mind though.

[julia-users] Re: Simultaneous audio playback / recording.

2016-02-07 Thread Sebastian Kraft
Am Sonntag, 7. Februar 2016 16:51:35 UTC+1 schrieb CrocoDuck O'Ducks:
> I am starting looking into your module and... ehm... what is the proper 
> way to install it?

It's not a registered package, yet. Therefore, it requires the following 



[julia-users] Re: Simultaneous audio playback / recording.

2016-02-03 Thread Sebastian Kraft


in the last weeks I started a PortAudio.jl package (based on parts of the 
AudioIO.jl package). It is still under development and far from perfect, 
but should already work well for basic audio IO.

