
On July 11th we had our 4th Julia meetup in Japan, "JuliaTokyo #4". This 
time we had 30+ perticipants.


JuliaTokyo #4 Presentation List in English

# Hands-on Session
by Michiaki Ariga
(We tired to use JuliaBox, but failed with "Maximum number of JuliaBox 
instances active. Please try after sometime." ...)

# Main Talks
1. JuliaCon2015 Report - Sorami Hisamoto
2. Julia Summer of Code: An Interim Report - Kenta Sato
3. High-performance Streaming Analytics using Julia - Andre Pemmelaar
4. Why don't you create Spark.jl? - @sfchaos
5. Introducing QuantEcon.jl - Daisuke Oyama

# Lightning Talks
1. Material for Julia Introduction Materials - @yomichi_137
2. Characteristic Color Extraction from Images - @mrkn
3. Julia and I, sometimes Mocha - @vaaaaanquish
4. It's Time for 3D Priting with Julia - uk24s
5. Mecha-Joshi Shogi (AI Japanese Chess) - @kimrin
6. Gitter and Slack - Michiaki Ariga


We also had a survey on what kind of languages and softwares people use on 
a daily basis. 56 people (multiple choices allowed);

language, #people
Python, 37
R, 21
C / Julia, 14
Java, 13
C++ / Ruby, 12
Excel, 7
Perl, 5
SAS / Scala, 4
Go / JavaScript, 3
Matlab / Visual Basic / Haskell / PHP / Objective C / D, 2
Clojure / F# / C# / .Net / SQL / Apex / ECMAScript / Elixir / Swift / 
Erlang / CUDA, 1

- sorami

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