[julia-users] Default Ipython profile in Ijulia

2015-09-19 Thread David P. Sanders

Which version if the (ipython / jupyter)  notebook do you have? It sounds like 
it's at least 3. (The one that lets you choose between different kernels.) 

In that case, you should no longer put the --profile, i.e. Just run ipython 


[julia-users] Default Ipython profile in Ijulia

2015-09-19 Thread Jason Castiglione
I have Julia 0.4... installed, and just recently did a Pkg.update().

Now when I run notebook(), it doesn't read settings from my 
..\user\.ipython\profile_julia profile.
I can run 
ipython notebook --profile=julia

from the command line and everything works fine. I rebuilt the IJulia 
package, and tried to rerun Pkg.update(), but for whatever reason it 
doesn't run the profile_julia when I type 

I looked in IJulia.jl, and saw the notebook function is 

function notebook(jupyter=find_jupyter()[1])
   inited && error("IJulia is already running")
   run(`$jupyter notebook`)

The $jupyter variable just ends up being "ipython" , and it seems for 
running ipython you can't specify the profile prior to notebook. Am I 
making a mistake in a configuration file somewhere,or would it help 
to be able to specify the profile in the notebook function?
