Hi all,

I forgot for the n-th time how to prevent a sampling from having two times 
the same value. While I wrote the previous sentence I remembered, but it is 
not my issue. I was wondering whether there is an option that would give 
all the arguments that can be used in a already implemented function. This 
could be useful as many documentations are not complete. I find *methods *not 
very informative. Nowhere I can now that what I needed was: 

7 methods for generic function *sample*:

   - sample(a::*AbstractArray{T,N}*) at 
      - sample*{T}*(a::*AbstractArray{T,N}*, n::*Integer*) at 
      - sample*{T}*(a::*AbstractArray{T,N}*, dims::*Tuple{Vararg{Int64}}*) 
      at /Users/am909/.julia/v0.4/StatsBase/src/sampling.jl:324 
      - sample(wv::*StatsBase.WeightVec{W,Vec<:AbstractArray{T<:Real,1}}*) 
      at /Users/am909/.julia/v0.4/StatsBase/src/sampling.jl:335 
      - sample(a::*AbstractArray{T,N}*, wv::
      *StatsBase.WeightVec{W,Vec<:AbstractArray{T<:Real,1}}*) at
      - sample*{T}*(a::*AbstractArray{T,N}*, wv::
      *StatsBase.WeightVec{W,Vec<:AbstractArray{T<:Real,1}}*, n::*Integer*) 
      - sample*{T}*(a::*AbstractArray{T,N}*, wv::
      *StatsBase.WeightVec{W,Vec<:AbstractArray{T<:Real,1}}*, dims::
      *Tuple{Vararg{Int64}}*) at

Thank you very much


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