Sorry to revive this old thread, but I am trying to understand macros, so 
please bear with me:

When I try to use this example , replacing expr by Expr so the macro 

macro dict(syms...)
    Expr(:dict, { :($(Expr(:quote,s))=>$(esc(s))) for s in syms })

When I now ask for julia> r = @dict(a,b)
I get ERROR: syntax: malformed expression

Also this version:
macro dict(syms...)
    Expr(:dict, { :($(string(s))=>$(esc(s))) for s in syms })

doesn't work for me either; it gives the same error.
Could someone please explain to me why the expression returned by the macro 
is malformed?

This is on Julia 0.3 Windows 8 64bit.

Thanks very much!

Op donderdag 7 februari 2013 21:39:27 UTC+1 schreef René Donner:
> Thanks a lot, the trick with writing out the expressions first is great to 
> know! 
> May I propose adding this somewhere at the end of the manual section on 
> macros? I think it nicely gives a very valuable bit of practical advice, 
> before one ventures out into the cold world of trial and error ;-) 
> Just for reference, I modified the macro slightly to use the actual names 
> instead of the symbols as the keys: 
> macro dict(syms...) 
>     expr(:dict, { :($(string(s))=>$(esc(s))) for s in syms }) 
> end 
> Thanks again, 
> Rene 
> Am 07.02.2013 um 21:25 schrieb Stefan Karpinski < 
> <javascript:>>: 
> > This does it: 
> > 
> > macro dict(syms...) 
> >     expr(:dict, { :($(expr(:quote,s))=>$(esc(s))) for s in syms }) 
> > end 
> > 
> > The approach I used, which is generally effective for writing macros is 
> to create an example of the expression I want the macro to construct and 
> then write code to build that: 
> > 
> > julia> ex = :([:a => "hello", :b => "world"]) 
> > :($(expr(:dict, :(:a=>"hello"), :(:b=>"world")))) 
> > 
> > julia> ex.head 
> > :dict 
> > 
> > julia> ex.args 
> > 2-element Any Array: 
> >  :(:a=>"hello") 
> >  :(:b=>"world") 
> > 
> > So I want an Expr object whose head is :dict and whose args is an array 
> of expression of the form :(:sym => value). The tricky bits are: 
> >         • Wrapping s in expr(:quote,s) so that it ends up in the final 
> AST as an expression for a symbol rather than splicing the symbol directly 
> in since that would be as if you'd written the variable rather than the 
> symbol for it. 
> >         • Wrapping the s in esc(s) so that it is evaluated in the macro 
> caller's context, not the macro definition context. Note that this isn't a 
> concern for expr(:quote,s) because symbols are the same in any context. 
> > Hope that helps. 
> > 
> > 
> > On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 3:02 PM, René Donner < 
> <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > Hi, 
> > 
> > I would like to write a macro which easily allows to contruct Dict's 
> using the actual variables' names, like so: 
> > 
> > a = "hello" 
> > b = "world" 
> > r = @dict a b     # r == {"a"=>"hello","b"=>"world"} 
> > 
> > The following macro does the job, but how could I get rid of the "eval" 
> (which I read one is not supposed to use inside a macro, rather just to 
> yield an AST). 
> > 
> > macro dict(a...) 
> >     quote 
> >         local r = Dict{Any,Any}() 
> >         for i in 1:length($a) 
> >             r[string(($a)[i])]=eval(($a)[i]) 
> >         end 
> >         r 
> >     end 
> > end 
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks a lot for any advice! 
> > 
> > Rene 
> > 
> > 
> > 

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