IJulia notebook automatically removes "custom" indentation if I type on the 
indented line. For example, in this code:

    layer(twins, x="x", y="y", Geom.point, 
        Theme(default_color=color("indianred"), highlight_width=0.0mm)),
    layer(points, x="x", y="y", Geom.point,

... if I start typing on one of the indented lines, it will move the text 
all the way to the left. I am guessing it assumes the text doesn't need to 
be indented, since it's not a loop, etc., but I like sometimes indenting in 
such cases. Is there a way to turn this "feature" off?

Another question:

Also, if I want to change the color for the function name in IJulia, how do 
I do that? It doesn't seem to be different from "variable", but is there a 
file, where I can add the function name into its own category? In IPython's 
custom.css, I was able to do this:

.cm-s-ipython span.cm-def { color: #A52A2A; font-weight: normal; }


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