[julia-users] Packed my function's parameters into a special immutable type. Expected slowdown, but my code is 20% faster. Why?

2015-06-28 Thread Andrew
In the interest of writing abstract code that I could modify easily 
depending on the economics model I need, I decided to pack the parameters 
of my utility function into a special type. Here's the old function.

function u(UF::CRRA,a::Float64,aprime::Float64,y::Float64,r::Float64,w::
consump = w*y + (1+r)*a - aprime
(note: I have tried this with and without the Float64 type annotations. It 
makes no difference.)

and the setup for the new function

abstract State
immutable State1 <: State

function u(UF::CRRA,state::State1)
w = state.w
r = state.r
y = state.y
a = state.a
aprime = state.aprime
consump = w*y + (1+r)*a - aprime

This function is called within a tight inner loop. Here's the old and new 
version. Umatrix_computed is a Bool array.

 Umatrix_computed[i,j,k] ? nothing : ( Umatrix_computed[i,j,k] = true ; 
Umatrix[i,j,k] = u(UF, x_grid[i] ,a_grid[j] ,yvals[k] , r , w) )

state = State1(x_grid[i] ,a_grid[j] ,yvals[k], r, w)
Umatrix_computed[i,j,k] ? nothing : ( Umatrix_computed[i,j,k] = true ; 
Umatrix[i,j,k] = u(UF, state) )

Given that I was adding an extra layer of abstraction, I expected this 
would be perhaps slightly slower. Instead, the new version runs about 20% 
faster (1.2s vs 1s).

I really don't understand what's going on here. Have I maybe addressed some 
type-instability problem? I don't think so, since the original function had 
type annotations. Does Julia for some reason find it easier to pass 1 
variable instead of 5? 

Any ideas? Thanks.

Re: [julia-users] Packed my function's parameters into a special immutable type. Expected slowdown, but my code is 20% faster. Why?

2015-06-28 Thread Mauro
That it is as fast comes as no surprise as there is no overhead in Julia
for this kind of data structure (immutable, isbits).  Not sure why it is
slightly faster though, it could be because of better memory alignment.

On Sun, 2015-06-28 at 20:19, Andrew  wrote:
> In the interest of writing abstract code that I could modify easily depending
> on the economics model I need, I decided to pack the parameters of my utility
> function into a special type. Here's the old function.
> function 
> u(UF::CRRA,a::Float64,aprime::Float64,y::Float64,r::Float64,w::Float64
> )
> consump = w*y + (1+r)*a - aprime
> u(UF,consump,1)
> end
> (note: I have tried this with and without the Float64 type annotations. It
> makes no difference.)

Yes, there is not difference as Julia complies a specialized function
for specific argument types.  So, you only need type annotations for
dispatch or for documenting.  (Note, this is not so with data-types,
there the types are needed.)

> and the setup for the new function
> abstract State
> immutable State1 <: State
> a::Float64
> aprime::Float64
> y::Float64
> r::Float64
> w::Float64
> end
> function u(UF::CRRA,state::State1)
> w = state.w
> r = state.r
> y = state.y
> a = state.a
> aprime = state.aprime
> consump = w*y + (1+r)*a - aprime
> u(UF,consump,1)
> end
> This function is called within a tight inner loop. Here's the old and new
> version. Umatrix_computed is a Bool array.
>  Umatrix_computed[i,j,k] ? nothing : ( Umatrix_computed[i,j,k] = true ; 
> Umatrix
> [i,j,k] = u(UF, x_grid[i] ,a_grid[j] ,yvals[k] , r , w) )
> state = State1(x_grid[i] ,a_grid[j] ,yvals[k], r, w)
> Umatrix_computed[i,j,k] ? nothing : ( Umatrix_computed[i,j,k] = true ; 
> Umatrix[
> i,j,k] = u(UF, state) )
> Given that I was adding an extra layer of abstraction, I expected this would 
> be
> perhaps slightly slower. Instead, the new version runs about 20% faster (1.2s
> vs 1s).
> I really don't understand what's going on here. Have I maybe addressed some
> type-instability problem? I don't think so, since the original function had
> type annotations. Does Julia for some reason find it easier to pass 1 variable
> instead of 5?
> Any ideas? Thanks.