Starred it.

On Friday, April 15, 2016 at 12:00:17 AM UTC+2, Andrei Zh wrote:
> Spark.jl provides Julia bindings for Apache Spark - by far the most 
> popular computational framework in Hadoop ecosystem. Find it at:
> There's still *a lot* of work to do (Spark API is *huge*), but Spark.jl 
> already supports: 
>    - map and reduce functions, as well as map_partitions, 
>    map_partitions_with_index, count, collect and others;
>    - text files on local disk and HDFS (and theoretically and 
>    Hadoop-compatible file system);
>    - local, Standalone and Mesos masters (YARN is quite different, though 
>    I work hard to add it as well);
>    - adding custom JARs and other files
> See Roadmap <> for detailed 
> status and nearest plans.
> Since Spark's API is so wide and it's hard to prioritize, *I heavily 
> encourage users to submit bugs and feature requests*. Fill free to open 
> new issues or add +1 to push a feature. And as usual, bug reports and pull 
> requests are welcome too. 
> *Question to the community:* should this package be transferred to some 
> Julia organization (e.g. JuliaParallel) to make it easier to discover? 

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