Thanks for the discussion and thanks to JMW for the pull request! 

On Sunday, March 23, 2014 9:42:19 PM UTC-7, Ryan Gehring wrote:
> Hey all,
> I decided to start learning Julia over the weekend and am having fun so 
> far. I implemented the wikipedia single layer perceptron algorithm as well 
> as kendall's tau to see what it would be like to develop a medium sized 
> package in the language. Link to the repo is below (the title just popped 
> into my head there's no amazing product or grand plan meant by the name.)
> As a student of the language I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts on any 
> style issues or mistakes they see, I'm sure there are plenty. Here are some 
> things I think I did wrong right off the top of my head...
>    - Submodule importing. In src/util/association_measures.jl I wanted to 
>    just expose KendallsTau.kendallstau as AssociationMeasures.kendallstau and 
>    I think I should have used import rather than include / using ?
>    - Test inclusion strategy: I thought it would make sense to have a 
>    unit test file for every src file and to import the src file at the top of 
>    each test, but this makes the tests brittle to directory changes, is it a 
>    better idea to include all the files in test_runner.jl?
>    - Excessively specific typing and casting to ints and floats.
>    - Arrays of Arrays - should I have used matrices or the native 
>    multidimensional array structure?
> Here are some things that I think might be good:
>    - Tried to keep a reasonable degree of abstraction on all the files, 
>    although I may have been too heavy on the use of submodules.
>    - Test coverage + a (very basic) actual statistical validation script 
>    for the algorithms.
>    - Tried to be explicit about public API's to the submodules. I may 
>    have carried this too far with src/util/association_measures.jl which is 
>    basically an interface module designed to only expose the public API's of 
>    each included submodule (presently only KendallsTau).
> I'm potentially interested in contributing to the codebase as a way to 
> keep learning, does anyone have any small, bite-sized github issues they'd 
> be interested in help with or seeing a pull request for?

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