[julia-users] Re: Quick method to give a random lattice vector that on average points in a particular direction?

2014-12-03 Thread DumpsterDoofus
Oh, apologies, I forgot to convert the `sign` to Int64. Changing the line 
in question to 

return (int(sign(x))*(rand() < abs(x)), int(sign(y))*(rand() < abs(y)))

speeds up things to 300 nanoseconds per call. 

In any case, the original question still stands: could this be improved?

On Wednesday, December 3, 2014 9:48:11 AM UTC-5, DumpsterDoofus wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm trying to make a function (let's call it `return_direction`) which 
> takes in a Float between 0 and 2*pi, and randomly returns one of the 
> following lattice vectors {(0,0), (1,0), (0,1), (1,1)}, weighted in such a 
> way that the expectation value of `return_direction(theta)` is 
> `(cos(theta), sin(theta))`.
> To do that, I implemented the following:
> function return_direction2(theta::Float64)
> x = cos(theta)
> y = sin(theta)
> return (sign(x)*(rand() < abs(x)), sign(y)*(rand() < abs(y)))
> end
> One can check that this indeed gives the proper expectation value. To test 
> it's speed, I ran the following test:
> function test()
> (i1, i2, x, y, a) = (0,0,0,0,10^6)
> for i in 1:a
> (i1, i2) = return_direction(0.22)
> x += i1
> y += i2
> end
> println((x/a,y/a))
> end
> Running `@time test()` gives an execution time of 0.7 seconds on my 
> computer, or roughly 700 nanoseconds per `return_direction` call. 
> Ordinarily this would be fine, but  `return_direction` is used in a 
> lightweight script where it is called frequently, and it ends up taking a 
> decent chunk of the runtime, so I was wondering if there was a way to speed 
> this up.
> Presumably there isn't that much that can be sped up, other than the line
> return (sign(x)*(rand() < abs(x)), sign(y)*(rand() < abs(y)))
> Here it multiplies a Bool and an Int64, which might result in a 
> type-conversion slowdown. Is this the case? If so, can I speed it up by 
> modifying it? Alternately, is there a faster method of returning a random 
> lattice vector that on average points in a particular direction `theta`?

[julia-users] Re: Quick method to give a random lattice vector that on average points in a particular direction?

2014-12-03 Thread DumpsterDoofus
Oh, apologies, I forgot to convert the `sign` to Int64. Changing the line 
in question to 

return (int(sign(x))*(rand() < abs(x)), int(sign(y))*(rand() < abs(y)))

In any case, the original question still stands: could this be improved?

[julia-users] Re: Quick method to give a random lattice vector that on average points in a particular direction?

2014-12-03 Thread DumpsterDoofus
Oh, apologies, I forgot to convert the `sign` to Int64. Changing the line 
in question to 

return (int(sign(x))*(rand() < abs(x)), int(sign(y))*(rand() < abs(y)))

cuts down the time to 300 nanoseconds per call.

In any case, the original question still stands: could this be improved?