I'm new to julia, trying to get PyPlot working. Eventually I hope to see graphics in iJulia, but the GUI is not needed to reproduce the problem detailed below.
At the command line, saying "julia" reveals the header logo, including relevant version info: Version 0.3.5 (2015-01-08 22:33 UTC) Official http://julialang.org release x86_64-linux-gnu Then here is a transcript of my one-command interactive session: julia> using PyPlot Warning: error initializing module PyPlot: PyCall.PyError(msg=":PyImport_ImportModule", T=PyCall.PyObject(o=0x0000000093e401e0), val=PyCall.PyObject(o=0x000000009131a1b8), traceback=PyCall.PyObject(o=0x0000000091319fc8)) At this point I'm lost. Any suggestions? Searching this archive and others suggested another command: julia> Pkg.test("PyCall") INFO: Testing PyCall INFO: PyCall tests passed INFO: No packages to install, update or remove My system is Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS. The Ubuntu-supplied package python-matplotlib is installed; so are ipython, ipython-notebook, python-pip. Inside julia, I have used Pkg.add(x) with each x in "Winston", "Gadfly", "PyPlot", and "IJulia". I have another Ubuntu box on which all this works, but apparently I was too casual about taking notes on my previous installation to be able to succeed with a second one. Suggestions would be most warmly welcomed -- thanks!