Re: [JPP-Devel] accessing a password protected WMS server

2015-01-25 Thread Michael Michaud
Hi Ede,

I did not follow the whole discussion, but noticed a recent regression.
version r4108 is the last version on my computer where I can get a 
stream from the following URL

in 1.8.0 and more recent versions, I cannot get the same stream anymore.
The UI has slightly changed, but I tried to write the URL + credential 
every way
I could imagine without success
Any idea what could have break ?
I can send the credential privately if it helps


PS : my work does not let me the time to contribute much these times,
but I'm still using it a lot ;-)

> hmm,
> as you already stated. the base64 encoded string is essentially the 
> authorization. so having that, you do not need no user/password anymore.
> also, in case we are going to support different auth schemes for http, we 
> would have a problem if we fixed the saved auth to be base64 encoded.
> currently we simply assume that the server supports
> and send it. this looks error prone, as there are other possible auth 
> schemes. maybe they are not used widely for wms servers. not sure. Jukka, do 
> you know?
> ok, i'd be willing to rework the UI to support user/pass textfields (pass 
> obfuscated), but internally the auth stays plain text and will be saved as 
> such into the state and project files.
> any try to obfuscate something into these files will be pointless as we are 
> an _open_ source project. and decompiling java is also script kid level these 
> days.
> at a later stage we might think about not saving passphrases (enabled via 
> checkbox), but ask for them and cache them for each server session-wise. but 
> that's just spitballing.
> ..ede
> On 16.12.2014 12:36, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Some own experiences about small troubles because of how OJ is handling 
>> username:password
>> - When giving a presentation for audience on-screen or for someone in your 
>> work room: URL-box shows username:password
>> - Credentials must be painted over from screen captures
>> - Workbench-state.xml stores URLs with credentials as plain text into 
>> AddWMSQueryPlugin.CACHED_URL
>> - Project file (.jmp) does the same
>> I am not an expert, but I suppose that a slightly better way to use Basic 
>> auth would be to make OpenJUMP to write the http header "Authorizarion"
>> Authorization: Basic aHR0cHdhdGNoOmY=
>> The base64 encoded string could be saved into workbench-state.xml and into 
>> OJ project file even it is by no means safe if someone has an access to the 
>> computer. Still it is hard to remember if only seen from the screen.
>> User should still have a possibility to store the credentials so that they 
>> are not prompted every time when adding a secured server to project. The 
>> same authorization should be used for GetCapabilities and GetMaps and for 
>> GetFeatureInfo, if we some day will have a support for that also.
>> Other software has same kind of problems and if one knows what to do 
>> username:password can be found for example from an open QGIS session. If not 
>> otherwise then by unplugging the network cable it is often possible to 
>> generate a revealing error message. It is better to remember that they are 
>> called personal computers for a reason.
>> -Jukka-
>> edgar.soldin wrote:
>> On 15.12.2014 22:45, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
>>> 1) OpenJUMP does not support very well authentication. All it can do is to 
>>> add user:password before the base URL as 
>>> https://user:password@base_url.
>> we could obfuscate that behind an authentication prompt UI. not sure it is 
>> worth the effort, as the user editing should be the user needing the data 
>> and hence knowing the credentials to that wms server anyway. you might sway 
>> my opinion here.
>>> This is not the same URL that is advertised for GetMap because 
>>> GetCapabilities document hopefully does not show the user name and password 
>>> as plain text
>> already fixed that locally, it reuses the credentials of the GetCap request 
>> if the advertised GetMap url does not contain any, just for the weird case 
>> they deliver creds.
>> the credentials are still shown in the text field though.
>> additionally working on adding a possibility to modify wms url in 
>> WMSQueryEditor later.
>>> 2) The user:password in OpenJUMP is really tested only with https. Basic 
>>> authentication withour https does not make much sense because credentials 
>>> are too easy to capture from unsecured traffic. However, the server that 
>>> Andrei is using does exactly use basic auth over plain http.
>> right. http auth without encrypted transport layer is negligently insecure. 
>> still, if the server is configured without SSL, who are we to judge and 

Re: [JPP-Devel] OpenJUMP and CAD tools

2015-01-25 Thread Giuseppe Aruta
Jukka, Larry
I tried the patch that Larry sent but is seems not working with OpenJump.
At least with my machine Ubuntu/OpenJDK. It the other members of our
community agree, I vote to comment out Road Curve tool untill further
A workaround to draw roads is to use Tools>Analysis> Offset curve tool, by
Michael, which generate parallel lines so selected one

2015-01-21 23:53 GMT+01:00 Larry Becker :

> 1.   Python tools feels somehow like a promising way for writing new
>> drawing tools. The Python part of the tools look almost understandable for
>> non-programmer and I suppose that Python is the most common geospatial
>> scripting language at the moment. *However, if I understand right for
>> creating new tools Python is not enough but also some java programming is
>> needed*. By the way, the Road Arc tools does not work with latest
>> snapshots and it makes so bad a jam that only killing the process helps.
>> The error from the console window:
> @Jukka,  I assume you are referring to the following line from
> #tools can be defined in java only - as in this orphaned JUMP Note tool
> The comment is badly worded.  It should say #tools may also be defined in
> java and activated here - as in this orphaned JUMP Note tool  There are
> many examples of defining a new drawing tool in jython only.
> While I don't currently have my OpenJump development platform up to date,
> I did diff the SkyJUMP copies of  two attached files and bring them up to
> date with the new Shift key feature of the Road Curve tool (it is maddening
> to draw long straight stretch of road without it!).  If one of the
> developers has a few minutes, they can see if it fixes the issue.  If it
> doesn't we can comment out lines 100 through 109 in to
> deactivate the Road tool.
> regards,
> Larry Becker
> On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 6:07 AM, Rahkonen Jukka (MML) <
>> wrote:
>>  Hi,
>> I was searching tools for making some CAD alike drawing and studied what
>> we have. I found:
>> 1.   Some of the Python tools in the standard delivery has CAD-alike
>> features (rotated rectangle, Arc tool).
>> 2.   Peppe has made a CAD tools plugin that adds some CAD tools into
>> the default digitizing box.
>> 3.   Kosmo GIS has a special CAD toolbox with about 15 tools.
>> Quick comments:
>> 1.   Python tools feels somehow like a promising way for writing new
>> drawing tools. The Python part of the tools look almost understandable for
>> non-programmer and I suppose that Python is the most common geospatial
>> scripting language at the moment. However, if I understand right for
>> creating new tools Python is not enough but also some java programming is
>> needed. By the way, the Road Arc tools does not work with latest snapshots
>> and it makes so bad a jam that only killing the process helps. The error
>> from the console window:
>> Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" Traceback (innermost last):
>>   File
>> "C:\oj_test\OJ_18\OpenJUMP-20150116-r4270-PLUS\lib\ext\jython\",
>> line 201, in handleDeActivation
>> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'actionPerformed'
>> Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" Traceback (innermost last):
>> 2.   I would rather place the additional CAD tools to their own tool
>> box because they do not behave exactly as the standard tools. Many of the
>> OJ keyboard shortcuts stop working when a CAD tools is selected. On the
>> other hand, the SHIFT key does not alter the behaviour of CAD tools as
>> planned in most cases. The draw vertical/horizontal tool, tools for drawing
>> closed linestrings and the annotation layer tool would be nice additions to
>> OJ PLUS. Annotation tool might need some revisiting.
>> 3.   Many of the Kosmo tools are fine. I wonder how difficult it
>> would be to adapt some of those for OJ. For example the “Continue lines
>> until they cross” tools is simple and clever and I do not remember such
>> tool in other open source GIS. “Draw perpendicular” works well also with
>> circles and Bezier curves but it would be nice to have a sister tool “Draw
>> tangent”.
>> None of these CAD tools had a tool for my need. Or perhaps the “Draw with
>> commands” tool in Kosmo has but I could not discover the right syntax even
>> I found the manual
>> What I would like to do feels simple to me:
>> -  Draw a point or first vertex to coordinates x/y
>> -  Draw next point or vertex by angle and distance or to next
>> given coordinates
>> I know I can workaround the manual feed of coordinates effectively by
>> using WKT but not the angle + distance alternative.
>> -Jukka Rahkonen-
>> --
>> New Year. N

[JPP-Devel] bugs on Raster Image layers

2015-01-25 Thread Giuseppe Aruta
@ Alberto
Last week I tested the new Raster Image Layer framework and I found  a
couple of bugs. I posted them as bug tickets 386 and 387 on Can you please
give a look? If you need more information I will write you in detail
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