
Ocient DB feels rather exotic for most OpenJUMP users. Installation as an 
extension with a separate jar feels reasonable if it would be simple, like 
dropping a new jar into \lib\ext\dbdatastore.

But I can see that for making a new database to appear in the UI at least this 
file must be prepared to handle the driver 
and I can see there options that are normally not visible (H2, Oracle, the 
disabled MSSQL). I suppose that they become usable when something extra is 
added somewhere.

Do you mean that Ocient would not be integrated with other databases but it 
would have an own user interface, like the DB Query Plugin has, and Oracle 
would also be extracted from the common DB framework?


Lähettäjä: Michaud Michael <m.michael.mich...@orange.fr>
Lähetetty: perjantai 30. huhtikuuta 2021 10.19
Vastaanottaja: OpenJump develop and use 
<jump-pilot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>; edgar.sol...@web.de
Aihe: Re: [JPP-Devel] Ocient DB support

Hi all,

It is nice to already have such a contribution. On the other hand, such a 
plugin will only be used by users having a ocient database which is a big 
proprietary system. From my point of view, an extension in a separate jar would 
be more appropriate. My opinion is the same for Oracle. Anyway, these plugins 
can only be used if the driver is added to the distribution, so that I think it 
does not make much sense to clutter the code base with proprietary database 
specific code. My proposition would be to repackage the plugin in an extension, 
but to host in on our github so that it is still easy to find for OpenJUMP 

What's you opinion ?


envoyé : 29 avril 2021 à 20:23
de : edgar.sol...@web.de<mailto:edgar.sol...@web.de>
à : OpenJump develop and use 
objet : [JPP-Devel] Ocient DB support

hey Jukka and All,

we've got our first pull request on github ('huzzah' :) and i just wanna ask if 
someone knows about their background and has an opinion about merging support 
into OJ Core.

have fun.. ede

ps. :) - https://dilbert.com/strip/2021-04-25

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