It sounds like OSGeo folks in North America are going to start having
an annual conference here in the US. This year it is in Washington DC.

That got me thinking about hosting an annual conference for OpenJUMP.
I know our worldwide developer base makes a traditional conference a
challenge. (I certainly don't have the money to fly to Europe.) :]

But I think a virtual conference would be possible. We could prepare a
series of video lectures and demonstrations, and host them to a
dedicated event web site. There may even be a way to open an IRC
channel for a few hours after the videos are posted to answer
questions from video viewers.

It seems like enthusiasm for OpenJUMP has recently increased, and it
would be good to capture some of that energy. If we are successful in
getting our OpenJUMP annual conference off the ground, we could work
to coordinate it with the OSGeo North American conference in 2013. I
think the exposure for OpenJUMP would be a really good thing. We might
even be able to coordinate an annual conference with a major release
of OpenJUMP, and use the conference videos to demonstrate improvements
in the new release.

I'm willing to put together a few videos and to edit videos prepared
by others. I'm also willing to prepare and host the conference web
page. We might even be able to ask for sponsors to help pay for some
of the costs associated with preparing the conference media. (I'm
curious how our user base might respond to that.)

I've got a full plate this spring and summer, but I could make
something happen towards the end of the year. Or, we could start work
now and plan on launching the conference in conjunction with the OSGeo
North American Conference in 2013.

Let me know if there is any interest among our development community.
If there is, we might consider forming a team to plan and coordinate
the conference.


P.S. - I'm still planning on an OJ code/doc sprint in the Spring. I'm
shooting for some time in May. I'm currently investigating the
possibility of hosting the code sprint as a California OSGeo Chapter

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