--- Sunburned Surveyor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ha scritto:

> It looks like gvSIG has got some handy annotation
> support in their
> latest release. I haven't tried them myself, but it
> looks like I need
> to get going on the free form label support for
> OpenJUMP. :]

There are a couple of things which I would like to see
in OpenJUMP:

> - The table associated to the new shp file contains
> fields for Text, Font, Color, Height and Rotation.
>  - In the "Add Layer" dialog, a new tab  allows
loading of Annotation layers.
> - A raster can be exported, either a complete layer
or a  selected area, to a TIFF file.

Congratulation to  Generalitat Valenciana that support
the development of an Opensource GIS. Their gvPONTIS
is also very interesting.


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