Re: [kaffe] Does Kaffe's JIT support ARM?

2005-11-02 Thread Dalibor Topic
Jari Korva wrote:
 Hi Dalibor,
 I think that all patches that I have suggested are in cvs. The problem now
 is that the reason to current problems can't be found just by debugging
 (at least not easily) and me (and others who have observed the same
 problem) do not know enough about Kaffe internals (and haven't had enough
 time to sit down and educate ourselves :(

No worries. A simple way to get started is to look at the compiler
warnings for your $arch and get those fixed :)

 And don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming Kaffe. Last year when I was
 starting my project I tested around ten free/open source virtual
 machines and contacted four commercial vendors and Kaffe was the only one
 that worked on my big-endian XScale!

That's not so bad then. I hope it will get back to that. :)

dalibor topic

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] Does Kaffe's JIT support ARM?

2005-11-02 Thread Dalibor Topic
Kiyo Inaba wrote:
That's the only one, afaict. Kiyo has been working on m68k jits as well,
 Just before to getting into airplane, and becomes short.
 The m68k port with jit works with 20 or 30 errors. But I hope 'main part'
 of it works not only for ia32.
 I plan to check alpha since I got one WS recently ;-)


For a bit of status info on alpha-intrp:

Debian gnu/linux buildlogs of 1.1.6-3 include make check output:

intrp  jthreads:

2 of 148 tests failed

intrp: pthreads:

4 of 148 tests failed

dalibor topic

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] Does Kaffe's JIT support ARM?

2005-11-02 Thread Dalibor Topic
Kiyo Inaba wrote:
 OK, now I came back to Tokyo, my home city.
 Because of the classpath merge, latest weekly regression does not work
 at all for m68k/netbsd1.6, and for the time being I can not invoke
 weekly regression for m68k/linux (I ordered IIci logic boards which
 are supposed to come this week). So the latest weekly regression test
 result I have for m68k ports is m68k/netbsd1.6 at 2005-09-29. And the
 results are
   jit3: 26 of 148 tests failed
   jit: 32 of 148 tests failed
   intrp: 22 of 148 tests failed

Thanks for the update, Kiyo.

 Since NetBSD-1.6 uses gcc-2.95.3, and jikes-1.19 and later can not be
 compiled with this compiler, I first have to try compile newer gcc, or
 make some other machines with newer NetBSD :-

Unfortunately, gcjx (from the gcjx-branch in gcc's subversion
repository) from Tom Tromey also demands a pretty recent gcc. (gcc4, I

dalibor topic

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] Problem to locate libnative.a

2005-11-02 Thread Dalibor Topic
 Hello people,

Hallo Daniel,

 now loading.. /libnative.a
 user_search_path:(null) libnative.a
 LTDL_SEARCHPATH_VAR:(null) libnative.a
 sys_search_path:/lib:/usr/lib libnative.a
 xtryall_dlopen /libnative.a
 tryall_dlopen loader:366a2 /libnative.a
 Failed to locate native library libnative in path /

If you are trying to dlopen static libraries, make sure the
file is there as well.

If that does not work, you can try stepping through the library loading
code in a debugger, the code for loading native libraries in Kaffe is
located in loadNativeLibrary in file kaffe/kaffevm/external.c

the actual library loading is performed by libtool, the code for that is
in the ltdl subdirectory of the source code.

dalibor topic

kaffe mailing list

[kaffe] paint and repaint ...

2005-11-02 Thread Gianluca Moro
sorry for the probably dumb question:
I have a small example that draws a rect 
in a paint method of the canvas.

based on an event I redraw the rect with a
different color (with a call to fillRect).

Then i call repaint with the including modified
area to avoid flickering while updating.

The update is correct with java from 
j2sdk1.4.2_06, while in kaffe 1.1.6 with
Tiny-X on a MIPS machine, the windows is cleared
and only the modified rectangle is drawn: seems
that repaint clear all the window and repaint only the
requested rectangle: should not it clear only
the requested rectangle?


Gianluca Moro
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[kaffe] Question about function 'sysdepCallMethod'

2005-11-02 Thread qi fenghai
Hi all, Please advise if 'sysdepCallMethod' can be implemented by this way 
as bellow:

method 1:
 in JVM:
typedef int (*FUNCTYPE)();  //function's return type is int
FUNCTYPE *nativefunc = (FUNCTYPE)dlsym(handle, foo);

//four argument

(*nativefunc)(1, 2.5);

 in share library:
int foo(int, double);

method 2:
 in JVM:
typedef int (*FUNCTYPE)(...);  //function's return type is int, 
argument list is '...'

FUNCTYPE *nativefunc = (FUNCTYPE)dlsym(handle, foo);

//four argument

(*nativefunc)(1, 2.5);

 in share library:
int foo(int, double);

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