Re: [kaffe] Classpath AWT progress.

2003-12-16 Thread James Simmons

 Would you have a problem with this for your xlib implementation? If so,
 it would be interesting to know the reason.

I have to see if it would work with my design goal. The basic goal is to 
have two totally different environments work together as if they we one 
environment. One screen would be X windows and the other screen would be 
a linux framebuffer implementation. The problem is two very different 
environments are going to have two different toolkits. Since it is 
possible to pass in a GraphicsConfiguration to a Frame, Window etc I was 
thinking it would be easiest to grab the proper toolkit from the 
GraphicsConfiguration. Do you see any other way to grab the proper 

 Just a side comment from reading your code:
 java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment() should never
 throw a HeadlessException. Instead, it should return a headless instance
 of GraphicsEnvironment when it is called in a server environment. The
 returned instance is supposed to throw a HeadlessException when it gets
 asked to perform things that only make sense in a GUI, such as
 determining the maximal size of any attached screen.

 public class ClasspathGraphicsEnvironment extends GraphicsEnvironment
 This may just be my personal opinion, but I'm currently not convinced why
 this class is needed at all. It seems that pretty much all of its
 functionality would be highly specific to the platform, with the
 exception of the getBounds() and getCenterPoint() methods -- so why
 introduce a concrete-but-not-functional subclass of the abstract
 GraphicsEnvironment? But this may be different when it turns out that we
 can refactor the implementation of other GraphicsEnvironment methods
 (such as getAllFonts).

From what I interpet from the java specs it is a collect of all 
GraphicsDevices and all Fonts. Its up to the Toolkit to tell the app which 
fonts it can actually use. The tricky one is createGraphics. I haven't 
figured that one out yet :-( If I have a different xxxGraphicsEnvironment 
then my goal wouldn't work. It would be only one Toolkit at a time which 
would grab only that one type of environment.

 By the way: Thanks for having documented your code, it makes it so much
 easier to read.

No problem.

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] Where is the gnu/crypto/ stuff?

2003-12-04 Thread James Simmons

 sorry for taking so long to reply, so much merges to do, so little time ;)

No problem. I'm attempting to keep up. The problem was I didn't do a make 
clean. It works.

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] Classpath AWT progress.

2003-12-04 Thread James Simmons
On Thu, 4 Dec 2003, Thomas Fitzsimmons wrote:

 On Thu, 2003-12-04 at 13:42, James Simmons wrote:
 Just wanted to give up a update at where I am on the port. I have all 
  the skeleton classes avalable for a xlib peer. No functionality. I attempted 
  to make a XFramePeer class but the under lying structue was missing. The 
  under lying structures are GraphicsEnvironment, GraphicsDevice and friends. 
  The current classpath implementation is not done so I have started to work on 
  a full working implementation of these classes. 
 I modified in java.awt to actually work 
  somewhat. Then I created a to handle all 
  the different types of GraphicsDevices. I created a XGraphicsDevice class.
  In the java specs there is one GraphicsDevice for each screen. At present 
  the code is incomplete. If you want I can attach the code I currently have 
  and if any one wants to play with it be my guest.
 Wow, great to hear that someone is tackling this section of the API! 
 Can you post a patch to the Classpath list?  A lot of AWT/Swing
 discussions take place there, so you'll probably get some feedback on
 the approach you're taking.

Give me a few days to get a patch going. At present I'm working on code 
that hits two targets, X windows and the linux framebuffer console. I want 
to get a system going that runs on X windows and the framebuffer console 
at the same time!!!

kaffe mailing list

[kaffe] Current CVS is broke.

2003-12-03 Thread James Simmons

error:File gnu/crypto/cipher/ not found

kaffe mailing list

[kaffe] Where is the gnu/crypto/ stuff?

2003-12-03 Thread James Simmons

I finally toke a look at the new kaffe stuff. You added the gnu crypto 
code to the profile files but you didn;t add the java files to CVS. Could 
you added them or tell me where to get them?

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] Kaffe and newer make tools

2003-11-25 Thread James Simmons

 While doing so, I noticed that even after applying your patch to, developers/ produces a lot more warnings than it
 used to do. Here's a small list:

I noticed that as well. As for classpath the change in auto tools didn't 
affect it. It works tho.

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] Planning for 1.1.3 release

2003-11-21 Thread James Simmons

 I'm not so optimistic about a stable release that soon, as I don't think 
 we should really cut that one based on time passed alone, but also 
 define a list of features we want to see in, as well as platforms we 
 want to see run, applications we want to offically list as supported in 
 1.2 etc. For example, I think we shouldn't release 1.2 before the switch 
 to GNU Classpath is completed.

That could be a awhile to use all of Classpath. I have alot of work to do 
for the AWT porting. I'm working on the native code right now which 
required a rewrite.

  - Easier support for graphical apps, with the ability to switch between
multiple AWTs at run-time, etc.

I was thinking about how to do that. We might be able to attach a Toolkit 
to a GraphicsConfiguration. I will have to think about it. 

 - Pull in new AWT stuff from james/helmer when it's done

I started to working on the Frame and Window peers but I was missing to 
much info. At present I'm working on the the Grpahics*.java files in 
java/awt. I wrote a test apps and ran it against the SUN JVM. So now to 
implement it against Kaffe. 

import java.awt.image.*;
import java.awt.*;

class Screen 
GraphicsEnvironment ge;
GraphicsDevice active; 
GraphicsDevice[] gs;

public static void main(String args[]) 
Screen screen = new Screen();

ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
gs = ge.getScreenDevices();
active = ge.getDefaultScreenDevice();

public void Configure()
GraphicsConfiguration[] configs = active.getConfigurations();
GraphicsConfiguration current = active.getDefaultConfiguration();
for (int i = 0; i  configs.length; i++) {
Rectangle box = configs[i].getBounds();
System.err.println(Width +box.getWidth()+ Height 
ColorModel colors = configs[i].getColorModel();
System.err.println(Color model is +colors.toString());
BufferCapabilities buffer = configs[i].getBufferCapabilities();
System.err.println(Back buffer support is 
System.err.println(Full screen is need? 
ImageCapabilities imagedata = 
System.err.println(Image accelerated support? 

public void GetSizeOfAllScreens()
// Get size of each screen
for (int i = 0; i  gs.length; i++) {


System.err.println(Available Accelerated memory is 

if (gs[i].isDisplayChangeSupported() == true) 
System.err.println(Display can change size);
System.err.println(Display can't change size);

if (gs[i].isFullScreenSupported() == true)
System.err.println(Full Screen Support);
System.err.println(No Full Screen Support);  
DisplayMode[] dm = gs[i].getDisplayModes();
for (int j = 0; j  dm.length; j++) {
int screenWidth = dm[j].getWidth();
int screenHeight = dm[j].getHeight();
System.err.println(Screen width is +screenWidth+ 
and height is +screenHeight+ of Display +i);

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] Kaffe and newer make tools

2003-11-20 Thread James Simmons

 thanks for doing the work! I'm holding off from those versions of 
 autotools for the reasons listed below. But I'll check in the parts of 
 your patch that make sense with the tools we're using at the moment.
 Basically, Debian has been led into brokenness by a small mistake 
 propagating through the autotools by a temporal incompetence worm hole, 
 or something like that.

:-( Ug. That explains alot. I hope it gets fixed in the near future. The 
good news is I have a build system that works. 

here is the diff you requested :-)

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] Class creation help

2003-11-12 Thread James Simmons

  I have 3 classes Example1, Example2, and Example3. The inheritance is
  Example1  -- Example2  -- Example3
  Now I try a 
  Class protoClass = Class.forName(Example3);
  Example1 source = (Example1)protoClass.newInstance();
  Later I attempt to use Example1 as Example3. Now when I attempt to use 
  source only the constructor for Example2 and Example 1 are called.
  Why is this?
 Uh ... do you have a test case? ;)

I found the mistake. It was my fault. I was generating a string to pass to 
Class.forName which was broken. Now it works.

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] cannot find libnative

2003-11-12 Thread James Simmons

 Merging in an AWT implementation is something Helmer  James might be 
 able to give you more information on, as they are both playing with 
 bringing in GNU Classpath's AWT as an option into kaffe.

I have it Classpath AWT merged in. Now I'm debugging the code. 

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] build errors

2003-11-12 Thread James Simmons

 James Simmons wrote:
  I'm attempting to build kaffe and I'm getting the following errors.
  Do you know what is causing this?
 Hm, did you make sure your sources are up to date? I don't get that with 
 today's CVS.

Conflict in profile when I synced up. I have everything compiling. Testing 
my latets code. Hopefully I will have something working in the next few 

kaffe mailing list

[kaffe] build errors

2003-11-11 Thread James Simmons

I'm attempting to build kaffe and I'm getting the following errors.
Do you know what is causing this?

[ checked body of java/util/zip/ in 51 ms ]
[ checked body of java/util/zip/ in 14 ms ]
java/util/zip/ error:Variable LOCHDR is not defined in 
current context
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable lh may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable lh may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable lh may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable lh may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable lh may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable lh may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable lh may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable lh may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable lh may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable lh may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable lh may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable lh may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable lh may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable lh may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Variable LOCHDR is not defined in 
current context
java/util/zip/ error:Variable CENHDR is not defined in 
current context
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable ch may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable ch may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable ch may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable ch may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable ch may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable ch may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable ch may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable ch may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable ch may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable ch may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable ch may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable ch may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable ch may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable ch may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable ch may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable ch may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
GC: heap 21508K, total before 20185K, after 14685K (357475/263506 objs)
 31.7% free, alloced 8409K (#129649), marked 10425K, swept 5499K (#93969)
 840 objs (19K) awaiting finalization
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable ch may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Variable CENHDR is not defined in 
current context
java/util/zip/ error:Variable ENDHDR is not defined in 
current context
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable ce may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable ce may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable ce may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]
java/util/zip/ error:Local variable ce may have not been 
initialized before use [JLS 14.4]

[kaffe] Class creation help

2003-11-06 Thread James Simmons

I have 3 classes Example1, Example2, and Example3. The inheritance is

Example1  -- Example2  -- Example3

Now I try a 

Class protoClass = Class.forName(Example3);
Example1 source = (Example1)protoClass.newInstance();

Later I attempt to use Example1 as Example3. Now when I attempt to use 
source only the constructor for Example2 and Example 1 are called.
Why is this?

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] Classpath beans update.

2003-10-24 Thread James Simmons

 Done. Please update from CVS, and good luck with the AWT port.

I have been keeping up. 
 Speaking of the AWT switch to classpath, I was thinking of a slightly 
 different approach: what about having classpath's AWT, kaffe's AWT and 
 pocketlinux AWT source trees somewhere under libraries/javalib and 
 libraries/clib such that kaffe-awt.jar, classpath-awt.jar and 
 pocketlinux-awt.jar are built depending on a compile time switch. Would 
 this be useful? It would blow up the CVS by having some intially 
 redundant code, but that could be phased out, as kaffe's and pockelinux' 
 AWTs merge, and their java side is gradually moved over to classpath.
 what do you think?

Hm. What about the core AWT java files. They are very different from 
pocketlinux and kaffe's awt. Of course this is not a bad idea because for 
j2me the awt is very different. So I would recommend you do this. 

Sorry I haven't been working on AWT for the last few weeks. I have been 
cranking out new framebuffer patches for 2.6.0-testX. It might be another 
week or 2 before I'm finished with fbdev.

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] build breakage

2003-09-25 Thread James Simmons

 Fixed now. Thanks!

Its working now. Right know I'm cleaning up a bunch of bugs. I hope to get 
something buildable in the next few days.

kaffe mailing list

[kaffe] Classpath beans update.

2003-09-25 Thread James Simmons

Is it possible to integrate beans from GNU Classpath into Kaffe. I need it 
for Classpath AWT. 

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] build breakage

2003-09-24 Thread James Simmons

 So if you want to play with kaffe from CVS, but class library 
 compilation breakage prevents you from doing so, drop me an e-mail, and 
 I'll try to help. ;)

Thanks for the sound fixes. It compiles now expect for when you set the 
profile to allatonce. I discovered that it is broken for kaffe in CVS 
right now. If you could fix that then I would have the first working 
version of Kaffe AWT-classpath.

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] build breakage

2003-09-23 Thread James Simmons

 Really weird, I'm configuring with --enable-debug --enable-xdebugging 
 and I'm not seing it. Could you 'cvs -qz9 update -APd' and try again, 
 just for sure that you don't have some old sources stuck in your 
 checkout? Or come over to the irc channel, and we can discuss this online.

It works now. The only problem is I need very specific build tools to make 
it work. The laptop I have on my current system is barfed. So only one 
laptop with kaffe works. I really really hate teh build system :-(

kaffe mailing list

[kaffe] build breakage

2003-09-22 Thread James Simmons

java/io/ error:Cannot find type 
[ checked body of java/io/ in 3 ms ]

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] Moving away from macros to inlined functions

2003-09-22 Thread James Simmons

Macros are evil. Kill them!!!

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] build breakage

2003-09-22 Thread James Simmons

On Mon, 22 Sep 2003, Dalibor Topic wrote:

 James Simmons wrote:
  java/io/ error:Cannot find type 
  [ checked body of java/io/ in 3 ms ]
 Hi James,
 I assume i386-linux? ./configure  make ?

Yeap. I tested it again. Same problem.

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] Planning for 1.1.2 release

2003-09-22 Thread James Simmons

 Here's what I'm planning for the next release...
 Sunday, September 28 - Feature Freeze for 1.1.2
 Sunday, October 5 - Release 1.1.2

 I'm really going to try to get some DocBook and Javadocs into this
 release.  Does anybody else have some goals for this release?

Nope. GNU Classpath AWT integrating should happen for the 1.1.3.

  Sunday, November 30, 2003 - Feature Freeze for 1.1.3
  Sunday, December 7, 2003 - Release 1.1.3

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] Which libtool?

2003-09-17 Thread James Simmons

 I think I'm on debian stable, too. I've built the autotools and libtool 
 myself from the tar.gz files on, installed them under 
 ~/auto-kaffe/ and everything works for me. Could you try that?

I might resort to that.
 But I admit that my libtool library mangling code for the sound libs is 
 quite bad. I'll look into it and see if I can fix it somehow.

Thank you.

BTW the did manage to get the GNU Classpath awt to build with my new X 
windows peer code. I managed to load a application (HelloWorld) but it died.
I think this was due to me not implementing the other peers yet, especially 
container peer. So hopefully I will have something early working code 
ready in the next few days. Once I have the build problems sorted out I 
will start chuggging along. I have implemented dummy peers for now. 

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] Which libtool?

2003-09-16 Thread James Simmons

  debian stable with 
  libtool 1.5
  automake 1.7.6
  autoconf 2.57
 Woody (Debian stable) has:
 autoconf 2.53
 automake 1.4-p4
 libtool 1.4.2
 Whatever you're running, it's not woody any more.

True. I had to update the packages to be able to run 

I grabed them from unstable.

kaffe mailing list

[kaffe] Which libtool?

2003-09-15 Thread James Simmons

At present libtool is messing up my build system. Which one is the one 
needed to work. At present libtool 1.5 fubars tha build system.

kaffe mailing list

[kaffe] test

2003-09-15 Thread James Simmons


kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] GNU classpath and AWT

2003-09-12 Thread James Simmons

  It not what you think. It bascially kaffe's current AWT implementation 
  outside of the build system. I looked at the code already. Its not using 
  GNU Classpath. 
 Oops, thanks for catching my mistake ... I had hoped we'd be getting 
 closer to replacing kaffe's AWT with GNU Classpath's.

Working on it. Right now for some reason XToolkit eats up all the memory 
for kjc and kills the build process. I have been look at Xt to handle 
button,menu etc  creation. Its a big job. Sorry.
Also the first run of the code will not be that great :-( 

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] GNU classpath and AWT

2003-09-09 Thread James Simmons

  True. I have started work on the X window lightweight peers. I shoudl 
  finish it in about a week.
 Looks like Clemes Eiserer beat you to it: . It would be great if 
 you could work together on bringing this code back into kaffe and 
 merging more of GNU Classpath's core AWT implementation into kaffe.

It not what you think. It bascially kaffe's current AWT implementation 
outside of the build system. I looked at the code already. Its not using 
GNU Classpath. 
 p.s. James, I've heard on IRC that you had some problems building kaffe. 
 Could you post a bug report, so that something can be done about it?

Its fine now. It was my mistake.

kaffe mailing list

[kaffe] Kaffe/GNU Classpath AWT support

2003-08-28 Thread James Simmons

I have managed to get the GNU Classpath AWT build under kaffe. The only 
issue I ran into was kaffe uses profiles to define which classes to build. 
The problem is the Classpth AWT code requires code from java beans and 
java.accessibilty. So the profile default breaks. The profile allatonce 
works with some changes. So I have something working. I'm working in the 
native code but I was wondering if any work has been done for a xlib peer.
It would save me some time if this is the case :-)

kaffe mailing list

Re: Please don't post Microsoft Windows Viruses or Worms to themailing list (Was: Re: [kaffe] Your details)

2003-08-19 Thread James Simmons


I don't think that is a real person. Those messages have been going around 
many mailing list.

kaffe mailing list

[kaffe] peers and profile

2003-08-18 Thread James Simmons

Hi folks!!!

Currently for kaffe all AWT targets use the exact same Java class 
files. Only the native C code varies. Now in a peer design each target 
would have its own set of classes. How will we approach this for setting 
up the build system?

kaffe mailing list

[kaffe] replacement

2003-08-15 Thread James Simmons

While planning with AWT Events I found is pre-classpath. 
i replaced it with the Classpath versiona nd tested it out. Everything 
works. Since I don't have CVS access could someone move the Classpath 
version of java/util/ over.

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] GNU classpath and AWT

2003-08-15 Thread James Simmons

  I have been looking into it. Note the classpath stuff is very different 
  from the current kaffe AWT implementation. It would break the current AWT 
  support. So I have to port the current stuff to the Classpath format. This 
  will take some time. 
 i think porting kaffe's current implementation to the classpath
 format as you've called it will basically involve creating a set
 of lightweight peers in some kaffe.awt.whatever package and move
 all the drawing from the widgets in java.awt into the different
 peers afterwards? And if so, how would this break the current
 AWT support? It will be totally different, yes, but we wouldn't
 loose any of the supported backends, would we?

True. I have started work on the X window lightweight peers. I shoudl 
finish it in about a week.

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] GNU classpath and AWT

2003-08-14 Thread James Simmons

 Welcome on board, we desperately need AWT hackers/mergers.
 You're talking about something like , right?

Yes. Actually there is alot ot work on. I like to see multimedia truly 
supported in Kaffe. 

 And still hacks the linux kernel framebuffer, according to kernel traffic ;)

Yeap. Anything graphics/video I work on. I still have some to go on that 
code but it is almost done. 
 Neither have I, beside getting Qt-AWT to build and integrating it into 
 the grand automake scheme of thing, really. 

Good. the Classpath stuff is GTK based so I will need help intergrating it 
into the Kaffe build system.

 A lot 
 of Classpath's awt is still unmerged, and there is some very cool work 
 going on in Classpath for pure java true type font support, 

Really cool.

 and java 2d, for example. 


 If you want to merge stuff in, hop in on the irc channel 
 #kaffe at or send me an e-mail, so we can coordinate 
 our efforts.

Okay. I'm on IRC now.

 If you cant to meet some of the (future) Classpath AWT hackers in 
 person, see the BoF announcement for the Linux Kongress in Saarbruecken:

Nice. It is true there is alot of stuff going on out there. Also looking 
at there code I did realize it is not to portable. It is GTK centric. I 
like to see alot of this stuff merged in. Agile would be really nice to 
support especially since there is a version of embedded OpenGL coming out. 
Also OpenML is picking up steam.

 Oh yes, please! Especially if we have someone who knows the insides of 
 Transvirtual's implementation. I've looked over it, and didn't 
 understand too much. ;)

I have been looking into it.  

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] GNU classpath and AWT

2003-08-14 Thread James Simmons

 Hi James!  (James used to work at Transvirtual with me)

Hi!  BTW thank you for your help on tracking on CaffeineMark3.0. Have a 
 I'm not aware of anybody working on porting the Classpath AWT, although
 I think Dalibor is quite active in moving the other parts of Classpath
 into Kaffe.  We've already got several AWTs (X11, Qt, Win32), so another
 one is always welcome, I think.  I really haven't played with Kaffe's
 AWTs much yet.

I have been looking into it. Note the classpath stuff is very different 
from the current kaffe AWT implementation. It would break the current AWT 
support. So I have to port the current stuff to the Classpath format. This 
will take some time. 

 It would also be sort of cool to merge in some of TVT's AWT stuff (eg.
 the framebuffer stuff), plus there are quite a few other free AWT type
 of things out there.

The pre truffle stuff. Now with truffles we have a general frame work to 
port it over to.  

kaffe mailing list

[kaffe] GNU classpath and AWT

2003-08-14 Thread James Simmons


   Is anyone working on porting the rest of GNU classpath relating to AWT
into kaffe. If not I like to port some of the stuff over. Eventually I 
like to implement a truffle for kaffe. 

kaffe mailing list

[kaffe] Re: GNU classpath and AWT

2003-08-14 Thread James Simmons

 James Yes. Actually there is alot ot work on. I like to see
 James multimedia truly supported in Kaffe.
 Let me make a plea for new packages and such to be written in
 Classpath, not kaffe.
 My belief is that there aren't enough free software java hackers for
 us to spend time rewriting bits.  Instead we should, wherever
 possible, share efforts.

No problem. Kaffe is my testing grounds. You can have whatever I develope. 
BTW does classpath have sponsors and are people actually employeed to work 
on classpath. 

kaffe mailing list