Re: [kaffe] Planning for 1.1.3 release

2003-11-24 Thread Jim Pick
On Fri, 21 Nov 2003 19:50:19 +0100
Dalibor Topic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Jim,
 Jim Pick wrote:
  It's getting to close to that time again.  Isn't having a regular
  release schedule fun?
 Yep. I'd actually propose a faster release schedule: once a month after 
 1.1.3. There is so much changing every two months, that the steps 
 between releases are quite huge, so that people following developer 
 releases instead of CVS may have a harder time reporting bugs based on 
 releases only.

I originally hoped to do the developer releases monthly, but I find that
it usually takes an entire weekend to get it out, so I'm happier with
the two month schedule, just from a personal time commitment
perspective.  I imagine that when the big merging settles down, it
should be less of an issue.

  This should be the last development release before we get serious about
  putting together a real production release.  Here's the dates I have
  penciled in for that:
 Sunday, January 18, 2004 - Feature Freeze for 1.2.0
 Sunday, January 23, 2004 - Release Candidate - 1.2.0-rc1
 Sunday, February 1, 2004 - Release Candidate - 1.2.0-rc2
 Sunday, February 8, 2004 - Release 1.2.0 (Production Release)
 I'm not so optimistic about a stable release that soon, as I don;t think 
 we should really cut that one based on time passed alone, but also 
 define a list of features we want to see in, as well as platforms we 
 want to see run, applications we want to offically list as supported in 
 1.2 etc. For example, I think we shouldn't release 1.2 before the switch 
 to GNU Classpath is completed.

Okay, I think some release goals would be a great thing to have.  On the
other hand, I don't want to have 1.0.7 on the website as our production
release for too much longer, so I think we should still pick a date.
Eighteen months between production releases is already a long time.

If we slip on the goals, then we can postpone the release.  Since we
don't have dedicated developer resources, we've got to be careful that
the slippage doesn't get out of hand, or the release will never happen.
So we should keep the goals pretty minimal.

I believe that a real solid, supported production release would really
encourage a lot more people to give Kaffe a try, and to get more
involved.  A perpetual stream of unsupported developer releases won't
do that.

Let's postpone setting a date for the production release until after
1.1.3 is out.  Maybe we'll do a 1.1.4 development release.

We need to have a discussion about what should constitute the release
goals for the production release.  I think that will be easier once we
have some decent documentation that shows where we are.

Given the moving target nature of what we are doing, we might want to
identify a core set of APIs, ports and features that we support, and
mark the rest of the stuff as experimental/unsupported.  It would be
nice to identify certain applications and certify that certain versions
of them work on the Kaffe production release.

 I'm glad to hear it's actually working for something, browsing the list 
 traffic I sometimes catch myself thinking: how are we ever going to fix 
 all these bugs ... ;) But I guess that's just the effect of kaffe 
 getting better, and more people trying it out where it hasn't been tried 
 out before (or for a long time ;)

That's so true... :-)


 - Jim

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] Planning for 1.1.3 release

2003-11-21 Thread Dalibor Topic
Hi Jim,

Jim Pick wrote:

It's getting to close to that time again.  Isn't having a regular
release schedule fun?
Yep. I'd actually propose a faster release schedule: once a month after 
1.1.3. There is so much changing every two months, that the steps 
between releases are quite huge, so that people following developer 
releases instead of CVS may have a harder time reporting bugs based on 
releases only.

Here are the upcoming dates I'm shooting for:

Sunday, November 30, 2003 - Feature Freeze for 1.1.3
Sunday, December 7, 2003 - Release 1.1.3
If I've been somewhat quiet lately, it's mostly because I've had a real
nasty cold for the last few weeks, and I've got a few side projects on
the go that are eating up my project time.
Good to see you're back up again, and beaten the cold. I have been 
fighting with something nasty in my throat last week myself, but it only 
hurts when I breathe :)

I promised some DocBook documentation, and I haven't done it yet, so
that's still the highest thing on my personal priority list.  I feel the
lack of structured documentation is really holding us back in a lot of
ways -- I've got a plan, I just need to make some time to do it.  I
still need to polish off my regression testing reporting framework as
It would be nice if you could layout the plan for the DocBook 
transition, so that we can focus on fixing kaffe to work with the 
required apps, if possible.

This should be the last development release before we get serious about
putting together a real production release.  Here's the dates I have
penciled in for that:

Sunday, January 18, 2004 - Feature Freeze for 1.2.0
Sunday, January 23, 2004 - Release Candidate - 1.2.0-rc1
Sunday, February 1, 2004 - Release Candidate - 1.2.0-rc2
Sunday, February 8, 2004 - Release 1.2.0 (Production Release)
I'm not so optimistic about a stable release that soon, as I don;t think 
we should really cut that one based on time passed alone, but also 
define a list of features we want to see in, as well as platforms we 
want to see run, applications we want to offically list as supported in 
1.2 etc. For example, I think we shouldn't release 1.2 before the switch 
to GNU Classpath is completed.

Now for some wishlist items about the top things I currently care about
(feel free to add what I've missed):
- Improved documentation
- Improved testing
- Improved processes for keeping in sync with projects such as Classpath
- Enough NIO support to get the latest builds of Freenet and Ant working
- More testing and bugfixing on the verifier and security APIs
- Make Kaffe work as a Mozilla plugin
Aleksandr did some work on this. I have the code, but I didn;t have the 
time to test it.

- Improved profiling and debugging support
- Fix the Cygwin port, and Mac OS X port (eg. working PowerPC JIT).  If we
  have decent support for all the major desktop environments, we might win
  some users over.
- Easier support for graphical apps, with the ability to switch between
  multiple AWTs at run-time, etc.
- Merge our fixes back to Classpath (that's what I'm doing now. I don't 
know if I'll have time for anything else in the next two weeks, since 
the diff is *huge* and selling all the patches to GNU Classpath 
developers is hard work. While we tend to spot their bugs  fix them, 
they tend to spot our bad changelogs, lack of tests and comments, and 
demand that those are fixed first ... and someone has to do it, anyway, 
as it's quite hard to resync with Classpath without those patches going 
in one day ;)

- Fix the build bugs
- Merge in inetlib and jacorb
- Man pages for all kaffe executables
- Fix supreet's gtk AWT
- Pull in new AWT stuff from james/helmer when it's done
Looking over the things that I wanted to see done for 1.1.2, I see that 
half of those are now done ;) The rest:
- Getting gjdoc in.
- Adding more docs on what third party components are used in kaffe,
where they came from, what the licenses are etc in THIRDPARTY
- a THIRDPARTY-CHANGES file documenting the changed files with respect
to Classpath, for example
- merging the outstanding patches in (long mail from michael)
- fixing the libtool-vs-static-vm problem pointed out by Kiyo and Andrea
- fixing the libtool-vs-cross-compilation problem pointed out by sebastian
- fixing the long standing broken strtod replacement issue for Linux 2.0

Longer term things to do:
- Get GL4Java to work
- Ask Jean Daniel Fakete about license change to Agile2D to be able to 
include it in kaffe.

I'm pretty amazed by how far Kaffe has come in just the last few months.
I use it everyday now (primarily for webapps), and I'm very happy about
I'm glad to hear it's actually working for something, browsing the list 
traffic I sometimes catch myself thinking: how are we ever going to fix 
all these bugs ... ;) But I guess that's just the effect of kaffe 
getting better, and more people trying it out where it hasn't been tried 
out before (or for a long time ;)

dalibor topic

Re: [kaffe] Planning for 1.1.3 release

2003-11-21 Thread James Simmons

 I'm not so optimistic about a stable release that soon, as I don't think 
 we should really cut that one based on time passed alone, but also 
 define a list of features we want to see in, as well as platforms we 
 want to see run, applications we want to offically list as supported in 
 1.2 etc. For example, I think we shouldn't release 1.2 before the switch 
 to GNU Classpath is completed.

That could be a awhile to use all of Classpath. I have alot of work to do 
for the AWT porting. I'm working on the native code right now which 
required a rewrite.

  - Easier support for graphical apps, with the ability to switch between
multiple AWTs at run-time, etc.

I was thinking about how to do that. We might be able to attach a Toolkit 
to a GraphicsConfiguration. I will have to think about it. 

 - Pull in new AWT stuff from james/helmer when it's done

I started to working on the Frame and Window peers but I was missing to 
much info. At present I'm working on the the Grpahics*.java files in 
java/awt. I wrote a test apps and ran it against the SUN JVM. So now to 
implement it against Kaffe. 

import java.awt.image.*;
import java.awt.*;

class Screen 
GraphicsEnvironment ge;
GraphicsDevice active; 
GraphicsDevice[] gs;

public static void main(String args[]) 
Screen screen = new Screen();

ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
gs = ge.getScreenDevices();
active = ge.getDefaultScreenDevice();

public void Configure()
GraphicsConfiguration[] configs = active.getConfigurations();
GraphicsConfiguration current = active.getDefaultConfiguration();
for (int i = 0; i  configs.length; i++) {
Rectangle box = configs[i].getBounds();
System.err.println(Width +box.getWidth()+ Height 
ColorModel colors = configs[i].getColorModel();
System.err.println(Color model is +colors.toString());
BufferCapabilities buffer = configs[i].getBufferCapabilities();
System.err.println(Back buffer support is 
System.err.println(Full screen is need? 
ImageCapabilities imagedata = 
System.err.println(Image accelerated support? 

public void GetSizeOfAllScreens()
// Get size of each screen
for (int i = 0; i  gs.length; i++) {


System.err.println(Available Accelerated memory is 

if (gs[i].isDisplayChangeSupported() == true) 
System.err.println(Display can change size);
System.err.println(Display can't change size);

if (gs[i].isFullScreenSupported() == true)
System.err.println(Full Screen Support);
System.err.println(No Full Screen Support);  
DisplayMode[] dm = gs[i].getDisplayModes();
for (int j = 0; j  dm.length; j++) {
int screenWidth = dm[j].getWidth();
int screenHeight = dm[j].getHeight();
System.err.println(Screen width is +screenWidth+ 
and height is +screenHeight+ of Display +i);

kaffe mailing list

[kaffe] Planning for 1.1.3 release

2003-11-19 Thread Jim Pick

It's getting to close to that time again.  Isn't having a regular
release schedule fun?

Here are the upcoming dates I'm shooting for:

Sunday, November 30, 2003 - Feature Freeze for 1.1.3
Sunday, December 7, 2003 - Release 1.1.3

If I've been somewhat quiet lately, it's mostly because I've had a real
nasty cold for the last few weeks, and I've got a few side projects on
the go that are eating up my project time.

I promised some DocBook documentation, and I haven't done it yet, so
that's still the highest thing on my personal priority list.  I feel the
lack of structured documentation is really holding us back in a lot of
ways -- I've got a plan, I just need to make some time to do it.  I
still need to polish off my regression testing reporting framework as

If anybody else has some goals for this release, please follow up to
this email.

This should be the last development release before we get serious about
putting together a real production release.  Here's the dates I have
penciled in for that:

 Sunday, January 18, 2004 - Feature Freeze for 1.2.0
 Sunday, January 23, 2004 - Release Candidate - 1.2.0-rc1
 Sunday, February 1, 2004 - Release Candidate - 1.2.0-rc2
 Sunday, February 8, 2004 - Release 1.2.0 (Production Release)

Now for some wishlist items about the top things I currently care about
(feel free to add what I've missed):

- Improved documentation
- Improved testing
- Improved processes for keeping in sync with projects such as Classpath
- Enough NIO support to get the latest builds of Freenet and Ant working
- More testing and bugfixing on the verifier and security APIs
- Make Kaffe work as a Mozilla plugin
- Improved profiling and debugging support
- Fix the Cygwin port, and Mac OS X port (eg. working PowerPC JIT).  If we
  have decent support for all the major desktop environments, we might win
  some users over.
- Easier support for graphical apps, with the ability to switch between
  multiple AWTs at run-time, etc.

Again, these are wishlist items, so I'm not making any promises that we
will deliver these.  But I'm definitely willing to throw in some of my
own time to help drive these forward.  I'd be really happy even if we
just make a small bit of progress on these items.

Sun will kick out Java 1.5 in the Spring, I think, so we'll be playing
catch up once again.  But it would be nice to have a really solid
production release in the Spring that we would be happy to say we

I'm pretty amazed by how far Kaffe has come in just the last few months.
I use it everyday now (primarily for webapps), and I'm very happy about


 - Jim

kaffe mailing list