[kaffe] Re: [tritonus-user] Tritonus on kaffe

2002-12-21 Thread Matthias Pfisterer
Matthias Pfisterer wrote:

Dalibor Topic wrote:

My other problem is that libtritonusalsa needs javah
to run on some Alsa* inner classes. I can't seem to
get the $-character properly quoted in the Makefile.am
file, and I'm not even sure kaffe's javah properly
supports them anyway. If the inner classes could be
moved into proper classes of their own, that would let
me add support for ALSA in a much easier fashion.

Removing these inner classes is on the TODO list, too. I noticed that 
there is no real benefit from using inner classes. Data hiding has to be 
violated anyway. (For instance, m_lNativeHandle in AlsaPcm.HWParams has 
to be package visible instead of private.) So I agree to changing the 
inner classes. Please tell me if this is high priority.
(And I think the bug in javah has to be fixed anyway.)

I've fixed this now, too. You have to update the following directories:
- src/lib/alsa
- src/org/tritonus/lowlevel/alsa
- src/org/tritonus/sampled/mixer/alsa

As my system currently is only partly working, I wasn't able to check if 
Tritonus still runs with the changes. I was only able to compile and 
link. Maybe I forgot to change some method name, which will be detected 
at run-time. So if you get obscure problems, it may well be my fault.


Matthias Pfisterer	mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reuchlinstrasse 28	phone +49-711-62 87 12
D-70176 Stuttgart

Java Sound Examples:
Java Sound Programmer's FAQ:
Tritonus, the open source implementation of the Java Sound API:

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] Re: [tritonus-user] Tritonus on kaffe

2002-12-21 Thread Matthias Pfisterer
Dalibor Topic wrote:

--- Stuart Ballard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dalibor Topic wrote:

My current code fits it into kaffe's auto* tools


build as en extension library, adds a configure


for the sound backend to use, compiles the java
libraries, and links the C++ libraries


Ouch, a configure option for the sound backend?
Isn't that going to make 
life hard on distributors like Debian, who don't
force their users into 
a single sound system? Will they need to build
multiple versions of 
Kaffe depending on which sound backend is desired?

Wouldn't some way of doing it at runtime be

Currently, I've only got esd to work, so there is not
much choice anyway: esd, or no sound at all. ;) there
are a few reasons why I think a sound backend option
makes sense:
a) native sound libraries are written in C++. We
shouldn't require having a C++ compiler in order to
build kaffe, as that would make porting to systems
like minix even harder. So there should be a
convenient way to tell the configure script that we
don't want to bother with it.

Should be solved now: no more C++.

b) In order to compile kaffe with sound support, you
need libesound and esd.h. Many linux distributions
don't install libesound development files by default.
I wouldn't want to force people to install a few sound
RPMs just because they want to use kaffe for XML
processing, for example. So the default option for
sound in my patch is no.
c) It mirrors the current situation with AWT backends.
You can only have either Xlib, Qt or no awt at all at
the same time. Changing that would require a
significant rewrite of kaffe's java AWT libraries, I
think. That would be good to have, though, as it would
in theory allow us to run those nice 3rd party AWT
implementations like PureJavaAWT.
d) I'm not sure if it is possible to have several
different MixerProviders in tritonus simultaneously.
Matthias, do you know if that works?

If so, then it shouldn't be hard to add other
backends, i.e. ALSA by just adding its class file name

It would be pointless at the moment as the native libs
for ALSA don't compile on kaffe, due to some problems
with kaffeh (and me not being able to tell automake to
quote $ in the Makefile.am).

I'll better try to post some code tonight, so you guys
 have something to play with. I have to write up a
massive ChangeLog entry first ...


both compile-time and run-time switches do make sense and should be present.

To start with the run-time ones: The configuration system of Java Sound 
works by scanning the class paths (boot, extension, user) for 
configuration files like 
META-INF/services/javax.sound.sampled.spi.MixerProvider. This is done 
using the method Classloader.findResources(String). Note that it's 
'Resources', no 'Resource', so multiple entries can be found. For all 
configuration files found, the file is read. Classes mentioned in the 
configuration file are instantiated with Class.forName(). All classes of 
one type of configuration file form an ordered list of Service Providers 
of the respective type.

This leads to the practice of packaging (for instance) a Mixer 
implementation together with a configuration file naming just this 
Service Provider. The resulting .jar file can just be added to or 
removed from the class path. This is why Tritonus routinely builds 10+ 
jar files: one for esd, one for ALSA, one for standard audio file 
readers and writers, one for the GSM codec, and so on.

In theory, it is possible to have any number of service providers of the 
same type. For mixer providers, there is an obvious restriction: It 
can't work if multiple mixer implementations compete for exclusive 
hardware access.

Compile-time configuration: this is useful for the reasons stated above: 
not forcing too much build dependencies. There should be either an 
option like --with-sound-backend=esd,also,... (multiple entries should 
be possible) or an automatic detection of available libraries that can 
be linked against.

Distributions could be broken in packages as it is common for sound 
programs with different backends:

... where the vlc-* packages only contain the plug-ins (Java Sound 
speak: 'service providers').


Matthias Pfisterer	mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reuchlinstrasse 28	phone +49-711-62 87 12
D-70176 Stuttgart

Java Sound Examples:
Java Sound Programmer's FAQ:
Tritonus, the open source implementation of the Java Sound API:

kaffe mailing list

[kaffe] Re: [tritonus-user] Tritonus on kaffe

2002-12-19 Thread Matthias Pfisterer
Dalibor Topic wrote:

--- Matthias Pfisterer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It is no longer necessary to build a library in
../common/. I'm now 
linking the (single, small) object file to any
library in the other 
directories. This is to simplify installation.

You could turn the helper functions in common.c into
static __inline__ functions in common.h. Then you
would not have to link anything accross directories.

Ok, but doesn't that mean that there will be one object code instance 
per source file instead of one per library? It won't matter for esd with 
now only two source files. But for ALSA with 20+ source files, it may 
make a noticable difference.

The cooked_ioctl directory contains code to read CDs
using the Linux 
cooked ioctl interface. As it is superseeded by
the cdparanoia based 
implementation, it is no longer maintained. I keep
it as an example of 
how to structure simple CDDA reading on other
operating systems.

Yeah, I'll leave mp3 out for all the good reasons.
Jorbis might be interesting, but I haven't played
extensively with it yet. I think having gorbis as the
default Ogg provider, and Jorbis as second choice if
the ogg tools don't work would be the way to go for
kaffe, when I've merged in the basic functionality.

Jogg/Jorbis are pure java, so they will work even if no additional 
native libraries are installed. There is already a Java Sound service 
provider (think of it as some sort of a wrapper layer) for Jorbis. It 
has a minor problem with thread safety, but I will fix this and include 
this, too. The reason for dealing with native stuff for ogg vorbis at 
all is that Jorbis only covers the decoder. For using an encoder, the C 
libraries are the only choice. So I think it's rather the Jorbis based 
service provider that should be the default and gsorbis the option. At 
least this seems appropriate when detecting the build configuration. If 
both are present, it can still be debated which implementation to choose 
at run-time (for decoding). The run-time configuration system of Java 
Sound is flexible enough to separate between decoding and encoding. 
(More details later)


Matthias Pfisterer	mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reuchlinstrasse 28	phone +49-711-62 87 12
D-70176 Stuttgart

Java Sound Examples:
Java Sound Programmer's FAQ:
Tritonus, the open source implementation of the Java Sound API:

kaffe mailing list

[kaffe] Re: [tritonus-user] Tritonus on kaffe

2002-12-16 Thread Matthias Pfisterer
Dalibor Topic wrote:

Hallo Matthias,

--- Matthias Pfisterer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My fix for this is to use libtool from current CVS and
upgrade out build scripts to latest auto* tools. There
are some issues in going that way, mainly increasing
the bar for build system developers, and having to fix
all the bugs in the build scripts exposed by the

Of course, if the libraries could be switched to plain
old C, that would make my life much easier, I hope.
What is the HandleFieldHandler class used for?

I've switched back to C in the directories src/lib/esd, src/lib/alsa, 
src/lib/common and src/lib/cdparanoia. This should do it for the moment. 
Note that the inner class issue with the ALSA classes is still pending.

It is no longer necessary to build a library in ../common/. I'm now 
linking the (single, small) object file to any library in the other 
directories. This is to simplify installation.

The cooked_ioctl directory contains code to read CDs using the Linux 
cooked ioctl interface. As it is superseeded by the cdparanoia based 
implementation, it is no longer maintained. I keep it as an example of 
how to structure simple CDDA reading on other operating systems.

gsvorbis contains an incomplete interface to the ogg vorbis encoder. It 
is not assumed to work.

lame contains, well, an interface to LAME, an mp3 encoder. I suggest to 
leave it out. All open source implementations of mp3 encoders are 
illegal, as well as all open source implementations of mp3 decoders. We 
keep it because it is requested quite often and no open source developer 
or entity was sued so far. But I think it's best to not proliferate it 
further. ogg vorbis is a viable alternative gaining market share 
rapidly, and of better quality. The only drawback is that it is not yet 
integreted into Java Sound.

And I've deleted the saint directory from the cvs, since it was all legacy.

Ah, the HandleFieldHandler: all low level classes need to keep some 
handle to some native facility. For esd, it is the file descriptor of 
the socket connection to the esd server. For ALSA, it is some pointer of 
type snd_pcm_t* or snd_seq_t*. These handles are stored in instance 
variables of the JNI classes. Looking into the Java code, you will see 
members 'private long m_lNativeHandle' or similar. These are used by the 
native code to store the handles. They are long in Java, because in the 
future, the native word size or the size of pointers will become 64 bit. 
It is the code to access these Java fields from the native code that I 
have generalized in the former C++ class HandleFieldHandler. Now -- 
after the change to C -- there is a header file 
src/lib/common/HandleFieldHandler.h that contains C macros to do almost 
the same.

MidiShare is a low-level MIDI API. In theory, it is
quite portable. It 
evolved on Macintosh and has also versions for
Windows and Linux. I was 
not very happy with it. The windows version only
worked for 16bit 
Windows (including Win95, but not WinNT, Win2000,
etc.). This is an old 
state, perhaps newer versions have evolved. But the
main reason I didn't 
deal with it is that it is not comparative to ALSA's
MIDI and sequencing 
facilities. Plus, I think, some personal taste on
API design. You can 
get more information on MidiShare at

their web site mentions new versions for Win 200  OS
X , so it might be worth a try. I'll see if I can get
it to work.

The Person that implemented the MidiShare support in Tritonus was 
Stephane Letz. I haven't heard from him for a while. However, he is 
still subscribed to the tritonus-devel list (note that I moved the 
discussion there). You can also contact him directly with letz [at] grame.fr


Matthias Pfisterer	mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reuchlinstrasse 28	phone +49-711-62 87 12
D-70176 Stuttgart

Java Sound Examples:
Java Sound Programmer's FAQ:
Tritonus, the open source implementation of the Java Sound API:

kaffe mailing list

[kaffe] Re: [tritonus-user] Tritonus on kaffe

2002-12-15 Thread Dalibor Topic

--- Matthias Pfisterer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Dalibor Topic wrote:
  Hallo Matthias,
  --- Matthias Pfisterer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  My fix for this is to use libtool from current CVS
  upgrade out build scripts to latest auto* tools.
  are some issues in going that way, mainly
  the bar for build system developers, and having to
  all the bugs in the build scripts exposed by the
  Of course, if the libraries could be switched to
  old C, that would make my life much easier, I
  What is the HandleFieldHandler class used for?
 I've switched back to C in the directories
 src/lib/esd, src/lib/alsa, 
 src/lib/common and src/lib/cdparanoia. This should
 do it for the moment. 
 Note that the inner class issue with the ALSA
 classes is still pending.

Great! I'll look at kaffeh in order to see where the
bug is, and I hope to be able to post a new
tritonus-merge-patch by end of the week.
 It is no longer necessary to build a library in
 ../common/. I'm now 
 linking the (single, small) object file to any
 library in the other 
 directories. This is to simplify installation.

You could turn the helper functions in common.c into
static __inline__ functions in common.h. Then you
would not have to link anything accross directories.

 The cooked_ioctl directory contains code to read CDs
 using the Linux 
 cooked ioctl interface. As it is superseeded by
 the cdparanoia based 
 implementation, it is no longer maintained. I keep
 it as an example of 
 how to structure simple CDDA reading on other
 operating systems.

I'll leave it out for kaffe then.

 gsvorbis contains an incomplete interface to the ogg
 vorbis encoder. It 
 is not assumed to work.

I'll leave out the gvorbis interface for now, as well.
I'm more interested into getting the basic javax.sound
implementation to work, and then taking the next step,
and eventually merge in additional providers from

 lame contains, well, an interface to LAME, an mp3
 encoder. I suggest to 
 leave it out. All open source implementations of mp3
 encoders are 
 illegal, as well as all open source implementations
 of mp3 decoders. We 
 keep it because it is requested quite often and no
 open source developer 
 or entity was sued so far. But I think it's best to
 not proliferate it 
 further. ogg vorbis is a viable alternative gaining
 market share 
 rapidly, and of better quality. The only drawback is
 that it is not yet 
 integreted into Java Sound.

Yeah, I'll leave mp3 out for all the good reasons.
Jorbis might be interesting, but I haven't played
extensively with it yet. I think having gorbis as the
default Ogg provider, and Jorbis as second choice if
the ogg tools don't work would be the way to go for
kaffe, when I've merged in the basic functionality.

thanks for the quick replies and great work so far,

dalibor topic

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kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] Re: [tritonus-user] Tritonus on kaffe

2002-12-10 Thread Dalibor Topic

--- Patrick Tullmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey Dalibor,
 I didn't realize Tritonus provided part of JDK1.4
 compatibility.  I
 see why you're trying to get it into the tree.  Any
 chance there is a
 simple hacky fix to kaffe's libtool to get it to
 link c++ correctly?

Maybe, I think I saw some patches in the libtool
mailing list archives from some Mandrake Linux guys.
You can try to merge it with what we have (1.4.3), if
you wish.

On the other hand, if that means supporting our own
version of libtool, I'd rather not go there, but just
take stuff from the upstream CVS, and remerge when
some significant bug is fixed.

 Since I think we're going to get bitten whatever we
 do, I think we
 should probably be doing more to reduce the need for
 developers to
 re-build Makefiles and configure.  For example, the
 change proposed a
 while ago to remove the list of java sources from
 the Makefiles would
 be a really good step.  I can work on that a bit
 unless someone else
 already has it working...

I agree. Just because someone would like to test a
class or two from Classpath, they should not have to
go through the whole 'edit
libraries/javalib/Makefile.am, run
developers/autogen.sh, reconfigure, compile, and wait
for a while until it's finished' procedure. I find
that quite time consuming when I'm merging in new
classes, given that each (configure; compile; test)
cycle takes about 10 minutes on my current development
machine. So please go ahead, and make it better.

That frustration was one of the reasons why I proposed
ant for the job a few months ago. I've changed my mind
since, as suporting ant would mean that we need to
pull in javax.xml into Klasses.jar.bootstrap, and all
other classes for XML support. That would turn
Klasses.jar.bootstrap into the big, cvs-unfriendly
thing that Klasses.jar was. I wouldn't want that.

Ant has one great feature, though: given a path of
directories in the build file (equivalent to the
makefile in make-terms) it finds all *.java files and
compiles them, without the developer having to spend
time maintaining a current list of classes.

So if you plan to work on it, some code that does the
equivalent of:
find $PACKAGE-BATCH -name *.java  class-files
$JAVAC @class-files
would be great.

the  is there because as the class library grows,
enumerating it is going to exceed the maximum command
line length on most systems. It does so on IRIX
already, which is one of the reasons why I have split
Klasses_jar_SRCS in libraries/javalib/Makefile.am .
The other is amount of memory required to build kaffe.
It's not very funny to watch the garbage collector
crawl through the swap space for a day. ;)

My idea would be to have package lists in a separate
file, say classlib.packagelist. The format could be
like that of bootstrap.classlist, with a small
addition to allow to specify multiple batches of

Having it separately, means being independant of auto*
tools for class library issues.

What do you think?

 I imagine doing something similar for the extensions
 library is a bit
 too much (since libtool has to do linking of the
 generated objects).
 Any other ideas?  Anyone else find themselves
 developers/autogen too much?

I think I'll be migrating the java bits of the
extension library into the main library directory
eventually. Sometime next year, at the moment I'm busy
with javax.sound, and if we get that in, I'll be busy
fixing the damage the transition to latest auto* tools
would have done ;)

I don't know about the native libraries, but I assume
that the situation is similar. I think it would harder
to flexibilize the build process for native libraries,
because of libtool. 

Maybe that would be a nice addition to configure.in:
regenerate Makefile.in  Makefile when a Makefile.am
file is younger than its heirs. Just-in-time
configuration ;)

best regards,

dalibor topic

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kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] Re: [tritonus-user] Tritonus on kaffe

2002-12-10 Thread Stuart Ballard
Dalibor Topic wrote:

My current code fits it into kaffe's auto* tools based
build as en extension library, adds a configure option
for the sound backend to use, compiles the java
libraries, and links the C++ libraries accordingly.

Ouch, a configure option for the sound backend? Isn't that going to make 
life hard on distributors like Debian, who don't force their users into 
a single sound system? Will they need to build multiple versions of 
Kaffe depending on which sound backend is desired?

Wouldn't some way of doing it at runtime be preferable?


Stuart Ballard, Programmer
NetReach - Internet Solutions
(215) 283-2300, ext. 126

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] Re: [tritonus-user] Tritonus on kaffe

2002-12-10 Thread Dalibor Topic

--- Stuart Ballard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dalibor Topic wrote:
  My current code fits it into kaffe's auto* tools
  build as en extension library, adds a configure
  for the sound backend to use, compiles the java
  libraries, and links the C++ libraries
 Ouch, a configure option for the sound backend?
 Isn't that going to make 
 life hard on distributors like Debian, who don't
 force their users into 
 a single sound system? Will they need to build
 multiple versions of 
 Kaffe depending on which sound backend is desired?
 Wouldn't some way of doing it at runtime be

Currently, I've only got esd to work, so there is not
much choice anyway: esd, or no sound at all. ;) there
are a few reasons why I think a sound backend option
makes sense:
a) native sound libraries are written in C++. We
shouldn't require having a C++ compiler in order to
build kaffe, as that would make porting to systems
like minix even harder. So there should be a
convenient way to tell the configure script that we
don't want to bother with it.
b) In order to compile kaffe with sound support, you
need libesound and esd.h. Many linux distributions
don't install libesound development files by default.
I wouldn't want to force people to install a few sound
RPMs just because they want to use kaffe for XML
processing, for example. So the default option for
sound in my patch is no.
c) It mirrors the current situation with AWT backends.
You can only have either Xlib, Qt or no awt at all at
the same time. Changing that would require a
significant rewrite of kaffe's java AWT libraries, I
think. That would be good to have, though, as it would
in theory allow us to run those nice 3rd party AWT
implementations like PureJavaAWT.
d) I'm not sure if it is possible to have several
different MixerProviders in tritonus simultaneously.
Matthias, do you know if that works?

If so, then it shouldn't be hard to add other
backends, i.e. ALSA by just adding its class file name

It would be pointless at the moment as the native libs
for ALSA don't compile on kaffe, due to some problems
with kaffeh (and me not being able to tell automake to
quote $ in the Makefile.am).

I'll better try to post some code tonight, so you guys
 have something to play with. I have to write up a
massive ChangeLog entry first ...

best regards,

dalibor topic

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kaffe mailing list

[kaffe] Re: [tritonus-user] Tritonus on kaffe

2002-12-09 Thread Dalibor Topic

--- Dalibor Topic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What I have at the moment, is that I've added
 to kaffe's build system, all the tritonus java libs
 compile, the C++ libraries (except ALSA, because of
 the inner class problems) compile and link,
 SampleAudioPlayer starts but can't link
 because of cerr not found, i.e. the
 libtool-over-shared-C++ libs problem mentioned

I've got sound output working[1] on kaffe with esd
now, by linking tritonus libraries manually using g++.

The developers on the libtool mailing list were kind
enough to point out that the current CVS version of
libtool should be able to generate shared C++ libaries
out of the box. As the CVS libtool requires new
versions of autoconf  friends, I'm trying to get
kaffe's build system to work with autoconf 2.56 
automake 1.7.1 as well as libtool from CVS. If all
goes well, I hope to have something to check in by the
end of the week.

best regards,

dalibor topic

[1] I've tested SimpleAudioPlayer with a wav file from
Atari Teenage Riot's song Revolution Action [2].
jorbis doesn't work yet.

[2] The song is supposed to be mostly distorted noise,
really, so I can't tell much about the perceived
output quality. It sounded truthful to the original to
me on my old cyrix p200 box. Your mileage might vary
depending on your processor speed, the engine used etc.

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kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] Re: [tritonus-user] Tritonus on kaffe

2002-12-09 Thread Patrick Tullmann
Dalibor wrote:
 I'm trying to get kaffe's build system to work with autoconf 2.56 
 automake 1.7.1 as well as libtool from CVS. If all goes well, I hope
 to have something to check in by the end of the week.

I'd be wary of upgrading the autoconf and configure requirements for
Kaffe, simply because you'll reduce the number of folks willing and
able to deal with rebuilding Kaffe's build infrastructure even further.

Also, its not clear to me why Kaffe's build system needs to be
upgraded to build third-party libraries.  Shouldn't this library be
buildable/linkable without being part of Kaffe's build system?


- -  ---  ---  --   --  - -   -
Pat Tullmann   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   ${HOME} is where the .emacs is.

kaffe mailing list

Re: [kaffe] Re: [tritonus-user] Tritonus on kaffe

2002-12-09 Thread Dalibor Topic
Hi Pat,

--- Patrick Tullmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dalibor wrote:
  I'm trying to get kaffe's build system to work
 with autoconf 2.56 
  automake 1.7.1 as well as libtool from CVS. If all
 goes well, I hope
  to have something to check in by the end of the
 I'd be wary of upgrading the autoconf and configure
 requirements for
 Kaffe, simply because you'll reduce the number of
 folks willing and
 able to deal with rebuilding Kaffe's build
 infrastructure even further.

You're right, and I have been thinking about this. I
don't want to increase the requirements for
participating. Upgrading to latest auto* tools could
make the life harder for projects syncing with kaffe's
CVS like JanosVM, maybe even pushing them to switch
over to latest auto* tools, with all the work that

I'd rather delay merging in tritonus before I make
life harder for people who've been working hard to
improve kaffe or new developers. I'll be providing the
tritonus patch as a separate download for now, until I
get feedback from people whether it works at all. I'll
post the URL in a separate mail, when I get it cleaned
up and tested on a few systems.

We could wait until the *BSDs, Linux distributions and
the rest of the world agree to ship automake  1.7 and
autoconf  2.56 and then upgrade our build scripts
because they break with latest versions. Or we could
do it now, and live with an even smaller set of build
system developers. I don't think that either option is

 Also, its not clear to me why Kaffe's build system
 needs to be
 upgraded to build third-party libraries.  Shouldn't
 this library be
 buildable/linkable without being part of Kaffe's
 build system?

In theory it is buildable. In practice it is quite
hard to get it to work. The INSTALL file for tritonus
says compiling from CVS is complicated. It involves
running autoconf, ant, and then running make a few
times and ignoring the errors ... so it's quite messy
in my opinion, and doesn't fit in well in the build
process kaffe is already using. Tritonus doesn't
provide *.am files, or a configure.in file in the CVS,
so hacking its build scripts is complicated. 

My current code fits it into kaffe's auto* tools based
build as en extension library, adds a configure option
for the sound backend to use, compiles the java
libraries, and links the C++ libraries accordingly.

Merging and tracking this external library in kaffe
would give kaffe a cross-platform, esound based
javax.sound implementation, and allow more people
interested in writing java sound applications to do so
on a free platform, just like merging in GNU JAXP
should have made the life easier for people using
kaffe to process XML. Both APIs are parts of java 1.4.

Tritonus makes things more complicated, as it exposes
a bug in libtool 1.4.3. Tritonus is written in C++,
and the latest stable release of libtool (1.4.3, used
in kaffe) has serious problems when linking shared
libraries written in C++. It uses gcc instead of g++
for the linking step, so it doesn't link with
libstdc++ and friends. That in turn prevents the
shared library from loading, as it can't resolve
symbols like cerr anymore.

This bug is fixed in libtool CVS. Libtool from CVS
depends on a fairly current autoconf, and so on.


dalibor topic

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Re: [kaffe] Re: [tritonus-user] Tritonus on kaffe

2002-12-09 Thread Patrick Tullmann
Hey Dalibor,

I didn't realize Tritonus provided part of JDK1.4 compatibility.  I
see why you're trying to get it into the tree.  Any chance there is a
simple hacky fix to kaffe's libtool to get it to link c++ correctly?

 We could wait until the *BSDs, Linux distributions and
 the rest of the world agree to ship automake  1.7 and
 autoconf  2.56 and then upgrade our build scripts
 because they break with latest versions. Or we could
 do it now, and live with an even smaller set of build
 system developers. I don't think that either option is great.

Heh, not great: that's the story of autoconf

Since I think we're going to get bitten whatever we do, I think we
should probably be doing more to reduce the need for developers to
re-build Makefiles and configure.  For example, the change proposed a
while ago to remove the list of java sources from the Makefiles would
be a really good step.  I can work on that a bit unless someone else
already has it working...

I imagine doing something similar for the extensions library is a bit
too much (since libtool has to do linking of the generated objects).
Any other ideas?  Anyone else find themselves running
developers/autogen too much?


- -  ---  ---  --   --  - -   -
Pat Tullmann   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Don't hate yourself in the morning -- sleep until noon!

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