Re: [kde] Constant Konqueror icon

2011-08-24 Thread Dotan Cohen
On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 05:56, Duncan <> wrote:
> I don't believe I've ever seen or read about such an option, so your
> mention is news to me. =:^/

Oh. I might be confusing it with something else then. Maybe Zim.

> Not that I'd be likely to use it anyway.  But I guess you have a user for
> whom the changing icon is confusing?

That user is me! I just converted to Konqueror from Dolphin but the
changing icon means that I can never find Konqueror on the taskbar. My
taskbar shows only icons, no text.

> You're talking about the application menu icon, in the titlebar, right?
> That'd ultimately be up to the window manager to set/enforce.

I am referring to the taskbar icon. I do not recall having ever seen
an icon in the titlebar.

> FWIW, there's the --icon general-kde command-line option, but I believe
> that sets the original icon, the app can still change it, as konqueror
> does.  Not that I've really used it to know, however, so you might /try/
> it.

Thanks. Launching Konqueror as konqueror --icon someIcon.png has no
effect, but in Okular the effect is to show a blank taskbar icon
instead of Okular's regular icon. It still does not show the
designated icon. I'll play around a bit, maybe it doesn't like pngs.

> There's also the various window decorations (under workspace appearance
> and behavior, workspace appearance).  Some of those appear not to even
> have an app/menu button in the titlebar, and as most titlebar buttons,
> the app/menu button can be removed or placed elsewhere via button
> customization for at least most of the others.  It's possible some
> decorations might have one, but (optionally?) not allow it to be changed
> after it's first set.

Thanks. I'll look around for similar taskbar options.

Dotan Cohen
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Re: [kde] Constant Konqueror icon

2011-08-24 Thread Duncan
Dotan Cohen posted on Wed, 24 Aug 2011 10:00:34 +0300 as excerpted:

> On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 05:56, Duncan <> wrote:

>> I don't believe I've ever seen or read about such an option, so your
>> mention is news to me. =:^/ Not that I'd be likely to use it anyway. 

> That user is me! I just converted to Konqueror from Dolphin but the
> changing icon means that I can never find Konqueror on the taskbar. My
> taskbar shows only icons, no text.
>> You're talking about the application menu icon, in the titlebar, right?
>> That'd ultimately be up to the window manager to set/enforce.
> I am referring to the taskbar icon. I do not recall having ever seen an
> icon in the titlebar.

OK, that explains quite a bit, since one of the first things I did while 
customizing kde4 was kill the task-manager/bar plasmoid (called manager 
instead of bar in plasmoid-explorer, I suppose to eliminate the ambiguity 
between what's normally the panel containing the plasmoid, and the 
plasmoid itself).

I've not used a task-manager widget since probably kde 3.2 era, more or 
less.  Instead, I use alt-tab primarily, with a task-list popup menu on 
the desktop and (with kde4) the desktop grid (now with integrated expose! 
=:^) as alternatives.

Since I've not used the taskman for so long (well back into kde3), I tend 
to forget about it even existing, unless someone mentions it 
specifically.  So the thought of it didn't even cross my mind in my 
original reply, since you hadn't mentioned it specifically.  The closest 
I could get was the app-menu icon in the titlebar (which it seems you 
don't use, isn't kde's customization wonderful? =:^).

That would explain my not recognizing the option, since I normally ignore 
pretty much anything specifically taskman related, and makes the "not 
likely to use" comment even *MORE* true, since I don't use the taskman AT 
ALL.  No WONDER we seemed to be talking past each other! =:^\

> Thanks. I'll look around for similar taskbar options.

Obviously, most of my suggestions didn't apply to the taskman since it's 
not what I had in mind at all, but perhaps there's similar options for 
it, somewhere.

All the above said, now that I know you're talking about taskman, I *DO* 
dimly remember reading about various options related to it in, for 
instance, the various kde4 release announcements and covered in the 
various reviews I've read, plus the limited exposure I get to it when 
bisecting a settings-related bug, thus having most of my settings reset 
to defaults, temporarily.  (I really hate that for two reasons.  First, I 
can barely tolerate the default color-scheme, which comes close to making 
me physically sick.  Second, all my carefully configured keyboard 
shortcuts disappear, and the lost productivity is like I'm trying to 
remote-control a mars rover or something.  I'm always /very/ relieved 
when those bits of the config get restored in the normal bisect process, 
and I'm not both attempting to kill the gag reflex at the color and 
having to work with the ugliness even longer than normal because it's 
taking me longer to get anywhere without my keyboard shortcuts!)

I'm /guessing/ that the option you're referring to might be related to 
grouping, since if all the konqueror task icons are grouped into one in 
taskman, that one icon can hardly show the individual icons for all of 
what might be fifty different konqueror windows, so in that case using 
the app icon would make the most sense.  Given that, it may be that 
there's an option to use it when there's only one app window open, too.  
Of course that's all dim memory and supposition, since I don't use taskman 
in normal usage, but I /think/ that's more or less how at least one of 
the task grouping options works, in general.

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Re: [kde] Constant Konqueror icon

2011-08-24 Thread Dotan Cohen
On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 15:36, Duncan <> wrote:
> Second, all my carefully configured keyboard
> shortcuts disappear, and the lost productivity is like I'm trying to
> remote-control a mars rover or something.

> I'm /guessing/ that the option you're referring to might be related to
> grouping, since if all the konqueror task icons are grouped into one in
> taskman, that one icon can hardly show the individual icons for all of
> what might be fifty different konqueror windows, so in that case using
> the app icon would make the most sense.  Given that, it may be that
> there's an option to use it when there's only one app window open, too.
> Of course that's all dim memory and supposition, since I don't use taskman
> in normal usage, but I /think/ that's more or less how at least one of
> the task grouping options works, in general.

No, I hate grouping. Even though I'm no mousemaid, I like to see what
applications I have open in the taskbar.

I just tried the Present Windows function that I think you refer to
when you mention Expose, I like it but cannot figure out how to
disable the upper-left corner hotspot. My clock is there and I do take
the mouse pointer over there to access my calendar. It is not in the
Desktop Effects settings, not in the Keyboard settings, not in
Shortcuts and Gestures settings... where else should I look?

Thanks, Duncan. I've filed an issue for the Konqueror icon:

Dotan Cohen
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Re: [kde] Constant Konqueror icon

2011-08-24 Thread Duncan
Dotan Cohen posted on Wed, 24 Aug 2011 17:19:51 +0300 as excerpted:

> On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 15:36, Duncan <> wrote:
>> Second, all my carefully configured keyboard
>> shortcuts disappear, and the lost productivity is like I'm trying to
>> remote-control a mars rover or something.

> I just tried the Present Windows function that I think you refer to when
> you mention Expose, I like it but cannot figure out how to disable the
> upper-left corner hotspot. My clock is there and I do take the mouse
> pointer over there to access my calendar. It is not in the Desktop
> Effects settings, not in the Keyboard settings, not in Shortcuts and
> Gestures settings... where else should I look?

Note to self, followup on this after work. =:^)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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Re: [kde] Constant Konqueror icon

2011-08-24 Thread Dotan Cohen
On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 20:39, Duncan <> wrote:
> Note to self, followup on this after work. =:^)

No need, Duncan, I've already gone through the checklist:

I just thought that if you knew offhand then it would help. I'll not
send you off to do my homework!

Dotan Cohen
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Re: [kde] I just noticed: no more crashes! Thanks, KDE team!

2011-08-24 Thread Alex Schuster
Hi there!

I've been sort of busy for a while, and then a little ill, so not much 
acitivity here and with KDE. But here comes an update.

Duncan wrote:

> Dotan Cohen posted on Sat, 06 Aug 2011 21:04:31 +0300 as excerpted:

> > Dolphin has the separate process option too, it's just in Konqueror.
> > From what I understand enabling this option in Konqueror enables it
> > for Dolphin as well, because the Konqueror file manager in KDE 4 is just
> > an embedded Dolphin part. I can't crash Dolphin to check, but I can tell
> > you that keeping Konqueror preloaded makes Dolphin start up much
> > faster as well.
> Thanks for pointing that out! =:^)
> Looks like between you and me, we just solved Alex's problem, as soon as
> he sets that option! =:^)

Works fine, thanks Dotan! Well, only that these days the crashes mainly 
happen with the Dolphin on the multimedia desktop, that has two tabs with 
two panes each. So it's still some work to re-create this. But it's not that 
happens on a daily basis.
Session management like in Konqueror would be nice :)  That one crashes 
fairly often, but as long as the state I was in is restored, I don't mind 

I also switched from Dolphin to Konqueror. Not much of a difference, though. 
Except for the update problem in Dolphin, sometimes it just does not update 
the display, my usual trick to force an update is to minimize the window to 
the title bar and back to normal size. Konqueror does not do this, so I use 
it now.
I had to remove the web search field in the toolbar, because that would make 
the address field too small. I wonder why the search field is active when 
Konqueror is in file management mode, this does not make sense to me. But 
it's no problem, I don't use this field much, and use the shortcuts (gg for 
Google etc.) instead.

My other problems with Dolphin still happen in Konqueror. Like the really 
nasty drag&drop problem, which is reported as [#267188], but seems hard to 
reproduce. I tried to create some sample folders, and did not succeed. I 
also don't like how Dolphin/Konqueror start scrolling when I drag files to a 
folder that is near the top/bottom. There is a little lag, so when I drop 
the files, they end up in the wrong folder as the thing just started to 
scroll. Really, I sometimes wish it would just work like Windows XP's 
explorer, where at least I do not have such problems.

About the crashes with Gwenview showing multimedia files: My bug report 
[#279624] was confirmed by someone else. I found out that this only happens 
with ffmpeg 0.7.3 installed, so a downgrade solved this problem. I reported 
this upstream in [#410], and it looks like they found the problem. It will 
be solved in 0.7.4.

List of weird stuff happening in the last weeks since I last wrote something 

One day, the bouncing mouse cursor that indicates a starting program did not 
go away. The problem was that I was doing important stuff involving VMware 
Player, and could not easily log out and in again for a while. This drove me 
crazy :)

On two occasions, the Windows and Ctrl keys no longer worked. Had to log out 
and in again.

Konqueror once was not able to log into my online banking site, I got an 
error that I had to give account number and password, which Konqueror 
clearly showed, but they were not sent. Again, after the next login the 
problem was gone.

For some days now, when I start Konqueror and enter any URL, LibreOffice 
starts. I have NO IDEA why. Sometimes this even happens when I am using 
Akregator and show a site in a new tab. Weird.

Suddenly, *.wav files are associated with Dolphin? And opening a .was file 
with Amarok did not work. probably unrelated, but at this moment I started 
getting high load, up to 52, iotop showed the akonadiserver process doing 

Downloading subtitles from with Konqueror resulted in 
many, many crashes. And while I usually opened the .zip files in Ark and 
dragged the files I needed to the destination, Ark now does not show any 
files, so I have to save the .zip file and unpack manually.

akonadi_maildispatcher_agent once crashed when sending a mail.

Sometimes, clicking at desktop #3 on the pager plasmoid in the panel does 
nothing. Only happens with this desktop, not the 5 others. My shortcut still 
works, which I prefer anyway because it is faster - the reaction is 
instantaneous, while when using the plasmoid it sometimes takes over a 
second until I get a response. Huh?

Discovered a problem with KMail2 not showing header titles (like From:, To:, 
X-Bugzilla-URL:). Filed bug [#280670].

Another Kmail2 annoyance is that the subject and sender is lost when KMail 
is quit with open composing windows. After restart, the windows re-appear, 
but I have to find and enter the subject manually. Happened countless times 
for me, also with this mail. Known bug [#280642], fixed in 4.7.1.

One day, KMail did not show any new mails in the morning. Had to restart 
both Akonadi and KMail to make

Re: [kde] Constant Konqueror icon

2011-08-24 Thread Duncan
Dotan Cohen posted on Wed, 24 Aug 2011 20:50:52 +0300 as excerpted:

> On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 20:39, Duncan <> wrote:
>> Note to self, followup on this after work. =:^)
> No need, Duncan, I've already gone through the checklist:
> I just thought that if you knew offhand then it would help. I'll not
> send you off to do my homework!

LOL!  I actually (think I) /do/ know a bit about this one, but I was 
minutes from catching my bus, and I like to be rather more deliberative 
than that would have let me be.

Plus I wanted to follow up on the marslog thing for my own curiosity, the 
reason I included it in the "note to self" too.

Often, I simply mark such a post unread, to deal with later, but decided 
on the can-kick this time, so you knew I was looking at it.

Now back to it...

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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Re: [kde] Constant Konqueror icon

2011-08-24 Thread Duncan
Duncan posted on Wed, 24 Aug 2011 17:39:42 + as excerpted:

>> I just tried the Present Windows function that I think you refer to
>> when you mention Expose, I like it but cannot figure out how to disable
>> the upper-left corner hotspot. My clock is there and I do take the
>> mouse pointer over there to access my calendar. It is not in the
>> Desktop Effects settings, not in the Keyboard settings, not in
>> Shortcuts and Gestures settings... where else should I look?
> Note to self, followup on this after work. =:^)

OK, the followup.  Once I point it out, you'll very likely be saying to 
yourself "Of course!  *NOW* it's obvious!"  =:^)  

FWIW I know this works as I've disabled the hotspot here.  I have two 
monitors and a trackball set to 13/5 accel to cover it in a single stroke 
if I want to, and thus rely on the edges and corners to stop me, so they 
can't be triggering things or I get frustrated!  So I use the hotkey 
trigger only, no edge or corner triggers at all (save for a very small 
auto-hide panel at the bottom left, containing just two menu icon 
plasmoids, kickoff, and classic set to bookmarks-only).

OK, to configure hotspots, both edges and corners, kde settings, 
workspace appearance and behavior, workspace behavior, screen edges.  
Click on a corner or edge button in the screen representation, and set 
your choice, top left button, no action, in this case. =:^)

I /told/ you you'd be saying "Screen edges!  Of course!  *NOW* it's 
obvious!" =:^)

FWIW2, pretty much all my kwin-related hotkeys are winkey-something 
combos.  In this case, it's win-g, for desktop grid.  WAY easier to 
remember win-g for desktop/window grid, than whatever the default is, for 
sure!  So it's easy enough to activate, but unlike the hotcorner, /this/ 
trigger only activates when I want it to, not accidentally, when I'm 
trying to fiddle with something in the systray, which I have configured 
to an always-visible panel in the top-left corner.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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