Re: [kde] Mouse wheel workspace switching behavior

2012-09-20 Thread Mirko K.

On 19.09.2012 23:23, Stephen Dowdy wrote:

Mirko K. wrote, On 09/19/2012 01:42 PM:

On 19.09.2012 19:27, Duncan wrote:

Mirko K. posted on Wed, 19 Sep 2012 18:39:21 +0200 as excerpted:

I'm using KDE 4.8.4 on Ubuntu 12.04 with a 3x2 virtual desktop. The
mouse wheel is bound to switch to the next/previous Desktop, and it goes
through all desktops.

I'd like a different behavior: Wheel without modifier should switch one
desktop to the left/right, and wheel plus some modifier (Alt or Super)
should switch one desktop up/down.

Any idea how to do that?

You don't mention whether you already know about the mouse actions
settings, which let you assign various mouse events (modified or not) to

Thanks for your reply, and sorry for not mentioning where all I had looked, 
which is pretty much everywhere. System Settings up and down, Hotkeys and 
Gestures, Mouse, Desktop behaviour, etc. The settings of the Folderview and 
other Activities. Grepped the KDE config files in $HOME and /usr/share, etc. 
But nothing. :-)

The mouse actions don't work, as the only related option is the standard "Switch 
Desktop" (Arbeitsfläche wechseln, in my German system).

The cube doesn't help either, as there also no option to make the mouse wheel 
to only switch horizontal.

I think there's really no way yet, which actually isn't that much of a problem. 
I've just recently started to use the 3x2 layout after years with a 4x1 layout. 
Perhaps I try to get used to the Activities which could give me a somewhat 
similar workflow as I intend here.

Anyway, if anybody knows a solution, I'm all ears.

Thank you for the following very informative post! :-)

Just curious. I see my above reply in overly long, not wrapped 
lines. Is that me causing that? I don't seem to have that problem 
with other newsgroup or mailing lists.

I use Keybindings to switch to Desktop N (CTRL-F{n} -> Desktop N).
With a fixed pager layout, not a problem.

KWin has a dbus interface that supports several desktop/pager switching options:

$ qdbus org.kde.kwin /KWin | grep -i 'org.kde.kwin.*desktop'
method Q_NOREPLY void org.kde.KWin.cascadeDesktop()
method void org.kde.KWin.circulateDesktopApplications()
method int org.kde.KWin.currentDesktop()
method void org.kde.KWin.nextDesktop()
method void org.kde.KWin.previousDesktop()
method bool org.kde.KWin.setCurrentDesktop(int desktop)
method Q_NOREPLY void org.kde.KWin.unclutterDesktop()

What desktop am i currently on?
$ qdbus org.kde.kwin /KWin currentDesktop
Switch to Desktop 4
$ qdbus org.kde.kwin /KWin setCurrentDesktop 4

Unfortunately, there's no method "RowsByColumns()" or such, so no way to get
how many rows/columns you have to figure out what desktop would be adjacent
on a horizontal or vertical move (without reading the kwinrc config)

So, the trick here would be to find a tool that would allow input actions to
bind to a script that would issue those functions, along with figuring out
what desktop was adjacent based on the input and currentDesktop().

kcmshell4 khotkeys

lets you map key inputs to various actions, including DBus, or exec
a command.  Unfortunately, for me, at least, i can't get it to
recognize a scroll event as an acceptable input, either modified or
not. (so you're back to keys, if you can't get mouse actions), and
that's already handled in:

 kcmshell4 keys  [ select [Kwin] component]

which DOES have key actions defined for relative
 Switch One Desktop to the (up,down,left,right)
desktop switch motions.  (so, this would really
be the place to assign a {un,}modified mouse action.

Now that's exactly the problem, I already have Super-CursorKeys to 
do exactly what I want. I just can't find a way to remap wheel 
events to anything other than what's available in the mouse actions. 
Over the weekend I'll look at the source and see if I can't just add 
a call to the relative movements to the action list.

'xev' shows my mouse generating:

 MotionNotify event, serial 34, synthetic NO, window 0x361,
 root 0x290, subw 0x0, time 1909453451, (145,33), root:(149,1051),
 state 0x0, is_hint 0, same_screen YES

 LeaveNotify event, serial 34, synthetic NO, window 0x361,
 root 0x290, subw 0x0, time 1909453451, (145,33), root:(149,1051),
 mode NotifyGrab, detail NotifyAncestor, same_screen YES,
 focus NO, state 2048

 EnterNotify event, serial 34, synthetic NO, window 0x361,
 root 0x290, subw 0x0, time 1909453451, (145,33), root:(149,1051),
 mode NotifyUngrab, detail NotifyAncestor, same_screen YES,
 focus NO, state 2048

 KeymapNotify event, serial 34, synthetic NO, window 0x0,
 keys:  4294967184 0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   
0   0
0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0

 ButtonPress event, serial 34, synthetic NO, window 0x361,
 root 0x290, subw 0x0, time 1909453451, (145,33), root:(149,1051),

Re: [kde] Mouse wheel workspace switching behavior

2012-09-20 Thread Duncan
Mirko K. posted on Thu, 20 Sep 2012 09:49:22 +0200 as excerpted:

> Just curious. I see my above reply in overly long, not wrapped lines. Is
> that me causing that? I don't seem to have that problem with other
> newsgroup or mailing lists.

It's not you/your-client, it's his client doing it, AFAIK.

Your lines looked fine here as originally posted, but as you observed, 
unwrapped as he quoted them.

FWIW that's one of the reasons I use a client[1] that can toggle wrap.  
It's not perfect, but if a user posts ascii-art or table output that has 
to be wrapped as posted to be reasonably readable, I toggle the wrapping 
off, so wrapping is as-posted.  If a user posts output with extremely 
long lines, I toggle it on, wrapping the lines on my side.

(What's bad is when the two occur in the same post.  Then I have to 
toggle it on and off in the same post!  Replying to posts with table data 
can also be "interesting" as there's a separate toggle for reply 
wrapping, but if I toggle it off in ordered to keep quoted table data 
aligned, then I have to manually wrap my own lines.  Or I can just 
manually wrap everything.  Like I said, not perfect, but it works.)

[1] I read/respond to the mailing lists via's list2news 
service.  Thus, I use a news client, pan, not a mail client.

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Re: [kde] Mouse wheel workspace switching behavior

2012-09-20 Thread Stephen Dowdy
Duncan wrote, On 09/20/2012 10:43 AM:
> Mirko K. posted on Thu, 20 Sep 2012 09:49:22 +0200 as excerpted:
>> Just curious. I see my above reply in overly long, not wrapped lines. Is
>> that me causing that? I don't seem to have that problem with other
>> newsgroup or mailing lists.
> It's not you/your-client, it's his client doing it, AFAIK.

Yeah, sorry, i use thunderbird and have never really figured out the
best way to manage the variant modes of line wrap.  Had it set once,
a way i liked, but the enigmail plugin decided it knew better and
forcibly changed them.

I also use the 'External Editor' plugin (using gvim) to edit
e-mails.  I'll sometimes reflow attributed text with 'par', but
didn't in this case.  I'm a grumpy old sysadmin from VT100/VAX days,
so i prefer to write hard-wrapped text, and usually break at column
68 to allow for a few iterations of attribution.

Anyone else remember CDE/DesksetTools(dt) on SunOS?  I still really
miss the toolset .text_extras_menu filter mappings you could define so
within any DT text widget, you could make your own context filter
menu to do things like:

#   @(#)text_extras_menu 1.6 88/02/08 SMI
#   Copyright (c) 1987 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
#   Text "Extras" menu

"Send to Bourne Shell"  /bin/sh
"Send to C-Shell"   /bin/csh
"Send to Default Printer"   lpr
"Send to LinePrinter"   lpr -Pp
"Send to Pageview"  pageview -
"Send to GhostView" ghostview -

"Format"fmt -80
"PAR Format"par 74
"Sort"  MENU
"Numeric"   sort -n
"Sort"  END
"abcd -> ABCD"  capitalize -u
"ABCD -> abcd"  capitalize -l
"abcd -> Abcd"  capitalize -c

and anything you selected would be operated on by your selection
from the context menu.  'External Editor' is the closest thing to
getting back that type of operation (leveraging shell filtering
in 'vim') in thunderbird i've run across.

> Your lines looked fine here as originally posted, but as you observed, 
> unwrapped as he quoted them.
> FWIW that's one of the reasons I use a client[1] that can toggle wrap.  

thunderbird can't (AFAIK) :-(. You can, however,  click
various menus/buttons (reply,new message, forward, etc) to toggle
between your preference default Text and HTML edit modes, but ONLY
at the point you perform that action.


Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
303.497.2869   -

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Re: [kde] Mouse wheel workspace switching behavior

2012-09-20 Thread Duncan
Stephen Dowdy posted on Thu, 20 Sep 2012 13:35:47 -0600 as excerpted:

> Anyone else remember CDE/DesksetTools(dt) on SunOS?  I still really miss
> the toolset .text_extras_menu filter mappings you could define so within
> any DT text widget, you could make your own context filter menu to do
> things like:
> #   @(#)text_extras_menu 1.6 88/02/08 SMI #   Copyright (c)
> 1987 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
> #   Text "Extras" menu
> "Send to Bourne Shell"  /bin/sh "Send to C-Shell"  
> /bin/csh "Send to Default Printer"   lpr "Send to LinePrinter"  
> lpr -Pp "Send to Pageview"  pageview -
> "Send to GhostView" ghostview -

OK, so we're at least second generation OT now, but... it's fun. =:^)

1) You can see what pan does with rewrapping when auto-wrap is on and I 
don't manually rewrap... obviously not perfect.  (I'd normally either 
turn wrapping off for that or rewrap it manually, but since it came up...)

2) Had you heard, CDE has been open-sourced now! =:^)  Rather late, but 
they did open-source it, announcement maybe a month ago.  (I switched 
from MS when they crossed the line I couldn't/wouldn't cross with 
eXPrivacy, tho I'd tried Linux before that, but that was after CDE, so 
kde2's CDE color theme was about the closest I got to CDE, personally.)

3) Back on topic, KDE of course has a send-to menu, which can AFAIK be 
modified via modifying the appropriate *.desktop service entries, but 
that's for sending files, not arbitrary text.

4) Of course for text, there's klipper and its config.  Set it up 
correctly, and you get a popup when either selected (X-style-clipboard) 
or copied (MS-style clipboard) text matches a configurable regex.  The 
popup can then have one or more selectable actions associated with it.  I 
use that quite a bit here, having quite a number of customized regexes 
and associated actions.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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[kde] CDE/deskset filtering (was Re: Mouse wheel workspace switching behavior)

2012-09-20 Thread Stephen Dowdy
Duncan wrote, On 09/20/2012 04:14 PM:
> Stephen Dowdy posted on Thu, 20 Sep 2012 13:35:47 -0600 as excerpted:
> OK, so we're at least second generation OT now, but... it's fun. =:^)

So, i've changed the subject line ;)

> 2) Had you heard, CDE has been open-sourced now! =:^)  Rather late, but 
> they did open-source it, announcement maybe a month ago.  (I switched 
> from MS when they crossed the line I couldn't/wouldn't cross with 
> eXPrivacy, tho I'd tried Linux before that, but that was after CDE, so 
> kde2's CDE color theme was about the closest I got to CDE, personally.)

Yup, hopefully something useful comes of it, but *I'm* not going back ;)
But, i would be happy if that feature was adopted by
and applied to Qt and gtk widgets.

> 3) Back on topic, KDE of course has a send-to menu, which can AFAIK be 
> modified via modifying the appropriate *.desktop service entries, but 
> that's for sending files, not arbitrary text.

So, the text_extras_menu was a generalized filter facility.  Anything
in the Selection Buffer was run as stdin to the filter command and
the output from the filter was placed back into the selection buffer
region.  Thus things like capitalization, reflowing, indenting, etc
were easy.  You could even run it through a language translator filter
if you had one.  But, again, it was a specific feature of the text
widget in DT.

> 4) Of course for text, there's klipper and its config.  Set it up 
> correctly, and you get a popup when either selected (X-style-clipboard) 
> or copied (MS-style clipboard) text matches a configurable regex.  The 
> popup can then have one or more selectable actions associated with it.  I 
> use that quite a bit here, having quite a number of customized regexes 
> and associated actions.

I turned that off, because it was false-triggering on things i really
didn't want it to.  I see that you can disable the AUTOMATIC action
triggers, which was my main problem, so you can still do something
like select a URL and do "manual invoke action on current clipboard"
which IS a nice feature.  still doesn't answer the notion of the
builtin generalized filtering that text_extras_menu provided,
(even if you did something like 'regex=.*' action='tr lower upper'
you still have to repaste over your current selection, it appears)

Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
303.497.2869   -

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Re: [kde] Launcher does not launch.

2012-09-20 Thread Mauro
On 16 September 2012 19:28, Mauro  wrote:
> Hello.
> I've installed eclipse ide in my pc.
> Run it and select "show a launcher when it is not running".
> Stop eclipse and ok now I see a launcher in the left side of the task bar.
> When I click on the launcher the application does not start.
> Can you help?

Any help?
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Re: [kde] Launcher does not launch.

2012-09-20 Thread Duncan
Mauro posted on Fri, 21 Sep 2012 08:12:30 +0200 as excerpted:

> On 16 September 2012 19:28, Mauro  wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I've installed eclipse ide in my pc.
>> Run it and select "show a launcher when it is not running".
>> Stop eclipse and ok now I see a launcher in the left side of the task
>> bar.
>> When I click on the launcher the application does not start.
>> Can you help?
> Any help?

I've no idea.

(I don't run eclipse and am mainly just posting to let you know your 
posts did make it.  Sometimes when there's no reply at all, people 

The best I could suggest would be posting to an eclipse list/forum/
whatever.  Hopefully someone else there runs kde and can at least confirm 
whether they see the same problem.

And/or try google.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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Re: [kde] Launcher does not launch.

2012-09-20 Thread Mauro
On 21 September 2012 08:44, Duncan <> wrote:
> Mauro posted on Fri, 21 Sep 2012 08:12:30 +0200 as excerpted:
>> On 16 September 2012 19:28, Mauro  wrote:
>>> Hello.
>>> I've installed eclipse ide in my pc.
>>> Run it and select "show a launcher when it is not running".
>>> Stop eclipse and ok now I see a launcher in the left side of the task
>>> bar.
>>> When I click on the launcher the application does not start.
>>> Can you help?
>> Any help?
> I've no idea.
> (I don't run eclipse and am mainly just posting to let you know your
> posts did make it.  Sometimes when there's no reply at all, people
> wonder.)
> The best I could suggest would be posting to an eclipse list/forum/
> whatever.  Hopefully someone else there runs kde and can at least confirm
> whether they see the same problem.

It is not an eclipse problem but launcher problem.
Where can I found the launcher config to set correctly?
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