Re: Zig zag side edges when I move a window around quickly

2017-03-14 Thread Duncan
John_82 posted on Mon, 13 Mar 2017 13:39:31 + as excerpted:

> Thought I might mention this. It's not running on a slow machine etc.
> KDE5.26 27"monitor 2560x1440
> Curious thing is that it's worse over the desktop and not so bad if it's
> over another window and often stays straight. No problems with the top
> and bottom even if it's just moved up and down. The side to side on the
> edges was easy to notice and no signs of this on 4 at all.
> Maybe wayland might help at some point. If any one on here has access to
> those people please ask them not to forget graphic tablets users. I use
> a hanvon. Some one maintains a driver. The tablet is fully featured and
> needs X to set it up. It's 1/2 the price of a similar waycom. Some might
> say better too actually.

That's easily togglable (and strength configurable when it's on) as kwin's 
wobbly-windows effect.  Plasma system settings, Workspace, Desktop 
Behavior, Desktop Effects.  There's a big list broken into categories.  
In the Appearance category, uncheck or hit the reconfigure icon for 
Wobbly Windows, and you can turn it off entirely (uncheck) or reduce/
increase the wobbliness (configure).

Be sure to remember to hit apply.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

Re: Options to right click and open to view some how.

2017-03-14 Thread Duncan
John_82 posted on Tue, 14 Mar 2017 21:06:30 + as excerpted:

> If I am having problems and need to start poking about in system files
> that don't have an association I have to scroll through all of the
> alternatives to get to say kwrite.
> That has been driving me nuts for years at times. I had to use windows
> at work and it's easy to add things to a right click there that will
> always be present what ever is clicked on.
> Is there anything that I can edit to add options to a right click in kde
> 5.26 ? Associations aren't on as some have no suffix.

The following works for me on gentoo running live-git frameworks and 
plasma, and back around kde3 and AFAIK early kde4 era it was shipped 
standard, but AFAIK the type definitions were deprecated as not mimetype standard sometime in the kde4 timeframe and 
these no longer ship by default with plasma5.  However, patching such 
features back into (or out of) plasma5 on gentoo isn't as difficult as 
it'd be on normal binary-based distros because gentoo defaults to source-
based directly at the local admin level, letting them make decisions, 
including additional patches where appropriate, that are made by the 
package maintainer/builder on binary-based distros, and I've done just 
that with this feature, patching it back in, tho AFAIK it should be 
relatively easy to add it in as a site admin config option, should you 
wish to, as well.

Basically what I've done is continue the all/all and all/allfiles pseudo-
mimetypes from the kde3 era into my current config.  The all/all pseudo-
mimetype applies to literally /everything/, including directories, while 
all/allfiles applies only to normal files. (AFAIK it doesn't apply to 
exotic files like device nodes and unix sockets, while all/all does, but 
I can't say I've ever actually noted whether it does or not, so I could 
be wrong on that; the only one I've /specifically/ noted is directories.)

As I had the same frustration as you, I setup a few entries for all/
allfiles, tho I don't believe I've setup anything for all/all.  Among my 
entries are a normal text editor (for years it was kwrite, but now days 
it's mcedit in konsole, as I decided I'd prefer working with the same 
editor both at the commandline and in X/plasma), a media player (vlc in 
my case), an image viewer (gwenview), etc.

Of course the text editor is useful for plain-text files that happen to 
not meet the text/plain file pattern set.  The media player is most 
useful on chunks of videos I've downloaded from USENET (which I still 
use, tho only occasionally for binaries these days, the unexpiring 1 TB 
block account I purchased a couple years ago may well last me until I hit 
the grave, or the provider does, at my current rate of use), so I can 
preview a short chunk without having to download the whole thing first.  
The same idea of course for an image viewer, for whatever misc images you 
may find that may or may not have an appropriate extension, tho that's 
not so likely, these days.

If you're interested, I can try to dig up the appropriate mimetype 
configuration details, but check first, as it's possible your distro 
continues to include them -- I think they actually still ship with the 
default mimetype defs, but commented out these days, and your distro may 
simply reactivate them, still.

Another alternative that works a bit differently is setting up klipper 
actions for appropriate patterns (which might be simple wildcards, just 
activating for all clipboard activations or X-selections, but that can 
get old pretty fast as you're dealing with a lot of popups, then).  Then 
you can just "copy" the file to the clipboard, and the klipper popup 
based on the actions for all matching patterns will let you select the 
action you want to run.

I actually use both of these methods, giving me appropriate run options 
for all sorts of circumstances where I'd otherwise need to manually open 
the app I want and copy the file URL (local or internet) into it.

Of course you can use demme's service plugin idea as well, giving you 
three sets of options to use to run something. =:^)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

Re: Options to right click and open to view some how.

2017-03-14 Thread David Emme

On 03/14/2017 02:06 PM, John_82 wrote:

If I am having problems and need to start poking about in system files that 
don't have an association I have to scroll through all of the alternatives to 
get to say kwrite.

That has been driving me nuts for years at times. I had to use windows at work 
and it's easy to add things to a right click there that will always be present 
what ever is clicked on.

Is there anything that I can edit to add options to a right click in kde 5.26 ? 
Associations aren't on as some have no suffix.


I'm no expert, so some of the following may be silly/unnecessary, but 
nonetheless it works.

This will add a right-click menu item under Actions to view the selected 
file with `less`. I find it very handy. Adjust as needed:

Add file:  /home//.local/share/kservices5/lessThisFile.desktop
[Desktop Entry]

[Desktop Action lessThisFile]
Exec=konsole -e ~/scripts/ %f
Name=View File with less

I put the script in my ~/scripts/ directory. Adjust to suit.

Add file: /home//scripts/
# Custom action to get lesspipe goodness into
#   "View with 'less'"

export LESSOPEN="|/usr/local/bin/ %s"
/usr/bin/less "$@"

You don't need `lesspipe` for this to work; it's just an add-on to 
colorize the output of `less`. lesspipe can be found at:

You can remove the LESSOPEN line if needed.


Trying other desktops in different user accounts.

2017-03-14 Thread John_82
Not that I am changing from kde but I want to try this and at some point it 
will be kde in a different user account so that playing around wont mess up the 
one I usually use.

I just did this by creating an account that ran lxde. ;-) Ram usage lower than 
kde but I'd say similar cpu usage. I do wonder about that sort of thing as I 
loaded kde4 into nvg netbook and it was OK. Unlike the windows it came with.

I'm using opensuse leap42,2. I couldn't find a way of avoiding loading kde into 
the user account first and then adding lxde and then selecting that on login to 
the desktop. I found I had a mix of lxde apps and kde ones.

I then logged out and went back to my usual account not being aware that I 
should have selected kde before logging in so it came up lxde fashion. Oh dear 
logged out and then back in as kde. Problem I now have some lxde bits on the 
kde desktop - such as desktop links to folders that take 1 click to open and 2 
to navigate - lxde's simpler file manager. I also had dolphin in the other 

Asking about this elsewhere I was told probably incorrectly that it's kde's 
fault one way or the other and don't think that is correct. I suspect something 
stored the desktop setting as they were when I logged in incorrectly but I only 
installed lxde bits and pieces when I created the other account and it still 
had bits of kde in it. Even if I want to try a poor desktop I don't want 
anthing in it other than what should be in it.

So just what does store desktop configs where and how?


Options to right click and open to view some how.

2017-03-14 Thread John_82
If I am having problems and need to start poking about in system files that 
don't have an association I have to scroll through all of the alternatives to 
get to say kwrite.

That has been driving me nuts for years at times. I had to use windows at work 
and it's easy to add things to a right click there that will always be present 
what ever is clicked on.

Is there anything that I can edit to add options to a right click in kde 5.26 ? 
Associations aren't on as some have no suffix.


Re: Being asked to run or open when I click on some files.

2017-03-14 Thread ianseeks
On Monday, 13 March 2017 13:39:22 GMT John_82 wrote:
> I usually use a right click to open files. When I click on them I expect
> them to run particularly .desktop files.
> Thought I might be able to fix this in associations expecting to see options
> such as launch, run, prompt or what ever but it seems to be build into kde
> and open then follows associations.
> Is there any way I can get rid of the prompt and just run them. Maybe a
> script that can be edited. The approach seems a bit nanny to me to be built
> in but could be a useful selectable option.
> John
> -
If you check the opensuse tumbleweed mailing list (subject Folder view and 
prompting me when i click on an icon  (|Feb 10th)), i asked a similar 
It was a suspected regression but that wasn't true. Apparently this is a 
feature that the desktop ignored.  I didn;t have to change anything because an 
update fixed it.

This an answer provided by Wolfgang:

"The "regression" that Fabian mentioned is the feature itself, i.e. that it 
will ask you for executing .desktop files on the desktop and there is no way to 
mark them as "trusted".

I just noticed myself that dolphin 16.12.1 actually doesn't write this setting 
though, seems to be a bug in dolphin.
You can edit ~/.config/kiorc yourself, change "behaviourOnLaunch=alwaysAsk" to 

Or just tick the checkbox "Do not ask again" before you click on "Execute" in 
that dialog that asks you whether you want to open or run the file. ;-)

OTOH, as Fabian mentioned already, 5.9.1 should be in the next TW snapshot and 
contains a workaround that disables that confirmation dialog for desktop:// 
URLs specifically (i.e. .desktop files in the ~/Desktop/ folder, that are shown 
on the desktop)."
Qt: 5.7.1
KDE Frameworks: 5.31.0
KDE Plasma: 5.9.2
kwin 5.9.3
kmail2 5.4.2
akonadiserver 5.4.2
Kernel:  4.10.1-2-default
Nouveau:  1.0.13_2.2