Re: Starting Wayland-KDE on FC39

2023-11-21 Thread Dave Close
I wrote:

>Until FC39, I had only run Wayland on one of my machines, not even
>trying to bring it up on the others. Since I intensely dislike the
>graphic login, I found a way to start it from a virtual terminal like
>I normally start X11. Instead of "startx", I have a short script I call
>"startw" that contains only the single line, "/usr/bin/dbus-run-session
>/usr/bin/startplasma-wayland". This worked on FC38 and still works on
>some other of my machines with FC39.

>Now on the same machine with FC39 (upgraded with system-upgrade) this
>no longer works. Instead, it produces 248 lines of output and then
>terminates. Reviewing those lines, it appears that it is complaining
>about, 'failed to open drm device at "/dev/dri/card0"' and 'No suitable
>DRM devices have been found'. I'm not sure what device that refers
>to but there seems to be some indication that it is my display. The
>display certainly works fine for the virtual terminal I use to run
>this script, and it also works fine for X11 if I run "startx".

>Ok, so as a fallback I tried a graphic login. This reaches a completely
>blank screen and goes no further. The machine is up as I can reach it
>with SSH but the display is useless. It responds to Ctrl-Alt-Delete
>but nothing else. I can't get it to switch to a different desktop. I
>noticed that SDDM defaults to Wayland so I changed "sddm.conf" to
>include "DisplayServer=x11". The allowed the graphic login to reach
>a login page but nothing I entered there was accepted even when I
>switched to specify starting an X11 session instead of Wayland.

>It seems to me that this is unlikely to be a KDE problem, especially
>since KDE starts great under X11. I'm just hoping someone will be
>able to help me understand why this is failing. There are some online
>references to a problem with the /dev/dri/card0 device but they are
>ancient and don't seem relevant.

>This machine is intended to run an application that only works on
>Wayland (Waydroid) so at this point I'm stimied. Any suggestions
>would be very helpful.

And then as I wrote later:

>René J.V. Bertin and Duncan responded to my note. Thank you to both,
>that is great information. I'm working through the ideas now but thus
>far haven't found a solution. I won't repeat the whole exchange at this
>point, waiting until I have something to add.

Well, I followed all the suggestions and a few other ideas of my own.
I examined the permissions of nearly every system file and could find
nothing wrong. I checked all the polkit files and found nothing obvious
there, either. In the end, I took the coward's way out.

I downgraded to FC38. (Although undocumented and counter-intuitive,
"dnf system-upgrade --releasever=$previous_version" works.) Upon reboot,
Wayland starts again!

So, obviously, something is different in FC39. I'll spend some time
checking but it is no longer urgent for me. All of the other machines
I have that now run FC39 and can successfully start Wayland have AMD
Radeon graphics while this one uses an Intel 82Q35 (i915 firmware). So
it certainly looks as though the i915 firmware is the problem. I'll be
watching for updates.
 Dave Close, Compata, Irvine CA   +1 714 434 7359
"... all authority is capricious, but may be appeased
by a show of zeal, unaccompanied by any real work." 
 -- Robertson Davies in "What's Bred in the Bone"

Re: Starting Wayland-KDE on FC39

2023-11-20 Thread Dave Close
René J.V. Bertin and Duncan responded to my note. Thank you to both,
that is great information. I'm working through the ideas now but thus
far haven't found a solution. I won't repeat the whole exchange at this
point, waiting until I have something to add.
 Dave Close, Compata, Irvine CA   +1 714 434 7359
"Modesty is a virtue, yet one gets further without it." --Hugo de Vries

Starting Wayland-KDE on FC39

2023-11-19 Thread Dave Close
Until FC39, I had only run Wayland on one of my machines, not even
trying to bring it up on the others. Since I intensely dislike the
graphic login, I found a way to start it from a virtual terminal like
I normally start X11. Instead of "startx", I have a short script I call
"startw" that contains only the single line, "/usr/bin/dbus-run-session
/usr/bin/startplasma-wayland". This worked on FC38 and still works on
some other of my machines with FC39.

Now on the same machine with FC39 (upgraded with system-upgrade) this
no longer works. Instead, it produces 248 lines of output and then
terminates. Reviewing those lines, it appears that it is complaining
about, 'failed to open drm device at "/dev/dri/card0"' and 'No suitable
DRM devices have been found'. I'm not sure what device that refers
to but there seems to be some indication that it is my display. The
display certainly works fine for the virtual terminal I use to run
this script, and it also works fine for X11 if I run "startx".

Ok, so as a fallback I tried a graphic login. This reaches a completely
blank screen and goes no further. The machine is up as I can reach it
with SSH but the display is useless. It responds to Ctrl-Alt-Delete
but nothing else. I can't get it to switch to a different desktop. I
noticed that SDDM defaults to Wayland so I changed "sddm.conf" to
include "DisplayServer=x11". The allowed the graphic login to reach
a login page but nothing I entered there was accepted even when I
switched to specify starting an X11 session instead of Wayland.

It seems to me that this is unlikely to be a KDE problem, especially
since KDE starts great under X11. I'm just hoping someone will be
able to help me understand why this is failing. There are some online
references to a problem with the /dev/dri/card0 device but they are
ancient and don't seem relevant.

This machine is intended to run an application that only works on
Wayland (Waydroid) so at this point I'm stimied. Any suggestions
would be very helpful.
Dave Close, Compata, Irvine CA  "Some subjects are so serious, +1 714 434 7359that one can only joke about them."   -- Niels Bohr

Beep when moving between Xterms

2023-03-22 Thread Dave Close
I have three Xterm windows open on my desktop. Two have an SSH session
running to another machine, the third is open on my machine. Whenever
my cursor moves in either direction between the third window and
either of the other two, I hear a beep. I do not hear it when moving
between the first two windows.

I've looked through all the settings for both KDE and Xterm and can't
find anything obvious which would account for this behavior. Can
someone enlighten me, please?

This is Fedora with plasma-desktop-5.27.3-1.fc37.x86_64.rpm.
 Dave Close, Compata, Irvine CA   +1 714 434 7359
"Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't
 mean politics won't take an interest in you." - Pericles

Re: Automatic PSK wifi on boot

2023-02-26 Thread Dave Close
Bertin wrote:

>The password is stored elsewhere, presumably in some secure storage
>managed by the NM and changes are made via a privileged helper
>launched by the KDE Daemon (kded). That one isn't running when you're
>not logged in, nor is the KDE wallet daemon, which means a KDE wallet
>cannot be required for connecting to a WiFi network at boot...

Thanks for that clue. I think my problem was that, although I was
following directions, I was doing it while KDE was running. Running
from a simple command line without KDE seems to have solved it.

  # nmcli c modify ${name} 802-11-wireless-security.psk "password" \
   802-11-wireless-security.psk-flags 0

After booting and before starting KDE (which I do using startx because
I like seeing boot messages), the connection is up. And still up after
KDE is running. No wallet impact at all.
 Dave Close, Compata, Irvine CA   +1 714 434 7359
"There are now so many exceptions to the Fourth Amendment that
  it operates only by accident."  --William Hugh Murray, 2013

Re: Automatic PSK wifi on boot

2023-02-26 Thread Dave Close
Bertin wrote:

I wrote:
>>It's possible that the problem stems from the KDE wallet. I haven't
>>set it up and find it annoying that it seems to be required.

>You could try setting up only the local wallet. It not storing the
>password rings a bell for me though, and that never happens when I
>select the "allow for all users" option.
>The password is stored elsewhere, presumably in some secure storage
>managed by the NM and changes are made via a privileged helper
>launched by the KDE Daemon (kded). That one isn't running when you're
>not logged in, nor is the KDE wallet daemon, which means a KDE wallet
>cannot be required for connecting to a WiFi network at boot...

Of course. But that could impact the connection editor since it is
running in KDE. So maybe I should address this question to Network
Manager support also...
 Dave Close, Compata, Irvine CA   +1 714 434 7359
  "Intelligence is like four-wheel drive. It only allows you
   to get stuck in more remote places."  -- Garrison Keillor

Re: Automatic PSK wifi on boot

2023-02-26 Thread Dave Close
Bertin wrote:

>I wrote:
>>I want the connection to come up automatically on boot. The trick
>>seems to be, where do I put the password so NM can see it? And what
>>other settings have to be there so it even tries to see it?

>Are you going through KDE's interface to NM, whatever
>`kde-nm-connection-editor` is called nowadays? I usually launch that
>via the wrench icon in the top-right corner of the network connection
>drop-down menu.
>I think the trick you're looking for is to indicate that "all
>users may connect to this network" (in the "General Configuration"
>tab when you edit a given connection). I've learned that automatic
>connection to a WiFi network is wonky if you don't select that option,
>but I have done nothing particular otherwise and for me WiFi connects
>automatically at some point during the boot process.

Thanks for the reply. I've tried the connection editor. Although it
asks me to enter the password, I haven't found that it stores the
result anywhere. What I'm really trying to do is to edit the actual
"connection profile" in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections.
Somewhere I read that psk-flags should be 0 to store a password but
the connection editor always sets that to 1.

It's possible that the problem stems from the KDE wallet. I haven't
set it up and find it annoying that it seems to be required.
Dave Close, Compata, Irvine CA  "Curiosity is insubordination, +1 714 434 7359in its purest form." -- Vladimir Nabokov

Automatic PSK wifi on boot

2023-02-25 Thread Dave Close
Several hours of reading search results and I can't find an answer.
Plenty of people explaining how to run an nmcli command to start w
wifi connection, but that requires that a person has already logged
in. I want the connection to come up automatically on boot. The trick
seems to be, where do I put the password so NM can see it? And what
other settings have to be there so it even tries to see it?

If it matters, I'm trying this on a Fedora 37 clean install.
 Dave Close, Compata, Irvine CA   +1 714 434 7359
   "Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them."
 -- George Orwell

Task manager behavior

2023-01-22 Thread Dave Close
I'm running Fedora 36 with plasma-desktop-5.26.4-1. I believe all
packages are fully up-to-date.

When I hover over the window entry on the task bar, a representation
of the relevant window appears just above the bar. If I then move
the mouse into that representation, all other windows on the screen
disappear. Of course, they come back when I move out of the area.

But I find this behavior annoying and would like to turn it off. I
don't want any windows to appear or disappear unless I consciously
ask for that. However, I can't seem to find any setting that controls
this behavior. I've looked in the task manager settings and all other
system settings that seem possibly relevant. If there is a way to
disable this behavior, please tell me how.
 Dave Close, Compata, Irvine CA   +1 714 434 7359
   "Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them."
 -- George Orwell

Re: Long links in konsole, truncated at EOL when hovered or clicked.

2022-12-24 Thread Dave Close
"A. F. Cano" wrote:

>Unfortunately, there seems to be no way to prevent mutt from inserting
>\n between long links, even after using ...

I understand the objective is to correctly process a received message.
But what does mutt do if the link is contained within angle brackets
(<>)? I've found that some MUAs handle those better. If it works for
you, you could try to get your correspondents to conform. (Good luck.)
  Dave Close, Compata, Irvine CA   +1 714 434 7359
   "Moore's Law of Mad Science: Every eighteen months,
   the minimum IQ necessary to destroy the world drops by one point."
   -- Eliezer Yudkowsky

Performance difference

2022-12-22 Thread Dave Close
I have two laptops with nearly identical hardware specs, both
running Fedora 36 with KDE and completely up-to-date on all software.
Both start in systemd's, KDE starts with a startx
command, Both are running Xorg ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE=""). In non-graphics
mode, their performance seems identical, quite snappy. However, they
do not perform similarly when KDE is running. Starting an application
or opening a new window involves a noticeable delay, sometimes as long
as 20 seconds, even if nothing else is happening at that time.

The only difference I've found thus far is that the slower one does not
have a swap partition. Any suggestions for what else I can check, and
hopefully fix, will be appreciated.

Here's some details on the two machines.

   faster oneslower one
CPU (4 cores)AMD Ryzen 3 3200U withAMD Ryzen 3 3250U with
 Radeon Vega Mobile GfxRadeon Graphics
Swap zram0, sda3   zram0 speed  290 Mbps  290 Mbps
bogomips 5190.47   5189.93
MemTotal  3427804 kB3404868 kB
MemFree381772 kB 483060 kB
MemAvailable   944388 kB1007680 kB
Buffers 4 kB 56 kB
Cached 751824 kB 702128 kB
SwapCached   1776 kB   2180 kB
Active 546260 kB 684744 kB
Inactive  1270360 kB1112104 kB
Active(anon)99512 kB 189148 kB
Inactive(anon) 971252 kB 907516 kB
Active(file)   446748 kB 495596 kB
Inactive(file) 299108 kB 204588 kB
Unevictable 14676 kB176 kB
Mlocked 14676 kB176 kB
SwapTotal12068856 kB3404796 kB
SwapFree 11531256 kB2906364 kB
Dirty2108 kB  0 kB
Writeback   0 kB  4 kB
AnonPages 102 kB1092708 kB
Mapped  93480 kB  93088 kB
Shmem2280 kB   2000 kB
KReclaimable51176 kB  49952 kB
Slab   16 kB 176112 kB
SReclaimable51176 kB  49952 kB
SUnreclaim 113268 kB 126160 kB
KernelStack 15904 kB  13064 kB
PageTables  37420 kB  33732 kB
CommitLimit  13782756 kB5107228 kB
Committed_AS  7497304 kB6170592 kB
VmallocUsed520416 kB 527988 kB
Percpu  15488 kB  14464 kB
DirectMap4k351100 kB 363212 kB
DirectMap2M   3254272 kB3219456 kB
     Dave Close, Compata, Irvine CA   +1 714 434 7359
   "Any idiot can face a crisis;
it's the day-to-day living that wears you out." -- Anton Chekhov

Re: Recent KDE changes

2021-10-24 Thread Dave Close
Daniel wrote:

> You can find that setting in: System Settings -> Shortcuts ->
> Shortcuts -> Kwin -> Switch One Desktop Down/Up/to the Left/to the
> Right. Hope this allows you to tweak more nuts and bolts so KDE
> behaves more to what you want

Yep, thanks. It seems to me that this ought to be possible to set
on the same window where I specify the number of desktops. Instead,
I hunt all over until a kind person reveals the hidden trick.
Dave Close, Compata, Irvine CA  "You can only be young once, +1 714 434 7359but you can be immature forever." -- Dave Barry

Recent KDE changes

2021-10-24 Thread Dave Close
As I've written before, my new installation has KDE 5.22. Previously,
I've had earlier versions along with regular updates; all of them are
now also at 5.22. But it appears as though an updated version does
not work the same as a new installation of the same version. To me,
that is unacceptable.

For example, on my other systems, I have a keyboard shortcut to go
to the next or previous virtual desktop. I can't find a way to set
that on the new install. It does have CTRL-Fx to go to a specific
desktop but that is not what I want.

I love that KDE, and Linux generally, gives me lots of choices so
I can make a system work the way I like. Unfortunately, it's a bit
like spending hours on an airline flight trying to decide which of
the hundreds of available movies to watch, then landing before the
eventual selection finishes, or even starts. Finding how to set a
desired option can take a lot of time, especially when the selection
mechanism is "improved" so things aren't where experience says they
should be. You know, Unix filesystems solved some of that with symbolic
links. There's nothing wrong with having more than one way to change
a setting, both the "old" way and an arguably better "new" way.

I once was a strong proponent of Firefox but now I seek other browsers.
I'm not unhappy with it's performance, it's that they make gratuitous
changes that remove features. Once upon a time, I could change Firefox
so that menus were shown in words, not pictures. Not any more. I
learned to read but I never learned the meanings of all the silly
pictures, different on nearly every system or application. Hovering
is not an acceptable substitute when words can do the job directly. I
do hope that the new "icons-only" task manager is not a portent of the
future of KDE as that would mean I'd need to find another environment.

Sorry for the rant. I didn't start out to write so much. All I really
wanted was some way to configure a keyboard shortcut to select the
next virtual desktop.
 Dave Close, Compata, Irvine CA   +1 714 434 7359
   "A man who says, `I have learned enough and will learn no further,'
should be considered as knowing nothing at all." --Haile Selassie

Re: New task manager

2021-10-24 Thread Dave Close
I wrote:

>1. How do I disable the "icons-only task manager" and enable one with
>more useful visible information? (I *hate* icons.)

Duncan answered:

>If the task manager (icons-only or not) is on a panel, configure-clicking
>(normally, right-clicking) on it, *provided* you can click it without
>clicking a pinned item (or presumably a window) altho that may require a
>bit of patience and/or expanding the panel and/or closing/unpinning
>enough stuff to have some empty space to click, should present a menu
>with a "Show Alternatives" entry.  Clicking that should show you the
>alternatives (three here, the normal and icons-only task managers and the
>window list).

Yes, that works just fine. Thanks. I'm embarrassed not to see it before.

I wrote:

>2. How do I unlock the widgets on the new task manager? The tool list
>no longer seems to include that function and I don't find it elsewhere.
>I am able to add new widgets but I can't modify the properties of those
>already added.

Frank Steinmetzger answered:

>I just found out that the context menu, which allows you to select an
>alternative task manager, also has an item "start edit mode" and it also
>shows a keyboard shortcut: Alt+D, Alt+S. But you can also right-click the
>desktop, the menu has the same mentioned item, only the shortcut is Alt+D,E.

Yes, but. On my system, Alt-D:Alt-S brings up the desktop folder settings
window. I see nothing there about unlocking widgets. On the desktop, Alt-D:E
brings up Krunner with an item to configure the desktop; still nothing
about unlocking widgets.

I can modify some widget properties with the Edit Applications function
on the launcher. But not all of them. For example, that provides no way
to change the icon or to add options to the command invoked. Trying to do
those things through the widget properties function leaves the OK button
gray no matter what I've tried.
 Dave Close, Compata, Irvine CA   +1 714 434 7359
"Modesty is a virtue, yet one gets further without it." --Hugo de Vries

New task manager

2021-10-23 Thread Dave Close
I just installed a new system and discovered I now have KDE 5.22.
Generally, I approve of new and improved systems, but I have some
questions and the web has not helped me find answers.

1. How do I disable the "icons-only task manager" and enable one with
more useful visible information? (I *hate* icons.)

2. How do I unlock the widgets on the new task manager? The tool list
no longer seems to include that function and I don't find it elsewhere.
I am able to add new widgets but I can't modify the properties of those
already added.
     Dave Close, Compata, Irvine CA   +1 714 434 7359
   "Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them."
 -- George Orwell

Re: Years later, kmail still is not a viable email client?

2020-10-17 Thread Dave Close
"J.B. Nicholson" wrote:

> Thanks for your help, but I'm afraid that the KMail account setup
> wizard is doing nothing which gives me any indication that it is
> even trying to connect to my IMAP or SMTP servers to figure out
> what the best setup ought to be.

IMO time to stop depending on KMail to tell you what it is doing. Run
tcpdump (-s0 -wfile) concurrently with your connection attempt. Maybe
that will give you some clues.
 Dave Close, Compata, Irvine CA   +1 714 434 7359
"If I don't know I don't know, I think I know;
 if I don't know I know, I think I don't know." - Ronald Laing

Re: Years later, kmail still is not a viable email client?

2020-10-13 Thread Dave Close
Bertin wrote:

> In fact, I just realise that much of what I read and my own experience
> make me think of Microsoft products from a certain era...

To dedicated Linux users, that may well be the ultimate put-down...
     Dave Close, Compata, Irvine CA   +1 714 434 7359
   "Controlling complexity is the essence of computer programming."
 -- Brian Kernighan

Re: Connecting a TV via HDMI

2020-09-10 Thread Dave Close
Dan Armbrust wrote:

> Many laptops still have a hardware key - typically a "Fn" + a
> number key that oggles the laptop hardware between laptop screen,
> laptop screen mirror to hdmi, and laptop screen and hdmi as distinct
> monitors.
> Try playing with that... before going into the kde settings -
> hopefully it shows up as two devices then...

Excellent idea. Now all I have to do is decipher the meanings of the
little pictures on the keys. No manual comes with the laptop... Some
are fairly obvious but others are Greek to me. Thanks. I'll post a
follow-up sometime tomorrow.
Dave Close

Connecting a TV via HDMI

2020-09-10 Thread Dave Close
I have a Motile M141 laptop running Fedora 32 with KDE and completely
up-to-date on all software according to DNF. I'm really very happy
with the laptop. It's fast, light-weight, and capable. The built-in
screen runs at 1920 x 1080.

When I attach a TV using an HDMI cable, the laptop screen goes dark
and the TV screen lights up. I get the same effect if the TV is
attached before the laptop boots. The TV runs at a lower resolution
but the picture adjusts properly. But there doesn't seem to be any
way to get both screens to light up concurrently, either as a mirror
or extension.

Running KDE systemsettings while the TV is connected and viewing the
output on the TV, systemsettings reports two displays but only shows
one movable outline. The resolutions are reported differently for
the two with the laptop screen resolution showing as 1920 x 1080. But
nothing I've tried seems to make the laptop screen light up. Except
disconnecting the HDMI cable which, of course, makes the TV go dark.

Getting both screens working is my primary interest here and I'd
appreciate any suggestions. But if and when that is resolved, I'll
face the issue of overscan on the TV. To save time later, I'll ask
now: Is there a way to shrink the TV display so that the edges are
all visible?
Dave Close

Broken desktop file

2020-02-16 Thread Dave Close
Fedora 31

kbuildsycoca4 running...
kbuildsycoca4(692346)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The
desktop entry file  "/usr/share/applications/qemu.desktop"  has Type=
"Application"  but no Exec line
kbuildsycoca4(692346) KBuildServiceFactory::createEntry: Invalid
Service :  "/usr/share/applications/qemu.desktop"
Dave Close

KDE doesn't start after upgrade to Fedora 27

2018-02-03 Thread Dave Close
747): Tracker-WARNING **: Couldn't properly parse desktop 
file 'file:///home/dave/.local/share/applications/org.kde.kmail.desktop': 
'Invalid key name: Path[$e]'

(tracker-miner-apps:4747): Tracker-WARNING **: Couldn't properly parse desktop 
 'Invalid key name: Path[$e]'

(tracker-miner-apps:4747): Tracker-WARNING **: Couldn't properly parse desktop 
'Invalid key name: Path[$e]'

(tracker-miner-apps:4747): Tracker-WARNING **: Couldn't properly parse desktop 
file 'file:///home/dave/.local/share/applications/jpilot.desktop': 'Invalid key 
name: Path[$e]'

(tracker-miner-apps:4747): Tracker-WARNING **: Couldn't properly parse desktop 
file 'file:///home/dave/.local/share/applications/gnumeric.desktop': 'Invalid 
key name: Path[$e]'

(tracker-miner-apps:4747): Tracker-WARNING **: Couldn't properly parse desktop 
file 'file:///home/dave/.local/share/applications/gnucash.desktop': 'Invalid 
key name: Path[$e]'

(tracker-miner-apps:4747): Tracker-WARNING **: Couldn't properly parse desktop 
file 'file:///home/dave/.local/share/applications/evolution.desktop': 'Invalid 
key name: Path[$e]'

(tracker-miner-apps:4747): Tracker-WARNING **: Couldn't properly parse desktop 
file 'file:///home/dave/.local/share/applications/evince.desktop': 'Invalid key 
name: Path[$e]'

(tracker-miner-apps:4747): Tracker-WARNING **: Couldn't properly parse desktop 
 'Invalid key name: Path[$e]'

(tracker-miner-apps:4747): Tracker-WARNING **: Couldn't properly parse desktop 
 'Invalid key name: Path[$e]'

(tracker-miner-apps:4747): Tracker-WARNING **: Couldn't properly parse desktop 
 'Invalid key name: Path[$e]'

(tracker-miner-apps:4747): Tracker-WARNING **: Couldn't properly parse desktop 
file 'file:///home/dave/.local/share/applications/xterm.desktop': 'Invalid key 
name: Path[$e]'

(krb5-auth-dialog:4738): libnotify-WARNING **: Failed to connect to proxy

(krb5-auth-dialog:4738): KrbAuthDialog-WARNING **: Failed to read server caps

(krb5-auth-dialog:4738): KrbAuthDialog-WARNING **: Unsupported cache type for 

(krb5-auth-dialog:4738): KrbAuthDialog-CRITICAL **: monitor_ccache: assertion 
'ccache_name != NULL' failed

(krb5-auth-dialog:4738): KrbAuthDialog-WARNING **: Cannot close notification 
Error calling StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop.Notifications: Timeout was 
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> Error:Key  added to map for multiple modifiers
>   Using Control, ignoring Lock.
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> Error:Key  added to map for multiple modifiers
>   Using Control, ignoring Lock.
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> Error:Key  added to map for multiple modifiers
>   Using Control, ignoring Lock.
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
(II) AIGLX: Suspending AIGLX clients for VT switch
XIO:  fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server ":1"
  after 33 requests (33 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
XIO:  fatal IO error 2 (No such file or directory) on X server ":1"
  after 2527 requests (2527 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
Gdk-Message: abrt: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X 
server :1.

klauncher: Exiting on signal 1
Unexpected response from KInit (response = 0).
startkde: Could not start ksmserver. Check your installation.
Error: Can't open display: :1
double free or corruption (out)
KCrash: Application 'ksmserver' crashing...
Could not connect to D-Bus server: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoServer: Failed 
to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-ckwbRYXCim: Connection refused
startkde: Shutting down...
kdeinit5_wrapper: Warning: connect(/run/user/1000/kdeinit5__1) failed: : No 
such file or directory
Error: Can not contact kdeinit5!
xprop:  unable to open display ':1'
xprop:  unable to open display ':1'
startkde: Done.
Dave Close