Re: Options to right click and open to view some how.

2017-03-14 Thread David Emme

On 03/14/2017 02:06 PM, John_82 wrote:

If I am having problems and need to start poking about in system files that 
don't have an association I have to scroll through all of the alternatives to 
get to say kwrite.

That has been driving me nuts for years at times. I had to use windows at work 
and it's easy to add things to a right click there that will always be present 
what ever is clicked on.

Is there anything that I can edit to add options to a right click in kde 5.26 ? 
Associations aren't on as some have no suffix.


I'm no expert, so some of the following may be silly/unnecessary, but 
nonetheless it works.

This will add a right-click menu item under Actions to view the selected 
file with `less`. I find it very handy. Adjust as needed:

Add file:  /home//.local/share/kservices5/lessThisFile.desktop
[Desktop Entry]

[Desktop Action lessThisFile]
Exec=konsole -e ~/scripts/ %f
Name=View File with less

I put the script in my ~/scripts/ directory. Adjust to suit.

Add file: /home//scripts/
# Custom action to get lesspipe goodness into
#   "View with 'less'"

export LESSOPEN="|/usr/local/bin/ %s"
/usr/bin/less "$@"

You don't need `lesspipe` for this to work; it's just an add-on to 
colorize the output of `less`. lesspipe can be found at:

You can remove the LESSOPEN line if needed.


Re: pass lid close event from guest to host

2016-09-22 Thread Matei David
On Thu, 22 Sep 2016 10:17:10 +0200
René J.V. Bertin <> wrote:

> On Wednesday September 21 2016 23:14:24 Matei David wrote:
> >responsible for locking the host screen (dbus??) doesn't react to
> >that event. The fact that I see the acpi event on the host leads me
> >to believe this is not a VirtualBox problem.  
> I'm tempted to think that it *is* a VirtualBox issue: in fullscreen
> mode it tries to behave as much as possible as if you're not working
> on a VM guest. It doesn't surprise me that it tries to catch
> power-related events too. I'd suggest you ask on Oracle's VirtualBox
> forum if there's a way around (like a setting to let the host handle
> these events) and if not, file a ticket with a request.

At first I thought so, too, that the guest somehow traps the ACPI
events. (I don't know about enough about those to be sure that's even

The reaction-less question on the VBox forums is here:
I have since upgraded VBox and the OSes, but it's still happening.

However, acpi_listen on the host sees exactly the same lid open/close
events if the guest is in full screen (and the host doesn't lock), or
if the guest is not in full screen (and the host does lock). This
suggests that the host is behaving differently, irrespective of the
guest VM.

There is also the issue of the VBox process on the host. But why would
that process have any say in whether the screen gets locked or not? For
example, if I have mpv in full screen on the host and I close the lid,
the screen gets locked as expected.

I guess a concrete KDE question would be: What software (KDE component?)
is responsible for listening and reacting to acpi events on the host?
So, what exactly is being configured through the System Settings / Power
Management interface?

> >Is there some way to fix this in KDE? Right now the hack I have in
> >place is a custom script triggered through /etc/acpi/events . The
> >problem with doing it this way is that in certain situations the
> >session is locked twice, because the systems are independent of each
> >other.  
> Can you just tell VirtualBox to drop out of fullscreen mode and then
> let the host continue processing as usual?

Yes I could. If the guest VM is windowed, the host gets locked as
usual. However, the point is that closing the lid is a very convenient
way to say, "gotta go, just lock my screen already". The other way,
there would be an extra HostKey+f in there.

> Personally I usually do this manually and then pause the guest before
> I suspend the host. Enough happens on wake-from-suspend that things
> usually go smoother if there isn't also a VM guest (which typically
> has a huge memory footprint) that tries to do those same things at
> the same time.

In general I haven't had problems with the guest VM during suspend/wake.
However, the OP is only about locking the host (on lid close), I don't
want to suspend it. I guess suspending is done through the same
interface, but I didn't even try that.


pass lid close event from guest to host

2016-09-21 Thread Matei David

I have a question which I believe is KDE-related, though there is a
chance I'm wrong. Perhaps somebody will know more about this.

I'm using VirtualBox 5.1 (latest) with a Linux host & guest, both
Kubuntu 16.04.1, both updated to Plasma 5.6 through backports. I've set
up the host to lock the screen on lid close through the usual GUI
(System Settings / Power Management / ...). This works, except for
when the guest is running in full screen. Then, if I close the lid, the
host doesn't lock. (I don't care about locking the guest!)

Using acpi_listen on the host, I can still see the "button/lid LID
close" event, even with the guest in full screen, but whatever is
responsible for locking the host screen (dbus??) doesn't react to that
event. The fact that I see the acpi event on the host leads me to
believe this is not a VirtualBox problem.

Is there some way to fix this in KDE? Right now the hack I have in
place is a custom script triggered through /etc/acpi/events . The
problem with doing it this way is that in certain situations the
session is locked twice, because the systems are independent of each

If this is not the right place to ask this question, please do suggest


[kde] KDE4 KOrganizer critically buggy/horrible/unusable

2016-07-26 Thread David Melik
I use the latest KDE4 for my distribution (KDE4.14.21; ) there's a
‘testing’ KDE5 version, but its programs (especially KATE) are
insufficient compared to KDE4, so I switched back to KDE4 for now.
KOrganizer is critically buggy/horrible/unusable, as many past versions
were, though at one time I was using it successfully.  It normally
erases my event time and sets it to midnight.  Sometimes I can't delete
events, so now that I've deleted ‘personal calendar’ to do that, I can't
recreate that calendar to even use KOrganizer at all (no loss really...)
 Have there been bugfixes so anyone can even use KOrganizer?

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Re: [kde] Network manager takes a long time to connect

2015-11-04 Thread David Kahles

Am Tuesday 03 November 2015, 13:19:33 schrieb CS DBA:
> Network controller: Intel Corporation Wireless 7265 (rev 59)

I guess this a known driver/hardware bug. There are plenty of threads about 
this, eg.:
from Linux and Windows users. You could try the workaround mentioned in this 
askubuntu thread, it should work for Fedora too.

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Re: [kde] Plasma doesn't want to use my mouse cursor theme

2015-07-14 Thread David Kahles


On 07/14/2015 02:04 PM, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
I've updated to KDE 5 two days ago. I have the problem that the mouse 
theme I've set in System Settings is not followed by the Plasma 
desktop. It uses the default, black cursor from X11. When I hover the 
mouse over the task manager, or over a menu or window (except the 
decoration), then the mouse cursor switches to the correct mouse 
theme. But over the desktop or over the decoration of windows 
(titlebar and borders): nope. It switches back to the default, black 
X11 cursors.

What can I do to fix this?

I'm not sure which version of KDE I have. It seems to be some mishmash 
of versions. 4.14.10, 4.11.21 and 5.3.2.

Take a look at
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Re: [kde] Restoring a KMail folder from a generic backup

2014-07-16 Thread David Goodenough
On Wednesday 16 July 2014 17:39:55 Kevin Krammer wrote:
 On Wednesday, 2014-07-16, 15:10:48, David Goodenough wrote:
  On Wednesday 16 July 2014 05:43:10 O.Sinclair wrote:
   make sure you have hidden files visible - the subdirectories are now
   mine are in /home/myuser/.local/share/.local-mail-
   directory/.whatevermailfolder (notice the dot in the beginning) and some
   them are hidden folders, some not
  I have never quite understood why some files and directories inside .local
  are hidden.  You only go into .local when you need to find some mail
  manually, and having them hidden just seems to be done to make life
  difficult for the user!
 It is not hidden, the hiding is a result of convention used by Filemanager
 and file managment tools when dealing with directory entries beginning with
 a period.
 The structure, i.e. using a subdirectory starting with a period to indicate
 a sub folder, is a widely used one when it comes to Maildir storage.
 Another very common implementation of that is Maildir++
 It is a form of disambiguation, e.g. protecting against a user creating a
 folder with names new, tmp or cur, which have special meanings in

I understand that, but I think there is a little more to it that that.  Tools
like grep ... * do not search them (yes I know I can use grep ... .* but I
have to do that as well.  Most of the time I need to access these files to 
find things, rather than to mess around with directory structures.

My problem is not I realise with KDE, but is with the whole mail community.
Its not a show stopper, just an nuisance which I could live without.

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Re: [kde] qdbus /ScreenSaver Lock fails

2014-01-07 Thread David L
On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 7:43 AM, Kevin Krammer wrote:

 On Monday, 2014-01-06, 12:30:43, David L wrote:
  On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 2:39 AM, Kevin Krammer wrote:
   On Sunday, 2014-01-05, 19:39:12, David L wrote:

Perhaps this inconsistency is why I have been having problems.?
   Yes, that is quite possible.
   If you look into the session bus file, it also contains a PID. Do you
   process with that PID?
   If you check the process list, do you have more than one dbus-daemon
  Yes and yes:
  mdm   1580  0.0  0.0  30380   964 ?Ss   Jan05   0:00
  //bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7 --session
  dgl   1671  0.0  0.0  30380   488 ?Ss   Jan05   0:00
  //bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7 --session
  dgl   1685  0.0  0.0  31580  1932 ?Ss   Jan05   0:00
  //bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 6 --print-address 9 --session
  1671 is the pid in the .dbus/session-bus/* file.

 The first one seems to be for a different user, but user dgl is running two

 My guess is that the first one, the one which is reachable via the file and
 the DISPLAY variable is launched by the X session start as it should.
 However, something else seems then to launch another one and that one is
 seen by all processes.

 Here is the output from a Linux Mint 15 system after logging in:
102955  0.0  0.0  24952  2108 ?Ss   08:27   0:00
dbus-daemon --system --fork
mdm   1957  0.0  0.0  23856   688 ?Ss   08:27   0:00
//bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7 --session
dgl   2742  0.0  0.0  25032  1776 ?Ss   08:32   0:00
//bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 9 --session

Here is the output from a Linux Mint 16 system before logging in:
102678  0.2  0.0  30832  1576 ?Ss   08:41   0:00
dbus-daemon --system --fork
mdm   1426  0.0  0.0  30380   972 ?Ss   08:41   0:00
//bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7 --session

Here is the output from a Linux Mint 16 system after logging in:
102678  0.0  0.0  31432  2240 ?Ss   08:41   0:00
dbus-daemon --system --fork
mdm   1426  0.0  0.0  30380   972 ?Ss   08:41   0:00
//bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7 --session
dgl   1820  0.0  0.0  30380   484 ?Ss   08:45   0:00
//bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7 --session
dgl   1836  0.0  0.0  31556  1848 ?Ss   08:45   0:00
//bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 6 --print-address 9 --session

Using the ajxf flags, it looks like this:
1   678   678   678 ?   -1 Ss 102   0:00 dbus-daemon
--system --fork

1  1426  1426  1426 ?   -1 Ss 117   0:00 //bin/dbus-daemon
--fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7 --session
1  1820  1820  1820 ?   -1 Ss1000   0:00 //bin/dbus-daemon
--fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7 --session
1  1836  1836  1836 ?   -1 Ss1000   0:00 //bin/dbus-daemon
--fork --print-pid 6 --print-address 9 --session

So indeed Mint 16 has an extra dbus-daemon process owned by me.


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Re: [kde] qdbus /ScreenSaver Lock fails

2014-01-06 Thread David L
On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 2:39 AM, Kevin Krammer wrote:

 On Sunday, 2014-01-05, 19:39:12, David L wrote:
  Sun Jan  5 19:34:42 PST 2014
   ls -l ~/.dbus/session-bus/583f7cbba6b4b3b7fd89fa0952c08115-0
  -rw-r--r-- 1 dgl dgl 463 Jan  5 19:29
   grep ADDRESS ~/.dbus/session-bus/583f7cbba6b4b3b7fd89fa0952c08115-0
  # If the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS environment variable is set, it will
  Perhaps this inconsistency is why I have been having problems.?

 Yes, that is quite possible.
 If you look into the session bus file, it also contains a PID. Do you have
 process with that PID?
 If you check the process list, do you have more than one dbus-daemon

Yes and yes:
mdm   1580  0.0  0.0  30380   964 ?Ss   Jan05   0:00
//bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7 --session
dgl   1671  0.0  0.0  30380   488 ?Ss   Jan05   0:00
//bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7 --session
dgl   1685  0.0  0.0  31580  1932 ?Ss   Jan05   0:00
//bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 6 --print-address 9 --session

1671 is the pid in the .dbus/session-bus/* file.


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Re: [kde] qdbus /ScreenSaver Lock fails

2014-01-05 Thread David L
On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 10:28 PM, Duncan wrote:

 David L posted on Fri, 03 Jan 2014 17:22:48 -0800 as excerpted:

  I just upgraded to 13.10 and a script that used to work for me stopped

 13.10?  You're on a kde list, and kde is only up to 4.12.x.  Where'd the
 13.10 come from (opensuse or kubuntu, maybe?, they use year-based
 versions, which that appears to be), and shouldn't you be posting to that
 list if you're using that version number?

Sorry, I copied the text from an unanswered Kubuntu post and forgot to add
what distro I meant.

 Seriously, a dbus call to org.FreeDesktop.ScreenSaver might happen to
 work on a kde desktop (or not, thus this thread), but it's not
 org.kde... , which should be a hint that perhaps either your distro lists/
 forums or the lists/forums might be more appropriate.
 (I'd try the distro first.)

 Did that, no luck.  And I thought qdbus was related to KDE, so I tried
here.  I guess a more appropriate question for here is how do I lock my KDE
desktop from a script run from cron?


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Re: [kde] qdbus /ScreenSaver Lock fails

2014-01-05 Thread David L
On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 7:53 AM, Kevin Krammer  wrote:

 On Sunday, 2014-01-05, 07:16:51, David L wrote:

 Since you have confirmed in your other reply that it works if the D-Bus
 address is available to the script, do you get any error when you run
 qdbus in
 the SSH session and have just exported DISPLAY?

My old script did not work from cron or ssh after upgrading Kubuntu and
Mint.  It did work in a local session.

 Regarding your idea to write the address into a file, that actually already
 happens as well, see ~/.dbus/session-bus

If I try to use the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS in the one file
in ~/.dbus/session-bus, it doesn't work.  The results I get are different
in my local session and in that tmp file:


grep DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS ~/.dbus/session-bus/*
# If the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS environment variable is set, it will

If I set the variable to the value in the file, my script stops working
even from the local session.


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Re: [kde] qdbus /ScreenSaver Lock fails

2014-01-05 Thread David L
On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 8:55 AM, Kevin Krammer wrote:

 On Sunday, 2014-01-05, 08:22:13, David L wrote:
  If I try to use the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS in the one file
  in ~/.dbus/session-bus, it doesn't work.  The results I get are different
  in my local session and in that tmp file:
  grep DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS ~/.dbus/session-bus/*
  # If the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS environment variable is set, it will

 Strange. If you look at that file's time stamp, is it approximately the
 date/time when you started the session?

It looks like it's from the same time.  I just exited and restarted and
compared again:

Sun Jan  5 19:34:42 PST 2014

 ls -l ~/.dbus/session-bus/583f7cbba6b4b3b7fd89fa0952c08115-0
-rw-r--r-- 1 dgl dgl 463 Jan  5 19:29


 grep ADDRESS ~/.dbus/session-bus/583f7cbba6b4b3b7fd89fa0952c08115-0

# If the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS environment variable is set, it will

Perhaps this inconsistency is why I have been having problems.?

I'm up and running again with a startup script that saves the bus address
variable.  Thanks again.

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[kde] qdbus /ScreenSaver Lock fails

2014-01-03 Thread David L
I just upgraded to 13.10 and a script that used to work for me stopped
working.  Specifically, I had a script that I ran from a cron job that
locked the screen.  The script looks like this:

export DISPLAY=:0.0
export PATH=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin:$PATH
qdbus org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver /ScreenSaver Lock

The same thing happened after upgrading from Mint 15 to Mint 16.

Now I get this error when I use this previously working script from ssh or
a cron job:

Service 'org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver' does not exist.

It still works from a local KDE session.

How do I get the old behavior back?  I used it to limit my kids screen time.


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[kde] change tab switch keystrokes in Konsole, and other stuff?

2013-01-22 Thread David Melik
I use Konsole, and I would like to be able to switch tabs the way I
would on a typical console, such as with alt and a direction rather than
shift and a direction. This is partly because I want to use MCedit, or
hopefully SETedit in the future, which are like DOS text editrs that use
shift and a direction to highlight text. I did not see the option to
change these keys in the Konsole settings.

Is there a way for Konsole, or a program in it, to override which
clipboard it uses? If I am able to use a text editor like this that I
want, it also uses typical clipboard commands... but I want it
restricted to its own editor, or to link its clipboard to KDE's, which I
might do.

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Re: [kde] [Okular-devel] [Bug 267350] filling out a PDF form saves data to some file i ~/.kde/share/apps/okular/docdata/

2012-01-15 Thread David
It is an important issue. Specially under countries protecting personal
data by law, like spain for example in where law says personal data belongs
to the person it refers to instead of the company or program having it.
Despite it being free software I think it should be fair at least
protecting that data or warning user about this issue.
On Jan 15, 2012 7:31 PM, Martin (KDE) wrote:

 Am 15.01.2012 18:08, schrieb Kevin Krammer:
  On Sunday, 2012-01-15, Dan Armbrust wrote:
  Hmm. Most software with autocompletion support does that. E.g.
  email programs.
  They also ask your permission first.
  Interesting. Neither Konqueror, Firefox, KMail or Thunderbird have asked
  whether I wanted to store form data.
  Can you attach a screenshot of an application asking that?

 Mircosofts Internet explorer is doing it. The first time you start
 editing filed it asks if the data should be stored. Usually the user say
 yes and will never be asked again. I am not sure if there is a hint
 where data are stored and what problems may be involved by this.


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Re: [kde] Touchpad (ksynaptics) is driving me crazy

2012-01-01 Thread David
I simply have disabled the click on the synaptics to avoid that.
El 01/01/2012 20:17, Alexander Puchmayr

 Hi there!

 Is there a possibility to deactivate the touchpad on a laptop while typing
 on the keyboard? It happens over and over again that I come too near to
 the pad causing clicks somewhere, marking and deleting/replacing text
 anywhere. This is becoming really a PITA (Happened at least 10 times during
 typing this message)

 As far as I remember there was once (more than one year ago) a version
 of ksynaptics offering dead-time between typing and mouse events, but
 for some reason this option has been removed.

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[kde] Re: Building DBusMenu-Qt

2011-06-24 Thread David Doria
 Ok, I found these in the cmake and set them to OFF:
  WITH_PolkitQt                    OFF
  WITH_PolkitQt-1                  OFF

 I also found these:

 I lookd in: kdecore/auth/ConfigureChecks.cmake and it said I could set
 KDE4_AUTH_BACKEND_NAME to empty and it would find the best option. I
 guess 'FAKE' was the best option, because it keeps changing back to
 that, and it still won't fniish configuring, it quits with No valid
 KAuth backends will be built. The library will not work properly
 unless compiled.

 Any more ideas of how to turn this off?


Just a follow up - this was indeed only a warning. There were other
errors that were below the end of the page in ccmake that I did not

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[kde] Re: Building DBusMenu-Qt

2011-06-21 Thread David Doria
On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 5:49 PM, Duncan wrote:
 David Doria posted on Mon, 20 Jun 2011 15:18:59 -0400 as excerpted:

 OK, try setting/exporting QMAKESPEC

 Great, that worked (I did need the subdir:

 Since then, I have been able to build automoc and phonon.

 Good, you're getting into kde-recognizable technologies, now. =:^)

 Now again trying to build kdelibs, I am getting:

  WARNING: No valid KAuth backends will be built. The library will not
 work properly unless compiled with a working backend

 It seems more like an error than a warning, because after running cmake
 configure several times I still don't get the option to 'generate'.

 It looks like I may need to build polkit? When trying to do that, my
 autoconf was too old! I built autoconf, and then when I configured
 polkit, it said I am missing gio2.0. I can't find where to download gio
 source - can you please point me to it?

 Based on the dependencies here, you should be able to specify that you do
 NOT want polkit support, since Gentoo has it as a USE flag which means
 the dependency is optional.  Let me see how the build specifies that it
 wants it or not...

 $(cmake-utils_use_with policykit PolkitQt-1)

 Translating the gentoo eclass shorthand...

 cmake-utils_use_with USE flag [flag name]
    `cmake-utils_use_with foo FOO` echoes -DWITH_FOO=ON if foo is enabled
    and -DWITH_FOO=OFF if it is disabled.

 (That's from the gentoo cmake-utils.eclass manpage, auto-generated from
 in-eclass documentation.)

 So -DWITH_PolkitQt-1=OFF fed to the ./configure step, should disable that
 dependency.  (You can probably run ./configure --help to get a listing of
 this and other options you can feed to configure.  Might come in handy
 for other dependencies...)

 As for gio2.0, I don't see a direct dependency of that name, but based on
 some comments on plugin packages for it, I /believe/ it's part of glib.
 So you apparently need a newer glib.  2.28.8 is what I have installed,
 2.28.6 is also available in gentoo, as well as the old glib-1.2.10 for
 those apps still using glib-1.  The polkit-0.101 ebuild says it needs
=glib-2.28, with the gentoo changelog saying 2.28.0 was introduced in
 February.  (Note that if you build a new glib, you'll probably need to
 rebuild dbus-glib too, as it'll break with a new glib.)

 But depending on why you are building kdelibs (I thought I saw that you
 wanted it for kdevelop, but I can't seem to find it now), if you don't
 think you'll need the auth framework, it's probably easiest to simply
 disable that... at the cost of possibly needing to go back and enable it
 because something doesn't work, later.  If you're building all of kde,
 I'd definitely recommend keeping it enabled, but if you're just doing it
 for a couple packages, that aren't likely to need superuser auth or the
 like, you can probably get by without it.

 Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.

Ok, I found these in the cmake and set them to OFF:
 WITH_PolkitQt-1  OFF

I also found these:

I lookd in: kdecore/auth/ConfigureChecks.cmake and it said I could set
KDE4_AUTH_BACKEND_NAME to empty and it would find the best option. I
guess 'FAKE' was the best option, because it keeps changing back to
that, and it still won't fniish configuring, it quits with No valid
KAuth backends will be built. The library will not work properly
unless compiled.

Any more ideas of how to turn this off?

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[kde] Re: Building DBusMenu-Qt

2011-06-20 Thread David Doria
On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 12:36 AM, Duncan wrote:
 David Doria posted on Fri, 17 Jun 2011 22:28:59 -0400 as excerpted:

 I am on RHEL 5.6 which has super old packages of everything. I have
 therefore built Qt from source and am building kdelibs from source. So
 my question is more of why did qdbusxml2cpp not get built when I built
 Qt?. Is there a way to enable everything or something like that? I'm
 so used to cmake now-a-days that I don't know how to set options like
 that without it!

 5.6. Yeah, that'd be older packages, for sure.

 Why didn't qdbusxml2cpp get built with qt?  I don't know as the gentoo
 build-scripts have always taken care of that for me.

 Are you sure it did /not/ get built?  Here, it's in /usr/bin, but
 presumably it'd be in /usr/local/bin or the like if you didn't specify a
 location for it.

I don't know what I did differently, but the xml2cpp and cpp2xml were
built this time around. This allowed me to build dbusmenu-qt. So now I
am back to trying to build kdelibs.

CMake is telling me:

 CMake Warning at cmake/modules/FindQt4.cmake:437 (MESSAGE):
querying qmake for QMAKE_LIBS_OPENGL.  qmake reported:

   Failure to read QMAKESPEC conf file

   Error processing project file:

I don't think this makes sense, as
/home/ddoria/build/mkspecs/linux-g++-64/qmake.conf is certainly not a
directory. However, the file
/home/ddoria/bin/qt4/mkspecs/linux-g++-64/qmake.conf does indeed

I have set these variables in my bashrc:

export PATH=$PATH:/home/ddoria/bin/qt4/bin
export QTDIR=/home/ddoria/bin/qt4
export QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE=/home/ddoria/bin/qt4/bin/qmake

Any clues where to go from here?


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[kde] Re: Building DBusMenu-Qt

2011-06-20 Thread David Doria
 OK, try setting/exporting QMAKESPEC, pointing at the desire directory,
 probably  /home/ddoria/bin/qt4/mkspecs/ but I'm not sure if you'll need
 the platform triplet subdir on the end of that or if it'll figure that
 out itself.  Try it both ways.  (I'm not sure that'll work as I'm
 actually basing that on an unset in the qt-core build, but it's worth a

Great, that worked (I did need the subdir:

Since then, I have been able to build automoc and phonon. Now again
trying to build kdelibs, I am getting:

 WARNING: No valid KAuth backends will be built. The library will not
work properly unless compiled with a working backend

It seems more like an error than a warning, because after running
cmake configure several times I still don't get the option to

It looks like I may need to build polkit? When trying to do that, my
autoconf was too old! I built autoconf, and then when I configured
polkit, it said I am missing gio2.0. I can't find where to download
gio source - can you please point me to it?

As you said, we're getting there... :)

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[kde] Re: Building kdelibs

2011-06-17 Thread David Doria
 FWIW, I'm a Gentooer.  Gentoo builds from source using buildscripts
 called ebuilds that list required dependencies and handle optional
 dependencies using what Gentoo calls USE flags.

 As a result, I've been able to help a number of people trying to build kde
 manually by simply querying the Gentoo build system for kde's various
 dependencies.  One guy (James Tyrer) in particular runs Linux from
 Scratch, and builds KDE for it as updates come out, updating their KDE
 documentation for others as he does so.  I've been able to help him
 resolve missing dependencies on a number of occasions.

 That leaves you with a number of potentially useful resources to choose
 from.  Of course you could switch to Gentoo if you like, and get most of
 the building automated thru the various scripts without losing a whole
 lot since they still expose most of the build-time options as USE flags.
 But even if you're not doing Gentoo, you can either post questions here
 and I can check dependencies, or you could download a Gentoo build tree
 and check them yourself, or simply check their sources on the web.

 Alternatively and probably easier to follow as the basics will already
 have been distilled into a reasonably nice set of instructions to follow,
 you can find and follow the LFS kde building instructions as maintained
 by James Tyrer, with the caveat that as every minor version (4.5, 4.6,
 4.7...) comes out, it takes some days/weeks for their build instructions
 to be fully updated.

 FWIW, the gentoo/kde project has live builds that they try to keep in
 sync with kde upstream, so most of the updates are already understood
 when an update comes out, it's just a matter of actually transferring
 them from the live build scripts to the specific version scripts.  Given
 that kde makes the new tarballs available to the various distributions
 several days before public release, by public release, the scripts are
 generally already updated in the gentoo/kde project overlay, which I
 follow, and moved to the general kde tree within another week or so after
 final testing... kde sometimes updates one of the tarballs after release
 to the distributions so the final checksums need to be updated, etc.  So
 they move to the general kde tree pretty fast, tho unmasking to arch-
 testing can take a bit longer and moving to full stable can take months
 -- they just stabilized 4.6.2, before which the latest gentoo kde stable
 was 4.4.5, IIRC.  But the initial masked-for-testing ebuilds are
 generally in the gentoo/kde overlay before upstream public release, and
 in the main gentoo tree within days of release.

 James, the LFS guy, doesn't appear to follow the pre-releases or live-
 builds, so he's typically some days to weeks behind Gentoo's move of the
 build-scripts to the general tree.  I believe he tends to finally get the
 4.x.0 instructions up about time kde upstream 4.x.1 comes out a month
 later.  But after the initial minor-release update, the rest in the
 series are far easier as they're much smaller bumps with far fewer
 changes.  So in general, 4.x.1 thru 4.x.5 can continue to use the 4.x.0
 instructions.  It's only with the bump to 4.y.0 that serious changes
 occur, forcing changes to the LFS build instructions that again take a
 month, perhaps six weeks, to work their way thru.

 So... if you'd like me to post the gentoo dependency list for kdelibs,
 let me know.  As I said, such things have helped James and occasionally
 others work out dependencies for their builds, occasionally.  Or you can
 look them up yourself, checking the gentoo/kde public sources, but it
 might take a bit of extra digging to figure out the notation they use.



I am on RHEL. I am getting this when configuring kdelibs using kdesrc-build:

CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are
set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake
   used as include directory in directory /home/ddoria/kdesrc/kdelibs/kdeui
   used as include directory in directory
   used as include directory in directory
   used as include directory in directory
   used as include directory in directory
   used as include directory in directory
   used as include directory in directory
linked by target kdeui in directory /home/ddoria/kdesrc/kdelibs/kdeui

I installed dbus* but that didn't seem to help.

Any thoughts?

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[kde] Re: 4.6.2 shutdown

2011-04-09 Thread David Carlos Manuelda
At least in gentoo is fixed in kdm-4.6.2-r1

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[kde] Re: Fariz Luqman has invited you to Boxbe

2011-04-07 Thread David Carlos Manuelda
Thanks for the info, I'll look at it, I hate html emails too. It won't happen 
again :)

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[kde] Re: 4.6.2 shutdown

2011-04-07 Thread David Carlos Manuelda
Sorry, I run 4.6.1 instead of 4.6.2 in this machine, the other is untested.

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