Re: Can KWin prevent windows from raising themselves from their v.desktop to the current v.desktop?

2023-01-18 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
Am Fri, Dec 16, 2022 at 07:56:11AM -0500 schrieb
> On Thursday, December 15, 2022 11:20:50 PM Duncan wrote:
> > Options:
> > 
> > * Bring (existing) window to current virtual desktop
> > 
> > IIRC this is the new default, and seems to be the behavior you're
> > describing as unwanted.
> > 
> > * Switch to that virtual desktop (and raise the existing window there)
> > 
> > This is what I chose as it makes more sense to me.
> > 
> > Old and definitely confusing but arguably could-be-useful behavior, now
> > missing option:
> Definitely useful / preferred behavior for me.  As I'm going through my 
> emails, 
> I click on links that I want to read later (usually after getting through 
> some 
> portion of my emails).
> With my old versions of firefox (still in use) I am not distracted from my 
> email reading.
> […]
> Very distracting / aggravating.

Sorry, I’m a bit behind with ML reading. But I’ve also noticed this behaviour 
with firefox a while ago and it irks me as well. I just composed an issue on 
BKO, but now that I wrote down the essence of this thread, I couldn’t just 
send it and whine, because it made me ponder.

In which other use case do we not want to auto-raise the window? If, say, we 
double-click an image in Dolphin and want it opened in gimp, which sits on 
another desktop.

And this made me test it: I opened gimp on Desktop 1, Dolphin on Desktop 2, 
right-clicked an image and selected Open with… Gimp. And voilà: it showed 
the old behaviour: the gimp entry appeared on the taskbar and flashed. I 
clicked on it and was moved to Desktop 1.

So the problem we have with firefox is either a firefox problem, or the 
setting “Switch to that desktop” didn’t work. And with “Bring window to 
current Virtual Desktop”, the Gimp window has moved Desktop, but was not 
raised to the top. So I suspect a Firefox problem here, not Kwin.

Grüße | Greetings | Salut | Qapla’
Smileys are footnotes for the stupid. ;-)

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Re: konsole problems with utf8 characters

2023-01-18 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
Am Sun, Jan 08, 2023 at 09:11:05PM +0100 schrieb Patrick Nagel:
> Hi René,
> > >For me Konsole also doesn't show emojis and also many other characters
> > 
> > Attached the little file I use to test emoji rendering. all of which are 
> > rendered fine in my older konsole5 version (20.11.70) built against Qt 5.9, 
> > using the basic `cat` command to display it (but also in vim).
> Thanks, that's a useful test case. And actually it motivated me to dig a 
> little deeper.
> screen didn't get any LANG and LC_ALL environment variables that specify a 
> <...>.UTF-8 locale. It was an easy fix, once I knew where to look :)

Incidentally, I also had been having Emoji issues for a long time now—only 
seeing those monochrome smiley faces for some characters, but mostly blank 
squares. By happy accident I recently discovered that in Konsole profile 
settings under Appearance→Advanced, there is an own option for an Emoji 
font, which in my case was set to “-1”. So I selected a proper font (the 
pre-installed Noto Color Emoji) and with that I got a full list of images 
from the sample text.拾

Grüße | Greetings | Salut | Qapla’
Tea, Earl Grey, hot.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Fwd: Your account has been deactivated

2022-11-04 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
Am Mon, Oct 24, 2022 at 02:09:08PM -0400 schrieb clarjon1:
> I'm unsure about older versions, but for KeepassXC 2.7.x:

Thank you for the hint about Keepass, I didn’t know that. I just got the
email myself, giving me only two days. I’ve been using KeePassXC anyway, so
I set it up there within ten seconds and it worked out of the box. Though it
defies the principle of a second factor, since password and OTP now come
from the same source. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Grüße | Greetings | Salut | Qapla’
Man muß immer mit Leuten rechnen, auf die man nicht zählen kann.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Black screen on Kubuntu 22 LXD container

2022-08-13 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
Am Sat, Aug 13, 2022 at 02:41:17AM - schrieb Duncan:

> Meanwhile, just saying kubuntu 22.04 doesn't really tell non-(k)ubuntu-
> users what plasma and frameworks versions you're running.

Is there no kinfocenter?

Grüße | Greetings | Salut | Qapla’
Rather a fly in the china shop than a bull in the soup.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Lost keyboard shortcut to KDE button

2022-05-07 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
Am Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 02:11:21PM + schrieb Peter Humphrey:
> Hello list,
> While playing with task bars etc. I've managed to lose the Left Windows key 
> shortcut to open the task manager.
> How can I get it back?

I can’t promise it will remedy your problem, but since it works on all my
machines (and used to work for you), have you tried removing and re-adding
the launcher to the panel? Perhaps throw in a logout-login cycle inbetween.

Grüße | Greetings | Salut | Qapla’

A neutron walks into a bar:
“How much for a beer?” – “For you, no charge.”

Description: PGP signature

Re: Resized kontact/calendar pane. Now can't get it back

2022-04-12 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
Am Fri, Apr 01, 2022 at 10:43:02AM -0400 schrieb Mike Diehl:
> I was able to get back on my wife's machine and confirm that there are no 
> handles to grab.

I just noticed that the handles are not visible with the Breeze style. They
are, however, with my settings of qtcurve. See the attached screenie, and
notice the mouse cursor: <-|->

> I can find the resizing area, but when I drag it out in either direction,
> nothing happens.

Ah ok. How far did you move it? I just noticed that I can drag the divider
all the way over to the right edge, which makes the main calendar view
disappear entirey.

Grüße | Greetings | Salut | Qapla’

Das schönste aller Geheimnisse:
Ein Genie zu sein und es als einziger zu wissen.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Resized kontact/calendar pane. Now can't get it back

2022-03-10 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
Am Mon, Feb 28, 2022 at 05:11:03PM -0500 schrieb Mike Diehl:
> Hi all,
> I was using kontact's calendar module and managed to make the date navigator 
> and calendar manager disappear by resizing the panel.  How can I reset the 
> screen layout?

There should be a vertical grip handle right next to the Kontact icon
sidebar. Actually, there are two on my machine. One for the iconbar itself
and one for those panels.

Grüße | Greetings | Salut | Qapla’

You are reliable also if you fail regularly.

Description: PGP signature

Re: New task manager

2021-10-24 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
Am Sun, Oct 24, 2021 at 12:19:21PM +0200 schrieb René J.V. Bertin:

> >Generally, I approve of new and improved systems, but I have some
> I hear you, but have some doubts about the meaning of the concept
> "improved" where the GUI is concerned. The Plasma5 desktop seems to be
> following the current fashion of levelling down the interface to mobile
> device design and interaction principles and that doesn't incite me at all
> to keep following updates...

I also noticed little details about that. Like over-scrolling panels when
using a stone-age mouse wheel. Yesterday I came across an old Blog post of
Nate’s from a year ago, and I was flabbergasted by how much Windows 11 looks
like KDE from then:

OTOH, I do have a tablet (a Surface Go) on which I installed my standard
Arch-with-KDE. And there I appreciate the fact that touch support is being
worked on – even on X11. But in comparison to Windows – we do have a choice!
You don’t like a menu with big tiles? Just switch the style and revert to a
text-style cascading menu. It ships out of the box. Hooray!

> I came to KDE in its late Plasma4 days after observing it seemed to be
> headed to become a worthy replacement for Mac OS X (then still called like
> that) for me. My current system has (self-built) KF5 apps running under
> that same Plasma4 desktop but it seems I'm going to have to keep looking
> what to replace that with when holding out on a Kubuntu 14.04 foundation
> becomes untenable.

While KDE4 was running well in later stages, I actually prefer the
aesthetics of KDE5. The gradients and borders and so on were too thick and
took up too much space. I know – fashions and tastes come and go – but I
think the current design *is* more efficient when it comes to screen pixels.
Breeze notwithstanding, which is why I stick to QtCurve and Oxygen icons
which I’ve been using since early KDE4 days (QtCurve maybe even in KDE3?).

Grüße | Greetings | Qapla’

War does not determine who is right -- only who is left.

Description: PGP signature

Re: New task manager

2021-10-24 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
Am Sat, Oct 23, 2021 at 04:56:21PM -0700 schrieb Dave Close:

> I just installed a new system and discovered I now have KDE 5.22.
> Generally, I approve of new and improved systems, but I have some
> questions and the web has not helped me find answers.

I just upgraded to 5.23, but it is very likely what I described hasn’t
changed much in recent time.

> 1. How do I disable the "icons-only task manager" and enable one with
> more useful visible information? (I *hate* icons.)

Duncan was right in that you right-click on an empty area of the taskbar and
select the alternative. I also run the classic icons-with-text variety,
which should be simply called taskbar (not sure about the English term),
whereas what you are currently running is called taskbar with icons (maybe
not exactly).

But unlike him, I see no problem achieving the right-click. All you need is
close all windows to have a maximum click area. And if you are on icons-only
at the moment, then even having several windows open shan’t be a problem.

> 2. How do I unlock the widgets on the new task manager? The tool list
> no longer seems to include that function and I don't find it elsewhere.
> I am able to add new widgets but I can't modify the properties of those
> already added.

I just found out that the context menu, which allows you to select an
alternative task manager, also has an item “start edit mode” and it also
shows a keyboard shortcut: Alt+D, Alt+S. But you can also right-click the
desktop, the menu has the same mentioned item, only the shortcut is Alt+D,E.

Grüße | Greetings | Qapla’

The situation is hopeless, but not serious.

Description: PGP signature

Clean up stray filetype association to Okular

2021-03-20 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
Dear list,

I am having a little problem here. Okular seems to be associated with every
single file type in my KDE setup. When I browse through file associations,
it is mentioned in practically all of them, for many of the exotic ones it
is even the only one.

When I uninstall Okular, those associations are gone from the files’ context
menu, but once I re-install it, they are all back. Today I wanted to open an
opus file and noticed Okular in first place, not even in the Open with…
list, which finally gave me the push to ask around.

I created a new test user, and in there everything seems normal. There was
no Okular in the application list for opus files. So it is probably some
mis-configuration in my user config. Looking in ~/.local/share/applications,
there is no mentioning of okular. Where else can I look? How can I resolve

I don’t want to go through every single filetype and remove it there. This
is not the proper way to solve this, anyway. I also don’t want to create a
new user and migrate everything again. I’ve done this quite recently due to
some Akonadi problem and it’s just too much work. Somewhere in my system there
is a setting that says Okular is a legitimate application for every filetype
there is. My ~/.mailcap mentions okular, but only thus:
application/pdf; /usr/bin/okular '%s'; description=PDF; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"

Can you give me a nudge, please?
Much obliged.

Gruß | Greetings | Qapla’
LOL, you said ROFL.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Menu background colour

2021-02-26 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
Am Tue, Feb 23, 2021 at 01:42:44PM + schrieb Ianseeks:
> Hi
> With the Plasma latest update to 5.21, any menu is now a dark grey colour.  
> Is there anyway to change this, its not the best for my eyesight?  I'm using 
> Breeze for everything.

I also had a colour issue, although in my case the window titlebars had the
wrong colour right after the upgrade from 5.20 to 5.21. I “fixed” it by
going to system settings → appearance → colours and then set the theme to
something different and then back to Breeze.

Gruß | Greetings | Qapla’

In the end, every woman can be reduced to carbon and hydrogen.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Kleopatra program

2021-02-16 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
Am Sat, Feb 13, 2021 at 12:05:33PM -0500 schrieb Jessica Pearce:
> My computer crashed with my pgp key on it. I only have the fingerprint ID
> but I don’t know how to import it into the program on my new computer using
> only the fingerprint. I am a noob and don’t understand much about pgp keys
> or the program itself.


in the Kleopatra toolbar, there’s a button “Import from server”. In there,
you can enter an e-mail address that is associated with your key. You can
even enter a partial address (I just tried with just the domain part of my
key’s address).

However, PGP keys come in pairs: a private and a public one. Typically,
internet servers only carry the public one, because that’s the one that gets
distributed to other participants. The private key – as its name suggests –
should only ever be in your personal possession, not in anyone else’s. So
unless you have a backup, you may be out of luck.

About your crash: depending on some details, there are several courses of
action you can take to recover your key.
What crashed in your old computer? Does it just not turn on?
Are you on a different computer now?
Does the old harddrive still work?
Is the old/the new computer a PC or laptop (usually, the two types use
different physical sizes of harddrives)

If the old drive still works, then the simplest solution is to copy over
your ~/.gnupg directory. If the drive still works but the computer itself
does not, you can connect the drive to the new computer. In a PC, it can be
mounted into the case and connected to the mainboard. For a laptop, there
are adapters which allow you to hook up a bare harddrive to a USB port, just
like a removable drive (those also work for PCs, of course).

Good luck.

Gruß | Greetings | Qapla’
“Can I buy you a drink or would you prefer the money?”

Description: PGP signature

Re: Black line between panel and wallpaper

2021-01-09 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
Am Thu, Jan 07, 2021 at 12:16:40PM + schrieb Ianseeks:
> Hi
> This has been like this for a while, is there any reason for a black line ot 
> exists between the panel and wallpaper/.  When you logout, the panel 
> disappears and the wallpaper extends to the bottom of the screen so it looks 
> like the panel creates the black line.

Am I right to assume that you disabled the KWin compositor? I yes, then it’s
a bug that I reported and has been fixed in a coming version:

Gruß | Greetings | Qapla’

Everything not dealing with elephants is irrelephant.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Dolphin

2020-11-21 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
Am Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 05:45:16PM + schrieb Andreas Wahlen:
> Hi, I can't find the Dolphin download for Linux Mint 20.
> I donated EUR 20.-.
> Can you help me?
> Greetings and thanks. Andreas Wahlen, Spain.

I never used Mint myself, but deep down, it is Debian based.
Thus, what is the output of `apt install dolphin`?
Grüße | Greetings | Qapla’

“I want your clothes, your boots, and your signature.”

Description: PGP signature

Re: Years later, kmail still is not a viable email client?

2020-10-15 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 05:22:59PM -0500, Draciron Smith wrote:

> First on principle. The integrated PIM is mostly obsolete. Phones today
> have the CPU horsepower desktops had back when KDE 3 was embarked upon. A
> phone is a natural place to do contact management.

So it uses just another kind of integrated PIM (as in: integrated with the
accounts architecture of Android). There are Account providers, cache
backends and viewers.

> Getting ISPs to continue support for POP3 & IMAP is like pulling teeth and
> when you do get support you gat ONE email address.

What do phone e-mail clients use as their backend? Don’t tell me they open
the web interface and parse its output.

I had my problems with KMail, too, back in 2009 or so. At that time I moved
to mutt (which is still my main MUA to this day because it is so damn fast
with mass mail handling). But I still use Kontact for PIM stuff and also
KMail when I am not in the mood for the terminal.

> KDE 4, I disable Akondi, 4 gigs of RAM on this machine. 2 gigs fo RAM on 2
> other machines running KDE 4 with Akondi disabled. Worked great. Ubuntu
> 14.04 LTS goes out of support. I have to upgrade to 16.04 and KDE 5 and my
> 2 Gig machines barely boot. My 4 Gig machine acts like I'm running WIn 95.

Well, I was using KDE 4 and 5 – including PIM – on an Asus Eeepc with an
Atom N450, which is an in-order-SMT CPU. It worked back then. Hell, I was
using Gentoo on that, too (OK, I admit, I used distcc to do the heavy
I started it up the other day and did an update (by now running Arch Linux).
Firefox took 20 seconds to load a few years ago but was usable after that.
It has now reached a point where it has become unusable. Software complexity
(sadly) progresses constantly upwards. But even my raspi 3 is now faster
than that netbook. I did a comparison by 7z'ing a 100 MB PDF. The netbook
did it in 1′40″, the raspi took shy of a minute!

Grüße | Greetings | Qapla’

What do you call a fly without wings? — A walk.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Konqueror for mac

2020-06-20 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Fri, Jun 19, 2020 at 11:17:10AM +0200, René J.V. Bertin wrote:
> On Tuesday June 16 2020 05:09:58 Draciron Smith wrote:
> >> >Unison is not meant for automatic jobs, at least not the versions I know.
> ...
> >> Rysnch works when I'm not botching the command. I'm just looking for a 1
> >way mirror that can run over SSH automatically set to run probably on the
> >hour in my recording dirs, and weekly on other dirs. I've accidentally
> >erased files I meant to keep, overwritten files, etc using Rsynch with
> >wrong command switches.
> How about this thing I just discovered?

Syncthing uses a daemon and acts automatically. So if you accidentally
delete a file, this change will propagate very quickly. This is the exact
reason why, after evaluating syncthing for myself, I stayed with unison to
sync my zoo of devices. Unison is triggered and used manually. If I deleted
something by accident, I have all the time I need to fetch it from another
machine (rather than from a backup, which is usually too old, as usual).

While unison only ever syncs one directory within one profile, I can sync a
number of separate and independent directories at once by using symlinks in
the profile’s base directory and tell unison to follow symlinks only on the
first level.

Gruß | Greetings | Qapla’
Bitte nichts von mir oder über mich auf einem sozialen Netzwerk hochladen.

Can I get you a drink or do you prefer the money?

Description: PGP signature

Re: Font DPI and screen scaling

2020-06-11 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Tue, Jun 09, 2020 at 12:24:25AM +0200, test wrote:
> On Sun, 2020-06-07 at 22:39 +0200, Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
> > [...]
> > In your valued experience/opinion, what is the appropriate way of
> > ensuring
> > that a 10 pt font has the same physical size on all screens if I use
> > display
> > scaling exclusively? Is a screen scale of 100 % assuming 96 dpi?
> The only way to do that is to use displays that have the same amount of
> dots per square(!) inch.

Or tell the system how many DPI my screens have, so fonts have the proper
physical size.

> What do you mean by "screen scaling"?

System settings → Screens → Global Scale
It uses a percent scale just like MS Winblows. But a percentage is always a
comparison to a base figure. So what is that here? This is the same (IMHO
stupid) thing that MS did in their settings; scaling with a percentage with
no physical meaning behind it.

Gruß | Greetings | Qapla’
Please do not share anything from, with or about me on any social network.

Man: lifeform that orders football tickets three months in advance,
 but does Christmas shopping on the 24th.

Description: PGP signature

Font DPI and screen scaling

2020-06-07 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
Hey ho fellows,

recently, when I was reading up on current Plasma developments on reddit and, I found a blog post with the following statement (from
memory, I can’t find the actual source anymore):

“People usually scale their UI by forcing a DPI value in font settings.
This is wrong and they should use screen scaling instead.”

Up until now I was using a normal PC with a monitor and a small laptop. Two
weeks ago I bought a used Tablet and set up a new system and user with KDE
on it. This makes my collection of devices look like thus:

Description   SizePixels  Resolution

Old PC monitor17″ 1280×102496 dpi
Current monitor   27″ 2560×1440   109 dpi
Thinkpad  12.5″   1920×1080   176 dpi
Surface Go10″ 1800×1200   216 dpi

In your valued experience/opinion, what is the appropriate way of ensuring
that a 10 pt font has the same physical size on all screens if I use display
scaling exclusively? Is a screen scale of 100 % assuming 96 dpi?

I have been using a forced DPI value because even though screens report
their proper physical size and it is shown in xrandr, it is not obeyed in X,
which instead reverts to 96 dpi and shows fonts too small (pixel height too

Thanks for any insight you may have.

Gruß | Greetings | Qapla’
Why do Java developers wear glasses? – Because they don’t C#.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Falkon

2019-10-30 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Sun, Oct 27, 2019 at 05:48:46PM +0100, Mateusz Tomaszewicz wrote:
> Will Falkon get an update? Because so far it is on version 3.1 and the 
> QT engine on version 5.12 and the current version of the engine is 
> already on version 5.13. Please feedback.


I would assume that the Falkon version number scheme has nothing to do with
the Qt version number scheme. Falkon uses Qt, but is not a Qt product. Hence
there should be no relation between Falkon and Qt version numbers.

One could say that Falkon is a mere interface – a GUI – put over the
QtWebEngine core, so it always uses the version of QtWebEngine that you have
installed in your system. Just like the old alternative Internet Explorer
GUIs of yore.

Gruß | Greetings | Qapla’
Please do not share anything from, with or about me on any social network.

I had a problem and used Java. Now I have a ProblemFactory.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Kmail message storage folders

2018-04-15 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Sat, Apr 14, 2018 at 02:36:07PM -0300, Nicolás Alvarez wrote:
> El 14 abr. 2018, a la(s) 11:01, cr  escribió:
> > 
> > One possible snag I can see is that kmail has created, in each folder such 
> > as 'cars', subfolders called 'cur', 'new' and 'tmp'. Typically 'tmp' is 
> > empty but both 'cur' and 'new' are full of messages. How does kmail (or 
> > akonadi?) assign messages to 'cur' or 'new'? If it arbitrarily shifts 
> > messages from one to the other then my copying idea will likely result in 
> > numerous duplicate messages.
> >  
> > I've tried the Kmail documentation but it doesn't seem to throw any light 
> > on this.
> It's the standard Maildir format. 'new' has unread messages, 'cur' has read 
> messages. They will be moved between folders when you mark messages as read 
> or unread.

I use KMail only on my IMAP server and sync that to my machine using
Offlineimap. But once on my harddrive, my scenario is the same as yours:
read mail from one Maildir tree on several machines at the same time.

My approach is to use the syncing solution called Unison. That way I can
read and edit Mail on both machines, and unison detects all the changes in
the file system, including mail that was moved from new to cur after it was
read. As long as I don’t edit the same mail on both machines, Unison works
perfectly with this.

Gruß | Greetings | Qapla’
Bitte nichts von mir oder über mich auf einem sozialen Netzwerk hochladen.

Their are less then four mistakes in this sentance.

Description: Digital signature

Disable popup when changing volume or keyboard layout?

2018-03-13 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
Hi list,

is there a way to disable said info popups? For the layout there is the
indicator in the panel. Vor the volume, well, I can use the volume icon as a
guess-o-meter. I would like to do away with them but haven’t found out

Can you give me a hint? I’d be much obliged.

My rationale:
The poppus flicker over a video player and take ages to fade out (if I have
effects enabled). Also, they steal the keyboard focus. When I rename a file
and notice I need some typographical specialties, I would like to switch
from the programmer-friendly US layout to my native German. But then the
inline editor for the filename is closed without applying any changes that I
made so far.

Gruß | Greetings | Qapla’
Please do not share anything from, with or about me on any social network.

Similar regulations in different post departments are TELECOMpatible.

Description: Digital signature

Re: [kde] Mounting storage media via plasma applet: no permission

2016-07-24 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 12:00:29AM +0200, Frank Steinmetzger wrote:

> > I have a teensy weensy problem with mounting removable storage media.
> > In short form:
> > [...]
> > B)
> > - insert media
> > - use the appearing popup to display contents in Dolphin
> >   -> I get permission denied message
> > - open Dolphin
> > - click the media's item
> >   -> the content is displayed and a second Dolphin opens with the same path
> As it turned out, I had not done a full upgrade after all... many packages
> were still installed in the 15.12 version. But I saw no message of package
> or library conflicts, so I was unaware of it.
> Once I marked all available "kde apps" packages to be upgraded to their
> 16.04 version in my package manager, everything went back to normal:
I revoke that last statement... after a reboot, the problem is still there.
I open the storage media popup, click on a storage media item, the dropdown
menu opens (which, as mentioned, did not happen before I upgraded
everything), and I select dolphin. Again, I get permission denied. Then I
open dolphin manually and click on the media item, and then I get as many
additional dolphin windows as I tried to open the media via the popup menu.

Unmounting via the plasma popup works, though.

Gruß | Greetings | Qapla’
Ich möchte nicht, daß irgendetwas von mir oder über mich auf Facebook landet.

There are two states for hard disks: new and full.

Description: Digital signature
This message is from the kde mailing list.
Account management:
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Re: [kde] Mounting storage media via plasma applet: no permission

2016-07-24 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 06:56:02PM +0200, Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
> Hello fellows,
> a week or so ago I did the upgrade from 4.14 to 5.7.0. Once I got around all
> package-manager-related complications, the system is stable and works as
> expected for the most parts. I've not had a single crash yet. :)
> I have a teensy weensy problem with mounting removable storage media.
> In short form:
> [...]
> B)
> - insert media
> - use the appearing popup to display contents in Dolphin
>   -> I get permission denied message
> - open Dolphin
> - click the media's item
>   -> the content is displayed and a second Dolphin opens with the same path

As it turned out, I had not done a full upgrade after all... many packages
were still installed in the 15.12 version. But I saw no message of package
or library conflicts, so I was unaware of it.

Once I marked all available "kde apps" packages to be upgraded to their
16.04 version in my package manager, everything went back to normal: now
when I click a media item in the storage media popup, I get the usual
dropdown menu with possible actions. I didn't have that menu and was
wondering where it went. I actually didn't miss it and thought it was
removed, since it meant one less click to access the media.

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Re: [kde] Mounting storage media via plasma applet: no permission

2016-07-21 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 09:57:24AM +0200, René J.V. Bertin wrote:

> >So the degree to which I can be of help is rather limited.  However, the
> >problem reads to me like a missing polkit invocation in the failing path.
> >I'd dig around to find the commandline used in both paths, and 
> To me this sounds more like a timing problem. I'd hope that the mounting
> process is independent of dolphin (or whatever other application would try
> to acces the mountpoint). The fact that you can wait, launch dolphin
> manually and find the new volume in the side-bar (or Places thingy) would
> support that interpretation.
> Or do you get the same issue if you wait a reasonable time (for instance
> until the popup menu closes itself again) and then use the "Open in
> Dolphin" menu? In that case there must indeed be something wrong with the
> way dolphin is invoked by that menu action.

The first time I clicked the popup away, opened it again and clicked the
item, I got a Dolphin window and a message about not being able to open a
URL. I clicked it away too soon to note the actual URL.

I tried it again now and gave it some time. The popup did not go away by
itself. And even after a few minutes of waiting, I still get permission
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[kde] Mounting storage media via plasma applet: no permission

2016-07-20 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
Hello fellows,

a week or so ago I did the upgrade from 4.14 to 5.7.0. Once I got around all
package-manager-related complications, the system is stable and works as
expected for the most parts. I've not had a single crash yet. :)

I have a teensy weensy problem with mounting removable storage media.
In short form:

- insert media
- open Dolphin
- click the media's item on the Places panel
  -> the content is displayed and all is fine

- insert media
- use the appearing popup to display contents in Dolphin
  -> I get permission denied message
- open Dolphin
- click the media's item
  -> the content is displayed and a second Dolphin opens with the same path

Does this sound familiar to anyone?

@Duncan: revdep-rebuild and @preserved-rebuild return empty results. ;)
Gruß | Greetings | Qapla’
Never trust an atom... they make up everything!

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[kde] Clean up Akregator Archive files

2016-02-24 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
Hello list

could you please enlighten me as to how I could clean up deleted items from
Akregator archive files?

I noticed that the file of one of the feeds I follow has accumulated 16 Megs
in size even though I managed to bring the item count down to < 1000 by
deleting stuff that I don't need anymore.

My flow when reading RSS feeds is to delete items that don't interest me,
but to keep others that I find important. That's why I can't just delete the
archive file.

Thanks for any tips.
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[kde] Storage media applet not updating on media mount

2014-12-01 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
Hi fellows

I’ve been having a small problem with my KDE 4.14.2 on Gentoo for a little
while now. It may have come with the last update from 4.14.0, but I can’t
say for sure.

When I insert a storage medium, such as a USB drive or Audio CD, the 
storage media applet pops up and offers me its actions as usual, but when 
I click on the icon or any action, it doesn’t update its internal status 
(I don’t have automounting enabled). Then the medium gets mounted and I 
can access it in Dolphin, but the state icon stays on “unmounted” and I 
can’t dismount the device. What I still can do is right-click on the 
device in Dolphin and select “Eject” in there.

Have you heard of that yet?
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Re: [kde] Pressing Ctrl+Space in Konsole

2014-11-17 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 02:16:09PM +0100, Kevin Krammer wrote:
 On Saturday, 2014-11-15, 02:43:37, Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
  Dear list
  perhaps you can take the tomatoes from my eyes. I have two machines. When I
  run midnight commander in Konsole and press Ctrl+Space, then on one machine
  the appropriate action triggers, and on the other one it doesn’t.
  It must be Konsole eating the shortcut, because if I ssh onto the machine
  and start mc from there, Ctrl+Space works. I diffed the two’s konsolerc, but
  there was no difference regarding keyboard input. I use tmux on both
  computers, but its config is kept in sync between all my computers.

 Or maybe a global shortcut or window manager short cut on one machine but not
 the other?

Thanks for your reply. I just found the export option in the Global Shorcuts
KCM and exported the key bindings of all modules into one file. It has no
mentioning of Ctrl+Space.

  What else can I look for? For example, I was unable to find the Konsole
  profiles (using grep -i terminus in .kde/share/config, which is the font in
  one of my profiles).

 Profiles are in .kde/share/apps/konsole.

I looked at them – nothing out of the ordinary there. (see below). The only
*real* physical difference is that on the machine where it doesn’t work, I
use a PS/2 keyboard. The other one’s a laptop (but aren’t those keyboards
PS/2 also?). I can’t put my finger on it when it started. But I’ve been
using this KB for over a year now (though on another machine with – for all
intents and purposes – an identical setup until recently) and I can’t
believe that I’ve been having this problem for sooo long already.

My main profile from   My not working main profile:
the working machine:
# %--%-
[Appearance]   [Appearance]
ColorScheme=Linux  ColorScheme=Linux
Font=Terminus,7,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0  Font=Terminus,6,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0

[Encoding Options]

[General]  [General]
Name=Terminus  Name=Terminus

HistoryMode=1  HistorySize=1
HistorySize=1  ScrollBarPosition=2

[Terminal Features]

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[kde] Pressing Ctrl+Space in Konsole

2014-11-14 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
Dear list

perhaps you can take the tomatoes from my eyes. I have two machines. When I
run midnight commander in Konsole and press Ctrl+Space, then on one machine
the appropriate action triggers, and on the other one it doesn’t.

It must be Konsole eating the shortcut, because if I ssh onto the machine
and start mc from there, Ctrl+Space works. I diffed the two’s konsolerc, but
there was no difference regarding keyboard input. I use tmux on both
computers, but its config is kept in sync between all my computers.

What else can I look for? For example, I was unable to find the Konsole
profiles (using grep -i terminus in .kde/share/config, which is the font in
one of my profiles).

Thanks for any helpful hints.
Gruß | Greetings | Qapla’
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Vs lbh pna ernq guvf, lbh xabj ubj gb hfr ebg-guvegrra.

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[kde] Defining environment variables

2014-10-03 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
Fellow users

I am trying to get UIM working, so I can enter various character sets such
as Japanese. I did what most tutorials said: go into ~/.bashrc and add:
export GTK_IM_MODULE='uim'
export QT_IM_MODULE='uim'
export XMODIFIERS='@im=uim'

That only did the trick for GTK, such as in firefox. In a forum I found
someone say to export QT_IMMODULE also. Didn't help either:

frank@kern ~ env|grep QT_IM
frank@kern ~ kwrite

This gives me no input method selection in the uim-toolbar.

But when I do:
frank@kern ~ QT_IMMODULE='uim' QT_IM_MODULE='uim' kwrite
*then* it works. Why is that so? I source ~/.bashrc from within
~/.bash_profile, so KDE should know about those variables. Or does it?
I found no kcm to view and edit environment variables.

Thanks for any hints.
Gruß | Greetings | Qapla’
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One year is a pretty long time -- it can stretch over months.

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Re: [kde] Defining environment variables

2014-10-03 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Fri, Oct 03, 2014 at 02:57:58PM +0200, Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
 Fellow users
 I am trying to get UIM working, so I can enter various character sets such
 as Japanese. I did what most tutorials said: go into ~/.bashrc and add:
 Thanks for any hints.

Don't bother. As often, I found the answer on the KDE page shortly after
asking. I needed to export those variables in a .sh file in ~/.kde4/env/. ツ
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Re: [kde] Bad Gwenview

2014-08-03 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Sun, Aug 03, 2014 at 03:20:51AM -0400, Felix Miata wrote:
 In 4.13.80, is there a way to make it stop shifting back to fit from 100% 
 when doing next/previous? The Fit button with mouse is a seriously long way 
 away from the prv/nxt buttons. :-(

FWIW, you can of course rearrange your toolbar and you can use the default
shortcut F to toggle between 100% and fit-to-window.
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Re: [kde] Restoring a KMail folder from a generic backup

2014-07-16 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 03:10:48PM +0100, David Goodenough wrote:

   Thanks Frank, unfortunately things have changed recently. I checked both
   ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail and ~/.local/share/local-mail, and came up empty.
   have previously restored the plain text files when I made this type of
   blunder before. Some recent changes in kmail have moved the mail storage
   someplace else. I fear that it might be in a database (akonadi?) along
   all of the rest KDE configuration, which would make a targeted restoration
   very difficult.
  make sure you have hidden files visible - the subdirectories are now hidden
  mine are in /home/myuser/.local/share/.local-mail-
  directory/.whatevermailfolder (notice the dot in the beginning) and some of
  them are hidden folders, some not
 I have never quite understood why some files and directories inside .local are
 hidden.  You only go into .local when you need to find some mail manually, and
 having them hidden just seems to be done to make life difficult for the user!

That's due to the (unofficial?) extension to the maildir format that KMail
uses. Normally, you can only have subfolders OR mails in a maildir folder, but
KMail offers both. And in order to not interfere with maildir, it uses a
hidden folder. (If I uderstand that correctly)
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In the past one had to kill the dragon to marry the virgin.
Nowadays there are no more virgins, instead you get to marry the dragon.

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Re: [kde] Restoring a KMail folder from a generic backup

2014-07-15 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 01:04:57PM -0400, John M Cavallo wrote:
 I am using KMail 4.10.5 on a Linux system and have a regular backup of my 
 entire home directory. I was manually cleaning up my KMail folders using 
 'Archive Folder...' with the 'Delete folder and subfolders after completion' 
 when I accidentally overwrote an archive of another folder. Is there a way of 
 restoring the lost mail folder from the backup? 

Well, go to the backup folder and live folder¹ with $file_manager and copy it
back. AFAIK, KMail uses a Maildir “dialect”, so you can even copy single
mails. If you don’t trust that or fear you would overwrite even more in the
process, then create a new subfolder in KMail, exit KMail, and copy your
backup in there. You can then start KMail again and sort out the emails from

¹ In the past, emails were stored in ~/.kde4/share/apps/kmail/Mail. But with
KMail 2, at some point the switch was made to ~/.local/share/local-mail for
your local folders.
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Re: [kde] Dolphin does not show extract here menu

2014-05-15 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 01:26:31PM -0400, Carlos Luna wrote:
 hello everybody!
 I have the next trouble:
 Into dolphin I quit of having the extract here menu, and even thoug I`ve 
 read a lot about it and re installed zip, unzip, p7zip, ark etc. I keep 
 whitout the extract here menu, Some clue please.

Did you check Dolphin’s settings yet? You can disable and enable such
context menu items in the Services register (4th one on the left).
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Re: [kde] How to get a bigger icon in the application switcher

2014-05-02 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Fri, May 02, 2014 at 02:44:41AM +, Duncan wrote:
 Frank Steinmetzger posted on Thu, 01 May 2014 13:53:21 +0200 as excerpted:
  […] But I did experiment a bit with the large-icons switcher, and
  have a large aurora icon here. (I have the bindist flag on so get
  the generic aurora name and icons, not the firefox branding.)
  Aurora is the not-yet-published beta, innit? I suppose then you’re using
  an out-of-tree ebuild, because it’s not in portage and you’re speaking
  of use flags.
 In terms of firefox upstream, mozilla, yes, aurora is beta (or is it 
 alpha?, it's pre-release, anyway).
 But that's not what aurora is in gentoo.  In gentoo, it has to do with 
 the bindist flag, since for trademark protection reasons, mozilla does 
 not allow distributors to call patched versions firefox, unless they get 
 official mozilla pre-approval for their patches.

Now I see what I did wrong in thinking – I’m using the precompiled
version, not the source version. And that one doesn’t have the bindist


 grumble -- not directed at you People wonder why my posts are so long.  
 It's because almost invariably whenever I try to be brief, I end up 
 posting the long explanation I had omitted in the original post in the 
 interest of brevity, anyway!

Hm... funnily enough, even though you are aware of the length of your
posts, your next three paragraphs about why *you* use either version of
Fx have nothing to do with *this* topic or mail which was only about the
*meaning* of “Aurora” and its appearance in portage. So semantically,
they *could* have been omitted. ;-)

 So for the most part I've given up trying to be brief.  If people
 don't like my style they always have the right to killfile me!

Well, sometimes you might have valuable information in them, but those
are buried under half a dozen paragraphs for which people have no time
if they’re catching up un hundreds of messages from various mailing
Why not do a short and to-the-point answer first and then, following
current Intertubes style, write TL;DR and the rest below that. But
let’s not speak of it anymore in this thread, it’s already off-topic as
it is.
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Re: [kde] How to get a bigger icon in the application switcher

2014-05-02 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Fri, May 02, 2014 at 03:11:50AM +, Duncan wrote:
 Frank Steinmetzger posted on Thu, 01 May 2014 13:53:21 +0200 as excerpted:
  Well as I said, I compared the package contents and the arch [firefox]
  package just installed more icons (not only until 128×128, as Gentoo
  does these days).
  I might have to look at it again.
 If you do, since you have the arch package available, what I'd try first 
 is simply copying the full set of arch icons to the gentoo side, and see 
 if that fixes the problem.

I switched on the old Netbook and copied over the files. The Arch
package includes sizes up to 384×384 and some more in between (most
notably 64×64). The icons were simply called firefox.png. The ones in my
Gentoo system were called firefox-bin. It didn’t work at first, so I
went into /usr/share/applications/firefox-bin.desktop and changed the
Icon= line to firefox.png. And now it worked.¹

I have no idea what is different. To rule out the addition of other
sizes, I renamed all firefox.png that were not previously available with
firefox-bin-icon.png, and the icon still shows up big. Even reverting
the .desktop’s Icon= back to firefox-icon-bin does not bring back the
problem. I’m at wit’s end, but happy nonetheless, for now I have what I

 Probably the easiest way to do that would be to move the entire hicolor 
 tree elsewhere temporarily, and copy the arch hicolor tree into its 
 Then as I said restart kwin and firefox, and see if you get the bigger 

As mentioned, I usually log out and back in, just to be sure. And I
delete the caches while logged out.

$ cd /usr/share/icons/hicolor  find | sort | grep firefox

The *-arch files are from the arch package, but renamed so that the set
of arch icons (firefox.png) serves the same sizes as the old firefox-bin
set. firefox-bin-icon must be from an old attempt at solving this issue.

$ equery files firefox-bin | grep hicolor.*png

So let’s close this. I have no idea why, but it’s working now.
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Re: [kde] How to get a bigger icon in the application switcher

2014-05-01 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 05:39:28AM +, Duncan wrote:
 Frank Steinmetzger posted on Sun, 27 Apr 2014 18:17:06 +0200 as excerpted:
  I’m having a slight issue with my KDE on Gentoo. I enabled the
  application switcher theme with larger icons, as I dislike the default
  one ever since it started showing all non-selected icons in greyscale.
 Fellow gentooer. =:^)
 FWIW I had no idea what the default was, so I went thru all the switchers 
 and it seems only informational displays that grayscale-except-for-
 selected-icon behavior.  So you should be able to switch to any of the 

Uhm... I did. That’s the whole point of this mail; the one I switched to
shows this problem.

 And FWIW, I use thumbnail as my primary switcher, here, with 
 flipswitch as secondary.  A scaled down version of the window itself is 
 a lot easier to use than the icon.  Tho I do believe that requires 
 working/enabled OpenGL, but any of the several scaled-window switchers 
 really /really/ increase the usability of the switcher if they're 
 available, at least for me.

That would technically work for me, but it introduces a bit of lag and
I prefer icons, for they are faster to recognise than a miniature that
is changing constantly.

What I do use occasionally is the present windows (a.k.a. Exposé)
effect because of its neat quick-filter.

  Some applications still appear with a small icon (i.e. 48×48 Pixel) in
  it. One of them is Konqueror (though that doesn’t bother me much), and
  more importantly Firefox. Initially I hoped it to be a packaging problem
  – the Gentoo package only installed a 48×48 icon into
  /usr/share/pixmaps. So I filed a bug about that.¹
  You can read some more details in there (it’s not very long), because I
  did have big icons with Arch linux which shared its home partition with
  my Gentoo system.
 FWIW, I'm running kde-live - versions (from the kde overlay) of most 
 packages here(tho I've not updated for about 10 days I'd guess), so it's 
 very likely I'm running a newer kde than you.  But I did experiment a bit 
 with the large-icons switcher, and have a large aurora icon here. (I have 
 the bindist flag on so get the generic aurora name and icons, not the 
 firefox branding.)

Aurora is the not-yet-published beta, innit? I suppose then you’re using
an out-of-tree ebuild, because it’s not in portage and you’re speaking
of use flags.

 But I do have a smaller icon for pan, which only ships the pixmap icon, 
 not the newer hicolor, etc, icons.  So I see the problem, just not with 
 firefox.  (I don't actually have konqueror installed so can't check what 
 size icon I get for it.)
 But I only saw that after restarting both of them, the takeaway being 
 that if you're doing any experimenting, be sure to restart both kwin and 
 the apps you're checking the icon with (restarting X/KDE should work too, 
 but isn't necessary), or you'll see the old size.

 Meanwhile, while you sort of checked the reverse of this by checking with 
 arch using the same homedir, you might wish to try either setting up a 
 new test-user temporarily, […]

That is my usual approach at debugging weird behaviour, also to rule out
any left-over cruft in my user’s config from previous KDE versions.
(Albeit that this particular install and its home dir is practically
new, I only synchronise select files and dirs between machines with

 If the problem is gone with all default settings (except for changing the 
 switcher to large icons, obviously), the problem is obviously in the user 
 settings, not in the system config.

A new test user has the issue just the same.

 If it's in your user settings you can then try bisecting the problem
 down to an individual file […]

I did this in the past... I think it was a font rendering issue. For
that I actually bisected my config dir by clearing it and then doing it
Newton-style -- always adding half of the remaining files until the
issue cropped and then removing half of what I last added until it was
gone again.

 If the problem is still there with all default user settings, then it 
 must be either the difference in versions (if any) between arch and 
 gentoo's kde, OR, perhaps, a distro-specific patch applied by one or the 

Well as I said, I compared the package contents and the arch package
just installed more icons (not only until 128×128, as Gentoo does these
days). I might have to look at it again.
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[kde] How to get a bigger icon in the application switcher

2014-04-27 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
Hi group

I’m having a slight issue with my KDE on Gentoo. I enabled the application
switcher theme with larger icons, as I dislike the default one ever
since it started showing all non-selected icons in greyscale.

Some applications still appear with a small icon (i.e. 48×48 Pixel) in
it. One of them is Konqueror (though that doesn’t bother me much), and
more importantly Firefox. Initially I hoped it to be a packaging problem –
the Gentoo package only installed a 48×48 icon into /usr/share/pixmaps.
So I filed a bug about that.¹

You can read some more details in there (it’s not very long), because I
did have big icons with Arch linux which shared its home partition with
my Gentoo system.

These are the icons currently installed by Gentoo’s Firefox package:
frank asp ~ qlist firefox-bin|grep png

In said bug report, I reference some other resource stating that the
pixmaps directory was deprecated. How is that handled in KDE (i.e. does
it have precedence over hicolor?) Just to give it a try, I deleted the
pixmap file, logged out, cleared my cache both in /var/tmp/kdecache and
in ~/.kde4/cache/icon-cache.kcache and logged back in. But I still have
a small icon.

Can you advise me on how to proceed? What am I missing?

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[kde] FTP with different timezone on the server

2014-03-08 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
Hi list

Does anyone know of a way to tell the FTP KIO that the FTP server has a
different timezone in place? My problem is with a webhoster’s FTP server
which runs on UTC, so everytime I upload a file, it “ages” by one or two
hours, depending on DST (I’m on GMT+1).
For that reason I can’t use krusader’s sync feature (and probably any
other sync tool like rsync) if I don’t want to upload all files every

Can you recommend any solution? Thanks.
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Re: [kde] virtuoso-t constantly segfaulting

2014-02-02 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Sat, Feb 01, 2014 at 12:39:16PM -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:

 It would not surprise me to learn that neither nepomuk, soprano, nor 
 virtuoso-t, can deal with a 30gig database on a 32bit PAE system.  They 
 have all been segfaulters from the gitgo here.
 So I am intermittently looking for an alternative.  Including a full 64 bit 
 kernel build, but the build process makes that impossible.

How so? Special case on your machine? I'm running a 64 bit kernel with
an otherwise 32 bit userland on my Atom netbook. All you gotta do is get
a 64 bit compiler toolchain (which is quite easily achieved on Gentoo)
and pass some parameters to the kernel make.
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Re: [kde] {OT} Cross-compiling the kernel

2014-02-02 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Sun, Feb 02, 2014 at 07:58:22AM -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:

  On Sat, Feb 01, 2014 at 12:39:16PM -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
   It would not surprise me to learn that neither nepomuk, soprano, nor
   virtuoso-t, can deal with a 30gig database on a 32bit PAE system. 
   They have all been segfaulters from the gitgo here.
   So I am intermittently looking for an alternative.  Including a full
   64 bit kernel build, but the build process makes that impossible.
  How so? Special case on your machine? I'm running a 64 bit kernel with
  an otherwise 32 bit userland on my Atom netbook. All you gotta do is get
  a 64 bit compiler toolchain (which is quite easily achieved on Gentoo)
  and pass some parameters to the kernel make.
 gentoo eh?  Thats a system I have not yet tried.  I wonder how long it 
 would take to get this system rebuilt in gentoo?

The netbook takes maybe 20 hours to build a KDE update (not full
environment, only kdebase, most of kdepim and some select programs).
The kernel with only the stuff I need takes around 55 minutes (Atom
N450, single core with HT).

 So, what else do I need to change in the build tools dept, to be able to 
 build a working 64 bit kernel?  This is the ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS version of 
 build_essentials. So even the compiler is old, so old it hasn't the ability 
 to build any stack protection bits.

Well, the Gentoo way uses a package called crossdev. You just tell it the
desired architecture and it builds the toolchain (binutils, gcc and
glibc). With those three, I am able to build the kernel.

To actually build the kernel, you have to either set the different
compiler in menuconfig, or pass it as parameter to make. The line from
my Makefile:

cd /usr/src/64  make -C /usr/src/linux O=`pwd` 
CROSS_COMPILE=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu- bzImage modules

(I separate build dir from sources dir)

 And before I go charging off to do a gentoo build, what is the first users 
 UID on gentoo?


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Re: [kde] KMail: repeated lockups

2014-01-29 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 10:50:47AM +0200, Ovidiu-Florin Bogdan wrote:
 I've experienced the same thing, So I did a bit of debugging. The problems 
 seems to be with Nepomuk, getting stuck in a Mutex.
 The solution: Wait it out. Nepomuk will soon be replaced by Milou.

I tried observing the problem with the Akonadi Console. But indeed I
noticed 100 % CPU from Virtuoso yesterday.
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[kde] KMail: repeated lockups

2014-01-26 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
Hey list

I was hoping you could shed some light on this. While my main mailer is
mutt, I occasionally open KMail to use some of my IMAP accounts.

Whenever I'm using it (reading mail, composing text), there are regular
lockups in the GUI. I get a CPU core loaded with a background service
(the bar shows the colour for nice'd processes).
While this occurs, I can type on, but the letters would only appear in
the composer once the lockup is gone.

Is that Akonadi again? How can I put an end to it (short of not using

I'm running a 32 bit Gentoo with KDE 4.12.1 at the moment, but I don't
know with which version it started. I could check later whether my main
PC with a 64 bit Gentoo has the same issue.

Thanks for any hints.
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Re: [kde] kcalc decimal separator

2014-01-09 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Wed, Jan 08, 2014 at 10:05:17AM +0100, Bernhard R. Fischer wrote:
 In the recent versions, kcalc only accepts the decimal separator as set in 
 locale settings. This is annoying since I'm used to use '.' as separator 
 because all programming languages do so but my locale uses ','.
 Older versions of kcalc accepted '.' as well as ','.
 Is there a chance to get the old behavior back?

I don't know, but I suppose you could file a request on BKO. (I'm also
very annoyed by this, though in speedcrunch).
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Re: [kde] Why do you prefer KDE?

2013-12-22 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Sat, Dec 21, 2013 at 06:45:13PM -0800, Bruce Byfield wrote:

 As you may have heard, KDE recently topped the Linux Journal's Readers' 
 That got me thinking. Why do people prefer KDE?

Back in the days of KDE 3, when I started using Linux (2006), I liked it
because of the digital (7-segment) clock. :-D
I detested the Gnome look back then, but really enjoyed the KDE3 look,
most prominently the Cyrstal SVG icons. I clinged on KDE3 for a long
time. (Though not for Konqueror as a browser, it lagged behind even
then). Gentoo allowed me to keep it far longer than many other distros
would have. KDE3 was just the snappiest thing ever.

Eventually I moved over to 4, still because I hated the Gnome 2 look
(they waste far too much screen space). I also like the application
ecosystem, like the editor component, the KIO stack, KDE-wide password
storage, some nice (external) tools: Filelight, KCharSelect, kmplot,
Krusader, Kile, Gwenview (the KDE3 version), Okular and Konversation.
I, too, fell victim to Akonadi tiredness, so I switched to mutt 2 years
ago, but I still have KMail at hand, it does look nice and it gets
better again over time (but still no match in speed to mutt, especially
for mailing lists with 100s or 1000s of mails).

 What advantages do you think it has over other desktop environments?

One word: Customisability. I am also a heavy customiser and like
adopting my computing environment to *my* needs and wishes. I like that
you can put your panel (any number of panels) anywhere you want. You
don't have to see a stupid panel that constantly tells you your own
name. To me it's unbelievable that there are desktops out there that
don't even let you choose another base font.
KWin window rules are great, like “put mplayer always on top and on all
desktops”. 3D effects are not only nice (some of them anyway), but also
helpful, like seeing all open windows at once and filtering through
Keyboard shortcuts allow for very fast interaction -- I assigned almost
the entire alphabet to some action or application via the Meta key. And
in almost every program you can assign keys to all sorts of actions.

I am also grateful that not all of the “good old stuff” is thrown away
just because some hipster-inspired paradigm-of-the-month emerged from
another project. One example is the kickoff-style menu -- to many
animations, too much waiting, scrolling and clicking. I prefer the
old-style menu and apreciate it still being there. And while I (think I)
understand the notion of activities, I'm fine with virtual desktops.

In recent time my interaction became more console-based: mc/ranger, vim,
mutt. Historically I never used graphical network setups, instead always
did it using system services. Plus I don't really like the network
manager applet, mostly b/c it's no real window that can be alt-tabbed
to. Plasmoids are nice on the one hand -- they allow for a very flexible
setup of panel and desktop -- on the other hand the Plasma UI sometimes
is very annonying (e.g. non-standard behavior of scrollbars).

There are of course some nags... Konsole font replacement bug (though a
Qt problem), Power profiles on laptops, multi-monitor glitches,
scrolling in Dolphin, Plasma layout bugs, drag+drop to Gimp, Kiosk mode
missing from KDE3 (would be nice for a throw-away guest login similar to
what Ubuntu offers). But that wasn't your question, so unlike Duncan, I
leave it at that one paragraph. ;-)

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Re: [kde] Device Auto Mounter - Can not mount the following device:

2013-11-06 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Wed, Nov 06, 2013 at 12:33:03PM +, adrelanos wrote:

 When running the command sudo mkdir /mnt/cdrom0 beforehand, KDE's
 device auto mounter will be able to mount it, dolphin will open and
 everything is fine.
 So it seems to me, that for some reason KDE's device auto mounter is
 unable to create the /mnt/cdrom0 folder. How could that be fixed?

Funnily enough, nowadays my KDE automounter creates the dirs in

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Re: [kde] Spelling style on MLs (was: KDE's rough edges... what are your experiences?)

2013-11-02 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Fri, Nov 01, 2013 at 03:59:00PM +0100, Michael wrote:

  That's composition. ;-) Spelling is their/there/they're.
 Oops, then either the dictionary / wordbook used ( is
 somewhat inaccurate or I use the german word Schreibstil wrong. :)

I had English advanced classes in Grammar school, and exams were split
into comprehension (understanding text) and composition (writing text).
I got that word from there.

 Either way, what I tried to express there was the style one uses when

I don't think that went amiss. :)
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Re: [kde] KDE's rough edges... what are your experiences?

2013-10-29 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 06:48:40AM +0100, Michael wrote:

   Hi peops,
   3.) Widgets, plasmoids, generel KDE features: Yeah well, really nice
   design (mostly), but from a usability standpoint? Often a mess.
  Plasma is a constant source of annoyance for me. I never really
  understood the need for a second UI style next to the “normal” one.
  The many animations that can’t be switched off and low contrasts are
  causes of grievance for me. There are layout bugs [...], redrawing
  bugs [...], UI bugs [...] and feature regressions [...].
 I guess one has to be fair here. I guess KDE4 is designed to be
 feature-rich, beautiful, with many bells and whistles. One could argue,
 it is not designed to be stripped down to a bare minimum.

Well, different to other “modern” desktops, which only seem to offer the
lower end, KDE can be both simplistic and over-the-top full of stuff.

 I may be wrong, but I see it like a person walking in a car-salon, he
 wants to buy some means of transportation.

No, he wants to buy a car. And usually already made up his mind about
specifics, b/c salons commonly have only one or two brands. Sorry, car
comarisons are common in IT discussion, but this one’s not very
applicable. ;-)

 As he is offered some cars, he complains [...]. Don't go to a
 car-salon, if you really want a motorcycle or even a bike.

What exactly is your KDE analogy? Don’t use KDE if you want a window

 Btw. what about that netbook-design? Isn't that something specifically
 designed for lower-end hardware?

To me, it’s the same plasma, just with a specific default widget setup.
I never used it because (you might guess) it has too many animations and
requires too much clicking. I prefer the classic K-Menu.


  I suppose right now the migration to 5.0 takes lots of developer
  resources, so I imagine fixing bugs in “obsolete” 4 gets even less
  attention. I attempted fixing bugs before (and sent a patch in two
  instances), but it requires lots of work to get into the code,
  especially in bigger projects like Amarok or KMail.
 Oh, KDE4 is more or less in maintenance-mode?

That was more of a sarcastic nudge at how fast KDE 3 was dropped in
favour of the yet unusable 4.0. And I believe I read somewhere that 4.11
was to be the last 4.x release. Anyhoo, I remained with KDE 3 for a long
time, then used both in parallel and only around 4.3 or even 4.4 I made
the final switch (Gentoo provided for the parallel installation of both
for a long time).

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There are two kinds of people in this world:
Those who are good with words and those who are... erm... thingy...

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Re: [kde] KDE's rough edges... what are your experiences?

2013-10-29 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 01:17:34PM +, Duncan wrote:
 Frank Steinmetzger posted on Mon, 28 Oct 2013 20:36:02 +0100 as
  I thought of not sending this, as it is more like a collection of
  bug whining, but after having spent lots of time on composing, it
  would be a waste of electrons not to send it.
 FWIW, I've quit worrying much about that. [...] so I'm the better for
 having written it, regardless of whether I send it or simply hit the X
 and close the window without sending.

That doesn’t help here, the screen session with mutt inside would still
be running. Getting OT, but *SCNR*.
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Re: [kde] KDE's rough edges... what are your experiences?

2013-10-28 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Sun, Oct 27, 2013 at 07:54:09AM +0100, Michael wrote:
 Hi peops,
 3.) Widgets, plasmoids, generel KDE features: Yeah well, really nice
 design (mostly), but from a usability standpoint? Often a mess.

Plasma is a constant source of annoyance for me. I never really
understood the need for a second UI style next to the “normal” one.  The
many animations that can’t be switched off and low contrasts are causes
of grievance for me. There are layout bugs (notifications on a friend’s
machine pop up in three places simultaneously), redrawing bugs (flicker
in the taskbar when switching desktops), UI bugs (the scrollbars don’t
adhere to the usual GUI behaviour like middle-click) and feature
regressions (ksysguard graphs are nigh-useless in a panel).

 4.) […] configuration tends be be trashed every now and then, from one
 moment to the next (in the process of configuring KDE for example, so
 no change to the installed packages or other changes to the system)
 KDE may start to behave weird.

Akonadi, the problem child for many, is a nice example with its (for
this human) incomprehensible config and data file layout. When I back up
my setup or want to sync two machines, I’m never really sure what files
to include and exclude if I, for example, want to sync only my address
book data between machines. I went akonadi-free for a while on the
netbook, but eventually installed it again because KMail just fits best
into my Qt-centric computing ecosystem (although I prefer Firefox as
main browser).

 So, that all said, what do you guys, users and maybe even developers of
 KDE, think? I don't want to come around as rude or overly harsh, as
 really, I think KDE is a great Desktop Environment, it just has some
 really rough edges.

Sometimes I find myself using XFCE or even Awesome on my netbook for
their sheer speed and easy go on resources. But from a convenience
standpoint, KDE beats them all with nice extra features (KIO, global
keyboard shortcuts, range of consistent base-applications). And even
though I have some issues with it now and then (like reliable and *easy*
file transfer via Bluetooth), I come back to KDE every time, despite it
taking 20 hours to compile on an Atom. ^^

 Is it just me, or are others also thinking KDE could / should invest
 more efforts in QA and maybe less in implementing new stuff?

I, too, sometimes think “It’s a grave bug and so old already, why
doesn’t it get fixed?eleven?”, like bad scrolling distances in Dolphin.
But I suppose part of why I can’t always be accomodated with my problems
is my diminishing use case -- KDE on a weak netbook. Brightness control
is really messed up on *my* machine right now (it works, but KDE and
ACPI fight over control, so I get temporary lockups). But I’m not the
majority, so I can’t expect everything to go smoothly in all cases.
After all, you get what you pay for. ;o)

I suppose right now the migration to 5.0 takes lots of developer
resources, so I imagine fixing bugs in “obsolete” 4 gets even less
attention. I attempted fixing bugs before (and sent a patch in two
instances), but it requires lots of work to get into the code,
especially in bigger projects like Amarok or KMail.

I thought of not sending this, as it is more like a collection of bug
whining, but after having spent lots of time on composing, it would be a
waste of electrons not to send it.
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Re: [kde] Bizarre window snap at screen borders

2013-10-24 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
Am Donnerstag, 24. Oktober 2013, 09:27:08 schrieb Duncan:

 Roberto Ragusa posted on Thu, 24 Oct 2013 10:53:04 +0200 as excerpted:
  On 10/23/2013 09:23 PM, Wes Hardin wrote:
  It is an intended behavior. It was introduced (with many bugs) in 4.11…
  I do not mind crazy defaults as far as I can revert to what I consider
  saner, but this one is not even configurable.
  Inconsistent and ugly.
 FWIW, I believe it /was/ configurable at one point.  I remember an option
 in kde settings... something about maximized windows can be resized,
 with a checkbox, IIRC.  And I set that and all was fine... until a kde
 update apparently removed that functionality and dragging the edge of a
 maximized window broke.  I thought the setting had just got reset and
 spent quite some time turning kde settings upside down and inside out,
 attempting to shake out that configuration option again, but I finally
 decided the option must have been removed.  This thread now confirms it.

See how tastes differ. *I* found this a bad idea and it was among the things I 
always disable right after installation, because I wanted the window's [X] to 
be in the corner where it belongs so I can quickly reach it by mouse. It's the 
same reason for which I can't understand why people use top panels. But that's 
the user world -- to each his own, and the dev's can't accommodate everyone. 
The fact that they don't include (or, as you say, even remove) the option is 
sadly another story.
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Re: [kde] Bizarre window snap at screen borders

2013-10-24 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 05:37:41PM +, Duncan wrote:
 Frank Steinmetzger posted on Thu, 24 Oct 2013 13:34:58 +0200 as excerpted:
  See how tastes differ. *I* found this a bad idea and it was among the
  things I always disable right after installation, because I wanted the
  window's [X] to be in the corner where it belongs so I can quickly reach
  it by mouse. It's the same reason for which I can't understand why
  people use top panels. But that's the user world -- to each his own, and
  the dev's can't accommodate everyone. The fact that they don't include
  (or, as you say, even remove) the option is sadly another story.
 Just noting the multi-monitor case, with monitors logically stacked and 
 kwin set to maximize to a single monitor.  That's actually the case here, 
 with the further condition that altho three monitors are logically 
 stacked, only the bottom two are actually physically stacked due to space 
 constraints (they're actually 42-inch TVs that stack to cover an entire 
 wall, with the third logically stacked on top to preserve the logical 
 rectangular desktop, but physically off to the side where I have room for 
 In that case, a top panel covering essentially all of the top monitor,  
 my system status dashboard, graphing user/system/nice/wait CPU usage 
 separately for six cores, app/buffer/cache memory, various system temps, 
 voltage and power usage, and fan speeds, network usage, and listing top 
 applications by memory and cpu usage, etc, along with last 20 or so syslog 
 entries, all in a custom superkaramba theme, makes sense, particularly 
 since that monitor is physically separated from the others even if it's 
 logically stacked on top of them.

you godda admit, that’s an “exotic” setup. Anyways, I was more referring
to the “typical“ single-monitor, single-desktop use case. Not having
seriously worked with a multimonitor setup yet, I excluded that from my
thought process. :o) Think for example *cough* Apple laptops or, heck,
Gnome (not just 3 but also the default config in 2 and also in xfce4).

 ... [...] Instead, I don't care much about the defaults; I just want
 to have the configurability to sanely setup a configuration I'm
 comfortable with.
 And kde is renowned for that sort of flexible configurability, a big part 
 of why I use it, for much the same big part of reason that I use both 
 Gentoo and Linux in general -- the configurability.  Too bad in this case 
 kde had it, but removed it! =:^(


PS.: If you use KWin's align window function (which I set to Meta +
left/right, inspired by Windows) to put a window either on one half or
quarter of a screen, then the borders are not chopped.
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Re: [kde] Akonadi acting up (again)

2013-09-27 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 04:07:26PM +0200, Kevin Krammer wrote:

  Ah, being a regular user, I didn't know of the job tracker yet. :)
  It shows thousands of Akonadi::CollectionFetchJob being entries being
  created and processed.
 I recently came across a code review request that fixes a bug that sounds a 
 bit like that. It is triggered in situations when, if I remember correctly, 
 the number of favorite folders goes beyond 10.
 Might that be the case for you?

Nope, I only have three.
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Re: [kde] An illustration to explain KDE Plasma Workspaces

2013-09-25 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 03:45:03PM +0100, ScotX wrote:
 Hi people,
 I created this picture here [1] and with following captions:
 en: The graphical user interface muss be designed conforming to the 
 characteristics of the peripherals. KDE Plasma Workspaces is intended to 
 enable the design of different GUIs

Hm... difficult. Did you write both captions, or just translated one?

Plasma can be quite abstract to explain. :) Perhaps in can be worded
more positively:
“There are many GUIs available which can be chosen depending on available
peripherals. KDE Plasma Workspaces is intended to enable the design of 
different GUIs.” (or maybe GUI paradigms?)
I'd need more context to get it right (the article that uses that image
for instance). Is it intention to convince others of Linux' flexibility
towards ubiquity?

 de:Die Grafische Benutzeroberfläche muss nach den Besonderheiten der 
 Peripheriegeräte gestalteten sein und kann in unterschiedlichen 
 Softwareimplementationen vorliegen, wie KDE Plasma Workspaces es ermöglicht

Wenn man es eng sieht, ist der oben unterstrichene Teil nicht auf GUIs
an sich bezogen, sondern auf Plasma.

„Es gibt viele GBUn zwischen denen man auf Basis der vorhandenen
Peripheriegeräte wählen kann. KDE Plasma Workspaces ermöglicht den
Entwurf verschiedener Oberflächenkonzepte.“

Is it more about the difference between the classic desktop and, say,
the netbook-specific GUI? Or more about the philosophical difference
between KD “you can customise everything“ E and Gno “eat our smeg” me?

 I might have nailed it (in German: Nagel auf'm Kopp getroffen, Junge.), 
 so that anybody understands the intentions behind Plasma at a glance. What do 
 you think?

Nagel a'm Kopp, woa Junge echt jetz. :D
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[kde] KWallet: what are local passwords?

2013-09-25 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
Hey list

I am sorting out my KDE wallets. I want to create one wallet with a
general collection of all my sensitive stuff, and another which all KDE
programs can spam into.

In the wallet configuration dialogue, below the option to select a
default wallet, there is another option:
[ ] Different wallet for local passwords

So what is a local password? One that does not involve an online
service? Neither the tooltip nor the help file gives me any info on


BTW: How do you organise your wallets/passwords efficiently and securely?
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Re: [kde] Akonadi acting up (again)

2013-09-16 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 11:38:40AM +0200, Kevin Krammer wrote:
 Hi Frank,
 On Monday, 2013-09-16, Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
  On another machine I had the same symptoms at first, but then it behaved
  again. But that was a 32 bit system.  On my current main 64 bit machine,
  it just isn't happening. Akonadi has been clogging the CPU for 20
  minutes now. Closing the KMail or Kontakt window doesn't help, the CPU
  load is still there. I have to kill the KMail/Kontact process which
  still lingers in the background, only then will Akonadi return to being
 That sounds a lot like the problem being in KMail or in something that KMail 
 It not exiting on quit is a hint that there is some active action inside it 
 that inhibit application exit, e.g. some long running job.
 Also, the fact that killing it stops the observed CPU usage again suggests 
 that it is the origin of the load.
 I am not sure how best to check what it is doing right there.
 One thing you could try is to run akonadiconsole before launching KMail and 
 then check the Job Tracker tab when the high usage occurs and look which type 
 of job is reported as running for KMail.

Ah, being a regular user, I didn't know of the job tracker yet. :)
It shows thousands of Akonadi::CollectionFetchJob being entries being
created and processed.
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