Re: how to autohide the panel?

2022-02-23 Thread Stephen Dowdy

On 2/23/22 11:12, Patrick Nagel wrote:

On Wednesday, 23 February 2022 16:47:03 CET hw wrote:

I have set the panel to autohide and it's not hiding except
sometimes:(   Instead the windows go underneath the panel,
which is very annoying.


IME, the most common reason for this is an app doing some update/notification 
function forcing the panel to pop up to handle the notification event.

This could be a download in a web browser (you see the browser icon with a 
progress indicator scanning across the icon), or other app trying to get your 
attention to show some state changing or warning. (perhaps something in the 
system tray

Yes, this can be frustrating to identify exactly what's "misbehaving"  (the 
panel is doing what it was designed to do, but it's not what you expect).

I don't offhand know If/How there are knobs to control the panel behavior's 
handling of such update/notification events in autohide mode, but that's where 
you should start digging.

Perhaps try looking at:

kcmshell5 notify

and context-clicking (right-mouse) the notifications system tray icon (Configure Notifications) and 
fiddle with the "track file transfers and other jobs" and "show application and 
system notifications" buttons.  (you'll probably lose the usefulness of the notifier.  maybe 
you can run that with plasmawindowed instead?

I guess now that i have one or more 4K monitors on my desktops i just don't try to 
use 'autohide anymore" :-/


Re: Where are the /tmp/konsole-xxxxx.history files?

2020-11-12 Thread Stephen Dowdy

On 11/12/20 1:33 PM, Myriam Schweingruber wrote:


On Thu, 5 Nov 2020 at 10:05,>> wrote:

kmail -v
kmail2 5.15.2 (20.08.2)

Earlier the konsole history was saved in /tmp/konsole-x.history. These
files seem to be gone (update?). The history still exists, so where is it
stored if not in /tmp/konsole-x.history?

I would never even have thought of looking in /tmp as that is often set to be 
erased when shutting down the computer. Also storing something system wide 
which should be user-specific makes little sense.

How about looking where it logically should be, namely ~/.bash-history ?

Seems to be a conflation with the user-input shell history and the scrollback 
history of the terminal going on here.

I think original request was for the scrollback history.  Here's how to get 
that info...

(ins)sdowdy@carrotcake$ pstree -Alpsa $$
  `-konsole,23071 --separate
  `-pstree,6513 -Alpsa 5456

so, our parenting konsole for this shell is PID 23071, check the open files 
with 'lsof'...

(ins)sdowdy@carrotcake$ lsof -p 23071 | awk '$NF~/konsole.*\.history$/{print 

If i go into the Settings:

   Settings->Edit Current Profile->[Scrolling]->  switch from "unlimited scrollback" to 
"No scrollback"

then check again:

(ins)sdowdy@carrotcake$ lsof -p 23071 | awk '$NF~/konsole.*\.history$/{print 

as expected (no more scrollback history files).

Note that this directory is ${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR} (part of FreeDesktop aka XDG) 
which is where applications are supposed to keep their runtime non-persistent 
It defaults to (on my system)  /run/user/{uid} (user id)

now, the bigger question...   these generally aren't user-serviceable parts, so 
what exactly do you need to do with them?


Re: how to make konsole tabs more distinguishable

2020-05-27 Thread Stephen Dowdy

On 5/26/20 2:06 PM, test wrote:


when opening multiple tabs in a konsole window, the active tab is virtually
indistinguishable from the tabs that aren't active.  How can I make the
active tab more distinguishable, like giving it different a background

I've tried to use the Colours settings in the System Settings to change the
colour of active tabs, but there doesn't seem to be a setting for this.
For most of the colour settings I can't tell what they affect, and there
are too many of them to figure it out by trial and error, especially since
changing the settings doesn't always apply them.

There seems to be no standardized place for user storage of Qt stylesheets that 
i can determine,
so i suggest:

mkdir ~/.qt-css/

# the following (or some variant of it) came from the 'codemedic' site above at 
one point long ago
# it puts a blue bar at the top of the tab to highlight it from the other tabs.

cat > ~/.qt-css/konsole-tab.css <<"EOF"
QWidget, QTabWidget::pane, QTabWidget::tab-bar {
background-color: rgb(45, 45, 45);
QTabBar::tab {
color: rgb(120, 120, 120);
background-color: rgb(45, 45, 45);
font-size: 12px;
height: 25px;
padding-left: 4px;
padding-right: 4px;
border-left: 2px;
border-right: 2px;
border-color: white;
QTabBar::tab:selected {
background: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, stop: 0 #1e5799, 
stop: 0.08 #2989d8, stop: 0.15 rgb(45, 45, 45));
color: #4F89CC;

QTabBar::tab:hover {
background: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, stop: 0 #1e5799, 
stop: 0.01 #2989d8, stop: 0.10 rgb(45, 45, 45));
color: #4F89CC;

then use the controls in:
  Settings->Configure Konsole->[TabBar]->
[X] Use user-defined stylesheet
and enter the path to your css file.


kwriteconfig5 --file konsolerc --group TabBar --key TabBarUseUserStyleSheet 
kwriteconfig5 --file konsolerc --group TabBar --key TabBarUserStyleSheetFile

I haven't figured out the (or any) way to signal via DBus to the konsole 
session that its properties changed, though, via something like:
qdbus ${KONSOLE_DBUS_SERVICE} /MainApplication

qdbus ${KONSOLE_DBUS_SERVICE} /MainApplication 
# that works same as the kwriteconfig5 above), but
qdbus ${KONSOLE_DBUS_SERVICE} /MainApplication  
doesn't do the thing i want.  (it's a signal, not a method, so, try...)

dbus-send --session --dest=$KONSOLE_DBUS_SERVICE --type=signal 
--print-reply /MainApplication org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.PropertiesChanged

that just times out.

If anybody knows how to signal konsole to re-read its configuration, that'd be 


Re: KDE problems 5.5.5

2019-07-16 Thread Stephen Dowdy

On 7/16/19 7:31 AM, Draciron Smith wrote:

Dolphin defaults to a size larger than my screen and often locks in place so I 
cannot move it to resize it. I just don't even bother with Dolphin any more.  
The loss of extensions pretty well crippled it anyway.

+ == move window
so you can get access to window controls

+ == Resize Edge/Corner near your mouse

I don't recall for sure, but i think Dolphin defaults to "last size used" when 
You could try using KWin Window-Specific settings to force dolphin size.
Click the window app-icon in upper left, select "More Actions->Special Window 
then under "Size & Position" click the enable gadget for "Size", set "Apply 
and specify a size.  theoretically, if things work right, everytime you open a 
NEW dolphin,
it should come up as that size.   If not, you could try using "Force".


I haven't tried bleeding edge of KDE, using whatever is in Debian Stretch at 
this point, but i am pretty disgusted by
the state of almost all software these days.  I have more issues with the 
current software set with a 32GB desktop than
i had with 6GB 10 years ago.  Stuff like the Task Manager failing to group 60 
Firefox windows together, Plasmashell being
completely non-responsive after switching windows, plasmashell locking up 
forever due to single-threaded handling of
systray stuff like NetworkManager (requiring a complete kquitapp5 (which often 
doesn't work), pkill plasmashell; plasmashell &).

Can't blame it on KDE, maybe, but also, Xorg constantly blanks out my screen 
momentarily (dual-monitor, sometimes only one
monitor blanks out).  This gets worse as the number of windows/X-activity 
grows.  Also happening on my single-monitor docked
laptop setup at home.

I really hate to say it, but i'm at my wits end, and i don't think Gnome will 
necessarily be much better, but may be more


Re: KDE apps not using system printer settings

2018-03-28 Thread Stephen Dowdy

On 03/27/2018 07:12 PM, Bug Reporter wrote:
> As my next attempt to resolve this I deleted ~/.cache, ~/.kde4 and /.config. 
> I logged in as the user and checked the default paper for the printers and it 
> remains A4.

I wonder if CUPS (if it is involved in this process), is doing a live query of 
the printer via IPP (or other) and the printer itself is configured to default 
to A4 paper?

Something like:

$ ipptool -tv -I ipp://cups-server/printers/branch ./get-media.ipp 
attributes-charset (charset) = utf-8
attributes-natural-language (naturalLanguage) = en
printer-uri (uri) = ipp://
requested-attributes (keyword) = media-default
./get-media  [PASS]
RECEIVED: 109 bytes in response
status-code = successful-ok (successful-ok)
attributes-charset (charset) = utf-8
attributes-natural-language (naturalLanguage) = en
media-default (keyword) = na_letter_8.5x11in

you might use 'localhost' or try the printer directly with a URI like 
ipp://printer-ip/ipp  or ipp://printer-ip/ipp/port1 (many laserjets).

$ cat get-media.ipp 
  OPERATION Get-Printer-Attributes
  GROUP operation-attributes-tag
  ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
  ATTR language attributes-natural-language en
  ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
  ATTR keyword requested-attributes


Re: KDE (or X?) clipboard goes stupid

2017-12-09 Thread Stephen Dowdy

On 12/09/2017 12:47 PM, Jerome Yuzyk wrote:
> [kf5 5.38, plasma-workspace-5.10.5, Fedora 25]
> My KDE/X clipboard goes astray sometimes. I Copy URL to clipboard from KMail, 
> for example, and when I paste I get something from a day ago pasted.
> Is there any way to reset that clipboard without restarting X or KDE? I'm not 
> talking about Klipper, but the default clipboard.

There's a lot of "cut/paste" mechanisms in play.

X11 has a Primary and Secondary buffer, but there's also a Clipboard.
selecting text via mouse in something like xterm puts that text into the 
Primary buffer.
Using CTRL-C/V uses the Clipboard.  (this is all generalizations).

You can use a tool like 'xsel' or 'xclip' to manipulate all three of those 
To see what's in each buffer:

for buf in primary secondary clipboard; do printf "\n[${buf}]\n"; xsel -o 
--${buf} ; done; printf "\n"

'xclipboard' monitors and caches clipboard content as applications store stuff 
there, so you can recall previous versions.
(it's got some scrolling display issues, so you might have to move the cursor 
around to see things well)

Conceptually, i like klipper, because it allows actions to be defined.

This allows me to almost emulate what CDE (Common Desktop Environment) used to 
have which was the Deskset Tools text-menu stuff (a file you could configure to 
hold a hierarchy of named transformation actions).  I used that to {in,out}dent 
selections 4 chars, Uppercase/LowerCase selections,  Reflow text in a buffer, 

However, in practice, Klipper, especially in KDE Plasma 5 has been 
"problematical" for me.  I tend to use the standalone klipper application and 
turn off the plasma builtin one.

But, yesterday, i ran into *thunderbird* no longer being able to operate on the 
selection or clipboard buffers (i thought it was klipper acting up).

Restarting thunderbird fixed that problem.

Klipper has an option to "synchronize" the clipboard with the primary 
selection.  sometimes this also causes grief.  You may want to check that if 
you have klipper enabled.  (it may be messing with you)


Task manager window grouping failures and KWin window-action slowness

2017-08-05 Thread Stephen Dowdy
I have LOTS of windows, and while task manager window grouping in KDE4
started off pretty bad early on, it got better for me.

In Debian Jessie, i would have issues running 3 different firefox
profiles with differing Class Instance names, where it would still
*usually* correctly separately group them, but sometimes draw the
incorrect icon for them. 

Now, in Debian Stretch, the icon managers are *TERRIBLE* at grouping my
firefox windows.

I have *hundreds* of firefox windows, and i'm lucky if task manager
manages to make 1 or 2 groups of a few tens or dozens, and then ALL of
the rest become individual task manager icons.

(race condition?)

I prefer using Icon-only Task Manager with "Show Launcher when not
running"  (though, interestingly, in Icon-only mode, there's not "Group
Windows" setting button)

I have tried switching "Alternatives" hoping that doing so would issue a
"regroup" operation, but it seems that the grouping algorithm is done
one-time at window creation in some common code?

Is there any way to FORCE the code to re-evaluate grouping?  Or, is this
bug fixed in subsequent Plasma or KDE Frameworks (or whatever component)

Additionally, i like to set window-action for double-click title bar to
"lower".  with many windows, it can sometimes take 30 seconds for the
action to complete.  it sits there doing nothing, and i don't know for
sure if it's that i keep hammering at it, or i move the mouse and click
in different windows, then hammer on it some more, but it eventually
will do a lower. (it's not ALWAYS that slow).  Sounds to me like some
code branch goes off to evaluate something and gets all caught up in
some operations that don't scale very well to hundreds/thousands of

These are regressions from behaviors that USED to be fine (mostly in
KDE3 where on a much less substantial machine than what i have now, i
never had any issues of unresponsiveness.  yes, Firefox has had a role
in creating unresponsiveness), but in jumping from Debian Jessie to
Stretch, i'm finding a lot of little issues in Plasma5 that i do NOT
want to throw at my users yet, and am being forced to evaluate
alternative DEs.  (SDDM is god awful slow and the cursor can take tens
of seconds to show up sometimes, KDE session initialization takes much
longer than KDE4, race conditions can cause context bubble windows to
get permanently stuck on the plasma-desktop, etc.)

Qt: 5.7.1
KDE Frameworks: 5.28.0
plasmashell: 5.8.6



Re: Where kde saves user settings ?

2017-03-19 Thread Stephen Dowdy

On 03/19/2017 11:54 AM, John wrote:
Thanks for that Stephen. Having looked at the freedesktop spec that's 
useful and I am rather lost at that level. However I am stuck with 
BASH. I need help at times and it's always BASH. However I have seen 
some info on changing shells on the fly and going back to the default 
again. :-) That still looks pretty cryptic in places to me though. 
However if needs must. I'd prefer something for all xdg* in etc. 
Haven't a clue what the in would be.



BASH is a superset of POSIX.  pretty much anything that's POSIX shell 
works in BASH.  I try to use the more restrictive POSIX set for 
compatibility and only use BASH extended features if it would be too 
painful to use POSIX only.  (e.g. process substitution is just SO 

So, just stick that snippet in a file (e.g. "xdg-vals") add "#!/bin/sh" 
or even "#!/bin/bash" to the top, make it executable (chmod 700 
xdg-vals) and run it with ./xdg-vals.

so, for example:

echo "[XDG Environment]"
while read var default; do
 printf "%24s = %s\n"  "${var}" "$(eval echo \${$var-${default}\(\*\)})"
XDG_DATA_HOME   ${HOME}/.local/share
XDG_DATA_DIRS   /usr/local/share/:/usr/share/
XDG_RUNTIME_DIR /run/user/$(id -u)
echo "(*) indicates variable unset and a default value substituted"


Re: Klipper - snippets

2016-12-28 Thread Stephen Dowdy

I don't know the current state of KDE applications, but at least on Debian
Stable, there's a plasma applet called 'paste' that lets you paste
snippets.  It provides a few builtin macro expansions for stuff like


  %{exec(netstat -plant)}


  %{password(16, true, true, true, true)}


Note: doesn't appear that 'date()/time()' takes an argument (e.g.
%{date(yesterday)}, just returns current, but as long as you have exec()
you can do anything.

If you click a snippet, it inserts into the clipboard, then you can paste,
You have to double-click to auto-paste.

You could leverage the klipper Actions to do something similar, though it
would be a bit more "hackish".

Setup a regular expression like @K -- If you type, then double click that,
and have automatic enabled (or, alternatively, if you use 
to invoke manual klipper actions popupmenu), you would have a popup menu
with all your commands that could be things like:

   Command=echo FLIMFLAM

   Output Handling=Replace Clipboard

(organize as many commands that echo what you want under a single klipper

then you'd just have to paste.  I don't see a way in klipper to auto-paste

Also, you can use 'khotkeys' to create a global shortcut that performs
keyboard input.  (but you'd likely run out of keyboard combos, or forget
them.)  also, i think khotkeys was destined for deprecation?

probably many other solutions.  (i recall a very simple Xt X11 application
from many years ago that did similar things)


On Wed, Dec 28, 2016 at 2:15 PM, Michael Fierro <> wrote:

> I have a feature request for Klipper: snippets! I can't even begin to say
> how convenient having sticky entries that I can click on and then paste
> wherever I need it. If you need an example of how these work, look either
> at the Snippets plugin for glipper or the Snippet menu in ClipMenu (Mac).
> --
> Michael Fierro

Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
303.497.2869   -

Re: Willing to pay for kmail help

2016-11-15 Thread Stephen Dowdy
you likely don't have to pay anyone.

Please see:

This was a regression in akonadi due to a security fix in MySQL.  The patch
for this is being put through the Debian security channels and should be
out soon?
​  I don't know what the patch will entail to fix broken USER copies (!/.​
​local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf) automatically, and maybe it won't, so see
below for a quick command to fix the files in question to work with the new
version of MySQL.​

before running this command, you may want to make a copy of either of these
files first.
The 'sed' below will try to save a copy with the suffix '.bak', but if you
run the command twice and something goes wrong, you'll overwrite the .bak
again with what could be a mangled edit.

To fix at the system level, use the following 'sed' inline script:
  sed -i.bak -e '/^\[client\]/isecure_file_priv=\n\n'

To fix for an individual user:  (you'll likely have to do this for all
users, as it appears akonadi creates this file the first time it starts for
a user by copying from /etc/akonadi/mysql-global.conf.  It likely never
checks that file again, unless the user's copy of it gets deleted)
  sed -i.bak -e '/^\[client\]/isecure_file_priv=\n\n'

What this does is include the directive "secure_file_priv=" right before
the "[client]" section of the file.
​(MySQL uses a standard "INI" style configuration file of the form
So, you have to get the 'secure_file_priv' directive in the right section.​

If you have heavily edited that file, it might not work, and you'd have to
do it manually.  Please see the example:

​It may be most helpful after updating your files to logout and login again
(rather than trying to manually start akonadi up)​

​Good Luck.​


On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 10:23 PM, John White, Jr. <> wrote:

> I run a small business and use kmail  Today it just quit, saying that
> akonadi won't start.  I can't start it and thus can't get to my email (
> If anyone is kind enough to help, I will pay at least $100 to get it going
> and more if need be.
> Since kmail is down, I am having to use my old aol email (
> ).
> Thanks
> John White
> White Law Chartered
> 335 W 1st St.
> Reno, NV 89503 USA
> 775-322-8000 work
> 775-313-9104 (sip phone)
> 775-322-1228 (fax)

Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
303.497.2869   -

Re: [kde] how to use kdialog --font ?

2015-10-27 Thread Stephen Dowdy
Looks like 'kdialog' supports Qt Style Sheets.
I haven't played with these before.  Appears to be a variant of CSS.

$ kdialog --stylesheet ~/tmp/kdialog.qss  --msgbox "$(lsblk)"
$ cat ~/tmp/kdialog.qss

* {
font-family: monospace;
font-size: 16;


I'm not sure if there's a way to identify the Qt components in use
​ by 'kdialog'​
​  (something like firefox' web developer "Inspect" would be awesome)​


​I grabbed a copy of XnView's stylesheet file:  "​XnView/UI/style_sheet.qss"
to start with.  using it unchanged renders kdialog with a nice black
but not monospaced, of course.

That's probably the best way to handle kdialog's failings in other areas.

There's also a Style "Theme" (--style).  I guess i have to look into this
stuff more.
(this is more like the older X AppDefaults configurations to style X11


Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
303.497.2869   -
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Re: [kde] how to use kdialog --font ?

2015-10-27 Thread Stephen Dowdy
On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 12:28 PM, Kevin Krammer <> wrote:

> > I'm not sure if there's a way to identify the Qt components in use
> > ​ by 'kdialog'​
> > .
> > ​  (something like firefox' web developer "Inspect" would be awesome)​
> Gammaray


thanks!   Package "gammaray" on "Debian Jessie".  Looks like it might take
some research on using it effectively (it finds a kdialog, but can't
connect to it (greyed out in selection widget).  and:

$ gammaray --pid 9236
No probe found for ABI qt4.8-x86_64

$ kdialog --version
Qt: 4.8.6
KDE Development Platform: 4.14.2
KDialog: 1.0

$ aptitude show gammaray
Package: gammaray
State: installed
Version: 2.1.0-3+b1
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.14), libcgraph6, libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1), libgvc6,
libqt5core5a (>= 5.3.0), libqt5designer5 (>= 5.0.2), libqt5gui5 (>= 5.2.0),
libqt5network5 (>= 5.0.2), libqt5printsupport5 (>=
 5.2.0), libqt5script5 (>= 5.0.2), libqt5scripttools5 (>= 5.0.2),
libqt5svg5 (>= 5.0.2), libqt5webkit5 (>= 5.0.2), libqt5widgets5 (>= 5.2.0),
libstdc++6 (>= 4.4.0), qtbase-abi-5-3-2

Dunno if 'gammaray' for Qt5 can operate on a Qt 4 app?

Ah, never mind...

# aptitude install gammaray-probe-qt4

;)  (i now see some UI layout goodness)

thanks, again,

Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
303.497.2869   -
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[kde] Qt stylesheets : per-user default qss capability? (was Re: how to use kdialog --font ?)

2015-10-27 Thread Stephen Dowdy
On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 1:24 PM, Kevin Krammer <> wrote:

> CTRL+SHIFT+Left Click on any part in the observed application (in your case
> kdialog), should jump to that object in Gammaray's tree.
> You can then also adjust properties at runtime, e.g. the stylesheet
> property.
> See for small example
> stylesheets.


Great stuff, exactly what i was looking for.

​'strace' reveals no default search for .qss files (at least in
'kdialog').  ​
​So, is there a way to create a user stylesheet that all Qt apps will
reference?   One that can be obtained via Environment Variable or perhaps
an entry (or several) in Trolltech.conf?
( adding a key "style=windows" to the INI group "[Qt]" in Trolltech.conf
will do the same (i think) as setting your KDE default Qt Widget style, but
it'd be nice to have a stylesheet key, which i can't find reference for)

QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE="windows" kdialog --msgbox "$(lsblk)"
doesn't seem to work, so maybe that's a Qt5 only thing  (kdialog --style
"windows", however, does work as expected)

If so, one could create a "userStyle.qss" that had stuff like:​

KDialog > QWidget > QLabel {
font-family: monospace;
font-size: 16;
background-color: rgb(40,40,40);

​which, theoretically should only apply to KDialog (executable, or i think
there's an API?)
(unfortunately, the labels in KDialog don't have class/id AFAICT, so you
hit all of them)

But having one place to tweak styles would be useful.

I suppose this is getting low-level enough that reliance from one release
to another might get "iffy".


Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
303.497.2869   -
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Re: [kde] setting for printing from Konqueror

2014-11-13 Thread Stephen Dowdy
Dunno how 4.10 all works, but if you have libpaper pkg installed, the
system default papersize is stored in /etc/papersize.
You can get the value that'll be used with:

echo ${PAPERSIZE:-$(cat ${PAPERCONF:-/etc/papersize})}

It could be other things setting this value, so you might do:

find .config/ .local/ .kde/ -xdev -type f -exec grep -i -e paper -e a4
{} +  21 | less

might be CUPS, so doing:
lpoptions | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -i -e letter -e a4 -e paper -e size

would tell you if any of those strings were configured in CUPS default
options for your printer. (i don't offhand happen to know if CUPS
supports such a setting and what its name would be, but it seems
likely).  Actually, it looks like:

lpoptions -l | grep -i -e size

Since you specifically say PDF, i'm wondering if that's a CUPS thing.
You may have a CUPS print to PDF printer?

lpstat -a | grep -i pdf

Or this could be inside konqueror.

I know that when KDE when v 4.x the default Qt printing margins were
stuck and could not be defaulted, resulting in having to change them
every single time (guh!) but the defaults were like 0.17 or 0.35 or

Good luck.

On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 3:06 PM, Jerome Yuzyk wrote:

 I find Konqueror (4.10.5) very handy for some development work except for
 one thing eluding me:

 How to permanently change the default Print settings for printing to PDF?

 I keep getting A4 paper selected with 1in margins. Where is that saved?

 This message is from the kde mailing list.
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Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
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Re: [kde] menu customiization

2014-06-05 Thread Stephen Dowdy

On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 2:23 PM, Felix Miata wrote:
 I've used KMenuEdit to create a bunch of custom Internet items. This is one
 such, Firefox.desktop:
 [Desktop Entry]
 Comment=Web Browser
 Exec[$e]=/usr/local/ffe10/firefox -no-remote -P ffe10
 GenericName=Web Browser
 What I want to do is make them all available to all users on multiple
 systems in KDE's Internet menu. The problem is I can't find understandable
 instructions how to do this anywhere.
 mud to me. Has anyone ever figured this out, or found an understandable
 howto covering it? Do custom .desktop files belong in /etc/xdg/ somewhere?
 Is placement in /usr/share/applications/ appropriate? TIA

/etc/xdg would be nice, but it's not in the default XDG_DATA_DIRS path.

$ kde4-config --types | grep xdg
xdgconf-autostart - XDG autostart directory
xdgconf-menu - XDG Menu layout (.menu files)
xdgdata-apps - XDG Application menu (.desktop files)
xdgdata-dirs - XDG Menu descriptions (.directory files)
xdgdata-icon - XDG Icons
xdgdata-mime - XDG Mime Types
xdgdata-pixmap - Legacy pixmaps

$ kde4-config --path xdgdata-apps

Is that path that will be used.  I choose to use
/usr/local/share/applications, as it's NFS mounted to all
(most) user systems in my environment.  I'm not sure of the
best/recommended way to modify this path via scripts/config at KDE
startup time, but 'startkde' does this:

# Make sure that D-Bus is running
if test -z $XDG_DATA_DIRS; then
XDG_DATA_DIRS=`kde4-config --prefix`/share:/usr/share:/usr/local/share

i.e. it looks hardcoded w/o a good site-specific way to add to it).
If you edit startkde to prepend /etc/xdg/share/ (which to me is
totally obvious, and i was surprised it wasn't there), then prepare
for it to get borked on KDE application package updates...

You can get XDG values via this script snippet, as well:
echo [XDG Environment]
while read var default; do
printf %24s = %s\n  ${var} $(eval echo \${$var-${default}\(\*\)})
XDG_DATA_HOME   ${HOME}/.local/share
XDG_DATA_DIRS   /usr/local/share/:/usr/share/
echo (*) indicates variable unset and a default value substituted

FWIW,  here's what i use for 'firefox':
This .desktop file is for my Personal use profile @ work (lunchbreak
news, etc)
(i have 3 others for other functions)

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Firefox for Personal Use
Exec=/usr/local/bin/firefox -P Personal --class=firefox_Personal
-new-instance -no-remote %u
GenericName[en_US]=Web Browser
GenericName=Web Browser
Name=Firefox (Personal)

-   I use --class=firefox_X so that 'Icon-Only Task Manager' will
sort my multiple firefox profiles (with many, many windows) into
distinct icons in the taskbar separately) I wish firefox still
supported the WM_NAME --name option :-(

-   StartupNotify is False, because firefox GTK doesn't support the
KDE launch feedback stuff and the bouncey-bouncey icon sits there
until it times-out 30 seconds later)


Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
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Re: [kde] KDE's rough edges... what are your experiences?

2013-10-29 Thread Stephen Dowdy
Kevin Krammer wrote, On 10/29/2013 06:53 AM:
 On Tuesday, 2013-10-29, 13:42:16, Mirosław Zalewski wrote:
 Unless something changed in 4.11 (I am still using 4.10), you can
 go to configuration dialog in Dolphin and there, in Navigation pane,
 make double click open files (single click selects, then).
 Or in system settings, input devices, mouse


kwriteconfig --file kdeglobals --group KDE --key SingleClick false

You can use this to setup an /etc/kde/kdeglobals so all users default
to double-click mode.

But, this doesn't take effect for any currently open 'dolphin' windows
(but it does for any subsequently opened windows).  I tried:

qdbus org.kde.dolphin-21870 /MainApplication reparseConfiguration

but doesn't seem to be the right thing to do to notify the running dolphin

Anybody know how to signal running applications to reprocess kdeglobals
(or their own KConfig setup?)

Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
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Re: [kde] global disable maximize windows by dragging to top of screen?

2013-09-14 Thread Stephen Dowdy
Felix Miata wrote, On 09/14/2013 09:29 AM:
 Is there a way to make drag to top of screen mean *only* drag to top of 
 screen and nothing more, systemwide for all users? If so, how?


Here's the FAQ entry i put together for my users on ElectricBorders

Note that this is directed at users for individual control, however, you can 
put these
kwriteconfig entries against a GLOBAL 'kwinrc' file.

for my system the KDE4 config search path is:
dowdy@neptune$ kde4-config --path config


So, if you put these entries into /etc/kde4/kwinrc  or 
/usr/share/kde4/config/kwinrc  or 
It should affect all users, UNLESS they have overrides in their personal 



Q: When i move a window and hit the screen edge the window maximizes and this 
gets very frustrating.

A: This is like the Windows 7 Aero desktop edge bumping. It's called 
ElectricBorders in KDE4.

There are two Aero-like settings, one for when you hit the top edge of the 
screen, called:
Maximize windows by dragging them to the top of the screen

The other allows you to tile two windows filling the screen, each taking half 
the screen. This is called:

Tile windows by dragging them to the side of the screen

To change the settings...

To open the GUI interface to 'kwinscreenedges', do either:

CLI:kcmshell4 kwinscreenedges
UI: System Settings-Desktop-Screen Edges

Disabling: Maximize windows by dragging them to the top of the screen
(do one of these)

UI: System Settings-Desktop-Screen Edges-Window-Management-Maximize 
windows by dragging them to the top of the screen
CLI:kwriteconfig --file kwinrc --group Windows --key 
ElectricBorderMaximize false

Disabling: Tile windows by dragging them to the side of the screen
(do one of these)

UI: System Settings-Desktop-Screen Edges-Window-Management-Tile 
windows by dragging them to the side of the screen
CLI:kwriteconfig --file kwinrc --group Windows --key 
ElectricBorderTiling false

Additionally, there are other window edge hot actions available for each of the 
8 screen corners and edges when simply bumping the mouse (not moving a window) 
against that corner or edge.

Switch desktop on edge: Disabled
CLI:kwriteconfig --file kwinrc --group Windows --key ElectricBorders 0

Switch desktop on edge: Only When Moving Windows
CLI:kwriteconfig --file kwinrc --group Windows --key ElectricBorders 1

Switch desktop on edge: Always Enabled
CLI:kwriteconfig --file kwinrc --group Windows --key ElectricBorders 2

For example, to set the topleft corner to Show Dashboard
CLI:kwriteconfig --file kwinrc --group ElectricBorders --key TopLeft 

For example, to set the bottomleft corner to Show Desktop
CLI:kwriteconfig --file kwinrc --group ElectricBorders --key BottomLeft 

To disable all the corner and edge electric borders, use this POSIX Shell code:
for spot in Bottom BottomLeft BottomRight Left Right Top TopLeft TopRight; 
kwriteconfig --file kwinrc --group ElectricBorders --key ${spot} None

FYI: Border enums:
0 Top Center
1 Top Right
2 Right Center
3 Bottom Right
4 Bottom Center
5 Bottom Left
6 Left Center
7 Top Left
8 ???
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Re: [kde] Klipper default actions: URLs and Files

2013-08-30 Thread Stephen Dowdy
dE wrote, On 08/29/2013 09:54 PM:
 On 08/26/13 18:00, Dotan Cohen wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 5:28 PM, dE wrote:
 In Klipper settings, check 'Ignore selection'.
 Thank you, however this prevents my user-configured actions from
 working, even though Enable Clipboard Actions is checked.


I use CTRLALTR to manually invoke my user actions on
clipboard content. This works independently of Enable Clipboard Actions.
It offers ALL your user actions, not just those that regex match the
selection buffer, as the context popup does.

I have Text selection only and Synchronize contents of the clipboard and the 
which disables Ignore selection (ghosting that choice)

If i disable Enable Mime-Based Actions, then i do not get a popup
for when i select, say an HTTP URL, even if Enable Clipboard Actions
is selected.  However, if i then select a 6-digit number, then
i get the user-action popup asking if i want to search for a Debian Bug Report.

I still haven't figured out why klipper will hang for 10 seconds on
selection (esp a URL) and not respond to paste or the klipper systray popup
sometimes.  This happened in Debian Squeeze (KDE 4.4.5) and Wheezy (4.8.4)
I don't think i have any funky regex in my actions causing this :-(
(i wonder if the Sync clip/sel option is doing this, and there's some
lock in play that has an alarm/timeout...)

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Re: [kde] Klipper default actions: URLs and Files

2013-08-27 Thread Stephen Dowdy
Duncan wrote, On 08/27/2013 10:56 AM:
 Dotan Cohen posted on Tue, 27 Aug 2013 12:33:53 +0300 as excerpted:

 On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 10:05 AM, Duncan wrote:
 Dotan Cohen posted on Sun, 25 Aug 2013 14:49:42 +0300 as excerpted:

 FWIW, I don't appear to have a notify-send binary installed here, but I
 do see a couple package hits.  But what package provides it for you

On Debian Wheezy:

zia:debian# apt-file search notify-send
libnotify-bin: /usr/bin/notify-send

 there?  (The ones I see appear to be smaller alternative implementations,
 in case whatever package that normally provides it isn't installed,
 tinynotify-send and sw-notify-send, the latter being a system-wide

Debian doesn't have 'sw-notify-send'

However, 'kdialog' has built-in dbus notify via:

kdialog --passivepopup Danger, Will Robinson 0   # text of message 

It's much more limited in that respect. (icon is hardcoded at
info, timeouts seem limited to 30 seconds max, and can't be made

 Meanwhile, google indicates that dbus-send can provide similar
 functionality with an appropriate invocation.  I obviously have that
 (part of dbus), so I have some choices available and experimentation to
 do... =:^)

notify-send -u critical -t 0 -a APPNAME -i face-raspberry -c CATEGORY -h 

results in (via running 'dbus-monitor'):

method call sender=:1.149 - dest=:1.14 serial=7 
path=/org/freedesktop/Notifications; interface=org.freedesktop.Notifications; 
   string APPNAME
   uint32 0
   string face-raspberry
   string SUMMARY
   string BODY
   array [
   array [
  dict entry(
 string urgency
 variant byte 2
  dict entry(
 string HINT
 variant string clue
  dict entry(
 string category
 variant string CATEGORY
   int32 0

$ qdbus org.freedesktop.Notifications /org/freedesktop/Notifications
signal void org.freedesktop.Notifications.ActionInvoked(uint id, QString 
method void org.freedesktop.Notifications.CloseNotification(uint id)
method QStringList org.freedesktop.Notifications.GetCapabilities()
method QString org.freedesktop.Notifications.GetServerInformation(QString 
vendor, QString version, QString spec_version)
signal void org.freedesktop.Notifications.NotificationClosed(uint id, uint 
method uint org.freedesktop.Notifications.Notify(QString app_name, uint 
replaces_id, QString app_icon, QString summary, QString body, QStringList 
actions, QVariantMap hints, int timeout)
method QDBusVariant org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get(QString interface_name, 
QString property_name)
method QVariantMap org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.GetAll(QString 
method void org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Set(QString interface_name, QString 
property_name, QDBusVariant value)
method QString org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable.Introspect()

$ qdbus org.freedesktop.Notifications /org/freedesktop/Notifications 

$ qdbus org.freedesktop.Notifications /org/freedesktop/Notifications 

(body-markup allows bbolded/b, i.../i  


href's (body-hyperlinks) appear to work from notify-send and from kdialog 
--passivepopup (i.e. not stripped)

Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
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Re: [kde] term config prolem

2013-07-22 Thread Stephen Dowdy
Gene Heskett wrote, On 07/22/2013 12:29 PM:

 For instance, I do software for a legacy machine, and need at least 100k 
 lines of history I can scroll back through looking for build errors.  With 
 a 1000 line default limit, 99% of a nitros9 build scrolls out of the buffer 
 forever.  I have 8Gb of ram, so there's little excuse for such a style 
 cramping limit.

IIRC, konsole uses memory upto a certain point for scrollback, but
uses /tmp file-on-disk after that. (definitely if you select unlimited scroll.
(e.g. lsof shows:
konsole 3877 dowdy   86u   REG  254,6   896364   80 
(about 20 or so such lines, probably one per TAB)
if i switch from 1,000 fixed lines to unlimited (no tmpfiles open before)

For every character, i think (IIRC) konsole used about 3 bytes of disk space 
(to hold
display attributes and the like)

For 1,000 lines at 80char/line that'd be about 1/4MB
for 100K lines that'd be about 25MB.  that's still not tremendous,
but if you have lots of terms and especially unlimited scrollback
and a small /tmp, you could run into trouble.

I've seen some users with unlimited scrolling taking minutes to
scroll back to the beginning if they failed to regularly logout.
(these are folks that stay logged in for months at a time :-( )

So, not sure if Konsole honors ${TMPDIR} or not, but i'm guessing that these
are opened referential to kde path tmp
$ kde4-config --path tmp

so, you might need to change kde4-config to point to SharedMem by setting
  KDETMP and/or TMPDIR   via something like:

TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d ${tmpfs_dir}/${USER}.$(date +%Y-%m-%d).) \
  || { echo failed to make temp directory, aborting ; exit 1 ;}
readonly TMPDIR
export TMPDIR

in a KDE Autostart directory script (or dotfile, or...)
prior to starting any konsole (multithreaded, so the first you start will
take precedent)

I'm just *this* far from replacing 'konsole' with a symlink to xfce Terminal,
(xfce4-terminal on Debian Wheezy)
which has many of the same features, but none of the misfeatures/bugs of 
(at least that i've found yet)  (well, VTE, the engine xfce4-terminal uses does
use /tmp/vte* for scrollback buffering, even at 1,000 lines, or even 80, but
at least when you cut/paste, you get what you see, not a bunch of blanks at
the end of the line most of the time)

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Re: [kde] SUSE/4.10.x konsole stuck on taskbar

2013-07-19 Thread Stephen Dowdy
Felix Miata wrote, On 07/19/2013 01:36 PM:
 This has been happening for months on several systems. When session is exited 
 with Konsole open at 0,0, on approximately every other session start, Konsole 
 opens on taskbar, and can't be restored. Only ways to get it back are exit 
 and start session again, or close Konsole from its taskbar context menu and 
 start anew. Do others see this?


I haven't seen that particular konsole bug (of the many it has,
unfortunately), but i wonder if its geometry info is getting munged

I presume you've also tried using FullScreen and Maximize
options from the taskbar?

I'd check the output from commands like:

xprop -name konsole
checking anything related to 'size' and 'state'

You can obtain the Xid's from your konsole apps with:
$ xwininfo -all -root -children | grep 'Konsole'
 0x2200042 konsole: (konsole Konsole)  960x480+0+0  +0+0
 0x220003a konsole: (konsole Konsole)  960x480+0+0  +0+0
   0x22000e3 ~ : bash: (konsole Konsole)  1875x1046+0+0  
   0x220004a root@blargh: (konsole Konsole)  1875x1046+0+0  
Hmm, the first two seem to be some kind of container window, the subsequent 
appear to be associated with the currently selected tab in the konsole window.
the first show up as unmapped
$ for id in 0x2200042 0x220003a 0x22000e3 0x220004a; do echo [$id]; 
xwininfo  -id $id | grep -e 'Map State' -e 'Corners' -e 'geometry'; done
  Map State: IsUnMapped
  Corners:  +0+0  -2880+0  -2880-720  +0-720
  -geometry 960x480+0+0
  Map State: IsUnMapped
  Corners:  +0+0  -2880+0  -2880-720  +0-720
  -geometry 960x480+0+0
  Map State: IsViewable
  Corners:  +12+53  -2618+53  -2618-23  +12-23
  -geometry 1210x1124+10-21
  Map State: IsViewable
  Corners:  +2+29  -1963+29  -1963-125  +2-125
  -geometry 1875x1046+0+0

and use xwininfo and xprop with the -id option like:

xprop -id 0x2200042
xwininfo -id 0x2200042 -all

qdbusviewer (search org.kde.konsole) ... konsole/ MainWindow_1/ 
org.qtproject.Qt.QWidget  frame/size/position/geometry  properties

make sure the geometry isn't something where x/y are off screen.

This won't solve the problem, but if you do find that the geometry
is mangled, you might be able to create a script to run through the
found konsole windows and reset the geometry to something sane.

something like 'xdotool' might help, for example:

  xdotool -windowmap ...  
  xdotool -windowmove ... 1 1

You could put that into an Autostart directory script.


Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
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Re: [kde] K menu submenu on a panel

2013-06-20 Thread Stephen Dowdy
Duncan wrote, On 06/20/2013 03:35 AM:
 Duncan posted on Wed, 19 Jun 2013 05:20:15 + as excerpted:
 I just tried this dragging the Applications-Graphics menu to the

Location:  applications://graphics/

 If i changed the location manually to:


 then it works fine.

 so, the drag/drop process is downcasing, and also it doesn't understand
 the :// (doubleslash), because applications://Graphics/, which i
 tried first didn't work either.

 Ahh!  THAT could be the problem here too.  I'll have to test it.
 On 4.10-branch, it works as you state, which is unsurprising as that's 
 what you were running as well.  I caught up a bit on sleep and might try 


Actually, i'm on 4.8.4 (Debian Wheezy stock), the original poster
was using 4.10. so this is a persistent problem.  ISTM that
the case sensitivity part should be honored when the menu is
dragged (because i would expect that whatever URI spec this is
(freedesktop? KDE?) is most likely case-sensitive, but i'd also
argue they should support either:
Should i chose to manually enter the URI.

(and specific to the folderview widget, it should acquire the Icon
that's specified for the Graphics (or whatever other) submenu as well,
but i don't know how that data is passed and if that info is even
available directly in the drag-drop data structure, i'm sure it could
be surmised by the receiver by the URI by digging through the Menu
structures, but that might not be sensical, too much special-case

I'd guess there's probably a deeper underlying bug here that might
be affecting other components than just the case of drag-drop to
the panel for the Graphics applications submenu, but don't have
any idea where that would be. (is it being munged in the drag-drop
data structure initially, or is the plasma-panel mangling it on
acceptance? (forgive my clear lack of understanding the exact
terminology used here.  As Bones McCoy would say I'm a Sysadmin
Damnit, not a KDE Software Developer)

 some more 4.10.80 (aka 4.11-beta1) experiments later.  If I do I'll try 
 to confirm this there too, but I'm guessing it's exactly the same, since 
 the part I did test on it was, before you suggested the name tweaks.

I'm probably not going to be doing this operation ever again, so i'm
not invested in any particular outcome.  But, Duncan, if you are
into bug reporting for KDE and want to take this, i appreciate your
service to the community! ;)

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Re: [kde] K menu submenu on a panel

2013-06-18 Thread Stephen Dowdy
Duncan wrote, On 06/18/2013 12:44 AM:

 Spoke too soon.  =:^(
 It's giving me the full apps menu now, not the submenu, despite the fact 
 that if I choose settings, it's set to the appropriate submenu as it 
 should be.


I just tried this dragging the Applications-Graphics menu to the panel.

the folder view became:

   Location:  applications://graphics/

and it also showed the TOP level

If i changed the location manually to:


then it works fine.

so, the drag/drop process is downcasing, and also it doesn't understand
the :// (doubleslash), because applications://Graphics/, which i tried
first didn't work either.


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Re: [kde] K menu submenu on a panel

2013-06-18 Thread Stephen Dowdy

but another thing... as a folder view, i don't see any way to change
the icon (it's a generic sheet of paper with ?. might be a way
programmatically/manual editing, but context Folder View Settings
doesn't show me any way to change it.  That limits its usefulness.

I would Definitely really love to have some type of dock or
telescoping list of icons or Icon Group (a containment widget
that held icons that would unroll on mouse-over) type plasmoid
widget that i could use like a favorites or just to organize my
own set of applications.  Trying to fabricate some type of kde-menu
hierarchy and making a folder-view to it might have been doable if
the panel icon for that could be changed.

i was hoping the Shelf plasmoid would be this, but it doesn't seem
very workable, either.

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[kde] Klipper Actions (was Re: Is it normal that text in the clipboard gets lost?)

2013-06-06 Thread Stephen Dowdy
 (at least) web-shortcut that is:\{@}
(see: kcmshell4 ebrowsing)

Description=Text Conversions
Number of commands=5

Commandline[$e]=xclip -o | sed -e 's/^//'
Description=Indent 4 spaces

Commandline[$e]=xclip -o | tr '[[:lower:]]' '[[:upper:]]'

Commandline[$e]=xclip -o | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]\\+$$//'
Description=Trim Trailing Spaces (konsole bug)

Commandline[$e]=xclip -o | par h1 w68
Description=PAR wrap 68

Commandline[$e]=xclip -o | par h1 w78
Description=PAR wrap 78

Action 1 has NO Regexp, but has 5 commands you can invoke
on arbitrary text.

The first dumps the context of the current selection buffer (xclip -o)
and runs it via 'sed' to insert 4 spaces at the front of every line.
It Replaces the contents of the selection buffer (Output=1) with the
STDOUT of that command.  the second command uppercases everything,
the 3rd trims spaces off Konsole's EXCRUTIATINGLY PAINFUL and
PERSISTENT BUG of padding extra spaces on the end of lines (yes,
i'm aware of the hackaround in 4.10+ of remove all spaces from
line endings, but i'm still on 4.8.4, etc...)
The last two use 'par' to reflow to 68 or 78 characters / line with a
hanging indent of 1.

You can also have something like:

Description=Generated Content
Number of commands=1

Commandline[$e]=pwgen -1 16
Description=Generate 16char random password

This doesn't even use the selection buffer contents initially,
but creates a random 16-char password you can PASTE somewhere ;)

Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
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Re: [kde] LibreOffice - no entry from applications

2013-05-21 Thread Stephen Dowdy
Burkhard Lück wrote, On 05/21/2013 01:22 AM:
 Am Dienstag, 21. Mai 2013, 09:51:58 schrieb Kevin Wilson:
 After switching to KDE I installed LibreOffice 4 from RPM.
 I cannot find a menu entry for it from under Applications.
 Is there a way I can add a  menu entry?

LibreOffice usually separates out the desktop stuff into a
subdirectory called desktop-integration where you should (maybe)
find an RPM/DEB/ETC that installs the XDG/FreeDesktop bits needed to
do this. (this includes all the Icons, MIME mappings, etc), so would
be preferred over manually adding Kickoff entries, if you can avoid

Additionally, you might need to:

  kbuildsycoca4(or)kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental
  and/or logout/login again

as i've been only partially successful at times in getting the icons
to showup in the current session.

Debian Wheezy/KDE 4.8.4 seems even worse about not giving me proper
icon imagery until a logout/login cycle :-( We have an NFS shared
/usr/local/share/applications here where a firefox.desktop is
used.  In Firefox 21, the icon changed location, and 'kbuildsycoca4
--noincremental' does NOT load the new icon in Kickoff (shows
blank) until a complete recycle.  I dunno if plasma-desktop/kickoff
(whatever) is supposed to periodically poll or inotify() watch its
path elements for changes, but it's definitely not helping me out.

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Re: [kde] How to learn about all those configuration file values?

2013-04-06 Thread Stephen Dowdy


adrelanos wrote, On 04/02/2013 04:10 PM:
 There is an Ubuntu Package kde-settings-lowfat. The creator of that
 At the bottom is a list of settings I can hardly make head of tail of. I
 am not asking to tell me what each any any values do, I am just asking
 about the best approach to learn all those things.
 didn't help. I assumed to phrase a configuration file which contains
 [Module-kwrited] you must somewhere use the word kwrited in the
 sources and at least by reading the source I should get an idea what it
 does, but I also don't find references for it in kwrited, so I am
 really lost on how to find reliable information.

I think we all are.  Unfortunately, useful documentation seems to
get sparser and sparser in the brave new world we live in.

 Please tell me how I can find best information about these settings.

I'm going to spew some stuff that is probably 90+% true, and may not
necessarily be the best way to determine this stuff, but hopefully
is at least useful.



kded  is the KDE Daemon,

each of these Module-* group identifiers represent a service
adjunct daemon that 'kded' is responsible for starting.  In the
cases you reference, the 'autoload' key is being set to false,
indicating that 'kded' won't start those auxiliary processes.
(presumably to reduce startup times, memory consumption, additional
opportunities for bugs to bork your session...)

You can get *some* idea of what the currently loaded kded modules
do by this dbus call loop:

# figure out where the KDE4 system services directory *probably* is
d=$(kde4-config --path services); d=${d##*:};
** i reference value of '${d}' in other examples below...
# get each loadedModule from 'kded'
for module in $(qdbus org.kde.kded /kded loadedModules)
#look in the associate service .desktop for a comment
do printf %32s - %s\n $module $(grep '^Comment=' 
${d}/kded/${module}.desktop | sed -e 's/^Comment=//')

   networkstatus - Tracks status of network interfaces and 
provides notification to applications using the network.
 remotedirnotify - Provides change notification for network 
   soliduiserver - Provides a user interface for hardware events
  powerdevil - Battery, Display and CPU power management 
and notification

or get them all with:

for dt in ${d}/kded/*.desktop; do \
printf %32s - %s\n $(basename ${dt} .desktop) \
$(sed -ne '/^Comment=/{s/^Comment=//;p}' ${dt}); done

or, 'man kded4' seems to have much of this as well.

As for the 'krunnerrc' [Plugins] group, same sort of deal:


services files with X-KDE-ServiceTypes=Plasma/Runner are the
plugins listed above.

The configuration key: X-KDE-PluginInfo-EnabledByDefault defines if that 
is enabled or not.

$ for dt in $(grep -l X-KDE-ServiceTypes=Plasma/Runner $d/*.desktop); do 
t=$(basename ${dt} .desktop); printf %32s - %s\n ${t} $(sed -ne 
'/^Comment=/{s/^Comment=//;p}' $dt); done
  browserhistory - Searches in Konqueror's history
 CharacterRunner - Creates special characters from their 
hexadecimal codes
katesessions - Matches Kate Sessions
   konquerorsessions - Matches Konqueror Sessions
   plasma-runner-windowedwidgets - Find Plasma widgets that can be run as 
standalone windows
   plasma-runner-windows - List windows and desktops and switch them
 recentdocuments -

In general, google searching for
KConfig key-name application
kcfgfile key-name application
might get you something useful.

Another thing i often have to do is :
$ rsync -axWS ~/.kde/  /var/tmp/${USER}-kde/
run a kcmshell4 / system-settings UI and toggle or change something,

$ kompare ~/.kde/ /var/tmp/${USER}-kde/
(or diff -hwbr  ~/.kde/ /var/tmp/${USER}-kde/ )

to figure out what KConfig key values changed in the process.
unfortunately, the converse (change a value and dig through UI
screens is MUCH more work ;}

btw, you can generally put SYSTEM LEVEL overrides in /etc/kde4/...

$ cat /etc/kde4/nepomukserverrc
[Basic Settings]
Start Nepomuk=false

overrides the Start setting for nepomuk.

Good luck.
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Re: [kde] Nepomuk

2012-10-17 Thread Stephen Dowdy
Felix Miata wrote, On 10/12/2012 09:50 PM:
 On 2012-10-12 16:28 (GMT-0500) Brian J Densmore composed:
 Nepomuk is required to be installed in the latest KDE.
 But it isn't required to be running. KDE is highly configurable. Look up the 
 [Basic Settings]
 Start Nepomuk=false
 [main Settings]
 Used Soprano Backend=null
 rebuilt index for type indexing=false
 index hidden folders=false
 index newly mounted=false

Yep, we do this here:

-or- most likely:
$(kde4-config --path config | cut -d: -f2)/nepomukserverrc
[Basic Settings]
Start Nepomuk=false

That works for all users of the system to keep Nepomuk from auto-starting.

Similarly, you can drop that in $(kde4-config 
(or likely $(kde4-config --path config | cut -d: -f1)/nepomukserverrc
on a per-user basis.


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[kde] CDE/deskset filtering (was Re: Mouse wheel workspace switching behavior)

2012-09-20 Thread Stephen Dowdy
Duncan wrote, On 09/20/2012 04:14 PM:
 Stephen Dowdy posted on Thu, 20 Sep 2012 13:35:47 -0600 as excerpted:
 OK, so we're at least second generation OT now, but... it's fun. =:^)

So, i've changed the subject line ;)

 2) Had you heard, CDE has been open-sourced now! =:^)  Rather late, but 
 they did open-source it, announcement maybe a month ago.  (I switched 
 from MS when they crossed the line I couldn't/wouldn't cross with 
 eXPrivacy, tho I'd tried Linux before that, but that was after CDE, so 
 kde2's CDE color theme was about the closest I got to CDE, personally.)

Yup, hopefully something useful comes of it, but *I'm* not going back ;)
But, i would be happy if that feature was adopted by
and applied to Qt and gtk widgets.

 3) Back on topic, KDE of course has a send-to menu, which can AFAIK be 
 modified via modifying the appropriate *.desktop service entries, but 
 that's for sending files, not arbitrary text.

So, the text_extras_menu was a generalized filter facility.  Anything
in the Selection Buffer was run as stdin to the filter command and
the output from the filter was placed back into the selection buffer
region.  Thus things like capitalization, reflowing, indenting, etc
were easy.  You could even run it through a language translator filter
if you had one.  But, again, it was a specific feature of the text
widget in DT.

 4) Of course for text, there's klipper and its config.  Set it up 
 correctly, and you get a popup when either selected (X-style-clipboard) 
 or copied (MS-style clipboard) text matches a configurable regex.  The 
 popup can then have one or more selectable actions associated with it.  I 
 use that quite a bit here, having quite a number of customized regexes 
 and associated actions.

I turned that off, because it was false-triggering on things i really
didn't want it to.  I see that you can disable the AUTOMATIC action
triggers, which was my main problem, so you can still do something
like select a URL and do manual invoke action on current clipboard
which IS a nice feature.  still doesn't answer the notion of the
builtin generalized filtering that text_extras_menu provided,
(even if you did something like 'regex=.*' action='tr lower upper'
you still have to repaste over your current selection, it appears)

Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
303.497.2869   -

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Re: [kde] Mouse wheel workspace switching behavior

2012-09-19 Thread Stephen Dowdy
=right-arrow) to invoke that function.

This might give you more ideas:

and here's something using qdbus {prev,next}Desktop i described above (but, that
doesn't answer your question about relative up/down/left/right motion)

Good luck!
Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
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Re: [kde] KDE Desktop effects

2012-09-17 Thread Stephen Dowdy

FWIW, since compositing issues come up frequently, this little bit
of shell is useful for troubleshooting compositing issues: (mainly
to verify that the latter results from running/active qdbus queries
match those you configured in kcmshell/files)

for key in Enabled DisableChecks AnimationSpeed Backend GLDirect GLMode GLVSync 
OpenGLIsUnsafe; do
printf kwinrc::Compositing::%s=%s\n ${key} $(kreadconfig --file kwinrc 
--group Compositing --key ${key})
printf kwin_compositing_active=$(qdbus org.kde.kwin /KWin 
org.kde.KWin.compositingActive | sort | tr '\n' ' ')\n
printf kwin_listed_effects=\n$(qdbus org.kde.kwin /KWin 
org.kde.KWin.listOfEffects | sed -e 's/kwin4_effect_//' | sort | tr '\n' ' ' | 
fmt -w72 | sed -e 's/^//')\n
printf kwin_loaded_effects=\n$(qdbus org.kde.kwin /KWin 
org.kde.KWin.loadedEffects | sed -e 's/kwin4_effect_//' | sort | tr '\n' ' ' | 
fmt -w72 | sed -e 's/^//')\n

A lot of these compositing options don't exist past KDE 4.4.5 (where i 
initially tested this)

kwinrc::Compositing::DisableChecks=true  (this is the bit that keeps Kwin from 
aborting Compositing)
kwinrc::Compositing::OpenGLIsUnsafe=   (this exists in KDE later than Debian 
Squeeze i ran this on)
kwin_compositing_active=true   --- reflects my file-based pref, so 
compositing is working as expected
boxswitch coverswitch cube cubeslide desktopgrid dialogparent
diminactive dimscreen explosion fade fadedesktop fallapart flipswitch
highlightwindow invert login logout lookingglass magiclamp magnifier
minimizeanimation mousemark presentwindows resize scalein shadow
sharpen sheet showfps showpaint slide slideback slidingpopups
snaphelper snow taskbarthumbnail thumbnailaside trackmouse translucency
wobblywindows zoom
desktopgrid dialogparent diminactive logout mousemark presentwindows
shadow translucency

loaded effects appear to be the same as those enabled in the
GUI, whereas listed are those which are known/registered.

KDE 4.8 seems to have a new KWin method of activeEffects, which on
my Debian Wheezy laptop shows only 'translucency', only ONE of the
list of effects i have enabled. (which is more accurately reflected
by the 'loadedEffects' method)


tr '\0' '\n'  /proc/$(pgrep kwin)/environ | sort | egrep '(^(KDE|KWIN)|GL)'

Will also help figure out if undesireable Environment Variables
somehow got into the KWin environment.  There's many things that
have been thrown around related to poor nVidia performance with
KDE/KWin, including the use of these environment variables:

KWIN_NVIDIA_HACK=1  (theres a whole .so devoted just to setting this var in 
# Pick one of these three sets of rendering options
export KWIN_COMPOSE=X  # (Use XRender)
#export KWIN_COMPOSE=O  # (Use OpenGL)
#export KWIN_COMPOSE=N  # (Use None)

I've lost track of what each of them did/fixed/broke, and only
the first is still set in my environment (again, automatically by
But give those a try.  At one point
  KWIN_COMPOSE=X, --graphicssystem=raster
was much faster, but tended to have some nasty redraw problems.
(entire apps would fail to update their windows, re-exposed
regions wouldn't repaint, etc)

I ended up buying a new nVidia card, as the Quadro NVS295 that came with
my system just couldn't cut it.  I got a GeForce GT440 w/ 2GB Memory.  I have
found that the 2GB seems to make a big difference in my KDE experience.
(firefox seems to be the biggest offender, but then i often have 50-150
windows and 200-400 tabs).  I was typically running at 95-100% of memory-usage
(as shown by 'nvidia-smi') with 1GB card.

Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
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Re: [kde] Hide panel on 2nd screen

2012-05-04 Thread Stephen Dowdy
Duncan wrote, On 05/03/2012 08:54 AM:
 Paul Check posted on Wed, 02 May 2012 20:17:09 -0400 as excerpted:
 I have two screens.  Screen 0 is my main screen and screen 1 outputs to
 a TV in a different room.  How do I hide the panel on the 2nd screen?  I
 can't click on the panel on the 2nd screen since I can't see the screen
 while I'm typing.  Is there a way to change some option in a config
 p.s. This is the latest kde in Debian unstable.
 FWIW, latest kde in debian unstable doesn't help much for folks on 
 distributions other than debian.  4.8.2 or just coming out (today I 
 think), 4.8.3, is upstream kde's latest, but I've no idea what debian 
 has.  Luckily it's not critical for this question, tho.


FWIW,  = 4.7.4 (apparently)
(yeah, shouldn't be up to you to figure out, but just an FYI)

 The simplest thing to do, editing with plasma not running of course and 
 making a backup in case you screw up, is probably to figure out which 
 container matches the panel in question, and then simply delete all 
 sections with that container number.


If you want to get fancy about it, i'd suggest pulling down the KDE Examples
plasma javascript kit and working out removing the panel programmatically
while KDE is active.

panel.remove() for the instance of the panel you find is attached to that
screen appears to be the call you want to make.

manipulatePanel.js  looks like it'll be the most helpful of those.

probably want to enumerate through all the panel instances looking for
one that has 'panel.screen = 1' or something

listingPanelsActivitiesAndAvailablePlugins.js has:

print(Panels are: )
p = panels()
for (i in p) {
  print( + p[i].type + , id =  + p[i].id + , version =  + 
p[i].version + , widgets:)

would be a good start for doing the testing loop.

I forget now, but you'll need to look through the dbus interface for plasma to 
find the
plasma console call to open the console interface.  It might be locatable via 
(ALT-F2)  by typing console or plasma)  create your .js file, then load 
it into
the plasma console and execute (and cross fingers)

If you decide to go this route, please let me know how it goes for you.

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[kde] Konsole resizing and default size

2012-04-09 Thread Stephen Dowdy

Qt: 4.6.3
KDE Development Platform: 4.4.5 (KDE 4.4.5)
(Debian Squeeze)

To obtain the current Konsole Window's size this appears to work:

$ dbus-send --type=method_call --print-reply --dest=${KONSOLE_DBUS_SERVICE}  
/konsole/MainWindow_1 org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get 
string:com.trolltech.Qt.QWidget string:size
method return sender=:1.34 - dest=:1.226 reply_serial=2
   variant   struct {
 int32 1829
 int32 1026

However, what i believe (from the inadequately documented
'dbus-send' manpage) should work to set the konsole window size,
generates an error...

$ dbus-send --type=method_call --print-reply --dest=${KONSOLE_DBUS_SERVICE}  
/konsole/MainWindow_1 org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Set 
string:com.trolltech.Qt.QWidget string:size variant:int32:1200,600
Error com.trolltech.QtDBus.Error.InternalError: Internal error

I've tried variant:int32:1200,600 ; variant:int32:1200 variant:int32:600 ; 

Anybody know if this is just a known deficiency with dbus-send in
this release of kde, or am i doing something wrong? (perhaps there's
another configuration flag that is used to disallow remote property

Ultimately, i'm putting a script together that runs inside a konsole
window, detects the user-specified size of that konsole, then
creates KWin Rules to force default konsole sizes to match, since
konsole is broken in that respect (i.e. doesn't allow you to specify
default size, it only remembers the last used size, and while it
claims to, it appears to ignore the --geometry flag on the command
line as well)

The meat of the script being:

numrules=$(kreadconfig --file kwinrulesrc --group General --key count)
rule=$(( numrules + 1 ))
kwriteconfig --file kwinrulesrc --group ${rule} --key Description Force 
Konsole windows to open with specific geometry
kwriteconfig --file kwinrulesrc --group ${rule} --key size ${my_size}
kwriteconfig --file kwinrulesrc --group ${rule} --key sizerule 3
kwriteconfig --file kwinrulesrc --group ${rule} --key wmclass konsole
kwriteconfig --file kwinrulesrc --group ${rule} --key wmclasscomplete 
kwriteconfig --file kwinrulesrc --group ${rule} --key wmclassmatch 1
kwriteconfig --file kwinrulesrc --group ${rule} --key types 4294967295
kwriteconfig --file kwinrulesrc --group General --key count ${rule}
dbus-send --dest=org.kde.kwin /KWin org.kde.KWin.reloadConfig

But in doing this, i also started looking at resizing the konsoles
that existed already, which is where i'm stuck.

Also, it'd be nice to be able to specify CHARACTER cell sizes, not
just pixel sizes.  Unfortunately, 'resize -s cols rows' doesn't work
with konsole, and i'm not sure of another way to resize konsole
windows this way...

Any pointers appreciated,

Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
303.497.2869   -

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Re: [kde] Home Directory KDE config files

2011-10-26 Thread Stephen Dowdy
for upath in desktop autostart document; do
  printf %18s = %s\n ${upath} $(kdeconf --userpath ${upath})

echo [Paths]
while read ktype ksep kdescription; do
#  printf PATH(${ktype}) [${kdescription}]\n  $(kdeconf --path ${ktype})\n
  printf %18s = %s [%s]\n ${ktype} $(kdeconf --path ${ktype}) $(kdeconf 
--install ${ktype})
done EOF
$(kdeconf --types)
echo values in []'s are application install paths



Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
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Re: [kde] Shortcut Issue

2011-09-18 Thread Stephen Dowdy
Bios wrote, On 09/18/2011 10:17 AM:
 How can I use left shift+right shift as a shortcut?
 It does not work simply through the system settings.

Don't know for sure if this is possible, but i suspect
that those keys would be in a keyboard class of something
like Modifier keys, that you will need a combination
of Modifier+Non-Modifier key(s) to complete a keybinding.

So, something like :


might do it (with the extra non-modifier Space key)

Otherwise, i bet there'd be a way to take one of your
shift keys and change its class from Modifier to non
thereby allowing the binding.

(i'm pulling this all out of my nether regions, but hey
it *sounds* good ;) )

I'm at home on a KDE3 system, but...

% kcmshell keys

there's a Modifiers [Tab].

If you look there, you see Shift is a modifier and down below
shift is assigned with Key1 = LeftShift, Key2= RightShift.

Give that a whirl.  If on KDE4, i suspect it'll be the same
(too lazy to login to my KDE4 system), and try:

%kcmshell4 keys

which probably will look the same.

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Re: [kde] Shortcut Issue

2011-09-18 Thread Stephen Dowdy
Bios wrote, On 09/18/2011 10:17 AM:
 How can I use left shift+right shift as a shortcut?
 It does not work simply through the system settings.

Durh, i didn't actually bother to verify whether the kcmshell4 keys
modifiers entries could be changed in that interface.  nope. So...

debian:~$ xmodmap -pm | grep shift
shift   Shift_L (0x32),  Shift_R (0x3e)

debian:~$ xmodmap -e 'remove shift = Shift_R'

debian:~$ xmodmap -pm
shift   Shift_L (0x32)

Hmm, looking in 'kcmshell keys', though the change didn't take,
as 'Shift' is still Shift_L and Shift_R.

# This looks promising from dcop...
debian:~$ dcop khotkeys khotkeys reread_configuration

Yup, that did it, khotkeys now consistent.

in KDE4, probably a call something like:

qdbus org.kde.khotkeys /khotkeys reread_configuration

might be needed.

You'd probably need to enter the xmodmap expression in


(or such) as there is probably a call to read that in the
chain of X11 session startup prior to KDE starting.

Otherwise, i'm sure someone here knows some KDE specific
magic incantation to override the X11 modmap settings
specifically for what you're doing.

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[kde] Re: disable fx prior to first 4.6 startups

2011-07-07 Thread Stephen Dowdy
Felix Miata wrote, On 07/07/2011 03:29 PM:
 On 2011/07/07 22:54 (GMT+0200) Alex Schuster composed:
  schrieb Felix Miata:
 I'm not sure if I understand this right... so the active desktop effects
 mess up everything, and it is even hard to start systemsettings and turn
 them off?
 Exactly. I can rarely remember the run command hotkey. If I did, I'd open 
 Konsole and try doing things from that, or run command.
 Try Alt+Shift+F12, this toggles the desktop effects. I use it on a PC (not

alternatively, programmatically:

kwin_compositing_active=$(qdbus org.kde.kwin /KWin 
[ ${kwin_compositing_active} = true ]  qdbus org.kde.kwin 

 You can also edit ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc, and set Enabled=false in the
 [Compositing] section.


I prefer to state modifications to config files in terms of k{read,write}config
statements, as these should work regardless of the distro (i think).  This
should make it easier for end-users to get the desired effect w/o having to
hunt around or try to figure out why a section/key/file don't exist.
Just Cut/Paste and voila' (crossing fingers...)

see below...

 That would not be a global fix. That file doesn't even exist on a new install 
 until after KDE gets started, and then only for each individual's first login.
 On Natty, I looked and found only one kwinrc, hiding in a directory called 
 /usr/share/kubuntu-netbook-default-settings/share/config, which makes no 
 sense to me, since this is a desktop install, not a netbook. Looking on the 
 mirrors in pool/main/k/ I see a kubuntu-netbook-default-settings/, but 
 nothing that looks appropriate for a desktop installation.
 On 11.4, I couldn't find a kwinrc in any of /etc, /opt, /var or /usr.
 Anyway, would the kwinrc file in Natty's /usr rats nest be appropriate for 
 global changes? It has no [Compositing] section.


This will work to disable compositing for the user that runs it (after logout
and log-back-in, or if they've never logged in yet:

kwriteconfig --file kwinrc --group Compositing --key Enabled false

This should work to create a SITE-specific (or machine specific)
Override (that should not be touched by system updates).  This will/should
create files, group sections, and keys as appropriate
if they don't already exist.

kde_etc_config=$(kde4-config --path config | cut -f2 -d:)
kwriteconfig --file ${kde_etc_config}/kwinrc --group Compositing --key Enabled 

At least this all Works for Me(tm) ;)

Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
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[kde] KDE4 Shortcuts and performance (was Re: Re: disable fx prior to first 4.6 startups)

2011-07-07 Thread Stephen Dowdy
Alex Schuster wrote, On 07/07/2011 05:35 PM:
 Felix Miata writes:
 On 2011/07/07 22:54 (GMT+0200) Alex Schuster composed:
 Try Alt+Shift+F12, this toggles the desktop effects. I use it on a PC

 Another hotkey combination I'll probably forget as fast as I discovered
 it, or at least not remember when I need to.
 I know it well, because I get notifications frequently that my system is too 
 slow and that the desktops effects are being suspended. This notification 
 also mentions how to toggle the effects back via this key combination.

I was hoping there'd be someway to get a list of active shortcuts,
but so far haven't found a good way.

There's some inkling of a possibly incomplete implementation (or
just one i don't yet know how to use) at:

qdbus org.kde.kglobalaccel /component/kwin 
(i see the shortcut names, but not the keybindings for the names)

$ qdbus org.kde.kglobalaccel /component/kwin 
org.kde.kglobalaccel.Component.shortcutNames | grep -i Compos
Suspend Compositing

So, the best i can find for hotkeys is:

kcmshell4 keys standard_actions

You can then hit the File widget on the right in the Global
Keyboard Shortcuts' module and export everything to a file like
/tmp/keys.kksrc', then do:

kreadconfig --file /tmp/keys.kksrc --group 'kwin' --group 'Global Shortcuts' 
--key 'Suspend Compositing'

I'm still not clear on the entire distinction between standard
actions and global shortcuts within KDE4.

 I have a dual core AMD 4850e CPU with 2.5 GHz, and on-board Radeon HD3200 
 video (using the open-source radeon driver). Which seems to be barely enough 
 to run KDE4 (using six desktops and running much stuff I must admit). top 
 gives these values, sampled over two minutes:
   27% X
   16% kwin
   13% plasma-desktop
5% amarok
5% dbus-daemon
3% udisks-daemon
3% akonadi_imap_re
3% akonadiserver
3% mysqld
2% kget
2% knotify4

I had to buy a new graphics card for my Dell T3500 ( Intel E5520 )
to even sustain a KDE4 session. (was an nVidia NVS295, is now an
nVidia GeForce GTS 450)

I was having 5 second delays during window switching.  30% 'X'
CPU usage just moving the mouse from one konsole to another and

Now, instead of it being hair-tearing-out slow, it's just mildly
annoying (i think the GTS450 is roughly 10-20X overall performance
of the NVS295) . I tried a half-dozen different nVidia drivers (2
of which were latest betas) (i'm not able to use nouveau, or at
least can't figure out how to have it work with my card AND my
two monitors.  I also had to give up running my two monitors as
independent X11 screens, one horiz, one vertical (documentation),
because KDE4's kwin doesn't support multiple screens.)

I'm still having trouble with redraw problems. holes in windows,
partial redraws, taking many seconds to repaint an entire window,
titlebars being half redrawn (only the bottom horizontal half gets
redrawn)...  That's not necessarily all KDE4's fault, but i didn't
have any of this on KDE3 (Debian Lenny vs Debian Squeeze)

I.E. i'm not a happy camper.

I have to have effects enabled to mitigate this somewhat. (but
all the effects are off) I've played with running '--graphicssystem
raster' and 'opengl' for kwin, konsole, plasma-desktop, nothing
seems to solidly help.

Now, i'm one of those people that has upto 50 firefox windows and
200-300 tabs open.  In KDE3 this was not a problem (even with the
crappy NVS295 card) In KDE4 i can not even RUN with that profile at
all, the system stops responding entirely.  I'm Waiting on Squeeze
and a Half which hopefully will have KDE4 4.6 or greater (waiting,
waiting, waiting)   ( production work desktop, so i can't be
diddling with 'sid', 'testing'...)

Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
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[kde] Re: Autostart locations in KDE4

2011-06-02 Thread Stephen Dowdy
Tim Edwards wrote, On 06/02/2011 03:53 AM:
 Recently I found that knetworkmanager wasn't starting up when I logged
 into KDE. I tried looking for any mention of it in the 'startup and
 shutdown' control centre module, but no luck. Eventually I found a tip
 on a forum that I had to set 'Autostart=true' in
 So my question is, what's the status of the autostart stuff: 
 Shouldn't it all be configurable through the standard control centre
 module which stores its settings in the standard (~/.config/autostart)
 Does KDE go scanning through ~/.kde4/share/config/ looking for
 'Autostart=' in rc-files?


In case it's any help, i enclose a script that dumps out the KDE4 configuration
operational environment in a nice concise format.

There would be a difference between the autostart path and the config path.

The config path would be scanned until it finds a networkmanagementrc file.

I believe
kde4-config --locate networkmanagementrc --path config
would show which file ultimately is going to be used.  (i think it's a scan
and stop on first found algorithm, rather than a merge all files found
that match in the path operation).  it'll show nothing if no config file
is found in the path.

I was surprised when using the kcmshell4 autostart center that it was using
the XDG autostart path to write a new autostart desktop function.  I thought
it would prefer the KDE4 autostart path.  I'm not sure if that indicates
a future deprecation of the KDE4 specific autostart directory in favor
of XDG integration?

If so, you may need to use the 'OnlyShowIn=KDE' directives in such XDG pathed
autostart files if the given application can't or shouldn't run in other
desktop environments.


# Get some Configuration info on KDE

echo [VersionInfo]
#kdeconf() { kde3-config $@ ;}   # KDE3
kdeconf() { kde4-config $@ ;}   # KDE4

kdeconf --version

echo [Environment]
while read var default; do
printf %24s = %s\n  ${var} $(eval echo \${$var-${default}\(\*\)})
KDEWM   kwin
KDEROOTHOME ~root/.kde
KDETMP  /tmp
KDEVARTMP   /var/tmp
KDE_USE_IDN at:ch:cn:de:dk:kr:jp:li:no:se:tw
echo (*) indicates variable unset and a default value substituted

echo [Configuration]
while read option; do
printf %18s = %s\n ${option} $(kde4-config --${option})
#  --kde-version Compiled in version string for KDE libraries
#  --locate filename Find filename inside the resource type given to 

echo [UserPaths]
#KDE3#for upath in desktop trash autostart document; do
for upath in desktop autostart document; do
  printf %18s = %s\n ${upath} $(kdeconf --userpath ${upath})

echo [Paths]
while read ktype ksep kdescription; do
#  printf PATH(${ktype}) [${kdescription}]\n  $(kdeconf --path ${ktype})\n
  printf %18s = %s [%s]\n ${ktype} $(kdeconf --path ${ktype}) $(kdeconf 
--install ${ktype})
done EOF
$(kdeconf --types)
echo values in []'s are application install paths

exit 0
# Get some Configuration info on XDG

echo [Environment]
while read var default; do
printf %24s = %s\n  ${var} $(eval echo \${$var-${default}\(\*\)})
XDG_DATA_HOME   ${HOME}/.local/share
XDG_DATA_DIRS   /usr/local/share/:/usr/share/
echo (*) indicates variable unset and a default value substituted

echo [Settings]
while read var desc; do
printf %24s = %s\n ${var} $(xdg-settings get ${var})
$(xdg-settings --list | tail -n +2 )

exit 0
xdg-settings get default-web-browser
xdg-settings check default-web-browser firefox.desktop
   xdg-settings set default-web-browser google-chrome.desktop


sdowdy@zia$ xdg-settings --list
Known properties:
  default-web-browser   Default web browser

sdowdy@zia$ xdg-settings get default-web-browser

$XDG_DATA_HOME defines the base directory relative to which user specific data 
files should be stored. If $XDG_DATA_HOME is either not set or empty, a default 
equal to $HOME/.local/share should 

[kde] Programmatically adding plasmoid widgets to the plasma panel?

2011-06-02 Thread Stephen Dowdy
I have hunted around a bit, but not come up with anything i can
run with yet, but want to populate the plasma panel with standard
widgets.  Below is a shell script i use on KDE3 to allow user to
quickly select some standard widgets to add to 'kicker' panel,
but i'd like the equivalent for KDE4.  At least i'd like to know
how to programmatically install a widget similar to what i'm
doing below.

Anyway, 'kwriteconfig' is certainly not a viable tool to manipulate
either KDE3's kicker panel config file, nor the plasma config file
(that one's even more horrific requiring a full parse to figure
out indexes of multi-variant arrays, blah...)

I ran across some cursory ECMAscript docs for plasma, and if that's
the way to go, any example code anybody's got is welcome.

Anyway, any pointers appreciated.


# Title:kde3-install-kicker-buttons
# Purpose:  Install some standard default buttons on the KDE3 kicker panel
# Author:   Stephen Dowdy (sdowdy @

if ! dcop /dev/null 21 ; then
echo This must be run in a KDE3 user session
exit 1
add_xfreerdp_button() { winserver=$1 windomain=$2
dcop kicker Panel addNonKDEAppButton \
XFreeRDP to ${winserver} \
XFreeRDP session to Windows terminal server ${winserver} \
/usr/local/freerdp/bin/xfreerdp samba.png \
-u \${USER} ${windomain:+-d ${windomain}} -g 90% -x m --plugin cliprdr 
--plugin rdpdr --data disk:LNXWIN:\${HOME}/tsclient -- ${winserver} \

if [ ! -d ${HOME}/tsclient ]; then
mkdir ${HOME}/tsclient
chmod 700 ${HOME}/tsclient
add_xfreerdp_WINSERVER_button() { add_xfreerdp_button WINSERVER WINDOMAIN ;}

add_locklogout_button() {
# Add Lock/Logout button if it doesn't already exist
if ! dcop kicker Panel listApplets | grep -q 'lockout.desktop'; then
echo Adding Lock/Logout button to Kicker Panel
dcop kicker Panel insertApplet lockout.desktop $(dcop kicker Panel 
listApplets | wc -l)
echo NOTICE: Lock/Logout button already installed
add_konsole_button() {
# Add Konsole button if it doesn't already exist
if ! dcop kicker Panel listApplets | grep -q 'Konsole'; then
echo Adding Lock/Logout button to Kicker Panel
dcop kicker Panel addServiceButton Konsole
echo NOTICE: Konsole button already installed
add_firefox_button() {
# Add Firefox button if it doesn't already exist (can't really tell easily)
dcop kicker Panel addNonKDEAppButton Firefox Mozilla Firefox Web 
Browser /usr/local/firefox/firefox /usr/local/firefox/icons/mozicon128.png 
add_thunderbird_button() {
# Add Thunderbird button if it doesn't already exist (can't really tell easily)
dcop kicker Panel addNonKDEAppButton Thunderbird Mozilla Thunderbird 
E-mail client /usr/local/thunderbird/thunderbird 
/usr/local/thunderbird/chrome/icons/default/default256.png  false

for button in \
$(kdialog --geometry 600x400 --title Jazzing up the KDE3 Kicker Panel \
--checklist Select Buttons to add to KDE3 Kicker Panel \
firefox Firefox Browser   on \
thunderbird Thunderbird E-Mail client on \
xfreerdp_WINSERVER  XFreeRDP session to WINSERVER off  \
konsole Konsole Terminal Button   on \
locklogout  Lock/Logout Buttonon \
| tr -d ''
echo Selected: ${button}
eval add_${button}_button

Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
303.497.2869   -

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[kde] Re: Autostart locations in KDE4

2011-06-02 Thread Stephen Dowdy
Tim Edwards wrote, On 06/02/2011 02:10 PM:

 Thanks for the script. I'm not sure what you mean exactly. The config path is:
 config = 
 Does that mean KDE scans all those directories for rc-files, and then starts 
 any that have autostart=true?


I think what you're really looking at (i could be wrong), is that the
networkmanager desktop autostart file
(on my Debian Squeeze machine, this is located in
has an execution conditional in it...


So, in order to autostart networkmanager, it needs to find a
configuration key named Autostart within the General group of
the networkmanagementrc configuration file that is true.

$ kreadconfig --file networkmanagementrc  --group General --key Autostart
(i don't have such a key in my config search path)

So, it must default to 'true', I suspect that you have it set FALSE

$ kde4-config --locate networkmanagementrc --path config

This is the file that is found first within the config path

To force Autostart to True, do...

kwriteconfig --file networkmanagementrc  --group General --key Autostart true

That will write it into the first path component in the config path (for you:

So, the *autostart* files are separate from the configuration files,
but because the networkmanager desktop autostart file is making a
demand for a config path conditional, the config stuff gets pulled into
the mix here.

From quickly glancing at another message of yours.  Those other applications
are probably configured in the KDE4 system autostart install path, thus not
*user* managed.

My 'kde4-info' script doesn't identify that path (because kde4-config doesn't
show it either), but as you see from above it is /usr/share/autostart.

This brings up a point about *Disabling* those system installed defaults.
Theoretically, they should all have a 'X-KDE-autostart-condition' directive
so the user could create disabling overrides.  But notice they don't all:

$ grep -c X-KDE-autostart-condition /usr/share/autostart/*

So, it is presumed that you MUST run krunner and plasma-desktop on
my machine.  I wanted to replace 'plasma-desktop' with one that
started 'plasma-desktop --graphicssystem=raster'.  From what little
documentation i ran across there was a method of a user created
autostart OVERRIDE of a system autostart.  I.E. create the same
filename and disable it from running.  Then i was going to create
a 'plasma-desktop-rastergraphics.desktop' that invoked the command above,

Unfortunately, Debian Squeeze forcibly deletes any
'plasma-desktop.desktop' file in the user's autostart directory
in 'startkde' to address some other bug.  I think that solution is
itself a bug, breaking this override mechanism (as i understand it)
Oh well, there are plenty of other significant bugs in KDE4 i'm
having to deal with.
(kquitapp plasma-desktop  sleep 3  plasma-desktop --graphicssystem=raster)
then has to become a KDE4 Autostart script to workaround this particular
bug :-(

Hopefully that answers your question...

Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
303.497.2869   -

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[kde] Re: Running dolphin from a shell script and opening it in a specific directory.

2011-06-01 Thread Stephen Dowdy
Alex Schuster wrote, On 06/01/2011 05:03 PM:
 John Woodhouse asks:

 I have already tried just typing dolphin in the console and it comes up
 with loads and loads of soprano errors preceded by dolphin (6667) but
 does launch. I need it to open pointing at a specific directory from a
 bash script at the point just before it exits.

loads of warning/info/error messages is normal, and i've tried global
disable with kdebugdialog [x] disable all debug output to no avail.

 Also be interested in any example type web pages on this subject and more
 info on the general aspects of scripting KDE. 
 I'm also interested about examples of scripting KDE. You can do many cool 
 things via dbus, but I don't know yet how.

qdbus or qdbusviewer to get the callable interfaces...

something like:

# Title:

url=${1:-/My Documents}

# XXX presumes MainWindow0, could be many named different things, would
# XXX have to search the output and find the one you want to use
if [ qdbus org.kde.dolphin 2/dev/null ]; then
qdbus org.kde.dolphin /dolphin/MainWindow0 
org.kde.dolphin.MainWindow.changeUrl ${url}
# XXX this doesn't do what i think it should do (raise the window) oh well.
qdbus org.kde.dolphin /dolphin/Dolphin_1 com.trolltech.Qt.QWidget.raise
dolphin ${url}

 This script must run from
 the bash shell. One aspect of that is how to stop the shell flashing up
 Don't know what you mean by that.

Same here??


Stephen Dowdy  -  Systems Administrator  -  NCAR/RAL
303.497.2869   -

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