[kde] problems with nepomuk/strigi indexing outside of /home

2013-02-09 Thread phanisvara das
i had file indexing disabled for a long while and now am trying to
get it working again.

most of my data files are on a separate partition that i mount at
boot (fstab) and link to locations under /home,
like /home/Documents, /home/Music, /home/Pictures. the idea is to be
able to use them with different distros w/o having to duplicate
them, and also for easier backup.

if i configure nepomuk's file indexer to index those directories,
the settings disappear after every reboot. i thought i'd figured it
out, by specifying that mount point in the mount path variable in
nepomukstrigirc, but that didn't work either.

strigi does index the files after akonadictl restart, but after
the next boot these directories aren't listed under the directories
to index anymore.

is there some trick to get strigi to index directories outside of
$HOME, or is that not possible at present?


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Re: [kde] kmail and kwallet

2013-02-08 Thread phanisvara das
On Fri, 8 Feb 2013 06:29:06 -0500
Gene Heskett ghesk...@wdtv.com wrote:

 The problem is, there isn't such a beast on this machine.

then you don't have the taskbar-thingy installed. in that case, type
kwalletmanager in a command prompt (user, not root), and the
management utility should pop up, allowing you to remove the

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Re: [kde] KAddressbook Spawning Tags

2012-05-19 Thread phanisvara das
On Sat, 19 May 2012 17:39:49 +0530, Hans Muecke  
ubuntu-m...@filderstadtweather.eu wrote:

Am 19.05.2012 06:14, schrieb Renaud (Ron) Olgiati:
On Saturday 19 May 2012 05:54 my mailbox was graced by a message from  

who wrote:

my mail archive, address book, and mail filters over to claws-mail  
easy, but it was worth it, for sure, and the worst I get in a crash is  

few read messages showing up as unread, again, if it hadn't yet saved
that status.  YMMV, but claws-mail was a better solution for me anyway,

What are the best choices for replacing Kmail ?

After upgrading to 12.04 (and KDE4.8 with it) and still getting strange
effects with all that akonadi driven stuff I switched to Thunderbird,
since I also use it with windows. It does what I expect and - for me a
big plus - a WORKING calendar plugin for Google.

for me, since i started to use openSUSE 12.2 with KDE 4.8.3, all  
akonadi/nepomuk/strigi related problems have stopped -- at least until  
now. i don't think it depends so much on the distro version, or even the  
minor version of KDE 4.8.x, but that i started with a new $HOME this time.

previously i had been carrying most of my configuration with me through  
minor  major versions, but during oS 12.1 i wasn't able to get  
nepomuk/strigi to work properly. was getting strange errors that strigi  
couldn't be started due to three different possible reasons, and whatever  
i tried (new ~/.kde4, ~/.local, ~/.config), it just wouldn't work. on the  
other hand, for a new user account it did work, so i knew that i had  
something messed up in my config.

didn't find this important enough to start bisecting my whole $HOME, so i  
just waited for the next major version upgrade of openSUSE, and this time  
i started with a completely fresh $HOME, and voila, everything works  
great. no lost mails, those i read stay read, no duplicates, and what not.  
akonadi works well with google contacts  calendar, so far i couldn't find  
anything that doesn't work.

of course, it helps that i store my mail in a local dovecot server, so  
kmail would have to try really hard to mess those up.

there have been quite a few major changes to all those interconnected  
libraries, and i think it's asking too much to provide a faultless upgrade  
pass through all this. unless you tried this before, i'd suggest to start  
with a clean configuration and see if  how things work now, with KDE  
4.8.3. (not necessarily with your real user, but creating a new one should  
do the trick, if i'm right.)

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Re: [kde] Issues about dcop

2012-05-12 Thread phanisvara das

On Sat, 12 May 2012 23:33:14 +0530, Kevin Krammer kram...@kde.org wrote:

On Saturday, 2012-05-12, hbprotoss wrote:

Hello everybody.
I'd like to ask whether dcop tool is not available on KDE 4.8 any  

  I want to change wallpapers automatically, but no suitable tools have
been found. I checked the wikipedia, found DCOP protocol, and it says
dcop command-line tool can help, but I can't find it on KDE 4.8.

DCOP (desktop communication protocol) was KDE's means of communicating  

processes during the KDE 3 series.

In order to facilitate more collaboration with other Free Software  
projects, the version 4 series switched to D-Bus which then even got  

in Qt4 itself.

There are several D-Bus command line tools available, e.g. dbus-send  
(from the

core D-Bus package) or qdbus (from Qt, package qdbus).

The latter has a similar behavior like the dcop command line tool, e.g.
invoking it without any argument shows the known D-Bus connections  

using D-Bus) and so on.

There is also an UI tool calls qdbusviewer, package qt4-dev-tools, which  
exploring available interfaces easier than repeatedly calling the  


qdbuviewer is great, but if the OP only wants to change wallpapers, that's
already included in plasma-desktop, no? folder view, grid, and 'normal'
desktop at least can be configured to use 'slideeshow' instead of an
image, and the folder(s) the images come from can be configured, as can
the time each remains as background.

since the OP seems to come from KDE3, perhaps he doesn't know about this

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Re: [kde] Strigi Indexer

2011-12-23 Thread phanisvara das
On Fri, 23 Dec 2011 17:30:06 +0530, LĂ­vio Cipriano lcipri...@iol.pt  


I'm using OpenSuSE 11.4 with KDE 4.6 and my Nepomuk Controller indicates  
Strigi is indexing a directory with 10 pdf and chm files, the bigger is  
a pdf

with 23 Mb and the smallest is  also a pdf with 2.7 Mb. This operation is
going for MORE THEN 12 HOURS NON STOP and Nepomuk uses constantly 90% of  


I know this is a bug, but is there any way to contour it and continuing  

using Nepomuk?

i've seen this too, and just killed the process. it gets re-spawned and in  
my case at least didn't get stuck in the same place again.

i think this pdf-reading thing strigi uses (what's it's name?) is still a  
bit flaky, and that's not an uncommon thing to happen.

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Re: [kde] file indexing under KDE 4.7.3

2011-11-23 Thread phanisvara das

On Wed, 23 Nov 2011 00:16:09 +0530, Thomas Olsen tho...@tanghus.net

On Tuesday 22 November 2011 17:21 phanisvara das wrote:

On Tue, 22 Nov 2011 15:27:13 +0530, Thomas Olsen tho...@tanghus.net

  it has stopped re-indexing my music collection all the time.
  Unfortunately it has also stopped working from krunner, so it's
  that useful...

 strange, for me krunner still shows nepomuk search results. you  

 disable the krunner plugin, did you?

 Nope. It's enabled. Don't know if I have to recreate the database

i did just that recently, deleted my whole nepomuk repository. i shifted
files around across partitions for backup purposes, ending up with a
different set of them in the actual ~/ directory. nepomuk kept the old
index but started adding the new files on top, so i thought it better  

start over with a new index.

do you get useful results when searching via dolphin? if yes, i don't  

why the same results shouldn't pop up in krunner -- unless that's broken
for some reason.

Now that you mention it I don't get any search results from Dolphin  

my version of kdebase4-workspace, from openSUSE K:D:F repo, is  

, us your's the same?

4:4.7.3a-0ubuntu0.1~ppa1 0
http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu/ oneiric/main amd64  

i've never really used ubuntu and am not familiar with their way of
packaging. but looking into the repo you mentioned above, it seems ubuntu
are back-porting KDEPIM, nepomuk  soprano from earlier releases; i'm
using much later versions of nepomuk / soprano related libraries.

i do remember that the whole nepomuk/strigi thing began to work for me,
i.e., come up with useable search results and not hog CPU in an
unacceptable way, with this latest upgrade to 4.7.3. your distro isn't
using these latest libraries yet, as far as i can see, which is probably
the reason it doesn't work as expected.

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Re: [kde] file indexing under KDE 4.7.3

2011-11-23 Thread phanisvara das

On Tue, 22 Nov 2011 21:22:06 +0530, Duncan 1i5t5.dun...@cox.net wrote:

Thomas Olsen posted on Tue, 22 Nov 2011 09:50:03 +0100 as excerpted:

On Tuesday 22 November 2011 14:12 phanisvara das wrote:

i noticed since KDE 4.7.3 that file indexing, after the initial index
of all files specified in strigi configuration has finished, remains
suspended on each log in. un-suspending seems to cause all files to be

i'm wondering if changes to the indexed files, or addition of new ones
into the indexed folders, will get picked up by some nepomuk daemon
while indexing remains suspended, or if i'm supposed to un-suspend it
now  then to keep the index up-to-date?

Here - also on 4.7.3 - it wakes up from idle and indexes new/changed
files. And it has stopped re-indexing my music collection all the time.
Unfortunately it has also stopped working from krunner, so it's not
really that useful...

FWIW, I rebuilt all of kde (well, the packages with the option) without
semantic-desktop at all, here on gentoo, shortly after 4.7.0 came out,
when I removed all kdepim components and akonadi, and thus could do so.
So all that stuff's not only diabled so it doesn't run, it's build-time
disabled and thus not installed at all, on my system! =:^)

However, based on the changelogs for 4.7 and the continued improvements
in 4.7.3, I believe once it's done indexing (or checking that its index
is still current after the initial indexing), it now turns on fanotify or
whatever similar kernel-level filesystem monitoring, and thus knows when
a file changes so it can reindex it.

... Assuming the required kernel config option is enabled in the kernel
you're running, of course.

after the initial index finishes an announcement is shown to that effect,  
and from then on it remains suspended. i also believe that nepomuk is  
monitoring file changes to keep things up-to-date, but haven't seen an  
explanation of that in any blog or mailing list post yet; was hoping to  
find here somebody who actually knows.

moreover, after the initial index finished i un-suspended file indexing  
manually, and nepomuk/strigi apparently did find new areas (directories)  
that are also within the specified search area, but haven't been indexed  
during the first run, adding a couple hundred files to the search index  
and MB to the nepomuk data store -- which probably wouldn't have happened  
if i hadn't un-suspended file indexing manually.

seems file indexing is being suspended as soon as possible to prevent  
people from complaining that nepomuk eats all their CPU cycles. perhaps  
that still needs some work, to manage nepomuk's re-emergence once in a  
while to make sure it got everything indexed it's supposed to.

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Re: [kde] file indexing under KDE 4.7.3

2011-11-22 Thread phanisvara das
On Tue, 22 Nov 2011 14:20:03 +0530, Thomas Olsen tho...@tanghus.net  

On Tuesday 22 November 2011 14:12 phanisvara das wrote:

i noticed since KDE 4.7.3 that file indexing, after the initial index of
all files specified in strigi configuration has finished, remains
suspended on each log in. un-suspending seems to cause all files to be

i'm wondering if changes to the indexed files, or addition of new ones
into the indexed folders, will get picked up by some nepomuk daemon  
indexing remains suspended, or if i'm supposed to un-suspend it now   

to keep the index up-to-date?

Here - also on 4.7.3 - it wakes up from idle and indexes new/changed  
files. And

it has stopped re-indexing my music collection all the time.
Unfortunately it has also stopped working from krunner, so it's not  

that useful...

strange, for me krunner still shows nepomuk search results. you didn't  
disable the krunner plugin, did you?

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[kde] Re: Calendar widget broken in 4.7?

2011-07-13 Thread phanisvara das
On Wed, 13 Jul 2011 20:06:20 +0530, Duncan 1i5t5.dun...@cox.net wrote:

 (After doing so...)
No, still get the blank right side.  Maybe because it expects a second
 language and I don't have any configured.  Or maybe because it's getting
 config from elsewhere.  I could strace it and see, but it's not /that/
 big a deal, since I only call up the window on demand anyway.

i think it's because the plasmoid is meant to work with akonadi enabled. they 
provide the space, and if it's not used, it's empty.

on my distro (openSUSE) plasma clocks  calendars won't even work without 
akonadi; to make them work, one has to set a config option in the ~rc file 
under ~/.kde4/share/config. perhaps you can look into these config files 
(calendar and/or clock) and see if you find an option that, upon disabling, 
makes that empty space disappear.

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[kde] Re: lost Desktop

2011-07-13 Thread phanisvara das
On Thu, 14 Jul 2011 00:19:20 +0530, Jerome Yuzyk jer...@supernet.ab.ca wrote:

 There was a bar on it that I thought was a scrollbar. When I went to scroll
 it the Desktop iconified onto the Panel. ~/home/Desktop isn't gone - it
 just doesn't show anymore.

just drag that folder back to the desktop surface. to do that you'll have to 
unlock widgets if they're locked -- they certainly weren't when you put that 
folder into the panel -- and click on the 'diamond' showing on the panel's 
right end. after that 'grab' the iconified folder with the mouse, dump it on 
the desktop, and it should un-iconify.

i seem to remember that once it didn't. in that case you'll have to remove  
re-create it.

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[kde] Re: lost Desktop

2011-07-13 Thread phanisvara das
On Thu, 14 Jul 2011 00:31:12 +0530, Alex Schuster wo...@wonkology.org wrote:

 Ah, now I understand. It's the folder plasmoid showing your desktop...

oops, your post arrived while i was sending mine. i was (trying to) say the 
same thing.

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[kde] Re: lost Desktop

2011-07-13 Thread phanisvara das
On Thu, 14 Jul 2011 02:17:36 +0530, Alex Schuster wo...@wonkology.org wrote:

 Strange, I don't see why it should have disappeared from the panel.

i've seen this a few times, when re-arranging things around my desktop(s): one 
or the other widget suddenly disappears. sometimes i find them on different 
desktops or activities, sometimes they return after plasma restart, and 
sometimes they stay gone. doesn't happen too often to me, so it's not too much 
bother to add the widget again. it's not regularly reproducible, and i've 
accepted it as a quirk of plasma.

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[kde] after upgrade 4.6.4 - 4.6.5 konqueror unusable

2011-07-07 Thread phanisvara das
on openSUSE 11.4 my mirrors just took me from KDE 4.6.4 to 4.6.5, after which 
opening konqueror, as well as chaning directories, takes one minute or more. 
during this time (h)top shows increased activity of akonadiserver, even after 
disabling strigi  nepomuk in 'systemsettings.'

i'm not sure if this is KDE- or openSUSE related and would like to know if 
others experience the same...

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[kde] Re: after upgrade 4.6.4 - 4.6.5 konqueror unusable

2011-07-07 Thread phanisvara das
On Thu, 07 Jul 2011 22:13:06 +0530, gene heskett ghesk...@wdtv.com wrote:

 On Thursday, July 07, 2011 12:31:37 PM phanisvara das did opine:

 on openSUSE 11.4 my mirrors just took me from KDE 4.6.4 to 4.6.5, after
 which opening konqueror, as well as chaning directories, takes one
 minute or more. during this time (h)top shows increased activity of
 akonadiserver, even after disabling strigi  nepomuk in

 i'm not sure if this is KDE- or openSUSE related and would like to know
 if others experience the same...

 PCLos took me up to kde-4.6.5 this morning also, no reboot needed, and the
 system is running 100% normally so far.

 I have 3 instant problems:

 1. a reboot always takes a hardware reset button tap, it hangs immediately
 after turning off swaps.  True since about the 2.6.28 kernel era.
 Currently running (32 bit flavor on a quad core phenom
 9550) which gives a better feeling desktop by far than the default cfs
 scheduler does.

 2. The current Xilinx kit (a 4Gb tarball download) for Spartan based FPGA
 boards won't install, missing library that PCLos doesn't have or need. :(

 3. Ditto for the Alteras DE1 software kit, different dependency that is
 also not solvable with synaptic.  But its only a 20.3 meg script dl. ;-)

thanks for letting me know. it seems to be an openSUSE thing, then. considering 
that KDE 4.7 beta is the new thing right now, i decided to continue upgrading 
to that version instead. still downloading, but according to what i've seen on 
the openSUSE-KDE forum, things seem to work well.

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[kde] Re: kwin performance gets worse and worse with every release

2011-06-29 Thread phanisvara das
On Wed, 29 Jun 2011 17:14:33 +0530, Nikos Chantziaras rea...@arcor.de wrote:

 I just installed KDE RC1.  The trend of kwin becoming slower and slower
 continues with this release.  I remember KDE 4.3 (or maybe 4.2) where
 kwin was fast and nice.  After every release, it would become slower.
 It reached a negative peak with 4.6.  Now with 4.7 RC1, kwin has become
 even more slow.  It's extremely annoying to use.

 What is happening to kwin?  It's becoming the definition of sluggish
 GUI.  Out of every window manager I have tried, kwin is now the slowest
 of them all.

hm, perhaps other factors, like distribution, version of kernel and/or Xorg 
have something to do with that, as well as compiz and video card/driver. i'm 
running openSUSE, and at some stage i experienced very sluggish behavior, but 
could solve that by switching to a newer kernel  Xorg release. now, on 
openSUSE 11.4 with KDE 4.5 (K:D:F) i don't experience any sluggishness or 
exorbitant resource consumption.

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[kde] Re: kwin performance gets worse and worse with every release

2011-06-29 Thread phanisvara das
On Thu, 30 Jun 2011 02:50:34 +0530, Duncan 1i5t5.dun...@cox.net wrote:

 K:D:F ??  I've never seen that notation before.  Is it simply indicating
 KDE, version 4 (d) dot 6 (f), or something else?  Where'd the idea come
 from?  Is it OpenSuSE or your own idea or from elsewhere, and what's the
 meaning/implication?  (If it wasn't the intent, certainly, that kde 4.6
 matches k:d:f is an interesting coincidence.)

sorry, it's openSUSE jargon i'm afraid, refering to the KDE:/Distro:/Factory 
repo at http://download.opensuse.org/repositories. it's a development version, 
somewhere between stable KDE 4.6 release and trunk, with kdelibs4-4.6.4-398.10 
at the moment, and kdepim4-, i.e., not yet kmail2.

i'm subscribing to different forums (NNTP)  mailing lists (IMAP) together in 
opera mail, and sometimes forget who i'm talking to.

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[kde] Re: 4.6.2 early report

2011-04-07 Thread phanisvara das
On Fri, 08 Apr 2011 09:20:06 +0530, gene heskett ghesk...@wdtv.com wrote:


 Well, based on a nothing to lose theme, I nuked the whole ~/.kde4 tree,
 logged out and back in.  But I still had 10 workspaces when I logged back
 in, which is puzzle #1.  It should have defaulted to 4 I believe.

i believe that info. is cached somewhere outside the ~/.kde4 tree

 Puzzle #2 then was solved by amanda, restoring the .kde4/share/config files
 for the most used stuff, so kmail seems fully recovered for the most part.

 I now have a cashew on all screens, but all are running the same background
 pix slideshow of my choice once that was reset, but I haven't found where
 to set that individually again.  Hints welcomed.

systemsettings - workspace behavior - virtual desktops: check different 
widgets for each desktop

 But, the windows top, blue bar is still blank, and full width right clicks
 to the move to a different workspace menu.  However, I did just note that
 this menu does _now_ include a close action item, which was not there

i still believe that may be theme or style related. did you try changing that 

 So maybe I can get it back to where I wanted it.  But it sure doesn't fit
 the linux way if the only way to fix it is to nuke the whole .kde4 tree and
 start over.  That has about a 10-33 torr vacuum suckage to it.

 I have looked at the tut links bandied about here, but most of them are
 both dated, and written by a frustrated user who like me, was simply
 pokeing at it to see what twitched, not from any real first hand knowledge
 of how this code was written to work.

 Thanks for reading this far.

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[kde] Re: How to set up Menu items such that if an instance is already running, the running instance is brought to the foreground?

2011-03-06 Thread phanisvara das
On Mon, 07 Mar 2011 01:30:51 +0530, Steven Sroka sroka.ste...@gmail.com wrote:

 Just as an aside, this is an Opera thing. Opera never likes opening
 multiple windows of itself.
 I just tried opening a new instance of Opera now, but it only opened a new 

that's the default behavior which can be changed at 
tools-preferences-advanced-tabs-additional tab options-open windows 
instead of tabs

or if you click ctrl + n in a running opera instance, a new one is created. i 
don't use that much, prefer my tabs in the same window, but didn't see any 
indication that opera never likes this.

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[kde] Re: How to set up Menu items such that if an instance is already running, the running instance is brought to the foreground?

2011-03-05 Thread phanisvara das
On Sat, 05 Mar 2011 20:13:37 +0530, Alex Schuster wo...@wonkology.org wrote:

 Dotan Cohen writes:

 I have two separate cases where seniors using KDE like to open many
 instances of the same application rather than use the already-open
 application. This is a user problem, not a KDE problem, but I wonder
 if there is  technical solution.

 Switching to Gnome, maybe? I think there the default behaviour is to not
 allow multiple instances of the same application.

doesn't this depend on the application, not the DE? in many cases app.s can be 
configured via 'settings' or conf. files, what they'll do when they are called 
while an instance is running already (konqueror, per ex.). in some cases you 
can add a command line argument to force a certain behavior, like re-use of an 
existing instance (firefox).

with skype i couldn't figure out how to make it re-use it's existing instance, 

 These users click the application's menu item to start using the
 application, even if there is already an open instance in the Taskbar
 or in the System Tray. Examples include Firefox, Skype, Solitaire
 (Windows executable running in Wine), and some others. Therefore, I'd
 like to write a wrapper script for each of these apps to check if
 there exists a running instance. If not, then open the application. If
 yes, then bring the running application to the foreground.

 Can this be done? I could probably grep ps aux for the application
 and to get it's pid, but how to bring it to the foreground? Thanks!

 You could use xlsclients -al to get the list of running applications and
 their window IDs, and then xdotool windowactivate windowid to bring it
 to the foreground.

gave this a short try, but didn't get anything useful. didn't try very much 
though; quite possibly this may work if one really tries...

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[kde] Qt4.7 repo needed for Kde:/Distro:/Factory?

2011-03-03 Thread phanisvara das
when some KDE packages came up for update today, most of them showed 
unresolveable dependencies for libqt-x11 = 4.7.2. i found these in KDE:/Qt47, 
added the repo, and solved the dependencies with vendor change.

wondering if this is a permanent requirement, or perhaps my mirror didn't have 
the latest libqt-x11 available yet?

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[kde] Re: Qt4.7 repo needed for Kde:/Distro:/Factory?

2011-03-03 Thread phanisvara das
On Fri, 04 Mar 2011 01:50:39 +0530, Duncan 1i5t5.dun...@cox.net wrote:

 phanisvara das posted on Thu, 03 Mar 2011 22:37:37 +0530 as excerpted:

 when some KDE packages came up for update today, most of them showed
 unresolveable dependencies for libqt-x11 = 4.7.2. i found these in
 KDE:/Qt47, added the repo, and solved the dependencies with vendor

 wondering if this is a permanent requirement, or perhaps my mirror
 didn't have the latest libqt-x11 available yet?

 FWIW... That sounds like a distribution package repo question, not
 something for the general kde list (tho someone here may happen to have
 the answer).  So I'd suggest posting the question to your distro list(s)/

 That said, a quick google (I only have qt 4.7.1 on my system here) says qt
 4.7.2 was apparently released on March 1st, so it's only been out a couple
 days.  My guess is that your distro and normal repos simply hadn't had
 time to fully package, test and release yet the new upstream version, and
 that it'll hit the regular repos given time.

yes, thank you. i figured that already and got the same answer on opensuse-kde 
(martin schlander):

Stuff is moving around for 11.4 release, and KDE SC 4.6.1 is imminent, Qt 
4.7.2 was just released. Chill out and let the dust settle.

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[kde] nepomuksearch KIO slave not working in konqueror anymore?

2010-12-08 Thread phanisvara das
after switching to KDE 4.5.80 konqueror claims that  nepomuksearch:/ is  
an unkown protocol. timeline:/ still seems to work though. i'm not sure  
when i tried this last time, but earlier it did work. is there something  
wrong in my setup, is it a temporary thing, or does konqueror not support  
the nepomuksearch:/ protocol anymore, only dolphin?

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[kde] Re: semantic desktop experts?

2010-11-12 Thread phanisvara das
On Fri, 12 Nov 2010 15:03:20 +0530, xPol xtek...@gmail.com wrote:

 Any suggestions about the most commited linux distribution to support the
 nepomuk semantic desktop?

nepomuk is a KDE feature, and in my limited experience, openSUSE has the  
best KDE integration.

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