So I finally had to bite the bullet and enable (that IMHO ridiculous) 2FA 
requirement ... and a few days later github followed suit.

One of these suggested to use a cloud-based 2FA solution, which I didn't 
investigate immediately but now am curious about. Are there any online apps 
where you can get those fancy one-time codes? I haven't yet had much luck 
googling for one (mostly found solutions allowing providers to set up 2FA etc).

For now I'm using the browser extension from which is fine for 
use around the house and other places where I might have my personal browser. 
But for github I'd like not to give up the possibility to log in from a 
"foreign" computer when using my phone is not an option for some reason.

Are there any 2FA services you can just log in to the old-fashioned way, and 
get a code from? I know it partly defeats the purpose but I can't be the only 
one who doesn't really care about that for some of the things I now need 2FA 
for (wouldn't use it for my bank, for instance).


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