Re: Proposal unify back our release schedules

2024-08-14 Thread David Edmundson
There is a BOF session booked on the Monday to get some defined
actions on how we move forward with this.


Re: Proposal unify back our release schedules

2024-04-22 Thread David Edmundson
> As a result I'll rescind my idea to slow down Frameworks feature
> releases.

Then I'll take over and fight for it!

>that having a fast Frameworks release cycle allows
> people developing apps with features in Frameworks to not have to live
> on master like we do in Plasma.

That was the motivation for the change. And it's simply a bad motivation.

The most important stakeholder of our release cycle is not app
developers. It's the end-user.

We've seen this in practice over the last 10 years that the user
experience suffers with the short release cycle. Less than a month is
not enough for any meaningful testing, especially for API that we
commit to for years and years.  We've seen last minute respins and
panics on so many 5.x releases.That trumps any other developer-centric
argument by far as the most important thing for developers is their
apps to work well with the libraries they use.

I am 100% certain we would have better products with a different
branch policy on frameworks than the current optimistic policy of
master always being perfect and not having bugfix releases.

How branch policy changes how we do releases still has many many
options, but I would like to see something change and this proposal
does fix that.


Re: Proposal unify back our release schedules

2024-04-22 Thread David Edmundson
>> in that event I'd like for us to put it
>> to a formal KDE e.V. vote

> Is this an eV topic?

Yes and no.

The original decision had a big impact, changing things again will
have a big impact. It's not something that should be decided by a few
people, nor is it something that should be decided or squashed by a
"who can talk for longest" on a mailing list.

Should it be discussed behind closed doors on the eV mailing list? No.
Is an eV vote the only way to get something that's fair and
representative and reach a binary conclusion? I can't think of
anything better

I think it's a resource we should use more often.


Re: KDE's 6th Megarelease release parties

2024-01-08 Thread David Edmundson
I will be organising a party in the UK in Cambridge.
Details (or lack thereof) are on the wiki. Please let me know if
you're interested.


Re: KDE's 6th Megarelease release parties

2023-12-05 Thread David Edmundson
> P.S: This is all David Edmundson's fault/responsibility I'm just the
> messenger

Which means I should volunteer to organise something in England. Probably
If anyone has thoughts or wants to help on that feel free give me a shout.

Re: Proposal: remove the restriction on normal Bugzilla users being able to change the Severity field

2021-06-19 Thread David Edmundson
> I might recommend taking those on a case-by-case basis, by removing
> severity-modification privileges for just the problematic users who
> abuse the system.

If we have the ability to do that, then I have no objections.


Re: Proposal: remove the restriction on normal Bugzilla users being able to change the Severity field

2021-06-19 Thread David Edmundson
>The reason for this change was to stop users with excessive ego from marking 
>their own tickets and tickets they care deeply about as having the "critical" 
>Severity level.

So what will we do to avoid getting this situation back?
I don't care if a user changes it once, but users who constantly set
their minor UI concern to critical gets tiring quickly. Angrily
closing doesn't work because you can get threads with multiple people
and then that isn't fair.


Re: All About the Apps Goal

2021-04-23 Thread David Edmundson
> Recently I made a minimum viable patch for the KDE Gear release tooling to 
> bump up the version numbers where those apps have snapcraft packaging files.  
> However I've been told I shouldn't "overstate the nature of the goal" with an 
> objection to integrating the packaging into the app repositories.

A goal does not define implementation.

That particular patch is confusing as it's claiming to be about giving
developers control, but it's changing a file in the release scripts to
take the control away from the app developers... the exact opposite of
your opening paragraph.

I'm probably understanding it wrong, but then so are others.

It's a technical discussion and as such requires an actual technical
response. Telling us it's for the goal or appealing to the community
with this thread isn't helping deal with the communication issues
which are clearly present on that MR to help everyone work out what
your masterplan is and how this fits in and actually works towards the
end goal.


Re: Qt goes "commercial only! - what now?

2021-01-07 Thread David Edmundson
That subject title is misleading.

>From a user point of view, there will be no impact.


Re: Telemetry questions

2020-11-09 Thread David Edmundson
> - The telemetry policy says: « applications honor system-wide telemetry
> settings where they exist (global "kill switch") »
> Is it documented? How can a system administrator prevent users from turning
> telemetry on?


Documented at:

Arguably not a technically kiosk key, but semantically similar enough
that it made sense together.


Re: Telemetry questions

2020-11-09 Thread David Edmundson
> - discover
> - plasma (including plasmashell, systemsettings)

Plasma has always had public review at every single step from at least
two reviewers.


Re: reddit r_KDE uses KDE logo in LGBT colors

2020-07-13 Thread David Edmundson
On Sun, Jul 12, 2020 at 11:14 AM sabayon11  wrote:

> I have a question:
> Is it legal for reddit moderators of r_KDE to use KDE logo in LGBT
> colors. Is it consistent with logo license?

Like KDE itself, Oxygen Icons have a liberal copying policy. Anyone may,
and is encouraged to, use Oxygen Icons in their applications, websites and
physical artwork. *Modification is also allowed*. The only restriction is
that you can not restrict what others then do with the artwork.

The copying licence is the GNU LGPL 3, see Policies/Licensing_Policy
 and LGPL licence text
 for the full legal details.

Source: . Emphasis is

> Is it in line with KDE code of conduct - to support certain groups
> that are politically active and be selective in this choice?

Changing a logo on a 3rd party social media site is not against the code of

Again a helpful link:

I hope this helps address your concerns.


> Do you realize that it can stop certain people from funding KDE? Of
> course on the other hand it can make others, like George Soros to fund
> but does KDE really want to go in that direction and engage in such
> politics. Pretending that it has nothing to do with politics is a pure
> lie.

> What other KDE contributors think about it? For example: do all KDE
> funders support engaging software community in non-software activity?
> I know that reddit is separate website and has nothing to do with this
> forum, however this is social and community issue as well.
> What about adding to KDE code of conduct: KDE is not engage in social
> or political dispute. KDE doesn't discriminate nor support any groups
> other than Free Software.
> Personally I believe there are thousands of other better places on the
> Internet to express whatever point of view someone has and KDE and its
> community should not be involved in such activities.
> It is now off. But this doesn't change the meaning of this action.
> My first message about it to this list was on 3rd of July but has not
> been accepted by moderators yet, so I had to subscribe.

Re: Google Summer of Code Proposal (Draft)

2020-03-25 Thread David Edmundson
As a general rule, brand new programs do not make for good GSOCs.

They stall after GSOC ends, and students don't get the real-world
experience of working in a team on a project.

I would also recommend being more conservative with your goals, so
that any pending mentors see them as realistic. A game engine in 3
months is very optimistic.


Re: New homepage for

2019-12-23 Thread David Edmundson
>From that website, one thing I'd like to make clear (and I don't know
how) is the different target audience/state of completion for plasma
vs plasma mobile.

Plasma is a ready-to-use user facing product that unskilled people can
"just use"
Plasma mobile is still aimed at the developers stage.

I fear if we present them at the same level in public things we give a
confusing message that will cause us problems.

As for "TODO TEXT PLASMA" - is that a request for help, or just a
placeholder for yourself?


Re: Please don't make into a politics feed

2019-12-05 Thread David Edmundson
Let's avoid taking the politics to the mailing list as well please,
that's even worse.


Re: General Infrastructure Maintainability: API and EBN

2019-11-10 Thread David Edmundson
For EBN, personally I don't find myself using it. I think clang / llvm
warnings / new Qt warnings cover a large part of the source code

I've made a task listing everything EBN currently checks. Then
together can mark off what things have other replacement, and what
remaining things are actually still useful:


Re: Invent/gitlab, issues and bugzilla

2019-07-02 Thread David Edmundson
> Plasma Mobile projects are not included in bugzilla. So, gitlab issues
> is the only "decent" alternative for bug tracking. If we disable
> issues, then the only alternative I see is to report issues to
> Phabricator, which, from my point of view, should be avoided.
Things can be added to bugzilla.

> - --

Re: Anonymous contributions

2019-04-11 Thread David Edmundson
We would need to ask a lawyer.
I only know enough to know that I don't know enough.

Re: Anonymous contributions

2019-04-11 Thread David Edmundson
There are legal implications as the copyright is ultimately held by real people.

Right now the linux kernel does not accept anonymous or pseudonyms for
that reason.
There was a thread a while back, it needs a real free software lawyer
to give an answer.


Re: help desk vs bug tracker

2018-10-29 Thread David Edmundson
>I'm also wondering whether other KDE projects have the
seem need as we have for Krita,

With my Plasma hat on:

Surprisingly, we don't get too many end user questions on bugzilla. I think
it tends to get loaded onto the distros instead.

We do get quite a few where the user thinks they have a bug but it's an
issue on their end but I don't think a helpdesk would solve them.


Re: Closing NEEDSINFO bugs after 30 days

2018-09-18 Thread David Edmundson
> One of the areas I've found that could use improvement

IMHO it's really not a huge problem*.

If a reporter doesn't answer back, then they clearly don't care.
If its marked as needsinfo it's not in my lists, it doesn't affect me as a
dev in the slightest. They're filtered out by default, I have to go out of
my way to include needsinfo ones.

I have no objections to the proposal, but in terms of what I think will
have best effort-reward, dead products and dead bugs aren't a problem, the
active ones are where resources will pay best.


*Making sure to reopen bugs after the commenter replies is a different
story where we do sometimes miss useful things.

Re: Improving Bugzilla Status Names

2018-09-04 Thread David Edmundson
New/confirmed are more about before/after triage than focussing on
reproducible or not.

Reproducible or not isn't really a particularly useful thing to know from a
dev side. I regularly fix things I can't immediately reproduce. If we want
that information a flag solves it better.

What's important is making it so that if some other dev/triager has already
processed a bug and come to a decision about it, that I don't waste my
triage time reading it and making sure that if I open a confirmed bug it
has all the info I need to start investigating it.

Re: Default bug editing privileges can't change Importance field

2018-09-03 Thread David Edmundson
It's not a mistake. From the thread where permissions are relaxed:

>How about we make it so that normal users have full privilages except the
>- Can't bulk change
>- Can't change Importance field
>- Can't re-open bugs in the CLOSED state

For a user user the bug that affects them is always the most important.
We need something for devs to still be able to use.

If you're a triager/developer we can get you edit rights.


Re: Twitter access

2018-07-19 Thread David Edmundson
> Maybe someone can edit the wik page and remove my name.



Re: Twitter access

2018-07-19 Thread David Edmundson
> So that's a no then.  Tell these higher-ups that partial blocking of a
> proven contributor from completing a specific task when they have 15
> years of track record is demotivating and not how things should be
> done in KDE.

Peer review is exactly how things should be done in KDE.

I don't understand the problem, maybe you can explain what is unique about
your specific task that means you should skip it.



2018-04-10 Thread David Edmundson
We have a thread where someone proposes removing statuses, and a proposal
which involves adding a status :/
That doesn't sound like we're unified on what we need at all.

​Personally I would use flags for this "reproducible" or not.

Advantages are:
 - it visibly lists who could reproduce it in a way that is retained after
status changes  (if set up as "multiplicable") and optionally even shows
who has tried and can't.

 - we can enable it per-product (doesn't even need a sysadmin)

 - we don't have to do a difficult migration over bugzilla.  Renaming some
fields is one thing, modifying the core is a lot of work and dangerous.

That hopefully frees up unconfirmed/confirmed to be back to their meaning of

 "do I need anything else from the reporter?"
yes -> needs info
no -> confirmed/resolved

which is how I'd like things to be


Re: Plasma sprint in Berlin, Germany: April 21st-27th 2018

2018-02-15 Thread David Edmundson
I've started a wiki page, please add yourself when you know you're coming.

This is in addition to the reimbursments page if needed.

I'm thinking given there's so many cheap hostels in Berlin we could book a
couple of big dorm rooms together if we have numbers early.


Re: bugzilla, it's products, how they relate to projects. it's a mess...

2018-01-29 Thread David Edmundson
For existing stuff there's a problem that bugzilla names are hardcoded into

There's kdepackages.h in frameworks that provides a list of all products so
that help->report bug works
and there's data that drkonqi uses. All done by string not product ID.

Renaming any referenced here is we can't do.

Things we can do:

Use the "open for bugs" checkbox more for clearly dead projects to make
that list shorter
Rename descriptions
Changing a product case seems to be ok

If you have specific things, like the kdesu case or breeze icon case we
should just fix it.
It doesn't need a policy, report it to the relevant maintainers.

>Can we please establish a workflow so that every project we run has a
bugzilla product with suitable name (step for sysadmins when creating
new repos)?

That's very sensible for new projects +1 to a change there.
It should be a mandatory requirement for coming out of playground.

Re: KDE and Google Summer of Code 2018

2018-01-19 Thread David Edmundson
On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 4:41 PM, Marco Martin  wrote:

> On venerdì 19 gennaio 2018 13:42:25 CET David Edmundson wrote:
> > Note that they'll be finishing GSOC around the same time as 5.14, so that
> > potentially means GSOC work released in 5.15.
> > We shouldn't pick high priority ones that we want done before then.
> basing on the priorities recorded in
> project/view/
> 254/
> a possible list, among the "medium":
> * removable devices
> * printers
> * spell check
> * formats
> among the "high", but we can live if gets delayed a bit:
> * mouse (can of worms?)
> * date/time
> * user manager
> other suggestions?

Mouse is maybe covered by Roman's existing task?
Printers isn't part of Plasma, we need to check with the author.

But I think all of them are good options.

They're not the same size, I don't think working on date and time would
take up 3 months.
Maybe we can group a few of the simpler ones together?

Go for it.
You can put me down in the list of mentors.


> --
> Marco Martin

Re: KDE and Google Summer of Code 2018

2018-01-19 Thread David Edmundson
On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 9:42 AM, Marco Martin  wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 8:15 PM, Nate Graham 
> wrote:
> > I've submitted an idea for System Settings: Improve handling for
> touchpads
> > and mice with Libinput
> Speaking of systemsettings, would be a good fit porting to qml some
> medium-to-big kcm?

It's perfect.

Though I'd like us to emphasise that it's not just about doing a simple 1:1
switch of the UI layer but building on Andy's mockups with a UI redesign,
doing a code tidy up, and fixing any relevant open bugs in that module at
the same time.

Note that they'll be finishing GSOC around the same time as 5.14, so that
potentially means GSOC work released in 5.15.
We shouldn't pick high priority ones that we want done before then.


Re: Shipping non-free drivers

2017-12-15 Thread David Edmundson
>Can we ship it on KDE's file server

I would strongly say no.

Partly because of the legalities of that code, but also because unless you
want to allow everyone to do device specific Neon customisations upstream
in Neon, Neon itself shouldn't be doing any.


Re: KDE exhibiting at freenode live in Bristol, maybe?

2017-09-13 Thread David Edmundson
​I can be there and help run a booth.

I'll take leftover flyers from QtWs.


Re: KDE at Qt World Summit 2017 - let's make it the best yet!

2017-08-21 Thread David Edmundson
​If there's sitll space, I'm happy to come help out.


Re: Collecting requirements for a KDE-wide instant messaging solution (was: Re: radical proposal: move IRC to Rocket.Chat)

2017-08-09 Thread David Edmundson
>We should probably also ask the sysadmin team whether they would be
willing to maintain our own chat server.

That's "maintain a third chat server".

They maintain both kdetalk (jabber) and Conpherence (phabricator) already.


Re: Applications Lifecycle Policy

2017-07-05 Thread David Edmundson
> 2. Remove playground

Lots of projects get started and die.

I think it's important to have some flag (however you want to call it) that
says; CI admins, translators and even packagers should not bother looking
at this project yet.  Otherwise we waste a lot of people's time.

The review process in it's current reality is mostly an extension of that,
with the people checking those things off.
There is little actual code review, it's mostly CMake and i18n.

Re: Changes to the bugzilla workflow: 2 proposals

2016-12-12 Thread David Edmundson
On Sun, Dec 11, 2016 at 9:35 PM, Luigi Toscano 

> Hi,
> I would like to propose two changes to the Bugzilla workflow for our
> instance
> on The two proposals are totally independent from each
> other.
> a) use the "needinfo" flag instead of the NEEDINFO status.
> This is implemented on various instances of bugzilla (,
> and allows the requester to set a needinfo on one or more
> specific user.
> In terms of bugzilla workflow, we need to indicate 3 possible states of
who we are waiting on:

 - needs bugzilla input from a developer (current unconfirmed)
 - needs bugzilla input from the reporter (current needsinfo)
 - doesn't require any further bugzilla input (current confirmed/resolved
as appropriate)

I don't think it can be done in any fewer statuses, and I don't really see
how it requires any more.

> b) change back the initial state from UNCONFIRMED to NEW.
> This was the default until Bugzilla 3. But Many of our developers don't
> really
> use the UNCONFIRMED->CONFIRMED transition and this confuses the users.
> Moreover, NEW is still the initial status on various bugzilla instances.

Not arguing, but it's worth noting this was a deliberate default change
between bugzilla 3 and bugzilla 4.

Whether they have new or not, is probably an indication of how old that
project's bugzilla instance is.
They document the reason here:

However, we have another problem: You can rename every status in bugzilla
except this one...

>I would introduce an ASSIGNED state so that developers that want to mark
they have acknowledged it and they are going to work on it can do it.

That's quite clearly 3 proposals. I'll report a bug :P

FWIW that's bugzilla 4/5's default "INPROGRESS".


Re: Bugzilla Update Staged: Testing Requested

2016-10-23 Thread David Edmundson
I had a poke round.

There's a new section on the show_bug page between the status summary and
the attachments list, which shows a time tracker where you say how long a
job should take/is taking.

I don't think this makes any sense outside a coroporate environment, so we
should turn this off.

It's in an if block: [% IF user.is_timetracker %] which is set if the
user is in the group "timetrackinggroup". I think it might be a new feature
in Bugzilla 5 that auto set to on.

Also, in the clone only one of my tracked users in email preferences ->
user watching still exists, So it seems the porting hasn't migrated
something properly. Nothing critical, but worth me mentioning.

Re: [kde-community] user stats for Neon

2016-04-15 Thread David Edmundson
On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 2:16 PM, Jonathan Riddell  wrote:

> A while ago Albert gave a talk at Akademy about collecting some data
> on our users.  This got me thinking and with Neon I wanted to see how
> many installs we had.  Our package install software will check for new
> versions being available and I could count the IPs of this check but
> that's very unreliable.  Canonical counts IPs from the NTP ping at
> boot up but of course it's only useful at best as a relative metric of
> numbers of installs not absolute numbers.  So I added a machine-id to
> the URL it checks which is the unique value set at install time by
> systemd (/etc/machine-id) so now it has a good idea of being able to
> count the number of installs.
To acomplish all the goals you've listed we don't need any UID at all.
If you want to count installs, change the client software to add a
parameter only on the first run and count that.

But KDE cares about privacy and it's in our Vision and I don't want to
> be accused of violating that.  But currently I can't see how this can
> violate users privacy any more than an IP address can so I'm curious
> to hear what arguments might come up against this.
> Jonathan
> ___
> kde-community mailing list
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] finding a clear vision for KDE - first draft for discussion

2016-02-09 Thread David Edmundson
I have two main questions. I'll make them as new threads.

KDE as a community currently has a clear unique selling point for new
projects; Qt libraries, Qt expertise, and connections. A common thread that
makes it worth being a community. We've seen this work in the past with
existing Qt projects like gcompris, tupi coming to us for that reason.

With the unfocussed vision, it seems we lose that. My question therefore is
is, what is our USP, and what benefit is there for any new project to join
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] Write our own pull request bot?

2015-09-20 Thread David Edmundson
On Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 3:56 PM, Martin Klapetek 

> On Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 10:53 AM, Bhushan Shah  wrote:
>> On Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 8:20 PM, Martin Klapetek
>>  wrote:
>> >
>> > Gnome in their years history of github mirroring had 4 pull requests
>> > (it was mentioned in the other of the others).
>> Sorry no [1]
> Cool. I admit I haven't checked, as I said it's a number from
> one of the 300 threads going on.
> I said that number but wrt "GTK" not "Gnome"

kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] Have repo maintainers opt-in for github mirroring (was: Re: Official KDE mirror on github)

2015-09-19 Thread David Edmundson
> >
> > I was under the impression they were disabled by the options we had
> > selected. Unfortunately that is not the case.
> Thanks for clarifying on this.
> I hope they can still be disabled.
> They can't. I had spent some time looking before. Sorry.

However, we have solid hard data that it's a non-issue.

Gnome has been mirrored on github for nearly 2 years, in that time GTK has
had a grand total of 4 pull requests over time.
Most others (gedit, cheese, epiphany) have had 0.

Interestingly they have had literally hundreds of github "forks", which
implies it has led to sustantiable numbers of patches back using the
traditional methods

I've made a wiki page, which says how to turn a pull request into a
reviewboard submission.

If we get any questions we can then just copy and paste that, and don't
need to spend any time explaining. Bam, done.

kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] Have repo maintainers opt-in for github mirroring (was: Re: Official KDE mirror on github)

2015-09-18 Thread David Edmundson
On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 9:10 PM, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau 

> Hi,
> Am Freitag, 18. September 2015, 17:12:12 schrieb Boudhayan Gupta:
> > Ladies and gentlemen, as you read this mail is being
> > populated by the initial sync of all repositories.
> Pardon for the late input, missed the dynamic of the people behind this
> idea
> (and actually expected it would be shot down, at least to me it seems not a
> good idea to add value to a proprietary platform by also adding our source
> code there).
> Can we please only mirror those projects whose maintainers are okay with
> the
> added workload due to another public interface which allows interaction
> from
> 3rd-party? Too many people will not get that this is only a mirror, even if
> you put it in bold there. Or worse, not accept it is a mirror, because
> their
> time is more valueable than the time of the maintainers of course.
I have no time (and actually also no interest) to care for people poking via
> github (incl. the time needed to redirect them to the real official KDE
> infrastructure and any bad vibrations because having to argue why I/we do
> not
> support github really). Other people might have that time and interest, so
> their decision.
> But I don't. I joined KDE for some reason and am doing my FLOSS software
> development here, because of certain values.
> Same would be true for,, (okay,
> dead) or whereever else some people think we should mirror because it's
> where
> "the people" are currently.
> So as maintainer I would like to have at least the repos of Okteta,
> libkoralle, cagibi removed from the official KDE github page.

There shouldn't be any extra workload.
Can we at least wait until we see if it's a problem before we try and solve


> Friedrich
> ___
> kde-community mailing list
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] Official KDE mirror on github

2015-09-18 Thread David Edmundson
On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 1:41 PM, Martin Graesslin 

> On Friday, September 18, 2015 2:14:00 PM CEST Jaroslaw Staniek wrote:
> > On 18 September 2015 at 14:00, Ben Cooksley  wrote:
> > > On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 11:54 PM, Jaroslaw Staniek 
> wrote:
> > >> On 18 September 2015 at 13:42, Boudhayan Gupta 
> wrote:
> > >>> Ladies and gentlemen, as you read this mail is being
> > >>> populated by the initial sync of all repositories.
> > >>>
> > >>> Maybe someone should make a public announcement?
> > >>>
> > >>> Shout out to Ben, he truly is a superhero.
> > >>
> > >> Thanks a lot!
> > >> Is it possible to enable Issues support for a given project? (as I
> > >> said needed by the bountysource infra at least)
> > >
> > > From what I saw of the above consensus, issues and pull requests would
> > > be disabled as those should go through our usual infrastructure
> > > ( / / - if there is a
> > > post otherwise i'd be happy to be pointed to it though?
> >
> > I see what you mean but there was no discussion about this matter in
> > this thread at least.
> >
> > For code I maintain I welcome:
> > - any form of patches even if they come via pull requests, just like
> > for me emailed patches are also better than no patches
> > - any form of donations for features -> for that Issues are needed
> >
> > It's possible to fork these mirrors to get this support and I am doing
> > this now for a test in case of kreport.git.
> >
> >
> > But again, please consider this as less controlled/predictable
> > activity - that forking will happen anyway, as this is the value of
> > github-based collaboration, and (IMHO) sense of our existence on
> > github.
> Issues can are disabled

Pull requests we can't disable.
However I've found this bot:

that gets pull requests then automatically repsonds closing it.
Might be worth us doing, saying "go to"

Just as a reminder

> We must be extremely careful to not proprietarize our development
> infrastructure. Accepting the one pull request is no problem, but once all
> development happens through pull request, we have moved our development
> infrastructure to a proprietary platform and run in a vendor-lock-in
> situation.
> If you want to accept pull requests think about what it means. This is
> quite
> different to mail: mail is not a single vendor lock-in and also not
> proprietary.
> My suggestion is that it's ok to accept pull request from new contributors,
> but at the same time tell them how to contribute in future. That it's an
> exception and not the rule.
> I also suggest that we update our README(.md) files and point out how to
> contribute.
> Cheers
> Martin
> ___
> kde-community mailing list

On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 1:41 PM, Martin Graesslin 

> On Friday, September 18, 2015 2:14:00 PM CEST Jaroslaw Staniek wrote:
> > On 18 September 2015 at 14:00, Ben Cooksley  wrote:
> > > On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 11:54 PM, Jaroslaw Staniek 
> wrote:
> > >> On 18 September 2015 at 13:42, Boudhayan Gupta 
> wrote:
> > >>> Ladies and gentlemen, as you read this mail is being
> > >>> populated by the initial sync of all repositories.
> > >>>
> > >>> Maybe someone should make a public announcement?
> > >>>
> > >>> Shout out to Ben, he truly is a superhero.
> > >>
> > >> Thanks a lot!
> > >> Is it possible to enable Issues support for a given project? (as I
> > >> said needed by the bountysource infra at least)
> > >
> > > From what I saw of the above consensus, issues and pull requests would
> > > be disabled as those should go through our usual infrastructure
> > > ( / / - if there is a
> > > post otherwise i'd be happy to be pointed to it though?
> >
> > I see what you mean but there was no discussion about this matter in
> > this thread at least.
> >
> > For code I maintain I welcome:
> > - any form of patches even if they come via pull requests, just like
> > for me emailed patches are also better than no patches
> > - any form of donations for features -> for that Issues are needed
> >
> > It's possible to fork these mirrors to get this support and I am doing
> > this now for a test in case of kreport.git.
> >
> >
> > But again, please consider this as less controlled/predictable
> > activity - that forking will happen anyway, as this is the value of
> > github-based collaboration, and (IMHO) sense of our existence on
> > github.
> We must be extremely careful to not proprietarize our development
> infrastructure. Accepting the one pull request is no problem, but once all
> development happens through pull request, we have moved our development
> infrastructure to a proprietary platform and run in a vendor-lo

Re: [kde-community] Official KDE mirror on github

2015-09-17 Thread David Edmundson
On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 1:12 PM, Patrick von Reth  wrote:

> Hm I have an existing github mirror with some stars. Instead of
> creating a new mirror I'd prefer to just set KDE to the new owner of
> the Project.
> I guess this is not the only project where that kind of migration is
> preferable.
> So what to do for those projects?
We would need to add you as an admin member of the github KDE group, then
you click "Transfer ownership" in the repo settings.
Stars and forks migrate (I tested this just now).

Providing the repo names match KDE, the script we have shouldn't create a
new repo but will just push into this one.

More info at:

kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] Official KDE mirror on github

2015-09-17 Thread David Edmundson
On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 10:03 AM, Ben Cooksley  wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 12:57 AM, David Edmundson
>  wrote:
> > I am great.
> >
> > is now ours.
> Well done, that was quick. Anyone volunteers to write the script which
> mirrors the repositories up to Github?
> For now, let's not worry about cleaning up destroyed repositories...

Gnome were kind enought to leave their script public, so I just did

Only thing I'm missing is automatically filling in the descriptions.

Means we'll push only mirror to github as and when someone makes a commit
to each repo, but that should be enough.


> >
> > David
> Cheers,
> Ben
> >
> > ___
> > kde-community mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> kde-community mailing list
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] Official KDE mirror on github

2015-09-16 Thread David Edmundson
I am great. is now ours.

kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] Official KDE mirror on github

2015-09-16 Thread David Edmundson
I'm on it.
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] Phabricator: Make it happen already!

2015-09-04 Thread David Edmundson
> that we'll be moving forward with Phabricator

Can we confirm what parts we're moving forwards with right now
  i.e out of reviewboard, bugzilla, etc.

>Because a number of policy matters need to be decided, it would be
nice if a small group of people would work with sysadmin to set out a
plan for how we will implement Phabricator within KDE.

Happy to help. You know where to find me.

kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] Phabricator: Make it happen already!

2015-08-27 Thread David Edmundson
On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 3:43 PM, Sebastian Kügler  wrote:

> On Wednesday, August 26, 2015 20:57:25 Jaroslaw Staniek wrote:
> > +1
> > (I am using it as if it was official)
> Same here. The Plasma team is in the process of migrating to
> phaaab!
> already.

To clarify, the mobile only stuff is currently in there for trial.
The rest is pending.
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] Updating TechBase Getting_Started pages

2015-08-17 Thread David Edmundson
On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 9:53 AM, John Layt  wrote:

> Hi,
> I've started to update the old TechBase Getting_Started pages for the
> new KF5 world [1].
> My aim is to teach the one simplest quickest way to build KF5 for new
> KDE contributors. There's a few key concepts I want this rewrite to
> follow:
> 1) There is only one way to do things, no giving alternatives
> 2) There is only KF5, no KDE4
> 3) There is only kdesrc-build, no manual messing around
> The three build scenarios (= new dev personas) that will be presented will
> be:
> 1) Build an app only using packaged Qt and KF5
> 2) Build Plasma only using packaged Qt and KF5
> 3) Build Frameworks using packaged Qt
> All the more detailed or historic information will be removed to other
> parts of TechBase [2]. New build instructions for external devs just
> wanting to use a Framework or two should also go here and not
> Getting_Started.
> This may result in some default build configs needing to be added to
> the kdesrc-build repo to make life easier. There may also need to be a
> couple of simple scripts to set-up kdesrc-build to start with, and to
> actually run things seeing as kdesrc-build doesn't. The less the new
> dev has to worry about the better.
> Thoughts? Is anyone else working on something similar?
> We have one for Plasma here.

I'm happy for this to become a redirect and unifying them all.

> [1]
> [2] Probably
> ___
> kde-community mailing list
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] Community Inputs on KScreenGenie

2015-04-27 Thread David Edmundson
On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 10:11 AM, Boudhayan Gupta 

> Hi Aaron,
> KScreenGenie actually works now, for daily use purposes (it probably
> has a few bugs, but I'm handling them as reports come in), so I
> thought I'd pop over to the KDE forums and make a request for a new
> icon so that I could complete the basics and try to get it into
> kdereview (I'm working on the docs myself). On the thread [1], people
> suggested that the new app should simply use the KSnapshot name.
Lets have some releases in playground first before we get ahead of
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] retiring unmaintained modules?

2015-01-20 Thread David Edmundson
​I intend to close all systemsettings->kcm_randr

It's obsoleted in the last cycles of 4.x by kscreen and completely dropped
in Plasma 5. They're of no use to anyone now.

kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] Your KDE highlight of 2014?

2014-12-23 Thread David Edmundson
On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 11:39 PM, Aaron J. Seigo  wrote:

> On Tuesday, December 23, 2014 20.31:55 Jonathan Riddell wrote:
> > Sign on the door says KDE
> Does it say "Blue Systems" on the door, or just "KDE"?

It says "1a" in large silver letters. We then added a gratuitous amount of

Jonathan was just trying to imply that we do let other people use the
office for KDE things and that he likes that.

I was being a pedant and literal to make sure there wasn't any confusion.
Clearly I didn't help and led a positive thread off-topic.

kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] Your KDE highlight of 2014?

2014-12-23 Thread David Edmundson
On 23 Dec 2014 20:19, "Jonathan Riddell"  wrote:
> I moved to Barcelona so I could spend my days in the KDE office here

*blue systems office

> Jonathan
> ___
> kde-community mailing list
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] RFC: Announcing new mailing lists

2014-12-20 Thread David Edmundson
On Sat, Dec 20, 2014 at 10:11 PM, Ben Cooksley  wrote:

> On Sun, Dec 21, 2014 at 4:54 AM, Albert Astals Cid  wrote:
> > El Dissabte, 20 de desembre de 2014, a les 22:19:35, Ben Cooksley va
> escriure:
> >> On Sat, Dec 20, 2014 at 8:54 PM, Valorie Zimmerman
> >>
> >>  wrote:
> >> > On Fri, Dec 19, 2014 at 3:19 PM, Albert Astals Cid 
> wrote:
> >> >> Hi guys, sometimes i realize some interesting discussions are being
> >> >> carried on mailing lists i didn't ever know they existed.
> >> >>
> >> >> Do you think it'd be a good idea to ask sysadmins to send an email to
> >> >> this
> >> >> list every time a new public mailing list is created?
> >> >>
> >> >> Cheers,
> >> >>
> >> >>   Albert
> >> >
> >> > It would be nice if *somebody* announced them - could be sysadmin,
> >> > could be the new team, or the incubation team.
> >>
> >> In some instances, the creation of a new mailing list (like a
> >> bugs-dist list) would be noise.
> >> I'd be in favour of the requestor(s) announcing the new list though -
> >> so they could explain what the list would be used for.
> >>
> >> If sysadmin ends up doing it we'll likely be unable to provide as
> >> decent an explanation (as we're simply not as involved).
> >
> > But you're the only ones knowing that a mailing list has created. And as
> far
> > as i understand there's a description field asked when requesting a list
> no?
> > Could automatically send an email here saying "List X was created with
> > description Y".
> >
> We're the only ones who know about every list that is created yes.
> However those requesting the new list will certainly be aware of it
> have being created.
> While we do request a description, sometimes people may want to
> provide additional details on what the list is intended for.
> That makes sense, it can be a simple social policy. Just like moving
something to kdereview.
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] Your KDE highlight of 2014?

2014-12-19 Thread David Edmundson
On Fri, Dec 19, 2014 at 11:08 AM, Lydia Pintscher  wrote:
> Hey folks :)
> 2014 is coming to an end. This gives us some time for reflection. What
> are your KDE highlights of 2014? A team that kicked ass? A really good
> release? An event where you made great new friends? Something entirely
> different?
> My personal highlight of 2014 is that we have an amazing visual design
> and usability team that really gets what KDE is all about and makes
> our software look great and ready for many more users.
> Definitely seeing Plasma 5.0 get out of the door. There was such an aura
or doom and gloom approaching the release both from within the team and

In the end.. a few issues but, all things considered, everything has been
pretty well received and we're very well set up for a very solid 5.x future.

Everyone involved  put so much time and energy especially in those last two
months of just cleaning and fixing in those last two months and it was
great to see that actually pay off.


> Cheers
> Lydia
> PS: I am writing a year-in-review piece for the dot and this will be
> part of the input.
> --
> Lydia Pintscher -
> KDE e.V. Board of Directors / KDE Community Working Group
> -
> ___
> kde-community mailing list
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] Make the World a Better Place! - KDE End of Year 2014 Fundraising

2014-10-26 Thread David Edmundson
On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 7:19 AM, Martin Gräßlin  wrote:

> On Thursday 23 October 2014 00:27:29 David Edmundson wrote:
> > > Simple "Make the world better - link". Bugzilla mails always have at
> least
> > > 2 lines footer anyway, like
> > >
> > > Better yet, only include it when it changes to RESOLVED - FIXED :D
> >
> > I liked my own idea so much I wanted to see how easy it would be.
> > Should be just changing newchangedmail.txt.tmpl to
> >
> very neat *thumbsup*. Is it also possible to only do for FIXED? If we set a
> bug to wontfix people might not be amused :-P

Code looks right based on looking at some other people's templates; I
haven't tested it though.

> Martin
> ___
> kde-community mailing list
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] Make the World a Better Place! - KDE End of Year 2014 Fundraising

2014-10-22 Thread David Edmundson
> Simple "Make the world better - link". Bugzilla mails always have at least
> 2 lines footer anyway, like
> Better yet, only include it when it changes to RESOLVED - FIXED :D

I liked my own idea so much I wanted to see how easy it would be.
Should be just changing newchangedmail.txt.tmpl to
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] Jitsi Meet installation for KDE?

2014-08-01 Thread David Edmundson
AFAIK QTox doesn't have group video just 1-1.
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] Request to join the Kde incubator for GCompris

2014-02-19 Thread David Edmundson
On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 9:18 PM, Thomas Zander  wrote:
> On Wednesday 19. February 2014 12.58.57 Agustin benito bethencourt wrote:
>> I must confess though that I am worry about the association between:
>> * proprietary platforms = commercial
>> * free platforms = non commercial
>> that might be implied from this model.
>> But the business models is a discussion that we need to solve within KDE.
> To be frank, I could not disagree more.
> The open source as well as the free-software movements are about freedom, and
> I believe KDE supports that as well.
> The beliefs of freedom are not at all hurt by someone taking that FLOSS and
> packaging it for a fee. There is no incompatibility there.

What I see as a problem is that this has an implicit attached request
to our current KDE Windows releasing team saying they shouldn't
package and release GCompris.

It would be unfair on Bruno for our KDE Windows team to do so. Legally
they absolutely can, but it would still be more than a little bit
rude. It's also equally unfair on our KDE Windows team to ever prevent
them from doing so.

I think it does open up some very interesting questions, not just here
but for other cases where our Android/iOS porting becomes popular on
how to do this in a manner that is fair to everyone. Money can easily
cause a lot of tension and arguments.

I'd like a discussion on it and maybe some guidelines.

kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] Thank you!

2014-02-12 Thread David Edmundson
> kde-telepathy team. Working tirelessly to bring us a nice chatting experience.

Thanks :)

My personal hero of the year is Diane Trout. We have had broken video
calls for ages because we don't have Qt bindings for GStreamer 1.0,
only the older version. People would always ask us, and I would always
give the same sob-story about how we are are blocked on QtGstreamer
and none of us have the time to work on it.

Diane was the only person to meet it with the attitude of "I'll fix it
then" and took up working on something very unknown, very difficult
and frankly incredibly tediously and boring.

I'm grateful not only for the code, but for having that attitude.
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] QtCurve

2014-01-20 Thread David Edmundson

So the next page to read is It explains
the entrance process and the SC vs extragear.

In short we leave this thread for a few days for anyone else to make
positive or negative comments about the software entering KDE. Then if
everyone approves we merge your code into our repos. It then goes
through a mandatory 2 weeks in "kdereview" where people discuss any
technical/license/translation issues.

Slightly off-topic: If you have QtQuickControls rendering issues, can
you please message me privately with a list of bugs.
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] QtCurve

2014-01-20 Thread David Edmundson
I think this makes a lot sense and I would welcome QtCurve into KDE.

Can you read though and confirm you would
agree to all the commitments
( of a KDE project.

kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] High-quality apps in extragear - was - Re: Applications in KDE Generation 5

2014-01-16 Thread David Edmundson
Given my project is explicitly mentioned, I should reply :)

When KTp was moving out of playground, I was told:
"It can't go into the SC because Kopete is there and we have a duty to
maintain that as the official client for all of 4.x"

I don't know if that is true or not, it may have been a communication
breakdown or me misunderstanding. I think this was a private chat, not
an official ruling on a mailing list. I don't want to get into a
discussion of feature parity, we both have features that the other
doesn't have but I would like to be part of the SC at some point. So
we are an exception to the it's "because the maintainers want that."

kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] Proposal: KDE Manifesto wording revision

2013-11-10 Thread David Edmundson
There's a change from

"_can_ be defended via the FLA"
"_will_ be protected defended via the FLA"

(emphasis added by me)

As I understand it the FLA is opt in (
and does not automatically cover all projects.

kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] KBibTeX

2013-11-05 Thread David Edmundson
As a KBibTex user I would happily welcome this.

I imagine you'll be aiming to be in extragear, so unfortunately you're
still on your own for release cycles - but there are some utilities
that will make your life easier.

Before we continue, can I ask you to go through the KDE manifest and
check that you agree to all the points listed.

kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] Why were there no talks about Ubuntu Mobile at Akademy?

2013-08-15 Thread David Edmundson
I was directing my question to Jos, not Albert.

On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 2:39 PM, David Edmundson  wrote:

> I don't understand the purpose of this email.
> It is not the job of the KDE community to attempt to bash Canonical at
> every turn.
kde-community mailing list

Re: [kde-community] Why were there no talks about Ubuntu Mobile at Akademy?

2013-08-15 Thread David Edmundson
I don't understand the purpose of this email.

It is not the job of the KDE community to attempt to bash Canonical at
every turn.
kde-community mailing list