On Donnerstag, 18. Februar 2021 23:55:32 CET Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> El dijous, 18 de febrer de 2021, a les 17:05:22 CET, hanyoung va escriure:
> > Hello everyone!
> > 
> > I want to move kalk to kdereview.
> > It's the calculator for Plasma Mobile (it also works great on desktop).
> > 
> > https://invent.kde.org/plasma-mobile/kalk
> > 
> > It's not a QML version of kcalc, the math engine is written with
> > bison/flex.
> I don't think you should roll out your own math engine.
> Example, if I press
> 65 / 9 =
> * 9 =
> it tells me the result is 63.
> Compare to kcalc that properly tells me 65.
> You can't really use C/C++ floating point to do actual math, it's not very
> good for that, you need to use "infinite" precision numbers like kcalc
> does.
> Please reconsider your decision.


Milian Wolff

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