Re: Reviving KAudioCreator

2017-12-27 Thread Leslie Zhai
I recommend to use k3b and I am maintaining 
it, please report a bug if failed to rip cd by k3b, thanks!

在 2017年12月22日 19:48, Luigi Toscano 写道:

Luigi Toscano ha scritto:

Kevin Ottens ha scritto:

Hello all,

I happen to be one of those poor souls who still rip CDs from time to time.
I'm using Dolphin for that right now, but I miss the convenience of using
KAudioCreator a while back.

It looks like it's not released at all anymore. After a quick glance at the
repository, it seems to be in a somewhat good shape (at least it builds and
starts, I didn't push further yet).>
Then, I'd like to revive it and have it part of KDE Applications. Anyone with
an objection about that? If none, how do we proceed?

No objections; as pre-review, translations and documentation were already
checked and fixed some time ago.

I see a couple of things which need to be improved a bit so I'll try to work
on those in the meantime.

Adding Leslie in CC (not sure he is subscribed here), as he did the initial
porting. is just able to work.

Uhm, adding the proper address.

Do you want to move it to kdereview now?

Leslie Zhai -

Re: K3b 2.10.0 Applications/16.12

2016-11-05 Thread Leslie Zhai

Hi KDE Core,

Can K3b go to kdemultimedia module? please give me some advice, thanks a 

On 2016年11月04日 07:46, Albert Astals Cid wrote:

El dijous, 3 de novembre de 2016, a les 11:03:44 CET, Leslie Zhai va escriure:

在 2016年11月03日 07:42, Albert Astals Cid 写道:

El dimecres, 2 de novembre de 2016, a les 9:33:18 CET, Leslie Zhai va


在 2016年11月02日 07:58, Albert Astals Cid 写道:

El dimarts, 1 de novembre de 2016, a les 9:20:35 CET, Leslie Zhai va


在 2016年10月31日 17:54, Albert Astals Cid 写道:

El dilluns, 31 d’octubre de 2016, a les 11:13:21 CET, Leslie Zhai va


Hi Release Team,

Could make a tag for K3b 2.10.0 Applications/16.12 please? Thanks a

k3b has never been part of the KDE Applications release.

I am a newbie of K3b maintainer, so I did *NOT* know that...

Sure, no worries.

Are you asking for it to be included in KDE Applications 16.12?

Yes please ;-) thanks a lot!

Not so fast :)

Which module do you want it to go to?
Have you spoken with the module coordinator and gotten his approval?

Not yet! please introduce me to the coordinator ;-) I am also a newbie
of KDE developer, only know some developers, thanks a lot!

Depends on the module you want to go to

I reviewed the patch related K3b in kdemultimedia group
Is K3b able to go to kdemultimedia? but kdemultimedia release
coordinator is help wanted? please give me some advice, thanks a lot!

I don't know what to say.

Can it go to kdemultimedia? That the kdemultimedia people would have to say
yes/no, but given there's probably no such group of people, who gets to say?

Not me, I'm just the guy that creates the tarballs and tries to get things
from falling out.

I guess if *you* think that k3b should be part of kdemultimedia you should
send an email to both kde-core-devel and kdemultimedia mailing lists saying so
and if noone disagrees before November 9 we can do the move.

On the other hand November 9 is kind of very close to now, but oh well.
I am so sorry to break the dependency freeze oflibkcddb 
<>regarding the Applications/16.08 
release! I should pay more attention to deadline - Nov 09 is freeze?

On other kind of news, looks like it has very old stuff and is
unamtained, maybe you could go over it, see if there's anything worth keeping
and if not we can just redirect it to or https:// or something?
Sebastian Trüg, the original author of K3b, asked my sourceforge 
identity, and tried to grant me privileges but still Error 403 - Admin access 
required! the same story to

so maybe we just redirect to I can Edit it ;-)




Leslie Zhai - a KDE developer