Re: Information regarding upcoming Gitlab Migration

2020-04-28 Thread Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
On Monday, 27 April 2020 21:25:09 BST Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> El dilluns, 27 d’abril de 2020, a les 13:58:02 CEST, Bhushan Shah va 
> > In part I am mostly re-iterating what Ben already mentioned in different
> > messages.
> > 
> > On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 12:38:42PM +0200, Aleix Pol wrote:
> > > Does this mean that to clone it we'll have to go "git clone
> > > kde:games/knetwalk" or something along the lines?
> > 
> > Yes
> > 
> > [Rest of message is with sysadmin hat off and as a developer]
> > 
> > > If that's the case I'd much prefer if we didn't do this, at the moment
> > > it's already uncomfortable for me to remember the URL for some of the
> > > repos (e.g. is it sysadmin/ or not?), this will only increase the
> > > problem and I personally don't see the advantage.
> > 
> > I do agree that it maybe small inconvience, but let's be honest, most of
> > us have been using kdesrc-build or some kind of automated tooling for
> > building everything, apart from very rare case we never have to manually
> > clone any of KDE repository, at least it is true for me personally. I am
> > not sure about others.
> Please let's refrain from saying things like "most of us have been using
> kdesrc-build" when you don't have any data to back that up.
> Cheers,
>   Albert

Just adding my "i don't use kdesrc-build, and git clone kde:x everything 
myself" voice, here. Now, if a simple(ish) script can be created to make 
something akin to the kde: rewriting work, even if what it really does is to 
search gitlab and create a clone with the appropriate command, i could deal 
with that, but having the ability to simply ask for the project name is more 
than a little useful.

..dan / leinir..

Re: Information regarding upcoming Gitlab Migration

2020-04-28 Thread Ian Wadham
Um, guys… Google is your friend...

I am a former KDE Games developer. I play KPatience quite a lot, as well as 
other games to keep my brain active, especially during COVID-19 lockdown. 
Recently I thought I could see where the answer lay to three bugs in the 
solver(s), two in the Forty Eight variant and one, very recently reported, in 
the Klondike variant. So I thought I would have a look at the source code to 
see if my hypotheses might be correct and maybe work out a patch.

My first problem was to track down where the repos that I need are and how to 
clone read-only copies. I didn’t even know what websites they are on any more 
and KPatience is actually called kpat in the code (which I remembered). However 
I can google “source code KDE KPatience” and the pat repository comes up as the 
first hit, presumably because “KPatience” is used in the repository’s 
description. Again “… card games” got the repo as hit 2 and “… solitaire” (the 
American term for such games) got it as the first hit.

I have also found that several of the tricky cases mentioned earlier in this 
thread can be resolved with Google search terms beginning “source code KDE 
xxx”. For example, seeing xxx as “Plasma Mobile” get the repo as hit 2. And 
just using “go” as xxx finds the Kigo repository as hit 3. Even a search with 
xxx = “loderunner” finds the KGoldRunner repository as hit 1, even though 
Loderunner is not mentioned in the repository’s description. I wonder how far 
down repositories Google indexing goes. Even using xxx = “lode runner” (2 
words), as suggested by Google, finds the KGoldrunner Handbook, though not the 
repository. Still, a smart newbie might guess the name used for that type of 
game in KDE and refine his source code search accordingly.

Even after I found the kpat repository, I could not understand where the souce 
code was getting the card decks it uses. I knew from memory that they are in 
some library somewhere, but there is no libkdecards. Googling with xxx = 
something like “library cards” found the cards as a sub-directory of the 
libkdegames repository.

So my suggestion is to keep whatever categories you like, including multiple 
categories as required, as long as the category names are in plain English, not 
KDE jargon. In addition, please continue to pepper repository descriptions with 
search terms (words) that are easy for laymen and non-core KDE developers to 

Another possibility is to construct (automatically) a text-file “catalog” with 
one line for each of the 1000+ repositories, containing (at least) the repo 
name and description, but maybe other keywords. Then people could just “grep” 
and “sort” it to find what they wanted. 

My 2 cents,
Ian Wadham.

> On 28 Apr 2020, at 2:46 pm, Bhushan Shah  wrote:
> Hi Olivier,
> On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 10:49:46PM +0200, Olivier Churlaud wrote:
>>> Because in order to search for something, you need to know it exists.
>>> If you are just casually browsing, then the search can't help you.
>> I don't think people casually browse our repos. What use case is more likely 
>> to happen and do we want to support? 
> We don't really want to discard use-cases just because it does not suit
> our workflow. That is not how we are going to gain new contributors, we
> should value each contribution, be it drive-by contribution, or focused
> contribution towards one single project.
>> Use case 1 : Jerry learns about KDE and go in their forge in the Multimedia 
>> section. After carefully reading the code of two applications and three libs 
>> he starts contributing to Elisa. 
>> Use case 2 : While using her Ubuntu installation of Elisa / while reading on 
>> reddit about Elisa, Jerry decides to try to contribute to this project/fix 
>> this bug that itches her and searches for it in KDE's forge. 
> Let me add a some more usecases, some of which I've been dealing with in
> project I maintain.
> Use case 3 : Tom comes in Plasma Mobile channel and asks for Plasma
> Mobile applications source code
> Use case 4 : Tom is a student in Germany and is interested in
> contributing to wikitolearn, and he asks where can I find code of the
> wikitolearn?
> Suggestion offered by sysadmin team does not cater to one single
> use-case, but offers a way to provide a solution to all 4 usecases. For
> Plasma Mobile team or Wikitolearn team it would be much easier to refer
> contributors to the or
> then tell them to go to
> and search for the tag wikitolearn or Plasma
> Mobile.
>> On the other hand, I think the discussion about spotting open merge requests 
>> (in a derived thread from this one) should be answered, being by relevant 
>> tags, subgroups or whatever. 
> (super personal note)
> Ironically, Usecase 1 is how I started contributing to KDE 7 years back.
> While I was inspired by battery monitor re-design in 4.11 release, I

Re: Information regarding upcoming Gitlab Migration

2020-04-28 Thread Adriaan de Groot
There are a whole bunch of considerations and use-cases being discussed at 
once in this thread, and Leinir's post made me think a bit about different 
actors can interact with "the collection of repositories".

One actor is "tooling", as Albert has pointed out. Whatever the resulting 
structure is, it needs to be communicated to tool authors on time for tools to 
be updated, released, and rolled out for use. Tools mentioned so far:
 - kdesrc-build
 - i18n / scripty
 - release scripts
The tools don't have An Opinion regarding the layout, they just need to be 

A tool-like actor that I don't think has been mentioned so far is "existing 
checkouts". I have a src/kde with all the bits I've looked at "recently". 
There may even be some SVN checkouts there -- I'm willing to forget about 
those. Surprising and annoying me every time I update those sometime in the 
future is not good, but it's only going to annoy me once (per repo, so at most 
143 times for my clones).

I'd be *vaguely* worried about existing crontabs and automatic jobs that we've 
forgotten about, or which others have forgotten about. Those aren't fixable in 
the face of any changes to repositories, anyway.

Turning to human actors, who are the more interesting ones,

On 2020 prilula d. 28id 10:38:36 CEST Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen wrote:
> On Monday, 27 April 2020 21:25:09 BST Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> > El dilluns, 27 d’abril de 2020, a les 13:58:02 CEST, Bhushan Shah va
> > > On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 12:38:42PM +0200, Aleix Pol wrote:
> > > > Does this mean that to clone it we'll have to go "git clone
> > > > kde:games/knetwalk" or something along the lines?

> > > > If that's the case I'd much prefer if we didn't do this, at the moment
> > > > it's already uncomfortable for me to remember the URL for some of the
> > > > repos (e.g. is it sysadmin/ or not?), this will only increase the
> > > > problem and I personally don't see the advantage.

Humans come in all shapes and sizes; here's one called Aleix who likes to 
remember the name of a thing, one single label. (Ironic: this particular Aleix 
is also labelled "Aleix Pol" and possibly "Aleix Pol Gonzales") The question 
I'd ask is "in what **context** do you need to remember the URL of a repo?" 
and for that matter: "why is 'knetwalk' an obvious thing to remember, and 
'games/knetwalk' not-obvious?"

Context here can mean many things. In this thread we've had mentioned:
 - people just browsing and wanting A Big List
   Here a hierarchical approach means more clicks and navigating a tree,
   rather than a flat structure.
 - people browsing for a known label
   Using ^F in a flat list or some search field (see also Ian Wadham's
   message just now) doesn't seem *that* different to me, although I've
   got to give ^F the benefit of speed and simplicity.
 - developers sharing a task list and reviews

.. probably more. Some of these roles have, depending on the chosen solution, 
problems that can be solved with a *technical* addition 
( .. or whatever), others are going to need a 
social solution.

Personally, I'm with Leinir here:

> Just adding my "i don't use kdesrc-build, and git clone kde:x everything
> myself" voice, here. 

Perhaps it's the "old school", but kdesrc-build doesn't do anything for me. 
I'm intermittently interested in the source of some random part of KDE -- 
generally because it's mentioned on IRC -- and then I need that source where I 
can look at it. Whether it's 'git clone' or 'kdesrc-build --just-the-source-
please' doesn't matter much.

If there's any compiling to be done, the less magic there is between me and 
the compile, the better.

So, yeah: `git clone kde:x` all the way, but I'm also not really invested in 
the structure of the label x, or the precise configuration of kde:.

> Now, if a simple(ish) script can be created to make
> something akin to the kde: rewriting work, even if what it really does is to
> search gitlab and create a clone with the appropriate command, i could deal
> with that, but having the ability to simply ask for the project name is
> more than a little useful.

I think we shouldn't underestimate how names are a social construct, though: 
the current flat structure comes after a structured SVN naming epoch. But I'd 
totes +1 a search-and-redirector, especially if it means I can write `git 
clone kde:peruse` and the resulting .git/config has followed the redirects and 
whatnot and ended up with `url: kdeforreal:audio/peruse`

(That said, .. or maybe call it 
.. could be a particular view onto gitlab which does flattening and search, 
but only if there's people around to create it and maintain it)


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Information regarding upcoming Gitlab Migration

2020-04-28 Thread Ben Cooksley
On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 11:09 PM Adriaan de Groot  wrote:
> There are a whole bunch of considerations and use-cases being discussed at
> once in this thread, and Leinir's post made me think a bit about different
> actors can interact with "the collection of repositories".
> One actor is "tooling", as Albert has pointed out. Whatever the resulting
> structure is, it needs to be communicated to tool authors on time for tools to
> be updated, released, and rolled out for use. Tools mentioned so far:
>  - kdesrc-build
>  - i18n / scripty
>  - release scripts
> The tools don't have An Opinion regarding the layout, they just need to be
> updated.
> A tool-like actor that I don't think has been mentioned so far is "existing
> checkouts". I have a src/kde with all the bits I've looked at "recently".
> There may even be some SVN checkouts there -- I'm willing to forget about
> those. Surprising and annoying me every time I update those sometime in the
> future is not good, but it's only going to annoy me once (per repo, so at most
> 143 times for my clones).
> I'd be *vaguely* worried about existing crontabs and automatic jobs that we've
> forgotten about, or which others have forgotten about. Those aren't fixable in
> the face of any changes to repositories, anyway.
> Turning to human actors, who are the more interesting ones,
> On 2020 prilula d. 28id 10:38:36 CEST Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen wrote:
> > On Monday, 27 April 2020 21:25:09 BST Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> > > El dilluns, 27 d’abril de 2020, a les 13:58:02 CEST, Bhushan Shah va
> > > > On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 12:38:42PM +0200, Aleix Pol wrote:
> > > > > Does this mean that to clone it we'll have to go "git clone
> > > > > kde:games/knetwalk" or something along the lines?
> > > > > If that's the case I'd much prefer if we didn't do this, at the moment
> > > > > it's already uncomfortable for me to remember the URL for some of the
> > > > > repos (e.g. is it sysadmin/ or not?), this will only increase the
> > > > > problem and I personally don't see the advantage.
> Humans come in all shapes and sizes; here's one called Aleix who likes to
> remember the name of a thing, one single label. (Ironic: this particular Aleix
> is also labelled "Aleix Pol" and possibly "Aleix Pol Gonzales") The question
> I'd ask is "in what **context** do you need to remember the URL of a repo?"
> and for that matter: "why is 'knetwalk' an obvious thing to remember, and
> 'games/knetwalk' not-obvious?"
> Context here can mean many things. In this thread we've had mentioned:
>  - people just browsing and wanting A Big List
>Here a hierarchical approach means more clicks and navigating a tree,
>rather than a flat structure.
>  - people browsing for a known label
>Using ^F in a flat list or some search field (see also Ian Wadham's
>message just now) doesn't seem *that* different to me, although I've
>got to give ^F the benefit of speed and simplicity.
>  - developers sharing a task list and reviews
> .. probably more. Some of these roles have, depending on the chosen solution,
> problems that can be solved with a *technical* addition
> ( .. or whatever), others are going to need a
> social solution.
> Personally, I'm with Leinir here:
> > Just adding my "i don't use kdesrc-build, and git clone kde:x everything
> > myself" voice, here.
> Perhaps it's the "old school", but kdesrc-build doesn't do anything for me.
> I'm intermittently interested in the source of some random part of KDE --
> generally because it's mentioned on IRC -- and then I need that source where I
> can look at it. Whether it's 'git clone' or 'kdesrc-build --just-the-source-
> please' doesn't matter much.
> If there's any compiling to be done, the less magic there is between me and
> the compile, the better.
> So, yeah: `git clone kde:x` all the way, but I'm also not really invested in
> the structure of the label x, or the precise configuration of kde:.
> > Now, if a simple(ish) script can be created to make
> > something akin to the kde: rewriting work, even if what it really does is to
> > search gitlab and create a clone with the appropriate command, i could deal
> > with that, but having the ability to simply ask for the project name is
> > more than a little useful.
> I think we shouldn't underestimate how names are a social construct, though:
> the current flat structure comes after a structured SVN naming epoch. But I'd
> totes +1 a search-and-redirector, especially if it means I can write `git
> clone kde:peruse` and the resulting .git/config has followed the redirects and
> whatnot and ended up with `url: kdeforreal:audio/peruse`

Would some form of git alias/custom command script that works similar
to the following be suitable?

git kde-clone skrooge

That script would then search the appropriate groups (ignoring any
personal repositories including forks), find the necessary repository
and perform the clone a

Re: Information regarding upcoming Gitlab Migration

2020-04-28 Thread Johan Ouwerkerk
On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 1:09 PM Adriaan de Groot  wrote:
> One actor is "tooling", as Albert has pointed out. Whatever the resulting
> structure is, it needs to be communicated to tool authors on time for tools to
> be updated, released, and rolled out for use. Tools mentioned so far:
>  - kdesrc-build
>  - i18n / scripty
>  - release scripts
> The tools don't have An Opinion regarding the layout, they just need to be
> updated.

To some extent, yes, but some assumptions are baked in at a quite
fundamental level for e.g. kdesrc-build (if I understand the Perl

- Uniqueness of project names. Cannot have two "documentation"
projects being advertised through kde-build-metadata
- There must be a single shared root prefix for all projects. This
prefix may be the empty string, but the point is that repo paths
advertised in kde-build-metadata must work from this single root

Any solution that wishes to preserve tooling must take these
fundamental constraints as given or else risk that you cannot move
until the whole world is fixed first.

I'm obviously biased as someone who invested some time and effort in
kdesrc-build, but the busfactor is a real concern here. E.g.: Michael
clearly just hasn't had the time lately to spend on kdesrc-build and I
don't think it's such a great idea for me to merge in major changes
without him reviewing it first.

> A tool-like actor that I don't think has been mentioned so far is "existing
> checkouts". I have a src/kde with all the bits I've looked at "recently".
> There may even be some SVN checkouts there -- I'm willing to forget about
> those. Surprising and annoying me every time I update those sometime in the
> future is not good, but it's only going to annoy me once (per repo, so at most
> 143 times for my clones).

I think that this is a bit of a lost cause. I think there's going to
be some level of annoyance all around until the pain has finally died
away because everybody made the upgrade. We can have a script to help
with that but that will inherently assume quite a bit about how you
set up your projects manually to begin with and it will still piss off
a lot of people because we break their workflow no matter what.

The main problem is not technical here, the main problem is that
people who use that manual git clone workflow do so because they don't
want to use the layers of tooling. So adding layers of tooling to
"fix" the manual work flow is defeating the point, and therefore the
pain is here to stay I think.

At a fundamental the only way to avoid the pain is for the URLs to
continue to work somehow, but I gather that is a completely unfeasible
solution in terms of not driving sysadmin crazy. A fairly big one is
that the fingerprint of the host's SSH key will be different.

> I'd be *vaguely* worried about existing crontabs and automatic jobs that we've
> forgotten about, or which others have forgotten about. Those aren't fixable in
> the face of any changes to repositories, anyway.

Yep. And I think for the exact same reason why a porting/transitioning
script is probably not going help all that much -- too much diff in
setup/config/versions/tools on the other end to deal with in a
reasonable script.

It's the main source of complexity in a tool like kdesrc-build and
that has lot's of Perl to hammer systems into submission... :)

> Turning to human actors, who are the more interesting ones,

I think we're in a situation that this migration is going to cause
pain for the human element no matter what. I also think that
ultimately from a technical pov it mostly doesn't really matter. As
someone else already mentioned: the Internet has search engines for

What exact flavour of labeling/grouping/hierarchy we use, I think it
is mostly bikeshedding: I would predict that at first this is going to
be annoying for many if not nearly all contributors. After a while
we've all made the upgrade (just a matter of tweaking your
~/.gitconfig & git remote set-url per repo) and then it's business as

So yes this is about the social aspect. Personally I think the pain is
unavoidable for the individual contributor, but what seems to be
getting lost in this discussion is that there *is* also an amount of
pain that can be avoided. We can avoid pain for the sysadmin team by
choosing whatever is easiest to maintain long term here. We can avoid
pain for the maintainers of tooling by choosing whatever fits the
tooling most easily.

In particular we can avoid choosing an option that imposes additional
parallel sysadmin work indefinitely, like e.g. dedicated mirror
services to redirect stuff.

I would like to propose that the sysadmin team pick the layout that is
easiest to *implement*, which I suspect is also the most like what we
have now, and that we live with that. Unless there is a pressing need,
like real hard data that we're losing contributors because they can't
find our repos or a sysadmin burden that would be excessively higher
than otherw

[ANNOUNCE] CMake 3.17.2 available for download

2020-04-28 Thread Robert Maynard
We are pleased to announce that CMake 3.17.2 is now available for download.

Please use the latest release from our download page:

Thanks for your support!

Changes in 3.17.2 since 3.17.1:

Alexander Grund (3):
  BoostScanDeps: Fix typo in numpy handling
  FindBoost: Simplify Boost_VERSION_STRING comparisons
  FindBoost: Add support for Boost 1.73

Alexandru Croitor (1):
  iOS: Fix detection of supported SDK architectures

Ben Boeckel (2):
  FindPython: avoid autoderef in version comparisons
  FindPython: remove extra dereference

Brad King (7):
  AIX: Activate symbol export/import IBM i (OS400)
  Ninja: Document that Fortran support is available with Ninja 1.10+
  CPack: Do not recurse through directory symlinks
  target_precompile_headers: Fix documented example using genex
  Makefiles: Scan Objective C/C++ preprocessor dependencies
  Makefiles: Add Objective C/C++ compilations to compile_commands.json
  CMake 3.17.2

Chuck Atkins (1):
  FindMPI: Add the pgi compiler wrapper names used by IBM Spectrum MPI

Craig Scott (4):
  Help: Fix unescaped asterisks in docs for SKIP_PRECOMPILE_HEADERS
  Help: Minor grammar cleanups of CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION* docs
  Help: Add cross-references for CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION* docs
  Help: Improve wording of CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR docs

Gregor Jasny (1):
  Apple: Merge per-arch sysroot parameters if all are the same

Harry Mallon (1):
  file(UPLOAD): Add default ca_certs

Kyle Edwards (1):
  Ninja: Remove config suffix from order-only target

Marc Chevrier (2):
  FindPython: fix python compiler validation
  FindPython: fix reason failure propagation

Orgad Shaneh (1):
  FindBoost: Prevent warning with boost 1.73

Robert Maynard (1):
  FindCUDAToolkit searches stub location last

Re: Information regarding upcoming Gitlab Migration

2020-04-28 Thread Bhushan Shah
Hi Adriaan,

On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 01:08:33PM +0200, Adriaan de Groot wrote:
> A tool-like actor that I don't think has been mentioned so far is "existing 
> checkouts". I have a src/kde with all the bits I've looked at "recently". 
> There may even be some SVN checkouts there -- I'm willing to forget about 
> those. Surprising and annoying me every time I update those sometime in the 
> future is not good, but it's only going to annoy me once (per repo, so at 
> most 
> 143 times for my clones).

We have a plan to provide a script which can change remotes in existing
clones. (It would take a top-level directory path for all your clones).

> Perhaps it's the "old school", but kdesrc-build doesn't do anything for me. 
> I'm intermittently interested in the source of some random part of KDE -- 
> generally because it's mentioned on IRC -- and then I need that source where 
> I 
> can look at it. Whether it's 'git clone' or 'kdesrc-build --just-the-source-
> please' doesn't matter much.
> If there's any compiling to be done, the less magic there is between me and 
> the compile, the better.
> So, yeah: `git clone kde:x` all the way, but I'm also not really invested in 
> the structure of the label x, or the precise configuration of kde:.
> > Now, if a simple(ish) script can be created to make
> > something akin to the kde: rewriting work, even if what it really does is to
> > search gitlab and create a clone with the appropriate command, i could deal
> > with that, but having the ability to simply ask for the project name is
> > more than a little useful.
> I think we shouldn't underestimate how names are a social construct, though: 
> the current flat structure comes after a structured SVN naming epoch. But I'd 
> totes +1 a search-and-redirector, especially if it means I can write `git 
> clone kde:peruse` and the resulting .git/config has followed the redirects 
> and 
> whatnot and ended up with `url: kdeforreal:audio/peruse`

One thing to remember is, you can't really have a dynamic insteadOf URL
setup. Besides, even if we had a everything under KDE namespace I'd find
a setup for this weird enough.

Let's assume that everything is under (and and as it is right now).

Now you add a following snippet in gitconfig,

 [url "";]
 insteadOf = kde:
 [url ""]
 pushInsteadOf = kde:

Which is slightly modified version of the existing kde: URL helper shown here,

Now this is perfectly fine for the something which is kde/ so you can do
git clone kde:krita and it would happily replace 'kde:' part with
'' and would clone 

But, now things get interesting when you want to clone the
docs-krita-org which is in the websites/ namespace. We will have to keep
this things in separate namespace for policy reasons (and same goes for
sysadmin stuff). How would you clone docs-krita-org?

git clone kde:../websites/krita-org ?
add a separate prefix for websites and sysadmin?

Let's assume that you added snippet for sysadmin and websites, it's
just 8 more lines after all,

 [url "";]
 insteadOf = websites:
 [url ""]
 pushInsteadOf = websites:
 [url "";]
 insteadOf = sysadmin:
 [url ""]
 pushInsteadOf = sysadmin:

Does this solve all use-cases? I believe no, it still does not support
the personal repositories of users. So you also need to add 4 more lines
for your own user, and 4 for each user whose repository you want to

What our workflow with the kde: prefix so far had been really useful I
agree, and I will miss it, but with departure of gitolite which allowed
repositories at top-level, we can't easily support this, and we have to
accept it.

Perhaps solution suggested by Ben in his email could be useful instead
and in addition generic invent: snippet which does not include any

 [url "";]
 insteadOf = invent:
 [url ""]
 pushInsteadOf = invent:

> (That said, .. or maybe call it 
> .. could be a particular view onto gitlab which does flattening and search, 
> but only if there's people around to create it and maintain it)

Just to clarify, sysadmins have no plan to support or maintain the cgit
instance once we migrate to Gitlab.


Bhushan Shah
IRC Nick : bshah on Freenode
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