D22653: Add view-barcode-qr icons

2019-08-02 Thread Peridot Lavender
lavender added a comment.

  In D22653#505659 , @ndavis wrote:
  > I try not to be too aggressive with optimization when it comes to diffs 
from other people because the process of making an icon is currently quite 
tedious and the optimizations can be pretty small after the metadata is removed.
  Agreed, and it should be automated. I posted the optimizations above because 
they could serve as a base to make the other ones and it doesn't reduce 
readability (it only applies the -90° rotation) :)

  R266 Breeze Icons


To: mbruchert, #breeze, ndavis, ngraham
Cc: lavender, ngraham, broulik, ndavis, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, 
sbergeron, michaelh, bruns

D22653: Add view-barcode-qr icons

2019-08-01 Thread Peridot Lavender
lavender added a comment.

  Functionally it looks good to me, there are a few improvements/optimizations 
that can be made for example 16 and 22 have unnecessary attributes such as:
fill="currentColor" style="fill:currentColor;
  And the 32 one has a transform that can be applied:
http://www.w3.org/2000/svg; id="svg938" width="54" 
  I used svgo  to make these optimizations.

  R266 Breeze Icons


To: mbruchert, #breeze, ndavis
Cc: lavender, ngraham, broulik, ndavis, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, 
sbergeron, michaelh, bruns

D22653: Add view-barcode-qr icons

2019-07-30 Thread Peridot Lavender
lavender added a comment.

  I noticed that only the 22px icons use the viewbox, is this intentional?
  The validator  I used complains that:
Error: Attribute paint-order not allowed on SVG element path at this point.

From line 7, column 5; to line 7, column 1521


To: mbruchert, #breeze, ndavis
Cc: lavender, ngraham, broulik, ndavis, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, 
sbergeron, michaelh, bruns

D21378: Make Breeze Light/Dark use more system colors

2019-05-24 Thread Peridot Lavender
lavender added a comment.

  In D21378#469640 , @filipf wrote:
  > In D21378#469611 , @ndavis wrote:
  > > In D21378#469607 , @filipf 
  > >
  > > > So I have a light widget color scheme, but I want to be using a dark 
Plasma theme. My color scheme is a bit funky and when I use Breeze Dark it 
doesn't respect my colors. So this is a good solution, +1 for the idea.
  > > >
  > > > I gave it a quick spin with Breeze Dark however and it's just not 
picking up some color schemes. It remains stuck on the colors of some previous 
scheme that worked. This seems to be random and may be a bug originating 
elsewhere so I'm hitting accept.
  > >
  > >
  > > After changing the system colorscheme, did you try restarting plasmashell 
or switching to a different desktop theme and switching back? I'll admit, it's 
a bit janky, but it should work if you do that. It definitely seems like a bug 
that originates from elsewhere.
  > Restarting plasmashell yes, switching to a different theme nope. But I did 
now and that seems to be working.
  It's very wonky but what worked for me was: change the desktop theme, not the 
look and feel, then change the color scheme to the one you want and finally 
change the desktop theme to Breeze Dark

  R242 Plasma Framework (Library)

  less-custom-colors (branched from master)


To: ndavis, #vdg, #plasma, mart, filipf
Cc: filipf, lavender, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

D21378: Make Breeze Light/Dark use more system colors

2019-05-24 Thread Peridot Lavender
lavender added a comment.

  In D21378#469517 , @mart wrote:
  > the idea is kinda nice and with some schemes it will work just perfect...
  >  however i think it risks a lot of having loss in contrast on certain color 
schems with your patch try for instance breezedark and the honeycomb system 
theme, the current task highlight would probably almost disappear
  This is bringing it in line with Breeze Light which already has the color 
schemes influencing the taskbar color. When I tested I tested with honeycomb 
and it seemed to work fine.

  R242 Plasma Framework (Library)


To: ndavis, #vdg, #plasma, mart
Cc: lavender, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

D21378: Make Breeze Light/Dark use more system colors

2019-05-24 Thread Peridot Lavender
lavender added a comment.

  Tested and it looks good to me

  R242 Plasma Framework (Library)


To: ndavis, #vdg, #plasma
Cc: lavender, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns