Re: (kdenlive) Inspect project jobs

2023-02-09 Thread Narcis Garcia
Now I see it's accounted 1 job by all clip's video tracks and 1 job by 
all clip's audio tracks, not expecting eg. multiple audio tracks (each 
one being signaled with a progress).


El 5/2/23 a les 20:37, Narcis Garcia ha escrit:

Okay, thank you François and Eugen!

El 5/2/23 a les 20:25, Eugen Mohr ha escrit:

Hello Narcis

For each video stream and audio stream 1 job.


Am 05.02.2023 um 17:15 schrieb Narcis Garcia:

Hi François;

What if I have 20 video clips in the project bin and 35 jobs indicated?

El 5/2/23 a les 15:22, François Téchené ha escrit:

Hi Narcis,

You should be able to see a small progress bar next to the video 
clip that is being processed in the the project bin.



On 2/5/23 11:10, Narcis Garcia wrote:

I have proxy clips enabled.
I add video clips to project bin; then proxy generation jobs begin.
An "N jobs" indicator is shown, where I can delect to abort them, etc.

But how can I inspect what jobs are running and why each of them?

Some times all proxy jobs completed but some N number remains with 
"N jobs" indicator present.

Thank you.


Narcis Garcia

I'm using this dedicated address because personal addresses aren't 
masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator 
should fix this against automated addresses collectors.

Re: (kdenlive) Inspect project jobs

2023-02-05 Thread Narcis Garcia

Okay, thank you François and Eugen!

El 5/2/23 a les 20:25, Eugen Mohr ha escrit:

Hello Narcis

For each video stream and audio stream 1 job.


Am 05.02.2023 um 17:15 schrieb Narcis Garcia:

Hi François;

What if I have 20 video clips in the project bin and 35 jobs indicated?

El 5/2/23 a les 15:22, François Téchené ha escrit:

Hi Narcis,

You should be able to see a small progress bar next to the video clip 
that is being processed in the the project bin.



On 2/5/23 11:10, Narcis Garcia wrote:

I have proxy clips enabled.
I add video clips to project bin; then proxy generation jobs begin.
An "N jobs" indicator is shown, where I can delect to abort them, etc.

But how can I inspect what jobs are running and why each of them?

Some times all proxy jobs completed but some N number remains with 
"N jobs" indicator present.

Thank you.


Narcis Garcia

I'm using this dedicated address because personal addresses aren't 
masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator 
should fix this against automated addresses collectors.

Re: (kdenlive) Inspect project jobs

2023-02-05 Thread Eugen Mohr

Hello Narcis

For each video stream and audio stream 1 job.


Am 05.02.2023 um 17:15 schrieb Narcis Garcia:

Hi François;

What if I have 20 video clips in the project bin and 35 jobs indicated?

El 5/2/23 a les 15:22, François Téchené ha escrit:

Hi Narcis,

You should be able to see a small progress bar next to the video clip
that is being processed in the the project bin.



On 2/5/23 11:10, Narcis Garcia wrote:

I have proxy clips enabled.
I add video clips to project bin; then proxy generation jobs begin.
An "N jobs" indicator is shown, where I can delect to abort them, etc.

But how can I inspect what jobs are running and why each of them?

Some times all proxy jobs completed but some N number remains with
"N jobs" indicator present.

Thank you.

Re: (kdenlive) Inspect project jobs

2023-02-05 Thread Narcis Garcia

Hi François;

What if I have 20 video clips in the project bin and 35 jobs indicated?

El 5/2/23 a les 15:22, François Téchené ha escrit:

Hi Narcis,

You should be able to see a small progress bar next to the video clip 
that is being processed in the the project bin.



On 2/5/23 11:10, Narcis Garcia wrote:

I have proxy clips enabled.
I add video clips to project bin; then proxy generation jobs begin.
An "N jobs" indicator is shown, where I can delect to abort them, etc.

But how can I inspect what jobs are running and why each of them?

Some times all proxy jobs completed but some N number remains with "N 
jobs" indicator present.

Thank you.


Narcis Garcia

I'm using this dedicated address because personal addresses aren't 
masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator 
should fix this against automated addresses collectors.

Re: (kdenlive) Inspect project jobs

2023-02-05 Thread François Téchené

Hi Narcis,

You should be able to see a small progress bar next to the video clip 
that is being processed in the the project bin.



On 2/5/23 11:10, Narcis Garcia wrote:

I have proxy clips enabled.
I add video clips to project bin; then proxy generation jobs begin.
An "N jobs" indicator is shown, where I can delect to abort them, etc.

But how can I inspect what jobs are running and why each of them?

Some times all proxy jobs completed but some N number remains with "N 
jobs" indicator present.

Thank you.

(kdenlive) Inspect project jobs

2023-02-05 Thread Narcis Garcia

I have proxy clips enabled.
I add video clips to project bin; then proxy generation jobs begin.
An "N jobs" indicator is shown, where I can delect to abort them, etc.

But how can I inspect what jobs are running and why each of them?

Some times all proxy jobs completed but some N number remains with "N 
jobs" indicator present.

Thank you.


Narcis Garcia

I'm using this dedicated address because personal addresses aren't 
masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator 
should fix this against automated addresses collectors.