Summary: Wrong Format for KDE-Addressbuch items when sent
                    through Bluetooth OBEX Object Push to a Smartphone
                    Nokia E90 Wrong-Round-Trip
           Product: kaddressbook
           Version: unspecified
          Platform: unspecified
        OS/Version: Linux
            Status: NEW
          Severity: normal
          Priority: NOR
         Component: general

Version:           3.5.9 (using 3.5.9 "release 49.2" , openSUSE 11.0)
Compiler:          Target: x86_64-suse-linux
OS:                Linux (x86_64) release

Wrong Format for KDE-Addressbuch items when sent through Bluetooth OBEX Object
Push to a Smartphone Nokia E90
This is a communication bug of the "Wrong Round Trip" form: I mean, when the
same information goes on the same path from Nokia E90 over Bluetooth to
KDE-Addressbuch and then gets sent back to E90, part of the info gets lost on
the way.

The problem reported here happens in the Annotations Field of a contact:
Example lines in KDE-Addressbuch:
   3. Deinstallation starten: BATCH spuninst.txt
   4. Anschliessend eingeben: systemroot
Same Lines once arrived into E90:
... 3. Deninstallation starten: BATCH spuninst.txt\n 4. Anschliessend eingeben:
systemroot\n ...

Here you can see, that the sequence "\n" has been inserted in the place of
"newline", i.e. a sequence of escape characters in the place of a non printable

BY THE WAY: I have just noticed, that the Annotation text IS SHOWING CORRECTLY
on the Preview Sight, in the main Window of the Addressbuch-Betrachter, when
this contact is selected!

NOTICE: Why am I doing that? Well, I am trying to get arond the lack of a
usable sync program from and to Contact/Calendar system between Linux and my
Nokia Smartphones. The only thing that is half usable is the sending of
contacts from E90 to k-Adressbuh, BUT ONLY IN ONE DIRECTION.
In the "good direction", from E90 to K-Addressbuch over Bluetooth there is also
a bug in the same location:
  The text in the contact annotations are seemingly whithout newlines
(Everything in one line). In reality there is something in the place of the
"newlines", which does not get shown in K-Adressbuch. If I capture the lines in
Xemacs, and dump them in HEX, I find there in hexl-mode the hexa-String "0a":
Note created on E90:
  14.02.10 Test, Umlaute äöüß xx
  yy ÄÖÜß
Received into K-Addressbuch over Bluetooth:
  14.02.10 Test, Umlaute äöüß xx
yy ÄÖÜß
Dumped in Xemacs, in hexl-mode:
00000000: 3134 2e30 322e 3130 2054 6573 742c 2055  14.02.10 Test, U
00000010: 6d6c 6175 7465 20c3 a4c3 b6c3 bcc3 9f20  mlaute ........ 
00000020: 7878 e280 a979 7920 c384 c396 c39c c39f  xx...yy ........
00000030: e280 a945 6e64 652e 0a78 7878 780a 7979  ...Ende..xxxx.yy
00000040: 7979 0a                                  yy.

Notice the fine way Umlaute are kept on the round trip!

If you know of a REALLY WORKING sync, tell me, and you can forget this bug, if
you want!

Regards, Giancarlo Capezzone

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