Re: krb5

2017-10-17 Thread Benjamin Kaduk
On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 03:04:20PM -0700, Earl Killian wrote:
> So obviously I removed the two new "security" lines from my krb5.conf to
> restore things to a working situation. However, I would like to inquire
> of the mailing list how things are supposed to work when those are set
> to false as in the openSUSE distro.

Most likely, your system is configured such that (some things) think that
the local hostname is just "alpha", not the fully-qualified form.
So, the output of `hostname` and `hostname -f` are interesting, as is
the contents of /etc/hosts.


Kerberos mailing list


2017-10-17 Thread Earl Killian
I am using the krb5-1.12.5 port that comes with openSUSE 42.3. Recently
the SuSE distro changed their krb5.conf to include

dns_canonicalize_hostname = false
rdns = false

This was supposedly for security, so I applied the above to my own
krb5.conf. However, this change broke kprop. On the Kerberos master host ( I did

# kinit root/admin
# kprop -f KILLIAN.COM.dump -ddd
kprop: Client not found in Kerberos database while getting initial ticket

I then find in the KRB5_TRACE file:

[24229] 1508275209.426788: Convert service (null) (service with host as 
instance) on host (null) to principal
[24229] 1508275209.426802: Remote host after reverse DNS processing: alpha
[24229] 1508275209.426814: Got service principal host/alpha@
[24229] 1508275209.426821: Initializing MEMORY:_kproptkt with default princ 
[24229] 1508275209.426826: Convert service host (service with host as instance) 
on host to principal
[24229] 1508275209.426828: Remote host after reverse DNS processing:
[24229] 1508275209.426832: Got service principal 
[24229] 1508275209.426842: Getting initial credentials for 
[24229] 1508275209.426872: Setting initial creds service to 
[24229] 1508275209.426905: Sending request (164 bytes) to KILLIAN.COM
[24229] 1508275209.426928: Resolving hostname
[24229] 1508275209.427107: Sending initial UDP request to dgram
[24229] 1508275209.427221: Received answer (182 bytes) from dgram
[24229] 1508275209.427233: Response was not from master KDC
[24229] 1508275209.427242: Received error from KDC: -1765328378/Client not 
found in Kerberos database
[24229] 1508275209.427264: Destroying ccache MEMORY:_kproptkt

So it appears that it is not using the FQDN for the initiating host when
determining a principal (see the 4th line above where it says
"host/alpha" instead of "host/").

So obviously I removed the two new "security" lines from my krb5.conf to
restore things to a working situation. However, I would like to inquire
of the mailing list how things are supposed to work when those are set
to false as in the openSUSE distro.


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