Hello list,

I am seeking to fully understand my obligations under the GPL regarding kernel modules, derived works and requirements to distribute the source code.

If I build a kernel module (driver) against the linux kernel, and that kernel module is deemed to be a derived work, I understand that it must also be licensed under the GPL. As such, if I distribute the binary kernel module (driver), I must also distribute the kernel module source code. That all seems straightforward, no issues there.

However, what about the source code for the linux kernel the kernel module (driver) was built against - is that also deemed part of the derived work and must I also distribute the linux kernel source code against which my binary kernel module (driver) was compiled?

If yes, what part of the linux kernel source code tree must I distribute? All of it, or just the source code for the interfaces (exported symbols) I have used in my module?

If my question is not appropriate for this list, I will happily accept pointers to a more appropriate forum.



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