Re: [kicad-users] Re: gerber files produced by kiCad

2009-05-17 Thread Dave - WB6DHW
Julien Bayle wrote:
 the real question is :
 what is the differnce between soldcomp maskcomp ???
   Maskcomp is the solder mask layer.  Soldcomp is the solder paste 
layer.  It is used to make a stencil to apply solder paste.

Dave - WB6DHW

Re: [kicad-users] I want to like it but...

2009-05-08 Thread Dave - WB6DHW
holman_michael wrote:
 One of my basic requirements for Schematic capture programs is easy creation 
 and editing of library components. At first, this program looked promising, 
 but I was very disappointed to see that I could not create a new part by 
 starting with an existing one (no clone/copy etc. functionality). I don't 
 even see how you rename a part. It's also strange that, unlike the schematic 
 editor, the library editor has no menu bar (I know it has the icons but it's 
 a little odd and limiting).

 I don't want to be critical since the program is quite an achievement for a 
 single person, but I know from experience I will be wanting to clone many 
 parts and I think the library interface will frustrate me.

 I also find the parts placement cumbersome and would prefer a scrollable 
 toolbar like many programs use. It's a bit over the top to invoke a whole 
 window to select a device. I suppose once you get a history list going it's 
 not so bad assuming it saves that information.

   Edit Component properties. Then edit value/Chip name field.  Then 
when you save the component, it will use your modified name.  I create a 
separate library for each project.  I then load a desired part from one 
of the supplied libraries, change the working library, and then save to 
my new library.

Dave - WB6DHW

Re: [kicad-users] KICAD success stories ?

2009-04-20 Thread Dave - WB6DHW
   I use KICAD to design all of my boards.  They vary from DIP parts 
down to fine pitch (.020 pitch) parts.  A PDF of the schematic and 
board  layout for each of my boards is available on my website.

Dave - WB6DHW

Lothar Behrens wrote:
 is there any resource for success stories about using KICAD?
 Not only what company but also what circuit / application and what  
 package density / types used.
 I am asking again, because I would wish to see some projects about  
 targeting mobile phone / smart phone
 or PDA like complexity. (Especially those parts used in OpenMoko  
 1973 / FreeRunner)
 -- | Rapid Prototyping | XSLT Codegeneration |
 Lothar Behrens
 Heinrich-Scheufelen-Platz 2
 73252 Lenningen

Re: [kicad-users] Newbie question : pad design

2009-04-09 Thread Dave - WB6DHW
F6ITU wrote:
 I'm a 3 days old Kicad user (and a totally newbie in CAD CAM software… never 
 touched such a software before, excepted ExpressPCB)
 I just finished understanding the general idea behind EEschemas, played 
 with the tutorial and some examples, and began to draw my first circuit. So 
 far, everything is working fine (excepted some mysterious duplication of 
 components, stacking one over the other).
 But I'm now stuck trying to design a new Module (component outline). 
 My problem : 
 I want to add a new component in the module lib, a standard  small DPDT relay 
 in a 10 pin dil package (compatible with the standard 10DIP-ELL300 package). 
 This component exists in 2 different pinout : classical DIL thru hole and 
 SMT mount. As I wish to keep the possibility to use either devices one the 
 pcb will be etched, I'd like to draw a module with its 10 thru pins AND 10 
 CMS rectangular pads in the extension of the thru-hole-pads. (I wonder if I 
 made myself clear… English is definitely not my mother-thong)
 I try to dig into the Kicad Yahoo group, but couldn't find any answer. 
 Is it possible and how ?
 ...or did someone allready designed this kind of module 
 Thanks for your attention
   I have produced combination thru hole and surface mount modules.  Use 
a  thru hole pad and a second surface mount pad.  Make both the same pin #.
   Also, when making a new module or schematic library part, it is 
better to start a separate library or module library.  If you add to the 
supplied libraries, you risk losing your new parts is you upgrade to a 
new version of KICAD.  I make a separate library for each project and 
copy parts to it from the standard libraries and then create new parts 
as needed.

Dave - WB6DHW

Please read the Kicad FAQ in the group files section before posting your 
Please post your bug reports here. They will be picked up by the creator of 
Please visit for details of how to contribute your 
symbols/modules to the kicad library.
For building Kicad from source and other development questions visit the 
kicad-devel group at! Groups 

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Re: [kicad-users] Re: KiCAD Newbie: missing airwires in PCBNEW

2009-04-07 Thread Dave - WB6DHW
   Do the pin numbers of the schematic symbol match the pin numbers of 
the pcb module.  If the transister uses pins 1, 2, and 3, the module 
MUST use pins 1,2, and 3.  If the schematic symbol uses B, C, and E, 
then the module MUST also use B, C, and E.

Dave - WB6DHW

 High, again me!
 I did follow Andy's advice and followed 3 times the tutorial, with good 
 results. I'm feeling more familiar now with Kicad. But
 Now I restarted with my own (of course more complex..) project. I fixed all 
 ERC problems (result is 0 errors) and started to check for the missing 
 airwires in the board with funny results. Let's take out one example:
 In the scematic there are 10 transistors BC550 (Q1-Q10). All transistors have 
 no airwires. I let Q1-Q5 unchanged and changed only Q6-Q10 to TO92 kicad 
 footprint, reloaded the partslist and: ALL transistors had airwires!?!?! 
 Now I changed Q1-Q10 back to transistors-npn-TO92 from the imported 
 eagle-libs. Result: Q1-Q8 had airwires, Q9 and Q10 not!?!?! Very funny. I 
 tried it with the latest 2008-version and compiled the newest 2009 stable, 
 with the same results.
 At my point of view there are 2 possible reasons for this behaviour: kicad 
 bug or a general fault with in the sch-file.
 Does anyone have a tip for me??
 Thank you for any help!

Re: [kicad-users] Default footprint

2009-03-28 Thread Dave - WB6DHW
   Use the library editor and add the footprint to the footprint field. 
  If there is an entry in that field, CVPCB will use that.

Dave - WB6DHW

rfg1k wrote:
 Can any body tell me how set  default footprints for schematic symbols
 so I can avoid having to use CVpcb to set them individually.
  I am currently using the latest version 20090216-final.
 Best Regards 
 Please read the Kicad FAQ in the group files section before posting your 
 Please post your bug reports here. They will be picked up by the creator of 
 Please visit for details of how to contribute your 
 symbols/modules to the kicad library.
 For building Kicad from source and other development questions visit the 
 kicad-devel group at! Groups 

Re: [kicad-users] Simple PCB Only

2009-02-21 Thread Dave - WB6DHW
Victor Faria wrote:
 Is the a way to just jump into the pcb program and start creating 
 without the schematic?
 what I would like to do do is just go into pcb and start droping in 
 footprint and conect the pins with a
 line/ rat line and then autoroute.
 Pcbwizard, diptrace,easypc, and others do this I tried to do it with 
 kicad but I hvent been sucesfull.
 It could be lack of experiance on my part. I just feel that circuit 
 desin is like twice the work
 if your just doing simple small to medium boards.

  You can place footprints and route (if you turn the erc) by hand 
without the schematic.  But, to get rat lines and to auto route,you need 
a net list which is  produced from  the schematic in Eeschema.

Dave - WB6DHW

Re: [kicad-users] Placing components on both both sides of pc board...

2009-02-18 Thread Dave - WB6DHW
  Yes.  Most of my boards have components on both sides.

Dave - WB6DHW

jrhennin1 wrote:
 Can components be placed on both sides of the pc board in pcbnew?


 Please read the Kicad FAQ in the group files section before posting your 
 Please post your bug reports here. They will be picked up by the creator of 
 Please visit for details of how to contribute your 
 symbols/modules to the kicad library.
 For building Kicad from source and other development questions visit the 
 kicad-devel group at! Groups 


Re: [kicad-users] Footprint

2009-02-06 Thread Dave - WB6DHW
AD5VJ Bob wrote:
 I have designed a circuit and have found a supplier for who has all of the 
 parts I need and the data sheets, ect..

 The problem I am having is that I am wanting to put a circuit board mount 
 type 3.55mm audio plug on the drawing for the pcb
 manufacturer to have the holes there that I need to install it once I get the 
 board back.

 I have gone to their site and found the audio plug that I want to use, but 
 there are no mechanical measurements for it on the

 Are these connectors so common in their sizes that it is not necessary to 
 specify the holes by using a footprint from the libraries,
 or do you just put pads on the board where you want it installed? 

 Bob AD5VJ

  They are definately not all the same physical layout on the holes.  If 
they don't have a drawing, then order one and measure it and make your 
own module.  The dtereo jacks I use on the UHFSDR board are from All 
Electronics CAT # MJW-12.  I made a module for them.

Dave - WB6DHW

Re: [kicad-users] Gerber File. Getting copper layer, component layer and via hole on on Gerber Fil

2009-02-06 Thread Dave - WB6DHW
jeeshenlee wrote:
 Hello Everyone,

 Is there anyway I can get a gerber file which looks like what I get by 
 selecting Print (Copper and Component Layer selected) in PCBnew?

 I wanted to have the via hole available on the gerber file, is it 


 JeeShen Lee.

  I see the via pads on my Gerbers,.  The holes are defined by the drill 
file.  You need a Gerber viewer to view the files.  A good free one is 
ViewMate.  With ViewMate, you must import each Gerber layer.  Opening 
the file does not work.  You will also need to import the drill file to 
see the holes.

Dave - WB6DHW

Re: [kicad-users] Footprint

2009-02-06 Thread Dave - WB6DHW
AD5VJ Bob wrote:
 I have windows XPPro

 I also dont know what to do with the zip file of the files that were 
 converted from Eagle they all say .mod

 These file types dont match my library files here. All  my library files here 
 say .lib .bak .dcm .bck .sym 

 And how do I handle the other compression types is there all windows does is 
 .zip files or I have an application for .rar files but
 that is it.


  The .mod files are pcbnew modules.  If you have WINRAR, is handles 
both zip and rar files.

Dave - WB6DHW

Re: [kicad-users] NEWBIE question

2009-02-02 Thread Dave - WB6DHW
NJ wrote:
 I'm following the tutorial and when instructed to create a new projest
 the .sch file never gets created.  Help!

  You need to open Eeschema and then save the file.

Dave - WB6DHW

Re: [kicad-users] Chip Data

2009-01-28 Thread Dave - WB6DHW
AD5VJ Bob wrote:
 I am looking for a really good online source for component data to use in my 
 designs, also would like to know if anyone knows of an
 online 'Cookbook' in PDF that I could download.

 I remember in days past NEC, TI and many other chip manufacturers used to 
 send them to you in the mail free since they were pretty
 sure you would be using their components for your designs if you had one on 
 the books.

73 fer nw es gud DX,
 Bob AD5VJ
 Old Calls WB5ZQU, WY5L/KH3, KE5CTY, N5IET

  I usually search DigiKey or Mouser for the part.  Once the part is 
found, they have a link to the data sheet.  I then save the data sheet 
in Kicad/library/doc and put a link to the file in the doc tab from lib 
edit.  Then a right click on the part in the schematic brings up the 
data sheet.

Dave - WB6DHW

Re: [kicad-users] Re: New User

2009-01-22 Thread Dave - WB6DHW
  When you read the netlist into PCBNEW it places all of the modules on 
top of each other.  You need to cllick on the 2nd icon from the right on 
top bar(Mode Module).  Then in an empty area of the board, right click, 
select Glob Move and Place. You can then either Move All modules, or 
Move New Modules(usefull if you have a board partially laid out and 
changed the netlist and added modules).
  .ODT is the Open Office format.  Open Office is the free alternative 
to Microsoft Office.

Dave - WB6DHW

AD5VJ Bob wrote:
 I am having a real problem here

 I made a simple schematic, easy to use and accurate
 I made the net list

 I opened and looked over at the layout on the Pcb design app and all I see is 
 the transistor, I do not see the resistors or any of
 the other components.

 Also the transistor started out way off of the square boundary and I had to 
 move it inside the boundary lines. I drew a really
 simple transistor open collector amplifier.

 I am trying to find an application to play the tutorial (KiCad Tutorial.odt 
 file) but dont know what I should use to view the
 tutorial on windows.

 Bob AD5VJ 


Re: [kicad-users] Using PCBNEW

2009-01-22 Thread Dave - WB6DHW
ghf082 wrote:
 Hello All:  I do not want to use the schematic part of KiCad but
 layout a pc board manuallythat is selecting pads, placing them,
 selecting track width, etc., placing them, etc,  Can I do that with
 Kicad?  I am able to route tracks manually but do not seem to be able
 to place pads where I want them.  Any help will be most appreciated. 
 Regards, George

   You need to place modules rather than individual pads.  You could use the 
 module editor to create a module that consists of a single pad.
Dave - WB6DHW

Re: [kicad-users] Board Cut-out in module

2009-01-22 Thread Dave - WB6DHW
David Brainerd wrote:
   I need to make a module for a RD70 RF power FET.  It requires an
 oval or square cut-out in the board for mounting to a heatsink.  How
 do I do that?

 Dave - WB6DHW

  I figured it out.  I just needed to select AOval Drill in the Pad 

Dave - WB6DHW

Re: [kicad-users] How to read the pho files ?

2009-01-19 Thread Dave - WB6DHW
  I use ViewMate to view the .pho files.  I don't know if they have a 
Linux version.  Never had a problem with the .pho files.

Dave - WB6DHW

electric_phil wrote:
 I just finish routing my pcb, and plot it in Gerber file format
 which gives me several .pho files ( depend which ones layers I
 choose ) ...

 I thought I could read them with Gerbv (a gerber file viewer under
 Linux ) but it can't load them ...

 Are these .pho files Gerber format compatibles or just Gerbv non
 fonctional ?

 Thanks a lot