Hi Ben,
I have a copy of the RS274X specification, and this states that the G36 and G37 
commands are actually used to turn on Polygon Area Fill and turn off Polygon 
Area Fill (respectively). There are other commands which can be used to change 
the "polarity" of a Gerber file's contents (i.e. whether any "draw" and 
"stroke" commands which follow are "dark" or "clear", or "positive" or 
"negative" in nature), but the G36 and G37 commands are used in conjunction 
with a set of vertexes whose associated region is to be entirely "filled". The 
related specification specifically states:
"... G36 and G37 provide a more efficient means of filling closed polygons than 
stroke fill. When these codes are used, the filled area is defined simply by 
its closed outline. Stroke fill is an inefficient method of filling a polygon. 
I haven't studied the relevant (source) code (for KiCad) in depth, but I am 
still picking that the G36 and G37 commands have deliberately been used because 
it is far easier to depict "poured" copper areas within Gerber files by using 
those commands rather than by using "stroked" fills instead.
It probably would be possible to make changes to the relevant source code so 
that users subsequently had the option of generating Gerber files using the G36 
and G37 commands (the existing way), or otherwise by using "stroked" fills 
instead. That said, while I can't speak for any of the other developers, my 
personal attitude is that I would rather spend the limited amount of time that 
I have available (for improving KiCad) in implementing various other 
While that attitude might seem harsh or unreasonable, I am also of the view 
that PCB manufacturers *should* be able to cope with any Gerber files whose 
contents are fully compliant with the RS274X specification. If you, or anybody 
else, can provide proof that any Gerber files created by KiCad are *not* fully 
compliant with that specification, then I would be fully prepared to look at 
the relevant source code, and make any changes which would be necessary to make 
those files fully compliant. But as I don't have unlimited time available for 
making improvements to KiCad, I am not of an inclination to make any changes 
for the benefit of any PCB manufacturers who are not capable of dealing with 
any Gerber files which they *should* be capable of dealing with.
Given the circumstances, my advice would be to advise the PCB manufacturer 
concerned that other PCB manufacturers are capable of dealing with Gerber files 
which incorporate G36 and G37 commands, so unless they are able to prove that 
there are any genuine problems with the contents of any Gerber files which you 
have provided to them, then you will look at taking your business elsewhere.
While my response probably hasn't matched what you were hoping for, please note 
that I still monitor all of the messages sent to this mailing list, and that I 
am fully prepared, in general, to attempt to rectify any reported defects and 
implement any requested improvements which are submitted by users (whenever my 
available spare time, and my comprehension of the relevant source code, 
Geoff Harland.
"barkerben" wrote:
> I think the problem occurs when I pour copper areas:
> "find out how to generate your copper pour with stroke
> hatch filling instead composites and send your files again"
> When I do not pour, there are not G36 or G37 codes,
> when I do they appear. Any thoughts?
> Ben
> "barkerben" wrote:
> >
> > One more question (I have answered the above myself via
> > experimentation). I got the following from Olimex, who I use to etch
> > boards:
> >
> > Hi,
> > Your gerbers contain composite layers and negative plots (G36 G37
> > commands).
> > On such gerbers we can't do DRC check, panelization nor to ensure
> > correct
> > phototools plotting.
> > Please ask your cad vendor how to generate your copper pour with
> > stroke
> > hatch filling instead composites and send your files again.
> > Thanks
> >
> >
> > Can anyone answer his question?
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Ben

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