This is a "me-too" reply.

The "Allowed keys:" section in the eeschema.key file is very handy, but without 
a corresponding "Allowed commands" section, it's useless.  I tried reading the 
code to find the commands, but couldn't find anything that led me to a 
comprehensive list.

I _really_ want to use kicad regularly, but the lack of a hotkey to save files 
frustrates me no end.  I added the line:

shortcut   "Ctrl S":    "Save"

and reread Hotkey config file (same file; only eeschema.key on my entire disk) 
- no change in the "Show Current Hotkey List" and Ctrl-S does nothing.

Please help.  A product with this level of maturity deserves better.  And I'd 
help, but I haven't been able to crack the code.  Perhaps a clue?

--- In, "oecherexpat" <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to put more commands on hotkeys/shortcuts. The
> automatically created file seems to be self-explaining except one
> thing: How do I know the names of the commands that I can assign??
> Thanks, Heiko

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