Re: Easy download of zip file for 4.8 branch git head: was: Error Linking konlinetasks_sepa

2017-08-10 Thread Gary Duzan
   Jack <>wrote:

=>On 2017.07.29 12:20, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
=>> On Samstag, 29. Juli 2017 11:36:32 CEST Gary Duzan wrote:
=>>>I'll give that a try if I can, but pkgsrc building includes the
=>>> process of fetching the source, so I'd have to have a separate
=>>> version of the package to pull directly from git, and that can be a
=>>> bit unwieldy. Unless you can think of particular issues, I'd rather
=>>> get 4.8.0 working, then adapt the package when 4.8.1 comes out. If
=>>> there are minor workarounds necessary, pkgsrc can apply local
=>>> patches with no problem.
=>> Whatever 'fetching the source' means. I would consider checking out a
=>> tagged/ named version from a git repo als as 'fetching the source'.
=>> But I have no idea about pkgsrc, so this may all be invalid.
=>It turns out that the kde git repository has a read-only copy at
=>github, and github has single URL access to download a zip version of a
=>repository tag head. is the main
=>starting point for KMyMoney source and
=> shows the git head of the 4.8
=>branch, with giving you
=>a zip file of the tree at that point.  I believe there are also ways to
=>craft a URL to pull from a github repository at any specified commit,
=>but that's a bit more involved.

   Thanks. It is a bit off topic, but I'll explain the issues.
pkgsrc-wip (Work In Progress) has support for git checkouts, but
not the main pkgsrc, so while a git-tracking wip package may be
useful, it isn't ideal for those hoping to migrate to pkgsrc. As
for branch tracking zip/tar files, pkgsrc records a checksum for
distribution files, so practically speaking it can't be a file that
changes. Once I get back to working on the package I'll see if
doing a git package is warranted.


Re: Compile Error - Fedora 26

2017-08-09 Thread Gary Duzan
   Jack <>wrote:

=>By in or out of tree - it is whether the build directory is below the 
=>top source folder (within the source tree) or parallel to it (outside 
=>the source tree).  I've never been certain whether it theoretically 
=>matters, but it does sometimes make a difference, often due to how make 
=>handles the relative paths in the various Makefiles and related cmake 
=>files.  I don't know if it will matter, but it might be worth trying.  
=>Note your example doesn't show where you create the build dir, but it 
=>can be under $BP but should not under $KMMDIR.
=>However - you say you have two examples of failed build where 
=>kmymoneysettings.h IS present where we expect it.  So the issue is not 
=>whether that file gets built, it's why cmake isn't finding it when it 
=>needs it use it.  Looking carefully at the make output you provided, I 
=>see "Considering target file '//kmymoneysettings.h'."  I'm concerned 
=>about the leading double slash.  I don't know make well enough to say 
=>if that is a hint about the problem, but it does smell like it to me.

   FWIW, with the 4.8.0 tarball, I had to add the following:


This is pkgsrc-speak, but the intent should be reasonably clear. CMAKE_ARGS
get included in the cmake command invocation, and ${WRKSRC} is the top level
directory of the sources. These two cmake variables are referenced in
kmymoney/dialogs/settings/CMakeLists.txt, in part to locate kmymoneysettings.h .

   I'm still having other problems building, which I mentioned in another
thread, but an extraneous issue on my development system prevented me from
working on it this past weekend. The above did seem to help, though.

   Good luck...

Gary Duzan

=>What versions of cmake, make, and autogen do you have?  I've got make 
=>4.2.1, cmake  3.7.2, autogen 5.18.4, and automake 1.11.6, 1.13.4 and 

Re: Error Linking konlinetasks_sepa

2017-07-29 Thread Gary Duzan
In Message <8708737.XCdCEdkXx1@thb-nb>,
   Thomas Baumgart <>wrote:

=>Hi Gary,
=>On Freitag, 28. Juli 2017 22:22:13 CEST Gary Duzan wrote:
=>>I've been trying to get KMyMoney4 working on NetBSD through pkgsrc/wip,
=>> and have made a fair amount of progress. I have rough packages for
=>> libalkimia, gwenhywfar, and aqbanking compiling, and now I'm working on
=>> kmymoney4 itself. It is currently failing to link,
=>> with multiple definitions from sepaStoragePlugin, one from
=>> plugins/onlinetasks/sepa/moc_sepastorageplugin.cpp and one from
 . I've included the full error below. Does this look
=>> familiar, or do I need to just dive into the cmake stuff? This is with
=>> 4.8.0 sources.
=>I don't see any obvious thing that causes this behavior, but since you work on
=>a new (for KMyMoney AFAICT) environment (NetBSD) and at the same time we have
=>a developer finishing a 4.8.1 release. It might be worthwile to take those
=>sources instead of ancient 4.8.0. You can simply get those from the 4.8 branch
=>of our git repo.

   I'll give that a try if I can, but pkgsrc building includes the
process of fetching the source, so I'd have to have a separate
version of the package to pull directly from git, and that can be
a bit unwieldy. Unless you can think of particular issues, I'd
rather get 4.8.0 working, then adapt the package when 4.8.1 comes
out. If there are minor workarounds necessary, pkgsrc can apply
local patches with no problem.

   As some background, I've been running KmyMoney2 1.0.5 on NetBSD
for years, and been quite happy with it. When a recent NetBSD change
broke the arts package, which is a dependency, I realized that I
had put myself down as maintainer of the kmymoney2 package, and I
had been a bit lax about keeping it up to date. So here we are.

=>From own experience it would be interesting which cmake version you are using.
=>Maybe this has some influence on the problem. I hope Christian is reading this
=>as well. He's most knowledgable about the online task stuff.

   I currently have cmake 3.8.2. It looks like cmake 3.9.0 is
available, so I can try with that.

=>Another bit of information is if you have KDE4/Qt4 and/or KF5/Qt5 installed on
=>your system. Also the version of the C/C++ compiler is of interest.

   I have kdelibs4 4.14.27, qt4-libs 4.8.7, and gcc 5.4.0.

=>I hope we get this sorted out soon.


Gary Duzan

=>Thomas Baumgart
=>   Telegram, the better WhatsApp
=>I don't think any of us need any help in this regard, getting
=>rid of money is probably the single most userfriendly interface
=>since breast-feeding... unfortunately. -- A.J. Venter

Error Linking konlinetasks_sepa

2017-07-28 Thread Gary Duzan
   I've been trying to get KMyMoney4 working on NetBSD through pkgsrc/wip, and 
have made a fair
amount of progress. I have rough packages for libalkimia, gwenhywfar, and 
aqbanking compiling, and
now I'm working on kmymoney4 itself. It is currently failing to link, with
multiple definitions from sepaStoragePlugin, one from 
and one from 
I've included the full error below. Does this look familiar, or do I need to 
just dive into the
cmake stuff? This is with 4.8.0 sources.


Gary Duzan

[ 77%] Linking CXX shared module ../../../../lib/
 In function `sepaStoragePlugin::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, QMetaObject::Ca
ll, int, void**)':
 multiple definition
 of `sepaStoragePlugin::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, QMetaObject::Call, int, 
 first defined here
 In function `onlineJob::isLocked() const':
 multiple definition of `sepaStoragePlugin::metaObject() const'
 first defined here
 In function `sepaCreditTransferEdit::metaObject() const':
 multiple definition of `sepaStoragePlugin::staticMetaObject'
 first defined here
 In function `sepaStoragePlugin::qt_metacast(char const*)':
 multiple definition of `sepaStoragePlugin::qt_metacast(char const*)'
 first defined here
 In function `sepaStoragePlugin::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void**)':
 multiple definition of `sepaStoragePlugin::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, 
 first defined here
 In function `onlineJob::sendDate() const':
 multiple definition of `sepaStoragePlugin::staticMetaObjectExtraData'
 first defined here
/usr/lib/ warning: warning: this program uses xdr_peername(), 
which is deprecated and buggy.
/usr/lib/ warning: warning: this program uses xdr_domainname(), 
which is deprecated and buggy.
/usr/lib/ warning: warning: this program uses xdr_mapname(), 
which is deprecated and buggy.
 recipe for target 'lib/' failed
gmake[2]: *** [lib/] Error 1
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:3509: recipe for target 