RE: Citibank Visa OFX Problem

2016-07-18 Thread jeffjl.kde

> on Mon, 18 Jul 2016 08:26:27 +0200
> Jeff,
> On Sunday 17 July 2016 21:45:27 wrote:
> > > On 2016.07.17 15:48, Brendan Coupe wrote:
> > > > Apparently Citibank is ingnoring the date range so it downloads
> > > > everything it has which dates back over 6 months from when the card
> > > > was activated.
> > 
> > I have this same problem with my Citi card.  Sometimes it actually uses the
> > dates in the OFX request, but most of the time it returns every single
> > transaction for the last (I think) 2 years. (I've had the card for longer
> > than 2 years.) I tried modifying the OFX request and could not find the
> > magic words to make it work properly.
> > 
> > In my case KMM would take about 2 or 3 minutes importing and trying to match
> > all those transactions, and as I recall, I would usually have to manually
> > fix/delete and/or re-accept the payment transfers.
> > 
> > This won't help you, but I got tired of it and modified my copy of the KMM
> > statement importer to ignore transactions prior to the "Start date of
> > import" in the account's online settings.
> Can you provide me with your patch (against the 4.8 branch is fine) so that I 
> can check if we can add it to KMM? If you want, please use reviewboard 
> ( ).
Well, this finally made me switch from the 4.7 to the 4.8 branch. Which let me 
document my build problem on Windows, thus the new bug report. I also posted my 
patch for the Citibank problem to the review board. Jeff. 

RE: Citibank Visa OFX Problem

2016-07-17 Thread jeffjl.kde
> On 2016.07.17 15:48, Brendan Coupe wrote:
> > Apparently Citibank is ingnoring the date range so it downloads  
> > everything it has which dates back over 6 months from when the card  
> > was activated.

I have this same problem with my Citi card.  Sometimes it actually uses the 
dates in the OFX request, but most of the time it returns every single 
transaction for the last (I think) 2 years. (I've had the card for longer than 
2 years.) I tried modifying the OFX request and could not find the magic words 
to make it work properly.  
In my case KMM would take about 2 or 3 minutes importing and trying to match 
all those transactions, and as I recall, I would usually have to manually 
fix/delete and/or re-accept the payment transfers.
This won't help you, but I got tired of it and modified my copy of the KMM 
statement importer to ignore transactions prior to the "Start date of import" 
in the account's online settings.


RE: invenstment transaction report question

2016-06-03 Thread jeffjl.kde
What if you recorded it as a "sell" in the investment account, but send the 
funds to a special "charity" account(s) instead of the (Brokerage) account. 
Then withdraw the funds from the "charity" account to show that you don't 
actually have the money.
This should allow reports to be made. But it does misrepresent reality a little 
bit. Maybe you document that in the memos.
> Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2016 16:28:47 -0400
> From:
> Subject: invenstment transaction report question
> To:
> I have been making some of my charitable donations in the form of  
> appreciated stock.  I have recorded this in KMM as a "remove shares"  
> with a note in the memo about who they were donated to.  I would now  
> like to get a listing or report of those transactions, including their  
> value.  The problem seems to be twofold.  First, neither the  
> transaction reports nor the investment reports include add/remove  
> shares transactions.  Second, in the ledger, I could filter to the  
> desired transactions, but add/remove shares transactions do not include  
> the price as of that date.  Is there anything I can do, or would it  
> require actually digging into the kmy file and extracting both the  
> transactions and prices separately?
> Thanks for any suggestions.
> Jack

RE: Handling Investment gain and loss

2016-05-26 Thread jeffjl.kde
>> Unrealized gain/loss is different than what I'm talking about
I know. I took the opportunity to expand the discussion to cover both realized 
and unrealized :-)
Date: Thu, 26 May 2016 08:27:02 -0700
Subject: Re: Handling Investment gain and loss

Unrealized gain/loss is different than what I'm talking about, I'm talking 
about "realized" gain/loss.  Unrealized gain/loss wouldn't be entered into a 
I never import transactions, so we definitely are thinking about it from 
different perspectives.  Even if you import transaction, it seems like the time 
to enter the information for "realized" transactions is then, not when you run 
a report.  Although, the exact procedure for doing it at import time is less 
clear to me.
On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 6:37 PM,   wrote:

Why would I? To have the software do the work instead of the user. And to get 
the unrealized gain/loss - useful at the end of the year for tax planning, e.g. 
do I want to take that loss to offset a gain I've already taken.
Also, I generally don't enter transactions. I download / import them. That may 
be another reason I'm looking at it differently.

It is definitely more implementation work for the programmer. 
Date: Wed, 25 May 2016 07:28:57 -0700
Subject: Re: Handling Investment gain and loss

Although you could probably do much of this via reports, the main question I 
have is "why would you?"  Why not enter all the information when you enter the 
transaction rather than waiting to see it in a report?  And doing it via 
reports strikes me as a much more complex undertaking than adding a couple 
fields to the transaction entry form.
>From an accounting point of view, "Sell" transactions are essentially 
>unbalanced transactions.  You get a "debit" to your brokerage account for the 
>money you received, but there's no corresponding "credit" entries for the gain 
>or for reducing the basis of the asset.
On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 6:12 PM,   wrote:

I'm thinking this could be more of a reports function than a new transaction 
field. If appropriate "activity" choices are added for transactions, e.g. 
reinvested long/short term capital gains, return of capital, depreciation if we 
include assets in general, etc. (there may be quite a few), then it is a matter 
of collecting the transactions for a given asset and calculating the cost basis 
(and gain/loss) in a report. Except for the report, those new activities could 
be treated the same as existing activities, couldn't they? Existing functions 
could treat a reinvested long term capital gain transaction just like a "buy", 
for example. No change required to existing code other than recognizing the 
The report could offer selectable specifics like FIFO or average price. I'm not 
sure the best way to select the assets - maybe choose a date range and display 
any assets that had "sells" in that range? And the specific lot method probably 
still needs a new UI.
A report could also give you an estimated gain/loss/cost basis on an asset you 
still owned (unrealized gain/loss).
On the taxable / tax-deferred issue - it would be nice if this could be set at 
the account level.
But a report does not provide a way to tag a specific sale with a cost basis 
method. If you are going to use KMM data to actually do your taxes, that could 
be important. > Date: Sun, 22 May 2016 18:00:45 -0400
> From:
> Subject: Re: Handling Investment gain and loss
> To:
> On 2016.05.22 15:04, Mitch Frazier wrote:
> > While entering a number of investment transactions recently I  
> > realized that
> > KMM doesn't actually have a way to record the gain/loss on the sale  
> > of an
> > investment.  I was thinking about implementing something to solve  
> > this but
> > wanted to pass the idea past the list first.
> > 
> > As a first step at a solution, I was going to add a couple more rows  
> > to the
> > transaction detail in the investment register:
> > 
> >   - A cost basis field.  This would be an amount field that is
> > used to determine how much the cost of the investment is
> > reduced by the sale.  Initially this field could be pre-filled
> > by the average cost (based on the number of shares being sold).
> > If the entire investment is sold, this field would be fixed
> > and not editable.
> > 
> >   - A gain/loss field.  This would be an splitable account field
> > for entering the category or categories for the gain/loss.
> > Splits are useful for allowing both short-term and long-term
> > gain/loss specifications on a transaction.
> > 
> > The current implementation "hides" the gain/loss because the balance  
> > of an
> > investment shows as zero when the share value is zero, regardless of  
> > the
> > amount the investment is sold for.  Whereas, since the gain/loss is  
> > not
> > re

RE: Handling Investment gain and loss

2016-05-25 Thread jeffjl.kde
Why would I? To have the software do the work instead of the user. And to get 
the unrealized gain/loss - useful at the end of the year for tax planning, e.g. 
do I want to take that loss to offset a gain I've already taken.
Also, I generally don't enter transactions. I download / import them. That may 
be another reason I'm looking at it differently.

It is definitely more implementation work for the programmer. 
Date: Wed, 25 May 2016 07:28:57 -0700
Subject: Re: Handling Investment gain and loss

Although you could probably do much of this via reports, the main question I 
have is "why would you?"  Why not enter all the information when you enter the 
transaction rather than waiting to see it in a report?  And doing it via 
reports strikes me as a much more complex undertaking than adding a couple 
fields to the transaction entry form.
>From an accounting point of view, "Sell" transactions are essentially 
>unbalanced transactions.  You get a "debit" to your brokerage account for the 
>money you received, but there's no corresponding "credit" entries for the gain 
>or for reducing the basis of the asset.
On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 6:12 PM,   wrote:

I'm thinking this could be more of a reports function than a new transaction 
field. If appropriate "activity" choices are added for transactions, e.g. 
reinvested long/short term capital gains, return of capital, depreciation if we 
include assets in general, etc. (there may be quite a few), then it is a matter 
of collecting the transactions for a given asset and calculating the cost basis 
(and gain/loss) in a report. Except for the report, those new activities could 
be treated the same as existing activities, couldn't they? Existing functions 
could treat a reinvested long term capital gain transaction just like a "buy", 
for example. No change required to existing code other than recognizing the 
The report could offer selectable specifics like FIFO or average price. I'm not 
sure the best way to select the assets - maybe choose a date range and display 
any assets that had "sells" in that range? And the specific lot method probably 
still needs a new UI.
A report could also give you an estimated gain/loss/cost basis on an asset you 
still owned (unrealized gain/loss).
On the taxable / tax-deferred issue - it would be nice if this could be set at 
the account level.
But a report does not provide a way to tag a specific sale with a cost basis 
method. If you are going to use KMM data to actually do your taxes, that could 
be important. > Date: Sun, 22 May 2016 18:00:45 -0400
> From:
> Subject: Re: Handling Investment gain and loss
> To:
> On 2016.05.22 15:04, Mitch Frazier wrote:
> > While entering a number of investment transactions recently I  
> > realized that
> > KMM doesn't actually have a way to record the gain/loss on the sale  
> > of an
> > investment.  I was thinking about implementing something to solve  
> > this but
> > wanted to pass the idea past the list first.
> > 
> > As a first step at a solution, I was going to add a couple more rows  
> > to the
> > transaction detail in the investment register:
> > 
> >   - A cost basis field.  This would be an amount field that is
> > used to determine how much the cost of the investment is
> > reduced by the sale.  Initially this field could be pre-filled
> > by the average cost (based on the number of shares being sold).
> > If the entire investment is sold, this field would be fixed
> > and not editable.
> > 
> >   - A gain/loss field.  This would be an splitable account field
> > for entering the category or categories for the gain/loss.
> > Splits are useful for allowing both short-term and long-term
> > gain/loss specifications on a transaction.
> > 
> > The current implementation "hides" the gain/loss because the balance  
> > of an
> > investment shows as zero when the share value is zero, regardless of  
> > the
> > amount the investment is sold for.  Whereas, since the gain/loss is  
> > not
> > recorded anywhere, the balance ought to be negative if the investment  
> > was
> > sold for a gain and positive if sold for a loss.
> > 
> > Mitch
> > 
> Unfortunately, I think that may be a bit simplistic.  Once you have  
> sold all off an equity, its value is zero, since you don't have any of  
> it any more.  When you do sell, the amount of the basis is not income -  
> it just gets back what you paid to acquire it.  It is the difference  
> between that basis and the sale price which becomes the short or long  
> term capital gain or loss.  If you actually buy the shares, that  
> purchase price is the cost.  The only reason you would need to be able  
> to manually adjust this is if you "add" shares you bought before  
> tracking with KMM, or if the shares are swapped for a different equity,  
> in which case you "remove

RE: Handling Investment gain and loss

2016-05-24 Thread jeffjl.kde

I'm thinking this could be more of a reports function than a new transaction 
field. If appropriate "activity" choices are added for transactions, e.g. 
reinvested long/short term capital gains, return of capital, depreciation if we 
include assets in general, etc. (there may be quite a few), then it is a matter 
of collecting the transactions for a given asset and calculating the cost basis 
(and gain/loss) in a report. Except for the report, those new activities could 
be treated the same as existing activities, couldn't they? Existing functions 
could treat a reinvested long term capital gain transaction just like a "buy", 
for example. No change required to existing code other than recognizing the 
The report could offer selectable specifics like FIFO or average price. I'm not 
sure the best way to select the assets - maybe choose a date range and display 
any assets that had "sells" in that range? And the specific lot method probably 
still needs a new UI.
A report could also give you an estimated gain/loss/cost basis on an asset you 
still owned (unrealized gain/loss).
On the taxable / tax-deferred issue - it would be nice if this could be set at 
the account level.
But a report does not provide a way to tag a specific sale with a cost basis 
method. If you are going to use KMM data to actually do your taxes, that could 
be important. > Date: Sun, 22 May 2016 18:00:45 -0400
> From:
> Subject: Re: Handling Investment gain and loss
> To:
> On 2016.05.22 15:04, Mitch Frazier wrote:
> > While entering a number of investment transactions recently I  
> > realized that
> > KMM doesn't actually have a way to record the gain/loss on the sale  
> > of an
> > investment.  I was thinking about implementing something to solve  
> > this but
> > wanted to pass the idea past the list first.
> > 
> > As a first step at a solution, I was going to add a couple more rows  
> > to the
> > transaction detail in the investment register:
> > 
> >   - A cost basis field.  This would be an amount field that is
> > used to determine how much the cost of the investment is
> > reduced by the sale.  Initially this field could be pre-filled
> > by the average cost (based on the number of shares being sold).
> > If the entire investment is sold, this field would be fixed
> > and not editable.
> > 
> >   - A gain/loss field.  This would be an splitable account field
> > for entering the category or categories for the gain/loss.
> > Splits are useful for allowing both short-term and long-term
> > gain/loss specifications on a transaction.
> > 
> > The current implementation "hides" the gain/loss because the balance  
> > of an
> > investment shows as zero when the share value is zero, regardless of  
> > the
> > amount the investment is sold for.  Whereas, since the gain/loss is  
> > not
> > recorded anywhere, the balance ought to be negative if the investment  
> > was
> > sold for a gain and positive if sold for a loss.
> > 
> > Mitch
> > 
> Unfortunately, I think that may be a bit simplistic.  Once you have  
> sold all off an equity, its value is zero, since you don't have any of  
> it any more.  When you do sell, the amount of the basis is not income -  
> it just gets back what you paid to acquire it.  It is the difference  
> between that basis and the sale price which becomes the short or long  
> term capital gain or loss.  If you actually buy the shares, that  
> purchase price is the cost.  The only reason you would need to be able  
> to manually adjust this is if you "add" shares you bought before  
> tracking with KMM, or if the shares are swapped for a different equity,  
> in which case you "remove" all the original shares and "add" however,  
> many shares you get of the new equity.  (In that case, hopefully KMM  
> should be able to do the conversion, so you still shouldn't need to do  
> it manually.)  The cost basis just transfers from the old to the new.   
> I don't see how you get a cost basis by averaging anything.
> I'm not certain about how to record the gain/loss, but I know I already  
> have category fields for short and long term gain and loss, and two  
> sets of each - one for taxable, one for tax deferred.  So far, I only  
> use them where the broker designates a dividend (usually for a  
> reinvestment transaction) as a capital gain, but I don't see why it  
> won't also work for a sale, expect for needing a category to represent  
> the recapture of the original payment (cost basis).  I suppose creating  
> a category of cost basis would make sense.  When you buy, that's where  
> the purchase price goes.  When you sell, the cost basis category is  
> reduced by the same, with the appropriate capital gains category  
> getting the difference from the actual sale price.
> One complication is that if you acquire an equity through multiple  
> purchases, at different share pric

RE: Can't build gitHEAD version on windows

2016-05-15 Thread jeffjl.kde
To clarify - After searching for a way to build KMM on Windows, I ended up with 
"emerge". It will (with quite a few fixes since it is a bit out of date) 
download and build everything needed to build KMM on a pure Windows system, 
e.g. mingw, gcc, msys, QT, KDE, libraries, and KMM. The emerge scripts create 
build folders based upon the names of the script files. It looks like the 
script file names are not always maintained and many script file names have 
versions and dates that are different from what they actually download and 
build. The script in emerge for KMM built version 4.6.4 but was still named 
"". I modified the script to pull the master branch 
from git (that option was in the original script but was not used) but I didn't 
change the script file name (a new script name would disconnect it from the 
emerge git repository). So the git master branch is getting built in the folder 
tree containing the name "kmymoney-4.6.1-20110918". I am not mixing versions. 
Sorry for the confusion.
Yes, the "emerge --cleanbuild" removed the entire KMM build folder tree.
Next time I do a build I will capture the actual error messages and file a bug 
> Subject: Re: Can't build gitHEAD version on windows
> To:
> From:
> Date: Sun, 15 May 2016 11:28:33 +0100
> Hi Jeff
> See below.
> On 15/05/16 10:02, Christian Dávid wrote:
> > Hi Jeff,
> >
> > I do not know what "emerge --cleanbuild" does. If it means "remove the hole 
> > build folder and rebuild" then you found a bug.
> >
> > Maybe gcc on Linux is more forgiving in this case, so I never saw this. 
> > However, I will try to fix this. Due to a lot of work this will probably 
> > take some time. If possible, could you file a bug report? I will mark 
> > myself as assignee so I cannot forget it.
> >
> > Greetings
> > Christian
> >
> >> hat am 7. Mai 2016 um 05:53 geschrieben:
> >>
> >>
> >> Hi Christian,
> >>
> >> I just tried
> >> "emerge --cleanbuild kmymoney"
> >>
> >> which removed everything under 
> >> ...\build\extragear\kmymoney-4.6.1-20110918\work\mingw4-RelWithDebInfo-gitHEAD"
> I'm puzzled by the reference to "kmymoney-4.6.1-20110918".  Why is it 
> not referencing the 4.7.x location?  There can be problems if there 
> is more than one KMM version installed.
> I must add that I know nothing about Windows installs so ignore me if I 
> am talking rubbish.
> Allan
> >>
> >> followed by
> >> "emerge --update kmymoney".
> >>
> >> Which seems to recompile everything. Still breaks at linking kmymoney.exe 
> >> due to multiple payeeIdentifierLoader.
> >>
> >> Sorry about the "gitHEAD" nomenclature. That's what the emerge python 
> >> script uses. It just did a git today from the master branch. In fact, I've 
> >> been trying this (new git) every month or so since about August 2015. As I 
> >> recall, it has always had this linking problem. (In the mean time I've 
> >> just been using the 4.7.2 branch because it builds.)
> >>
> >> I've always assumed it was a Windows thing, and that it would eventually 
> >> get fixed with the next release (when you tried to build the Windows 
> >> version).  I just recently chased down what's wrong and decided to ask if 
> >> it was an easy fix.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Jeff.
> >>
> >>> From:
> >>> To:
> >>> Subject: Re: Can't build gitHEAD version on windows
> >>> Date: Fri, 6 May 2016 20:59:55 +0200
> >>>
> >>> Hi Jeff,
> >>>
> >>> did you use a "make clean" or even better removed the build folder and 
> >>> rerun
> >>> cmake? My gcc on Linux has no problems building it at all.
> >>>
> >>> payeeIdentifierLoader is automatically added to kmymoney.exe because it is
> >>> marked "LINK_PUBLIC" in target_link_libraries of kmm_mymoney. This is not 
> >>> good
> >>> (I did it as a work around). If this really needs to be corrected, the 
> >>> library
> >>> has to be build as part of kmm_mymoney with correct export attributes 
> >>> (which
> >>> is some work, so I hope the clean will solve the issue :/)
> >>>
> >>> Greetings
> >>> Christian
> >>>
> >>> P.S.: I assume you are using the branch master. HEAD and 4.7.90 do not 
> >>> include
> >>> too much info. Especially as "HEAD" is a local ref and can stay the same
> >>> forever if you never pull.
> >>>
> >>> Am Freitag, 6. Mai 2016, 15:42:05 CEST schrieb
>  I got version 4.7.2 to build on windows using emerge and mingw.
>  I have trouble with version 4.7.90. It gets to linking kmymoney.exe and 
>  gets
>  "multiple definition of payeeIdentifierLoader".  The problem seems to be
>  that kmm_mymoney.dll already contains payeeIdentifierLoader but
>  kmymoney.exe links both the dll and the payeeIdentifierLoader itself.  
>  If I
>  manually edit the

RE: Can't build gitHEAD version on windows

2016-05-06 Thread jeffjl.kde
Hi Christian,
I just tried 
"emerge --cleanbuild kmymoney"
which removed everything under 
followed by 
"emerge --update kmymoney".
Which seems to recompile everything. Still breaks at linking kmymoney.exe due 
to multiple payeeIdentifierLoader.
Sorry about the "gitHEAD" nomenclature. That's what the emerge python script 
uses. It just did a git today from the master branch. In fact, I've been trying 
this (new git) every month or so since about August 2015. As I recall, it has 
always had this linking problem. (In the mean time I've just been using the 
4.7.2 branch because it builds.)
I've always assumed it was a Windows thing, and that it would eventually get 
fixed with the next release (when you tried to build the Windows version).  I 
just recently chased down what's wrong and decided to ask if it was an easy fix.
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: Can't build gitHEAD version on windows
> Date: Fri, 6 May 2016 20:59:55 +0200
> Hi Jeff,
> did you use a "make clean" or even better removed the build folder and rerun 
> cmake? My gcc on Linux has no problems building it at all.
> payeeIdentifierLoader is automatically added to kmymoney.exe because it is 
> marked "LINK_PUBLIC" in target_link_libraries of kmm_mymoney. This is not 
> good 
> (I did it as a work around). If this really needs to be corrected, the 
> library 
> has to be build as part of kmm_mymoney with correct export attributes (which 
> is some work, so I hope the clean will solve the issue :/)
> Greetings
> Christian
> P.S.: I assume you are using the branch master. HEAD and 4.7.90 do not 
> include 
> too much info. Especially as "HEAD" is a local ref and can stay the same 
> forever if you never pull.
> Am Freitag, 6. Mai 2016, 15:42:05 CEST schrieb
> > I got version 4.7.2 to build on windows using emerge and mingw.
> > 
> > I have trouble with version 4.7.90. It gets to linking kmymoney.exe and gets
> > "multiple definition of payeeIdentifierLoader".  The problem seems to be
> > that kmm_mymoney.dll already contains payeeIdentifierLoader but
> > kmymoney.exe links both the dll and the payeeIdentifierLoader itself.  If I
> > manually edit the
> >\mingw4-RelWithDebInfo-gitHEAD\kmymoney\CMakeFiles\kmymoney.dir\link
> > .txt and remove "..\bin\libkmm_payeeidentifier_loader.a", it links OK.  I
> > cannot figure out how to fix the make files such that
> > libkmm_payeeidentifier_loader.a is not added to the link.txt file.
> > 
> > This same problem occurs linking in some of the test programs (the first one
> > being mymoneyfiletest), but I can work around that by not building the test
> > programs.
> > 
> > How does libkmm_payeeidentifier_loader.a get added to the link.txt file?
> > What do I change to get it to stop doing that?
> > 
> > Thanks.
> > Jeff

Can't build gitHEAD version on windows

2016-05-06 Thread jeffjl.kde
I got version 4.7.2 to build on windows using emerge and mingw.
I have trouble with version 4.7.90. It gets to linking kmymoney.exe and gets 
"multiple definition of payeeIdentifierLoader".  The problem seems to be that 
kmm_mymoney.dll already contains payeeIdentifierLoader but kmymoney.exe links 
both the dll and the payeeIdentifierLoader itself.  If I manually edit the\mingw4-RelWithDebInfo-gitHEAD\kmymoney\CMakeFiles\kmymoney.dir\link.txt 
and remove "..\bin\libkmm_payeeidentifier_loader.a", it links OK.  I cannot 
figure out how to fix the make files such that libkmm_payeeidentifier_loader.a 
is not added to the link.txt file.
This same problem occurs linking in some of the test programs (the first one 
being mymoneyfiletest), but I can work around that by not building the test 
How does libkmm_payeeidentifier_loader.a get added to the link.txt file? What 
do I change to get it to stop doing that?

Re: [Kmymoney-devel] libOFX question (relates to recent OFX failures with Chase credit card downloads)

2015-12-13 Thread jeffjl.kde

> Valid point: How about a checkbox in the very same dialog that enables the 
> edit widget and the CLIENTUID processing? This way, the user has full control.
I actually used a checkbox on the "first draft" of my fix. Then decided it was 
redundant since an empty / not-empty edit box meant the same thing (and I would 
only need to store one new thing for the account, the string; instead of 2, the 
string and the checkbox state). But a checkbox may be more obvious to the user. 
My other thought on the string itself: per a document I found (I think from 
Intuit, I don't recall), Quicken, using an irreversible "secure algorithm", 
combines a 128 bit random number associated with the data file, the USERID, and 
the Branding Identifier (BID) of the FI to generate the CLIENTUID.   Using the 
same exact string (the file ID) for different institutions would be a little 
less secure. Jeff  ___
KMyMoney-devel mailing list

Re: [Kmymoney-devel] libOFX question (relates to recent OFX failures with Chase credit card downloads)

2015-12-11 Thread jeffjl.kde
Hi Thomas,
>> Just changed time.tm_isdst as follows:
> Maybe this is only needed for Windows. Have not checked under Linux.

The only reason I noticed the problem is that "daylight" variable was still '1' 
after DST had expired and my credit card company sets the statement date 
(possibly violating the OFX spec) such that libofx sees it as uncorrected 
midnight.  So libofx was subtracting an hour from midnight, thereby making the 
statement look like it was for 11 PM on the previous day, and my balances 
wouldn't match.

> When loading the edit field in the dialog from m_fiSettings, and this value is
> empty/not present, then preset it 
This is why I was thinking a more complete solution than I currently have would 
be a button on the OFX Details page to fill the edit box with a "generated" 
string only at the user's request, because I'm not sure what happens if you 
send a  to a server that doesn't expect (or require) it. So I made 
libofx not send it if its length was zero (corresponding to an empty edit box), 
which is also good for backwards compatibility.
Jeff  ___
KMyMoney-devel mailing list

Re: [Kmymoney-devel] libOFX question (relates to recent OFX failures with Chase credit card downloads)

2015-12-11 Thread jeffjl.kde
> against which version of libOFX did you apply the patch?
Just changed time.tm_isdst as follows:
--- libofx-0.9.10.orig\lib\ofx_utilities.cpp 2015-11-07 10:06:17.446846600 -0600
+++ libofx-0.9.10\lib\ofx_utilities.cpp 2015-11-07 16:58:40.645096200 -0600
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
   string ofxdate_whole;
   time_t temptime;
-  time.tm_isdst = daylight; // initialize dst setting
+  time.tm_isdst = -1; //mktime will figure out daylight savings based on locale
   local_offset = difftime(mktime(localtime(&temptime)), 
mktime(gmtime(&temptime))) + (3600 * daylight);

I am building on Windows 8.1 with mingw, gcc version 4.8.2. The handling of 
tm_isdst by mktime apparently has a checkered past, so I only know that this 
fixed my problem on Windows when DST was not in effect.
While I'm at it, here's the  change:
--- libofx-0.9.10.orig\lib\ofx_request.cpp 2015-11-29 11:30:54.119081400 -0600
+++ libofx-0.9.10\lib\ofx_request.cpp 2015-11-29 11:28:46.128634400 -0600
@@ -103,6 +103,9 @@
 sonrqTag.Add( "APPVER", "1400");
+  if ( strlen(m_login.clientuid) > 0 )
+sonrqTag.Add( "CLIENTUID", m_login.clientuid);
   OfxAggregate signonmsgTag("SIGNONMSGSRQV1");
   signonmsgTag.Add( sonrqTag );

where m_login.clientuid needs to be added to libofx.h.  My libofx.h currently 
has a bunch of other changes so my patch line numbers won't match, but the 
changes there are:
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@
 #define OFX_APPID_LENGTH   (32)
 #define OFX_APPVER_LENGTH  (32)
+#define OFX_CLIENTUID_LENGTH   (36 + 1)

@@ -811,6 +937,7 @@
 char header_version[OFX_HEADERVERSION_LENGTH];
 char appid[OFX_APPID_LENGTH];
 char appver[OFX_APPVER_LENGTH];
+char clientuid[OFX_CLIENTUID_LENGTH];

Then I have KMM set the OfxFiLogin.clientuid. Snippet (not a diff) from 
void MyMoneyOfxConnector::initRequest(OfxFiLogin* fi) const
  memset(fi, 0, sizeof(OfxFiLogin));
  strncpy(fi->fid, fiid().toLatin1(), OFX_FID_LENGTH - 1);
  strncpy(fi->org, fiorg().toLatin1(), OFX_ORG_LENGTH - 1);
  strncpy(fi->clientuid, clientUid().toLatin1(), OFX_CLIENTUID_LENGTH - 1);
  strncpy(fi->userid, username().toLatin1(), OFX_USERID_LENGTH - 1);
  strncpy(fi->userpass, password().toLatin1(), OFX_USERPASS_LENGTH - 1);
where the clientUid comes from the new edit box I added in the OFX Details 
dialog and stored as m_fiSettings.value("clientUid");

KMyMoney-devel mailing list

Re: [Kmymoney-devel] libOFX question (relates to recent OFX failures with Chase credit card downloads)

2015-12-10 Thread jeffjl.kde
The only place I found that the server tells the client that  is 
required is in the account profile response (I can see it in a Quicken ofx log 
file).  Ideally, the client (KMM) would request a profile of the account, see 
that  is required, and from then on include it in sign on messages.
libofx does not support account profiles. So you "just have to know" whether to 
use the  for any particular account.  I have not tried sending a 
 to a server that does not require it.
I have successfully used header 102 and 103 with the , though I did 
see the same note about 103 being required.  KMM supports both, so that's not a 
> Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2015 10:49:27 -0500
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Kmymoney-devel] libOFX question (relates to recent OFX failures 
> with Chase credit card downloads)
> I only see an error in that, not a request for anything.  My best  
> current understanding is that Chase does not explicitly request  
>  but expects it to be included in the client's request.   
> Also, a minor note, but you need to use version 103 instead of 102.   
> Apparently CLIENTUID is not included in 102, and allowed (but not  
> required) in 103.
> It appears to me (unless there is part of the OFX handshake not put  
> into the log file) that Chase is not explicitly requesting the  
> CLIENTUID, but if it is not present, then it simply fails to generate  
> the message to the secure message center, but doesn't actually realize  
> anything has gone wrong.
> Thomas - am I correct that KMM 4.x can only use aqbanking < 5.0?  If  
> so, I can't test it, since 5.0.25 is the lowest version still available  
> in Gentoo.  (I suppose I could compile from source, but prefer not to  
> for now.)  I do have 5.0.25 installed, but I can't figure out how to  
> configure it, and it also doesn't look like the cli will allow me to  
> test this particular issue.  I suppose I might have to install one of  
> the other finance tools (skrooge or gnucash?) to see if they will use  
> the new aqbanking, including the CLIENTUID.
> Jack
> On 2015.12.10 09:43, Michael Wolfe wrote:
> > I just saw a request for the OFX data that Chase sends; here is a  
> > copy of the response I got from Chase after trying (and failing) to  
> > download OFX data:
> > 
> > response:
> > VERSION:102
> > CHARSET:1252
> > NEWFILEUID:20151210083844.000
> > 
> > 15510ERRORPlease
> >   
> > verify your identity within the next 7 days. Using your desktop  
> > computer, go to your bankӳ website and visit the Secure Message  
> > Center for  
> > instructions.20151210093848.702[-5:EST]ENGB11089820151210083844.00015500ERROR1
> > Completed
> > 
> > Grabbed from the 'ofxlog.txt' file.
> > 
> > -Mike
> > 
> > 
> > On 12/10/2015 8:20 AM, Michael Wolfe wrote:
> >> As a side note, I am also having this problem; I wasn't aware that  
> >> there was something Chase was expecting KMyMoney to send back.
> >> 
> >> If anyone needs testing for a fix with Chase Bank, I'm available to  
> >> do so if there's a testing version available for Windows (or  
> >> alternatively some handholding with a code patch so I can build it  
> >> myself!).
> >> 
> >> -Mike Wolfe
> >>
> >> 
> >> On 12/10/2015 4:53 AM, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> >>> Hi,
> >>> 
> >>> On Wednesday 09 December 2015 19:38:08 Jack wrote:
> >>> 
>  Some of you may have seen some other posts I've made about this,  
>  but I
>  think I've tracked down the problem.
> >>> Thanks for the information. That helped a lot to identify what's  
> >>> going on.
> >>> 
>  Background: last month Chase credit cards made a "security  
>  enhancement"
>  change that has made all OFX downloads since 11/17 fail.  The error
>  message says to got to the Chase secure message center for info on  
>  how
>  to verify your identity, but no such message ever appears.  The  
>  section
>  at
>  .22username_or_password_are_incorrect.22 indicates the need for  
>  using a UID
>  (user id) within the OFX request. It looks like they associate  
>  that user
>  UID with the account, probably to limit access.  However, the  
>  first time
>  they see a UID on an OFX request, they should generate a PIN and  
>  send it to
>  your account at their Secure Message Center.  You then use that  
>  PIN on
>  another page the message links to.  I suppose since KMM isn't  
>  sending the
>  UID, they don't generate that message.
>  So - I don't see any place in KMM for a user UID.  In fact, looking
>  into the libOFX source, I see the UUID type defined, but no element
>  defined as that type which looks like a user id.  Can someone  
>  con

Re: [Kmymoney-devel] libOFX question (relates to recent OFX failures with Chase credit card downloads)

2015-12-10 Thread jeffjl.kde
I have a fix for this that I've been using for my Chase bank accounts since 
shortly after they made their change (but I do not have a credit card account 
at Chase).  It's a pretty simple change to libofx to support , and I 
added an edit box on the "OFX Details" tab of the "Online Settings" tab of the 
"Edit Account" dialog so KMM could support it - I made a new account ".value()" 
for it. (Aqbanking also provides an edit box for this purpose.)
The  itself is still a bit of a mystery to me.  For my Chase 
accounts, I used the 32 character hex string that Quicken uses, so KMM and 
Quicken are using the same string. That seems to work.  I think if you don't 
"know" what to use for , you can just come up with a random string 
of up to 36 characters. But I'm not 100% sure whether the client (KMM) or the 
bank (Chase) comes up with the string. I thought about adding a button to KMM 
to generate a hash of the file name and account name, which is, I think, what 
Quicken does. But from what I've read, your bank / broker probably limits the 
number of different  you can have, so you don't want to be changing 
it a lot. Though I've read that people can call the bank and ask for more and / 
or reset the "counter", if you can manage to talk to the knowledgeable person 
at the bank.
The Chase change came up while I was making a bunch of other changes to libofx 
to support options (puts & calls), cash balance in investment accounts, and 
investment positions (how many shares your broker thinks you have) (for which I 
made a new callback from libofx). So this simple fix is buried in a larger 
change. I'm fairly comfortable that those changes are working, but I'd still 
consider them a work-in-progress.
Oh, and I changed the daylight saving flag in libofx.  It stopped working when 
my area went off DST (my credit card statement stared looking like it was for 
the previous day).  My change now makes it work while we are off DST, but it is 
untested for when we go back on DST.  The change lets mktime() determine 
whether DST is in effect.
I could post the whole libofx change if people are interested.  Or I could work 
on splitting out just the  change. I don't think the larger change 
would break anything in KMM, but I haven't tested that either. And I have not 
worked on the "ofc" parser, I've only been changing the "ofx" parser, since 
that's the one I use and can test.
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2015 08:43:26 -0600
Subject: Re: [Kmymoney-devel] libOFX question (relates to recent OFX failures 
with Chase credit card downloads)


I just saw a request for the OFX data
  that Chase sends; here is a copy of the response I got from Chase
  after trying (and failing) to download OFX data:













  verify your identity within the next 7 days. Using your desktop
  computer, go to your bankӳ website and visit the Secure Message
  Center for



  Grabbed from the 'ofxlog.txt' file.





  On 12/10/2015 8:20 AM, Michael Wolfe wrote:

  As a side note, I am also having this
problem; I wasn't aware that there was something Chase was
expecting KMyMoney to send back.

If anyone needs testing for a fix with Chase Bank, I'm available
to do so if there's a testing version available for Windows (or
alternatively some handholding with a code patch so I can build
it myself!).

-Mike Wolfe

On 12/10/2015 4:53 AM, Thomas Baumgart wrote:


On Wednesday 09 December 2015 19:38:08 Jack wrote:

  Some of you may have seen some other posts I've made about this, but I
think I've tracked down the problem.

Thanks for the information. That helped a lot to identify what's going 

  Background: last month Chase credit cards made a "security 
change that has made all OFX downloads since 11/17 fail.  The error
message says to got to the Chase secure message center for info on how
to verify your identity, but no such message ever appears.  The section
.22username_or_password_are_incorrect.22 indicates the need for using a UID
(user id) within the OFX request. It looks like they associate that user
UID with the account, probably to limit access.  However, the first time
they see a UID on an OFX request, they should generate a PIN and send i

Re: [Kmymoney-devel] find transaction using T number

2015-11-09 Thread jeffjl.kde
> On 09/11/15 06:54, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > On Monday 09 November 2015 00:28:08 wrote:
> >
> >> I'm looking for a way to find the consistency check problem transactions
> >> using the T000... number reported.
> >>
> >> When I googled this, I found something that said use the Edit/Find
> >> transaction dialog.  I can't see how that does it.  And in looking through
> >> the MyMoneyTransactionFilter::match() function there is nothing that looks
> >> at the
> >>
> >> I am using KMM 4.7.2.
> >
> > AFAIR, the search feature is only available in the git master version which
> > might not be available as binary package for your environment. The Find
> > transaction dialog is not the right place to drop the transaction ID: use 
> > the
> > search bar above the ledger instead.
> >
> Hi Thomas
> I tried this yesterday, without success.
> Allan

Using the ledger, wouldn't you have to know the correct account? 
Or try the search in each account ledger until you find it?
> >
> > If that does not work, your version is a bit too old, but you could use a 
> > text
> > editor and take a look at the .kmy file. After all, it's just a gzipped XML
> > file. There you can search for the ID to get some more information about the
> > transaction.
> >

Here's what I did, for a short term hack.  I modified 
MyMoneyTransactionFilter::match() to look at the "number from" and "number to" 
fields and if they start with 'T' and are 19 characters long, compare them to 
the instead of the split.number(). I was then able to find my 
consistency check problems using Edit/Find transaction. I did this based on KMM 
4.7.2 sources because I could not get the git master version to build on 
Windows last time I tried it (about a couple months ago). Jeff
KMyMoney-devel mailing list

[Kmymoney-devel] find transaction using T number

2015-11-08 Thread jeffjl.kde
I'm looking for a way to find the consistency check problem transactions using 
the T000... number reported.
When I googled this, I found something that said use the Edit/Find transaction 
dialog.  I can't see how that does it.  And in looking through the 
MyMoneyTransactionFilter::match() function there is nothing that looks at the 
I am using KMM 4.7.2.
Am I missing something or is this capability not provided?
KMyMoney-devel mailing list

Re: [Kmymoney-devel] Review Request 124957: Bug 351874 - QIF import of investment buys and sells mishandles commissions

2015-08-31 Thread jeffjl.kde

> On 31 Aug 2015 12:40:37 +0100, wrote:
> If I am understanding you correctly, this may well be to maintain 
> compatibility with the QIF 'standard', where there no negative signs, I 
> believe, both buy and sell have positive amounts.
My QIF file (from Quicken) has positive amounts for both buys and sells. But, 
there is a case where a sell can have a negative number in the QIF file. If the 
commission is greater than the price*shares, i.e. the stock was almostworthless 
when sold and the sale did not cover the commission, the total amount in the 
QIF file is negative. This is not a common occurrence. But I didn't notice that 
case until now and my last patch does not handle it properly. I don't think 
there is an equivalent case on the buy transaction where thetotal amount could 
be negative. I need to look at the fix again. Jeff.
KMyMoney-devel mailing list

[Kmymoney-devel] Import of QIF investment transactions that have commissions

2015-08-26 Thread jeffjl.kde
I am using KMM 4.7.2.  I export my data from Quicken 2013 to a QIF file.  When 
KMM imports a QIF investment buy or sell transaction that includes a 
commission, the total for the transaction has the commission added 3 times, so 
the total amount is wrong, and the warning triangle is added to the record in 
the ledger view.
I have debugged this and come up with fixes. But I'm surprised (and concerned 
about the impact of my changes) that this has not been brought up as an issue 
The changes that make the import work and remove the warning in the ledger are 
summarized below: 
1. The "T" line in the QIF buy/sell record is the total including commissions.  
MyMoneyQifReader::processInvestmentTransactionEntry() puts the total from the 
"T" line in tr.m_amount.  It also puts the commission in tr.m_fees, so they are 
included in the transaction.  I changed it so that tr.m_amount is the amount 
without the commission.
2. The original MyMoneyStatementReader::processTransactionEntry() adds the 
transaction amount and the transaction fee and puts the result in the split 
s1.value.  In the original code, since the amount already includes the 
commission, this is the 2nd addition of the commission.  Since the fee is going 
to be split out separately, I changed this to not add the fee to s1.value, and 
from change #1, s1.value now has no commission in it.
3. Since the QIF reader did not put the price per share in the transaction 
(even though it is available), the statement reader calculates a price per 
share.  But it adds the commission to the transaction amount (which originally 
already included the commission) before dividing by the number of shares.  This 
effectively adds the commission for the 3rd time.  I changed it to not add the 
commission when calculating the price per share, and due to change #1 use the 
amount that does not include any commission. (This results in calculating the 
price per share that is in the QIF file but is not used.)
4. Finally, to get rid of the warning triangle, I had to change the amount that 
gets split to the investment account's associated checking account.  I had to 
add the commission to "transfervalue".  This actually puts "transfervalue" back 
to the number it would have had in the original code since the transaction 
amount originally included the commission.
With these changes, I can import my QIF and the buy/sell transactions in both 
ledgers (investment and associated checking) have the correct numbers and no 
warning triangles.  
KMyMoney-devel mailing list

Re: [Kmymoney-devel] Startup is slow

2015-08-21 Thread jeffjl.kde

> On Sat, 22 Aug 2015 00:38:06 -0300, wrote
> Hello Jeff,
> Could you provide a version of that file in anonymous format (Save As -> 
> Anonymous file), so that we could run some tests and find a possible 
> fix?
> There's a cache for balances, so it shouldn't call transactionList 
> twice, thus I'm very interested to know why this happens in this case.
I don't think a balance cache would help because KMM is determining, at QIF 
import for the first time, the balance on each of thousands of stocks.  That's 
thousands of individual balances it has to calculate.  And for each balance it 
has to search through even more thousands of transactions looking for 
buys/sells of that particular stock to figure the balance for that particular 
stock.  (But I don't think the search is the time consumer. The slow part is 
that date filter that comes up with the transactions to search. And it does 
that once per stock.) Once it has done that, a balance cache would help. At 
least, that's my understanding of what it is doing. Is the balance cache is 
saved in the file? It might be that KMM starts up faster once I save the file 
after doing the QIF import. I can't remember. I think it is still slow.  Since 
I'm having issues with data integrity through the QIF import, I don't often 
save the file. If I misunderstand and you still need my file, I can do that. It 
would take me (actually KMM) a while to make it, and it will be quite big. I'm 
not working with the full file right now. But even this subset file is a little 
slow. Maybe it would work for your test. And I could make it quickly.  But if 
it's the QIF import making the stocks and transactions "new" that's important, 
the KMM file won't help either. Let me know what I can do to help. Thanks,Jeff. 
> On 2015-08-20 12:10, wrote:
> > Since I first wrote of this problem, I have changed my baseline. I am
> > now using emerge version 4.12, mingw, gdb, eclipse (for debug), and
> > KMM version 4.7.2, still on Windows. (I may not have done that right.
> > I couldn't figure out how to get the current version of emerge to
> > fetch KMM version 4.7.2 and the appropriate Qt/KDE/mingw, so I used an
> > old version of emerge.)
> > 
> >> > at startup, KMyMoney spends literally minutes
> >> > in the KHomeView::investmentBalance() function.
> > 
> > I have further narrowed this down to the
> > MyMoneySeqAccessMgr::calculateBalance function calling the
> > transactionList(list,filter) function. It spends about 2 seconds in
> > each call of transactionList(), and it calls it many thousands of
> > times.
> > 
> >  Just to verify that the root problem is that all my historical trades
> > look "open" to KMM, I added some code to KHomeView::investmentBalance
> > to close the stock if its balance was zero. Then, when importing the
> > QIF, KMM runs one time for about 20 minutes calculating balances and
> > closing stocks before the home screen updates with balances. I can
> > save that file and KMM performs reasonably with it from then on.
> > 
> > I'm OK with patching my copy of KMM with that "close the stock" hack
> > just to make my file usable and then removing the hack. I'm not sure
> > what a real fix would be. It looked like maybe that transacionList()
> > call was doing the same exact thing for every file->balance() call in
> > the for loop in KHomeView::investmentBalance - just filtering by date.
> > If that's true, filtering once per call to
> > KHomeView::investmentBalance (outside the for loop) instead of once
> > per stock (inside the for loop) would save enormous amounts of time on
> > a file like mine (spending 2 seconds per account instead of 2 seconds
> > per stock).
> > 
> >> - "File/File information" showing details about your data. Can you
> > post a
> >> screenshot of that information here to let us know something about
> > the number
> >> of items in your file?
> > 
> > I've actually moved on for now and I'm not using my entire Quicken
> > database for debug, so I don't have that info handy.
> > 
> > I'm currently just trying to get one investment account to import
> > properly. It has short sells and cover shorts in it. Handling those
> > looks like a pretty simple change to the QIF reader. But KMM does not
> > handle trade commissions properly, at least with my QIF from Quicken
> > 2013. And KMM is going to have to allow buying and selling a "stock"
> > for a total cost of zero (i.e. an expired option). So that's where my
> > focus is right now.
> > 
> > But a fix to the slow filtering would be appreciated.
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > KMyMoney-devel mailing list
> >
> >
KMyMoney-devel mailing list

Re: [Kmymoney-devel] Startup is slow

2015-08-20 Thread jeffjl.kde
Since I first wrote of this problem, I have changed my baseline.  I am now 
using emerge version 4.12, mingw, gdb, eclipse (for debug), and KMM version 
4.7.2, still on Windows.  (I may not have done that right. I couldn't figure 
out how to get the current version of emerge to fetch KMM version 4.7.2 and the 
appropriate Qt/KDE/mingw, so I used an old version of emerge.)
> > at startup, KMyMoney spends literally minutes
> > in the KHomeView::investmentBalance() function.  
I have further narrowed this down to the MyMoneySeqAccessMgr::calculateBalance 
function calling the transactionList(list,filter) function.  It spends about 2 
seconds in each call of transactionList(), and it calls it many thousands of 

 Just to verify that the root problem is that all my historical trades look 
"open" to KMM, I added some code to KHomeView::investmentBalance to close the 
stock if its balance was zero.  Then, when importing the QIF, KMM runs one time 
for about 20 minutes calculating balances and closing stocks before the home 
screen updates with balances.  I can save that file and KMM performs reasonably 
with it from then on.
I'm OK with patching my copy of KMM with that "close the stock" hack just to 
make my file usable and then removing the hack. I'm not sure what a real fix 
would be.  It looked like maybe that transacionList() call was doing the same 
exact thing for every file->balance() call in the for loop in 
KHomeView::investmentBalance - just filtering by date.  If that's true, 
filtering once per call to KHomeView::investmentBalance (outside the for loop) 
instead of once per stock (inside the for loop) would save enormous amounts of 
time on a file like mine (spending 2 seconds per account instead of 2 seconds 
per stock).  
>   - "File/File information" showing details about your data. Can you post a 
> screenshot of that information here to let us know something about the number 
> of items in your file? 
I've actually moved on for now and I'm not using my entire Quicken database for 
debug, so I don't have that info handy.
I'm currently just trying to get one investment account to import properly. It 
has short sells and cover shorts in it. Handling those looks like a pretty 
simple change to the QIF reader.  But KMM does not handle trade commissions 
properly, at least with my QIF from Quicken 2013. And KMM is going to have to 
allow buying and selling a "stock" for a total cost of zero (i.e. an expired 
option). So that's where my focus is right now. 
But a fix to the slow filtering would be appreciated.

KMyMoney-devel mailing list

[Kmymoney-devel] Startup is slow

2015-08-06 Thread jeffjl.kde
Hi all,
I am new to KMyMoney (and KDE). I'm thinking KMyMoney could be my replacement 
for Quicken (I'm getting more and more fed up with them). 
But I do have some issues.  
At the top of my list is that, at startup, KMyMoney spends literally minutes in 
the KHomeView::investmentBalance() function.  I have imported my QIF from 
Quicken into KMyMoney and I have thousands of historical holdings for which my 
share balance is now zero (the vast majority of them are expired put and call 
options, which is going to lead to some more things on my issues list). I 
suspect it must be going through each one of those. I know it spends over a 
minute in that for() loop for each of several calls to the function (I have 
more than one brokerage account). I  looked for an easy way to not waste time 
calculating a balance for a stock account when there are zero shares in the 
account, but I don't see it. But I am a long way from understanding all of the 
code.  It checks for stock.IsClosed(), but since these came in from Quicken, 
the stock accounts are not closed. 
I am building on Windows with MSVC2013 via emerge.  So debugging is pretty much 
limited to watching program flow.  (I don't see "readable" variable values, for 
Any thoughts or guidance? I am willing and able to change my copy of the code 
and try things.
KMyMoney-devel mailing list