Vietnam News Dec 12

2000-12-12 Thread heikki sipilä

PM honours devotion of Heroic Mothers, revolutionaries

Prime Minister Phan Van Khai honoured the devotion, sacrifices and
contributions made by Vietnam Heroic Mothers and veteran revolutionaries
during the past struggle for national liberation and current national
construction and defence.

He was speaking at a reception extended to 73 Vietnamese Heroic Mothers and
veteran revolutionaries from district 6, Ho Chi Minh City in Hanoi on December

After inquiring after health and living conditions of the Heroic Mothers and
veteran revolutionaries, Prime Minister Khai briefed them about socio-economic
achievements recorded after 15 years of implementation of the country's

He also said he hoped that the Heroic Mothers and veteran revolutionaries
would make more contributions to building a Vietnam of a rich people, a strong
country and a just, democratic and civilised society.

The Heroic Mothers and veteran revolutionaries expressed their feelings,
aspirations and happiness at the achievement recorded in the national
renovation process. They also promised to contribute their efforts and minds
to successfully implement the Resolution set out by the district's Party
Committee Congress.

Vietnam attends 13th ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting

Vietnamese Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien, who is also president of the ASEAN
Standing Committee, is attending the 13th ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting which
opened in Vientiane, Laos on December 11.

The two-day meeting drew foreign ministers from the 10 members of the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and ministers of the European
Union (EU).

In their opening speeches, Lao Prime Minister Sisavat Keobounphan and French
Co-operation Minister Charles Josselin expressed satisfaction that the meeting
had been held in the Lao capital on schedule.

Lao Prime Minister Sisavat Keobounphan welcomed the delegates to the
conference and expressed his thanks for the trust and assistance given by
members of ASEAN and EU in helping Laos organise the conference. He said that
the conference illustrated the political ties and mutual understanding in
ASEAN-EU relations, thus supporting the ASEAN-EU long-term plans to overcome
the challenges in the new millennium.

The two parties discussed measures to boost co-operation in economics, trade
and security, and the prospect for ASEAN-EU relations. EU partners were
informed about the recent changes in ASEAN, particularly the implementation of
the Hanoi Plan of Action in an effort of building ASEAN into a region of
peace, prosperity and equal development.

The European Union is the third most important economic partner of ASEAN after
Japan and the United States, with exports from the EU exceeding US $45 billion
in 1997. The EU imported goods worth over US $46 billion from the ASEAN in
that year. However, bilateral trade dwindled somewhat during the Asian
economic crisis, although it has gradually bounced back in recent times
through increasing trade and investment.

China Party delegation visits Vietnam

A delegation of the Communist Party of China (CPC) led by Zheng Bijian, member
of the CPC Central Committee and deputy director of the Central Party School,
is visiting Vietnam from December 10 at the invitation of the Communist Party
of Vietnam (CPV).
The Chinese delegation paid floral tributes to President Ho Chi Minh at his
mausoleum and visited his residence and office.

The delegation was received by Nguyen Duc Binh, Politburo member and director
of the Ho Chi Minh National Politics Institute on December 11.

Mr Binh, who is also chairman of the Central Party Theoretical Council,
expressed his appreciation of the exchange of opinions and experiences in
theoretical and ideological work between the two Parties.

He described it as useful for studying and solving problems arising during the
process of renovation and open reform, thus contributing to building socialism
in each country.

Mr Binh reaffirmed that the Vietnamese Party, government and people have
always attached importance to strengthening and developing the Vietnam-China
relationship guided by "neighbourly friendship, comprehensive cooperation,
long-term stability, and future-oriented thinking" as defined by Party General
Secretary Le Kha Phieu and his Chinese counterpart, Jiang Zemin.

For his part, Zheng Bijian expressed his belief that Vietnam would
successfully implement the Resolution of the eighth National Party Congress
and organise the ninth National Party Congress early next year, thus firmly
entering into the 21st century.

The Chinese delegation also had working sessions with the Party Central
Committee's Commission for External Relations, the Commission for Culture and
Ideology, the Ho Chi Minh National Politics Institute, and visited the
northern border province of Quang Ninh and Ho Chi Minh City. (VNA)

British State minister ends visit

The State Minister for the Foreign Ministry of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland John 

ML Update. Vol:3; No.49; 13- 12- 2000. 2/2

2000-12-12 Thread heikki sipilä

The rally was attended among others by Party PB member Com. Swadesh
Bhattacharya, CC members Com. Swapan Mukherjee and Kumudini Pati, Member of
Central Secretariat Com. Ranjit Abhigyan, Delhi Party leaders including Com.
Ranjan Ganguli, Rajiv Dimri, Santosh Rai, NN Thomas, Jita Kaur, Sunita and
BKSingh Gautam and AISA leaders Com. Kavita Krishnan and Sunil Yadav. Delhi
State Party Secy. Com. Rajendra Pratholi in his speech lambasted the senseless
privatisation drive of the Delhi government in electricity, transport and
water sectors and announced plans to intensify agitation against Master Plan
and privatisation.


From Seattle to Nice : No to Globalisation

The 15 European states' summit was held in Nice of France, the stronghold of
extreme French rightists. The summit was aimed to reach an agreement on a
legislation to create a common European army which would serve common
imperialist interest and suppress the rights of EU workers. Without much
trouble it mandated the creation of a rapid deployment force of 60,000
battle-ready troops capable of jumping into Kosovo-like trouble spots. But the
thorny question of institutional reforms could not be resolved because the
national interests clashed and there was a stalemate in the negotiations
towards further expansion towards European integration, even after extending
it four days beyond the scheduled two days of 7 and 8 December.

Against these policies several thousands of protesters had flooded Nice form
various part of the world. On Dec. 7, the day of beginning of the summit,
teargas filled the streets leading to the convention centre and police fought
battles with groups of protesters trying to scale steel road barriers. The
French army denied any entry to around 1,000 Italian protesters. In the
streets of Nice, there was violent battle between the protesters and the
police, as a result of which several got injured, large number of cars were
burnt, windows of several shops were broken and a bank was set on fire.

The majority of the protesters marching under the sea of red banners and flags
were workers belonging to trade unions. But there was another procession,
mainly of unemployed youths and working farmers having some differences with
the trade unionists on the status of the charter. However,  both were resolute
against capitalism, globalisation and liberalisation. Thus from Seattle to
Nice, the saga of opposition against imperialist globalisation continues.

On the Second Anniversary of
Com. Vinod Mishra's Untimely Demise

Delhi State Committee, CPI(ML)

Organises a Seminar on

Globalisation and People's Response

Speakers : S.P. Shukla, Prabhash Joshi

Yogendra Yadav, Kumudini Pati

Speaker's Hall, Constitution Club

4 p.m., 18 December, 2000

Your presence is welcome.


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KM statement on murder of solidarity hunger striker in Holland

2000-12-12 Thread Bill Howard

- Original Message - 
From: dhkcbureau [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2000 9:20 PM
Subject: [MLL]IKM statement on murder of solidarity hunger striker in Holland


Nearly a thousand political prisoners started an Indefinite Hunger Strike on
October 20, 2000 against the introduction of isolation cells in Turkey, and
they turned this into a Death Fast on November 19. In reaction to
developments in Turkey, there have been solidarity hunger strikes in various
European countries. One of these started on November 29 in Rotterdam.
When the actions received some publicity in the media, Rotterdam city
council began making provocational attacks on the hunger strikers in the
tent. Each provocation was frustrated by the hunger strikers. Nonetheless,
the provocations did not cease. Most recently, when Grup Yorum held a
concert at the tent on December 9, these provocations were resumed. But
again the hunger strikers warded this off peacefully. The same evening, at
about 7 pm, a group of 30 to 40 people who in Turkey are called "idealists
and Grey Wolves", attacked the hunger strikers in their tent. They shouted
the slogan, "NOTHING CAN STOP THE IDEALIST MOVEMENT!" They slew our comrade
CAFER DERELI, who was taking part in the solidarity hunger strike.
The attack, which happened in a short time, was clearly well-planned and
organised. Although the Dutch police were very close it took them three
hours to come to the scene of the crime. This incident once again proves our
The state in Turkey, which has practised countless massacres in the prisons
of Turkey, this time had its henchmen carry out a slaughter in Holland. Thus
the hunger strike and Death Fast resistance, which started in Turkey and
spread abroad a short time later, has given its first martyr.
DECEMBER 10, 2000
Place of the hunger strike:
Coolsingel Stadhuisplein

(Committee For Struggle Against Torture Through Isolation)
Kreuzweg 12
Tel (0040 40 280 53625)

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TDN on Hungerstrike of POW's in Turkey

2000-12-12 Thread heikki sipilä

From: Press Agency Ozgurluk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sezer under pressure from all sides

SEZER'S CHOICES:  President Ahmet Necdet Sezer has three different choices.
Sezer may approve the bill.  He may take the public outcry into
consideration and send the bill back to Parliament.  Or he may approve the
bill but at the same time he might apply to the Constitutional Court for
its cancellation  THE UNHAPPY MENTOR:  'This is not the amnesty that I
asked for, my amnesty draft was aimed at saving the inmates from their
fate,' Rahsan Ecevit who was the mentor of the amnesty bill says.  She also
adds that the recent bill is not an amnesty but a conditional release when
responding to reaction on the Reprieve Bill

Ankara - TDN Parliamentary Bureau

President Ahmet Necdet Sezer is under pressure from politicians, victims'
families and ambitious inmates to make the final move on the infamous
Reprieve Bill.

The bill had caused a number of controversies between political parties and
even between the coalition partners.  Rahsan Ecevit, the mentor of the bill
on Monday said that, "This is not the amnesty that I asked for, my amnesty
draft was aimed at saving the inmates from their fate."

The countdown for the Reprieve Bill, which was passed in Parliament last
week and sent to Sezer for approval, has begun.  The coalition partners --
the Democratic Left Party (DSP), the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) and
the Motherland Party (ANAP) -- and inmates families are waiting for the
president to approve the bill amidst a huge public outcry urging the
president to veto the bill.

Sezer, former chief judge of the Constitutional Court appears to be
applying to cancel the amnesty bills.  It is expected that Sezer will make
his decision based on the fact that the bill may be sent to the
Constitutional Court.

The bill will cover 35,000  inmates' conditional release in the short term
and will gradually free many other inmates.  However, the government's
pledge to release inmates before the Bayram holiday would only be possible
if Sezer approves the Reprieve Bill.

The Parliament passed the bill on Dec.  8, and sent it to the Cankaya
Palace immediately for the president's approval.  According to the Turkish
Constitution, the president has to make the decision within 15 days.  Sezer
has 12 more days in which to make his final decision.

Sezer has three choices:

Sezer may approve the bill.  After it is published in the Official Gazette,
the bill will be official.  In this case, government will fulfill its
promise to release tens of thousands of inmates before the feast of
Ramadan.  This decision will comfort coalition partners as well as inmates
who are expecting the reprieve.  Sezer may take the public outcry into
consideration and send the bill back to Parliament.  According to rumors in
political circles, coalition partners who had hardly reached a
reconciliation on the final wording of the reprieve bill, will have no say
if Sezer vetoes the bill.  Sezer may approve the bill but at the same
timeht apply to the Constitutional Court for its cancellation.  In this
case, Sezer's possible move will pose a temporary relief for those who are
supporting the amnesty.  The court may either amend some articles of the
bill or broaden its scope.  It might also allocate some extra time to
Parliament so that another amnesty bill can be prepared.

Fasting inmates adamant, three in critical condition

The justice minister's statement was expected to persuade the inmates to
quit the death fast, but inmates decide to continue the fast.  According to
TAYAD, the death fast will be reinforced by other inmates  Ecevit says
demands of prisoners were unacceptable and urges them to end their 'death

Ankara/Izmir - Turkish Daily News

Although, it was expected that Justice Minister Hikmet Sami Turk's
announcements over the weekend that the implementation of F-type prisons
would be postponed to end the massive death fasts, the inmates are still
determined to continue their protests.

On the 54th day of the death fast, three death fasters, Sevgi Erdogan in
Usak Prison, Cem Yildiz and Zeynep Arikan in Umraniye have lost
consciousness, and other inmates on the death fast are close to losing
consciousness, the Association for Inmates' Families' Solidarity (TAYAD)

Although, death fasters are already in the critical stage, the 203 inmates
on the death fast have decided to continue the fast until their demands are
accepted by the authorities.  They are demanding the cancellation of the
new cell-based F-type prisons, annulment of the State Security Courts (DGM)
and the formation of a commission made up of doctors, lawyers, prisoners'
relatives and representatives of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to
inspect the prisons.

But, officials are also being firm to not give further concessions to the
death fasters.  Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit said on Monday that demands
made by scores of hunger-striking prisoners whose health is failing were

Korean Central News Agency Dec 12

2000-12-12 Thread heikki sipilä

TODAY'S NEWS (December.12.2000 Juche 89)


   * Joint press statement on establishment of diplomatic relations between
 DPRK and UK

   * South side's delegation to fourth north-south ministerial-level talks

   * Delegation of KEDO leaves

   * KCNA demands halt to moves to incite inter-Korean confrontation

   * Japan's military boss's reckless remark

   * Leap forward in potato farming called for

   * DPRK delegation visits Korean Hall in Tokyo

   * S. Korean students' growing distrust in "National Assembly"

   * New historical book published

   * Korean people's cause of reunification supported worldwide

   * Worsening environmental pollution by U.S. forces in S. Korea

   * Abolition of SL called for

   * Chilbosan Joint Venture Company commissioned

   * International solidarity called for

   * Rodong Sinmun on national reunification

   * Anti-reunification moves of S. Korea condemned

Joint press statement on establishment of diplomatic relations between DPRK
and UK

Pyongyang, December 12 (KCNA) -- A joint press statement on the
establishment of diplomatic relations
between the DPRK and the United Kingdom was issued today.
The joint press statement reads:
The Democtratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the United
Kingdom (UK) held official talks
in London on 7-12 December, 2000.
These talks followed the announcement by Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook,
on 19 October 2000 that the
UK was ready to response positively to the invitation from Foreign Minister
Paek Nam Sun to establish
diplomatic relations with the DPRK.
Agreement was reached in these talks to establish diplomatic relations
between the DPRK and the UK
with immediate effect.
It was agreed that representation would be at ambassadorial level as
soon as each side had made the
necessary arrangements to open a resident mission in the other's capital.
Meanwhile, each side would appoint a non-resident charge d'affaires a.i.
Both sides agreed that the establishment of diplomatic relations would
enable the DPRK and the UK to
develop their bilateral links more effectively, and would provide greater
opportunities for exchanges on issues
of mutual interests and concern.

South side's delegation to fourth north-south ministerial-level talks here

Pyongyang, December 12 (KCNA) -- The south side's delegation headed by
Pak Jae Gyu, Minister of
National Unification, arrived here today to participate in the fourth round
of the north-south ministerial-level
It was met at the airport by delegates of the north side.
At the airport the south side's delegation issued a written statement
on arrival.

Delegation of KEDO leaves

Pyongyang, December 12 (KCNA) -- The delegation of the Korean Peninsula
Energy Development
Organization (KEDO) that had participated in the high-ranking specialist
negotiations between the DPRK and
KEDO left today by air.

KCNA demands halt to moves to incite inter-Korean confrontation

Pyongyang, December 12 (KCNA) -- There are highly disturbing
developments in South Korea to block
the positive improvement of the inter-Korean relations.
This gives rise to great concern among the public at home and abroad.
The South Korean "Ministry of National Defence" in its "military white
paper for 2000" again advocated
the anti-north "theory of the principal enemy," talking about the
non-existent "military threat" from it. And the
"Minister of National Defence" at a "meeting of leading army officers"
whipped up war hysteria by calling for
strengthened "military posture."
Even the "Ministry of National Unification" supposed to specially
handle the reunification issue in South
Korea conducted an opinion poll in a foolish bid to build up public opinion
critical of the DPRK's political
Meanwhile, the "Unification and Foreign Affairs and Trade Committee of
the South Korean National
Assembly" orchestrated such a provocative anti-north political drama as
"adoption of a resolution urging the
repatriation of POWs of 'ROK' Army and those kidnapped by the north." And
some right-wing conservative
media including "Chosun Ilbo" are chiming in with its smear campaign to fan
up inter-Korean confrontation.
They floated sheer lies about "political propaganda" of the north and
"detention" of a journalist of "Chosun
Ilbo" in an attempt to pull up the north over the reunion of the second
visiting group of separated families and
relatives. All this is part of their moves to mislead the public opinion at
home and abroad and agitate
All the happenings in South Korea are anti-national and
anti-reunification moves to dampen the desire of
the entire nation for reconciliation, cooperation and unity between the
north and south and reunification.
Facts go to prove that all these anti-north rackets in South Korea are
the deliberate and premeditated
moves of those who are displeased with the improving inter-Korean relations.

China. People´s Daily Dec 13

2000-12-12 Thread heikki sipilä


   Wednesday, December 13, 2000, updated at 12:34(GMT+8)

   Cuba's Economy Improves Despite US Blockage, Minister

   Cuba's economy is improving despite the US
   four-decade-old blockade, said Government Minister
   Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz.

   Addressing the 13th session of Sino-Cuban joint
   commission for economic and trade relations here
   Tuesday, he said in this year's first six-month
   period, a 7.7 percent economic growth was registered,
   with an increase in productivity and reduced

   Cabrisas thanked China for helping the Cuban people
   during their moments of hardship, praising bilateral
   cooperation in sugar industry, foodstuff, raw
   material and medicine in particular.

   During the meeting, both parties reviewed economic
   and commercial cooperation since the commission's
   previous meeting and explored possibilities for
   cooperation in new fields for next year.

   The Chinese delegation which includes a number of top
   entrepreneurs is headed by China's Minister of
   Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Shi

   The Chinese visitors and the Cuban delegation, which
   is composed of a number of government ministers as
   well as senior officials, are expected to sign a
   number of accords on Wednesday, by which China will
   help Cuba in seismic movement forecasts and hotel

   Tuesday's meeting focused on cooperation in the
   exploitation of hydraulics, oil and nickel resources,
   and better utilization of

   sugar cane residues.

   Cabrisas expressed the hope that Cuba could diversify
   its exports to China, for which he mentioned Cuban
   prestige products such as medicines, cigars, sugar
   industry derivatives and rum.

   Shi said China will continue to develop the economic
   and trade relations with Cuba on the basis of
   equality and mutual benefits, pledging a certain
   amount of economic assistance to Cuba within China's

   He believed that the economic and trade ties between
   the two countries will surely be strengthened through
   joint efforts.

   Wednesday, December 13, 2000, updated at 11:19(GMT+8)

   China, Japan Vow to Further Relations

   President Jiang Meets with Head of the Democratic
   Party of Japan
   China and Japan should make efforts to further
   bilateral ties in the new century, Chinese President
   Jiang Zemin said Tuesday, December 12.

   "A healthy, stable, and friendly Sino-Japanese
   relationship is not only conforms to the fundamental
   interests of the people of both countries and their
   future generations, but also contributes to the
   peace, stability and development in the Asia-Pacific
   region and the world at large," Jiang said.

   In a meeting with Hatoyama Yukio, head of the
   Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), Jiang described the
   current China-Japan relations as "maintaining a sound
   momentum" on the whole.

   Bilateral cooperation in various areas has further
   enriched their partnership of friendly cooperation
   oriented towards peace and development, he said.

   The Chinese President said that seeking a better
   Sino-Japanese relationship is the "common aspiration"
   of the people of the two countries, also "the
   historical responsibility" of the statesmen,
   especially statesmen of the younger generation.

   As long as the two countries "take the history as a