Palestine. PFLP Press releases Nov 20 - Dec 4

2001-12-09 Thread sipila

PFLP Press Releases

4 December 2001

In response to the decisions of the Zionist government
that are to be considered to be a declaration o f war
on the Palestinian people and the entire Arab Nation,
we in the Popular Front for the Liberation of
Palestine affirm that our Palestinian people are
united in confronting the occupation that represents
the most disgusting types of terrorism and fascism.

We also affirm that the struggle and resistance of our
people for freedom and independence is a legitimate
right guaranteed to them by international law and
therefore the recent heroic operations fall within the
framework of the natural response to Zionist crimes,
and we affirm that resistance is our legitimate right
so long as the occupation continues.

We call for a declaration of general mobilization and
the formation of a united national emergency structure
to confront the occupation, for the immediate release
of all political prisoners, for a final halt to
campaigns of political arrest, and for the
cancellation of all steps and decisions that the
Palestine Authority has taken in the aftermath of the
heroic operations in Jerusalem and Haifa. Enough of
betting on useless negotiations! Enough submission to
the dictates of the American Administration that gave
the green light to the terrorist Sharon to continue
and intensify his aggression against our people!

In addition, we call on the Arab peoples to stand
beside the Palestinian people in their patriotic
struggle and in their resistance to Zionist

The occupation continues . . . the resistance

Hail, all hail every military formation that resists
the occupation!

We will definitely win!

3 December 2001 

Rather than declare an emergency, we need a national
dialogue to determine a strategy for Palestinian

Ramallah: The Popular Front for the Liberation of
Palestine has commented on the Palestine Authority's
declaration of a state of emergency, saying that such
a step is impermissible. It restricts public and
personal freedoms and gives free rein to further
arbitrary decrees at a time when the Palestinian
people are living through a real emergency situation
in which they need to apply themselves to their
concerns and problems.

The statement by the Popular Front explained that the
state of emergency declared by the Palestine Authority
will have an effect on national unity in the field of
confrontation, on the cohesiveness of the national
ranks. This will occur even though the most strenuous
efforts are made by every group to avoid harming this

The Popular Front in its statement called for a
comprehensive and serious national dialogue to define
the Palestinian strategy for work in these conditions
and in the next stage, for an agreement upon a
national collective leadership based on the
resolutions that express the national consensus, and
for participation in Palestinian political decision
making through a national emergency leadership.

The statement also called on the Palestine Authority
to beware of meeting American and Israeli conditions,
since these might simply bring on more Israeli
pressure and dictates and more Palestinian concessions
- something that only whets Sharon's appetite for

The Popular Front statement stressed the need to hold
fast to national unity in the field, to continue the
intifada and resistance as a strategic choice that
leads to gaining national independence and to
implementing the resolutions of international

Central Information Department
Press Office

1st December 2001

American Promises require a means for their
Stopping the intifada will only bring on more

Ramallah: In a press statement, the Popular Front for
the Liberation of Palestine has commented on the call
from the Executive Committee of the Palestine
Liberation Organization to stop the resistance, and on
a series of official statements concerning the mission
of the American team of envoys. The PFLP states that
this is an attempt to beautify the face of the mission
of that American team, despite the fact that it brings
with it nothing but ambiguous positions on a
Palestinian state, on the Israeli occupation, and on
United Nations resolutions.

The Popular Front statement said that the American
positions constitute an American attempt to circumvent
the achievements of our people, to empty out their
contents by stopping the intifada and the resistance
struggle, and by returning the Palestine Authority to
fruitless rounds of negotiations on the basis of the
Oslo Agreements and under the authority of the
American Administration.

In its statement, the Popular Front rejected the call
for a so-called cease fire, and affirmed that it was
holding fast to the option of intifada and resistance
struggle, as an option that leads to driving off the
occupation and compelling Israel to implement UN

The Statement also called on the leadership of the

Korean Central News Agency Dec 8

2001-12-09 Thread sipila

TODAY'S NEWS (December.08.2001 Juche 90)



Japan warned not to forget lesson from its defeat in Pacific War

Open questionnaire to S. Korean minister of unification released

New posters created

World's democratic forces called upon to protest Japan

Japan's crackdown upon Chongryon under fire

Japan's suppression of Chongryon assailed

DPRK to adopt strong countermeasure

DPRK is not afraid of war

Japan accused of raising again issue of suspected kidnapping

New Canadian ambassador to DPRK here

For Spanish-speaking people


japon no debe olvidar leccion de derrota sufrida en guerra de pacifico

comite internacional de enlace por reunificacion y paz de corea exhorta

Japan warned not to forget lesson from its defeat in Pacific War
     Pyongyang, December 8 (KCNA) -- The Japanese reactionaries should
renounce its anachronistic design for reinvasion, clearly mindful that the
Koreans and other Asian people today are not who used to be at the time of
the outbreak of the Pacific War. Rodong Sinmun today says this in a signed
commentary carried 60 years since the war was provoked by the Japanese
    Recalling that hundreds of millions of people in Asia had to undergo
scourge of this war, the commentary says:
    Many years have passed and there has been a considerable change in the
international community since the Japanese imperialists were defeated in the
    Those countries which once committed war crimes have already reflected
on their wrongs or in that process. But, there is no change in the way of
thinking and attitude of Japan only.
    Japan's militaristic way of thinking and attitude still persist. It is
because Japan is seeking to repeat the history of aggression, oblivious of
the lesson from the Pacific War.
    Describing the past aggression and war deeds as justice, the Japanese
reactionaries are straining every nerve to provide institutional mechanisms
for overseas expansion while inciting militarism and aggressive idea.
    Japan has emerged a de-facto war state and aggression force.
    The viper of militarism is seeking to swallow up Asia and, furthermore,
the rest of the world, with dreadful spite. But such act will never be
allowed by the world people.
    We will annihilate with all our strength and means the Japanese
reactionaries to the last man, if they invade the territory of the DPRK even
an inch. 

Open questionnaire to S. Korean minister of unification released
     Pyongyang, December 8 (KCNA) -- The reunification solidarity for the
implementation of the June 15 South-North Joint Declaration and Peace on the
Korean Peninsula on December 4 made public an open questionnaire to the
minister of unification as regards the deadlocked 6th inter-Korean
ministerial talks, according to a news report. Quoting recent South Korean
media reports as saying that the talks at which a draft joint press release
had been worked out came to a rupture owing to the opposition of the
minister, the questionnaire urged: if that is true, you should make clear
whether it was done by your personal decision or under a consultation with
the 'government' authorities.
    It also warned him against his remarks provoking the north and urged him
to answer the question as to whether he would be ready to respond to the
north side's call for the lifting of the emergency alert, etc. for the
development of the inter-Korean dialogue in the future and the question as
to whether he can request the judicial authorities to make an about-face
judgement on those arrested for participating in the 2001 grand festival for
national reunification.

New posters created
     Pyongyang, December 8 (KCNA) -- The Mansudae Art Studio, the Central
Fine Art Studio and Pyongyang University of Fine Art created many posters to
inspire the Korean people to dynamically turn out in the vigorous drive for
prosperity, holding high the torchlight of Ranam. The posters deal with the
might of the homeland of Juche, the tremendous vitality of the army-based
politics and the revolutionary spirit of the Korean people. The poster
let's speed up the revolutionary advance in the new century, holding high
the torchlight of Ranam lit by the great general and other posters reflect
the revolutionary enthusiasm and militant spirit of the people across the
country all out to bring a new peak to the drive to build a powerful and
prosperous nation in the new century closely united around leader Kim Jong
Il in the same spirit of devotedly defending the leader and unconditionally
implementing the party's policies as displayed by the workers of the Ranam
coal mining machine complex.
    And the posters such as let's advance dynamically 


2001-12-09 Thread j t

Vast areas of the world, the post-colonial zones are still dedicated to
low value yielding primary products such as mono-crop agriculture and
mining. Most of the increased trade remains between the industrialised
manufacturing centres. The top five exporting states (EU, US, Japan,
Canada, China) represent 53.2 percent of the world export market
(according to WTO figures), whereas the top four importers take a 54
percent share between each other. The EU and the US both import
considerably more than they export, and represent a substantial lucrative
market to access. 

This imbalance of trade between the core and the periphery indicates the
way in which the idea that opening up free trade will benefit poor nations
and assist in their development is flawed. The sheer economic clout of the
big capitalist states means they can bully and force other states into
letting them have their way. 

As George Monbiot noted in his Guardian column (6 November) one WTO
delegate from a poor state saying If I speak out too strongly, the U.S.
will phone my minister. They will twist the story and say that I am
embarrassing the United States. My Government will not even ask, 'What did
he say?' they would just send me a ticket tomorrow. 

Such raw power means that whatever formal equality of the rules, they will
still be used to serve the ends of the dominant states. Each national
capitalist class seeks to protect its position and its investments, and is
exceedingly unwilling to relinquish control of the state force which props
up its power. 

The dominant policy is currently to pursue mutual capital
interpenetration, and thus prevent losing control of their national
economy at home, whilst having sufficient hostage capital to deter
expropriation abroad. Whilst the times are good this policy is tolerable,
but come a time of crisis each group will seek to save their own skins
first and foremost. Should America sink into deep recession, it may decide
to put a stop to the raiders taking a share of its profits, and throw the
barriers back up. 

Certainly, so long as world society depends first and foremost upon
competing capitalist groups vying for profits, it will be subject to the
anarchy of capitalist self-interest, and any world body will be
subordinated to the Machiavellian manoeuvrings of these groups. 

So long as capitalism remains any world body will be used as a potential
tool for exploitation and robbery. The only genuine way to move forward to
a world human community is by the abolition of sectional national élite
interest, and the creation of a world human interest of common ownership
of the worlds wealth, so that we can end the horrendous divisions the
property system has created.


Nokia 5510 looks weird sounds great. 
Go to discover and win it! 
The competition ends 16 th of December 2001.

Cuba. RHC Weekend-08/09 December 2001

2001-12-09 Thread sipila

Date: Sun, 9 Dec 2001 06:52:12 -0500
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: RHC Weekend-08/09 December 2001

RHC Weekend-08/09 December 2001

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

Radio Havana Cuba - Weekend News Update - 08/09 December 2001













Havana, December 8 (RHC)--Cuban President Fidel Castro delivered the
closing address of the tenth Sao Paolo Forum Friday night here in

The four-day gathering of left and progressive forces from Latin
America and the Caribbean came to an end with the approval of a final
declaration condemning free market neo-liberal globalization,
poverty, unemployment and corruption - with a strong denunciation of
Washington's proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas.

During the tenth forum, which began on Tuesday, more than 500
delegates from 150 political parties and organizations - representing
84 countries - debated key issues facing the region and world. Fidel
Castro attended plenary sessions each day, occasionally speaking with
those gathered. His main remarks were reserved for Friday night and
lasted well into the early morning hours of Saturday. The Cuban
president spoke extemporaneously for a little more than five hours,
touching on a wide array of subjects debated during the four-day

Fidel Castro said that neo-liberalism, imperialism and capitalism
have entered a time of extreme crisis - a Special Period he said, in
reference to the stagnant economic period in Cuba following the
collapse of the former Soviet Union and European socialist countries.
The Cuban president noted that the coming period will be decisive for
the world with either a new system of social justice or the planet's
total destruction. He emphasized that free-trade neo-liberalism is
unsustainable and will only lead to greater social tensions,
affirming that there is no such thing as free enterprise or free
competition. What kind of freedom exists for those who are
illiterate, for those who live in poverty in the shantytowns of our
major cities, the Cuban leader asked.

During his closing address at the 10th Sao Paolo Forum, Fidel Castro
took aim at the Free Trade Area of the Americas, calling it nothing
more than the economic annexation of the region by the United states
and he called upon those present from Latin American and Caribbean
political parties and organizations to work for unity on issues of
common concern. The Cuban leader insisted that a united front can be
achieved on issues such as social justice and a better world for all
- and that representatives from organizations that gathered over the
past several days here in Havana have a moral and political
obligation to achieved that united aim.

Organizers of the Sao Paolo Forums announced that the 11th meeting
will be held next November in Guatemala City.


Havana, December 8 (RHC)--The President of the Palestine National
Authority, Yasser Arafat, Friday night spoke directly to the Israeli
public in a television interview in which he said that he had
complied with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's demand to arrest
Islamic militants.

The Palestinian leader was attempting to stop the wave of reprisals
against the West Bank and Gaza Strip a week after a series of suicide
bombings by members of the Palestinian organizations Hamas and
Islamic Jihad left some 30 civilians dead.

The rush to avenge the killings with more killings has brought
worldwide condemnation upon Sharon, with international figures like
Mary Robinson of the United Nations Human Rights Commission harshly
criticizing Israel for carrying out the selective assassinations that
have prompted the militant's actions. The French foreign minister,
Hubert Vedrine, went even further, accusing Sharon of deliberately
attempting to eliminate the Palestine National Authority, something
which former Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has been
openly calling for and which Sharon's deputy foreign minister,
Michael Melchior, seems to support by saying that the Palestinian
leader is no longer relevant. An Israeli official who was not named
told AFP news that his government reserves the right to prevent
President Arafat from leaving the Gaza Strip where he has 

Palestine. Angry Arafat Accuses US Of Pro-Israel Bias

2001-12-09 Thread sipila

From: Miroslav Antic [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Angry Arafat Accuses US Of Pro-Israel Bias


Published on Friday, December 7, 2001 by the Associated Press

Angry Arafat Accuses US Of Pro-Israel Bias

JERUSALEM (AP) - An angry Yasser Arafat accused the United States of
Pro-Israel bias Friday during an interview broadcast on Israeli

The United States has been pressuring Arafat to rein in the Islamic
militant group Hamas that took responsibility for suicide bombings that
killed 25 people in Israel over the weekend.

When asked about recent American pressure on him to arrest militants,
the Palestinian leader became irritated.

``Dear God, who cares about the Americans,'' Arafat said, striking the
air with his hand at his office in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

``The Americans are on your side and they give you everything,'' Arafat
told Channel One television. ``Who gave you the airplanes? The
Americans. Who gave you the tanks? The Americans.''

Arafat spoke after an Israeli F-16 jet attacked a Palestinian police
compound in the Gaza Strip in retaliation for the firing of mortars at
area Jewish settlements.

The Americans have abstained from criticizing Israel for military
strikes against the Palestinians that came in response to the bombings,
including several earlier in the week that killed two Palestinians and
injured about 100. 

When the interviewer attempted to ask Arafat about recent American
efforts to bring about a cease-fire to end 14 months of
Israeli-Palestinian clashes, Arafat interrupted, saying: ``Don't talk to
me about the Americans.''

As Israel's closest ally, the United States gives Israel about $2.7
billion in military and economic aide each year, part of which is used
to buy fighter planes. The United States also grants the Palestinians
aid annually. 

Since the bombings in Israel over the weekend, Arafat's forces say they
have arrested about 180 militants.

The United States has remained skeptical of the Palestinian crackdown,
and White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said Thursday that Palestinian
jails are ``built with bars in front with revolving doors at the back.''

Israel has repeatedly used the term ``revolving door'' in accusing
Arafat of arresting militants only for show, and releasing them later.

U.S. envoy Anthony Zinni this week gave Arafat a list of 33
Palestinians, the ones most wanted by Israel for suspected involvement
in attacks, Arafat said. Of those, the Palestinian forces have arrested
17, Arafat said. 

Arafat lambasted Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon for equating him
with wanted terror suspect Osama bin Laden. Several Israeli ministers
have also said recently they support an Israeli attempt to topple Arafat
and destroy the Palestinian Authority.

``Your leaders don't stop the incitement against us,'' Arafat said.
``You say that I am bin Laden and the Palestinian Authority is the
Taliban. Am I bin Laden?''

Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, reacting to Arafat's interview,
said he had pressed Arafat in a phone conversation this week to arrest
militants. He said he didn't support any Israeli action to bring Arafat

``I'm convinced that if Arafat will leave, the situation will be
worse,'' Peres told the television.

Arafat insisted that he was trying to implement a cease-fire.

Copyright C 2001 Associated Press

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Philippines. US list affects Arroyo's negotiations with NPA

2001-12-09 Thread sipila

From: Barry Stoller [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [Peoples War] US list affects Arroyo's negotiations with NPA

AFP. 9 December 2001. Communist guerrillas declare ceasefire with
Philippine government.

MANILA -- Communist guerrillas on Sunday declared a unilateral
month-long Christmas ceasefire with the Philippine government.

The New People's Army (NPA) is to cease and desist from carrying out
offensive operations against the armed units and personnel of the Armed
Forces of the Philippines, Philippine National Police and paramilitary
forces, the NPA's political wing said in a statement.

The ceasefire is to begin on December 15 and end on January 15, the
National Democratic Front (NDF) said.

Chief government negotiator Silvestre Bello said the rebels first
proposed the ceasefire last week and that President Gloria Arroyo was to
issue her response soon.

We are awaiting the decision of the president, Bello said over ABS-CBN

Arroyo last on Friday said government was open to declaring a
ceasefire, noting that it showed that the rebels were still interested
in pursuing talks with Manila.

However, Bello said the inclusion of the NPA on a new terrorist
exclusion list drawn up by the US State Department could affect the
peace negotiations.

This new development raises concerns not only on the part of the (peace
negotiating) panel but also on the part of government, Bello said.
President Arroyo is aware of this and I can only assume that she would
have to consult with her military and security advisers on her decision
of steps to be taken by the government.

Arroyo was among the first leaders to have backed the US-led global war
on terrorists. In exchange, the US government has pledged additional
military aid to Manila in its war against secessionist groups, including
Muslim gunmen holding hostage an American couple in the south.

House of Representatives member Satur Ocampo urged Manila to make a
categorical policy statement on the NPA's inclusion in the list, noting
that there is now a conflict of policy since Arroyo has vowed not to
negotiate with terrorist groups.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

P.O. Box 66
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Afghanistan. The Deadly Pipeline War

2001-12-09 Thread sipila


Subject: The Deadly Pipeline War


Published on Saturday, December 8, 2001 in The Jurist

The Deadly Pipeline War
US Afghan Policy Driven By Oil Interests

by Marjorie Cohn
George W. Bush justifies his bombing of Afghanistan as a war against
terror. A twin motive, however, is to make Afghanistan safe for United
States oil interests.

A few days before September 11, the U.S. Energy Information
Administration documented Afghanistan's strategic geographical position
as a potential transit route for oil and natural and gas exports from
Central Asia to the Arabian Sea, including the construction of
pipelines through Afghanistan.

Prior to September 11, United States policy toward the Taliban was
largely influenced by oil. In a new book published in Paris, Bin Laden,
la verite interdite (Bin Laden, the forbidden truth), former French
intelligence officer Jean-Charles Brisard and journalist Guillaume
Dasquie document a cozy relationship between George W. Bush and the
Taliban. The book quotes John O'Neill, former director of anti-terrorism
for the FBI, who thought the U.S. State Department, acting on behalf of
United States and Saudi oil interests, interfered with FBI efforts to
track down Osama bin Laden.

Before he was tapped as Bush's running mate, Dick Cheney was CEO of
Halliburton, the biggest oil services company in the world. In a 1998
speech to the Collateral Damage Conference of the Cato Institute,
Cheney said, the good Lord didn't see fit to put oil and gas only where
there are democratically elected regimes friendly to the United States.
Occasionally we have to operate in places where, all things considered,
one would not normally choose to go. But, we go where the business is.

Because of the instability in the Persian Gulf, Cheney zeroed in on the
world's other major source of oil, the Caspian Sea, whose resources were
estimated at $4 trillion by U.S. News and World Report. Cheney told oil
industry executives in 1998, I can't think of a time when we've had a
region emerge as suddenly to become as strategically significant as the

But Caspian oil, landlocked between Russia, Iran and former Soviet
republics, presents formidable transport challenges. Afghanistan is
strategically located near the Caspian Sea. In 1994, the U.S. State
Department and Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency sought to
install a stable regime in Afghanistan to enhance the prospects for
Western oil pipelines. They financed, armed and trained the Taliban in
its civil war against the Northern Alliance.

In 1995, California-based UNOCAL proposed the construction of an oil
pipeline from Turkmenistan, south through Afghanistan and Pakistan, to
the Arabian Sea. Yasushi Akashi, U.N. Under-Secretary General for
Humanitarian Affairs, was critical of outside interference in
Afghanistan in 1997, which, he said, is now all related to the battle
for oil and gas pipelines. The fear is that these companies and regional
powers are just renting the Taliban for their own purposes.

Meanwhile, feminists and Greens in the United States mobilized
opposition to UNOCAL's pipeline deal and Washington's covert support of
the Taliban, because of the latter's oppression of women. In 1998, after
the U.S. bombed Al-Qaeda training camps in retaliation for the bombings
of the U.S. embassies in Africa, UNOCAL pulled out of the pipeline

Once the Taliban are overthrown and the U.S. installs a pro-Western
government, lucrative investment opportunities will arise. Rob Sobhani,
president of Washington-based Caspian Energy Consulting, said, Other
major energy companies could see big opportunities in a deal crucial to
restarting Afghanistan's economy. A new pipeline could produce revenues
totaling $100 million.

United States dependence on Middle East -- and soon Caspian -- oil --
has led our government to engage itself in heavy-handed, and deadly,
interventions. The development of a sensible U.S. energy policy would
obviate the perceived need to dominate other countries.

But there has been an ongoing pipeline war between Russia and the U.S.,
which support competing pipeline routes. An energy expert at the
National Security Council clarified the United States' anti-Russia
policy in 1997: US policy was to promote the rapid development of
Caspian energy . . . We did so specifically to promote the independence
of these oil-rich countries, to in essence break Russia's monopoly
control over the transportation of oil from that region, and frankly, to
promote Western energy security through diversification of supply.

Former Russian President Boris Yeltsin recognized this in 1998: We
cannot help seeing the uproar stirred up in some Western countries over
the energy resources of the Caspian. Some seek to exclude Russia from
the game and undermine its interests. The so-called pipeline war in the
region is part of 

wwnews Digest #359

2001-12-09 Thread sipila

WW News Service Digest #359

 1) Welfare cuts + job losses = poverty crisis
by WW
 2) Steel workers fight for their jobs
by WW
 3) Detroit opts for domestic partner benefits
by WW
 4) Michigan protest hits racial profiling
by WW
 5) Israel launches assault on Palestinian authority
by WW

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Dec. 13, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Heather Cottin
New York

There's another front to the U.S. war. It's right here in
this country. The casualties are mounting by the tens of
thousands as people are being cut off welfare just as the
recession destroys millions of jobs. A huge number of those
on welfare have been working people who earned so little
they couldn't afford food and shelter without public

As the rich get richer, with the kindly assistance of
Congress and the president who are pushing through a $70-
billion corporate tax incentive, the Bush administration
is going ahead with the plan to end welfare as we know it.
This bipartisan plan of, by, and for the wealthy, was signed
into law by Bill Clinton in 1996 to end federal assistance
to the poorest people in the United States.

Entitled the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity
Act, this law stated that on Nov. 30, 2001, anyone
receiving Aid to Families with Dependent Children who had
exhausted the five-year lifetime limit mandated by the new
law would be withdrawn from welfare dependency and forced
to go it alone.

The policy wonks who came up with the title of the law
implied that poor people who needed welfare were
irresponsible. They put the blame for poverty on the poor,
rather than the capitalist system that impoverishes millions
as collateral damage while a wealthy minority enriches

Under this law, the federal government has been forcing
recipients into what came to be called workfare. This
means taking jobs--often below minimum wage--to qualify for
assistance. Conservatives called it opportunity. Many
people on welfare, however, are disabled or have small
children to care for and haven't been able to take workfare

Welfare was always insufficient to meet the needs of the
poor. An Oct. 12 article in New York Newsday explained,
Public assistance leaves families deep in poverty. The cash
grant for a family of three is only $577 per month and has
not been raised in more than 10 years. While many families
also receive food stamps, assistance levels are still way
below that needed to move a family out of crushing poverty.

But even this meager support has now come to an end for tens
of thousands of families. The largest group yet to face the
cutoff of federal funds, they are also among the first to do
so in a full-blown recession.


The Nov. 30 New York Times reported that stringent rules and
a good economy had already cut the number of people
receiving welfare in that city by half, to 387,000
recipients. Now, as the five-year limit expires for many,
they won't be able to pay the December rent or buy enough
food to feed their families.

The New York State Constitution mandates a Safety Net
program for those who cannot care for themselves, but for
many of the 38,000 families in the state cut off from
federal welfare after Nov. 30, this state net is not
working. And there will be more. An additional 13,700 city
families, the Times added, are expected to hit their
federal time limit over the next three months.

The New York City economic crisis has proved a disaster for
the poor here. But Robert Doar, executive deputy
commissioner of the State Office of Temporary and Disability
Assistance, won't admit it. He told the Times, Most people
can get virtually the same benefits as before. ... We do
think it's gone very smoothly.

The Times reporter disputed this: But a very different
picture emerges from visits to several welfare offices,
interviews with welfare lawyers, social service
organizations, and recipients themselves. Some have received
letters just in the last few days denying them state aid,
apparently in error. Others, in offices bristling with
ominous posters about time running out, tried to apply for
benefits but caseworkers told them--within a reporter's
earshot--that it was too late.

They are closing cases in error, and clients are being
denied the right to transfer to Safety Net assistance, said
Mark Cohen of the Welfare Law Center, a national advocacy
group based in New York.

Almost 65 percent of the welfare recipients had jobs, but
they did not, according to the Times, make enough for their
families' survival.

The Times noted that many of the thousands who were about to
lose welfare assistance were also losing their access to
other programs that helped them survive. This is because of
federal cutbacks of Medicaid, food stamps and rent-
assistance programs. The Nov. 18 Times reported that the

New Revelations on 9-11

2001-12-09 Thread sipila

From: Miroslav Antic [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: New Revelations on 9-11


Centre for Research on Globalisation


Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak said that he warned the United States
of an attack 12 days before the September 11 atrocity.

The Bush Administration knew that a terrorist attack was imminent.
Twelve days before the 9-11 attacks,  President Hosni Mubarak, had
warned the US. 

Below is the text of the Associated Press report. Deafening Silence of
the US Media. The story has been barely mentioned by major US
newspapers. The Atlanta Journal and Constitution (8 December ) devotes
two sentences to it.

If the US government knew and failed to act, this raises serious issues.
It also bears on our understanding and interpretation of the 9-11

Was it negligence or some form of complicity on the part of US
officials? Was there a cover-up? If it was negligence, who then is

Did George W. Bush know? George W. and President Mubarak are said to be
friends. George W. talks regularly to President Mubarak. On the 6th of
December, Mubarak received a telephone call from George W. Mubarak's
revelations concerning 9-11 were published by a Lebanese newspaper on
the 7th.  

Why did the Bush Administration fail to take precautionary measures?
The least we could expect is an inquiry.


Michel Chossudovsky, CRG, 8 December 2001


Egypt Leader Says He Warned America
Associated Press, 7 December 2001

Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG),,  8
December 2001

Egypt Leader Says He Warned America BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Egyptian
President Hosni Mubarak says he warned the United States that something
would happen 12 days before the Sept. 11 terror attacks on New York and

In an interview published Friday by the left-wing Lebanese newspaper
As-Safir, Mubarak also said it would be a grave mistake if Israeli
forces were to kill Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.

Mubarak did not reveal how he learned in late August of a possible
terror attack on the United States. He said he was taken aback by the
scale of the Sept. 11 attacks, when hijackers seized four U.S. airliners
and crashed two into New York's World Trade Center and one into the
Pentagon. The fourth plane crashed into the Pennsylvania countryside
during an apparent struggle in the cockpit.

We expected that something was going to happen and informed the
Americans. We told them, Mubarak said. He did not mention a U.S.

But nobody expected the event would be of such enormity. We did not
know that they would hit this target or that, and we were all surprised
when planes with passengers on board hit the twin towers, Mubarak said.

Washington has said that in the weeks before the Sept. 11 attacks, the
CIA issued a warning that bin Laden was pressing for terrorist action
against Americans. The warning was based on new intelligence but did not
have specific information on the type of attack, a date or a location.

Mubarak also commented on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Recent
Israeli airstrikes have hit targets within 100 yards of Arafat's

Mubarak said that if Israel were to kill Arafat, it would create a
vacuum in the Palestinian leadership that none of the six to eight
contenders would be able to fill.

Leaderships would emerge that would vie for popularity and compete in
staging violent operations, internally and externally, against Israel,
plunging (the region) into chaos. They (Israel) should understand this
and know that it is dangerous, Mubarak said.

And what would happen after Arafat? Who would Israel hold responsible
for (acts of violence) - the leaders of Hamas or the Popular Front for
the Liberation of Palestine? Mubarak said, referring to two militant
Palestinian factions.

Hamas has claimed responsibility for two suicide bombings that killed 25
people and wounded scores in Jerusalem and Haifa last weekend. The PFLP
claimed responsibility for the assassination of the Israeli tourism
minister in October.

Copyright AP 2001

Crisis at a Glance: Latest developments at home and abroad

Atlanta Journal and Constitution, 8 December  2001

WHAT DID HE KNOW? Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak told a Lebanese
newspaper that he warned the United States 12 days before the Sept. 11
attacks that something would happen. He said the enormity of the
attack was a surprise.

The URL of this article is:

China. People´s Daily Dec 10

2001-12-09 Thread sipila


US Will Not Succeed in Toppling Saddam: Iraqi Minister.

The United States will not be able to remove Iraqi President Saddam Hussein
from power, just it had tried, but failed, in the past to topple the Iraqi
strongman, Iraqi Minister of Culture Hamed Yussef Humadi said on Saturday.

The United States will not be able to remove Iraqi President Saddam Hussein
from power, just it had tried, but failed, in the past to topple the Iraqi
strongman, Iraqi Minister of Culture Hamed Yussef Humadi said on Saturday.

They (the US) have been trying this for the past 20 years and they admitted
for many times that they did not succeed. They are not going to succeed
because Saddam has the whole (Iraqi) population behind him, Humadi said
after attending the opening ceremony of a Chinese photo exhibition in the
capital Baghdad. 

US Secretary of State Colin Powell has said recently that toppling the
Saddam regime remained as an aim of the US foreign policy.

When asked about the possibility of the US attacks on Iraq, Humadi said that
the US has been attacking Iraq over the past years, referring to US air
strikes on targets in two no-fly zones in Iraq set up by the US-led Western
allies after the 1991 Gulf War.

The US and Britain have been enforcing the two air exclusive zones since the
Gulf War with the claimed aim of protecting the Kurds in the north and
Shiite Muslims in the south from the persecution from the Iraqi government.

Humadi also reiterated Iraq's rejection of the return of UN arms inspectors.
We reject spies and intelligence people to come (to Iraq) as arms
inspectors, and they are not allowed back.

He claimed that such accusations that the arms inspectors served as spies
and intelligence people were not made by Iraq, but by Richard Butler,
former head of the now-defunct UN Special Commission in charge of Iraq's

Butler has acknowledged ... he worked for the (US) Central Intelligence
Agency, Humadi said.

Iraq has repeatedly rejected the return of the arms inspectors, who withdrew
from Iraq ahead of four-day U.S.-British military strikes against Baghdad in
December 1998. 

US Senate Approves 318 Billion Dollar Defense Bill.

U.S. Senate on Saturday approved a 318 billion dollar defense bill for
fiscal 2002 and a 20 billion dollar compromise anti-terror package which was
attached to the defense bill.

U.S. Senate on Saturday approved a 318 billion dollar defense bill for
fiscal 2002 and a 20 billion dollar compromise anti-terror package which was
attached to the defense bill.

The defense bill, which was passed on a voice vote early on Saturday,
provides the military 27 billion dollars more than the fiscal 2001 measure,
but the amount is still 1.9 billion dollars below President George W. Bush's
budget request. 

The bill grants 7 billion dollars for development of the missile defense
plan and gives Bush the option of using an additional 1.3 billion dollars
for missile defense or switching it to homeland security.

It increases the pay for the troops by five percent and boosts health care
and retirement benefits for them.

The measure also provides 61 billion dollars for new weapons procurement and
allows the Air Force to lease up to 100 Boeing 767s to replace an aging
fleet of KC-135 air tankers.

The Senate killed a Democratic-written 35 billion dollars anti- terror
package but approved the 20 billion dollars alternative submitted by the
Democratic Party. 

Bush, who repeatedly threatens to veto anything exceeding 20 billion
dollars, congratulated the passage of the smaller anti- terror package,
saying the measure honored the agreement he reached with the Congress and
resisted unnecessary nondefense spending.

We have ensured the funding necessary to recover from the September 11
attacks and to protect and defend our homeland, Bush said in a written

Three days after the September 11 attacks, Congress approved 40 billion
dollars emergency spending bill. According to the bill, President Bush
controls half of the money, but lawmakers must vote anew on the details of
the second 20 billion dollars.

The Republican-controlled House of Representatives approved a 318 billion
dollars defense bill and a 20 billion dollars anti- terrorism package last
week. The Senate and the House must work out the differences between the two
measures in a conference.

The 20 billion dollars package approved by the Senate early Saturday shifted
about 7 billion dollars that Bush wanted for defense and other programs to
efforts tightening domestic security and helping New York and other areas
recover from the September 11 attacks.

Congressional sources said one reason Democrats agreed to a smaller
anti-terrorism package is that they were unwilling to delay indefinitely a
wartime spending bill for the military.

According to the new, smaller Democratic anti-terrorism plan, 8. 5 billion
dollars will be allocated for countering bioterrorism and other domestic
security programs, 4.1 billion 

Austin_Muslims: US bullying us into war with Iraq

2001-12-09 Thread sipila

Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 22:16:52 -0800 (PST)
To: American Muslims [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [AM] US bullying us into war with Iraq

Americans want a war on Iraq and we can't
stop them 

Bush is looking for the next
target and his country is right
behind him 

Hugo Young 
Tuesday November 27, 2001
The Guardian 

President Bush's prime purpose now is
gearing up America for a wider war. It's
not over. It's not over, he told
Newsweek, concerned that the people
might think otherwise. Afghanistan is just
the beginning, he roared to an audience of
soldiers at Fort Campbell, Kentucky.
America has a message for the nations of
the world. If you feed a terrorist or fund a
terrorist, you're a terrorist.

In Newsweek, he amplified this with
reference to one man. Saddam is evil, he
declared for the first time. It could take
years to catch Osama bin Laden, he
allowed. But many other targets are now
on notice of merciless aggression.

You do not hear a single word of similar
intensity from any European leader. Even
Tony Blair, while regularly reinvoking the
global campaign against terror, seldom
talks about the enemy with Bush's
slavering passion for specific eliminations.
The president is mobilising an American
national will such as we have not recently

During the cold war it was unquestioning,
but static. During Vietnam, it disintegrated.
Now the enemy, though invisible, is
unmistakable, and the national stirring is
deep against him. For the first time, the US
was attacked: for the first time, the US
doesn't mind if casualties are taken in the
name of vengeance or self-protection. For
the first time, therefore, public opinion is
unambiguously ready to come in behind
whatever intervention a president decides
he must propose. 

One proof of this is what encroachments
on their liberties Americans are willing to
put up with. Protests against the repressive
gospel according to the attorney general,
John Ashcroft, are few and far between. A
country that guards its constitutional
freedoms with meticulous passion is
prepared to surrender them with pious
indifference. So easy is such submission to
raison d'?tat that the quiet torture of
recalcitrant suspects surely cannot be far

Europeans should reflect on this as a
measure of the hard-eyed national
commitment that differentiates the
American mood from that of any other
country. This, rather than the diplomatic
niceties of coalition building, will mainly
determine what happens next.

Though a division over policy is not yet
visible among the allies, the gulf of
perception seems likely to become
significant. The temper of the times will
remain sternly hot in the US while, barring
more terrorism, it eventually cools in
Europe. Far from this campaign yielding a
new concert of civilised nations, it will
emphasise the deafening control of the
trumpeter and conductor. The British
piccolo, in particular, will find it harder to
be heard. The band continues to play in
rough harmony, but only on condition that
it follows the unilateral beat of the big bass

In three theatres, you can see this starting
to happen. Afghanistan itself has become
an American operation. Sure, they needed
allies in all adjoining countries, and worked
to get them. There's been a huge amount
of transatlantic traffic. When aspiring
partners, from Italy to Japan, thirsted to
get in on the action and prove their manly
commitment, they were nominally
accepted, their troops probably never to be
used. When even the German Greens, at
the weekend, voted to take part, a Rubicon
of lasting importance to Germany and
Europe was crossed.

But Washington remains in unimpeded
charge. Behind coalitionist talk, that's how
they want it. They speak, moreover, for a
different aftermath. Again the verbiage
tries to soften this. But when Mr Blair talks
about rebuilding Afghanistan and not
forgetting it in the peace, it's plain he is
sincere whereas Bush's people mouth the
words and do not really mean them.

There's nothing wrong with
nation-building, but not when it's done by
the American military, said Condoleezza
Rice not long ago, speaking as the
president's closest foreign policy aide.
Though Washington is pledged to a large
chunk of the $10bn aid Kabul has been
promised, it's unlikely to stay and oversee
the maintenance of a stable, semi-decent
regime to spend it. That's not what the
new Bush doctrine, a results-oriented,
short-vision construct, is all about.

Second, the world itself will not, I now
guess, benefit from a new internationalism.
After September 11, many of us wrote
optimistically otherwise. A unilateral
foreign policy was surely dead and buried.
When it comes to collaborating against
terror, that may remain so. Washington's
withdrawal from the Middle East peace
process is also no longer an option. But the
other litmus tests seem likely to be failed.

Swift smashing of the Taliban can't
plausibly be seen as a 

USA. [IAC] Ramsey Clark Speaking NYC Thu 12/13

2001-12-09 Thread sipila

From: Action Center [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 09 Dec 2001 13:05:19 -0500
Subject: [IAC] Ramsey Clark Speaking NYC Thu 12/13

The Antiwar Movement Responds to Ashcroft's Targeting of
Immigrants  Civil Rights

Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark to speak at a
Public Forum titled What is Really Behind the 'War on

Thursday, December 13, 2001
6:30 PM
Community Church of New York
40 East 35th Street (between Madison and Park)
New York City
$5-$10 donation

Speakers Include: 

Mara Verheyden-Hilliard – Partnership for Civil Justice
Larry Holmes – Co-Director, International Action Center
Dr. Asha A. Samad – Immigrant  Refugee Rights Coalition
Yoomi Jeong – Korea Truth Commission
Gamil M. Tawfik – Arabic Channel (TAC)
Daniel Vila – NY Coalition for Peace and Justice

Next Thursday evening, December 13, 2001, former U.S.
Attorney General Ramsey  Clark will be joined by a panel
of legal activists, anti-war organizers and others
convening a public forum  titled What is Really Behind
the War on Terrorism?

Before September 11, Attorney General Ashcroft was
 notorious for both his public support of the Confederate
south and his deep desire to end abortion rights, said
 Teresa Gutierrez, a co-director of the International
 Action Center.  Now, using the cover of a false 'war on
terrorism' — one that will have claimed the lives of
 thousands of civilians in Afghanistan through bombing
 and/or refugee starvation — Ashcroft is seizing the
moment  to spearhead a vast attack on civil rights, civil
 liberties, immigrants and other people of color.

This week the INS announced its plan to turn over to the
FBI 314,000 names of people at risk of deportation, to be
 placed on the National Crime Information Center
database. INS Commissioner James Ziglar said on Wednesday:
 If you don't want to be one of the guests in a detention
 center while we're getting your documents together, you
 might want to just go on home.

The so-called war on terrorism is a thin cover for the
 long-held right-wing desire to criminalize immigrants and
 expand the power of the government to harass them, said
 Gutierrez.  Gutierrez said Ashcroft's actions have
 strengthened racism and anti-immigrant violence.  On
Tuesday, hours before the FBI raid on the Holy Land
 Foundation office in Chicago, that city's Arab American
 Community Center was hit by arson.  The office space of
 the Committee for a Democratic Palestine was totally
 gutted.  Now is the time for the progressive movement to
come together and fight for civil liberties and against

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Philippines. Arroyo accepts ceasefire with NDF-NPA

2001-12-09 Thread sipila

From: Barry Stoller [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [Peoples War] Arroyo accepts ceasefire with NDF-NPA

AFP. 9 December 2001. Philippine leader agrees to Christmas truce with

MANILA -- Philippines President Gloria Arroyo said Monday that her
government is entering into a Christmas ceasefire with communist

The National Democratic Front (NDF) on Sunday declared a month-long
unilateral Christmas truce effective December 15.

Arroyo said she will lay out the details of the truce when she addresses
a meeting with business, labor and political leaders later Monday to
discuss economic policy.

I will announce that today is the start of the government ceasefire,
she said over DZRH radio here.

Arroyo did not say if the truce also covers the government campaign
against Muslim separatist insurgencies in the south.

The NDF leads the Maoist New People's Army, waging a 32-year armed
campaign against the Manila government.

In the past, both sides had declared mainly symbolic unilateral
ceasefires to mark the Christmas season in this largely Roman Catholic
Southeast Asian nation of 78 million people.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

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Ireland: 19 Cops Injured In Sinn Fein Youth Protest - Xinhua

2001-12-09 Thread sipila


Subject: [Peoples War] Ireland: 19 Cops Injured In Sinn Fein Youth Protest -

XINHUA - Peoples Republic of China

19 Policemen Injured in Protest in Northern Ireland

   LONDON, December 9 (Xinhua) -- Nineteen police officers were
injured on Sunday after fireworks and stones were thrown at the
police and army at an army watch tower in Armagh, south of
Northern Ireland, according to a BBC report on Sunday.

   The incident happened during a demilitarization protest on
Sunday organized by Sinn Fein Youth at the tower. Two of the
policemen injured were taken to hospital by air.

   Local participants in the protest said that they were unhappy
that demilitarization promised by the British government had not
happened as quickly as they had hoped.

   At Drummachavall in south Armagh, police fired two baton rounds
when protesters tried to breach security fencing.
   In October, work began to dismantle four security installations
immediately after the IRA's decision to put some of its weapons
beyond use. 

   It was the first response from the UK Government to the IRA
announcement, which breathed new life into the peace process.
   Demilitarization was a key demand from Sinn Fein during
discussions before the breakthrough.


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Venezuela on eve of class showdown

2001-12-09 Thread sipila

From: Barry Stoller [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [Peoples War] Venezuela on eve of class showdown

AFP (with additional material by Reuters). 9 December 2001. Venezuela's
Chavez warns he could get tough with strikers.

CARACAS -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez warned Sunday that he would
not hesitate to get tough if necessary, the day before a planned 12 hour
national strike backed by both the business and labor communities.

I have decided to maintain a truly democratic stance ... if an extreme
situation develops, if the leadership, this privileged minority, try to
alter the democratic process, I will have no choice but to come down
hard ... I won't hesitate, the president warned in his weekly radio

Chavez spoke on the eve of the planned strike, called to protest his
economic policies. In turn, Chavez has called on his supporters to hit
the streets in a dueling protest.

This is the first time a Venezuelan president has squared off against
both labor and business since Marcos Perez Jimenez was deposed in 1958.

Tomorrow we will show that no one can shut down Venezuela, no one can
stop this revolution, Chavez said. He called on his supporters to
attend a massive rally in the capital, Caracas, on Monday to back his

They are awakening a force which is out there, the determination of the
people to defend this revolution, Chavez said in a four-hour edition of
his radio and television show Hello President.

Responding to complaints from two callers about press criticism of his
government, Chavez accused local media owners of abusing the liberty of

We have appealed to the morality of the media tycoons and asked them to
behave reasonably, but they will not change, the president said. One
possibility is to apply the constitution, and to that end we are
drafting a media content law.

Declaring himself the president of all Venezuelans, but especially the
poor, Chavez has dismissed his critics in the business community as an
avaricious minority defending its own economic interests.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

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Afghanistan: A Superpower Displays It's Fighting Calibre

2001-12-09 Thread sipila


Subject: Afghanistan: A Superpower Displays It's Fighting Calibre



 A superpower displays its fighting calibre MILITARY PROWESS:

Financial Times, Dec 8, 2001

The rapid collapse of the Taliban under withering American air power has
emphasised a trend with profound ramifications far beyond Afghanistan:
growing US military predominance.

On the evidence of the US military campaigns of the past 10 years, in Iraq,
the Balkans and Afghanistan, the gap between the military capabilities of
the US and the rest of the world is huge and is growing. This has important
and uncomfortable consequences for America's allies and its potential
adversaries - as well as likely effects on future foreign policy
decision-making in Washington.

Much of the gulf is caused by the sheer magnitude of American defence
spending. Paul Kennedy, the Yale historian, says that the US now accounts
for 36 per cent of all military spending around the world, and it spends
more than the next nine nations in line on defence. Other figures show that
the US together with military allies in Nato and in the Pacific account for
85 per cent of the world's military spending.

Such domination is unprecedented. This is the largest share of military
expenditures around the globe in all of history, says Prof Kennedy,
surpassing that of Philip of Spain and the Roman Empire.

But the predominance is also qualitative. Some 95 per cent of the bombs
dropped by the US in Afghanistan were precision weapons, compared with about
6 per cent in Desert Storm a decade ago. Moreover, US officials say the
Afghanistan war represents a technological leap in precision weaponry even
compared with the Kosovo campaign two years ago.

Moreover, the quality of personnel is also high. Mr Kennedy, a visitor to
the Naval War College at Newport, Rhode Island, where mid-level officers
from all the services go, says he has been very impressed by the
intellectual quality of what goes on there, a standard to which he says only
the British even come close. These people are studying Thucydides,
Machiavelli, Clausewitz, Basil Liddell Hart, and asking, 'What does this
mean for us?'

The discomfort for allies comes in their increasing inability to contribute
to the US war effort. The military contribution of allies in the campaigns
of Desert Storm, Kosovo and Afghanistan has declined progressively. That is
in part because Kosovo exposed the shortcomings from the US perspective of
having military targets vetoed in political capitals. But it was primarily
because most of the offers Washington received were not of much use to its
high-technology war effort, or could even have got in the way.

Gerhard Schroder, the German chancellor, took political risks to win
domestic approval to dispatch German forces that have not been needed. The
French government was also unhappy that its offer of forces were not

You are talking about a Potemkin military alliance where the US does 98 per
cent of the fighting, the British 2 per cent and the Japanese are steaming
around Mauritius, Mr Kennedy says.

Other governments will have been watching closely too. Wayne Merry, a former
senior US diplomat in Moscow, says the US successes have further weakened
the Russian general staff, who predicted disaster in Afghanistan. It is
likely, he says, to give President Vladimir Putin further ammunition in his
efforts to shake up top military echelons.

China, astonished by American technical prowess in Kosovo, is also likely to
take note. Military specialists said China had been anyway undergoing a
military modernisation, partly helped by Russia, but believe Afghanistan may
serve to emphasise military caution in Beijing.

Both countries, fearing a possible future strategic confrontation with the
US, may decide that their only answer is their nuclear deterrent, such
specialists said.

Meanwhile, they argued that America's non-state adversaries - such as Osama
bin Laden and his successors - might find it increasingly difficult to find
a safe haven around the world. But after watching the Afghan cam paign, they
might be increasingly convinced that the only way to attack America is to
replicate Mr bin Laden's strategy. This so-called asymmetrical warfare may
thus continue to be the main threat to the US in the coming century.

But the Afghan campaign may have an effect also on US policymaking. Some
foreign policy observers believe US domination will encourage Washington to
use its military as an instrument of diplomacy by other means. Such an
outcome would disturb many around the world, not least the US military.

Already Afghan successes have encouraged some conservatives to urge the
administration to turn its military attention to Iraq, and replicate the
combination of air power and local ground forces to oust Saddam Hussein from
Baghdad. Mr 

Israel/Palestine. Netanyahu and other Israel gems

2001-12-09 Thread sipila

From: Mazin Qumsiyeh
Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2001 7:08 PM
Subject: [AL-AWDA-News] Netanyahu and other Israel gems

Binyamin Netanyahu, a leader of the Likud Party and an ex-prime minister of
Israel has been all over the news lately.  Why did no one ask him about
incredible statements he made in Hebrew but available in English and widely

- He was giving a speech to dozen's of Likud Party members in Eilat.  The
Israeli newspaper Haaretz (7/15/01) reported that: ... giving his audience
bit of advice on how to deal with foreign interviewers [Netanyahu said]:
'Always, irrespective of whether you're right or not, you must always
your side as right.' 

- After the peace process with the Palestinians stipulating no unilateral
changes, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Quoted in Ha'aretz 11/24/1998)
There is no such thing as a freeze [on construction] Our policy is to
and expand...This issue must be coordinated behind closed doors with the
and not in front of the media.

- Israel should have exploited the repression of the demonstrations in
when world attention  focused on that country, to carry out mass expulsions
among the Arabs of the territories. Benyamin Netanyahu, then Israeli Deputy
Foreign Minister, former Prime Minister of Israel, tells students at Bar
University, From the Israeli journal Hotam, November 24, 1989.

Instead of being asked about his policy of home demolitions while prime
or about these statements, he was presented by many supine US media outlets
as a
terrorism expert and asked ad nauseum about how Israel can deal with
in countless interviews in which the toughest question asked of him was if
will re-run for Prime Minister!

Please do share these quotes with your source of news and views.

Now for a couple of other ignored information (items below):

1) From Haaretz: Israel rejects partial truce offer by Islamic Jihad, Hamas

2) Amnesty International latest Press Releases Afghanistan: Inquiry into
Qala-i-Jhangi fort killings must not be swept under the carpet

3) An older article from Haaretz by Meron Benvenisti that is still very
today.  The narrative blaming Yasser Arafat now joins a whole string of
the Tel Hai myth, the myth of the runaway refugees in 1948, the myth of the
of Independence as a defensive war that broke out because of an invasion by
armies, the myth of the few against the many, and the myth of the liberation
the homeland from the British boot - just to mention a few of the many myths
that have been created here to deal with the reality that gave birth to many
crises and second thoughts about the situation.


Mazin Qumsiyeh

Haaretz 12/9/01

Source: Israel rejects partial truce offer by Islamic Jihad, Hamas
By Amos Harel, Aluf Benn, and Dalia Shehori, Ha'aretz Corresondents and

Islamic militant groups said in a statement Sunday they will halt attacks
Israel for a week if the IDF ends strikes in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

A senior Israeli security official dismissed the offer and said Israel had
choice but to continue to act in self-defense as long as the Palestinian
Authority failed to fight terrorism and make arrests.

We are giving the enemy a period to stop its assassinations, destruction,
killings and bombardments, said a statement by the military wings of Hamas
Islamic Jihad and two groups affiliated with Fatah. In return, we will stop
martyrdom attacks and armed attacks within the borders of the occupied land
1948 during this period, which will begin as of midnight December 10 until
end of the month of Ramadan.

Afghanistan: Inquiry into Qala-i-Jhangi fort killings must not be swept
the carpet
Publish date: 05/12/2001

Amnesty International today reiterated its call for an urgent inquiry into
large-scale killing of
captured Taleban fighters and others at a fort on the outskirts of Mazar-i
Sharif. It urged the US
and UK to consider requesting a preliminary investigation by either the
Nations or the International Fact-Finding Commission.

The events at the Qala-i-Jhanghi fort must not simply be brushed under the
carpet, like so many other killings before them, Amnesty International

In letters to the US, UK and the United Front (Northern Alliance), the
organization pointed to UN Security Council resolution 1378 which
calls on all Afghan forces to adhere strictly to their obligations under
rights and international humanitarian law. As it appears that this provision
have been breached, Amnesty International is calling on the US and UK, as
members of the Security Council, to request a UN investigation, which should
involve relevant human rights mechanisms including the Office of the High
Commissioner for Human Rights and the UN Special 

Colombia: 3 Reports - Xinhua

2001-12-09 Thread sipila


Subject: [Peoples War] Colombia: 3 Reports - Xinhua

XINHUA - Peoples Republic of China

1) Six Killed in Clashes Between Colombian Govt Forces, Guerrillas
2) Colombian Government Seeks Resumption of Peace Talks With FARC
3) Colombian Guerrilla Group Asked to Free Dying Boy's Father

1) Six Killed in Clashes Between Colombian Govt Forces, Guerrillas

   BOGOTA, December 8 (Xinhua) -- One soldier and five guerrillas
were killed when Colombian government forces and the leftist
rebels clashed in the central province of Meta on Saturday.

   The commander of the army's 7th Brigade, Gen. Hernando Alonso
Ortiz, told reporters that the clashes occurred when a group of
gunmen were trying to kidnap some civilians after robbing them of
their vehicles at a false military post near the town of Acacias.
   Ortiz said the abduction attempt was finally thwarted due to
the rapid reaction from the troops.

   The commander said these gunmen belonged to the country's
largest guerrilla group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of
Colombia, which is operating around the area.


2) Colombian Government Seeks Resumption of Peace Talks With FARC

   BOGOTA, December 8 (Xinhua) -- Colombia's chief peace
commissioner Camilo Gomez on Saturday headed to the demilitarized
zone in the south of the country to resume peace talks with the
leftist rebel group Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC),
the local radio Caracol reported.

   Caracol quoted official sources as saying that Gomez was
traveling to the 42,000-square-kilometer neutral zone, which
President Andres Pastrana ceded to the guerrilla group three years
ago, to meet representatives of the FARC's top leader Manuel

   On October 17, FARC unilaterally suspended peace talks with the
Colombian government, saying it would resume talks on condition
that the government made its stand clear whether or not the
guerrilla group is a terrorist organization.

   Pastrana has reiterated his determination to seek a negotiated
solution to the 37-year guerrilla war, which has claimed 40,000
lives in the past decade alone.


3) Colombian Guerrilla Group Asked to Free Dying Boy's Father

   BOGOTA, December 8 (Xinhua) -- The mother of a Colombian boy on
Saturday reiterated her petition to the country's largest
guerrilla group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
to free her dying son's father.

   Francia Edith, mother of the boy, said she hoped the FARC's
leaders could release Andres's father, a police officer, who has
been in rebel captivity for nearly two years, at Christmas as a 
humanitarian gesture in order to satisfy the dying minor's hope
to see his father for the last time.

   Doctors say the boy's farther, Jose Norberto Perez, is the only
possible kidney donator to save the life of his 12-year-old son
Andres, who could die within days.

   However, the rebels insisted on their demand to swap Perez for
guerrilla member Ignacio Gonzales Perdomo, who is also allegedly

   Andres's mother has regretted the guerrilla's hard-line
position, saying it would be the least thing that you can do for
the life of a human being.

   In June, FARC released 363 police and military officials in
exchange for 11 rebels. They are currently holding about 50.
   FARC and the government have been engaged in on-off peace talks
since October 1999 aimed at ending 37 years of civil war.


Korean Central News Agency Dec 9

2001-12-09 Thread sipila

TODAY'S NEWS (December.09.2001 Juche 90)



Seminar on exploits of Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Suk held

Japan's political suppression of Chongryon under fire

Implementation of north-south joint declaration called for

International day of broadcasting for children marked

Japan warned not to act rashly

U.S. imperialists warned not to act rashly

Seminar on exploits of Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Suk held
     Pyongyang, December 9 (KCNA) -- A seminar on the immortal expoits of
leader Kim Jong Il and the great communist revolutionary fighter Kim Jong
Suk was held by the Egyptian committee for the study of idea of Juche on
November 26. Yahiya Jakariya Hairallah, chairman of the committee, in a
report said that Kim Jong Il, regarding the military affair as the most
important state affair, has led the socialist cause of the DPRK to victory
with his army-based politics, the peculiar political mode pushing forward
all the affairs of the country with the army as its pillar.
    It is the result of the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il that the Korean
People's Army has firmly defended the country and performed feats in
building a powerful nation, he said.
    He noted that Kim Jong Suk is a woman commander of Mt. Paektu who
embarked upon the revolutionary struggle at her early age and made immortal
contributions to the sacred war for the liberation of the country.
    Meanwhile, there was held a seminar on the subject of characteristics
and might of army-based politics of the great comrade Kim Jong Il at the
Chiclayo, Peru, Association for the Study of the Juche Idea on Nov. 21.

Japan's political suppression of Chongryon under fire
     Pyongyang, December 9 (KCNA) -- An emergency meeting of officials of
the Osaka prefectural headquarters of the General Association of Korean
Residents in Japan (Chongryon) was held on December 1 to denounce the
unreasonable political repression of Chongryon, according to the December 7
issue of Joson Sinbo published in Japan. The meeting heard a report and
speeches. Then followed an address by the chairman of the headquarters.
    He said that no matter how desperately the Japanese reactionaries may
work to destroy Chongryon the compatriots in Japan would surely emerge
victorious in the struggle to defend it as long as they have leader Kim Jong
Il and the powerful socialist homeland.
    He called upon the officials and compatriots to single-heartedly unite
and smash the anti-Chongryon moves of the Japanese authorities and thus
firmly defend the organization and implement the decision of the 19th
congress of Chongryon to the letter.

Implementation of north-south joint declaration called for
     Pyongyang, December 9 (KCNA) -- The June 15 North-South Joint
Declaration published in Pyongyang last year is a milestone which most
correctly indicates the principles, ways and immediate tasks for achieving
national reunification in conformity with the nation's aspiration after
reunification and the specific conditions of the country. Rodong Sinmun
today says this in a signed article, and goes on: National independence is
the main idea, spirit and core of the north-south declaration.
    The independent reunification of the nation will certainly be achieved
when all the compatriots pool efforts and wisdom in the struggle, while
strongly rejecting foreign forces' interference into the issue of the
national reunification from the Juche-oriented viewpoint and stand that they
are responsible for their own destiny.
    It is the way of peacefully reunifying the country in the interests of
the north, the south and the whole nation under the actual conditions of
Korea to work in the direction of achieving reunification by founding a
unified federal state, keeping the ideologies and systems in the north and
the south as they are.
    The joint declaration indicates the way of solving the issue of the
country's reunification most reasonably and fairly as it aims at achieving
reunification by federal formula.
    The declaration is one for the great unity of the nation and
reunification that helps achieve the trust and harmony between the north and
the south and national unity and reunification as soon as possible.
    National reunification is certain to come when the whole nation
continues to vigorously advance along the road indicated by the declaration,
the article stresses.

International day of broadcasting for children marked
     Pyongyang, December 9 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today devotes a signed
article to the international day of broadcasting for children. Children can
grow up happily free from any worries only when their rights are guaranteed


2001-12-09 Thread j t

The call for a Tobin tax - a tax on financial transactions - is not
anti-capitalist, as some in the anti-globalisation movement seem to

It is all very well being against something but if this is to be anything
more than permanently protesting against some never-ending problem you've
got to be for something too. Most of those who organise the
anti-capitalist and anti-globalisation protest demonstrations don't
seem to have thought it through this far, and those that have show
themselves not to be against capitalism. 

What they are against is what some of them call neo-liberalism – by
which they mean the return of laissez-faire economic policies. What they
are for is to go back to a more regulated capitalism. They merely want
states to intervene to try to control capitalism, to make it more human,
to suppress what they see as its worst excesses.

A case in point is the French-based organisation, with branches in many
other countries, ATTAC whose vice-president is Susan George, author of
such readable and informative books as How The Other Half Dies and A Fate
Worse Than Debt. Their hobby horse is a call for the so-called Tobin
Tax, as is reflected in their full name: Association for a Tax on
financial Transactions and for Aid to Citizens.

James Tobin was (actually, he's still alive) an American Keynesian
economist who, after the 1944 Bretton Woods agreement on exchange rates
collapsed in 1971 when America floated the dollar, proposed a tax on
currency transactions as a way of reducing speculation. Here's how he has
recently described his proposal:

This tax aimed to limit exchange rate fluctuations. The idea is simple:
on each operation a minimum levy is made equivalent to, say, 0.5 percent
of the transaction. Enough to put off speculators. For many investors
place their money for very short periods in currencies. If this money is
suddenly withdrawn from the market, countries have to raise their interest
rates considerably so that their currencies remain attractive. 

But high interest rates are often catastrophic for the internal economy,
as the crises which hit Mexico, South East Asia and Russia in the 1990s
show. The Tobin tax would give back some margin for manoeuvre to the
central banks of small countries to fight against the tyranny of financial
markets (interview with Der Spiegel, reproduced in Le Monde, 11 September

Tobin got the idea from Keynes who had suggested a national tax on
internal financial speculation as one of his reforms to get out of the
Great Depression of the 1930s. The idea was to encourage money-capital to
be invested productively instead of being used for unproductive

Tobin was given a Nobel Prize for Economics in 1981 (not that this is
worth much in academic terms; it's little more than a monetary prize), but
no government took up his proposal. In fact, for it to work, all
governments would have to take it up. That was why he suggested it should
be paid to the World Bank or the IMF.

The Bretton Woods agreement had laid down fixed rates of exchange between
currencies, in particular with the dollar which in turn was tied to a
fixed amount of gold ($35 an ounce). Devaluations and revaluations were
allowed; in fact that is what a devaluation was: a formal downward
change in a currency's fixed rate of exchange with other currencies. 

This system collapsed at the beginning of the 1970s when the Nixon
administration announced that the US was no longer prepared to exchange
gold at $35 an ounce. So began the present period of floating exchange

Today, the rate of exchange of a state's currency is determined by market
forces: the demand for it in relation to the desire to sell it, which in
turn depends essentially on a state's balance of trade. The more it
exports the higher will be the demand from foreigners to buy it (to pay
for the exports) while the higher its imports the more will be the supply
for sale as importers sell it for foreign currencies (to pay for the

This is not to say that states don't try to maintain a more or less stable
rate of exchange. They do, but their only weapons now are short-term
interest rates or getting their central bank (and/or some other central
bank or banks) to buy and sell their own currency. But these are not
always that effective as was demonstrated by Britain's ignominious exit
from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism in 1992 under pressure from
speculators led by George Soros.

The collapse of Bretton Woods coincided with the last years of the long
post-war boom, and was in fact a sign that it was coming to an end. When
the boom did end, or rather, fizzled out corporations found themselves
with large cash mountains made up of money they would normally have
re-invested but which they didn't because it was no longer profitable to
do so. This money thus became available for currency and other forms of
financial speculation.

Essentially, speculation is the use of money-capital, not to invest in