Munich plans protest ban

2002-02-03 Thread sipila

From: Johannes Schneider [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [R-G] Re: Re: Munich plans protest ban

Here is an update on the events in Munich last night and yesterday:

Confrontations between police and demonstrators continued until late night
of Saturday. Since Friday 850 persons have been arrested. Last night 484
were arrested close to the Union House.
Initially the police insisted to register every single person, who attented
a conference on the 'Perspectives of Resistance' inside the Union House. Not
surprisingly union bureaucrats wanted to accept this. Only because of the
intervention of the revolutionary left (mainly LRCI comrades) the
participants insisted on a complete withdrawal of the police forces. Due to
this and the intervention of union colleagues from outside and PDS MP Eva
Bulling-Schröter the police was withdrawn after two hours.
Johannes, Munich

UK Indymedia has been summing up events (quite correctly) until 9.00 pm
local time on Feb. 2nd like this:
full text at:

Despite the banning of all today's events about 7000 people demonstrated
against NATO, militarism and war.

In total there have been at least 700 arrests.

The repeated attempts by the police to stop meetings and spontaneous
demonstrations in the city centre have continously failed.

Police have said there were around 6-7000 people demonstrating today. Many
people arrested are still being kept outside awaiting space incrowded cells.
The Trade Union House was cut off for 2 hours.

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Depression and despair in Israel

2002-02-03 Thread sipila

From: Steve Wagner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: * Depression and despair in Israel


From The Irish Times,
Saturday, 2-2-02:

Depression and despair in Israel

  Depression and despair are the dominant sentiments reported by
European and United Nations representatives from Israel in recent days.
 The Israeli media are filled with warnings of imminent all-out war.
Prospects of any political progress to arrest or reverse the cycle of
violence with the Palestinians are bleak, according to political and
diplomatic reports.

  It is widely recognised that only US and European pressure on the
parties can prevent a further escalation; but there is no sign that
this is a priority for President George W. Bush, who has supported the
Israeli prime minister, Mr. Ariel Sharon's dismissive attitude towards
the Palestinian leader, Mr. Yasser Arafat.

  The Europeans are justifiably furious about Israeli targeting of
buildings and facilities supplied to the Palestinian Authority by EU
states.  These include the airport in Gaza, the official Voice of
Palestine radio station in Ramallah, statistics and forensic offices
and municipal buildings, costing some 17.3 million Euros.  There is a
move to seek compensation from Israel for this at the next meeting of
EU foreign ministers.

  This destructive policy appears to be driven by the Israeli prime
minister, Mr. Ariel Sharon, who seems determined to undermine Mr.
Arafat and the Palestinian Authority.  Those in Israel who believe an
alternative to him would be worse are very much on the defensive.

  The policy of maximum Israeli retaliation for each act of individual
terrorism is bringing the various groups leading the Palestinian
intifada together.  These include those close to Mr. Arafat's Fatah
organisation, increasingly involved in armed actions and terrorism
against Israeli troops and civilians because they do not want to lose
influence with the Palestinian population.  Mr. Arafat says it is
impossible for him to move effectively against armed groups while he
remains under Israeli house arrest in Ramallah.

  Such an escalation is more and more dangerous for the Middle East
region, but there is little likelihood that it will be scaled down in
the short to medium term.  Yesterday's actions involving Hezbollah
guerillas on the Lebanese-Syrian border reinforced the Israeli
conviction that Iran has decided to arm its enemies.  Such a belief
could embolden Mr. Sharon's right-wing cabinet colleagues to support an
all-out war against Mr. Arafat and the Palestinian Authority and
reconquer the West Bank and Gaza in the name of greater Israel.

  Only the fear that this would be quite unacceptable to the United
States and Europe restrains them.  There is a widespread feeling that
President Bush supports Mr. Sharon's approach and has lost confidence
in Mr. Arafat.  He may no longer feel the need to cultivate Arab states
following military success in Afghanistan and may also believe there is
little his government can do while Palestinians and Israelis are so
comprehensively polarised against one another.  It should fall to the
European states to correct that imbalance.  But as yet they lack the
political will and resources to do so.  Hence the widespread feeling
that this conflict is rapidly spiraling out of control.
(c) 2002, The Irish Times

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Bush Hires Hard-Liners to Handle Cuba Policy

2002-02-03 Thread sipila

From: Walter Lippmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 03 Feb 2002 23:51:37 +1100
Subject: [CubaNews] Bush Hires Hard-Liners to Handle Cuba Policy

Washington's response to Cuba's policy of opposition to
terrorism and war, its cash purchases of $40 million worth
of agricultural commodities, its quietly non-confrontational
stance toward the Talibanishment at Guantanamo is now
to ratchet up hostility toward Cuba by every possible step
it can take. And these are but a few current examples.

This article, which tells a lot, puts the policy of the Bush
administration, which was not elected by a majority vote
of the people of the United States, in the softest and
most sanitized light. Omitted, for example is the massive
campaign the US is carrying on against Cuba around the
Human Rights Commission at Geneva, for just one single
example. Omitted is Helms-Burton and Torricelli, the laws
under which Washington openly proclaims its policy goal
of the complete overthrow of the Cuban Revolution.

Free elections? Like in the US in general and Florida
in particular? Pardon me, but I need to barf. Washington
is carrying out the policy which has been adopted for the
past forty years by successive administrations of both
political parties and by overwhelming majorities in the
Congress. These foul chickens have now come home
to roost. Washington's historic hostility toward Cuba is
an albatross which harms the interests of many sectors
in business, agriculture and the great majority of the
people of the United States. It and and must be ended.

Today, as commercial and agricultural interests see the
chance to make substantial business connections and
money, Cuban Americans have become, by all accounts,
the largest group of violators of the travel ban. And after
Elian Gonzalez, a Cuban child was kidnapped, held and
manipulated by Miami rightists, most people in the US
came to understand that Cuba, whatever its problems,
is a place where children can and should grow up with
their parents. Washington is even more glaringly out
of step with the sentiments of a majority of the people
in the United States.

It's the Bush administration which is out of step and
that is the reality it is moving desperately to conceal.

Cuba's struggle for national independence and self-
determination was going on long before Fidel Castro
was born and the Cuban Revolution was successful.
Cuba's policy is simple: it want's Washington, like it
wants all countries, to respect Cuba's independence.
It wants just normalization of relations with the US,
something Washington has resisted for all these 40+
years. It's a struggle which can and will be won.

Cuba has survived forty years of blockade and the
fall of the Soviet Union. It will survive this, too...

February 3, 2002
Bush Hires Hard-Liners to Handle Cuba Policy

WASHINGTON, Feb. 2 - At a time when Cuba is exhibiting
increasing signs of reaching out to the United States, the
Bush administration is filling its Latin America policy
ranks with officials known for a hard-line stance toward
Fidel Castro's government.

Several incoming officials advocate an unyielding hostility
toward Cuba and the maintenance, if not strengthening, of a
trade embargo that is four decades old.

The policy being promoted by people like Otto J. Reich, a
Cuban exile who is the State Department's top policy maker
for Latin America, is increasingly placing the
administration at odds with farmers, business executives and
a growing number of members of Congress - including many
Republicans - who have been pushing for trade with Cuba. But
the hard line is still an article of faith among many

The Cuban-Americans sense the momentum is moving away from
their position quite rapidly, and they're trying to put in
some fire walls, said Sally Grooms Cowal, director of the
Cuba Policy Foundation, a bipartisan group that advocates an
easing of sanctions.

In recent months, Cuba has made gestures that indicate an
eagerness to set relations with Washington on a new track.
The Castro government has bought more than $40 million in
food from the United States; it has withheld criticism of
the use of the United States Naval Station at Guantánamo Bay
to house captives; and it has offered to increase
cooperation on a variety of issues, including drug
trafficking and fighting terrorism.

Mr. Castro has invited former President Jimmy Carter, who
has been an intermediary between Washington and hostile
nations, to visit, said Deanna Congileo, a Carter
spokeswoman. He has not decided whether he will go, she

Taken together, the moves reflect the most significant
outreach since 1996, when Cuba shot down two civilian planes
flown by Cuban-American activists and the United States
responded by tightening sanctions.

Yet the overtures have fallen flat with the Bush

The State Department spokesman, Richard A. 

Resolution Condemning US Axis of Evil Stance Issued by WorldSocial Forum

2002-02-03 Thread sipila

Published on Sunday, February 3, 2002 by Agence France Presse
Resolution Condemning US Axis of Evil Stance Issued by World Social Forum
 A strongly-worded resolution condemning the United States for designating
Iran, Iraq and North Korea as targets in the US war on terror, was issued
here, esteeming war cannot be the way to solve the world's problems.

Delegates to the World Congressional Forum, held on the margins of the World
Social Forum, condemned Saturday the Bush administration's decision to warn
the three countries, termed an axis of evil, they were under close US
scrutiny for ties to terror.

Opponents of discrimination and violence against women shout slogans during
the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil, Saturday February 2, 2002.
The five-day Social Forum is a shadow event to the World Economic Forum that
this year brings powerful politicians and businessmen from around the world
to New York City.(AP Photo/Dado Galdieri)
Five hundred of the 1,155 lawmakers from 40 countries gathered here to
support the anti-globalization efforts of the second-annual World Social
Forum voted at their final plenary session to state they were convinced
that a military escalation will not conquer terrorism and that war cannot be
the way to solve the world's problems.

Developing nations' foreign debt -- dubbed economic terrorism by Argentine
Nobel Peace Prize winner Adolfo Perez Esquivel -- remained a major topic of
the seminars, debates and panel discussions that make up the World Social
Forum, which attracted 10,000 young people among its 60,000 participants,
organizers said. 

So, too, did the current economic crisis embroiling Esquivel's country -- as
demonstrators banging their pots and pans to the rhythm of an infectious
samba paraded the streets to show solidarity with Argentines enduring nearly
four years of agonizing recession.

The Forum convened its own court to debate the merits of external debt and
after two days of largely ceremonial deliberations, ruled that the debt
burden of southern hemispheric countries is illegitimate, unjust and
unsustainable because it was ordained outside of national and
international law without consulting the people.

The defendants, transnational banks and corporations, the International
Monetary Fund, the World Bank, northern hemisphere governments were found
guilty and ordered to pay restitution for the wealth stolen from the south
and the damage they have caused.

Earlier Saturday, in the second full day of the six-day conference that
gathered social activists from 150 countries for discourse and strategizing
to end the disconnect between the northern and southern hemispheres that
fuels globalization, activists paraded their causes like models down a

In two-hour slots, social concerns like police brutality, feminism, the
liberation of Palestine and the electoral campaign of Brazil's Luiz Inacio
Lula da Silva masquerading as citizen advocacy, took to the stage, their
proponents blowing whistles, showing off T-shirts and chanting slogans.

At its final plenary session, the Congressional Forum's delegates pledged
solidarity with the Argentine people, who have, since December, embarked
on a popular protest after neoliberal politics that have only aggravated the
economic, political and social crisis, a resolution's text read.

It's the clearest demonstration of the failure of neoliberalism in Latin
America, when politics prevent economic growth, send our countries plunging
into debt and menace our sovereignty.

Woven through discussions at a Social Forum session devoted to health was
the reality that 72 percent of the world's population lives in developing
nations that account for barely seven percent of global pharmaceutical
sales, with one-third of humanity unable to access medicine. In some parts
of Africa and Asia, the toll exceeds 50 percent.

Between 1979 and 2002, only one percent of new research was focused on
tropical illnesses, said Michel Lotrowska of Doctors Without Borders.

For malaria, sleeping sickness, we use drugs from 40 years ago, he said.
There are no drugs to treat dengue, which is currently reaching epidemic
proportions in Brazil.

Noted Belgian activist Eric Toussaint of the Committee to Annul Third World
Debt: an outlay of 80 billion dollars over 10 years -- less than one-third
of the annual service of external debt -- would guarantee every world
citizen access to education, basic health care, adequate nutrition, potable
water and sanitation.

But while organizers hailed the astounding success of the Forum, attracting
10,000 more participants than planned, uninvited activist Hebe de Bonafini
of the Argentine Mothers of May Plaza group, complained bitterly the Forum
was caving in, inviting leaders, not fighters.

Her remarks might have been due to sour grapes, as her harassment of
billionaire financier George Soros during a videoconference at last year's
forum kept her off the invite list by organizers 

Ireland. Republican Sinn Fein: Defence of nationalist northBelfast continues

2002-02-03 Thread sipila


Subject: [Peoples War] Saoirse: Defence of nationalist north Belfast

SAOIRSE (Republican Sinn Fein)

Defence of nationalist north Belfast continues

Wednesday, January 9, 2002 (continued)

As the battle between the nationalist street fighters and the combined
forces of occupation and loyalism went on fighting took place at very close
quarters, against armoured RUC Land Rovers and Brit armoured cars.

The nationalist street fighters by now had forced the occupation forces out
of the area and back to the Crumlin Road. Fighters had also taken to the
roofs of the Ardoyne shops, attacking occupation forces and causing a number
of injuries to the RUC who had to be pulled out of the danger zone.

A number of Land Rovers were hit by petrol bombs and were forced to pull

Hundreds of street fighters were now on the streets. A number of cars and
vans were burning across the top of Brompton Park and across Crumlin Road.

A Republican Sinn Féin member was badly injured after being shot in the
stomach by a plastic bullet fired by the RUC.

ON Wednesday, January 9 the nationalist people of north Belfast in Ardoyne
were under an unprecedented attack from Brit/RUC occupation forces. RSF
members were on the streets of Ardoyne standing side by side and shoulder to
shoulder with our people in defence of the nationalist people and community.

At around 11pm the hated loyalist paramilitary RUC forced their way into the
top of Brompton Park and down Balhome Drive in armoured Land Rovers.

The defending nationalist street fighters stood their ground. One very brave
action was carried out by a youth who, using a can of petrol, poured petrol
over one RUC Land Rover which was set on fire by another youth with a petrol

Petrol bombs rained against the armoured Land Rovers which were moving at
60mph, mounting the footpaths as they tried to knock people down.

Three Land Rovers were now on fire. The one hit a burning barricade and
jamming itself at Brompton Park.

The Land Rover was surrounded by around 500 or more nationalist street
fighters trying to make escape impossible. Again more Land Rovers flooded
into Brompton Park and Balhome Drive. Fighting was very heavy.

It was at this stage that a member of north Belfast Republican Sinn Féin was
shot in the stomach by an RUC plastic bullet. The bullet struck the RSF man
inches below the heart. Knowing what these weapons can do, it doesn't take
much thought on it to know how close to death the RSF man had come.

The RSF man was taken out of the area and received first aid locally, but
outside the danger zone.

The RUC were at the Mater Hospital on the Crumlin Road arresting injured
nationalists. It is for this reason, the fear of arrest, that there can
never be a true list of wounded or injured. The fact is, many, many people,
men, women and children were injured in this combined Brit/RUC/loyalist
assault against the nationalist community.

The fighting went on into the early hours of the morning, subsiding around

Thursday, January 10, 2002. Holy Cross School stayed closed because of the
fear of attack on the primary school children.

Tension was at an all time high in north Belfast. People were very unsure of
what the day may bring to the streets of north Belfast.

It wasn't long before the loyalists would let the nationalist community

Just before 11am at Our Lady of Mercy school, which is about a mile away
from Holy Cross primary in the loyalist Ballysillan, petrified school
children were witness to two cars full of loyalists coming into their school
grounds and wreck up to 18 cars belonging to teachers as two gun men, one
with a rifle, the other with a hand gun, gave cover.

As news of the attack got to the parents of the children, of whom the writer
of this report is one, we made our way to the school. Our only concern was
for our children. We had been worried that Our Lady of Mercy School would be
a target. The school has been a constant target for loyalists.

When we got to the school and witnessed the damage caused by the loyalists
and then were told about the gunmen, our only thought was to get the
children and to take them home. As the children came out to us they were
very upset and just wanted to get home.

There was a terrible uncanny feeling. It was very much in our minds that we
were in the middle of Ballysillan, a loyalist area, two miles from
nationalist Ardoyne.

Only a short time before a number of loyalists were standing right where we
now were, at least two of them armed. The thought that these gunmen could
still be in the area was uppermost in many of the parents minds. The need
was to make sure all the children were safe and to get them all out of the
area. Many taxi drivers from nationalist areas helped to make sure of this.

The morning went on and tension stayed high.

About 2pm loyalists once again came out of Hesketh Road and made towards
Mercy Primary School on the Crumlin Road where 

China. People´s Daily Feb 4

2002-02-03 Thread sipila


Inside Story of Negotiations Between Dalai Lama, Central Chinese Government

A signed article carried in the latest issue of China's Tibet magazine cited
plenty of irrefutable facts to expose Dalai Lama's true intention of
separating Tibet from China under the cloak of negotiation with the central
Chinese government.

A signed article carried in the latest issue of China's Tibet  magazine
cited plenty of irrefutable facts to expose Dalai Lama's true intention of
separating Tibet from China under the cloak of negotiation with the central
Chinese government.

Entitled Fresh comments on negotiation between the 14th Dalai Lama and the
Central Government, the article started with late Chinese leader Deng
Xiaoping's talks with an AP reporter.

On December 28, 1978, Deng Xiaoping, then vice-chairman of the Central
Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), said when meeting with the
AP reporter: The Dalai Lama may come back, but in his capacity as a Chinese
citizen. We have only one demand -- being patriotic -- and we put forward
the theory that there is not major difference as to when he becomes
patriotic, earlier or later.

Deng's talks clearly demonstrated brotherly affection shown by the Central
Chinese Government toward Tibetan compatriots residing overseas and also
showed the Central Chinese Government's attitude toward Dalai Lama.

The 14th Dalai Lama sent his private representative back to the motherland
on February 28, 1979 for matters concerning the bettering of ties between
him and the Central Government.

On March 12, Deng Xiaoping met with the private representative and told
him: The fundamental problem lies in the fact that Tibet is part of China.
It is the yardstick to judge whether things go right or wrong. Now, the
problem is whether Tibet is to start a dialogue with the Central Government
in its capacity as a country, or for it to discuss things with the Central
Government in its capacity as a part of China. This is a realistic

Deng's remarks broke the 20-year-long isolation between Dalai Lama and the
Central Chinese Government, said the article.

Pakistan Rejects Reports of Receiving Chinese Aid in Missile Program.

Pakistan on Saturday strongly denied reports of receiving any assistance
from China in developing missiles, saying its missile program was totally

Pakistan   on Saturday strongly denied reports of receiving any assistance
from China in developing missiles, saying its missile program was totally

This stand was reiterated by Foreign Office spokesman Aziz Ahmed Khan in a
press briefing Saturday afternoon in Islamabad while commenting on a story
published in a section of the press.

Khan said similar allegations had been made in the past and were refuted by
both Pakistan and China.

Commenting on the statement of Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee
that India would not enter into dialogue on Kashmir, Khan described it as

He said there was a world-wide practice to resolve inter-state problems
through negotiations and dialogue.

Khan reiterated that Pakistan would like to resolve all outstanding issues
with India including the Kashmir dispute through dialogue. Our position
remains the same, he added.

Roundup: US, Europe Inconsistent Over NATO, Security.

Defense ministers and foreign ministers of NATO countries and the foreign
ministers of Tajikistan and the Kyrgyz Republic gathered here on Saturday to
discuss the global security situation after the September 11 terrorist
attacks on the United States.

Defense ministers and foreign ministers of NATO countries and the foreign
ministers of Tajikistan and the Kyrgyz Republic gathered here on Saturday to
discuss the global security situation after the September 11 terrorist
attacks on the United States.

But it is evident that the United States and Europe differed on matters
regarding the development of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the
global security. 

Addressing the meeting, U.S. Senator John McCain said, This campaign for
freedom and against terror across the globe is a joint endeavor that will
commit the United States and our friends and allies across Europe.

But a necessary condition for its success is an assertive, and
distinctively American, internationalism that will propel a global campaign
to reorder international relations, just as a new, more just order emerged
from the ashes of this war-torn continent under American leadership in
1945, McCain said.

He noted that American leadership within NATO has been enhanced by its
leading role in the ongoing anti-terrorism war.

The senator expressed his hope that NATO's European members and the United
States could put aside their previous differences over an emerging European
security identity in favor of NATO's existing security architecture.

However, officials from European countries voiced their dissatisfaction over
the current development of NATO and called 

Palestine: PFLP Suspends Membership in PLO

2002-02-03 Thread sipila


Subject: [Peoples War] Palestine: PFLP Suspends Membership in PLO

PFLP Suspends Membership in PLO
Xinhuanet 2002-02-02 23:43:45
   GAZA, February 2 (Xinhuanet) -- The Popular Front for the
Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) announced on Saturday that it
suspended its membership in the executive committee of the
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) until the Palestinian
National Authority (PNA) release its secretary general Ahmed

   A PFLP statement sent to Xinhua said that the decision of
suspension was made after the PNA, arrested Saadat and put him into
the Palestinian jail three weeks ago, failed to release the PFLP
leader despite its attempts and interventions.

   Therefore we believe that the decision to arrest Saadat was
political, and the PFLP decided to suspend its membership into the
PLO executive committee until Saadat is released, said the

   The PNA security forces arrested Saadat on January 15 in the
West Bank town of Ramallah after pressure practiced on PNA Chairman
Yasser Arafat by Israel and the United States to arrest Saadat.

   The pressure also was to make the PNA arrests the assassins of
Israeli far right-wing tourism minister Rehavam Ze'evi that was
killed in October by PFLP militants in a hotel in Jerusalem in
revenge for assassinating the PFLP Secretary General Abu Ali
Mustafa in August. 

   The PNA security forces said that Saadat, who was believed to be
behind the assassination of Ze'evi, would be kept in jail until he
reveals the hiding place of the two assassins of Ze'evi.

   The PFLP is the second Palestinian faction member of the PLO
after the Palestinian mainstream Fatah movement that is chaired by
Arafat. Arafat is also the chairman of the PLO executive committee.

   The PFLP gave chance to all the previous faithful efforts to
release Saadat. But now after the PNA refuses to release him, we
decided to suspend our membership in the PLO until Saadat is
released, added the statement.

   The PFLP is a left-wing party among the PLO and opposed the Oslo
peace agreements that were signed between Israel and the
Palestinians in 1993. It vowed to continue armed struggle until
Israeli occupation of Gaza and the West bank ends.


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Colombia: ELN to Explore Possibility of Cease-fire - Xinhua

2002-02-03 Thread sipila


Subject: [Peoples War] Colombia: ELN to Explore Possibility of Cease-fire -

Colombian Government, ELN to Explore Possibility of Cease-fire

Xinhuanet 2002-02-03 16:14:43
   BOGOTA, February 2 (Xinhuanet) -- The Colombian government and the
National Liberation Army (ELN) agreed on Saturday to start
exploring the possibility of a cease-fire immediately, the
Colombian News Agency (Ancol) reported.

   This was the first time that the government's representatives
and the rebel group exchanged views on a cease-fire. They have
decided to submit it for discussion at their next meetings.
   The agreement was reached by taking into account the will for
peace shown by the two sides during a crucial three-day summit in
Havana, Cuba.

   A commission was also formed for drafting a schedule for the
cease-fire-oriented discussions and other issues proposed at the
summit. The government will be represented by Gustavo Villegas and
Juan Ricardo Ortega in the commission and the ELN, by Francisco
Galan and Felipe Torres.

   Peace Commissioner Camilo Gomez told Colombia's RCN radio
station that the two sides will meet again from February 25 to 27
in a place yet to be decided, most likely still in Havana.
   We are going to continue exploring the possibility to reach a
cease-fire and to seek humanitarian agreements that were
recommended at the summit, Gomez said.

   The 4,500-strong ELN is the second largest guerrilla group in
Colombia after the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).
The talks between the group and the government were suspended last
August by President Pastrana, who accused the rebels of lacking
the will for peace. Their contacts resumed on November 24.


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USA. Notification to Peltier supporters

2002-02-03 Thread sipila

Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2002 13:11:01 -0600
Subject: notification to Peltier supporters

Dear Peltier Supporters:

As some may have already experienced, the LPDC web site ( is
currently inaccessible.  This tech issue is due to a server software upgrade
and DNS address change.  Although has already been
redirected to the new DNS number, it normally takes 24-48 hours from the
time of DNS change for domains to become fully available again.  Sincere
apologies for this unforeseen problem.

Unfortunately, because of the DNS change, email sent to the
address may bounce.  In the interim, until the DNS change has kicked in, you
may direct any urgent email to the LPDC office via their ISP address at

Again, sincere apologies for any inconvenience this has caused.

Thank you for your understanding.
Dawn Hill
LPDC Web Site Mistress

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AIC: Newsletter of the Anti-imperialist Camp

2002-02-02 Thread sipila

Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 08:05:07 -
Subject: [Peoples War] AIC: Newsletter of the Anti-imperialist Camp

1st of February 2002

1. Defend the right of the Palestinian people to resist occupation!
Conclusions of the Anti-imperialist Solidarity Delegation and call for a new

2. Pakistan: Peasant women fight against forceful eviction from their lands
by CMKP, Pakistan

3. Discussion on the Indo-Pakistani conflict over Kashmir

4. Filipino peasant groups cry: Yankees go home!
by KMU, Philippines

1.Defend the right of the Palestinian people to resist occupation!
Conclusions of the Anti-imperialist Solidarity Delegation and call for a new

From December 30, 2001 to January 6, 2002 an anti-imperialist solidarity
delegation travelled occupied Palestine. The purpose of was twofold: On one
hand to see with our own eyes, to judge with our own mind the situation and
the resistance movement on the ground. On the other hand to express in the
strongest possible way our undivided support for the legitimate resistance
of the Palestinian people against the Zionist occupation. Both ends of the
delegation were met.

We were able to touch the hottest spots of the conflict i.e. Hebron and the
Gaza strip. We could see the systematic Zionist colonisation projects of
Greater Jerusalem, in the West Bank and in Gaza. We passed deliberately
destroyed agricultural land and we saw thousands of uprooted trees. We heard
about the water shortages while the Israelis are massively pumping and
consuming water. We experienced the restriction of the movement of persons
and goods by Israeli check-points, road blocks, exclusive settler and
military roads. Briefly, we felt the reality of occupation which we can only
subsume as Apartheid.

However, we were also able to confirm that the Intifada, the popular
resistance movement does live and proceed.

It has become crystal clear that Israel has never been striving for peace,
but for the complete colonisation of the territories occupied in 1967. This
plan was designed right after the occupation and has been carried ahead. It
includes a scientifically elaborated plan of Zionist settlements. Their
construction was not slowed down or even stopped after the Oslo agreements,
but it was massively stepped up. A grid of military and settler roads have
been built cutting contiguous Palestinian territories and blocking internal
Palestinian movement whenever intended. The Palestinians expelled from their
lands are being concentrated in densely populated ever tightening zones
eventually resulting in internment camps depriving them of the most
elementary rights - like the Bantustans during Apartheid.

Palestinian resistance resembles the struggle of David against Goliath.
While Israel has got the full backing of imperialism, Palestinians will only
be able to re-conquer their elementary democratic right if they can secure
the support of the popular and proletarian masses of the world struggling
against the Western tyranny.

Therefore the international solidarity movement must be constituted on the
basis of the elementary democratic demands of the Palestinian people :

· Immediate withdrawal of the occupation forces
· Dismantlement of the Israeli settlements
· Right to return for all refugees
· For a sovereign state in the West Bank and Gaza with Jerusalem as capital

Complete article:


2. Pakistan: Peasant women fight against forceful eviction from their lands
Detailed report about the situation in Charsada (Hashtnagar) by Syed Azeem,
Punjab President, Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party

During the 1970s a number of peasant struggles started in Pakistan, which
were mainly organized by the Communists. The most successful and militant
land-grab by the peasants took place in Hashtnagar, an area close to the
Pak-Afghan border in the province of NWFP. Organized by the then Mazdoor
Kissan Party (MKP), the peasants were able to liberate this area from feudal
lords, who brutally oppressed the poor peasants and had the backing of the
state. Since those days, Hashtnagar remains to be a liberated area despite
several attempts by the feudal lords and state to eject the peasants.

Recently, another attempt by the feudals, in connivance with the state
machinery, is in progress to forcefully evict the poor peasants from the
lands of Charsada (Hashtnagar). Eager to use the so-called
War-Against-Terrorism hysteria, the military and feudals are eyeing to not
only takeover the lands, but also to reverse many gains made by the peasant
movement in Pakistan.

On 22nd January, 2002, 3,500 personnel of police and the Frontier
Constabulary attacked the village of Charsada. The peasants were unarmed,
but organized. The police, on the other hand, was armed with guns, tear-gas
shells, armored vehicles and jeeps. The 

Colombia: Progress reported in ELN/Govt talks in Cuba - BBC

2002-02-02 Thread sipila

Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 07:40:13 -
Subject: [Peoples War] Colombia: Progress reported in ELN/Govt talks in Cuba

Friday, 1 February, 2002, 16:49 GMT

Progress reported in Colombia talks

Representatives from the Colombian Government and the country's
second-largest rebel group, the National Liberation Army (ELN) have extended
talks in Cuba after making progress towards a ceasefire agreement.

After a three-day meeting which ended on Thursday, both sides announced they
would stay in the Cuban capital Havana for a further round of discussions.

They also issued a declaration calling for children to be excluded from the
conflict, an end to rebel attacks on Colombia's electricity pylons and
measures to stop the use of anti-personnel mines.

From the newsroom of the BBC World Service

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A people who want to win independence cannot confine themselves to ordinary
methods of warfare. Mass insurrections, revolutionary warfare, guerilla
detachments everywhere - such is the only way.
F Engels

A revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a
struggle to the death between the future and the
Fidel Castro

There is no revolution without violence. Those who don’t accept violence
can cross out the word revolution from their dictionary.
Malcolm X 

Violence is the universal objective law of all thorough national liberation
General Vo Nguyen Giap

Without a Peoples Army the people have nothing
Mao Tse-Tung


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Phillipines: NPA May Have Fired on U.S. Plane: PhilippineMilitary - Xinhua

2002-02-02 Thread sipila


Subject: [Peoples War] Phillipines: NPA May Have Fired on U.S. Plane:
Philippine Military  - Xinhua

Rebels May Have Fired on U.S. Plane: Philippine Military
Xinhuanet 2002-02-01 15:45:34

MANILA, February 1 (Xinhuanet) -- Members of a rebel group may have
fired upon a U.S. military exercise aircraft in the northern Philippines,
Philippine military sources said Friday after the Pentagon revealed one of
its planes had been hit by small-arms fire.

The Philippine Daily Inquirer online news quoted an anonymous military
official as saying that the shooting took place in the northern province of
Abra where the New People's Army (NPA) rebelsare known to be active.

However, the official stressed they were still investigating the
incident and trying to determine precisely when and where the shooting
occurred and what type of firearm was used.

Pentagon spokesman Jeff Davis has announced in Washington that a U.S.
Air Force MC-130 came under fire Thursday while conducting a low-level
training mission of the joint exercises with the Philippine military in a
mountainous area on the biggest Philippine island of Luzon.

The aircraft, which was hit by at least two bullets, returned safely to
Clark Air Base in Luzon and no one was injured in the incident, Davis said.

The aircraft was taking part in Balance Piston, a joint
U.S.-Philippine military exercise in Luzon, focusing on counter-terrorism,
he said.

Some 660 American soldiers are arriving the southern Philippines to
train local troops to hunt down the Abu Sayyaf kidnapping group that
allegedly has links with the terrorist network of Osama bin Laden.

The NPA has previously threatened to attack any U.S. soldiers who enter
their so-called territories during the joint operations with local troops.

The NPA has also originally been suspected of killing an American
trekker and wounding his German friend in an ambush near Pinatubo volcano in
the northern Philippines on Wednesday.

However, police later said there were conflicting accounts thatthe
shooting may have been carried out by a local tribesman with ahomemade rifle
for reasons that remain unclear.

Philippine officials have repeatedly stressed that American soldiers
taking part in the joint operations in the south will notengage in actual
combat and will only advise and train local troops.

Philippine Defense Secretary Gen. Angelo Reyes Friday said Filipino
commanders would be running the show in the ongoing jointmilitary exercises
in the southern Philippines but said the Americans have the right to defend
themselves in an encounter.

The right to self-defense is universal, we're talking here of
survival, the Philippine Daily Inquirer online news quoted Reyes as saying.

They will not get involved in fighting the Abu Sayyaf, he added.

The at least six-month military exercise, which entered its first phase
Thursday, is aimed at combating the Abu Sayyaf group which is holding two
American and one Filipino hostages. Enditem

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A people who want to win independence cannot confine themselves to ordinary
methods of warfare. Mass insurrections, revolutionary warfare, guerilla
detachments everywhere - such is the only way.
F Engels

A revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a
struggle to the death between the future and the
Fidel Castro

There is no revolution without violence. Those who don’t accept violence
can cross out the word revolution from their dictionary.
Malcolm X 

Violence is the universal objective law of all thorough national liberation
General Vo Nguyen Giap

Without a Peoples Army the people have nothing
Mao Tse-Tung


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South China Morning Post: 'Axis of evil' label upsets mainland

2002-02-02 Thread sipila


Subject: SCMP: 'Axis of evil' label upsets mainland [


  South China Morning Post

  'Axis of evil' label upsets mainland
  Foreign Ministry finds Bush's language jarring but welcomes
strengthening of Sino-US ties



Next Story

China yesterday berated US President George W. Bush for calling
North Korea, Iran and Iraq an axis of evil.
The Chinese side does not advocate using this kind of language
in international relations, Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan said.

Mr Bush said in his State of the Union Address on Tuesday that
Iran, Iraq and North Korea were attempting to develop weapons of mass
destruction and singled them out as an axis of evil.

Mr Kong said China believed all countries should be treated
equally in international affairs.

Otherwise it will damage the atmosphere for seeking solutions
to relevant problems and it would not be conducive to world and regional
peace and stability, he said.

The comments came three weeks before Mr Bush is due to visit
Beijing for talks with President Jiang Zemin, who has backed the US-led war
on terrorism, launched after the September 11 attacks.

Vice-Foreign Minister and former ambassador to the US Li
Zhaoxing is scheduled to leave China for the United States today to make
preparations for Mr Bush's visit.

Observers have expressed doubt that Mr Bush will be able to
conduct substantive discussions with his Chinese hosts during his whirlwind
two-day stay in Beijing.

During the news conference, Mr Kong, however, welcomed another
part of Mr Bush's speech - that on strengthening US-China co-operation.

But the spokesman repeated Beijing's objection to Washington
selling arms to Taiwan and categorically ruled out the need for China and
the US to sign a fourth communique on Taiwan.

Richard Bush, Washington's top diplomat to Taipei, reiterated
earlier this week that the US would continue to provide defensive weapons to

Mr Kong repeated that any arms sales to Taiwan would violate
Washington's commitments to Beijing and the three communiques signed between
the two countries. 

The spokesman was referring to documents signed between China
and the US in 1972, 1979 and 1982 that respectively established official
relations, detailed Washington's affirmation that Taiwan is a part of China
and pronounced the United States' commitment to reduce arms sales to Taiwan.
Mr Kong said as long as both Washington and Beijing adhered to these three
communiques, the two sides would not need a new one.

We are not in favour of the idea that the three joint
communiques are out of date, Mr Kong said.

US officials say privately the joint communiques are merely
diplomatic documents that do not carry the weight of a formal treaty.

Concern has been raised by Taiwan leaders that a fourth
communique would put the island at a disadvantage and weaken Taipei's
bargaining power in negotiating with Beijing.

During his meeting with Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian, Richard
Bush reportedly assured his host that Washington had not changed its
position on Taiwan.

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Xinhua: U.S. Continues Espionage Against DPRK

2002-02-02 Thread sipila


Subject: Xinhua: U.S. Continues Espionage Against DPRK: KCNA


Friday, February 01, 2002 1:22 PM

  U.S. Continues Espionage Against DPRK: KCNA

  Xinhuanet 2002-02-01 19:14:42
  PYONGYANG, February 1 (Xinhuanet) -- The United States committed
more than 150 cases of aerial espionage against the Democratic People's
Republic of Korea (DPRK) in January with strategic and tactical
reconnaissance planes for various missions, the Korean Central News Agency
(KCNA) reported on Friday.

  The KCNA quoted DPRK military sources as saying that involved in
the espionage were U-2 high altitude strategic reconnaissance planes, EP-3
special operation planes, E-3 commanding planes, RC-12 and RC-7 tactical
reconnaissance planes and EH-60 electronic warfare helicopters.

  On January 29 the the U.S. sent more than 100 fighter bombers,
pursuit and assault planes, transport and reconnaissance planes tothe sky
above Tanyang, Wonju and Phyongchange, and on January 24 and 16 the U.S.
sent each day more than 150 fighter planes to the sky above Chunchon,
Kaphyong, Ryoju and other areas of South Koreato stage war exercises.

  Such espionage flights and war exercises clearly prove that
theU.S. is seeking to achieve its aggressive design at any time as soon as
it concludes its war against terrorism in Afghanistan after designating
the DPRK as the main target of its next operation, said the agency. Enditem

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Vietnam News Feb 2 - 3

2002-02-02 Thread sipila


Activities mark Party founding anniversary

A showroom entitled ŒThe Communist Party of Vietnam with the National
Renovation Cause¹ was opened on February 1 at the Vietnam Revolutionary
Museum on the occasion of the 72nd founding anniversary of the party.

Present at the ceremony were leaders of the Ministry of Information and
Culture, representatives from central committees and sectors and localities.

The showroom introduces nearly 300 articles arranged into two sections: The
CPV initiates, organises and leads the national renovation process and The
achievements of the national renovation process in the past 15 years in
political, economic, social and cultural, educational, health care and
diplomatic fields.

On the occasion, the Vietnam Revolutionary Museum has co-ordinated with some
localities to organise a showroom in Ho Chi Minh City on ŒUncle Ho with
Ethnic Minorities¹ and another in northern mountainous province of Cao Bang
on ŒAugust Revolution under the Leadership of the Party.¹

The same day, the final round of the contest ŒHanoi Youth with the
Resolution of the Ninth National Party Congress¹ was held with the
participation of three colleges: the Teachers¹ Training College, the
National Economics University and the Foreign Language Teachers¹ Training

The three teams are the best among the forty teams of forty universities and
colleges that took part in the contest organised by the Hanoi¹s Youth Union
over the past two months.

The teams had to answer questions relating to the Resolution of the Ninth
National Party Congress, and the Resolution of the 13rd Hanoi Party
Congress, sang songs and read poems on the Party, Uncle Ho and expressed
their feelings about the songs and poems. Finally, the contestants had to
come through an rhetorical contest on their understanding of the Party¹s

The Teachers¹ Training College won the first prize. The second prize went to
the National Economics University and the Foreign Language Teachers¹
Training College was the owner of the third prize.

Politburo members Nguyen Khoa Diem and Nguyen Phu Trong presented the prizes
to the winners.

Book exhibition welcomes Party's birthday, New Year

The Hanoi Library opened a book and newspaper exhibition to celebrate the
Party's birthday, the New Year and the national renovation on February 1.

On display are around 1,000 books and 200 different kinds of Tet newspapers
and magazines. Books on show feature those on Ho Chi Minh Thought; the
history of the Communist Party of Vietnam; achievements of the Vietnamese
revolution; the strategic line and leadership of the Party during the
resistance war time against the French colonialists, the US imperialists and
the national construction; the history of Hanoi's Party Committee and the
capital's achievements during the renovation process.

Also on the occasion, a war memorial was inaugurated in Ha Long city of
Quang Ninh northern province on February 1.

The memorial is built on a four-hectare area on the bank of Ha Long bay,
Bach Dang ward.

Deputy PM meets US Pacific commander-in-chief

Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung affirmed that Vietnam pursues an
external policy of diversification and multilaterlisation and wishes to
befriend other countries in the interests of peace, stability and
development in the world.

Deputy Prime Minister Dung was talking with the United States Pacific
Commander-in-Chief Admiral Dennis Cutler Blair, during a reception in Hanoi
on February 1. 

Mr Dung welcomed Admiral Dennis Blair's visit, describing it as an important
step in accelerating the multi-faceted co-operation between Vietnam and the

Deputy PM Dung said that the two armies can co-operate with each other,
particularly in fighting drug trafficking and terrorism, and disposing of
mines and unexploded munitions on the basis of mutual respect and benefits,
and non-interference in each other's internal affairs.

The same day, Admiral Dennis Blair and his entourage paid courtesy visits to
Defence Minister Pham Van Tra, Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien, General Vo
Nguyen Giap and Deputy Defence Minister Lieutenant General Phung Quang

The US Pacific Command delegation will wrap up their visit on February 2.

Foreign minister meets diplomatic corps

Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien and his wife received the diplomatic corps
in Hanoi on February 1, on the occasion of the Vietnamese traditional lunar
New Year Festival. 

On behalf of the Vietnamese government, Foreign Minister Nien thanked
foreign countries and international organisations as well as their
ambassadors and chief representatives in Hanoi for their valuable support
and assistance to Vietnam, thus positively contributing to Vietnam's

He said he 

Palestine. PFLP Press Release Jan 30

2002-02-02 Thread sipila

30 January 2002

Press Release 

Ramallah: The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine has commented on
the Zionist government's plan to isolate Jerusalem from the rest of the
Palestinian territories. The Popular Front said that these are steps that
lead to the practical annexation of the City of Jerusalem. In addition, this
plan also involves expanding the area to be isolated in accordance with the
old plans for the old, yet new, Greater Jerusalem scheme.

The Popular Front pointed out that although this plan is being pursued under
the camouflage of its being for security purposes, it nevertheless imposes
political facts on the ground that dispel all the prevalent illusions in the
policy of the Palestine Authority about Jerusalem being a subject for
negotiations with the Zionist government. This plan confirms that the
Zionist government is continuing with its plan to gobble up our land,
colonize it, and Judaize it, without regard for any agreements.

The Popular Front stressed that these steps by the Zionist government must
serve as a new lesson for the Palestine Authority about the possibility of
negotiating with the Zionists or of even reaching partial agreements on this

The Popular Front believes that the Zionist government decision contravenes
international resolutions concerning Jerusalem, and it calls on the
international community to shoulder its responsibility regarding this
matter. The Front also calls on the Arab and Islamic states and their
peoples to act, for Jerusalem is not only a Palestinian issue, it is an Arab
and Islamic issue. The Front called on the Palestinian masses to hold fast
to the choice of resistance and intifada, and to continue with them and not
bet on any of the illusions that still find a place in the approach of
official Palestinian policy. The Popular Front said that Jerusalem will
remain Arab Palestinian land in spite of all the arbitrary steps that the
terrorist Sharon government may take.

Central Information Department
Press Office - Palestine
30 January 2002. 

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Radio Havana Cuba-30 January 2002

2002-02-02 Thread sipila

From: NY Transfer News [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 09:12:37 -0500 (EST)
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (CubaNews List)
Subject: [CubaNews] Radio Havana Cuba-30 January 2002

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

Radio Havana Cuba - News Update - 30 January 2002













Havana, January 30 (RHC)-- Cuban President Fidel Castro presided over
the inauguration of a Colombian Peace Summit Tuesday evening, which
the island's foreign minister, Felipe Perez Roque, described as
historic for Colombia, Latin America and the international

The three-day meeting between Colombian government officials and
leaders of the guerilla Army of National Liberation, known by its
Spanish acronym as the ELN, is taking place at Havana's Convention
Center. It is being attended by some 100 participants from all levels
of Colombian society, as well as international observers, and is
designed to confront the obstacles to peace in one of the oldest civil
conflicts in Latin America.

In expressing his hope for a successful outcome to the summit, the
Cuban foreign minister also voiced his country's total opposition to
any kind of outside intervention in Colombia's affairs and underlined
how important it was to respect the South American nation's
sovereignty and independence. Felipe Perez Roque said that Colombia
could count on Cuba's support and that any foreign intervention would
only aggravate the situation and lead to far more serious

ELN spokesperson, Ramiro Vargas, and Bogota's high commissioner for
peace, Camilo Gomez, are leading the two delegations. Representatives
from France, Norway, Venezuela, Switzerland, Spain and the United
Nations are also attending the Peace Summit, which wraps up tomorrow,


Havana, January 30 (RHC)-- The president of Mexico, Vicente Fox, will
make an official visit to Cuba on February 3rd and 4th, at the
invitation of his Cuban counterpart, Fidel Castro.

The visit is designed to increase economic, social and cultural ties
between both nations. Mexico is the country that has the longest
lasting diplomatic relationship with Havana, going back some 100
years. It was also the only nation in the region that ignored pressure
from Washington to break diplomatic relations in the early 1960s.

In an exclusive, live interview with Radio Havana Cuba's Barbara
Betancourt on Wednesday morning, the Mexican head of state said that
he was looking forward to not only tasting Cuban coffee but also the
friendship of the Cuban people. He said there was still much to do to
bring both nations closer together in economic, commercial, diplomatic
and cultural aspects. And the Mexican president added that he wanted
to seek common positions with Cuba wherever possible.

President Vicente Fox will be accompanied by a large delegation, which
will include many trade and commerce representatives.


Santiago de Cuba, January 30 (RHC)-- Pollution in the eastern
mountains of Santiago de Cuba registered a 33 percent reduction in
2001 compared to the previous year thanks to an action plan to
preserve and improve the environment.

According to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, the
surface of forest areas in Santiago de Cuba has increased 1.3 per cent
or 1,995 hectares due to the reforestation process taking place in the

The decontamination of the mountains and the protection of the
environment is of great importance for the eastern part of the region
due to the fact that the province of Santiago de Cuba represents a
third of the mountainous region where some 20 per cent of the
population live.

The authorities are also educating the population in an attempt to
stop people from cutting trees, as well as how to avoid forest fires.


Malabo, January 30 (RHC)-- Cuba will help construct the first food
processing plant in Equatorial Guinea next month, according to the
island's Ministry of Agriculture.

A delegation from the Guinean Chamber of Commerce is scheduled to
arrive in Havana this week and meet with Cuban authorities on the food
processing plant.

Relations between Cuba and Equatorial Guinea were suspended in the
1980's and 

FW: [CubaNews] Radio Havana Cuba-31 January 2002

2002-02-02 Thread sipila

From: NY Transfer News [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 09:15:50 -0500 (EST)

Radio Havana Cuba-31 January 2002

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

Radio Havana Cuba - News Update - 31 January 2002














Havana, January 31 (RHC)-- Argentine Foreign Minister Carlos Ruckauf
recently traveled to the United States, seeking economic assistance
for his beleaguered nation. But, according to Cuba's top diplomat,
Felipe Perez Roque, the U.S. placed conditions on its aid: jump on
Washington's anti-Cuba bandwagon at the UN Human Rights Commission.
During a roundtable discussion Wednesday evening -- broadcast live on
Cuban radio and television -- Felipe Perez Roque and other panelists
examined the pressures on Latin American countries, including
Argentina, to go along with the annual resolution against Cuba for
alleged human rights violations.

The Cuban foreign minister noted that his Argentine counterpart
spent only 30 minutes with U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell on
Monday -- coming out of the meeting with a statement that Buenos Aires
would jointly work with Washington on the issue of human rights in
Cuba. Perez Roque asked how it was possible that the Argentine
foreign minister could sell out so quickly and come to an agreement on
Cuba, when he supposedly met with U.S. officials to secure economic
aid for his bankrupt country.

Panelists on last night's roundtable discussion agreed that the United
States was turning up the heat on Latin American countries -- aimed at
getting their support for Washington's resolution in Geneva to condemn
Cuba. They pointed out that the Argentine Foreign Ministry has
apparently chosen to repeat last year's performance at the UN Human
Rights Commission -- when they voted along with the U.S. against Cuba
in exchange for Washington's support of a multi-billion dollar loan
from the International Monetary Fund.

Juan Antonio Fernandez, the Director of Multilateral Affairs at the
Cuban Foreign Ministry and one of the panelists, said that
Washington's resolution in Geneva is an annual circus, designed to
demonize Cuba and provide a rationalization for the U.S. blockade
against the island. He reminded the audience that Washington was voted
off the UN Human Rights Commission last year and, for the first time
in 50 years, does not have a seat on the Commission in Geneva.

The Cuban Foreign Ministry official also noted that Argentina is
undergoing a severe social and economic crisis, leading to scenes of
repression in the streets of Buenos Aires and other cities -- hardly
putting that country in a position to criticize anyone for alleged
human rights violations.


Havana, January 31 (RHC)-- Cuban President Fidel Castro Wednesday met
with the coordinator of Spain's United Left Party, Gaspar Llamazares
and his delegation who were on an official visit to the island.

Llamazares had previously met with Cuban Vice-President Carlos Lage in
a general discussion of relations between his party and the Communist
Party of Cuba which had extended the invitation for the Spanish
dignitary to visit the island.

After meeting with the Cuban leader, the delegation accompanied him to
the Cuban television studios to attend a round table on the current
crisis in Argentina, and Buenos Aires' capitulation to the US
government in relation to Cuba, which was attacked in the Cuban daily
Granma in Thursday morning's edition.

The Spanish politician and his delegation left the island Thursday


Havana, January 31 (RHC)-- In Cuba's massive offensive against the
mosquito that spreads the dengue fever virus, the entire student and
teacher faculty of a school that trains social workers in the city of
Santa Clara have joined thousands of other volunteers traveling to
Havana for a weekend fumigation campaign.

The campaign to eradicate the Aedes Aegypti mosquito will be
concentrating its efforts on Havana's 15 municipalities today,
fumigating every single residence for the third time in three weeks.
Street fumigation is also taking place.

Cuban public health authorities have taken unprecedented steps to
prevent the type of epidemic that has hit other nations in the region
- especially in Central America - and appear to be gaining ground. The

Radio Havana Cuba-01 February 2002

2002-02-02 Thread sipila

Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 09:17:21 -0500
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Radio Havana Cuba-01 February 2002

Radio Havana Cuba-01 February 2002

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

Radio Havana Cuba - News Update - 01 Febuary 2002














Havana, February 1 (RHC)-- Four Nobel Prize winners will give masters
conferences during the IV Economist's Meeting on Globalization and
Problems of Development, which will be held in Havana from February
11th through the 15th.

Nobel Laureates for the last three years, Robert Mundel, James
Heckman and Joseph Stiglitz will participate in the conference along
with Nobel Peace prizewinner, Adolfo Perez Esquivel and some 400
researchers, academicians and professionals from around the world.

The organizing committee reports that 160 papers from 37 countries
have been received. Esther Aguilera, vice president of Cuba's
Association of Economists and Accountants, which is sponsoring the
meeting along with the Latin American and Caribbean Association of
Economists, announced that World Bank Vice President, Guillermo
Perry, and International Monetary Fund official, Claudio Loser would
also participate in the five-day gathering.

The Inter-American Development Bank, the World Trade Organization,
the International Work Organization and the Pan-American Health
Organization will also represented.

Aquilera told reporters in the Cuban capital that the meeting is
unique in the varied schools of thought that will be represented, all
concerned about finding solutions to today's pressing problems.

The Cuban economist said that in addition to conferences, the meeting
would feature round table discussions focusing on the first economic
crisis of the millennium, the consequences of the events of September
11 in the United States, the Argentina situation and the Free Trade
Area of the Americas.

Cuba began hosting economists' meetings on Globalization and the
Problems of Development in l999.


Geneva, February 1 (RHC)-- The World Trade Organization has
officially adopted the ruling of its Appellate Body report on the
Havana Club trademark dispute between the United States and the
European Union.

The U.S. company Bacardi is illegally using the trademark, arguing
that it was confiscated after the 1959 victory of the Cuban
Revolution. Havana Club -- jointly owned by Havana Rum and Liquors
and the French company Pernod Ricard -- contends that the United
States is violating the basic principles of the World Trade

The announcement of the decision was made on Friday by the WTO's
Dispute Settlement Body. According to the report, the WTO adopted the
appeals decision on the U.S. implementation in the foreign sales
corporation dispute with the European Union.

In Washington, the U.S. government said they respected their
obligation to comply with WTO rules and were working with the EC to
resolve the dispute.


Havana, February 1 (RHC)-- Writers from Argentina, Spain, Cuba and
Guyana are the winners of Latin America's coveted Casa de las
Americas literary awards for 2002. It was announced on Thursday night
at the cultural institution's headquarters in Havana that the novel
Plop by Argentine Rafael Pinedo, had won Casa's top prize. The
jury said the work was as strange as it was disconcerting.

The first prize for Latin American poetry went to Cuban Luis Manuel
Perez Boitel for his Aun nos pretenece el ontono or Autumn still
belongs to us. Spain was the winner in the best essay category, with
The impure love of cities: Notes on modernist literature and urban
space by Alvaro Salvador Jofre.

Argentine Carlos Marianidis won the best children's literature award
with his novel, Nada detiene a las golondrinas or Nothing stops the

And the Casa de las Americas prize for best Caribbean English
language work was awarded to Guyanese, Oonya Kempadoo, for his novel
Tide Running.

For the second time honorary awards were made, and this time among
the winners was late Cuban author Jose Lezama Lima for poetry.

Thursday evening's closing ceremony ended the 43rd Casa de las
Americas literary awards that were chosen from among 740 works from
28 countries and were presided over by Colombian Culture 

China. People´s Daily Feb 3

2002-02-02 Thread sipila


Bankrupt US Energy Firm Silent on Steel Project in Mozambique.

The bankrupt American energy company Enron has still not contacted the
Mozambican government about the future of the Maputo Iron and Steel Project
(MISP), of which Enron was the sole shareholder.

The bankrupt American energy company Enron has still not contacted the
Mozambican government about the future of the Maputo Iron and Steel Project
(MISP), of which Enron was the sole shareholder.

The Noticias daily Friday quoted Mozambican Deputy Minister of Industry and
Trade Salvador Namburete as saying Enron has an authorization from the
government to implement the project. The authorization belongs to Enron.

MISP is a project to build a factory on the outskirts of Maputothat would
produce 2.5 million tons of steel slabs a year, using iron ore from South
Africa, and natural gas from the southern Mozambican province of Inhambane.

But the spectacular collapse of Enron in December last year, and the
subsequent revelations of criminal behavior by its top executives, have left
the future of MISP in grave doubt.

Even before the bankruptcy, Enron was having difficulty in attracting
partners for MISP. Originally Enron had planned to workwith the Industrial
Development Corporation (IDC) of South Africa,but the IDC pulled out in

Enron then brought in the companies Duferco, of Switzerland, Kobe Steel of
Japan, Midrex of the U.S., VAI of Australia, and Techint of Italy. These
companies were to hold 50 percent of the equity in MISP, with Enron owning
the other 50 percent.

But by early 2001, all five companies had withdrawn, apparentlyworried about
the future market for steel slabs.

Enron spent money preparing this project, said Namburete. It's up to
Enron to decide what it's going to do. We don't know whether it's going to
sell it or not. We don't know what it's going to do with the authorization
it has. 

Namburete claimed that other companies, whom he did not name, had asked if
they could look at the project, to see whether they might be interested in
taking it over. 

We've told them to contact Enron, because the project belongs to Enron, he

But the project authorization is limited in time. If within that time there
is no movement on the MISP site, then the authorization expires.

Weapons Purchase Priority of Bush's Defense Budget Proposal.

United States President George W. Bush will request 68.7 billion U.S.
dollars for buying weapons and other equipment as part of the defense budget
for fiscal year 2003, according to documents obtained by local media Friday.

United States   President George W. Bush will request 68.7 billion U.S.
dollars for buying weapons and other equipment as part of the defense budget
for fiscal year 2003, according to documents obtained by local media Friday.

The amount would be more than 10 percent over the about 60 billion dollars
the Pentagon received for weapon purchase last year. Included is 911 million
dollars to continue developing the Comanche reconnaissance helicopter, the
documents said. 

Bush will submit to Congress a 2.13 trillion-dollar federal budget on
Monday. He will request 379 billion dollars for the Defense Department, a
revised increase of 45 billion, or 13.5 percent, over this year's defense

Putting security on top of his priorities, Bush said he needs to increase
the defense budget to cover weapon purchase, missile defense and another
military pay rise. 

With the war in Afghanistan  still under
way, it is widely expected that the military spending hike will get a
bipartisan approval in Congress.

The defense budget also requests 53.9 billion dollars for research and
development, almost 10 percent above this year's total.

It includes 7.8 billion dollars for national missile defense research and
testing procurement, plus an extra 815 million U.S. dollars for development
of space-based sensors that can detect missile launches, about the same as
this year. 

It calls for 9.4 billion dollars to be spent on fighting terror,including 3
billion for counter-terrorism, force protection and domestic security; and
1.2 billion dollars to continue combat air patrols over the country, which
started after the September 11 terror attacks.

The documents say Bush will also propose money for a 4.1-percent increase in
basic military pay, a cut in troops' out-of-pocket costs for private
housing, and extra spending for training and for the increased military
operations after the September 11 attacks.

U.S. Leads Comprehensive War Against Islam: Hamas.

Palestinian radical Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) said on Friday in a
leaflet that the United States is leading a war against Arab and Islamic
countries and not against terrorism.

Palestinian radical Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) said on Friday in a
leaflet that the United States  is leading a war against Arab and Islamic
countries and not 

3,000 US Troops, German War Planes In Kenya

2002-02-02 Thread sipila

From: Rick Rozoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: 3,000 US Troops, German War Planes In Kenya


The start of Edged Mallet follows news last week
that Germany wants to station navy planes in Mombasa,
Kenya's chief port, to monitor shipping in the Indian
Ocean as part of its contribution to the U.S.-led war
on terror. 
3,000 U.S. Troops Training in Kenya
February 2, 2002 7:57 am EST
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Three thousand U.S. troops were
due to begin a joint military exercise with Kenya in
the east African country's coastal region this
weekend, a U.S. embassy spokesman said on Saturday.
The exercise, known as Edged Mallet, had been
planned since before the Sept. 11 attacks rekindled
Washington's interest in the region as a whole and
Kenya's neighbor Somalia in particular.
They've been wanting to do something like this along
the beach for a number of years, and they started
planning it late last spring, said a spokesman for
the U.S. embassy in the Kenyan capital Nairobi.
The United States fears the lack of central authority
in Somalia could make it an ideal haven for extremists
and has launched a series of intelligence operations
in the region to assess whether to target Somalia in
its war on terror.
The embassy spokesman said that Edged Mallet
predated Washington's increased interest in Somalia
and was part of an ongoing series of U.S.-Kenya
military activities designed to help the two countries
work together more efficiently.
Three U.S. ships, including an amphibious assault
craft, will be involved in the exercise, which is due
to last several weeks.
Kenyan ground forces will join about 1,000 Marines
coming ashore for maneuvers in coastal military
exercise grounds.
Parts of the event will involve wargames-style
training with small arms, while others will include
humanitarian training such as building bridges or
providing medical services, the spokesman said.
The start of Edged Mallet follows news last week
that Germany wants to station navy planes in Mombasa,
Kenya's chief port, to monitor shipping in the Indian
Ocean as part of its contribution to the U.S.-led war
on terror. 

P.O. Box 66
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List address change.

2002-02-02 Thread sipila

Dear listmember.

The list [EMAIL PROTECTED] will be replaced by the

However, because of technical reasons the address change
takes some days.

So far, the list address [EMAIL PROTECTED]
will work normally.

You will be informed accordingly when all the arrangements
are ready.

With friendly regards.

Heikki Sipila

P.O. Box 66
00841 Helsinki
Phone +358-40-7177941
Fax +358-9-7591081
General class struggle news:
subscribe mails to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Geopolitical news:
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2002-02-02 Thread sipila

From: poblachtach dearg [EMAIL PROTECTED]


(preceded by a week of mass actions)
-West Coast mobilization in San Francisco-

Tell President Bush:

TO ENDORSE the April 27 National March in Washington DC,

The U.S. corporate and banking establishment seeks to
maintain U.S. domination throughout the globe for their
own benefit. It is these corporate and banking elites who
profit from the exploitation of oil and natural gas
resources in the Middle East and South Asia, from bloated
military contracts and from Bush administration bailouts
and tax breaks. With skyrocketing unemployment, evictions,
foreclosures, and slashing of welfare and healthcare
benefits at home, people in the U.S. need billions to
create jobs, improve our schools, and provide quality
health care. Instead the Bush administration is spending
billions on bombing civilians and military aggression.

Record layoffs continue and the U.S. government’s response
is billions of dollars in bailouts to corporations and
insurance companies while cuts in social programs
continue. The immediate response of the Bush
administration after September 11 was a $15 billion
package for major airlines, while they have refused to
increase unemployment insurance for 100,000 travel
industry employees and 400,000 workers in other sectors
who lost their jobs.  The Bush-proposed $100 billion
“economic stimulus package” that is under consideration
would not only repeal the corporate minimum tax, but would
refund to the big corporations of the U.S. fourteen years
of taxes, and would provide more permanent tax cuts for
the wealthiest individuals.

As the U.S. war and occupation in Afghanistan continues
and that country lies in ruins, the Bush administration is
preparing to widen its war against other countries. Many
in the Bush administration would like to greatly intensify
their 11-year-long war against Iraq.  Eleven years of
U.S.-led UN sanctions and bombing of Iraq have already
left over 1.5 million Iraqis dead and many more ill and
malnourished. Almost 700 special forces and “advisers”
have been sent to the Philippines, and talk continues of
military exercises involving 2,000-4,000 U.S. troops.

The U.S./Israeli war against the Palestinian people is
intensifying as the U.S. continues to give billions in aid
and political support to the Israeli government, which is
brutally oppressing the Palestinian people. There can be
no lasting peace in the Middle East until the Palestinian
people’s right to self-determination and a homeland are

Other countries targeted for possible attack include
Somalia, Sudan, Indonesia, Yemen, North Korea and Cuba.
The U.S. is intensifying their aid to countries such as
Colombia and the Philippines who are attempting to
suppress people’s struggles.  At this moment, the U.S. is
using Plan Colombia as a wedge to intensify its
intervention, threatening a Vietnam-type war in Latin

As the war abroad threatens to expand, the war at home
against Arab, Muslim, South Asian and all working people
continues.  So-called “anti-terrorism” legislation has
legitimized and legalized racial profiling as more than
5,000 young Arab men have become the targets of FBI
investigation, over 1,200 people have been detained and
college administrations have been asked by the FBI to turn
over names and records of Arab, Muslim and international
students. Bush and Ashcroft are reorganizing federal law
enforcement into a domestic surveillance police state that
gives the government license to listen to the public's
phone calls, read the public's e-mail, execute covert
searches, and target political and religious groups.

On SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 2002, tens of thousands of peace
activists, workers, students, labor unionists, and others
will converge in Washington, DC for a massive march on the
White House to say:

*The April 27 national march on Washington against racism
and war will be the conclusion of a week of mass actions.
 We call on people to join the National Colombia
Mobilization April 19-22
( ).*

International A.N.S.W.E.R.  Act Now to Stop War  End
Racism - is a coalition that was formed in response to the
headlong rush to war and racist attacks following the
horrific events of September 11.  A.N.S.W.E.R. has the
support participation of more than 500 organizations and
prominent individuals and has scores of organizing centers
across the U.S. and around the world.

TO ENDORSE the April 27 National March in Washington DC,
email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (please put 


2002-02-02 Thread sipila

From: poblachtach dearg [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [Revolutionary_Diary] KOREA FRIENDSHIP  SOLIDARITY

A Reminder of the forthcoming meeting for all activists! KOREA FRIENDSHIP 
The Korea Friendship  Solidarity Campaign is pleased to invite you
to a public meeting. Prospects for Peace and Reunification in Korea
Speakers: Councillor Mushtaq Lasharie Chair, Third World Solidarity
Dorothy Legg Secretary, KFSC
Chris Coleman Revolutionary Communist Party of
Britain (M-L)
Dermot Hudson Society for Friendship with Korea Chair: Keith Bennett, KFSC
Plus: Documentary Film on the official visit of General Secretary Kim
Jong Il to the Russian Federation.
Thursday 7th February
Starting at 7.30pm 
Small Hall, Conway Hall,
Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL
This meeting is in celebration of the 60th birthday of General
Secretary Kim Jong Il, this February 16, and is also sponsored by the
Juche Study Group of Britain.
All welcome. KFSC, BM 1322, London, WC1N 3XX

P.O. Box 66
00841 Helsinki
Phone +358-40-7177941
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Afghanistan. Tons of money grabbed by Northern Alliance

2002-02-02 Thread sipila

Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 15:10:29 -0600
Subject: Tons of money grabbed by Northern Alliance

Tons of money grabbed by Northern Alliance
Karzai government deprived of desperately needed cash

By our correspondent

KABUL: The Russians are believed to have shipped six containers full of
currency to Afghanistan, which never reached Kabul and was grabbed by
Northern Alliance allies.

The NA is apparently busy in fulfilling its own secret agenda, in what
appears to be widening gap between the Karzai Administration and its allies,
diplomatic sources here said.

Reports said General Fahim's brother Yaseen is busy in selling Afghanis
recently delivered to the NA through these Russian containers. Yaseen was
buying up to $600,000 daily through certain moneychangers. Bags full of
Afghanis were also reportedly being sent to the money markets in Peshawar
and Quetta to buy dollars.

Sources say the Punjsheris of the NA also seem to be unwilling to disperse
these freshly printed Afghanis, it is receiving from Germany through Russia.
Recently seven container loads of Afghanis had arrived in Punjsher valley
and all were kept by the NA and not sent to Kabul's Karzai administration,
in spite of the great shortage of funds at Kabul.

Intentionally, or perhaps ignorant of such moves, the interim Karzai
government has asked UN to provide funds to pay government officials in
Kabul. NA leaders and warlords as in the past, are still serving their own
as well as foreign interests. Security situation all around Afghanistan is
extremely poor, night being the worst time. Looting, massacre, car lifting
and war lordism is once again order of the day. Most of the Afghans, have
supported NA, only to bring a change. Almost all Afghans remember the
atrocities of NA in pre-Taliban era and do not trust them. They also feel
that despite presence of coalition troops, the situation will deteriorate
and cannot be controlled.

The recent infighting at Kunduz between General Rasheed Dostum and General
Faheem forces on January 21, 22, 2002 is a point in case. Afghanistan with
its peculiar socio-cultural environments has been known for its successful
tribal system and Jirga rule for centuries. The main tribal/ethnic
composition of Afghan-society has remained approximately 50% Pushtoons, 20%
Tajiks, 11% Hazaras (Shias), 9% Uzbeks and 10% others. Pushtoons being in
majority have always had an edge over others in ruling Afghanistan.

Even before the Soviet invasion in 1979, Afghanistan was ruled by a Pushtoon
leader, King Zahir Shah who headed a set-up of balanced representation by
all factions/ethnic groups. Today, after two decades of war, the Afghan
society totally in shambles, still finds a Pushtoon leader heading the
interim Afghan government.

However, this time, even with a Pushtoon leader on top, the interim Afghan
government seems to be inclined towards Northern Alliance (NA) - a group of
Tajik, Uzbek and Hazara minorities. Such a scenario, seems to be augmenting
the imbalances and dangers of Afghanistan. On the other hand NA, in spite of
occupying/controlling important cities of Afghanistan and holding three most
important ministries of defence, Interior and foreign affairs, due to her
inherent weaknesses is unlikely to deliver any goods to the Afghan people.

Infact, NA is not a well-defined organisation. It was formed in 1996/97 by a
Tajik Commander Abdullah Shah Masood in response to a newly emerged
'Taliban' revolution. Comprising of various small political groups like
Pushtoon Ittehad-e-Islami (Prof Abdul Rasul Sayyaf), Uzbek Jumbesh-e-Milli
(Abdur Rashid Dostum), Jamiat-e-Islami (General Ismail) and Hizb-e-Wahadat
(Karim Khalili), NA took the shape of a politico-military organisation
headed by Professor Rabbani. However, it never carried a good repute. Its
military head, ASM was considered to be a traitor by the Afghans as he
entered into a truce with the Russians during Jihad.

In addition, various leaders of this alliance were self-styled warlords,
playing for their own as well as foreign interests. Most of them gained bad
repute due to the lawlessness, looting and atrocities undertaken by them
during the early 90s. Mutual distrust, factional divide, lust for power and
disunity within NA, were the major reasons for their failure against

Their survival had mainly depended upon foreign support from Russia, India
and Iran. In the post-September 11 scenario, NA had gained much more
importance than before. Having assisted US/coalition forces in the ground
battle against Taliban, they had been obliged and given a lion's share in
the interim Afghan government.

However their overt and covert activities in the past 3 months, in
collaboration with Russia, India and Iran are intensifying, to gain complete
control over Afghanistan/Kabul and serve the vested interests of their own
as well as foreign masters.

On the diplomatic front, in spite of 

Re: List address change. Knights for freedom of speech

2002-02-02 Thread sipila

on 3.2.2002 02:28, Macdonald Stainsby at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 can you tell us the reason for the change?
 in struggle as always,

Thanks, Macdonald, for your message. Some words are really necessary.

The list [EMAIL PROTECTED] has been disturbed by different forms
of spamming or other methods so that for every sent mail I get some five-six
mails back as undelivered mail of quota exceeded or with some other type
of arbitrary  explanation. There are hundreds of mails in  couple of hours
on the screen. Difficult to work.

Folks ask where are my mails?  This is because of outsiders´ mixing up the

For instance, somebody, obviously some knight for fight for freedom of
speech , adds systematically  non-existing e-mail  addresses to the list
[EMAIL PROTECTED]. Those addresses cannot be removed,  not even by
the server.

At the same time, on the yahoo-list [EMAIL PROTECTED] this
phenomena does not exist. Maybe yahoo is a bit more difficult to be
manipulated in that sense.

That is why I thought a yahoo-list might technically work better also with
kominform. At least, must try. Yet the transfer to yahoo seems to be a bit
complicated and it takes time. Hence, in the meantime the majordomo -list
will work normally. If the transfer does not succeed, must, in spite of all,
come back to the old list.

The heroes of freedom of speech read and control all e-mails anyway not
depending of the server or network. They have got quite a lot of work... Is
this one way to reduce stupid people´s  unemployment...?

There is and will be nothing secret on the kominform mailings. In case such
information exists, must use fax or latter, even phone.

All the troubles began after 9-11. There is no doubt that kominform - among
other corresponding mailing systems - is classified as terrorist, like
soon all oppositions in the world.

In hard struggle...


 - Original Message -
 Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2002 10:51 AM
 Subject: List address change.
 Dear listmember.
 The list [EMAIL PROTECTED] will be replaced by the
 However, because of technical reasons the address change
 takes some days.
 So far, the list address [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 will work normally.
 You will be informed accordingly when all the arrangements
 are ready.
 With friendly regards.
 Heikki Sipila
 P.O. Box 66
 00841 Helsinki
 Phone +358-40-7177941
 Fax +358-9-7591081
 General class struggle news:
 subscribe mails to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Geopolitical news:
 subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

P.O. Box 66
00841 Helsinki
Phone +358-40-7177941
Fax +358-9-7591081
General class struggle news:
subscribe mails to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Geopolitical news:
subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

U.S. troops will enter combat zones in Philippines.

2002-02-02 Thread sipila

U.S. troops will enter combat zones in Philippines,
commander says
By JIM GOMEZ, Associated Press
Published 8:50 a.m. PST Saturday, Feb. 2, 2002

ZAMBOANGA, Philippines (AP) - U.S. special forces sent
to the Philippines on an antiterrorism training
mission will enter combat zones but will use their
weapons only in self-defense, their commander said

Brig. Gen. Donald Wurster also rejected comparisons
between the American war in Afghanistan and the
six-month mission in the Philippines.

The comparisons are, I think, not terribly dramatic
other than the fact that we have an ally that wants to
destroy terrorism, Wurster told Associated Press
Television News.

We want to destroy terrorism and they've asked for
certain kinds of help. We're offering that certain
kind of help.

That help does not include combat assistance, which
was rejected by the Philippines, Wurster said.

The U.S. military is providing training and weapons to
the poorly equipped Philippine military to help
destroy the Muslim extremist Abu Sayyaf group, which
is holding Wichita, Kan., missionaries Gracia and
Martin Burnham and Filipino nurse Deborah Yap on
nearby Basilan island. They are the last of scores of
hostages seized since May. Some, including Guillermo
Sobero of Corona, Calif., have been beheaded. Others
escaped or were freed, reportedly for large ransoms.

Abu Sayyaf has been linked to Osama bin Laden's
al-Qaida network believed to be responsible for the
Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington.

Although most American troops haven't arrived yet, the
training exercise started Thursday.

Potentially, about 160 U.S. special forces could be
among the 660-strong American contingent accompanying
Filipino troops to war zones on Basilan, where the
rugged jungles in the southern Philippines have seen
frequent bloody clashes with the rebels.

Many Filipinos, exasperated with their military's
failure to crush the Abu Sayyaf, have welcomed the
U.S. troops.

But left-wing groups and many intellectuals
traditionally wary of Washington have opposed it with
small, rowdy protests at the U.S. Embassy and the
presidential palace in Manila.

Late Saturday, about 200 supporters of the leftist New
Patriotic Alliance marched with torches to the
embassy, chanting, U.S. imperialist - No. 1
terrorist! The protesters dispersed peacefully.

Some question whether the exercise could violate
Philippine constitutional limits on the presence and
activities of foreign troops. President Gloria
Macapagal Arroyo, whose economic development plans in
the impoverished south have been stymied by
law-and-order problems, maintains the exercise is
allowed under a bilateral 1999 agreement.

Wurster said it was important for U.S. soldiers to
observe their counterparts in combat, and for both
sides to cooperate on intelligence work to support
offensive operations.

I would not understate the fact that there are going
to be American forces that are accompanying Philippine
commanders and their units into dangerous places,
Wurster said.

It's inherent in any military man's frame of
reference that the right to defend oneself is assumed.
I don't think that should be a point of debate.

Wurster also acknowledged that there are many people
who would like to hurt us here. On Wednesday, a U.S.
Air Force plane sustained light damage when it was hit
by gunfire during a training exercise in the northern

No one was injured and the source of the small arms
fire has not been determined, Philippine Air Force
officials said.

A communist rebel spokesman denied Saturday that
guerrillas fired at the plane. The Communist Party of
the Philippines opposes the joint maneuvers.

Wurster said U.S. planes no longer would fly over that

Despite the risks, Wurster emphasized the need to
immediately end the Abu Sayyaf threat in Basilan
because a small number of terrorists hold the entire
island hostage. 

P.O. Box 66
00841 Helsinki
Phone +358-40-7177941
Fax +358-9-7591081
General class struggle news:
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Paraguay: torture of leftist lead to minister resignation

2002-02-02 Thread sipila

Subject: [Peoples War] Paraguay: torture of leftist lead to minister

PARAGUAY, 1 FEB 2002 (16:4)

The Paraguayan Minister of Interior Julio Fanego, presented his resignation
to the President Luis Gonzales Macchi, following the incident that involved
two executives of the left wing party, abducted and tortured by presumed
police agents. The head of State announced the news and specified that he
has not yet accepted and is still evaluating Fanego’s letter of
dismissal, awaiting to receive more detailed information on the episode
which pushed Fanego to resign. Juan Arrom, leader of the Marxist ‘Free
Homeland Movement’ was abducted last January 17 and released last
Wednesday after being brutally beaten up, together with one of his
collaborators, journalist Anuncio Martí, who also object of abuses. Arrom
was accused by the police for the kidnapping of Maria Edith Bordon, wife of
a well known local businessman, released after 64 days of captivity
following the ransom payment of 2 million dollars. The investigators are
carrying out further enquiries on what happened to Arrom and Martí,
national civil police are thought to be involved. The ‘Free Homeland
Movement’, which defines itself as an ‘anti-imperialist movement, was
founded in 1990 by Arrom and according to local press sources it is
ideologically close to the FARC (Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces)
guerrillas. (CO) 


P.O. Box 66
00841 Helsinki
Phone +358-40-7177941
Fax +358-9-7591081
General class struggle news:
subscribe mails to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[IAC] REPORT: Thousands protest World Economic Forum in NYC

2002-02-02 Thread sipila

From: Action Center [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 02 Feb 2002 21:45:56 -0500
Subject: [IAC] REPORT: Thousands protest World Economic Forum in NYC

February 2, 2002


Tens of thousands of activists demonstrated throughout
midtown Manhattan to protest the World Economic Forum
today in protests that show that the anti-corporate
globalization movement is alive and well.

More than 5,000 people joined a demonstration called by
the A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition, which began at 9 a.m. in front
of the hotel at 50th and Park Avenue, stretching north for
five city blocks. Thousands of demonstrators joined to
?meet and greet? WEF delegates who paid $25,000 to attend
the gathering of the 1,000 largest transnational

Despite the presence of thousands of armed police
officers, protestors were heard clearly within the
Waldorf-Astoria. Their message of an end to Bush?s war at
home and abroad was carried from the ?streets to the
suites? of executives like Bill Gates and Bush officials
like Colin Powell.

?The police diverted thousands of protestors who sought to
access the demonstration area by establishing checkpoints,
barricades and closing surrounding streets,? said Mara
Verheyden-Hilliard, attorney for the A.N.S.W.E.R.

?Many people who made it through reported it took them at
least an hour to navigate through the maze of obstacles
set up by the police. Police told people the permit and
protest were cancelled, they misdirected others, and
diverted a large number of buses away,? stated

Undaunted by the paramilitarized police presence,
demonstrators concluded the rally by marching to Times
Square to protest a showing of ?Black Hawk Down,?
denouncing the movie as racist war propaganda.

Outside the Waldorf-Astoria, Rev. Graylan Hagler, senior
minister, Plymouth Congregational Church in Washington,
D.C. said, ?Our detractors say the anti-globalization
movement is just rich, white kids. But we are here and
clear to say that we will not be separated nor
marginalized. The issue we are discussing affects people
at home, including people of color and the economic
policies of the W.E.F. affect people of color around the
world, with whom we have a kindred relationship.?

The day before today?s demonstration, the A.N.S.W.E.R.
coalition sponsored a day-long teach-in with 500 people at
the Community Church in Manhattan. Later that evening
nearly 1,000 people packed a standing-room-only indoor
rally at the Fashion Institute of Technology auditorium,
to hear speakers representing a wide range of struggles
affected by U.S. military and economic domination in the

Included were Palestinian, Korean, Filipino, Somali,
Iraqi, Muslim, Mexican, Puerto Rican and other activists
who denounced bombings, sanctions and economic devastation
caused by U.S. corporate and government policies.

A large number of speakers represented labor, immigrant
and civil rights, and youth. A special featured speaker
was Saikou A. Diallo, the father of Amadou Diallo, who
gave a moving presentation. He invited all rally
participants to join him Monday evening for a family
memorial for his son, killed when New York City police
fired 41 shots into Diallo as he stood in the vestibule of
his home in Washington Heights. Rev. Lucius Walker of
IFCO/Pastors for Peace told the ANSWER teach-in, ?we are
asked whether it is inappropriate for us to be
demonstrating against the World Economic Forum. We are the
only ones who can change the world.?

?The conveners of the World Economic Forum were
calculating that the movement for social justice was also
a casualty of the events of September 11,? said
A.N.S.W.E.R. organizer Larry Holmes. ?The strong protests
of this weekend have proven that their calculations are

Organizers will be returning home from the weekend of
protest against the World Economic Forum to start planning
for the April 27 March on Washington Against War and


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Colombia: Gov't, Rebel FARC Resume Talks Amid Violent Attacks

2002-02-01 Thread sipila


Subject: [Peoples War] Colombia: Gov't, Rebel FARC Resume Talks Amid Violent

Thursday, January 31, 2002 10:13 AM

  Colombian Gov't, Rebel FARC Resume Talks Amid Violent Attacks

  Xinhuanet 2002-01-31 10:16:38
 BOGOTA, January 30 (Xinhuanet) -- The Colombian government and the
  rebel Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) on Wednesday
  resumed talks on an agreement envisioning a cease-fire and an end
  to hostilities by April 7.
 Wednesday's talks were held in the demilitarized zone in
  southern Colombia as violent attacks on public infrastructure
  escalated, which were blamed on the largest and oldest guerrilla
  group in Colombia.
 During the last 24 hours, FARC rebels allegedly detonated a car
  bomb in the capital of Bogota and attacked a naval base in the
  city of Arauca. Meanwhile, their offensives  left some 30
  casualties in southern Colombia.
 The situation made Colombian President Andrse Pastrana cut
  short his stay in Bolivia, where he was attending an extraordinary
  session of the Andean Community (CAN).
 Government High Commissioner for Peace Camilo Gomez did not
  take part in Wednesday's talks, as he was in Cuba for a three-day
  peace summit with the National Liberation Army (ELN), the country'
  s second largest rebel force.  Enditem

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2002-02-01 Thread sipila

From: mart-remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [pttp] WEF PROTEST IN NYC

Forward from mart.

- Original Message -
From: John Catalinotto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 5:36 PM
Subject: New books, World Econom. Forum protests, U.S
. militarism, ENRON

 Dear Friends

 With the protests against the World Economic Forum
set to  start soon, I thought I'd get back in touch
and send you  the following information/articles,
which might be useful to you:

 1. a listing of urls and websites for information
about  the demonstrations, at least those coordinated

 Please use these sites for breaking news about the

 2. an article by Sara Flounders on U.S. military
expansion  throughout the world.

 3. an article by Fred Goldstein discussing the Enron
 scandal in the light of Lenin's analysis of

 In addition, with the trial of former President
Slobodan Milosevic set to start on Feb. 12, the IAC
wants to  announce the publication of two new books in
English, also  set for distribution in mid-to-late
February. The two  books are:

I. An English translation of Michel Collon's Poker
 Menteur, now called Liar's Poker: The Great Powers,
 Yugoslavia and the Coming Wars.

 II. Hidden Agenda: the U.S./NATO Takeover of
 -- a collection of 40-plus articles showing U.S./NATO
war  crimes in the 1999 war and its preparation, and
handling  the coup that overthrew the Socialist Party
government of  Yugoslavia and the subsequent arrest
and kidnapping of  President Milosevic to The Hague.

 Yours in struggle,
 John Catalinotto


 After you read this email, check out for more
information; look again before you leave for New York.


. The teach-in is from 10 am
to 4 pm at Community Church (35th St. between Park and
Madison Ave.).

CORPORATE  EXPLOITATION*, 7 pm at FIT Auditorium, 27th
St. between 7th and 8th Ave.

and  evening indoor rally can be found at

 MAPS OF THE AREA AND PARKING information can be found
 (scroll down).

 DIRECTIONS from north, south, east and west can be
found at


 *BUS AND VAN DROP OFF is at 56th St. and Park Ave.

that area. Cars will have to find their own parking;
please note that street parking in Manhattan is hard
to find and that lots may be expensive.

side window indicating that they are coming to the
ANSWER demonstration at 50th St. and Park Ave.

 DIRECTIONS from north, south, east and west can be
found at

 When you arrive, an A.N.S.W.E.R. BUS GREETER will
board your bus to give you the latest information.

 We will flow north from 50th St. and Park Ave. so
 south on Park Ave. from 56th St. to the back of the

The closest SUBWAY is the 51st St. stop on the 4-5-6,
which runs on Lexington Ave. The cops say the exit
on 51st St. will be open, but if it is all closed, get
off at the next stop (59th St.) and walk southwest.

You can also take the E or F to Lexington Ave./53rd
St. A subway map can be  found by going to
 (scroll down).



P.O. Box 66
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Most Dangerous Missions': CanadianLegionaries Off To Afghanistan

2002-02-01 Thread sipila

From: mart-remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: 'Most Dangerous Missions': Canadian
Legionaries Off To 

[Ad majorem America gloriam]

C B C . C A   N e w s   -   F u l l   S t o r y :

Troops depart Edmonton base for duty in Afghanistan
WebPosted Fri Feb 1 05:33:30 2002
EDMONTON-- Canadian soldiers left for Afghanistan
Thursday night after an emotional send-off from family
and friends, and a caution that their task would not
be easy. 

The first of an eventual 750-strong group left from
Edmonton International Airport to begin a trip that
will take several days, eventually bringing them to
the other side of the world

Before boarding buses for the airport, they said their
goodbyes at a military hangar complete with a marching
band. Brigadier General Ivan Fenton gave an emotional
address to the departing troops.

It's up to you now in the months ahead to do what
you've been trained to do, and do what you've been
sworn to do: serve your country well, said Fenton.

He also warned the soldiers that their upcoming job
would not be an easy one.

Your living conditions will be uncomfortable for a
month, if not throughout the tour, and you will be
tasked to go after someone who is a sworn enemy to our
country and our way of life, said Fenton.

BACKGROUND: The Patricias go to war

But despite a number of concerns, including the exact
nature of their mission, what to do with captives, and
even the colour of their dark-green camouflage
uniforms, most of the troops were eager to get on with
the job. 

FROM JAN. 19, 2002: Canadian troops not green with
Sergent Tim Winslow is an 18-year-veteran and has
served six missions overseas. He says he's anxious to
get going. 

It's good the hour to leave is finally here. We've
been sitting around quite a while, said Winslow.

Corporal Johanne Roy is a medical assistant, and will
be the first Canadian female soldier on the ground in
Afghanistan. She says she's excited, but nervous.
It's scary, there's not a day that goes by that I
don't think about it. But it's my job and I'm going to
go over there, said Roy.

Those in command admit it could turn out to be one of
the most dangerous missions Canadian troops have taken
on in decades. 

P.O. Box 66
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AI: Urgent Action UA 30/02 on Colombia

2002-02-01 Thread sipila

From: Colombian Labor Monitor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 08:25:49 -0600 (CST)
Subject: AI: Urgent Action UA 30/02 on Colombia

  C O L O M B I A   L A B O R   M O N I T O R

For updates throughout the day visit the most
thorough and complete Colombian news service



Go to
to read this month's newsletter.

31 January 2002

UA 30/02  Fear for Safety/Possible 'disappearance'

COLOMBIA  Johana Vargas Bustos (f), aged 16

Soldiers reportedly detained 16-year-old Johana Vargas Bustos on 18
January at a checkpoint in El Castillo municipality, in Meta
department. She has not been seen since. Amnesty International
fears she may have 'disappeared', and is seriously concerned for her

The checkpoint, in the Aguas Zarcas area near the town of Dorado,
was reportedly run by soldiers of the Alban Battalion, VII brigade.
They reportedly forced Johana Vargas Bustos and a young man off a
bus at 11:45am.

The soldiers reportedly lifted the checkpoint at 4pm, and set free
everyone they had detained. Subsequently unidentified gunmen
forced Johana and the young man into a car which drove off in the
direction of the neighboring municipality of Cubarral. They both
apparently tried to escape, but only the young man got away.

The Alban Battalion is carrying out counter-insurgency operations
against armed opposition groups in Meta department, who are
fighting for control of the area.

During one of these operations, on 11 January, the battalion
reportedly entered a village in El Castillo municipality, and accused
the inhabitants of being guerrilla collaborators. In recent weeks army-
backed paramilitaries have reportedly stopped food-deliveries into the
municipality of El Castillo and accused drivers of delivering to the
guerrillas. In the past those accused of collaborating with guerrilla
groups by the security forces and their paramilitary allies have
frequently been victim of serious human rights violations by these

Paramilitary groups are reportedly maintaining a permanent blockade
over deliveries to El Castillo municipality, levying taxes on those
deliveries that they let through. Paramilitary groups are able to
operate despite the fact that the VII Brigade has control of the area.
Guerrilla forces are known to have killed people they consider to be
collaborating with their enemies.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly
as possible:
- expressing concern for the safety of Johana Vargas Bustos, who
has not been seen since she was detained at a checkpoint in El
Castillo municipality, Meta department, run the by Alban Battalion of
the VII Brigade, on 18 January, and urging the authorities to do
everything necessary to find out where she is;
- urging the authorities to order a full and impartial investigation into
her 'disappearance', to publish the results and bring those
responsible to justice;
- calling for full and impartial investigations into links between the
security forces and paramilitary groups operating in Meta, and for
members of the security forces responsible for cooperating and
operating in unison with these groups to be brought to justice;
- calling for decisive action to combat and dismantle paramilitary
groups, in line with repeated UN recommendations and government

Commander of the VII Brigade
Comandante de la VII Brigada
Coronel Francisco Pedraza Pelaez
Calle 37 No. 33B-33
Villavicencio, Meta, COLOMBIA
Salutation: Dear Colonel Pedraza Pelaez

Attorney General
Dr. Luis Camilo Osorio
Fiscal General de la Nacion, Fiscalia General de la Nacion
Apartado Aereo 29855, Diagonal 22B 52-01 (Ciudad Salite)
Santafe de Bogota, COLOMBIA
Telegram:  Fiscal General, Bogota, Colombia
Fax:   011 57 1 570 2000
Salutation:Dear Dr. Osorio

National Advocate for the people
Sr. Eduardo Cifuentes Munoz
Defensor del Pueblo, Defensoria del Pueblo
Calle 55, No. 10-32/46 office 301
Santafe de Bogota, COLOMBIA
Telegram:  National Advocate, Bogota, Colombia
Fax:   011 57 1 640 0491
Salutation:Dear Mr. Cifuentes Munoz

President of Colombia
Senor Presidente Andres Pastrana, Presidente de la Republica
Palacio de Narino, Carrera 8 No. 7-26
Santafe de Bogota, COLOMBIA
Telegrams: President Pastrana, Bogota, Colombia
Telex:44281 PALP CO
Fax:   011 57 1 566 20 71
Salutation:Dear President Pastrana

The Association of Families of the Detained-Disappeared
ASFADDES - Nacional
Asociacion de Familiares de Detenidos-Desaparecidos
AA 011446
Santafe de 

Vietnam News Feb 1

2002-02-01 Thread sipila


Preparations for NA elections get started

Preparations for the elections of the National Assembly, 11th legislature,
will be carried out nationwide upon a three-day national conference on the

Opening the conference in Hanoi on January  31, National Assembly (NA)
Chairman Nguyen Van An stressed on key factors to ensure the elections to be
carried out in a democratic, legal, safe and economical manner.

Chairman An laid stress on election information dissemination, saying that
the entire Party, people and armed forces should be provided with necessary
information to help them thoroughly understand the significance and
importance of the elections which will take place on May 19.

Voters should have better understanding of the NA and NA deputies so as to
select best representatives to the highest legislative body of Vietnam, Mr
An noted. 

Personnel preparation and consultations play an important role in ensuring
that the elected NA will effectively represent the people's great unity
block and aspiration. Nominated candidates to the NA must meet the set
requirements for an NA deputy, Chairman An told the conference.

He pointed out that meetings between candidates standing for elections and
local voters should be organised prior to the elections for the candidates
to present their action plans. Those meetings aim at helping voters better
understand candidates to make right choices. Election campaigning must be
carried out in an equal, democratic and legal way to ensure social order and

Chairman An said that the election results must be determined in a legal,
objective, precise and timely way to enable the Election Council to announce
the list of elected candidates throughout the country as regulated by laws.

The NA Chairman called on relevant agencies, mass organisations, provinces
and cities to stay vigilant against hostile forces' schemes and actions to
undermine the elections and to do away with activities abusing democracy to
foil the elections.

Earlier, the Politburo issued an instruction on January 25 on the leadership
of the NA elections 11th legislature.

Prime Minister Phan Van Khai also issued an instruction on January 30 on the
NA elections. (VNA)

Determination for drug-free ASEAN by 2015 affirmed

Southeast Asian legislators have expressed their resolve to intensify the
fight against drug menace toward an Association of Southeast Asian Nations
(ASEAN) free from drugs by 2015.

The resolve was expressed at the closing session of the first meeting of the
ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Organisation (AIPO) Fact-Finding Committee to
Combat Drug Menace (AIFOCOM) in Hanoi on January 31.

Under the AIFOCOM action plan, AIPO member countries will strengthen the
exchange of information and experiences in preventing and combating the drug
menace. They also pledged to conduct research on and assessment of the
building and implementation of, national drug control policy in their
respective countries.

AIFOCOM Chairman Bui Ngoc Thanh, who is also a Vietnam's National Assembly
deputy, expressed his hope that regional law makers would warn their voters
of the drug menace and inform them of regional efforts to combat drug abuse.

He also took this occasion to call on international and non-governmental
organisations and activists in the fight against drug menace to pay
attention, support and establish special co-operation with AIFOCOM.

The meeting adopted its final report to be submitted to the 23rd AIPO
General Assembly. 

The participants called at Drug Detoxification Centre No 6 in Ha Tay's Ba Vi
district. The centre, established in 1997, is capable of providing treatment
to 500 drug addicts. It has applied methods to readjust drug addicts'
behavior to help them soon reintegrate into the community. (VNA)

War veterans meet in Hanoi

The Standing Committee of the Vietnam War Veterans' Association, in
co-ordination with the Hanoi War Veterans' Association, held a meeting in
Hanoi on January 31 to mark the Party's 72nd anniversary (February 3,
1930-February 3, 2002) and the Lunar New Year.

Lieutenant General Tran Van Quang, chairman of the Vietnam War Veterans'
Association, emphasised the significant meaning of the meeting and extended
greetings from General Vo Nguyen Giap, who is also the honorary chairman of
the association, to all members of the association nationwide.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Quoc Thuoc, vice chairman of the association, read
a report highlighting the achievements of the association in 2001, including
an increase of 57,508 members grossing 1,662,523. Many local associations
were set up in administration agencies, businesses and schools, focusing on
political and ideological training and knowledge improvement for members. In
2001 the local associations contributed a significant part to the success of
Party congresses at province and city level, especially the Ninth National
Party Congress and prepared for the associations' congresses at local and

China. People´s Daily Feb 2

2002-02-01 Thread sipila


DPRK Says Bush's Accusation 'Little Short of Declaring A War'.
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) Thursday slammed U.S.
President George W.Bush's accusation that the DPRK is part of axis of
evil, saying it is little short of declaring a war against the DPRK.

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea  (DPRK) Thursday slammed U.S.
President George W.Bush's accusation that the DPRK is part of axis of
evil, saying it is little short of declaring a war against the DPRK.

This is, in fact, little short of declaring a war against the DPRK, said
the Foreign Ministry in a statement. We cannot but take a serious view of
the dangerous remarks made by Bush from the outset of the year.

In the statement broadcast by the official news agency KCNA, Pyongyang
denounced Bush's State of the Union address delivered Tuesday for
groundlessly pulling up the DPRK over the development of weapons of mass
destruction and labeling it as one of countries threatening the U.S. and
world peace and axis of evil.

Bush's remarks explicitly seek an ulterior political aim, the statement

Since Bush came to power, U.S. friction with other countries has become
frequent and international relations have become more turbulent than ever
before, the statement said.

The statement attributed the current recession in the U.S., the terrorist
attacks on New York and Washington and the scandals plaguing the Bush
administration to the unilateral and self-opinionated foreign policy,
political immaturity and moral leprosy of the Bush administration.

It is unprecedented in the history of modern DPRK-U.S. relations that a U.S.
president in his policy speech made undisguised threatening remarks
against the DPRK, an independent and sovereign state, said the statement.

Bush's view clearly shows what a real aim the U.S. sought when it proposed
to resume talks with the DPRK recently and why the Bush administration ruled
out seeking a negotiated settlement of the nuclear and missile issues
created during the previous administration, said the statement.

The statement said the U.S. intention to stifle the DPRK by force of arms
makes the DPRK realize it is a far-sighted policy to equip itself with
powerful offensive and defensive means.

The DPRK is watching the moves of the U.S., which has pushed the situation
to the brink of war after throwing away even the mask of dialogue and
negotiations, added the statement.

The Chinese FM Spokesman: China Disagrees with Bush Statements on 'Axis of
China Thursday expresses disagreement with the comments by US President
George W. Bush in his State of the Union speech which defined Iraq, Iran and
Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) as the axis of evil.

China Thursday expresses disagreement with the comments by US President
George W. Bush in his State of the Union speech which defined Iraq, Iran and
Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) as the axis of evil. (In

The Chinese side is not in favor of using such terms in international
relations, foreign ministry spokesman Kong Quan said.

We always advocate... the principle of equality of all countries when
dealing in state-to-state relations, otherwise it can only undermine the
atmosphere for seeking resolution and harm the maintenance of world peace
and stability, he said.
Kong also welcomed another part of Bush's speech which focused on
strengthening China-US cooperation.
We believe that the exchanges of cooperation between our two countries is
in the interest of the two countries as well as for world peace and
stability, said Kong.

In his address to Congress Tuesday, Bush singled out Iran, Iraq and DPRK as
forming an axis of evil, bluntly warning that they could soon become
targets in the US-led war on terrorism.

EU, Chinese Trade Chiefs Meet on Cooperation.

European Union (EU) Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy and Chinese Minister of
Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Shi Guangsheng discussed the
promotion of bilateral trade relations here on Thursday morning at the 17th
session of the EU-China Joint Committee.

European Union (EU) Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy and Chinese Minister of
Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Shi Guangsheng discussed the
promotion of bilateral trade relations here on Thursday morning at the 17th
session of the EU-China Joint Committee.
The meeting followed the successful and productive Fourth EU-China Summit,
which was held in Brussels last September, when an agreement was reached on
expanding EU-China dialogue on a wide range of issues of mutual interest.
The Joint Committee meeting serves EU-China relations in three aspects:
economy and trade, bilateral agreements and dialogues between the European
Commission and the Chinese government agencies, and the EU-China cooperation
The first Joint Committee meeting since China's accession to the World Trade
Organization (WTO) beginning Thursday will tackle all outstanding bilateral

Newsletter of the Anti-imperialist Camp

2002-02-01 Thread sipila


Subject: Newsletter of the Anti-imperialist Camp

1st of February 2002

1. Defend the right of the Palestinian people to resist occupation!
Conclusions of the Anti-imperialist Solidarity Delegation and call for a new

2. Pakistan: Peasant women fight against forceful eviction from their lands
by CMKP, Pakistan

3. Discussion on the Indo-Pakistani conflict over Kashmir

4. Filipino peasant groups cry: “Yankees go home!”
by KMU, Philippines

1.Defend the right of the Palestinian people to resist occupation!
Conclusions of the Anti-imperialist Solidarity Delegation and call for a new

From December 30, 2001 to January 6, 2002 an anti-imperialist solidarity
delegation travelled occupied Palestine. The purpose of was twofold: On one
hand to see with our own eyes, to judge with our own mind the situation and
the resistance movement on the ground. On the other hand to express in the
strongest possible way our undivided support for the legitimate resistance
of the Palestinian people against the Zionist occupation. Both ends of the
delegation were met.

We were able to touch the hottest spots of the conflict i.e. Hebron and the
Gaza strip. We could see the systematic Zionist colonisation projects of
Greater Jerusalem, in the West Bank and in Gaza. We passed deliberately
destroyed agricultural land and we saw thousands of uprooted trees. We heard
about the water shortages while the Israelis are massively pumping and
consuming water. We experienced the restriction of the movement of persons
and goods by Israeli check-points, road blocks, exclusive settler and
military roads. Briefly, we felt the reality of occupation which we can only
subsume as Apartheid.

However, we were also able to confirm that the Intifada, the popular
resistance movement does live and proceed.

It has become crystal clear that Israel has never been striving for peace,
but for the complete colonisation of the territories occupied in 1967. This
plan was designed right after the occupation and has been carried ahead. It
includes a scientifically elaborated plan of Zionist settlements. Their
construction was not slowed down or even stopped after the Oslo agreements,
but it was massively stepped up. A grid of military and settler roads have
been built cutting contiguous Palestinian territories and blocking internal
Palestinian movement whenever intended. The Palestinians expelled from their
lands are being concentrated in densely populated ever tightening zones
eventually resulting in internment camps depriving them of the most
elementary rights – like the Bantustans during Apartheid.

Palestinian resistance resembles the struggle of David against Goliath.
While Israel has got the full backing of imperialism, Palestinians will only
be able to re-conquer their elementary democratic right if they can secure
the support of the popular and proletarian masses of the world struggling
against the Western tyranny.

Therefore the international solidarity movement must be constituted on the
basis of the elementary democratic demands of the Palestinian people :

· Immediate withdrawal of the occupation forces
· Dismantlement of the Israeli settlements
· Right to return for all refugees
· For a sovereign state in the West Bank and Gaza with Jerusalem as capital

Complete article:


2. Pakistan: Peasant women fight against forceful eviction from their lands
Detailed report about the situation in Charsada (Hashtnagar) by Syed Azeem,
Punjab President, Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party

During the 1970s a number of peasant struggles started in Pakistan, which
were mainly organized by the Communists. The most successful and militant
land-grab by the peasants took place in Hashtnagar, an area close to the
Pak-Afghan border in the province of NWFP. Organized by the then Mazdoor
Kissan Party (MKP), the peasants were able to liberate this area from feudal
lords, who brutally oppressed the poor peasants and had the backing of the
state. Since those days, Hashtnagar remains to be a liberated area despite
several attempts by the feudal lords and state to eject the peasants.

Recently, another attempt by the feudals, in connivance with the state
machinery, is in progress to forcefully evict the poor peasants from the
lands of Charsada (Hashtnagar). Eager to use the so-called
“War-Against-Terrorism” hysteria, the military and feudals are eyeing to not
only takeover the lands, but also to reverse many gains made by the peasant
movement in Pakistan.

On 22nd January, 2002, 3,500 personnel of police and the Frontier
Constabulary attacked the village of Charsada. The peasants were unarmed,
but organized. The police, on the other hand, was armed with guns, tear-gas
shells, armored vehicles and jeeps. The peasants fought back. The battle
continued for seven hours, during which several police officers were
injured. The police 

Israeli reserves refuse to oppress Palestinians

2002-02-01 Thread sipila


Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2002 16:28:14 PST
Subject: [R-G] Israeli reserves refuse to oppress Palestinians

o We, Reserve Combat Officers And Soldiers Of The Israel  Defense Forces,

o Who Were Raised Upon The Principles Of Zionism, Sacrifice  And Giving To
The People Of Israel And To The State Of  Israel, Who Have Always Served In
The Front Lines, And Who  Were The First To Carry Out Any Mission, Light Or
Heavy, In  Order To Protect The State Of Israel And Strengthen It.

o We, Combat Officers And Soldiers Who Have Served TheState Of Israel
Long Weeks Every Year, In Spite Of TheDear Cost To Our Personal Lives,
Have Been On Reserve Duty  All Over The Occupied Territories, And Were
Issued Commands  And Directives That Had Nothing To Do With The Security Of
Our Country, And That Had The Sole Purpose Of Perpetuating  Our Control Over
The Palestinian People. We, Whose EyesHave Seen The Bloody Toll This
Occupation Exacts From Both  Sides.

o We, Who Sensed How The Commands Issued To Us In The  Territories, Destroy
All The Values We Had Absorbed While  Growing Up In This Country.

o We, Who Understand Now That The Price Of Occupation Is  The Loss Of IDF's
Human Character And The Corruption Of The  Entire Israeli Society.

o We, who know that the Territories are not Israel, and that  all
settlements are bound to be evacuated in the end.

o We Hereby Declare That We Shall Not Continue To Fight This  War Of The
Settlements.  We Shall Not Continue To Fight Beyond The 1967 Borders In
Order To Dominate, Expel, Starve And Humiliate An Entire  People.

o We hereby declare that we shall continue serving in the Israel Defense
Forces in any mission that serves Israel's defense. The missions of
occupation and oppression do not serve this purpose - and we shall take no
part in them. 

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Rebellion grows among Israeli reserve officers

2002-02-01 Thread sipila

Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2002 16:30:09 PST
Subject: [R-G] Rebellion grows among Israeli reserve officers  - Independent

The Independent 1 February 2002

Rebellion grows among Israeli reserve officers

 By Phil Reeves in Jerusalem

Israel's armed forces are struggling to contain the most serious internal
challenge of the 16-month Palestinian intifada after more than 100 combat
reservist soldiers signed a petition saying they would not serve in the
occupied territories.

At least four of the signatories have been stripped of their command
positions, and the army's chief of staff, Lt-Gen Shaul Mofaz, declared that
there is no place in Israel's military forces for such occurrences. The
petition, which by last night had attracted 104 signatures, has prompted a
national debate, and a backlash within the army. Another group of several
hundred reservists has signed a counter-petition accusing the petitioners of
lies, distortions and unbridled defamation of the army.

The issue erupted when a group of reservists, led by two young lieutenants,
published an indictment of Israel's 35-year occupation in the newspaper,
Yedioth Ahronoth, saying that it was corrupting the entire Israeli
society. Some of the signatories are officers and others are from frontline
units - the paratroops, infantry and armoured and artillery corps.

The petition said soldiers had been issued commands while serving in the
occupied territories that had nothing to do with the security of our
country, and had the sole purpose of perpetuating our control over the
Palestinians. We shall not continue to fight beyond the 1967 borders in
order to dominate, expel, starve and humiliate an entire people, it stated.

The reservists' protest is the most compelling example of the simmering
dissent within Israel over the conflict. In September, more than 65 Israeli
teenagers signed a letter to the Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, saying that
they would refuse to do compulsory military service because of the
aggressive and racists policies of the Israeli government and army.

A fortnight ago, an article appeared in the Ha'aretz newspaper by Dr Yigal
Shochat, a physician who used to be an Israeli fighter pilot, who called on
F-16 pilots to refuse to bomb Palestinian cities. At the same time, the army
faced intense domestic criticism for demolishing 60 Palestinian homes in a
Gaza refugee camp, while the Israeli left has begun to accuse the army of
war crimes. The divided opinion in the military ranks was further exposed by
revelations that a group of senior reserve officers, led by a
brigadier-general, were planning to present the government with proposals
for the reoccupation of the West Bank and Gaza, and the destruction of the
Palestinian Authority.

Refusals to serve are not a new problem for the Israeli army. There were
conscientious objectors in the 1982 Lebanon war and the first intifada, from
1987 to 1992. According to a group that represents Israel's refusenik
soldiers, Yesh Gvul (translated as There is a limit), 49 have been jailed
this time round for refusing to go to the occupied territories, 14 of them
regular soldiers. Most Israeli men and women are conscripted into military
service at age 18 -- men for three years, women for 21 months. Israeli men
also usually serve up to one month of reserve duty every year until the age
of 45.

Organisers of the reservists' petition say they want to attract the support
of at least 500 reservists. They have declined to speak to the foreign
press, for fear of fuelling international anti-Israel sentiment. But the
Israeli media has pounced on the issue. Itay Sviresky, a lieutenant in a
reserve paratroop unit, told Channel Two TV that, as a human, a citizen and
as a Zionist, I feel that there are certain things that I can't take part
in. You have to be an occupier -- you can't be an enlightened occupier, you
have to be ... a cruel occupier.

The Israeli army has countered with a statement saying that the petitioners
were unrepresentative, and pointing out that there is no place for soldiers
to choose what jobs they do and do not want. A press officer cited the
example of a 56-year-old Tel Aviv lawyer, Avraham Dviri, who finished
reserve service eight years ago, but volunteered again last year.

After several Palestinian suicide attacks, Israelis feel even more embattled
than ever. Mr Dviri represented the mood of many when he said he despised
the refusing reservists. An officer who says that he cannot serve somewhere
should not command other soldiers. He should be dismissed with dishonour,
he said. 

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DPRK condemns 'moral leprosy' of Bush

2002-02-01 Thread sipila

From: Bill Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: DPRK condemns 'moral leprosy' of Bush

AFP. 31 January 2002. North Korea says it is powerfully equipped for
conflict; Bush attacks hits hopes for talks with North Korea.

SEOUL -- The North Korean government on Friday condemned what it called
the moral leprosy of US President George W. Bush and said it was
powerfully equipped for any conflict.

In the first official North Korean reaction to Bush's State of the Union
speech this week, a foreign ministry spokesman said: We are sharply
watching the disturbing moves of the United States that has pushed the
situation to the brink of war.

The spokesman said the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington
and scandals such as the collapse of the US energy giant Enron were
entirely attributable to the unilateral and self-opinionated foreign
policy, political immaturity and moral leprosy of the Bush

The spokesman, quoted by the official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA),
said Bush's acts justified the North's openly anti-US stand.

The prevailing situation where the US openly disclosed its intention to
stifle the DPRK by force of arms makes us keenly realize once again what
a just stand the DPRK took when it has followed the US with vigilance
and what a far-sighted policy it has pursued to equip itself with
powerful offensive and defensive means, tightening its belt.

President George W. Bush's withering designation of North Korea as part
of an axis of evil has prompted new doubts over the sincerity of his
administration's offer to talk to Pyongyang at any time, any place.

Bush's critics seized on that as evidence that, however hardline,
inflexible North Korea may be, Bush was unwilling to grasp warnings that
the best way to deal with it was by cajoling and creative diplomacy
rather than threats.

The US president's new tack is far from the face-saving gesture which
Kim Dae-Jung this month asked the United States to make to draw
Pyongyang back to talks.

Despite speculation here that North Korea could be the next target in
the war on terror, it is difficult to see what kind of military action
is feasible as North Korea, a highly militarised state has a million
strong army, and 10,000 artillery pieces positioned to rain death on
Seoul at short notice.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

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Colombia. Action required

2002-02-01 Thread sipila


Subject: [L-I] Action required

Solidarity Action required.


Link below 


Nizkor Int. Human Rights Team - Derechos Human Rights - Serpaj Europe
Urgent Solidarity - 31.Jan.02


The International Secretariat of OMCT requests your URGENT intervention
in the following situation in Colombia.

New information:

The International Secretariat of OMCT has received new information from
a reliable source surrounding recent human rights violations by
paramilitaries in the region of Catatumbo, North Santander.

According to the information received, despite multiple appeals at the
end of December, 2001 on behalf of local authorities and NGOs directed
at the government and military forces asking that they take control of
this zone and protect the local population, grave acts of  violence
continue to occur.  The following incidents are the most  recent acts of
human rights violence inflicted upon the civil population:

Please find all information under this URL - Alle Infos gibt es hier:

Martin Timm
Red Globe

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CP of India, On Bush speech

2002-02-01 Thread sipila

From: Bill Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: CP of India, On Bush speech

  CP of India, On Bush speech
From: Communist Party of India, Thu, 31 Jan 2002
   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ,

Communist Party Of India
Ajoy Bhavan 15 Kotla Marg, New Delhi.110002, Phones:3235546,3235099 Fax:

 Press Release - New Delhi, 31st January  2002.

 The Central Secretariat of the Communist Party of India has issued the
following statement:-

US President George Bush in his 'State of Union Address' has outlined
the American strategy to fight terrorism and the future course to be
pursued. It is one of belligerence  and desperate course to establish
American hegemony in the world. For US imperialism, the war against
Afghanistan is just a beginning. It has a list of over 12 countries to
strike using the plea of fighting terrorism. It is the extension of US
policy of war against sovereign nations in the world. It has indicated
that DPRK (North Korea), Iran and Iraq would be its next targets.

Bush has assumed the prerogative on his own to define the axis of evil
and become the spokesman for the so-called 'civilised world'. Yet he
could not conceal the real intent. He has admitted that American economy
is in recession and it should be overcome. To achieve this objective US
needs more wars and aggressions against the developing nations. The
American claim of fighting terrorism stands thoroughly exposed.

The Communist Party of India warns against US threat of war against
other countries.  It calls upon the United Nations and all sovereign
nations to protest against this war-mongering of US administration.

The Party urges upon the Vajpayee government not to be carried away by
the American machinations. It calls upon our people to protest against
US war mongering and uphold India's policy of non-alignment as one of
anti-imperialism and of peace and development.

(S.S. Bhusari)
Office Secretary.


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N Korea calls Bush's speech declaration of war

2002-02-01 Thread sipila

Subject: N Korea calls Bush's speech declaration of war



N Korea calls Bush's speech declaration of war

Friday, February 1, 2002 at 09:30 JST

BEIJING - The North Korean government on Thursday denounced U.S.
President George W Bush for singling out North Korea as a
terror-sponsoring state threatening the United States with weapons of
mass destruction, calling the accusation an effective declaration of

  Bush's speech amounts to an effective declaration of war against
us, the official Korean Central News Agency said in a statement
attributed to a North Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman. Never
before in U.S.-(North) Korean relations in recent years has a U.S.
president made such a blatant threat in a policy speech against our

(Kyodo News)

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Korean Central News Agency Feb 1

2002-02-01 Thread sipila

TODAY'S NEWS (February.01.2002 Juche 91)



U.S. espionage flights against DPRK under fire

U.S. urged to pay for damage

Remarks of GNP president condemned

Fullest play to noble revolutionary trait called for

U.S. germ warfare denounced

Attempt to conclude S. Korea-U.S. agreement on investment condemned

Doctor of paleontology Kwon Jong Rim

Kanggye Chicken Farm

Silk output on upbeat

Cooperation plan between DPRK and Russia signed

U.S. espionage flights against DPRK under fire
     Pyongyang, February 1 (KCNA) -- The U.S. imperialists committed more
than 150 cases of aerial espionage against the DPRK in January, according to
military sources. Involved in the espionage were u-2 high-altitude strategic
reconnaissance plane, EP-3 special operation plane, E-3 commanding plane,
RC-12 and RC-7 tactical reconnaissance planes and EH-60 electronic warfare
    On Jan. 29 they sent more than 100 fighter bombers, pursuit and assault
planes, transport and reconnaissance planes to the sky above Tanyang, Wonju
and Phyongchang and on Jan. 16 and 24 they sent each day more than 150
fighter planes to the sky above Chunchon, Kaphyong, Ryoju and other areas of
South Korea to stage war exercises.
    Such espionage flights and war exercises clearly prove that the U.S.
imperialists are working hard to achieve their aggressive design any time as
soon as they conclude their war against terrorism in Afghanistan after
designating the DPRK as the main target of their next operation.

U.S. urged to pay for damage
     Pyongyang, February 1 (KCNA) -- The committee for unveiling truth about
the Rogun-ri massacre said on Jan. 26 that it would bring the Rogun-ri mass
killings to the U.N. commission on human rights and strongly demand the U.S.
make an apology and compensation for the damage, according to the South
Korean newspaper Munhwa Ilbo. This organization urged the u.s. to make an
overall reinvestigation and compensation for the damage as BBC confirmed the
fact that the mass killings were organized crimes committed by orders.
    The U.S. forces indiscriminately massacred civilians in Rogun-ri,
Yongdong county, north Chungchong Province, in the 1950 Korean War.
    The committee held that although the U.S. tried to describe the Rogun-ri
mass killings as an accidental case the video tape on which what GIs
testified to the orders issued to kill civilians is recorded categorically
negated it, adding that mass killings of civilians were a wanton violation
of the convention on war.

Remarks of GNP president condemned
     Pyongyang, February 1 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the national alliance
for democracy and reunification in South Korea reportedly released a
statement on Jan. 26 as regards the remarks made by Ri Hoe Chang, president
of the Grand National Party, during his tour of the united states. Under
the title Is Ri Hoe Chang a servant of the U.S.? The statement said Ri did
not bother to utter words aimed at wrecking peace and stability on the
Korean peninsula and perpetuating national division. This is an
anti-national act, it said, and went on:
    Meanwhile, with bush's junket to South Korea at hand, he clamoured about
reciprocity and verification of the DPRK. It is typical sycophancy and
treachery intended to hurt the fellow countrymen with the help of outsiders.
    He fully reveals his ambition to become president by courting the U.S.
hardliners' support. This is an expression of the willingness to fawn on the
U.S. and unhesitatingly work as its servant to seize power, clean
indifferent to the interests of the nation.
    What is more intolerable is that even during his foreign tour he
expressed his persistent opposition to the June 15 joint declaration, the
statement said, adding:
    Ri Hoe Chang should stop letting loose such remarks against national
interests at once and make an honest apology to the nation.

Fullest play to noble revolutionary trait called for
     Pyongyang, February 1 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today carries an
editorial on the noble revolutionary trait of the Korean people
single-heartedly united around leader Kim Jong Il. It says:
    Our society is a large family that holds Kim Jong Il in high esteem as
the father and enjoys the ties of kinship between the army and the people.
    Ours is the most solid, vital, promising and invincible society where
the great idea and spirit and noble revolutionary morality prevail.
    The whole army and all the people in the DPRK have held and followed him
in high esteem as the great father and displayed total dedication in putting
his purpose and intention into practice. This is 

Japan to send peacekeepers to E Timor Feb 15

2002-02-01 Thread sipila

Subject: Japan to send peacekeepers to E Timor Feb 15



Japan to send peacekeepers to E Timor Feb 15

Friday, February 1, 2002 at 09:30 JST

TOKYO - The Japanese government will hold a meeting of its top
national security policy board Feb 15 and plans to approve the
dispatch of the Self-Defense Forces (SDF) to East Timor, where they
will take part in U.N. peacekeeping operations, government officials

  Following the meeting of the Security Council of Japan and cabinet
approval of an implementation plan, Defense Agency chief Gen Nakatani
will order the SDF to be dispatched to East Timor in March, they

(Kyodo News)

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wwnews Digest #379 1/2

2002-01-31 Thread sipila

WW News Service Digest #379

 1) A Centuty of Ruling Class Romps
by wwnews
 2) Bloomberg Brings Master Spy to NYPD
by wwnews
 3) Enron  Monopoly Capitalism
by wwnews

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (wwnews)
Date: torstai 31. tammikuu 2002 09:19
Subject: [WW]  A Centuty of Ruling Class Romps

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Feb. 7, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Heather Cottin
New York

The arrogance of the ruling class is boundless. While
increasing numbers of people in this city are forced to
depend on soup kitchens and food pantries to stay alive, the
leaders of the world capitalist system will be plotting and
partying at the elegant Waldorf-Astoria hotel. They will be
following a long tradition begun by their class.

In the Gilded Age--the late 19th century--the Rockefellers,
Carnegies, Belmonts, Morgans and other ruling-class families
attended extravagant balls at the original Waldorf, then
located on Fifth Avenue and 34th Street.

At one party, according to author Matthew Josephson in The
Robber Barons, the men were given cigarettes wrapped in
$100 bills and the women received 14-karat gold bracelets as
favors. There was a terrible economic depression in the
period between 1890 and 1900. The annual amount necessary
for a family to live was about $500, according to the
Historical Statistics of the U.S. In minutes, these
industrialists and bankers smoked up what amounted to one-
fifth of a family's yearly survival.

One night in 1897, at the depth of another economic
depression, one of the fabulously wealthy men of the age,
Bradley Martin, had the entire lobby of the Waldorf-Astoria
transformed into a Hall of Mirrors like that in the French
monarchy's palace in Versailles. August Belmont wore a suit
of armor marked with gold inlay worth $10,000. Women wore
beautiful and expensive jewels as if they were corsages.
(From Protestantism in America: A Narrative History, by
Jerald C. Brauer)

The ruling rich, then as now, were aware of the poverty
running rampant through the cities and the poverty that was
forcing thousands of farmers off their land. They were the
cause of it all. How did the wealthy elite show their
sympathy for the plight of the workers? By throwing what
they called poverty socials.

A Western millionaire had the ballroom in his home decorated
as a hobo camp and his ruling-class guests came in rags and
tatters. It cost $14,000 to serve them hobo stew on wooden
plates. The cost of the party was roughly equal to what it
would have cost to feed, house, clothe and provide for 2,800
families for a year.

But as the economy declined, working people, immigrants and
farmers joined together against the banks, the corporations--
the system workers called wage slavery. Populist leader
Mary Lease thundered to a crowd in Kansas in 1890, Wall
Street owns the country. It is no longer a government of the
people, by the people and for the people, but a government
of Wall Street, by Wall Street and for Wall Street.


The city of New York paid the Astor family $17 million for
the land under the original Waldorf-Astoria. The Empire
State Building was later constructed on the former site of
the hotel. The new Waldorf-Astoria was opened at its present
location--with much ceremony as a playground for the ruling
classes--in 1931 during the Great Depression.

Now the Waldorf-Astoria is host to a new generation of
Robber Barons with their global view of manifest destiny.
Today's ruling class created the World Trade Organization to
assure their global dominance of capital over labor.

But they are not like the bourgeoisie of the late 19th
century who were mainly concerned with owning the means of
production in the United States.

These modern-day capitalists are meeting now to plan for
further global plunder. They have completed the conquest of
the world planned by the Robber Barons of the late 19th
century. But, like the capitalists of the late 19th century
and the 1930s, they are worried. And for good reason.

As the capitalist financiers, corporate moguls and paid
policy wonks skulk around the Waldorf-Astoria, they know
that the economic crises of the late 19th century have
multiplied exponentially. The system is foundering and the
World Economic Forum has no idea how to save it.

The rich may feel secure in the Waldorf-Astoria. With police
between them and the angry protesters outside, they may
believe that the horrors of poverty, unemployment, hunger,
disease and the myriad ravages of capitalism will be forever
accepted by the workers and oppressed peoples of the world.

They may think that their armies can help them maintain
control of a world capitalist system that the imperialists
of the late 19th century could only imagine. They may
believe they can wage endless war and workers everywhere
will accept it.

But if they look outside the 

wwnews Digest #379 2/2

2002-01-31 Thread sipila

 4) Bush Says: Let 'em Eat War
by wwnews
 5) Dangerous Talk of Revolution
by wwnews
 6) Labor  the World Economic Forum
by wwnews

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (wwnews)
Date: torstai 31. tammikuu 2002 09:19
Subject: [WW]  Bush Says: Let 'em Eat War

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Feb. 7, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Leslie Feinberg
New York

The bigwigs of big business plan to wine and dine on the
floor of the New York Stock Exchange to celebrate the
opening of the World Economic Forum. One familiar face at
the annual capitalist think tank will be missing, but his
presence will be felt like that of an 800-pound gorilla.
Kenneth Lay, former Enron CEO and regular at Davos
gatherings, has been politely, discreetly, but decidedly

Lay and his financial empire--now in ruin--were the
unmentioned pink elephant in the ornate House of
Representatives hall on Jan. 29, too. As George W. Bush,
leader of the world's most dangerous regime, armed with the
world's most dangerous weapons, strode to the dais amidst
pomp and circumstance to deliver his bellicose State of the
Union address, his former chief energy advisor was never
mentioned and nowhere to be seen.

How the mighty have fallen. Enron--the seventh-largest
corporation in the world in its glory days--has become a
dirty, five-letter word, from Washington to Wall Street.

Corruption, greed, hubris, trickery, fraud--the list of
charges Enron executives face in six Senate committees, two
House committees, an investigation by the Securities and
Exchange Commission and a criminal inquiry by the Justice
Department, is long.

But greed and corruption alone do not cause economic
recessions like the one widening and deepening around the
world today. This crisis of abundance comes at the stage of
history when goliath banks and mammoth corporations have
fused into the monstrous entity of imperialist finance
capital. They plunder the world's workers, pillage the most
oppressed and ravage the planet with only one objective:

There is one law to which they must hew: expand or die. But
the capitalist market is contracting.

And the long shadow Enron casts may be the harbinger of a
lengthy season of wintry recession. That makes the
imperialist beast even more ravenous and more dangerous.


Bush's speech aimed to forge economic fear into war fervor.
His speechwriters and advisors, who reportedly revised his
address at least 18 times, were most certainly mindful of a
recent poll by the New York Times and CBS News that showed
people are more worried about the economy than terrorism.
(New York Times, Jan. 27)

So as police ringed the Capitol Building, Bush rattled the
sabers: The United States of America will not permit the
world's most dangerous regimes to threaten us with the
world's most destructive weapons. Even school children know
that the U.S. has the biggest arsenal in the world.

He characterized Iraq, Iran and the Democratic Peoples
Republic of Korea--north Korea--as the axis of evil--meant
to equate three small, developing countries with Nazi
Germany, imperial Japan and Italy during World War II.

Bush's demonization of these developing countries, none of
them nuclear powers, may have little to do with Sept. 11.
It has a lot more to do with the Pentagon's long term plans,
and for a $50 billion increase in defense spending, the
biggest leap in two decades, noted the British Guardian
Unlimited Online the following day.

At a time when his administration is trying to crush
Palestinian aspirations for national liberation, Bush made
Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad targets of his anti-
terror battle.

Perhaps most significant was his statement: I will not wait
on events, while dangers gather. I will not stand by, as
peril draws closer and closer.

Osama bin Laden was not mentioned once, al-Qaeda only in
passing, observed Guardian Online. The speech was clearly
aimed at ushering in a new phase in the anti-terrorist
campaign, in which links with the Sept. 11 attacks will no
longer be the criteria for U.S. military action.

But the countries in the crosshairs stood tall. The world
will not accept U.S. hegemony, Iranian Foreign Minister
Kamal Kharrazi responded the next day.

A statement from the Workers Party in north Korea called for
withdrawal of the 37,000 U.S. troops in south Korea. It said
The U.S. seeks to unleash a new war with south Korea as a
forward base and the U.S. forces in south Korea as the main
force, swallow up the whole of Korea and, furthermore, put
Asia under its military domination. Even the pro-U.S.
government in the south rejected Bush's characterization of
the north.

In Baghdad, senior Iraqi parliamentarian Salim al-Qubaisi
charged, The American administration led by Bush has been
threatening Iraq from time to time to prepare world public
opinion for a 

Czech Banana Republic Forges Police State, Sacks Workers

2002-01-31 Thread sipila

From: Rick Rozoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Czech Banana Republic Forges Police State, Sacks Workers


[Turbo-charged NATO integration/subordination,
wide-ranging police state powers and mass layoffs all
at the same time: The war against terror just doesn't
get any better than that.]

Czech Defense Chief Calls for Unity in Fighting Terror

PRAGUE, Jan 31, 2002 -- (dpa) Czech Republic Minister
of Defense Jaroslav Trvdik said the country's police,
intelligence and health services should join the
military in protecting the country from terrorism.

In an address to the Czech Senate, Tvrdik called for
parliament to spread the cost of anti-terrorism
initiatives to several agencies.

The responsibility for the next part of combating
terrorism isn't only on the Defense Ministry and
soldiers, he said. Funding also is needed, above
all, for activities by the Interior Ministry and the
Health Ministry.

The health ministry, for example, should be prepared
to handle domestic threats and emergencies involving
biological attacks, Trvdik said. And the interior
ministry's intelligence services should be capable of
tracking terrorists on Czech soil and cooperating with
foreign intelligence agencies.

In a related development Wednesday, the defense chief
and a trade union representing civilian army workers
signed an agreement that will lead to eliminating
about 12,000 civilian jobs by 2006 as part of the
ministry's reform plan tied to the phase-in of an all-
volunteer army. Under the deal, workers will receive
hefty severance allowances.

(C)2002. dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur

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Back To The Philippines: What To Expect

2002-01-31 Thread sipila

From: Rick Rozoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Back To The Philippines: What To Expect


Wednesday Jan. 30, 2002, Philippines

US troops violated rules of
past war games: ex-official
Posted: 7:27 PM (Manila Time) | Jan. 30, 2002

ABUSES were committed by American soldiers in past
training exercises with Philippine troops, a former
official of the Visiting Forces Agreement Commission
said Wednesday, a day before the two countries launch
unprecedented six-month exercises aimed at helping the
government crush the notorious Abu Sayyaf bandit

Facing members of the House of Representatives
conducting a hearing on Philippines-US war games that
will begin Thursday, former VFA Commission executive
director Elmer Cato said American soldiers violated
the terms of reference that governed the joint
training exercises last year.

Cato furnished members of the House defense and
foreign affairs committees with a briefing paper for
monitoring team for Balikatan 01 which listed the

He said the document resulted from his own

Representative Imee Marcos read some of the reported
violations, which included alleged displacement of
Aetas, Olongapo explosion, shelling of a village in
Zambales, beheading of a Marine officer, and the
mauling by two US servicemen of a cab driver.

Cato said that on two occasions the VFA Commission
called the attention of US troops to flying exercises
in Clark Field ? a former American air force base in
Pampanga province north of Manila ? unaccompanied by
Filipino counterparts.

Past Philippine-US military training exercises were
done in Cebu in the central Philippines and in the
Central Luzon region north of Manila. Under the VFA,
they should last no more than four weeks.

Scheduled to begin Thursday are six-month exercises
with about 600 American soldiers and tons of US
equipment for training exercises against the Abu
Sayyaf bandits in their jungle stronghold on Basilan
island in Mindanao.

Militant groups have criticized what they call
government's lack of transparency on the new
exercises, dubbed Balikatan 02-01.

Armed Forces chief General Diomedio Villanueva said
Wednesday the terms of reference for this year's
exercises are expected to be signed by President
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo after she returns from the
United States on Sunday.

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Latest A_WORLD_TO_WIN_No27 Now available.

2002-01-31 Thread sipila

From: poblachtach dearg [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [Peoples War] Latest A_WORLD_TO_WIN_No27 Now available!!

Turkey`s Prisons   Shining Trenches of Combat!!

The latest issue of A World To Win No. 27 is now

Turkey: Shining Trenches Of Combat

Statements : Communist Party Of Turkey ( Marxist - Leninist )

Statements :  You have the support of People from around the world

A Diary Of Gebze Prison

Peru : The Regime changes - The People`s War Fights on!

The Unstopable People`s War!

The Day Of Heroism, 19th June 1986 This blood that has been spilt shall
never be forgotten!

Seventh International Delegation to Peru.

The Emerging New Waves of Revolution!

Statements by the Committee of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement:

* Condemn the Israeli Occupiers  Support the just struggle of the
Palestinian People!

* Kabylia Uprising - A Ray of light in Algeria.

* Genoa - Throw Oil on the Fire!

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Vietnam News Jan 31

2002-01-31 Thread sipila


PM calls for positive changes in economic restructuring

Prime Minister Phan Van Khai on Wednesday urged all ministries, agencies and
localities to press ahead with stronger efforts to increase guidance, in
order to create positive changes in economic, investment and labour

In production, more efforts should be focused on raising the competitive
edge of Vietnam's commodities, the Prime Minister said at the closing
session of the three-day government meeting on the afternoon of January 30.

Prime Minister Khai said Administrative reforms should be also promoted in
order to streamline the State system and its operations.

He laid stress on the formation of policies and legal documents, which, he
said, should be done in tandem with decentralising responsibility and
authority of each state agency and its staff members.

This is the centrepiece of Vietnam's on-going administrative reform
programme, Mr Khai emphasised.

He also called for bold measures to put an early end to the overlapping
power and responsibilities between ministries and agencies, as well as to
remove intermediate levels. (VNA)

Government debates social issues

Government ministers and provincial and municipal leaders were involved in
heated debate on social issues presented by Deputy Prime Minister Pham Gia
Khiem on the second day of the on-going government meeting, January 29.

Major social issues brought up for discussion included reducing poverty,
generating employment, socialising and renewing education and health care
services, combating social evils, particularly organised criminal
syndicates, and preventing traffic accidents.

The participants noted with joy that significant achievements have been made
in poverty alleviation, which have also been recognised by the international
community. However, they said, employment for people, especially those who
live in rural areas, has become a pressing issue.

Last year, about 1.4 million people were provided with stable jobs to help
reduce the unemployment rate to 6.8% in urban areas and 25.2% in rural
regions, according to a government report.

It added that further efforts must be made to reduce urban unemployment to
6.2% and rural unemployment to 24% in 2002 by generating an additional 1.4
million jobs. 

Many participants said poverty reduction should be integrated into the
labour and employment programme in order to make better use of capital. They
also laid stress on the need to promote labour export and vocational
training with soft bank loans or funds from the government.

Some proposed that the government should continue to renovate its managerial
mechanism in education and health care, saying that school children from
poor families should be exempt from paying school-fees instead of paying 50%
at present. 

They also asked the government to tighten its control of non-State
educational and medical institutions, saying Last year, 53,840 non-State
social institutions were established, including 6,140 in education, 28,000
in health care, 7,700 in culture and 12,000 in sports.

All participants resolved to press ahead with continued efforts to fight
social evils, stressing all drug trafficking and organised criminal
syndicates must be eliminated.

Many asked the government to facilitate the expansion of drug detoxification
centres mainly run by provinces and cities as well as to give greater
funding to expand transport links and facilities in order to reduce traffic
accidents. (VNA) 

Vietnam calls for joint efforts to fight drugs

The chairman of Vietnam's National Assembly, Nguyen Van An, has called on
all lawmakers and legislative bodies of Southeast Asian countries to further
strengthen co-operation in drug control and share experiences among
themselves and with countries in other regions.

He also warned against increased drug trafficking and abuse in Vietnam in
recent years, despite tougher measures already taken to wipe them out of the
social community. 

Like other regional countries, Vietnam's National Assembly, government and
social organisations have taken a series of drastic measures to combat the
drug menace, but there has been no let-up in drug trafficking and addiction
in recent years, he said.

Mr An made the remarks while addressing the opening session of the first
meeting of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Organisation (AIPO) Fact-Finding
Committee to Combat Drug Menace (AIFOCOM) in Hanoi on January 30.

He recalled that Vietnam's National Assembly revised the Criminal Code that
includes articles covering offences of drug production, transport and
trafficking in 1999. It also passed a law on drug control in 2000.

More efforts should be made to raise public awareness about drug control,
as well as to prevent drug abuse, production and trafficking, said Mr An,
who is also AIPO President.

Other measures include promoting drug detoxification and community
reintegration for drug addicts, building and reinforcing drug laws and

China. People´s Daily Feb 1

2002-01-31 Thread sipila


India,  Pakistan Trade Fire Amid Confusing Signals.
Indian and Pakistani troops traded small-arms fire on Tuesday along their
tense frontier in Kashmir as Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee
raised hopes of avoiding an all-out war.

Indian and Pakistani troops traded small-arms fire on Tuesday along their
tense frontier in Kashmir as Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee
raised hopes of avoiding an all-out war.
An Indian defence official said both armies -- involved in a powerful
buildup along their border -- exchanged machine gun fire in several Kashmir
frontier areas overnight and into Tuesday.
The two nations have mobilised about a million troops along their border
from Kashmir in the Himalayas to the Arabian Sea after a bloody December
attack on India's parliament which New Delhi blamed on Pakistan-based Muslim
militants fighting its rule in Kashmir.
India says it will not scale down its deployment until Pakistan ends support
for the militants. Pakistan denies sponsoring the groups and has banned
In Srinagar, summer capital of disputed Kashmir, Indian forces were locked
in a fierce gunbattle with rebels.
Police said the clash in a residential suburb began late on Monday night. In
October, 38 people died in a suicide bomb attack on the state assembly in
the city. 
Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee said late on Monday he did not
expect the tensions with Pakistan to boil over into war, adding diplomatic
efforts were making some progress.

U.S. Still Open to Dialogues with Iran, DPRK: Spokesman.

The United States is still open for dialogues with Iran and the Democratic
People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) despite President George W. Bush's harsh
criticism of the two countries, the State Department said Wednesday.

The United States   is still open for dialogues with Iran  and the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) despite President George W.
Bush's harsh criticism of the two countries, the State Department said

We have said that there are serious issues to discuss with North Korea
(DPRK), that we're ready to sit down and discuss those issues at any time,
any place, State Department spokesman Richard Boucher told a regular

We're prepared to discuss issues with other governments, including Iran,
he said, noting that the U.S. has long-standing concerns to address.

But he added that the talks would only occur when the two countries were
willing to discuss with the U.S. about their weapons program and their
support for terrorism.

Iraq Rejects US Accusations on Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Iraqi Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan on Wednesday strongly rejected the
accusations made by U.S. President George W. Bush who claimed that Iraq has
been seeking weapons of mass destruction.

Iraqi Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan on Wednesday strongly rejected the
accusations made by U.S. President George W. Bush who claimed that Iraq has
been seeking weapons of mass destruction.

Bush's statement is stupid and improper ... to judge the behaviour or
deportment of another country through guessing or imagination, Ramadan told
reporters after attending a gathering commemorating the outbreak of the 1991
Gulf War. 

Ramadan said that Bush tried to demonize Iraq by alleging that Iraq was
trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction.

However, we think that the U.S. and the Zionist entity (Israel) are the
sources of evilness and aggression against Iraq, the Arab nation and the
world, Ramadan said.

Ramadan's strong remarks followed Bush's first State of the Union address on
Tuesday, in which he singled out Iraq, Iran  and the Democratic People's
Republic of Korea as pursuing weapons of mass destruction and vowed that the
U.S. would not permit these countries to threaten it with such weapons.

By seeking weapons of mass destruction, these regimes pose a grave and
growing danger, Bush said.

Iraq continues to flaunt its hostility toward America and to support terror
... the Iraqi regime has plotted to develop anthrax and nerve gas and
nuclear weapons for over a decade, Bush said.

Bush has warned Iraqi President Saddam Hussein to allows United Nations arms
inspectors back to his country or face the consequences.

U.N. arms inspectors have been barred from re-entering Iraq since the
U.S.-British air strikes against Iraq in December 1998.

As to the planned visit to Iraq by U.N. human rights investigator Andreas
Mavrommatis, Ramadan said that we did not invite him. He wanted to visit
Iraq and we accepted that, adding that he can view and give his opinion as
he likes. 

US Says No Imminent Military Action Against Iraq, Iran, DPRK.

The White House said Wednesday that a stern warning issued by President
George W. Bush to Iraq, Iran and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
(DPRK) does not signal any imminent military action against the three

The White House said Wednesday that a stern warning issued by President

New Worker Online Digest - 4/2/2002

2002-01-31 Thread sipila

From: New Worker Online [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 22:17:53 +
Subject: [New-Worker-News] New Worker Online Digest - 4/2/2002

New Worker Online Digest

Week commencing 1st February 2002.

1) Editorial - State of war.

2) Lead story - Rail strike 'rock solid'.

3) Feature article - Bloody Sunday: Who gave the orders?

4) International story - Enron scandal.

5) British news item - CBI attacks public service protection.

1) Editorial

State of war.

THE WAR against terrorism is just beginning, said President Bush in his
State of the Union speech last Tuesday. And he made it absolutely clear
that this is far more than just carrying on with the search for Osama bin
Laden and his associates. It is a declaration of war upon any state the
United States ruling class wants to attack.

 It appears that all Washington has to do is assert that the countries it
puts on its list of targets are terrorists or an harbouring terrorists.
So, riding on the back of the emotions aroused by the events of 11
September, the US government has written itself a blank cheque to do
whatever it likes to whoever it likes.

 Bush's list of rogue or outlaw slates changes from time to time. But
the latest version now includes: Iraq, Iran, Democratic People's Republic
of Korea (DPRK) and Somalia. And of course the military action against
Afghanistan is still going on.

 It apparently doesn't matter to the savages who draft US policy that the
countries on the outlaw list did not carry out the 11 September attack on
the United States nor had any hand in it whatsoever. And as for harbouring
terrorists -- was it not the case that those said to have hijacked the
planes had actually been living in the US in the run-up to the attack.

 Bush doesn't care about any of this. He has already moved the goalposts
since he first announced the war against terrorism in the immediate
aftermath of 11 September. The countries he rants against now were in
Wachington's gunsights long before last September and the events of that
month have simply provided the US with a pretext for aggression -- even if
the arguments used are totally dishonest.

 All the accusations flung around by the US are supposed to be believed by
the American public and the world at large. President Bush said: The
United States of America will not permit the world's most dangerous regimes
to threaten us with the world's most destructive weapons.

 Such lies beggar belief. Not one of the countries named by Bush has
threatened the United States or any other state. These countries are not
stockpiling weapons of mass destruction. Even years and years of United
Nations' inspection failed to find any stocks of such weapons in Iraq and
still the US repeated its scandalous claim.

 In reality the country with the largest arsenal of nuclear and other
weapons of mass destruction is the United States itself. It is also the
only country in the world to have used nuclear weapons and it is today
pressing ahead with its star wars plan to militarise and monopolise
space. It is trying to scrap the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty and is
determined to be unassailable as the most powerful nuclear state in the

 In the case of Somalia it seems that country's great crime was to
bravely defend itself from earlier US aggression and, despite being a poor
country, gave US much more of a fight than Washington bargained for.

 There are two issues in all of this. One is the bullying, murderous
foreign policy of US imperialism which is now using the Twin Towers attack
to cover Washington's ongoing strategy to achieve global domination and
control -- it's a strategy that involves the suppression of any state that
Washington cannot readily push around. And there is the desire to avenge 11
September and prevent any further attacks against America or Americans.

 For all the military and political might of the United States, it is
unlikely to succeed in either of its aims. It will not be able to prevent
further actions against the US because it fails to address the fact that it
is years of US imperialist policies that have stirred enormous anger around
the world. The very real grevances of millions of people demand justice and
without that the United States will be widely hated -- some of that hatred
will no doubt find expression in action.

 And the attempts to suppress other sovereign states will not be met with
compliance but by a rising determination to resist -- not all of America's
military objectives can be gained from 30,000 feet -- the US will find the
price of its brutality is more than money, bombers and technology.

 Nor are the targeted countries alone. There is growing solidarity around
the world, including among the working class within imperialist countries.
In this we have a part to play. The opposition to imperialist wars and
threats must echo from Downing Street to Pennsylvania Avenue. Workers of

US going after Iraq, Iran, Korea

2002-01-31 Thread sipila

From: Media Review [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2002 02:39:07 -
Subject: [AM] US going after Iraq, Iran, Korea

Bush points gun at Iraq, Iran and North Korea

January 30 2002 at 10:41AM

Washington - President George Bush warned in his first state-of-the-
union speech that tens of thousands of Osama bin Laden followers
were ticking time bombs around the world.

He used the address on Tuesday night to chart a path towards winning
the war on terrorism and curing the recession-bound economy.

In his nationally televised address from the House of Representatives
chamber, Bush identified Iraq, Iran and North Korea as attempting to
develop weapons of mass destruction, calling them an axis of evil,
arming to threaten the peace of the world.

As we gather tonight, our nation is at war, our economy is in
recession, and the civilised world faces unprecedented dangers.

Yet the state of our union has never been stronger, he said,
prompting cheers and a standing ovation from members of the congress,
top military brass and other dignitaries gathered to hear the

Bush's address was an attempt to use his wartime popularity to
advance his aims of defeating terrorism beyond Afghanistan and his
domestic agenda: a prescription drug plan for senior citizens,
patients' rights protections and a stimulus plan to create jobs and
jump-start the economy with corporate tax breaks opposed by many

In an attempt to escape the shadow of the Enron bankruptcy, Bush
urged more accountability in corporate America as well as full
disclosure and better accounting to avoid a repeat of the collapse
that wiped out pensions for thousands of Enron employees. He did not
name Enron, which was his biggest campaign contributor. The stock
market fell 2,5 percent on Tuesday on fears that other companies
might go the way of Enron.

Bush cited new intelligence saying tens of thousands of followers of
bin Laden had been trained in terrorism tactics in Afghanistan since
1996 and were deployed in more than 60 countries.

Thousands of dangerous killers, schooled in the methods of murder,
often supported by outlaw regimes, are now spread throughout the
world like ticking time bombs - set to go off without warning, he
said. As for future threats, Bush said diagrams of American nuclear
power plants and public water facilities, detailed instructions for
making chemical weapons, surveillance maps of American cities and
thorough descriptions of landmarks in America and throughout the
world were found in Afghanistan. - Reuters

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War crimes and Zio-Nazi crimes

2002-01-31 Thread sipila

From: Mazin Qumsiyeh [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [AM] War crimes and Zio-Nazi crimes

1) LEARNING FROM THE NAZIS?: Gush Shalom ad published in Haaretz, February

2) Haaretz: High Court rejects appeals against assassination policy (i.e.
Israel's high court approves contravening the Fourth Geneva Convention and
applicable conventions on war crimes)

3) San Francisco Bay Guardian: Voce President Cheney Made Millions Off Oil
with Saddam Hussein (An old article but relevant considering the Enron and
debacles and the rush to tackle Iraq).

Web address worth checking: Media Monitors Network (MMN)

Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD

The following lines appeared last Friday, January 25, 2002, in Haaretz, in
article by the respected military correspondent Amir Oren:

In order to prepare properly for the next campaign, one of the Israeli
in the (occupied) territories said not long ago, it’s justified and in fact
essential to learn from every possible source. If the mission will be to
seize a
densely populated refugee camp, or take over the casbah in Nablus, and if
commander’s obligation is to try to execute the mission without casualties
either side, then we must first analyze and internalize the lessons of
battles - even, however shocking it may sound, even how the German army
in the Warsaw ghetto.

If this officer believes that the casbah of Nablus resembles the Warsaw
who, in his mind, resemble the officers of the Israeli army?

Peres: You Bear Responsibility for War Crimes!

Today, at 2.30 pm, we shall hold a vigil at the home of the Deputy Prime
Minister and Foreign Minister in Ramat-Aviv:

Short is the Way from Oslo to The Hague!

Gush Shalom ad published in Haaretz February 1, 2002

High Court rejects appeals against assassination policy
By Moshe Reinfeld
January 30, 2002

The High Court of Justice yesterday rejected three petitions seeking
to stop the government's policy of assassinating Palestinian
militants on grounds that the court does not usually render rulings
on security matters.

The petitions were submitted by the chairman of the Hadash faction,
MK Mohammed Barakeh; Siham Thabet, widow of Dr. Thabet Thabet who
was assassinated in the West Bank in December 2000; the Public
Committee Against Torture and the Palestinian Society for the
Protection of Human Rights and the Environment.

The petitioners asked the court for a temporary restraining order to
bar the government from authorizing executions without trial of
Palestinians, arguing that an assassination policy was blatantly

In a sharp exchange with Barakeh's lawyer, Justice Eliyahu Mazza
said, There is such a thing called terror, which is the enemy of
all of humanity.

Who is to determine who is a terrorist? retorted lawyer Naila

Certainly not the High Court. There has to be cause for us to
intervene, he replied.

But there is also a right to life, pressed the lawyer.

Tell that to all those who send terrorists to pedestrian malls and
to the Dolphinarium, interjected Justice Mishael Cheshin, while
Mazza added: What do you want, that the defense minister receive
authorization from the High Court before every targeted elimination?
This matter is not justiciable.

The decision not to intervene is in keeping with the traditional stance of
High Court over security matters.

The petitioners argued that all those participating in the assassinations
breaking international legal norms and that this policy could rapidly lead
war crimes. They added that the assassinations are carried out based on
intelligence information of questionable credibility that is not subject to
judicial review.

The petitioners added that, as there is no death penalty in Israel, if the
Palestinians had been brought to trial in Israel, they would not have been
killed, even if convicted of the worst offenses.

They also argued that the assassination policy only escalates the level of
violence. Barakeh noted that after the killing of Thabet a group of
decided to seek revenge and shot dead two Israeli civilians. Israel has
acknowledged carrying out 21 assassinations.
Redux:  Cheney Made Millions Off Oil Deals with Hussein

San Francisco Bay Guardian
November 13, 2000
by Martin A. Lee

Here's a whopper of a story you may have missed amid the
cacophony of campaign ads and stump speeches in the run-
up to the elections.

During former defense secretary Richard Cheney's five-year
tenure as chief executive of Halliburton, Inc., his oil
services firm raked in big bucks from dubious commercial
dealings with Iraq. Cheney left Halliburton with a $34
million retirement package last July when he became the
GOP's vice-presidential candidate.

Of course, U.S. firms aren't generally supposed to do

Turkey/EU. DHKC response to remarks by Spanish ambassador

2002-01-31 Thread sipila

From: bohater1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 22:18:51 -
Subject: [Peoples War] DHKC response to remarks by Spanish ambassador

(Forwarding: the DHKP-C and the PKK are not banned yet in all EU
countries, a fact which has annoyed the people who run Turkey.)

To the Embassy of Spain

On 27 January, on the CNN-Turk Kriter (Criterion) television
programme, the Spanish ambassador made a speech regarding our
organisation. The ambassador, wanting to gratify the wishes of the
murderous authorities, was merely saying things to please them.
He said in a rather definite manner that he would expend his efforts
to get the DHKP-C placed on the European Union Terror List.

1- The ambassador says in the same speech that we cannot under any
circumstances accept those who resort to violence. Taking your words
at their face value, we are sending you, as a supplement to this, a
report prepared by TAYAD, an organisation of friends and families of
prisoners, which wages a struggle for rights and freedoms.
Are you speaking of terror and violence? There in the report is a
tableau of terror and violence. What you will examine in this tableau
could be added to, with hundreds of incidents and thousands of
details added as a separate section.
If you wish, we can send thousands of documents and other information
related to this. 
It is impossible for an ambassador who has followed events in Turkey
to be in ignorance of this tableau.
But even if you are, you are not questioning those who have created
this tableau. You are making no attempt to punish this tyranny. Nor
are you even making the most basic criticism of it.
Why is it that you do not turn to the murderous authorities of Turkey
and say, if you are practising violence, this violence must also

2- We cannot accept those who have recourse to violence, you say:
in that case, there you are. Those who resort to violence are the
state forces of the Republic of Turkey.
Moreover, it is the kind of violence that has cost thousands of human
beings their lives. This is the kind of violence in which no
questions are asked about executing people, making them disappear or
killing them in torture centres. This is the kind of violence in
which, without exception, all court proceedings opened against those
who carry out executions or belong to death squads acting in the
name of the state end in acquittal.
As you know, we can send you thousands of pages of information
devoted to this. But you are saying that your policies are not
measured according to democracy, justice or law but are regulated by
the interests of the Spanish monopolies, you are saying that you are
not interested in torture and human rights violations. If you were to
say that you only engage in politics for your own interests, that
would not be different from what you are saying here.
But then be honest and candid and do not mention democracy, human
rights and law. Do not sacrifice these concepts to the interests of
the monopolies. 

3- In Turkey, it is the state that uses violence. In Turkey, the
fascist authorities are the source of violence.
We prefer neither illegality nor violence. There is no other way to
oppose a regime based on repression and violence, to use the right to
resist those who oppress the people, to develop the struggle for
independence, democracy and socialism and to replace the fascist
government with people's power.
We are defending independence as opposed to imperialism, democracy as
opposed to fascism, socialism as opposed to fascism, and people's
power as opposed to the oligarchy's government.
Where is the crime in this? Where is the illegality? Where is the

4- What will you gain if you put the DHKP-C and the PKK on the list
of terrorist organisations?
Who will profit, other than the fascist authorities of our country?
In our country, there is a FASCIST government. The fascist FRANCO
government ruled Spain for years and it is the same kind of people in
our country today. 
Look, you will see this in the supplement. At least look at the
prisons in our country. In the past few years dozens of prisoners
have been killed and hundreds left handicapped; look at the prisons
they call F-Type, where torture and isolation go on without a break;
there you will see the true face of our government.
Your country has experienced Franco fascism. You will be able to give
testimony on how murderous and torturing a state can be.
Be a little more prudent; do not be so eager to gratify the fascist
wishes of the fascist authorities with regard to this subject.
In this framework, here is our appeal to your embassy and your
country: you must examine the beliefs and policies of those whom you
are trying to place on a list of terrorist organisations for
struggling against fascism.
Yes, when the ambassador of a country claiming to defend law and
human rights and be guided by democracy goes on TV, why does he not
talk about the thousands of concrete 

CP of Greece, Statements of Athens Meeting Jan. 26-27 2002

2002-01-31 Thread sipila

 CP of Greece, Statements of Athens Meeting 26-27 2002
   From: Communist Party of Greece, Thu, 31 Jan 2002 , mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Comrades and Friends,
We forward you:
- The Statement of Communist and Workers’ Parties of the Countries of
the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean, the Red Sea and the Gulf Region.

- The Resolution on the Palestine Issue

Both statements were adopted by the participants of the Meeting of
Communist and Workers’ Parties of the southern and Eastern
Mediterranean, the Red Sea and the Gulf Region, in Athens on 26-27
January 2002 (AKEL- Cyprus, Egyptian Communist Party, Communist Party of
Greece, Tudeh Party of Iran, Iraqi Communist Party, Communist Party of
Kurdistan-Iraq, Communist Party of Israel, Jordanian Communist Party,
Lebanese Communist Party, Palestinian People’s Party, Communist Party of
Sudan, Syrian Communist Party, Syrian Communist Party).

Fraternally Yours

International Section the CP of Greece - KKE


Communist and Workers’ Parties of the Southern and Eastern
Mediterranean, the Red Sea and the Gulf Region met in Athens on 26-27
January 2002.

During this meeting the following issues were discussed:
1. The new international situation after the terrorist attacks in the
USA and the war in Afghanistan and their effects
2. The new elements in the struggle of the progressive and
anti-imperialist forces in the area; (a) forms of solidarity and
co-ordination of the struggle; (b) developments concerning the
«Euro-Mediterranean co-operation».
3. Joint-initiatives in order to improve the scientific research
activities of the Parties.

The participants dealt particularly with the dangerous situation that
resulted from the terrorist actions on 11th of September and the
dangerous escalation of the aggressive US policy and state sponsored
terrorism, which followed, and stated that the  threat that a global
hegemony of monopoly capital will be imposed under the leadership of the
USA is hanging over all peoples and their mass movements. They also
stated that the September 11 events provided an excellent justification
to launch, under the pretext of the war against terrorism, an
unprecedented attack against the freedoms and rights of the peoples.
Imperialists consider that any resistance movement fighting against
capitalist globalisation and their international organisations (IMF,
W.B., WTO), or any anti-imperialist movement fighting against
imperialist interventions and war, and against NATO and its actions can
now be considered to be terrorist. The same is true for the movements
struggling against the anti-popular and reactionary policy of the EU and
for any social and national liberation movement.

The participants stated and stressed the fact that the struggle of
peoples and movements for social liberation and national independence
has nothing to do with terrorist methods. Communists, having a long
experience, are well aware of the methods used by imperialist and
reactionary forces to slander the social and national liberation

The participants condemned terrorism. They consider the struggle of the
people for their social rights and national independence to be just.
They stated that terrorism as a concept and as a political practice is
an erroneous and dangerous tactic for the progressive movement. The only
ones benefiting from terrorist acts are the most reactionary, brutal and
racist forces of the imperialist camp, which are hostile to the peoples.

Examining the facts, the participants of the meeting considered that the
aims of the offensive of the imperialist forces were not formulated
after the 11th of September, but had existed before the terrorist
attacks in the USA.

The participants considered that humanity as a whole is subjected to the
implementation of a particularly dangerous plan that jeopardises
security, peace and stability in large areas of our planet. One special
target is the just struggle of the Palestinian people for independence
and the creation of a state of their own, as well as those struggles of
the peoples of the Arab countries and other countries of the Gulf Region
and Central Asia.

The participants condemned the imperialist war unleashed by the US and
NATO on 7th October 2001 against the Afghani people, causing thousands
of innocent victims. The real goal of this war was to secure full
control over the energy resources and oil and natural gas routes in the
strategic region that links the former Soviet republics of Central Asia
with Russia, China, India, and the other states in the region.

They resolutely opposed any spreading of this war into other 

Iran, Iraq accuse Bush of war mongering.

2002-01-31 Thread sipila

From: Steve Wagner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: * Iran, Iraq accuse Bush of war mongering *


The following is a news item posted on CBC NEWS ONLINE

WebPosted Wed Jan 30 21:02:13 2002

CAIRO, EGYPT--Several countries - particularly Iran and Iraq -
reacted with anger and dismay Wednesday to U.S. President George W.
Bush's characterization of Iran, Iraq and North Korea as an axis of
evil in his state of the union address.

 North Korea has not officially responded. But Iran and Iraq Wednesday
lashed out at Bush's accusations. Iranian President Mohammad Khatami
said the comments amount to war mongering, and in Iraq - which
Washington has hinted could be the next target in its war on
terrorism - Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan said the statements were
both improper and incorrect.

 Relations between Tehran and Washington seemed to ease after Sept.
11, when Iran denounced the terrorist attacks. But the relationship
between the two countries has become frostier in the past two months,
since Bush accused Tehran of trying to undermine Afghanistan's new

 Washington has also accused Iran of complicity in an attempt to
smuggle a shipload of weapons to Palestinians in Israel earlier this

 The state of the union address also hit a nerve in Russia, where the
chair of the foreign relations committee suggested the remarks were
too harsh. Dmitry Rogozin said Bush's tone was reminiscent of World War
II, when Nazi Germany, Italy and Japan were referred to as axis powers.
He said the comments were a signal that the Bush administration is
leaning even further to the right.

 South Koreans were rankled by Bush's description of their northern
neighbour. They say relations between the U.S. and North Korea must
improve if there is to be any hope of unifying the two countries - a
development that both Washington and Seoul have been working toward.

 In Malaysia and the Philippines, which have large Moslem
populations, leaders were also disturbed by Bush's suggestion that
countries must root out terrorists, or the U.S. will do it for them.
Philippine Justice Secretary Hernando Perez and Malaysian opposition
leader Nasharudin Mat Isa said Bush's comments amount to threats.

Copyright ? 2002 CBC
All Rights Reserved

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00841 Helsinki
Phone +358-40-7177941
Fax +358-9-7591081
General class struggle news:
subscribe mails to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Korean Central News Agency Jan 31

2002-01-31 Thread sipila

TODAY'S NEWS (January.31.2002 Juche 91)



Spokesman for DPRK Foreign Ministry slams Bush's accusations

Probe into truth about U.S. mass killings called for

Obstructive moves against Mt. Kumgang tourism slammed

Joint New Year editorial of DPRK favored in?@over 60 countries

Book Country of Brilliant Star published in Egypt

King Wang Kon's mausoleum

Greetings to King of Jordan

Credentials presented to Kim Yong Nam by new Algerian ambassador

Senior DPRK officials meet new ambassadors

For Spanish-speaking people


poner freno a turismo a monte kumgang?@es acto antinacional

mas de 60 paises apoyan editorial conjunto de periodicos coreanos

reunion nacional de trabajadores de sector de agricultura

Spokesman for DPRK Foreign Ministry slams Bush's accusations
     Pyongyang, January 31 (KCNA) - A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of
the DPRK released a statement today denouncing U.S. President Bush for
revealing a reckless attempt to stifle the DPRK by force of arms. The full
text of the statement reads:
    U.S. President Bush in a State of Union Address made at the joint
session of the congress on Wednesday groundlessly linked those countries
that go against the grain with the U.S. with terrorism, openly revealing his
dangerous attempt to stifle them by force of arms.
    Groundlessly pulling up the DPRK over the development and possession of
weapons of mass destruction, Bush let loose a string of such vituperation as
terming the DPRK and some other countries as countries threatening the U.S.
and world peace and an axis of evil.
    And he blustered that the United States of America will not permit the
world's most dangerous regimes to threaten the U.S. with the world's most
destructive weapons.
    He has been free to make anti-DPRK remarks since he came to power.
    But his recent remarks explicitly seek an ulterior political aim.
    It is well known that since he came to power, U.S. friction with other
countries has become frequent and international relations have got more
turbulent than ever before.
    The U.S. is in the grip of a serious economic recession that could
hardly be seen in the days of the Democratic Party administration, there
were large-scale attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the U.S.
Department of Defence building in Washington and large scandals related to
the administration have been brought to light.
    This is entirely attributable to the unilateral and self-opinionated
foreign policy, political immaturity and moral leprosy of the Bush
    Herein lie answers to questions as to why the modern terrorism is
focussed on the U.S. alone and why it has become serious while Bush is in
    The reality goes to clearly prove that the root cause of all misfortune
is the reckless strong-arm policy of the Bush administration.
    Such being a hard fact, Bush, making a profound confusing of right and
wrong, foolishly attempts to ascribe all accusations made against it at home
and abroad due to his reactionary and chauvinist policy to terrorism.
    What merits a serious attention is that Bush disclosed his reckless
attempt to stifle the DPRK by force of arms.
    There has been no precedent in the modern history of DPRK-U.S. relations
that in his policy speech the U.S. President made undisguised threatening
remarks on aggression and threat against the DPRK, an independent and
sovereign state. 
    This is, in fact, little short of declaring a war against the DPRK.
    Nice words for nice words.
    We cannot but take a serious view of the dangerous remarks made by Bush
from the outset of the year.
    His remarks clearly show what a real aim the U.S. sought when it
proposed to resume the talks with the DPRK recently and why did the present
U.S. administration rule out even the possibility of seeking a negotiated
settlement of the nuclear and missile issues created in the period of the
preceding administration.
    The prevailing situation where the U.S. openly disclosed its intention
to stifle the DPRK by force of arms makes us keenly realize once again what
a just stand the DPRK took when it has followed the U.S. with vigilance and
what a far-sighted policy it has pursued to equip itself with powerful
offensive and defensive means, tightening its belt.
    We are sharply watching the disturbing moves of the United States that
has pushed the situation of the brink of war after throwing away even the
mask of dialogue and negotiations.
    The option to strike impudently advocated by the U.S. is not its
    The heroic Korean people's Army and people will never tolerate the U.S.
reckless attempt to stifle the DPRK by force of arms but mercilessly wipe
out the aggressors.

Probe into truth about U.S. mass 

Radio Havana Cuba-29 January 2002

2002-01-30 Thread sipila

Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 04:02:23 -0500
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Radio Havana Cuba-29 January 2002

Radio Havana Cuba-29 January 2002

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

Radio Havana Cuba - News Update - 29 January 2002














Havana, January 29 (RHC)--Cuban President Fidel Castro, Monday,
addressed the participants at the closing session of the 10th
Congress of the Federation High School Students, which took place
over the last three days at Havana's Convention Center. During the
conference 1300 delegates representing school children all over the
country analyzed and discussed the current educational system in Cuba
and proposed solutions to counteract problems relating to lack of
materials, school buildings in bad repair and transportation.

In his closing address to the students, the Cuban leader told them
that they are on the threshold of a new era in Cuban education. Due
to the special period, as the country's economic crunch is known,
which brought about severe financial curtailment of funds, schools
and other institutions suffered from lack of investment. He pointed
out that the Cuban Ministry of Education has embarked on a program
that will benefit all educational sectors and that they could look
forward to better resources and conditions.

The Monday plenary session of the 10th congress of Cuban high school
children concluded with a commitment that the congress would remain
open and at the request of President Fidel Castro, delegates would
meet again in three months to review the implementation of new
initiatives to improve high school education.

In the meantime, the 1,300 delegates were presented with the first
volume of a set of history books, written by a group of renowned
Cuban professors and signed by Fidel Castro.


Havana, January 29 (RHC)--Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque
has accused the United States of pressuring Latin American
governments to present its annual resolution against the island at
the United Nations Human Rights Commission.

In an interview with Prensa Latina News Agency, the Cuban foreign
minister said that Havana is confident that regional members of the
Geneva-based UN Commission will assume a dignified position despite
pressures and threats from Washington.

The top Cuban diplomat warned that the United States would try to
condemn Cuba in Geneva, using all kinds of pressures on Latin
American countries to get them to present Washington's resolution --
given that the Czech Republic does not want to sponsor it this year.
Felipe Perez Roque said that Prague feels it has already paid its
debt to their masters in Washington.

Cuba's foreign minister pointed out that despite four decades of
accusations of alleged human rights violations, the United States has
not been able to fabricate one single case of a disappeared or
tortured political prisoner. He also noted that Cuba -- supposedly
the great violator of human rights, according to Washington -- has a
life expectancy of 76 years, when there are many countries in the
Third World with a life expectancy of only 45 years.


Washington, January 29 (RHC)--A study commissioned by the
Washington-based Cuba Policy Foundation shows that U.S. farmers are
annually losing more than one billion dollars because of the U.S.
blockade against the island.

The study, entitled Economic Impacts of U.S. Agricultural Exports to
Cuba, was conducted by C. Parr Rosson and Flynn Adcock, professors
of agricultural economics at Texas AM University. In a statement
released with the report, Rosson said that if the blockade were
lifted, the average farmer in the U.S. would feel a difference in
his or her life within two to three years.

Sally Grooms Cowal, president of the Cuba Policy Foundation, told
reporters on Capitol Hill that the U.S. is losing out on as much as
3.6 billion dollars in related economic activity due to the blockade.
She said that she hoped the newly released study would help encourage
Congress to take steps to end the blockade, if only to help out
American farmers.

The head of the 

WAR TIMES, a new biweekly newspaper

2002-01-30 Thread sipila

From: Macdonald Stainsby [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: George Snedeker [EMAIL PROTECTED]


January 28, 2002

The pilot issue of WAR TIMES, a new biweekly newspaper opposing the war on
terrorism, will roll off the press on February 14. (See the WAR TIMES
prospectus and new list of national endorsers below.) Featuring an exclusive
interview with Danny Glover and a letter to President Bush from Nobel Peace
Prize winner Rigoberta Menchu, the premier of this bilingual, free
publication will be distributed in several dozen cities across the country.

But we need your help to extend WAR TIMES' reach even further and lay a
durable foundation for long-term publication. Please join hundreds of other
activists across the country by contributing in one or more of the following

***Volunteer to distribute the pilot issue to your co-workers, friends,
classmates, family and/or members of your organization. Contact us at

EBC/War Times, 1230 Market Street, PMB 409, San
Francisco, CA 94102, 510-869-5156, to let us know how many copies you would
like and make arrangements to get a bundle to you.

***Make a tax-deductible contribution by sending a check to EBC/War Times at
the address above, or sign up as a monthly sustainer with a pledge of
$10/month or more.

***Volunteer your writing, photographic, or drawing skills when WAR TIMES
goes into regular publication.

***Give us feedback on WAR TIMES' pilot issue so we can make changes and
improvements for the first regular issue.

***Pass this message on to others who want to see a regular, accessible and
hard-hitting anti-war on terrorism message reach hundreds of thousands of
people in every community, constituency and region of the country.

***If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, come to the big WAR TIMES
launch party, Saturday, Feb. 16, Noon- 4pm, Mandela Village/Youth
Empowerment Center, 1357 Fifth Street, West Oakland, to discuss and
strategize about the current educational moment and then fan out to
distribute thousands of copies of this free paper all across the northern Ca
lifornia (childcare provided but please RSVP; wheelchair accessible).

With your help, WAR TIMES can hit the ground with tremendous momentum and
make a difference at this perilous time for our country and the world. We
hope to hear from you.

Organizing Committee (organizations listed for identification purposes

Jan Adams, former associate director, Applied Research Center
Linda Burnham, executive director, Women of Color Resource Center
Jung Hee Choi, Women of Color Resource Center
Max Elbaum, former managing editor, CrossRoads magazine
Arnoldo Garcia, National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
Adam Gold, STORM
Rebecca Gordon, Seminarians for Peace
Felicia Gustin, co-director, Speak Out
Van Jones, national executive director, Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
Elizabeth (Betita) Martinez, director, Institute for MultiRacial Justice
Steve Williams, executive director, POWER
Bob Wing, former executive editor, ColorLines magazine

Partial List of Endorsers (organizations listed for identification purposes

Karin Aguilar-San Juan, author and professor, Macalester College
Michael Albert, Z/Znet
Michelle Alexander, ACLU of Northern California
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, San Francisco Chapter
Jane Bai, executive director, CAAAV--Organizing Asian Communities
Frances Beal, national secretary, Black Radical Congress
Phyllis Bennis, Institute for Policy Studies
Larry Bensky, KPFA
Blase Bonpane, director, Office of the Americas
Paul Buhle, author and teacher, Brown University
Douglas Calvin, executive director, Youth Leadership Support Network
Sue Chan, M.D., medical director, Oakland Asian Health Services
Pamela Chiang, environmental justice activist
Noam Chomsky, professor, MIT
Kathleen Cleaver, co-director, Human Rights Research Fund
Chris Crass, writer and activist
Joy Crocker, Church Women United
Hunter Cutting, executive director, We Interrupt This Message
Malkia Cyril, We Interrupt This Message
Barbara Dane, musician
Gary Delgado, executive director, Applied Research Center
Antonio Diaz, executive director, PODER
Junot Diaz, writer
Kim Diehl, co-director, Southerners on New Ground
Hari Dillon, president, Vanguard Foundation
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, author and professor of women's and ethnic studies
Louise Dunlap, Writing for Social Change
James Early, board chair, Institute for Policy Studies
Michael Eisenscher, Labor Committee for Peace and Justice
Kim Fellner, executive director, National Organizers Alliance
Bob Forsberg, editor, Sequoia Interreligious Newsmagazine
Frances Fox-Piven, author and professor, CUNY Graduate School
Joseph Gerson, organizer and educator
Fred Goff, Data Center
Chester Hartman, executive director, Poverty  Race Research Action Council
Francisco Herrera, cultural worker, Caminante
Phil Hutchings, racial justice activist
James Jennings, author and teacher, Tufts University

Vietnam News Jan 30

2002-01-30 Thread sipila


Party Theoretical Council meets

The Theoretical Council of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee
held its first session in Hanoi, January 29, in the presence of Party
General Secretary Nong Duc Manh.

The Council consists of 36 members, including five permanent members, with
Politburo member Nguyen Phu Trong as Chairman.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Chairman Trong said that the Central
Theoretical Council is an advisory agency of the Party Central Committee,
the Politburo and the Secretariat. It gives advice on political theory which
serves as a basis for the Party to build policies for basic political theory
programmes and projects at the State-level, thus directly assisting the
Party's leadership.

Addressing the meeting, General Secretary Manh praised the achievements
gained by theoretical cadres under the leadership of the Party.

The Party leader also pointed out weaknesses and outstanding issues
theoretical work, including the failure to meet revolutionary requirements
of the renovation process. (VNA)

NA's standing committee prepares 11th session

The National Assembly Standing Committee met in Hanoi from January 22-29,
under the leadership of NA Chairman Nguyen Van An.

During the meeting, the committee assessed the results of the recent 10th
session of the 10th National Assembly and gave opinions on preparation for
the coming 11th session.

The NA Standing Committee passed a resolution announcing the date for
elections to the 11th National Assembly and the establishment of the
election council. Under the resolution, the 11th National Assembly election
will be held on Sunday, May 19, 2002.

The NA Standing Committee also passed a resolution defining the
implementation of some points in the resolution on amendments and
supplements to a number of articles of the 1992 Constitution.

The NA Standing Committee remarked on the application of new education
programmes and the use of new text books for the first and sixth grades in
the 2002-2003 school-year at the national level.

The Standing Committee commented on the draft Law on Organisation of the
People's Court (revised), the draft Law on Organisation of the People's
Procuracy (revised) and the draft Law on amendments and supplements to a
number of articles of the Labour Code.

The Committee also gave opinions on the draft Pricing Ordinance. (VNA)

More Tet gifts given to poor people

Local authorities, organisations and companies throughout the country are
conducting many gratitude activities in a bid to bring a joyful Lunar New
Year Festival (Tet) for those families enjoying priority policy and for the
poor people. 

The Red Cross Society and the Committee for Population, Families and
Children of Quang Ninh northern province have called on businesses to
practice thrift during the Tet holiday to spend part of their money for the
poor families and Agent Orange victims. Responding to the campaign, many
companies have sent their donations to buy Tet gifts for 600 poor children
in mountainous and island communes. The provincial Red Cross has given 100
packages of Tet gift to disabled elder people and Agent Orange victims. The
provincial People' s Committee has supported poor households and policy
beneficiaries with VND 6 billion in total to help them enjoy the Tet

The People's Committee of Nam Dinh northern province has spent VND 400
million to subsidy nearly 6,000 isolated elderly people, orphans, homeless
disabled people and over 2,000 poor households. The provincial Fatherland
Front has also spent VND 88.8 million to help over 900 disadvantaged people.

This year, Ca Mau southern-most province has reserved VND 2 billion to buy
Tet gifts for priority policy beneficiaries.

The Public Engineering Corporation No 5, on January 29, visited and
presented Tet gift to Vietnamese Heroic Mother Pham Thi Nien whose husband
and four sons were war martyrs. The corporation built a house of gratitude
for her in last September with a capital of VND 25 million. The corporation
is taking care of nine Vietnamese Heroic Mothers and has built four houses
of gratitude. 

Women's equality should be ensured: vice presidentVice State President
Nguyen Thi Binh has said that the National Committee for the Advancement of
Vietnamese Women (NCAVW) should ensure women's right to equality and improve
the quality and effectiveness of women's participation in political,
economic and socio-cultural activities.

Ms Binh told an annual conference, opened in Hanoi this morning, January 29,
to review what was done in 2001 and work out directions for this year's
action plan. 

Ms Binh also said that favourable conditions should be created for women to
take part in managerial work and policy planning.

The NCAVW will give further training to female candidates standing for the
coming elections of the 11th National Assembly in 2002. The NCAVW will
collaborate with relevant ministries to readjust social insurance policy for
women and 

Xinhua: China Develops New Army Equipment

2002-01-30 Thread sipila


Subject: Xinhua: China Develops New Army Equipment


Tuesday, January 29, 2002 8:59 PM

  China Develops New Army Equipment

  Xinhuanet 2002-01-29 21:08:24
  BEIJING, January 29 (Xinhuanet) -- For some years the Chinese
People's Liberation Army (PLA) has been developing weapons and equipment for
its land troops in a steady, progressive manner.

  Advanced technology has been used in the research and development
of field army equipment including missiles, tanks, light weaponry,
engineering equipment, anti-chemical equipment, and vehicles and ships,
according to sources with the PLA General Armament Department.

  Achievements have also been made in developing technology related
to air defense, control and guidance, optoelectronics and information, and
comprehensive logistics, the sources say.

  In recent years, over 140 research projects in the above
fieldshave won government or army awards at a national level.

  Meanwhile, the general department has tried to help field troops
deal with difficulties they have encountered when using thenew equipment. To
do this 46 training courses have been held and over 50 experts have been
sent to assist land force units. Enditem

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Colombian peace talks begin in Cuba

2002-01-30 Thread sipila

From: Walter Lippmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 23:27:09 +1100
Subject: [CubaNews] Colombian peace talks begin in Cuba

Despite Washington's designation of Cuba
as a state Washington says is a sponsor
of terrorism, Washington's client regime
in Colombia travels to Cuba to negotiate
a possible peace treaty with one of its
two armed revolutionary opposition
organizations, the ELN. And not a word
of protest out of Washington about this.

Notice also two ELN commanders are on
a brief furlough from prison!!! for
these discussions!

Tuesday January 29 10:26 PM ET
Colombian Peace Talks Held in Cuba
By VIVIAN SEQUERA, Associated Press Writer

HAVANA (AP) - President Fidel Castro was on hand Tuesday as
two Colombian rebel commanders on a brief furlough from
prison arrived for exploratory peace talks with
representatives of the Bogota leadership.

``I am convinced that the country needs peace,'' Castro said
of Colombia after a hour-long opening session. ``I salute
the fact that they have gathered here,'' he added, declining
to comment on proposals that were made during first meeting.

Castro was joined by his Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque
for the start of discussions among leaders from the National
Liberation Army, or ELN, and representatives from Colombian
President Andres Pastrana government.

Pastrana said earlier Tuesday that if Castro attended the
event it ``would be an important gesture'' of support for
the peace process.

Cuba in past decades had backed armed rebel movements across
the Americas and in other parts of the world. Colombia's ELN
was among groups in the Western Hemisphere inspired by
Castro's 1959 revolution.

But communist Cuba ended its aid to insurgent groups in 1992
and in recent years Castro has supported peace efforts
between the Colombian government and the country's two major
rebel groups.

The military leaders of Colombia's second-largest rebel
group, the National Liberation Army, said they did not
expect major accords to result from the three days of talks.
But they said the meeting might lead to more substantial

``We hope to make a solid step toward continuing the process
over time,'' said Felipe Torres, a commander and negotiator
for the 5,000-member insurgency, known as the ELN.

Torres and fellow rebel leader Francisco Galan arrived
Tuesday afternoon after obtaining official permission - for
the fifth time - to leave a Colombian prison to participate
in peace talks outside of the country.

The only alternative to talking ``is more war,'' said
Antonio Navarro, an independent lawmaker traveling with
about 50 representatives of Colombian labor, business and
non-governmental organizations involved in the prickly
process since 1998.

While hopes were low for significant accords,
representatives of civil groups said they would ask the ELN
to cut back on armed attacks including the destruction of
electrical towers, petroleum lines and other infrastructure.

In Bogota, an ELN commander said in a television interview
the group would free the last hostage from a group of nine
people it kidnapped in June 1999. The commander did not say
when the ELN would free Boris Rodriguez, who has been held
for 31 months.

Earlier in January, government negotiations nearly broke
down with a separate guerrilla group, the Revolutionary
Armed Forces of Colombia. The 16,000-member force known as
the FARC is Colombia's largest rebel organization.

United Nations peace envoy James LeMoyne, who played a key
role in negotiations with the FARC, was expected to attend
the talks in Havana.

Roughly 3,500 people die every year in Colombia's 38-year
war, which pits the two rebel groups against the government
and an illegal right-wing paramilitary force.

Colombia, ELN Rebels Open Peace Talks in Havana
Tue Jan 29,11:32 PM ET
By Isabel Garcia-Zarza

HAVANA (Reuters) - With Cuban President Fidel Castro looking
on, the Colombian government reopened formal talks with the
country's second-largest rebel army, the ELN, in Cuba on

The three-day meeting follows a December 2001 accord in
which the National Liberation Army -- known by its Spanish
initials ELN -- and the government agreed to resume talks
after a five-month breakdown and begin discussions on a

We are here because we continue believing in peace. Because
we insist that it is our obligation, our only way out to
continue betting on it, the government's chief peace envoy,
Camilo Gomez, said upon opening what is being called a
peace summit.

The ELN was founded in the early 1960s by radical middle-
class youths inspired by President Fidel Castro's Cuban

The rebel group's 5,000 troops are still capable of
inflicting damage on the Andean nation's electric and oil
infrastructure with bombing campaigns, though military
losses have reduced it to a poorly-equipped ragtag army that
experts say 

Ireland. Defence of nationalist north Belfast continues (Jan 7-9,02)

2002-01-30 Thread sipila

From: Magnus Bernhardsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [Peoples War] Fwd: [ R . S . Fnews] Defence of nationalist
north Belfast continues (Jan 7-9, 02)

*** Vidaresendt melding  ***

Den 30.01.02 klokka  12:43 skreiv saoirse [EMAIL PROTECTED] :

Defence of nationalist north Belfast continues

Note: Members of Republican Sinn Féin were on the streets of north
alongside the nationalist community.

We make no apology for standing shoulder to shoulder with the people who
have faced a combined force of Brit occupation forces and loyalism.

They have stood up against an onslaught of terrorism and have refused to
let this terrorism beat them. They have suffered all kinds of injuries,
from Crown Forces batons to plastic bullets. They have been petrol bombed,
pipe and blast bombed and faced bullets from loyalist gunmen. Ask any
member of Republican Sinn Féin what they think of those people of
nationalist north Belfast and they'll tell you that they are proud to be a
part of the people, a brave people.

Unlike Provisional Brit Crown ministers who sit at the seat of Unionism at
Stormont making excuses for the resistance of the nationalist people
towards an Orange statelet and Brit occupation, to appease an occupying
government, Republican Sinn Féin openly supports that resistance to this
Six County statelet and the occupation, loyalism, sectarianism and hate
that this unjust statelet nurtures.

The Minister of the Crown sitting in Stormont make apologies for this
resistance. They tell the world on news reports they couldn't control the
situation, always sure not to use that word - resistance.

MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 2002. The return to school for the children of Holy
Cross is nothing new. As they walked up the Ardoyne Road there were groups
of loyalists along the road. Some shouting went on as before, foul and
sectarian, but this was just another day of the school walk.

There was a lot of tension in the air but the morning passed off with no
more than that. Monday afternoon went on the same way and there was a
feeling there was a build-up to something more.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2002. Tuesday passed off as Monday with a repeat of the
sectarianism seen so often before. There was also a feeling of an uneasy
calm but apart from a few minor incidents Tuesday passed off quiet.

WESNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 2002. Wednesday morning. 8.45am. As the children and
parents of Holy Cross walked up the Ardoyne Road to school and passed by
the Brit/RUC occupation forces they came face to face with groups of
loyalist bigots at Glenbryn. Sectarian and foul catcalls were made against
the children of Holy Cross and their parents.

The parents were treated the same way as they returned back down the
Ardoyne Road again.

Around 2.00pm on Wednesday afternoon the parents of the Holy Cross children
walked up the Ardoyne Road to pick up their children. Again they were faced
with loyalist bigots with their foul sectarian mouths.

As they picked the children up and began the walk back down the Ardoyne
Road again a crowd of loyalists were now standing in their way. There was
sectarian abuse being thrown and the loyalists began bumping into the
parents and children as they walked past.

At one stage three men (big brave loyalists) set upon a mother and her two
young children. The woman was beaten by the men as the children became very
scared and upset.

With news of the attacks on the Holy Cross children and their parents,
hundreds of nationalists made their way to the Ardoyne to make sure all the
children were out of the school.

Fighting then took place, with the nationalists trying to make it to the
school as it became clear that there were still children in the Holy Cross
school cut off and unable to get home by the Ardoyne Road.

2.20pm. They Holy Cross primary school was now under attack from loyalist
mobs. Nationalists tried to push through RUC/Brit army lines to get to the

Running battles took place with nationalist street fighters pushing the
loyalists down side streets and other nationalist fighters trying to push
through Brit occupation forces lines to get to the school.

Fighting was now taking place in the Alliance Road. A number of cars were
damaged there. These cars were used by the UDA/UFF, UVF to bring loyalist
paramilitaries into the area from the Shankill and other loyalist areas.
These cars were put out of action and no doubt upsetting the movement of
loyalist paramilitary groups within this area for a time.

As luck would have it, two cars belonging to Brit ministers at Stormont,
David Trimble and his side kick Mark Durkan were also wrecked.

Members of these Brit ministers staff were visiting the area as loyalist
hate-filled bigots attacked Holy Cross primary school. It should be noted
that these people were not visiting the school but loyalist bigots in the

Around 3.00pm news came out that no children were now in the school. As the
children were taken out the back of the school down 

Philippines: tripwire to a new Vietnam?

2002-01-30 Thread sipila


Subject: [pttp] Fw: Philippines: tripwire to a new Vietnam?

Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 5:22 AM
Subject: Philippines: tripwire to a new Vietnam?

Statement from National Democratic Front of the Philippines

A tripwire to a new Vietnam?

By sending 650 US combat troops, including 160

Green Berets and Navy Seals, with the approval of

the puppet Macapagal regime, into a battle zone in

Southern Philippines, U.S. imperialismis deliberately

setting up a tripwire to a new Vietnam. The lame excuse

is a joint military operation, dubbed Balikatan Exercise,

against the CIA and AFP creation, the Abu Sayyaf group.

The interventionist troops will be using live bullets, staying

 for six months up to a year, and authorised to fire back in

so-called self-defence.

US troops are not only in Mindanao, they are also setting

up quarters in Laur, Nueva Ecija in Central Luzon.

The advocate of the failed all-out war against Mindanao

under  the discredited Estrada regime, General Angelo

Reyes, let the cat out of the bag by announcing that after

the Abu Sayyaf, the New People's Army (NPA) would

be the next target.

In their arrogance, U.S. imperialism and the Macapagal

regime trample on the Manila Government s own

constitution that forbids the entry of foreign troops except

when a treaty allows it.

The puppet Macapagal regime cites the Visiting Forces

Agreement (VFA) as the justification for the entry of the

US combat troops. But the VFA, even under the Manila

Government s standards, cannot be regarded as a treaty.

The US Senate has not ratified it. Moreover the VFA

does not allow US troops to join combat patrols.

For the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, the

ominous presence of the US interventionist troops is a flagrant

violation of the national sovereignty of the Filipino people and

the territorial integrity of the Philippines.

The broadest united front of patriotic and progressive forces

in the Philippines and in the international community must be

mobilised to vigorously oppose and resist this latest US

intervention in the Philippines that threatens to become a US

war of aggression against the Filipino people.

The American people and their anti-imperialist and progressive
organisations, just as during the Vietnam War, must stand up

 and defy this US imperialist intervention against the Filipino people.

Our history is filled with lessons about US imperialist treachery

and aggression. 

On February 4, 1899, the U.S. started the Philippine-American

War by initiating an encounter with Filipino revolutionary forces.

It used the false allegation that Filipino troops would start killing

all foreign residents in Manila on February 15, 1899.

US imperialism sent more than 126,000 troops to pacify the

Filipino people and caused the death of up to 1.4 million Filipinos

from 1899 to 1913. A great number of the Bangsamoro were also

killed in Mindanao.

US intervention in Vietnam started with the sending of advisers and
trainers, followed by combat troops. In the Philippines all these are
coming in one go. 

The US manufactured the Tonkin Gulf Incident to justify its war of
aggression. Now it uses the September 11 terrorist attacks in the

US to wage a so-called global war on terrorism.

The Abu Sayyaf group, their own creation in collaboration with their

assets in the Philippine military, is their convenient excuse to intervene
militarily again in the Philippines.

Whatever US imperialism uses to justify its intervention or

aggression, the Filipino people and their revolutionary forces are

determined to persevere in their struggle against US imperialism

and the local reactionaries in order to achieve their national and

social liberation. 

Luis Jalandoni Chairperson, NDFP Negotiating Panel

(This is a slightly abridged version of an NDFP press statement issued

on January 19, 2002)

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German Occupation Of Afghanistan: Willing But Not Able.

2002-01-30 Thread sipila

From: Rick Rozoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: German Occupation Of Afghanistan: Willing But Not Able


[The same tone as though Operation Barbarossa had been

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
January 30, 2002

Action, Not Words
Berthold Kohler

You really can't have it any better, German Defense
Minister Rudolf Scharping said after he told the
Federal Constitutional Court that the German
government cannot deliver on a promise to its allies.
Even if you do not share Mr. Scharping's logic, it
could not be clearer that the aspirations of the
government coalition of the Social Democratic Party
and Alliance 90/The Greens to play a leading role in
international conflict management is a charade. For on
the same day Mr. Scharping went before the court, the
government announced that it does not want to take
command of the international security force in
Afghanistan. Such modesty is not the result of a
conviction that it would be politically wrong to do
so, let alone of a fear of being called the lead
nation. The reason why Chancellor Gerhard Schr?der's
government has resisted the Afghans' express wish and
ignored alliance considerations that make it seem
advisable to take on this task is much simpler:
Germany is militarily unable to do so.

Given its intention to assume greater responsibility
in international affairs, Mr. Schr?der's government
does not, however, seem to have dismissed entirely the
idea of taking over the lead in Afghanistan from
Britain. The German government is well aware that the
United States would have no objection to Germany
assuming command in Kabul. As far as Germany's current
military capabilities are concerned, the question then
is who is more mistaken: the allies or the German
government. The German military, in any case, is
certainly under no illusions, and those who are able
to say so admit that it is in over its head with its
existing missions. Germany's armed forces are simply
not equipped for a task like the one in Kabul. Yet the
chancellor and his foreign, defense and finance
ministers evidently needed to confer before this
realization prevailed.

But how long will it prevail? And does the government
still believe there is a connection between military
capability and international influence? If it does,
then it ought to step up funding for the military
immediately. It has long ceased to be merely a matter
of the German armed forces' reputation. Germany's
reputation as a reliable ally that can be taken
seriously is also at stake. No matter how many
international conferences Foreign Minister Joseph
(Joschka) Fischer holds in Bonn or how often the
chancellor visits the United States, in the final
analysis, actions, not words, are what count in world
affairs -- and elsewhere.
Jan. 29

China. People´s Daily Jan 31

2002-01-30 Thread sipila


Chinese, Moldovan Leaders Exchange Greetings on Anniversary of Diplomatic
Chinese and Moldovan leaders exchanged greetings on Wednesday on the
occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic
relations between the two countries.

Chinese and Moldovan leaders exchanged greetings on Wednesday on the
occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic
relations between the two countries.
In a congratulatory message to his Moldovan counterpart, Vladimir Voronin,
Chinese President Jiang Zemin said the establishment of Sino-Moldovan
diplomatic ties on January 30, 1992 opened a new chapter for the two
countries in developing friendly cooperative relations.
During the past decade, the two countries have understood and supported each
other in safeguarding national independence, state sovereignty and
territorial integrity and in dealing with other major issues of national
interests, said the Chinese president.
He said the two countries have maintained close and fruitful exchanges and
cooperation in various fields, and they have established a new type of
state-to-state relationship based on political equality and mutual trust,
mutually beneficial economic cooperation and mutual support in world
Jiang stressed that a comprehensive, lasting and healthy development of
bilateral ties can be realized only by adhering to the principles of mutual
respect, equality and mutual benefit, and non-interference in each other's
internal affairs. 
It serves the basic interests of the two countries and two peoples to
further Sino-Moldovan ties and enhance bilateral friendship in the new
century, he said. 
In a separate message to Moldovan Parliament Speaker Eugenia Ostapciuc, Li
Peng, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
of China, said the Sino-Moldovan friendship, with a wide-ranging social
foundation, is supported by the two peoples, and the Chinese people have
always regarded the Moldovan people as reliable partners and close friends.
In his message to Moldovan Prime Minister Vasile Tarlev, Chinese Premier Zhu
Rongji, said that since China and Moldova established diplomatic relations
10 years ago, the two countries have consistently strengthened exchanges and
cooperation in such fields as politics, economy, trade, science and
technology, culture, education and health care.
He expressed the belief that mutually beneficial cooperation between China
and Moldova, the two countries which have great potential and broad
prospective for further cooperation, will be fruitful through unremitting
efforts by both sides.
Voronin, in his message to Jiang, said he is pleased to see the smooth
development of bilateral relations on the basis of equality, respect and
mutual trust since the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two
Jiang's visit to Moldova in July 2001 has further strengthened the
friendship between the two countries, he said.
Ostapciuc and Tarlev sent messages to their Chinese counterparts separately
on the occasion. 
Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan and Moldovan Foreign Minister Nocolae
Dudau also exchanged congratulatory messages.

Russia Puts New Strategic Missiles on Combat Duty.
The Russian Defense Ministry put six new-type Topol-M strategic missile
systems on combat duty as planned in 2001, and is putting more mobile
missile complexes in army service this year, Russian Deputy Defense
Minister, Colonel-General Alexei Moskovsky, announced Tuesday.

The Russian Defense Ministry put six new-type Topol-M strategic missile
systems on combat duty as planned in 2001, and is putting more mobile
missile complexes in army service this year, Russian Deputy Defense
Minister, Colonel-General Alexei Moskovsky, announced Tuesday.

Another six Topol-Ms will be purchased by the Defense Ministry and be used
in the Armed Forces this year, the general told reporters.

It takes 18 months to manufacture one Topol-M missile. The state program on
the development of weapons until 2010, which the government adopted days
ago, sets the rate of putting missiles on combat readiness, he said.

Topol-M is a most up-to-date intercontinental ballistic missile that was
developed in 1990s and can be launched from either a silo or carrier. It
adopts solid booster fuel, highly precise guiding systems and
faster-launching technologies, featuring much higher flight speed than any
other Russian strategic missiles.

Russian military experts say it can penetrate any missile defense umbrella.

In 1998, when 10 such systems were adopted, 40 percent of the governmental
spending on arms purchases was channeled to the development of strategic
forces, In 2001 and 2002, only 18 percent was assigned to the strategic
rocket force, Moskovsky said.

Moscow plans to fully equip its strategic rocket force with such missiles by

Arafat Meets With Russian Envoy Over Mideast Situation.

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat on Tuesday 

Axis Of Evil: Zimbabwe

2002-01-30 Thread sipila

From: Rick Rozoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Axis Of Evil: Zimbabwe


[The North has got to stop it in Harare before it
reaches the heartland of America.]

Wednesday January 30 7:17 AM ET
Britain Presses Commonwealth to Suspend Zimbabwe
By Dominic Evans
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain urged Commonwealth foreign
ministers Wednesday to suspend Zimbabwe from the
organization to punish President Robert Mugabe for his
pre-election crackdown on the media and political
Suspension would be a largely symbolic gesture of
public admonition by a peer group with few practical
Speaking before a meeting of the Commonwealth
Ministerial Action Group (CMAG), the body's democracy
watchdog, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said he wanted
Zimbabwe's immediate suspension from the
Commonwealth's main decision-making bodies.
He said he would also ask the ministers to recommend
formally to the Commonwealth summit meeting in
Australia in March that Britain's former colony be
completely suspended.
``I will be arguing ... for Zimbabwe to be suspended
from the councils of the Commonwealth and for there to
be a recommendation to the Commonwealth (summit) for
Zimbabwe to be suspended from the Commonwealth
itself,?? Straw told reporters.
But he said it was not clear if the eight ministers
gathering in London could reach the required
Britain, Australia and Canada are Zimbabwe's most
vocal critics in CMAG. The other five members --
Botswana, Barbados, Malaysia, Bangladesh and Nigeria
-- have been more cautious.
Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer said this
week that no action taken by the Commonwealth was
likely to influence Mugabe before Zimbabwe's March
9-10 presidential elections, when he will seek to
extend his 22-year rule.
But diplomats say such moves have been taken in the
past only against Commonwealth countries where
governments have been overthrown in military coups,
and that action against Zimbabwe would send a powerful
message about upholding the rule of law.
International concern over the two-year wave of
seizures of Zimbabwe's white-owned farms has grown in
the run-up to the elections as Mugabe's ruling ZANU-PF
party cracked down on political opponents and imposed
restrictions on media.
CMAG suspended Pakistan and Fiji from the councils of
the Commonwealth following military coups. Fiji was
readmitted last month but Pakistan has remained on the
sidelines since President Pervez Musharraf seized
power in October 1999.
The Commonwealth meeting comes two days after the
European Union (news - web sites) ratcheted up
pressure on Mugabe.
EU foreign ministers agreed Monday to impose a travel
ban on the top 20 individuals in Mugabe's inner circle
and their families and to freeze their foreign assets
if Zimbabwe prevented the deployment of EU election
Mugabe, who has accused Britain of orchestrating a
campaign to demonize his country, said he would accept
foreign election observers -- except for Britons.
Straw said the Commonwealth had already given Mugabe
many chances to change course, most recently at a
meeting in Nigeria last year.
``We and the rest of the Commonwealth went the extra
mile at Abuja in September where Zimbabwe agreed with
the rest of the Commonwealth that they would stick to
the clear principles of ... freedom of speech, human
rights, (and) allowing oppositions to operate
effectively,?? he said.
``They have patently failed to do so.??

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2002-01-30 Thread sipila

From: Francisco Javier Bernal [EMAIL PROTECTED]





By Nizar Al-Aly.

MARRAKESH, Jan. 28 (IPS) - The Polisario Front, which is fighting for the
independence of the Western Sahara, says it has not ruled out resuming its
against Morocco to achieve the emancipation of the North African desert
My people are preparing for the resumption of war (against Morocco), if
proves a necessary means to obtain freedom and independence, said Mohammed
Abdelaziz, leader of the Polisario Front and President of the Sahrawi Arab
Democratic Republic (SADR).

The SADR was proclaimed by the Polisario Front in 1976 as the political
authority of Western Sahara. The republic was admitted to the Organization
African Unity (OAU) during the 1982 summit of Nairobi (Kenya). OAU founder
Morocco quit the pan-African body to protest the admission of the SADR,
it considers a mirage entity.

Abdelaziz, who is currently visiting Cuba, one of the SADR's major allies
supporters, insisted we will not allow anyone to usurp the Sahrawis' right
freedom, no matter how high the price that we would pay is and no matter how
long this war will take.

A cease-fire between the Polisario Front and Morocco has been in effect
1991, when MINURSO, the United Nations peacekeeping operation in the region,
was deployed in the Western Sahara to oversee a process to hold a referendum
over the territory.

The conflict began in 1974, when Spain first promised the Sahrawis, the
indigenous people of Western Sahara, then a colony of Spain, the right to
on self-determination.

However, Spain withdrew from the colony before the vote was held. Meanwhile,
Rabat had already objected to a vote on self-determination, claiming the
northern portion of Western Sahara as part of Morocco, while Mauritania
claimed the southern portion.

The Hague-based International Court of Justice ruled that neither Morocco
Mauritania could claim the territory of Western Sahara and that the Sahrawis
had the right to vote on self-determination.

On the day of the ruling, Oct. 16, 1975, the late King Hassan of Morocco
announced a peaceful Green March of 350,000 Moroccans into the Western

The Polisario, the political movement formed by the Sahrawis originally to
independence from Spain, went to war against Morocco and Mauritania when the
country was invaded by Moroccan and Mauritanian soldiers.

The Polisario defeated Mauritania in 1979, but the war against Morocco
continued for many years until the cease fire brokered by the United Nations
occurred in 1991. The United Nations established MINURSO to oversee the
cease-fire and a referendum allowing the Sahrawis to vote on independence or
incorporation into Morocco.

With the chances to hold the referendum growing slimmer because of
insurmountable differences between Morocco and the Polisario over voters'

the United Nations Security Council voted in June 2001 for what it called a
political solution to the Western Sahara question. The accord, brokered by
former secretary of state James Baker, would confer on the population of
Western Sahara the right to elect their own executive and legislative bodies
and to run their own local government administration, territorial budget,
basic infrastructure.

Within five years, a referendum on the final status of the Western Sahara
be held. Morocco, which considers the Western Sahara a part and parcel of
territory, already okayed the proposed accord on the condition that it
the territory under its sovereignty. But the Polisario rejected using a
referendum as the sole possible option to settle the issue.

The Polisario chief, who was speaking to Sahrawi pupils in Havana, accused
Morocco of blocking the referendum process. He voiced confidence that the
vote will inevitably lead to the independence of Western Sahara.

James Baker, who acts as U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan's personal envoy
for the Sahara, met last week with King Mohammed VI of Morocco in Marrakesh.

No details were disclosed on the meeting, but the Moroccan press said Baker
came with new ideas on ways to speed up the materialization of the

Another U.S. mediator, Lacy Swing, who is United Nations Special Envoy for
Sahara, visited Algeria last week to exchange views with Algerian
on the prospects to settle the issue.

Algeria, which hosts the Polisario in its southwestern town of Tindouf, is
front's mentor and major supporter. Algiers adopts the same position as the
Polisario regarding Baker's accord and sees the referendum as the ideal way
out of the conflict, which has raged in North Africa for 28 years now.

(c) 2002 Global Information Network.
IPS NEWSFEED 28/01/2002

Bush asks Daschle to limit Sept. 11 probes - CNN

2002-01-30 Thread sipila


Subject: [R-G] Bush asks Daschle to limit Sept. 11 probes - CNN

Bush asks Daschle to limit Sept. 11 probes

Washington (CNN) --President Bush personally asked Senate Majority Leader
Tom Daschle Tuesday to limit the congressional investigation into the events
of September 11, congressional and White House sources told CNN.

The request was made at a private meeting with congressional leaders Tuesday
morning. Sources said Bush initiated the conversation.

He asked that only the House and Senate intelligence committees look into
the potential breakdowns among federal agencies that could have allowed the
terrorist attacks to occur, rather than a broader inquiry that some
lawmakers have proposed, the sources said

Tuesday's discussion followed a rare call to Daschle from Vice President
Dick Cheney last Friday to make the same request.

The vice president expressed the concern that a review of what happened on
September 11 would take resources and personnel away from the effort in the
war on terrorism, Daschle told reporters.

But, Daschle said, he has not agreed to limit the investigation.

I acknowledged that concern, and it is for that reason that the
Intelligence Committee is going to begin this effort, trying to limit the
scope and the overall review of what happened, said Daschle, D-South

But clearly, I think the American people are entitled to know what happened
and why, he said.

Cheney met last week in the Capitol with the chairmen of the House and
Senate intelligence committees and, according to a spokesman for Senate
Intelligence Chairman Bob Graham, D-Florida, agreed to cooperate with their

The heads of both intelligence committees have been meeting to map out a way
to hold a bipartisan House-Senate investigation and hearings.

They were discussing how the inquiry would proceed, including what would be
made public, what would remain classified, and how broad the probe would be.

Graham's spokesman said the committees will review intelligence matters

How ill prepared were we and why? We are looking towards the possibility of
addressing systemic problems through legislation, said spokesman Paul

Some Democrats, such as Sens. Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut and Robert
Torricelli of New Jersey, have been calling for a broad inquiry looking at
various federal government agencies beyond the intelligence community.

We do not meet our responsibilities to the American people if we do not
take an honest look at the federal government and all of its agencies and
let the country know what went wrong, Torricelli said.

The best assurance that there's not another terrorist attack on the United
States is not simply to hire more federal agents or spend more money. It's
to take an honest look at what went wrong. Who or what failed? There's an
explanation owed to the American people, he said.

Although the president and vice president told Daschle they were worried a
wide-reaching inquiry could distract from the government's war on terrorism,
privately Democrats questioned why the White House feared a broader
investigation to determine possible culpability.

We will take a look at the allocation of resources. Ten thousand federal
agents -- where were they? How many assets were used, and what signals were
missed? a Democratic senator told CNN.

 -- CNN Capitol Hill Producer Dana Bash and CNN Correspondents Jon Karl and
John King contributed to this report.

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2002-01-30 Thread sipila

From: Miroslav Antic [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 16:09 2002-01-30


The post-Christian, liberal and egalitarian democracy of the West was
trying to neutralize the influence of Islam right up to the tragic
events of September 11 in the United States. Washington's strategies of
foreign policy were playing up to the geo-strategic ambitions of the
Muslims, throwing the small Christian nations (the Serbs, the Greek
Cypriotes today, the Bulgarians and the Greeks tomorrow) to be torn to
pieces by the Islamites. They were hoping to pay themselves off in the
eyes of the Islamic world for the half-century blind devotion of the
official America to Israel. They did not realize that such generous help
could only stir up wild appetites and pave the way for the clash between
Islam and the rest of the world in the new millennium.

Now, the West has only one way to avoid a full-scale collision: to
pretend that there is no such problem. In other words, to open the gates
for the huge waves of immigrants and the so-called searchers for
political shelter from the East and to yield without even the slightest

The Islamic preachers of the West have continued to insist after the
events of September 11 that their teaching was only a participant
enjoying the equal rights in the competition of different ideas and
ideologies of the up-to-date Western world. They do not forget their
radical ideas at that, not even a bit.

As a matter of fact, Islam entered the new millennium being stronger
than ever. First of all, this is neither a European nor a Christian
teaching, which makes it the natural ally of the reigning cultural elite
of the modern West. At the same time, the followers of Islam take the
exclusive priority over Bush, Clinton, Blair, Chirac, and Schroeder.
These leaders are unable to awake their sleeping masses to fight for
their tepid and tasteless ideology of the multicultural society.

The followers of the Muslim religion have the advantage over the
Christian religion, especially the protestants, the spiritual elite of
the modern West, which lost its faith in anything and turned its temples
in social employment or group therapy centers. Such churches do not give
anything to the soul that is longing for faith and God, and the vacuum
that is formed there is filled in the most aggressive way possible. The
petrodollars are permanently nurturing Islam, which is now gaining
force, and Islam is using the liberal West's own language and symbols to
trample it down. 

It is no use blaiming Islam and the Muslims, because this is absolutely
natural for them. Martin Luther would say that they kann nicht anders,
which means they can not lead a different life.

Islam is growing by millions and millions of people at the moment, while
the West is spiritually weak. Many people have already acknowledged the
idea fact that European civilization is dying out, breathing its last
gasp. Those who do not wish to think this way ought to be more careful
regarding the tokens of capitulation from within. It is either stupid or
not honest to pretend like Bush and Clinton that Islam does not differ
much from Anglicanism or Lutheranism. It is both, taking into
consideration the person from whom this assertion originated from.

Translated from Serbian by Sergey Stefanov

Translated by Dmitry Sudakov


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Guardian: Challenge in the east

2002-01-30 Thread sipila


Subject: Guardian: Challenge in the east


Challenge in the east
The US is using the war against terror to establish new bases around China,
its emerging rival in Asia

Andrew Murray
Wednesday January 30, 2002
The Guardian 

Ancient Chinese maps invariably placed the celestial kingdom at the centre
of the known world. Viewed from Beijing today, the horizon of the map is
studded with stars and stripes, fluttering over newly acquired US military
bases. Every twist in the war on terrorism seems to leave a new Pentagon
outpost in the Asia-Pacific region, from the former USSR to the Philippines.
One of the lasting consequences of the war could be what amounts to a
military encirclement of China.

First there are the new bases being set up in haste by the US military in
Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzystan and elsewhere in once-Soviet central Asia. It is
curious that, while the Bush administration has repeatedly made it clear
that it has little interest in establishing an enduring presence in
Afghanistan, and derides any notion of investment in nation-building there,
it is at the same time talking of these new bases in the central Asian
Stans as being semi-permanent.

The US interest in the oil and gas reserves of that part of the world has
been well-canvassed, and let no one accuse this Enron administration in
Washington of neglecting the interests of Big Oil for a second. But the
significance of the new US presence goes well beyond even the signal
importance of Exxon Mobil's share price.

Who, for example, would have anticipated that the second military front in
the war would be opened in the jungles of the Philippines, to which 600 US
troops - with promised British support to come - were dispatched yesterday?
The Abu Sayyaf Muslim guerrilla movement there numbers only about 500
fighters. It has no prospect of overthrowing the government of the
Philippines, a former US colony which has twice required Washington's arms
to defeat radical domestic insurgencies since the second world war. Nor is
there any suggestion that it has the capacity to organise terrorist attacks
on the US mainland (or, indeed, the slightest intention of even trying).

What is certain, however, is that the eviction of the US military from the
Philippines after the end of the cold war still rankles. A diplomat was
quoted in Washington as observing that the Americans have been desperate to
get back into the Philippines since their armed forces were kicked out of
the Clark and Subic Bay bases in 1992.

Why, one might ask? It is not as if the Pacific lacks a powerful Pentagon
presence. The US already maintains just short of 40,000 troops in South
Korea, a similar number in Japan and additional forces in the US's western
outpost in Hawaii - not to mention formidable military guarantees, backed
with hardware, for Taiwan, which is regarded by China as a rebel province.

But long before September 11, Asia was already seen as the centre of
post-cold-war competition - and China as the main potential rival for
commercial and strategic influence over the continent and its emerging
markets. Not for nothing has Fortune magazine published for the first time a
ranking of China's 100 biggest corporations - nor presumably that the
Pentagon has itself recently highlighted the risks and rewards of Asia as
requiring a bigger US military presence.

The Pentagon's Quadrennial Defence Review attracted little attention when it
was published shortly after the attacks on the World Trade Centre. However,
this official policy document, the first such of the second Bush presidency,
identified north-east Asia, and the East Asian littoral as critical areas
for US interests which must not be allowed to fall under hostile

The review characterised Asia as emerging as a region susceptible to
large-scale military competition with a volatile mix of rising and
declining regional powers. China is clearly one of the former. Coyly
avoiding naming the obvious challenger, the Pentagon warned of the
possibility that a military competitor with a formidable resource base will
emerge in the region, adding that the lower density of US basing in this
critical region places a premium on securing additional access and
infrastructure agreements.

There is a growing vacuum for the US to fill - the Russians have just agreed
to vacate their naval base at Cam Ranh Bay in Vietnam. More importantly,
there is a real clash of interests developing. Most of the biggest Chinese
companies on the Fortune list are in the same energy and petrochemical
sectors that appear to drive the Bush administration's international agenda,
from Kyoto to Kazakhstan. Money and power are at stake.

It would be absurd to suggest that the main purpose of the rolling,
open-ended Bush-Blair war on terrorism is to box in China, the one country
in the world with the most demonstrable capacity to act independently of the
US. But there is 

Korean Central News Agency Jan 30

2002-01-30 Thread sipila

TODAY'S NEWS (January.30.2002 Juche 91)



Russian ambassador hosts friendly gathering

Vicious challenge to peace under fire

Appeal of joint meeting supported by foreign public figures

Appeal of joint meeting hailed by overseas compatriots

Books on Kim Jong Il's greatness off the press

Materialization of three appeals and three proposals urged

New universities to be founded in DPRK

Poultry makes rapid progress in DPRK

U.S. state under secretary's remarks blasted

For Spanish-speaking people


avicultura de corea

rpdc: nuevos institutos superiores

desafio a paz

Russian ambassador hosts friendly gathering
     Pyongyang, January 30 (KCNA) -- Andrei Karlov, Russian ambassador to
the DPRK, hosted a friendly gathering at the embassy yesterday on the
occasion of the New Year Juche 91 (2002). Present there on invitation were
Mun Jae Chol, acting chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations
with Foreign Countries, Jon Yong Jin, vice-chairman of the committee who is
also chairman of the DPRK-Russia Friendship Association, and other officials
    Present there were staff members of the Russian embassy.
    Speeches were made at the gathering.
    The participants deepened the friendship, underscoring the need to boost
the bilateral friendly relations.

Vicious challenge to peace under fire
     Pyongyang, January 30 (KCNA) -- The United States reportedly plans to
reorganise its forces in South Korea and set up and expand the commanding
and control, military training and other establishments till the year 2010.
it also plans to build apartment houses in military bases on a large scale
to accommodate more families of U.S. servicemen. Rodong Sinmun today
describes the new military measures as moves to perpetuate the U.S. military
presence in South Korea and round off the preparations to provoke another
Korean war. 
    The news analyst says:
    The U.S. loudmouthed threat from the DPRK is sophism intended to
justify its military presence in South Korea and persistently pursue the
policy of aggression against the DPRK.
    It is not the DPRK but the U.S. that increases the danger of war on the
Korean peninsula. The U.S. forces in South Korea are a U.S. detached force
of aggression, not a war deterrent force, as evidenced by the testimonies
made by Americans. The U.S. seeks to unleash a new war with South Korea as a
forward base and the U.S. forces in South Korea as the main force, swallow
up the whole of Korea and, furthermore, put Asia under its military
    Prompted by this design, it is keen to escalate tensions on the Korean
peninsula at any cost so as to perpetuate its military presence in South
Korea and invent a new pretext to ignite a new Korean war. The DPRK wants
peace, not a war. So, the DPRK strongly demands that the U.S. pull its
forces out of South Korea. As long as the U.S. forces remain in South Korea,
it is impossible to preserve peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and
clear it of the danger of war.
    The U.S. forces pullback from South Korea is a yardstick showing the
U.S. attitude toward war and peace. If the U.S. truly wants to work for
peace on the Korean peninsula, there is no reason whatsoever for the U.S. to
refuse to withdraw its forces from South Korea.
    The U.S. should not put spurs to the war preparations, but drop the
anachronistic Korea policy and take its hands off South Korea at once.

Appeal of joint meeting supported by foreign public figures
     Pyongyang, January 30 (KCNA) -- An appeal adopted at the joint meeting
of the DPRK government, political parties and organizations was supported by
Peruvian and Ethiopian public figures. Tani Baler Lopera, chairman of the
Peruvian Committee for Supporting the Independent and Peaceful Reunification
of Korea who is also international secretary of the national executive
council of the new left movement of Peru, in a statement on Jan. 24 said
that the appeal is of weighty significance in achieving the reunification of
the country by the concerted efforts of the Korean nation.
    He went on: 
    The June 15 North-South Joint Declaration provided by a bold decision of
leader Kim Jong Il is a steadfast landmark for the reunification of Korea.
    We are convinced that Korea will surely be reunified under the policy of
national reunification set forth by President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim
Jong Il. 
    We will further strengthen the international solidarity movement for
supporting the struggle of the workers' party and people of Korea for
national reunification this year.
    Bewketu Tassew, chief of the Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, group for the study
of the Juche idea, in a statement 

[ INDIA ] ML Update, Vol.5; No.5; 30 - 1 - 2002

2002-01-29 Thread sipila

From: cpimllib [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: cpimllib [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 15:40:55 +0530
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: [ INDIA ] ML Update, Vol.5; No.5;  30 - 1 - 2002

ML Update
A CPI(ML) Weekly News Magazine
Vol.-5; No.-5; 30-1-2002


In the midst of all-round apprehension about possible terrorist attacks on
Republic Day, a veritable contingent of real terrorists clad in saffron and
armed with swords descended on the capital. The organisers - the VHP and
Bajrang Dal - called it a 'Sant Chetavani Yatra' or a warning march of the
saints! The warning was addressed to the government and the society at large
asking for the disputed Ayodhya land to be immediately handed over to the
VHP and its Temple Trust to enable construction to begin by March 12.

There were no barricades for these terrorists. No tear gas shells or water
cannons. And certainly no POTO! Instead the ruling BJP organised a public
show for the visiting terrorists in saffron on the Ramleela Maidan. And the
Prime Minister and his Man Friday, India's most disgraceful minister of
defence, accorded them an official welcome with the guest terrorists doing
all the talking and the government only taking instructions! The case has
already been referred to the Law Ministry with a brief to expedite the case
and 'examine' the legal and constitutional aspects involved in handing over
the 'non-disputed part' of the land to the VHP! Meanwhile, the RSS has given
a free hand to the VHP and Bajrang Dal to fix the date for launching the
temple operation.

In theory, the Vajpayee government is still talking of either a negotiated
settlement or a judicial resolution of the Ayodhya dispute. But in practice,
it has already taken the first step towards construction of a temple. The
fig leaf of distinction being discovered between the original 'disputed'
land and the land subsequently taken over by the central government in 1993
is a mischievous eyewash. Allowing the VHP to get a foothold on acres
'around' the disputed land and begin construction on it would effectively
preclude any possible subsequent court verdict to the contrary. This
mischievous move on the part of the government is therefore not just an act
of appeasement, the Vajpayee government now officially stands as a
co-accomplice of the saffron brigade.

The so-called dispute in Ayodhya was created by the RSS. The Sangh Parivar
then built up a hysterical campaign around it and in December 1992 the
saffron brigade defied every law and norm of a civilised society to
translate the campaign into action. Since then Ayodhya has become an
open-ended agenda for the fascists. All they have to do to 'turn liberal' is
to shelve it temporarily, but it is always there, hanging like a sword of
Damocles on the country. And there is always the possibility of the saffron
brigade picking up the sword and wielding it against the country at an
opportune moment. The UP elections mark precisely such a moment in the
saffron calendar.

As far as the country is concerned, Ayodhya ceased to be a site of mere
'dispute' on December 6 1992. With the forcible demolition of the Babri
Masjid, Ayodhya became a site of crime and disgrace. For every believer in
secularism and democracy it has become a crucial site of contention and
struggle. After all that happened on December 6 1992, the previous category
of the 'disputed site' has become outdated and irrelevant for this country.
It is no longer a matter of legal semantics to be left to the mercy of an
Arun Jaitley. It is a question of life and death for the future of democracy
in India.
Secular democracy can have only one battle cry: Not an inch of Ayodhya land
for the saffron thugs.


The CPI(ML) organised human chains, marches, demonstrations, and meetings on
25 January as the concluding part of the first phase of CPI(ML)'s nationwide
anti-saffron anti-imperialist campaign in Delhi and several other centers of
the country in protest against communal frenzy, war hysteria, and Vajpayee
govt.'s abject surrender to the US.

In Delhi, hundreds of CPI(ML) activists and supporters formed a human chain
near the Shahid Bhagat Singh statue on the Ferozshah Kotla ground. Party
Gen. Secy. Dipankar Bhattacharya also joined it. He called upon the ranks to
be on the forefront of struggle against what he called saffron subversion
and American arm-twisting of the Indian Republic. He said that the nation
needs a powerful resistance movement against growing imperialist and
communal fascist attacks on its republic. Denouncing the 'Chetavani Yatra'
taken out by the VHP he said, We had seen similar communal build-up ten
years back which had led to the demolition of the Babri Masjid and plunged
the country into the worst communal riots since Partition. Saffron
terrorists are at it again, and this time round they must be given a fitting

He appealed 

UK: Now We Are All Terrorists - SLP Youth

2002-01-29 Thread sipila


Subject: UK: Now We Are All Terrorists - SLP Youth


A personal account of harrasment and arrest under the auspices of the New
Labour PTA from a SLP Youth member, published in the current issue of Spark,
journal of the Socialist Labour Youth.

Now we are all Terrorists
Fahim Ahmed, Ealing Southall CSLP

Since the introduction of the Terrorism Bill in Parliament back in 1999 I
have followed the debate surrounding the new legislation with avid
interest. As a Marxist-Leninist I have a political interest in the
clampdown on Irish freedom-fighters and domestic 'subversives', from
liberal peace protestors to anti-fascist, anti-capitalist demonstrators,
and as a budding criminal defence lawyer I have a professional interest in
the practical application of the law.

These two interests converged on 19 December 2001 when I was 'detained' by
Special Branch under the new legislation for the purpose of 'examination',
arrested, held for 17 hours, interrogated and tortured through repeated
forcible attempts at taking my fingerprints. Eventually I was released on
bail, to return on 18 February to find out if I will be charged with any
offences. The cuff-marks remain on my wrist and the psychological marks
remain on my mind as I write this report one month after the actual event.

I had been in Belgium attending a massive trade union demonstration against
the EU on 13 December, and the latest big anti-capitalist demonstration on
14 December, both in Brussels. I returned on the Eurostar on 19 December
and was checked by French customs on the train before it went into the
tunnel. There were dark-suited British officers checking people on the
train once it was officially in the UK, and I assumed that they were
customs as well. An officer approached me, showed me a Metropolitan Police
badge and asked to see my passport. I asked him what he was doing and he
explained that he was a member of Special Branch and was doing routine
anti-terrorism checks. I showed him my passport and he continued on his
way. I thought nothing more of it, but when I got off the train at Waterloo
at 4.30pm, the same officer was waiting for me before the arrivals area.

He approached me and said: Mr Ahmed I'm detaining you under the Terrorism
Act, come with me. I could hardly believe it! I had thought about what a
fuss I would make if I ever found myself in trouble with the police, but I
never imagined I would be targeted as a 'terrorist'. I asked the officer
his name and he told me: DS Geoffrey Singleton. I wrote it down
immediately and followed him into a room there in Waterloo station. He sat
me down and immediately began asking me questions about who I was, where I
had been, where I was going and what I was doing. I began answering his
questions thinking I was being interviewed under the Police and Criminal
Evidence Act 1984 (PACE), which guarantees criminal detainees rights to
legal advice, silence, and a standard of treatment specified in the Codes
of Practice. Little did I know I was actually being 'examined' under
Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000 (TA), which I later learnt is a piece
of legislation that makes a mockery of the 'rule of law' and civil rights,
which exist only in theory.

After a few general questions he began asking me about my support for the
Intifada - he knew I was a supporter because I was wearing a badge which
had a Palestinian flag for a background, and the words 'End the Occupation,
Support the Intifada' in the foreground. I explained that I had been active
in the Oxford Palestine Solidarity Campaign, having meetings and handing
out leaflets (join PSC, go to or call 020 7700
6192). Unsatisfied with my answer he asked the question again, at which
alarm bells started ringing.

I am used to representing people in police stations and when an officer
repeats a question which has been answered, it's usually my cue to say,
'You've had an answer officer, please move onto the next question.' But
now, here I was, in the custody of Special Branch under the Terrorism Act,
being questioned when I had already given an answer. I asked him to clarify
what exactly he wanted to know and he repeated the question again, at which
point I said: I'm not answering any more questions, no comment. He asked
me where I live and I repeated: No comment. He then asked for my
passport, which he had already seen on the train. I handed it over and told
him that the address on the passport was my address, knowing that refusal
to supply an address gives rise to a general power of arrest. I then asked
if I had the right to legal advice, I was told that I had none. DS
Singleton looked at me scornfully and left the room. I had been there no
more than five minutes and things were already getting tense.

Another officer came in and began searching my large rucksack. He also
searched my jacket. 

Washington Post Editorial: Capitalism Is In Trouble:

2002-01-29 Thread sipila

From: Charles Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [L-I] Capitalism Is In Trouble:

Capitalism Is In Trouble:

A Deliberate Scandal

Washington Post Editorial
January 27, 2002

SUMMONING UP contemptuous rage at the Enron hearings last Thursday, Sen.
Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) declared, When the corporate insiders at Enron
realized the ship was sinking, they grabbed the lifeboats and left the women
and children, their workers and investors, to drown. But this scandal is
actually much worse than that. The bad guys did not merely grab lifeboats;
they deliberately created the leaks that brought the ship of Enron down.
What's more, the bad guys included not just Enron executives and Arthur
Andersen's accountants but also, to a different degree, many of Mr. Durbin's
own colleagues in Congress.

Start with Enron's managers. Until last week, it seemed likely that Enron
had taken on too much risk; that it had hidden this risk from shareholders
by parking it in secret partnerships; and that senior executives had urged
investors to buy stock even when they themselves were selling out. But fresh
details suggest worse than this. Enron's executives apparently used the
secret partnerships not just to hide risk but also to steal money from
shareholders. The small group of financiers and insiders that invested in
the partnerships reaped returns higher than ordinary shareholders could
dream of; one deal paid out 212 percent in just over three months. This was
a way of siphoning money that should have been declared on the company's
balance sheet. The money belonged to Enron's shareholders. They were robbed.

Next, consider Arthur Andersen. The company claims that one rogue partner
was responsible for shredding documents in an apparent coverup. But the
supposed rogue, David Duncan, did at least advise Enron against issuing a
misleading statement about its earnings; it was Andersen headquarters that
recommended he destroy the record of his misgivings. Yet even if other
Andersen employees were involved in shredding, that would actually
understate the scandal. For Andersen was colluding in a different kind of
coverup years before the bankruptcy, starting in 1997 when it signed off on
financial statements that it knew to be wrong. What's more, Andersen may
well have done the same at other companies; the Securities and Exchange
Commission has alleged that the firm's partners saw but failed to prevent
problems at two other companies, Sunbeam Corp. and Waste Management Inc.
Some Andersen managers seem to have made a business decision to condone
misleading financial statements, figuring that it is more profitable to
placate top executives than to protect investors. In consequence,
shareholders again got robbed.

Now consider Mr. Durbin's colleagues. During the 1990s Congress repeatedly
squashed attempts to tighten rules on auditors. Sen. Joe Lieberman
(D-Conn.), who chairs the Senate committee that held Enron hearings on
Thursday, fought in 1994 against proper accounting for stock options. Rep.
Billy Tauzin (R-La.), the chair of Thursday's House hearings on Enron,
opposed a plan to bolster auditors' independence from managers in 2000. Sen.
Chris Dodd (also D-Conn.), who now proposes reformist legislation, led a
battle in 1995 to limit auditors' liability. These and other members of
Congress would like you to forget this, or perhaps to believe it was an
honest error; we were wrong, Sen. Robert Torricelli (D-N.J.) declared on
Thursday, in a show of graciousness. But in Congress there was never a fair
argument over the merits of audit regulation. The merits by and large were
on one side, and the campaign dollars were on the other. Of the 248 members
who sit on committees that plan to hold hearings on the scandal, an
extraordinary 212 received money from Andersen or Enron.

All the players in this scandal -- Enron's managers, its auditors, the
lawmakers -- helped to create the conditions for Enron's collapse. That
collapse cheated investors of their savings and cost thousands of jobs. It
has also called into question the whole premise of stock market capitalism,
which is that investors scrutinize honest financial statements and then
allocate capital to the companies that will use it best. If financial
statements aren't honest, then capitalism is in trouble. Corporate leaders,
auditors and lawmakers need to put aside venality-as-usual and start
thinking of remedies. The past pattern -- in which audit scandals have
yielded brief breast-beating but no action -- must not repeat itself.


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Philippines. Communist Party warns US troops they are targets

2002-01-29 Thread sipila

From: Magnus Bernhardsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [Peoples War] Communist Party warns US troops they are targets

(OK, here is the full story. MB)
this story was taken from


Communist Party warns US troops they are targets
Posted:0:15 AM (Manila Time) | Jan. 30, 2002
By, Inquirer News Service and Agence France-Presse

THE COMMUNIST Party of the Philippines warned Tuesday that its New People's
Army (NPA) would target American soldiers if they go to NPA territory.

Should these so-called US military experts wander into an NPA territory,
our comrades may not possibly resist the temptation to seize them, said
CPP spokesperson Gregorio Rosal, alias Ka Roger.

About 600 American military advisers and troops are expected to join in six
months of training exercises with t Philippine troops in the southern
Basilan island, the stronghold of the Abu Sayyaf Muslim bandit group, with
both government link to the al-Qaeda terrorist network of Osama bin Laden.

The Balikatan training exercises are scheduled for formal launch on
Thursday after a day's delay.

The NPA is said to operate in various parts of the country, in varying

Exiled CPP leader Jose Ma. Sison said, however, that Filipino-American
members of the US contingent visiting their relatives in the country would
not be harmed. The NPA will not fire at or seize my province mates, who
joined the US armed forces, if they are just visiting relatives and are not
in combat gear, said Sison, chief political consultant of the National
Democratic Front. 

Sison also advised militant groups not to rely entirely on the Supreme
Court to resolve the constitutional issue being raised against the presence
of American troops in the Philippines. Mass action should still be the
preferred option. A petition with the Supreme Court could just result in
complacency on the part of those against the presence of US troops.

This is the real intention of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and his
spokesperson Bobi Tiglao, Sison said in a reply to questions e-mailed to

The Macapagal administration maintains that the coming of US forces for
military exercises with Filipino soldiers in the Philippines is allowed
under the Philippine Constitution, and Presidential spokesperson Rigoberto
Tiglao has suggested that the only way to end the debate is to take the
case to the Supreme Court.

Protesters could resort to both mass and legal actions, Sison said, as
militant groups vowed to continue their mass protests. The Bagong Alyansang
Makabayan (Bayan) said it would intensify protests until US troops withdraw
from Mindanao. Bayan spokesperson Renato M. Reyes Jr. said his group, the
youth group Anakbayan and the League of Filipino Students would hold
protest actions this Wednesday in front of the US embassy in Manila.

After a last-minute hitch over how many US troops would be involved in the
Balikatan exercises, Philippine officials announced Tuesday the formal
starting date and some of the ground rules.

Filipino training director Brigadier General Emmanuel Teodosio said US
troops would be allowed to fire on the rebels primarily in self-defense
once they moved to Basilan island.

They (Americans) will be under the command of a Filipino officer, but it's
an inherent right of an individual to defend himself if threatened, he
said. They can fire back primarily to defend themselves.

The campaign will see one of the biggest deployments of American troops
since the United States began its campaign to wipe out the al-Qaeda
terrorist network, which is blamed for the Sept. 11 attacks on New York and

Ground rules for the campaign were laid out at a meeting in southern
Zamboanga City Tuesday between Teodosio and his US counterpart, Brigadier
General Donald Wurster.

Teodosio said American troops would train with Filipino units in Manila in
the first week of the campaign before moving in on Basilan island.

The campaign was initially due to start Wednesday but it was delayed after
the US and Philippines negotiated on how many US troops would be involved.

Teodosio said the Americans were apprehensive that setting a fixed number
of US participants would cause them to lose some flexibility, Teodosio

Both later agreed to stick to the previously announced number of more or
less 600 including 160 Special Forces, plus or minus 10, he added.

Wurster, special operations chief of the US Pacific Command, did not speak
to reporters. 

There has been some public anxiety here over the exact role of the US
advisers, as well as concern that the Americans could be killed or taken
captive by the Abu Sayyaf. The Filipino Muslim gunmen operate in small
units on a number of heavily forested islands around Zamboanga City.

In Basilan, roughly the size of Los Angeles, the Abu Sayyaf is holding a US
Christian missionary couple and a Filipina nurse hostage.

An independent 

Colombia: On the brink of all-out war

2002-01-29 Thread sipila

From: Carlos A. Rivera [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [Peoples War] Fw: Colombia: On the brink of all-out war

Australia's Socialist Newspaper
- Number 478, 30 January 2002 -



Colombia reached the brink of all-out war as the government threatened to
end three-year-old peace negotiations with the left-wing guerilla
organisation, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).

Buoyed by increased US weaponry and funds, Colombia's President Andres
Pastrana suddenly announced on January 9 that the peace negotiations had
ended. He gave the FARC two days to withdraw its forces from the
demilitarised zone that was established in 1998 to foster the peace

Just minutes after Pastrana's deadline expired, FARC negotiators offered a
proposal aimed at defusing the threat. While Pastrana responded almost
immediately, saying the proposal was unsatisfactory, he gave the FARC two
more days, until January 14, to come back with an alternative proposal that
would promise concrete results towards a cease-fire.

Meanwhile, some 13,000 army troops, supported by the navy and air force,
amassed on the borders of what the FARC call the liberated zone, an area
two-thirds the size of Tasmania (42,000 sq kms), with a population of some
100,000. Top Colombian general, Fernando Tapias, announced that the army
was ready for all-out war.

FARC combatant Mauricio, who lives in San Vicente del Caguan, the principal
town in the liberated zone, said that the FARC was pulling back from the
towns, but warned that, If the government wants the rural areas, even a
place five minutes from here, they'll have to fight for it.

With some 35,000 lives already lost in the war over the last decade, the
scene was set for a bloodbath. The situation was so serious that Ecuador's
President Gustavo Noboa, fearing a massive escalation of the conflict,
announced that his troops were reinforcing Ecuador's northern border with

'War on drugs'

On January 8, the day before Pastrana's announcement, US ambassador to
Colombia Anne Patterson handed 14 Black Hawk combat helicopters to the
Colombian military. She pledged unfailing support for the country's war
against drug producers. Valued at US$14 million each, Colombia now has a
fleet of 29 Black Hawk choppers, which can be mounted with machine guns and
modified to launch rockets and mortars.

For more than a year the US has been funding Plan Colombia, a US$7.5
billion military aid package, which includes the supply of military
hardware and more than 1000 US military trainers and pilots.

Amnesty International has described Washington's massive military backing
for Bogota as the same policy that backed death squads in El Salvador in
the 1980s.

With 90% of cocaine and some 70% of heroin sold in the US originating in
Colombia, Plan Colombia is painted as part of a global war on drugs.

On the ground, it is Colombian peasants who are the victims of this war. It
devastates their fields with herbicides, poisons their water and drives
them into deeper poverty. There is a continual threat of massacres from
government-backed paramilitary forces. There are more than 1.5 million
internal refugees. Trade union activists face murder, relentless repression
and subversion charges. All this is on the rise because of the growing US
interference via Plan Colombia.

As the BBC News noted, Washington is calling on the Colombian government
to take tougher action against the insurgents, yet it is America's own
policies that are generating recruits for these movements.

'War on terrorism'

Now, on top of this war on drugs comes the war on terrorism. In
mid-October, Colombia's General Tapias attended the Inter-American
Conference Against Terrorism, at which Washington proclaimed the Latin
American chapter of its international war against terrorism.

At this conference on October 15, Francis Taylor, the US State Department's
anti-terrorism coordinator, stressed that all the resources available
will be used in the anti-terrorism campaign in Latin America, including,
as we have done in Afghanistan, the use of military force.

Taylor stated that the FARC and Colombia's second largest armed insurgent
group, the National Liberation Army (ELN), were on Washington's terror
list. Taylor declined, however, to differentiate between anti-terrorist
and anti-insurgency operations in Colombia, in which Washington has vowed
not to become involved.

In spite of this promise, the real face of Plan Colombia -- a scheme
devised to destroy the left -- has been quickly unmasked since September
11. During the Christmas recess, US President Bush managed, against
congressional opposition, to nominate arch right winger 

Only goal is global supremacy, not the defeat of terrorism - JohnPilger

2002-01-29 Thread sipila


Subject: [R-G] Only goal is global supremacy, not the defeat of terrorism -
John Pilger

The Mirror January 29, 2002

War on terror:

Only goal is global supremacy, not the defeat of terrorism

 By John Pilger

Last week, the US government announced that it was building the biggest-ever
war machine. Military spending will rise to $ 379billion, of which $
50billion will pay for its war on terrorism.

There will be special funding for new, refined weapons of mass slaughter and
for military operations - invasions of other countries.

Of all the extraordinary news since September 11, this is the most alarming.
It is time to break our silence. That is to say, it is time for other
governments to break their silence, especially the Blair government, whose
complicity in the American rampage in Afghanistan has not denied its
understanding of the Bush administration's true plans and ambitions.

The recent statements of British Ministers about the vindication of the
outstanding success in Afghanistan would be comical if the price of their
success had not been paid with the lives of more than 5,000 innocent
Afghani civilians and the failure to catch Osama bin Laden and anyone else
of importance in the al-Qaeda network.

The Pentagon's release of deliberately provocative pictures of prisoners at
Camp X-Ray on Cuba was meant to conceal this failure from the American
public, who are being conditioned, along with the rest of us, to accept a
permanent war footing similar to the paranoia that sustained and prolonged
the Cold War. 

The threat of terrorism, some of it real, most of it invented, is the new
Red Scare. 

The parallels are striking.

IN AMERICA in the 1950s, the Red Scare was used to justify the growth of war
industries, the suspension of democratic rights and the silencing of

That is happening now.

Above all, the American industrial-complex has a new enemy with which to
justify its gargantuan appetite for public resources - the new military
budget is enough to end all primary causes of poverty in the world.

Donald Rumsfeld, the Defence Secretary, says he has told the Pentagon to
think the unthinkable.

Vice President Dick Cheney, the voice of Bush, has said the US is
considering military or other action against 40 to 50 countries and warns
that the new war may last 50 years or more.

A Bush adviser, Richard Perle, explained. (There will be) no stages, he

This is total war. We are fighting a variety of enemies. There are lots of
them out there ... If we just let our vision of the world go forth, and we
embrace it entirely, and we don't try to piece together clever diplomacy but
just wage a total war, our children will sing great songs about us years
from now. 

Their words evoke George Orwell's great prophetic work, Nineteen

In the novel, three slogans dominate society: war is peace, freedom is
slavery and ignorance is strength.

Today's slogan, war on terrorism, also reverses meaning. The war is

The next American attack is likely to be against Somalia, a deeply
impoverished country in the Horn of Africa.

Washington claims there are al-Qaeda terrorist cells there.

This is almost certainly a fiction spread by Somalia's overbearing
neighbour, Ethiopia, in order to ingratiate itself with Washington.
Certainly, there are vast oil fields off the coast of Somalia.

For the Americans, there is the added attraction of settling a score.

In 1993, in the last days of George Bush Senior's presidency, 18 American
soldiers were killed in Somalia after the US Marines had invaded to restore
hope, as they put it.

A current Hollywood movie, Black Hawk Down, glamorises and lies about this

It leaves out the fact that the invading Americans left behind between 7,000
and 10,000 Somalis killed.

Like the victims of American bombing in Afghanistan, and Iraq, and Cambodia,
and Vietnam and many other stricken countries, the Somalis are unpeople,
whose deaths have no political and media value in the West.

WHEN Bush Junior's heroic marines return in their Black Hawk gunships,
loaded with technology, looking for terrorists, their victims will once
again be nameless. We can then expect the release of Black Hawk Down II.

Breaking our silence means not allowing the history of our lifetimes to be
written this way, with lies and the blood of innocent people. To understand
the lie of what Blair/Straw/Hoon call the outstanding success in
Afghanistan, read the work of the original author of Total War, a man
called Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was President Carter's National Security
Adviser and is still a powerful force in Washington.

Brzezinski not long ago revealed that on July 3, 1979, unknown to the
American public and Congress, President Jimmy Carter secretly authorised $
500million to create an international terrorist movement that would spread
Islamic fundamentalism in Central Asia and destabilise the Soviet Union.



2002-01-29 Thread sipila

From: Vladimir Krsljanin [EMAIL PROTECTED]



A resolution of the Assembly and a process in its Committee on Legal Affairs
and Human Rights have been initiated in the last week session by a group of
CPRF deputies, joined by their colleagues of the Left from other six

 Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

Violations of Law in the Case of Slobodan Milosevic


24 January 2002


Motion for the resolution

presented by Mr. Zyuganov and others


1. The Assembly notes that new facts have emerged concerning the involvement
of Osama bin Laden, leader of the Al Qaeda terrorist organisation, in
supporting the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army. This evidence proves the
KLA was part of the international terrorist network. This in turn makes it
possible to assess the nature of the conflict in Kosovo in 1998-1999
differently, proving that the aim of the Yugoslav leadership was not to
suppress a liberation movement but to fight armed separatism and
international terrorism.

2. Slobodan Milosevic was arrested on 31 March 2001. But an investigation by
the Yugoslav authorities, which lasted three months, resulted only in an
accusation of abuse of position.

3. The transfer of Mr. Milosevic from Belgrade to The Hague in June 2001 at
the demand of the International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia (ICTY) was
carried out in gross violation of the Yugoslav Constitution. This was
confirmed by the Yugoslav Constitutional Court decision of 6 November 2001.
Thus the unlawful transfer of Mr. Milosevic to The Hague may be considered

4. As a result of the kidnapping of Mr. Milosevic, the Yugoslav State was
denied the right to a court examination of the accusations leveled against
the former head of state, while Mr. Milosevic was deprived of the right to
defend himself against those accusations.

5. The ICTY was created by a decision of the UN Security Council.  However
the UN Charter does not permit the UNSC to create judicial bodies. Thus the
legitimacy of the ICTY is highly questionable.

6. A group of independent lawyers has submitted a complaint to the European
Court for Human Rights in connection with the flagrant violations of law in
the Milosevic case. However the ICTY authorities prevent free and
unmonitored communication between Mr. Milosevic and his lawyers. This
violates the generally recognised norms of human rights.

7. During Mr. Milosevic's detention in Holland his rights have been notably
violated by the 24 hour a day illumination of his cell and by monitoring him
24 hours a day, using video and infrared equipment.

8. The Assembly calls on the Dutch and Yugoslav authorities as well as the
ICTY to work for the return of Mr. Milosevic to Yugoslavia. That would help
end the violation of law caused by his transfer to Holland. It would enable
Yugoslavia to exercise its right for a court trial of Mr. Milosevic and it
would allow Mr. Milosevic to exercise his right to defend himself.

Until then the Assembly calls on the ICTY to ensure that the conditions of
Mr. Milosevic's detention in the UN Detention Center conform to the
generally accepted norms of human rights.



Christodoulides Doris (Cyprus), Carvalho Lino (Portugal), Churkin Guennady,
Gamzatova Hapisat, Gostev Ruslan, Melnikov Ivan, Zyuganov Gennady, Shaklein
Nickolay, Bakulin Vladimir  (Russia), Marmazov Yevhen, Oliynyk Boris,
Pakhansky Anatoly (Ukraine), Kanelli Liana (Greece),  Neguta Andrei
(Moldova), Manukyan Yuri (Armenia)


Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe


24 January 2002

On Violations of Law

in the Case of Slobodan Milosevic


Dear Colleagues, 

Recently new facts have emerged concerning the involvement of Osama bin
Laden, leader of the Al Qaeda terrorist organisation, in supporting the
so-called Kosovo Liberation Army. This evidence proves the KLA was part of
the international terrorist network. This in turn makes it possible to
assess the nature of the conflict in Kosovo in 1998-1999 differently,
proving that the aim of the Yugoslav leadership was not to suppress a
liberation movement but to fight armed separatism and international

It is necessary to note that former FRY President Slobodan Milosevic was
arrested on 31 March 2001. But an investigation by the Yugoslav authorities,
which lasted three months, resulted only in an accusation of abuse of

Later in June 2001  Mr. Milosevic was transferred from Belgrade to The Hague
at the demand of the International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia (ICTY).
But it was carried out in gross violation of the Yugoslav Constitution. This
was confirmed by the Yugoslav Constitutional Court decision of 6 November
2001. Thus the unlawful transfer of Mr. Milosevic to The Hague may be
considered kidnapping.

As a result of the kidnapping of Mr. Milosevic, the 


2002-01-29 Thread sipila

From: Miroslav Antic [EMAIL PROTECTED]




The positions of Zinni and Cheney show a policy which is biased,
one-sided, incomplete, wholly tendentious, factious, divisive and
intrusive, one based upon self-interest and exclusion of parts. The
United States of America is not a peace-maker in the Middle East, but
rather, following this policy, takes a position which facilitates the
perpetration of violence and a perpetuation of the conflict.

The Israeli newspaper Maari quotes Anthony Zinni, the retired General
who until now had performed an excellent task in brokering a peace deal
in the Middle East, as having made totally unprofessional declarations
at a private dinner in Washington DC.

The newspaper claims that Zinni called Yasser Arafat capo di tutti
capi (Head of all the Godfathers in Mafia Organisations) and an
incorrigible liar. Maari adds that Zinni went on to say During my
meetings in the Middle East, he told me so many obvious lies that I came
to the conclusion that he could not be trusted at all (sic).

However, regarding Sharon (currently under investigation for war crimes
in Belgian courts), Zinni was more deferential: Everyone had warned me
about Sharon but when I got to know him, I discovered a sort of daddy
bear, always positive towards me, always ready to help me immediately
and always proposing constructive solutions.

Meanwhile, Richard Cheney made public statements on the same theme, on
ABC TV channel on Sunday. Regarding the incident in the Eastern
Mediterranean at the beginning of January, in which 50 tonnes of arms
were found about the ship Karine A, supposedly shipped from Iran to the
Palestinians, he accused Arafat of being involved in arms trafficking
and called him a liar for denying implication in the case.

Cheney went further, accusing Arafat of involvement with terrorism. We
do not believe him. He is currently involved in an operation which leads
him to work with terrorist organisations, Hezbollah, and with Iran, a
state which is intent on torpedoing the peace process.

That anyone in a United States administration should have the nerve to
mention Iran, after the Irangate scandal, when the US itself shamefully
involved itself in the Iran-Contra case, in which arms trafficking from
Iran to Nicaragua's oppressive fascist regime was undertaken by
Washington for use in the civil war, which incidentally cost around
30,000 lives. 

Whether or not Arafat was involved in arms trafficking or not, and it
would not be beyond the realms of the imagination for Mossad or the CIA
to stage anything (it would not, after all, be the first time), it
appears that certain members of the US administration have yet to
understand how simple the situation is to resolve.

If the Palestinian Authority does not fulfil its international
obligations, then neither does Israel, a State which reaches new lows in
world public opinion by the day. The lesson to be learned from September
11, although the methods were totally unacceptable, was that there are
two sides to the Middle East story and the USA takes one side (due to
the important Jewish lobby in US society).

Traditionally leaning more towards the Arab side, contrary to the
position of the Democrats, the Republicans now appear to be following
the same path and are switching to Israel.

A more constructive approach would be for the USA to encourage Israel,
using its considerable economic and diplomatic clout, to honour its
international obligations, namely respecting the UN Resolutions on the
Occupied Territories. Building colonies on stolen lands is only going to
exacerbate the issues. This is what Israel does, and arrogantly refuses
to leave. 

That the USA can take this side and not understand that the Palestinians
have no other option but to defend themselves, gives the likes of Osama
Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein claims to the moral high ground, whether or
not they deserve it.



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Weekly News Update on Colombia #626, 1/27/02

2002-01-29 Thread sipila

From: Red Palante! [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Weekly News Update on Colombia #626, 1/27/02

 ISSUE #626, JANUARY 27, 2002
 (212) 674-9499 [EMAIL PROTECTED]


On Jan. 22, Colombian president Andres Pastrana called for
expanded US military aid to Colombia, including US soldiers to
train Colombian troops to protect oil pipelines, bridges and
other infrastructure from rebel attacks. At the same time,
Pastrana said he hoped the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
(FARC) would stick to an Apr. 7 target date for reaching
ceasefire terms. The deadline was part of an agreement signed on
Jan. 20 following talks in the rebel-controlled safe haven in
southern Colombia [see Update #625]. [Miami Herald 1/22/02 
1/23/02, both from AP]
On Jan. 20, the Colombian weekly El Espectador revealed details
of the US government's Plan B for Colombia if peace talks fail.
The plan would channel US military aid directly to the fight
against leftist rebels. [Irish Times 1/21/02]
The FARC meanwhile seems to be stepping up its armed actions.
Explosives strapped to a bicycle blew up on Jan. 25 in front of a
restaurant frequented by police in Bogota, killing four police
officers and a child, and injuring several other people. The
Josefa restaurant is across the street from the Fatima Police
Station in southern Bogota. No one claimed responsibility for the
attack, but Bogota mayor Antanas Mockus said initial
investigations pointed to the FARC. Police also deactivated a car
bomb in a residential area near Bogota's El Dorado airport, and
another explosive device in the western area of the capital.
The FARC has claimed responsibility for dozens of attacks on
electricity towers around the country that have caused power
rationing in three departments. The rebels also downed towers
south of Bogota, causing authorities to announce an electricity
rate hike to cover the repairs. The FARC was also blamed for a
car bombing that closed a highway briefly on Jan. 24. [MH 1/26/02
from AP; La Jornada (Mexico) 1/26/02 from AFP, DPA, Reuters]
Weekly News Update on the Americas * Nicaragua Solidarity Network of NY
339 Lafayette St, New York, NY 10012  *  212-674-9499 fax: 212-674-9139*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Red Palante!
Comunicacion Antagonista y
Resistencia Cultural

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Afghanistan. Four US commandos die.

2002-01-29 Thread sipila


Subject: Afg: Four US commandos die


Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 3:26 AM
Subject: [Peoples War] Four US commandos die

Four US commandos die

KANDAHAR (Online): Eye witness accounts state that at least four US
commandos were killed during a Mujahideen ambush in the southern Afghan
city of Kandahar.The commandos had been patrolling the area.

As a result, US warplanes retaliated by heavily bombing this region of
Kandahar, known as Lewa.

This was followed by a deployment of US troops to carry out a search
operation in order to arrest the unidentified assailants.

The US Military is believed to have imprisoned approximately 250 Taliban
Mujahideen in this region and consequently, US troops are on continuous
high alert in fear of possible Mujahideen attacks.


A people who want to win independence cannot confine themselves to ordinary
methods of warfare. Mass insurrections, revolutionary warfare, guerilla
detachments everywhere - such is the only way.
F Engels

A revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a
struggle to the death between the future and the
Fidel Castro

There is no revolution without violence. Those who don't accept violence
can cross out the word revolution from their dictionary.
Malcolm X

The Marxist-Leninist doctrine on class struggle and the dictatorship of
the proletariat affirms the role of violence in revolution, makes a
distinction between unjust, counter-revolutionary violence and just,
revolutionary violence, between the violence of the exploiting classes,
and that of the masses.
General Vo Nguyen Giap

Without a Peoples Army the people have nothing
Mao Tse-Tung


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Pakistan: The Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party (CMKP) deploresaction against peasants.

2002-01-29 Thread sipila

From: Magnus Bernhardsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [Peoples War] Pakistan: CMKP deplores action against peasants

CMKP deplores action against peasants

By Our Staff Reporter

ISLAMABAD, Jan 28: The Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party (CMKP) here on Monday
condemned district administration's action against the peasants of
Charsadda and registration of cases against the party's general-secretary ,
Afzal Khamosh, provincial president Nisar Khan and about 120 other peasant
leaders under Anti-Terrorism Act.

In a meeting, Punjab CMKP president Syed Azim claimed that about 3,500
personnel of law-enforcement agencies and Frontier Constabulary surrounded
the peaceful peasants of Hasht Nagar and forced them to leave their lands.

The police terrorised the peasants as a result of which tension is
prevailing in the area, he said adding the peasants resisted the 'police
attack' and laid down before the armoured vehicles and police jeeps. One
thousand women also took part in the resistance.

He said dozens of peasants were injured during the police violence, as it
fired about 200 tear-gas shells on the resisting peasants. Member of the
central committee Hamid Hashmi expressed the resolve that the party would
not leave the peasants of Charsadda alone and would leave no stone unturned
in supporting the genuine rights of the peasants.

The meeting demanded that the harassment of poor peasants in Charsadda
district should be stopped forthwith, SSP Mardan and officials concerned of
Charsadda district be suspended and the cases against the party leaders and
peasants be withdrawn immediately.

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Korean Central News Agency Jan 29

2002-01-29 Thread sipila

TODAY'S NEWS (January.29.2002 Juche 91)



U.S. use of biological and chemical weapons assailed

KCNA on U.S. futile attempts

Sports contest for Paektusan Cup opens

Bush's projected trip to S. Korea opposed

Japan hit for trying to justify overseas military actions of SDF

Senior middle schoolers' mathematic contest held

Anti-U.S. struggle called for

More dendrolites unearthed

Number of books on steady increase at Grand People's Study House

Full play to advantages of Korean socialist economic management called for

Anecdotes about President Kim Il Sung

Central Youth Hall

For Spanish-speaking people


descubiertos nuevos fosiles de vegetales

vana intencion de ee.uu. - comentario de atcc -

rodong sinmun califica de tropas agresivas fuerzas de autodefensa de

promotor de amenaza de armas bioquimicas

U.S. use of biological and chemical weapons assailed
     Pyongyang, January 29 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today carries a signed
commentary 50 years after the U.S. full-scale use of biological and chemical
weapons in the northern half of Korea during the Korean War. The U.S.
imperialists began a germ warfare by spreading contagious bacteria including
smallpox. From Jan. 28 to march 1952 they dropped germ bombs and a variety
of things carrying germs on over 800 occasions over more than 400 places in
the northern half of Korea.
    The commentary says:
    The U.S. use of germ and biological and chemical weapons took many lives
of Koreans and seriously polluted the picturesque Korean land and its
ecological environment.
    The U.S. has not even admitted its crimes though a half century passed
since then. This is little short of revealing its intention to repeat such
    The U.S. units for biological and chemical warfare are armed with about
90 types of chemical bombs and have stockpiled more than 3 million chemical
shells. All these facts clearly prove that the U.S. is chiefly responsible
for the threat of biological and chemical weapons.
    The U.S. is well advised to officially admit the war crimes committed by
it by use of biological and chemical weapons in Korea, make an apology to
the Korean people and dismantle as soon as possible the nuclear weapons,
biological and chemical weapons and other weapons of mass destruction
stockpiled in South Korea and the U.S. mainland.

KCNA on U.S. futile attempts
     Pyongyang, January 29 (KCNA) -- The United States is now seeking to
stage such political farces as investigation and hearing over the human
rights and religious issues of the DPRK, with the mobilization of Ragtags
from the United States, Japan and South Korea, including some
parliamentarians and the U.S. commission on religious freedom. It is getting
undisguised in its moves to isolate and stifle the DPRK after the emergence
of the bush administration.
    Such hearing and international meeting to be held by the U.S. at the
beginning of the new year are intended to escalate its unjustifiable
pressure on the DPRK.
    This is an expression of the anachronistic hostile policy toward the
DPRK zealously pursued by the U.S. in a bid to increase pressure upon the
DPRK and isolate it by raising even human rights, religious and other minor
issues besides nuclear, missile and conventional weapons issues as
outstanding ones for discussion between the two countries.
    In fact, the U.S. has no right to take issue with any other country over
the human rights issue.
    It should look into its well-known worst human rights situation, before
talking about other country's human rights issue, and frankly make public
its truth to the world.
    In the United States there are countless people seized with unrest and
panic, deprived of elementary human rights and freedom and other vital
    The U.S., which rose from the graves of Indians, natives of America, has
grown fat at the cost of the blood and sweat of African black slaves and
through ceaseless wars of aggression. It is still staging aggression and
war, terrorism and intervention everywhere in the world, wrecking peace and
wantonly violating human rights.
    This is evidenced by its war in Afghanistan conducted under the pretext
of anti-terrorism operation. in this war the U.S. has massacred a large
number of innocent civilians in cold blood only to come in for criticism.
    It is sheer hypocrisy and a foolish attempt of the U.S. to pull up the
DPRK over its human rights issue.
    The U.S. seeks to put pressure on the DPRK, slandering its system where
all human rights are fully ensured. But it is a reckless and futile attempt.

Sports contest for Paektusan Cup opens
     Pyongyang, January 29 (KCNA) -- A 

Powell on the People's War: Lies in Kathmandu

2002-01-28 Thread sipila

From: Magnus Bernhardsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 11:21:57 +0100
Subject: [Peoples War] Powell on the People's War: Lies in Kathmandu

Powell on the People's War:
Lies in Kathmandu
By Li Onesto

Revolutionary Worker #1137, February 3, 2002, posted at

It's a pleasure to have you on board for another of our magical mystery
tours, Colin Powell told a BBC reporter.

The U.S. Secretary of State visited Pakistan, Afghanistan and India.

Then he headed for Nepal, where Maoist guerrillas have been leading an
armed insurgency since 1996. The country has been under a State of
Emergency since November 26. The Royal Nepalese Army has been carrying out
search and destroy campaigns in the countryside, killing hundreds of
people. The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), leading the People's War,
has been declared terrorist by Nepal's government. And taking a page from
John Ashcroft, the T word is being used to justify a whole slate of
repressive measures throughout the country.

A high U.S. official like Colin Powell hasn't visited Nepal in over 30
years. So why did the magical mystery tour go to Nepal?

Referring to Nepal's Maoist terrorist insurrection, Powell told
reporters, You have a Maoist insurgency that's trying to overthrow that
government and this really is the kind of thing that we are fighting
against throughout the world...

The day before Powell arrived, a commentary in the Kathmandu Post observed:
Call it the 'September 11 syndrome,' but the fallout from America's global
war against terrorism has helped to line up important international
constituents behind Mr Deuba's [Nepal's Prime Minister] own war against

Months of bombing Afghanistan. U.S. troops in the Philippines. Threats
aimed at Iraq, Somalia, Indonesia, and Yemen. War-happy Secretary of
Defense Rumsfeld says, If we have to go into 15 more countries, we ought
to do it.

The U.S. is puffed up and swaggering. And Powell's trip to Kathmandu made
it clear that this corner of the earth, too, will not escape the hand of
U.S. domination. 

Now, the U.S. can use its global war on terrorism to justify war on any
and all insurgencies--including genuine revolutions aimed at overthrowing
oppressive governments.

Support for a Corrupt Regime

Powell landed in Kathmandu on January 17 and in the next two days met with
King Gyanendra, Prime Minister Deuba and top officials in the Royal
Nepalese Army. 

While fully backing the corrupt and reactionary Nepalese government, Powell
could not ignore the brutal and murderous nature of the State of Emergency.
He told the press he hoped the current State of Emergency would be of
limited duration and encouraged the government to focus on protecting
human rights while dealing with this emergency.

But as Powell dined with the king and discussed military aid with Nepal's
generals, the Royal Army continued its search and destroy campaign in the
countryside. And the whole country remained under a heavy clampdown.

Hundreds of people in the countryside are being killed, and many more
rounded up and jailed. Constitutional rights--to assembly, information,
free speech, and privacy--have been suspended. Searches and arrests can be
carried out without warrants; suspects can be detained for up to 90 days.
Terrorists and suspected supporters can be given life imprisonment.
Doctors have been warned not to treat wounded Maoists, or face punishment.
A shoot on sight order has been given for anyone putting up posters or
other material sympathetic to the Maoists.

The government has cracked down on dozens of groups accused of having
Maoist links. The offices of trade unions, student groups and newspapers
have been shut down. The central bank in Nepal has frozen more than a dozen
accounts of people accused of supporting terrorists.

Newspapers sympathetic to the Maoists have been raided, journalists
arrested, computers and records confiscated. Strict press guidelines have
been issued. Negative coverage of the king, the army or the police is not
permitted. Only official news that comes from His Majesty's Government and
the official media is allowed. Editors of mainstream newspapers have been
hauled in for interrogation after publishing quotes from Prachanda, the
Chairman of the CPN (Maoist).

What does it mean when the U.S. Secretary of State thanks Nepal for its
support in fighting international terrorism--while the Nepalese
government is arresting and interrogating people because they are suspected
of being sympathetic to the Maoists, or have simply published the words
of Maoist leaders. And this is hardly the first time the U.S. has
hypocritically mouthed words about human rights while backing a brutal
regime. Another example to put on the list of why people around the world
hate the U.S. government.

A People's War of Liberation

The peasants in Nepal, like millions of other people on the 

Vietnam News Jan 28

2002-01-28 Thread sipila


Election of NA deputies to be held
on May 19The election of deputies to the 11th National Assembly will be held
on Sunday, May 19, 2002, the NA Standing Committee decided on January 26.

The National Assembly Standing Committee on January 26 issued decision on
the announcement of the date for the elections of deputies to the 11th
tenure of the NA and the establishment of an election council.

The Standing Committee decided to establish a 21-member election council
headed by Nguyen Van An, Politburo member of the Party Central Committee and
NA Chairman. (VNA) 

Vietnamese, Cambodian, Lao PMs meet on development triangle

The prime ministers of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos have defined ways to
strengthen co-operation in building a 'Vietnam-Cambodia-Laos development
triangle,' and stressed the importance of strengthening friendship,
considering it an important factor in their countries' stability and

Vietnamese Prime Minister Phan Van Khai, and his Cambodian and Lao
counterparts, Hun Sen and Bounyang Vorachith, respectively, met in Ho Chi
Minh City on January 26. This is the second meeting between the prime
ministers of the three Indochinese neighbours, the first held in Vientiane,
Laos, on October 20, 1999.

The leaders discussed concrete measures to build the development triangle,
giving co-operation priorities to building and upgrading traffic networks
linking provinces in the triangle, carrying out projects on developing trade
relations, boosting co-operation in tourism for the idea of three
countries, one destination and energy production.

They agreed to devise a master plan for socio-economic development, starting
with seven provinces - Ratanakiri and Stung Treng in Cambodia, Attopeu and
Sekong in Laos, and Kon Tum, Gia Lai and Dak Lak in Vietnam.

They also agreed to build mechanisms and develop policies for the master

The three prime ministers expressed their determination to build the
development triangle to boost socio-economic development in the common
border areas, in conformity with the 1998 Hanoi Programme of Action on
poverty reduction and bridging the development gap among ASEAN countries.

They informed each other of the situation in their respective countries and
exchanged views on regional and international issues of common concern.

The three prime ministers praised achievements gained recently by each
country. They affirmed their determination to develop their internal
strength, increase the efficiency of international co-operation and
accelerate the process of integrating into regional and international
economies, thus contributing to peace, stability, co-operation and
development in the region.

The three prime ministers agreed to accelerate their countries' close
co-operation under the framework of the Association of Southeast Asian
Nations (ASEAN), with the aim of strengthening solidarity, boosting
co-operation and maintaining the basic principles of the association.

The leaders pointed to the need to work together in implementing
co-operation programmes to develop the Mekong basin in order to ensure the
interests of countries lying on the basin with regard to exploitation,
utilisation and conservation of the resources; enhance economic co-operation
in the Mekong sub-region, especially in transportation and communications,
commerce, tourism, environment and personnel training; and promote
co-operation programmes under the framework of the East-West Corridor.

They exchanged views on concrete measures to boost co-operation in
maintaining security and social order along the three countries' borders,
preventing and fighting terrorist attacks in each country, and combating
trans-national crime and drug trafficking.

Prime Minister Khai and his Lao counterpart, Bounyang Vorachith, expressed
their support for Cambodia hosting the eighth ASEAN Summit later this year.
Vietnam and Laos pledged to co-operate with Cambodia in ensuring the success
of the summit. Cambodian prime minister Hun Sen expressed appreciation for
that support. 

The prime ministers unanimously agreed to organise the third conference in
Phnom Penh in 2003.

The Lao and Cambodian prime ministers thanked Prime Minister Khai, the
government and people of Vietnam for their warm welcome.

The same day, Prime Minister Khai met with Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen,
discussing issues concerning their countries' bilateral relationship.

Also on this occasion, talks were held between Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy
Nien of Vietnam, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Somsavath
Lengsavad of Laos, and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International
Co-operation, Hor Namhong, of Cambodia.

In the evening of January 26, Prime Minister Khai held a banquet in honour
of Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen and Lao Prime Minister Bounyang

The three prime ministers will also visit some cultural sites in Vietnam.

PM praises efforts of Fisheries Ministry

Mr Khai praised the 

China. People´s Daily Jan 29

2002-01-28 Thread sipila


Jiang Sends Letter to Arafat Over Mideast Situation
Chinese President Jiang Zemin on Saturday showed great concern about the
deteriorating situation in the Middle East and voiced support for
Palestine's efforts to salvage the peace process in the region.
In a letter in reply to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, Jiang said the
China supports all efforts towards seeking a peaceful solution and wishes
the two sides could take effective measures to get back to the negotiation

Palestine's Bid to Seek Cease-fire Appreciated
In a letter in reply to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, Jiang said the
Chinese government and people are sympathetic with the difficult condition
the Palestinian National Authority and its people are facing.
China appreciates Palestine's bid to seek a cease-fire with Israel, Jiang

China Support Efforts Towards Peaceful Solution
*Implementation of Military Strikes Opposed

Jiang said China opposes Israel's implementation of such measures as
military strikes, economic blockade, impairing the life of Palestinian
civilians and damaging their property, especially the act of confining the
freedom of movement of Arafat.
*Effective Measures for Negotiation Urged

China supports all efforts towards seeking a peaceful solution to the
current Mideast crisis and wishes the two sides could practice restraint and
take effective measures to get back to the negotiation table, Jiang
*China to Play Due Role

China is willing, in cooperation with the international community, to play
its due role in easing the tension in the Middle East, he added.

Myanmar Leader Meets Chinese CAFIU Delegation
First Secretary of the Myanmar State Peace and Development Council
Lieutenant-General Khin Nyunt met with visiting delegation of the China
Association for International Understanding (CAFIU) in Yangon Sunday

First Secretary of the Myanmar State Peace and Development Council
Lieutenant-General Khin Nyunt met with visiting delegation of the China
Association for International Understanding (CAFIU) in Yangon Sunday
Khin Nyunt said at the meeting that Myanmar-China friendship has been long
standing and the paukphaw (fraternal) friendship, forged personally by
leaders of elder generation of the two countries, is continuously
He stressed the need for Myanmar and China to strengthen cooperation in the
wake of momentary changes of international situation, adding that the
Myanmar side believes only through development of all-sided cooperative
ties, can it be able to cope with the new challenge ahead.
The Chinese delegation arrived in Myanmar on Wednesday on a six-day goodwill

Egyptian FM Blasts Israel for Violating Signed Agreements
Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Maher on Sunday blasted Israel for violating
agreements it signed with the Palestinian side every day, urging the
international community to help bring the two sides back to negotiations.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Maher on Sunday blasted Israel for violating
agreements it signed with the Palestinian side every day, urging the
international community to help bring the two sides back to negotiations.
Upon his return from Jordan late Sunday, Maher said that Sunday's suicide
bombing attack in Jerusalem and another in Tel Aviv two days ago proved that
Israel's suppressive measures against the Palestinians will not lead to
security and stability.
The Sunday suicide bombing attack in central Jerusalem killed one Israeli
and wounded at least 90 others.
The only way to realize security for both the Palestinians and the Israelis
is to end the current Israeli acts and push forward peace negotiations,
Maher said. 
During his one-day visit to Jordan, Maher met with Jordanian King Abdullah
II and other officials on the latest developments of the situation in the
occupied Palestinian lands.
In addition, Maher conveyed a message from Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak
to the Jordanian king on the Mideast situation.
Maher's visit came at a time when the situation in the Palestinian
territories worsened in the past few days.
Late Friday, Israeli F-16 warplanes fired missiles at Gaza City and the West
Bank town of Tulkarm, killing at least one Palestinian security man and
injuring about 40 others.
The Israeli air raids were in retaliation for a suicide bombing attack in
Tel Aviv earlier on Friday, during which 26 Israelis were wounded.
Egypt and Jordan, the only two Arab countries to have signed peace accords
with Israel, have kept constant contacts on the Mideast situation.

Japan to Dispatch New Fleet of Warships to Indian Ocean
Japan plans send a new fleet of four warships to the Indian Ocean as early
as next month to replace its warships already there to continue providing
logistical support to U.S.-led military operations in Afghanistan, Kyodo
News reported on Monday.

Japan   plans send a new fleet of four warships to the Indian Ocean as early
as next month 

World Economic Forum to Open This Week

2002-01-28 Thread sipila

From: Macdonald Stainsby [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [R-G] World Economic Forum to Open This Week

AP. 27 January 2002. World Economic Forum to Open This Week in New York.

NEW YORK -- When the World Economic Forum opens this week, the largest
gathering of political and business leaders since Sept. 11 will address
a world newly beset by insecurity, conflict and recession.

The economic talks are being held in New York instead of the quiet Swiss
ski resort of Davos, where the forum has been held for 31 years.

Normally little is decided by forum attendees, who swap business ideas,
hobnob and party.

But as the annual meeting starts Thursday, its 3,000 global leaders - as
well as the anti-globalization, anti-war and other protesters on the
streets - are seeking relevance in a world profoundly altered by the
terror attacks on New York and Washington.

Since then, the world has slipped into recession, tolerance for
terrorism has plunged and trust in business has been shaken by the
collapse of U.S. energy giant Enron.

In early November, organizers moved the conference from Davos to the
Waldorf-Astoria hotel partly to show solidarity with New York in the
wake of Sept. 11, forum spokesman Charles McLean said.

Forum organizers threw off former Enron chairman Kenneth Lay, a regular
participant, as his company collapsed amid allegations it cooked its
books and bought political influence.

Nonbusiness groups like Amnesty International want to build support for
an agenda that tries to balance human rights with the crackdown on

Greenpeace decided to boycott the event after it was barred from a panel
on the automotive industry, which it has accused of dragging feet on
cutting emissions harmful to the environment.

President Bush won't attend because of scheduling conflicts, but up to
eight Cabinet members are coming, including Secretary of State Colin
Powell, said McLean, the forum spokesman.

Afghanistan leader Hamid Karzai is set to give opening remarks Thursday.

While the five-day forum includes dozens of panels, workshops and
speeches, many discussions among business and government leaders occur
behind the scenes, in coffee shops and bars away from the public eye.

It's such behind-the-scenes networking that riles opponents of global
capitalism, who plan marches to bring to the fore their contentions that
cozy economic institutions are widening the gap between rich and poor.

The WEF is a living symbol of political and business leaders scratching
each others' backs, proclaiming that they're meeting to solve the
world's problems while in reality they're looking for ways to enrich
each other, said Eric Laursen of Another World is Possible, a coalition
of anti-globalization groups that plans a march to the Waldorf-Astoria
in the city's first mass demonstration since Sept. 11.

Drawing from 40,000 police officers, New York authorities are ready to
use crowd control tactics on unruly demonstrators honed during practice
sessions earlier this month at Shea Stadium.

Macdonald Stainsby
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Korean Central News Agency Jan 28

2002-01-28 Thread sipila

TODAY'S NEWS (January.28.2002 Juche 91)



GIs accused of Rogun-ri massacre

Rodong Sinmun on north-south joint declaration

Greetings to Jordanian prime minister

Unity of whole nation called for

Pyongyang and Moscow open friendly ties

Order issued by U.S. forces to kill civilians during Korean War

U.S. use of germ weapons in Korea condemned

Pyongyang fine art festival

Book Geological Formation of Korea published

Anecdotes about Kim Il Sung

Samsong Temple on Mt. Kuwol

Aeguk Moran Garment Factory

Exchange of greetings between DPRK and Kirgyzstan foreign ministers

For Spanish-speaking people


ee.uu. no puede librarse de su responsabilidad de guerra bacteriologica

rusia: album de fotos alusivas a actividades revolucionarias de kim jong il

kim kyong ho apoya proposiciones de reunion conjunta de rpdc

establecidas relaciones de amistad entre pyongyang y moscu

GIs accused of Rogun-ri massacre
     Pyongyang, January 28 (KCNA) -- The Committee for Probing the Truth
about the Rogun-ri Massacre in South Korea made public a paper Rogun-ri
incident: lesson for GIs on January 23, according to the newspaper Hangyore
dated Jan. 24. The paper was presented by major Ryu Mu Bong, an instructor
at the military staff college of South Korea, in may last year when he was
studying at the U.S. military staff college.
    Ryu in his paper contended that the GIs were responsible for the
incident that took place in Rogun-ri, Yongdong county, North Chungchong
Province, in 1950 when the Korean War was under way. The U.S. command should
have taken those commanding officers concerned to task under the law, the
paper said. 
    Describing this paper as very noteworthy, a spokesman for the
committee said: its assertion that the U.S. army officers should have been
brought to task is very just and objective.
    Reporting about the facts, the newspaper said the paper is expected to
cause a great sensation though it was made public belatedly as it has
totally refuted the conclusion made by the South-Korea-U.S. joint
fact-finding group in January last year that Rogun-ri incident was

Rodong Sinmun on north-south joint declaration
     Pyongyang, January 28 (KCNA) -- The June 15 North-South Joint
Declaration is a declaration of independence, peaceful reunification and
great national unity based on the three principles of national
reunification, a landmark of national reunification and a reunification
program common to the nation, said Rodong Sinmun yesterday in a signed
article entitled declaration of independent national reunification
embodying the three principles of national reunification. It went on:
    Independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity are the
three principles of national reunification advanced by President Kim Il Sung
in May Juche 61 (1972).
    The historic north-south joint declaration solemnly says that the Korean
nation will solve the issue of national reunification independently by its
concerted efforts on the principle of independence, one of the three
    No foreign forces have a mandate to interfere in the issue of national
reunification but the Korean people are entitled to solve the issue with
their national will and efforts.
    The joint declaration indicates a clear way of achieving peaceful
reunification, one of the three principles.
    The joint declaration decided to promote reunification on the basis of
the commonness of the north side's proposal for lower-stage federal formula
and the south side's proposal for confederation. It clarifies the way of
reunification by federal formula on the basis of recognizing and tolerating
different ideologies and systems in the north and south and on the principle
of co-existence, co-prosperity and common interest, thus providing a solid
cornerstone for the north and south to advance toward reunification with
confidence with a common design for national reunification. The joint
declaration also reflects the principle of great national unity, one of the
three principles. When the whole nation unites to form one driving force, it
means reunification.

Greetings to Jordanian prime minister
     Pyongyang, January 28 (KCNA) -- Premier Hong Song Nam of the DPRK
cabinet sent a message of greetings to Ali Abu al Ragheb upon his
reappointment as prime minister of the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan. Wishing
him success in his responsible work for stability and development of the
country, the message expressed belief that the friendly relations between
the two countries would grow stronger in different fields.
    Meanwhile, DPRK foreign minister Paek Nam Sun sent a message of
greetings to 

The Nazi regime in America

2002-01-28 Thread sipila

From: Kaukab Siddiqui [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [AM] The Nazi regime in America

New Trend Magazine {We now have 171 articles on our web site}
{News commentary by But Shikan, Idol Breaker}
{Views not necessarily shared by the editors.}


On January 4, according to Urdu Times of January 17, the FBI raided a
Masjide Khizra, in New York. According to a report, the FBI went into the
mosque with their boots on and with DOGS. If readers know of details, let us



{Let's get out of the way the only item in this list which is funny
though macabre. For the last three days, the U.S. media have been trumpeting
the story that they hit a Taliban compound, killed 15 Taliban and captured
and only ONE of their soldiers was injured (in the ankle). The incident was
described as a firefight. One network went so far as to claim that the
American heroes had fought man to man and killed the 15 Taliban.}

{Today the real story has come out, narrated by America's supporters,
Karzai's men, who pointed out that the AMERICANS KILLED THEIR OWN
There was NO firefight! The mercenaries were trying to deliver old piles of
ammunition hidden in the mountains (probably from Soviet times). The
Americans thought these were Taliban and attacked them. Fifteen of the
defenseless and surprised Karzai mercenaries were killed. The 27 captured
have suddenly disappeared from the news story.}

{There were NO WEAPONS in the hideout. In any case, the Americans
launched air strikes to blow up the old ammo stock. Must have made quite a
fire display with secondary explosions as Gen. Tommy Franks likes to call

(On top of it all, one of the American heroes shot himself in the foot.)

{Karzai is the name of a follower of the ex-King who has been brought in
by the Americans as puppet ruler of Afghanistan though he can hardly drive
out of Kabul.}


CHECHNYA has again shown that Islamic resistance is very much alive.
January 27, the JIHADISTS shot down a Russian command helicopter in Chechnya
killing two Russian generals (including one in charge of southern command),
the deputy interior minister and 12 other officers.
{Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa lillahil Hamd.}

These men have been engaged in the ongoing Russian genocide against the
Chechen people with the connivance and sometimes open support of the U.S.

Numerous reports of fighting have come in during the last one month. The
Jihad (terrorism in Washington terminology) is gaining new strength. Russian
bombers have carried out air raids in eastern Chechnya without results (a
smaller Tora Bora and as futile).


ISRAEL has been trying hard to make Palestinian resistance impossible. The
Warsaw ghetto was nothing as compared to what the Jews have done to
Palestine. The whole nation has been made into a concentration camp. Yet the
human spirit breaks through impossible barriers.

And this time the martyr is a woman. As a Jew commented: How can you stop
people who want to give their lives.

The Muslim world cherishes and honors this blessed sister. O Allah, the
Muslims are praying, accept her martyrdom, forgive the sins of the Muslim
ummah and make the ground shake under the Zionist dogs till they run back to
the European cities they came from to occupy our lands. {Allahu Akbar,
Akbar wa lillhil hamd.}


AND IN KASHMIR, the Indian occupation army put on the biggest security
blanket of its history to observe India's Republic day (republic of fear,
racism and bigotry).

The mujahideen responded to rapes of five Muslim women by attacking the
Hindu army units in five different areas inflicting a number of casualties.
{It appears now that the attack on the American Cultural Center was carried
out by Bangladeshi mujahideen, nothing to do with Pakistan. But the Indians
have been busy arresting Kashmiris in Calcutta and blaming Pakistan.}


SADDAM HUSSAIN?  Muslims should learn a lesson from the Zionist barrage of
hate. Saddam is the defender of the Iraqi people. He is more popular than
ever before. 

Iraq is the ONLY ARAB NATION which defies America and does not want to
recognize Israel. Saddam Hussain should be honored for his courage. Let's
be taken 

Colombia: Seven More Electricity Towers Destroyed in Colombia.

2002-01-28 Thread sipila


Subject: [Peoples War] Colombia: Seven More Electricity Towers Destroyed in
Colombia - Xinhua

Seven More Electricity Towers Destroyed in Colombia
Xinhuanet 2002-01-28 09:27:55
   BOGOTA, January 27 (Xinhuanet) -- Seven more electricity towers
were pulled down in a bombing attack on Sunday at Gacheta in the
Colombian province of Cundinamarca, some 100 kilometers east of

   Jose Antonio Vargas, manager of the Bogota Energy Company,
confirmed the attacks allegedly committed by members of the
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), the country's
largest guerrilla group.

   Vargas said the terrorist attacks during the past weeks have
caused huge damage to the electricity transmission system
throughout the country and energy rationing looms large.

   Because of the attacks, about 20 towns close to the Meta and
Casanare provinces had to adopt energy rationing plans of up to
seven hours per day. The rationing has resulted in severe loss in
local commerce and industry.

   So far, a total of 30 electricity towers have been destroyed in
the new wave of rebel offensive, according to Vargas.
   The official said the destroyed electricity towers belonged to
the central line of the power plant Chingaza, one of the most
important in Colombia.

   In recent weeks, FARC rebels have carried out a new wave of
attacks throughout the country. Some 80 people were killed in the
attacks and the country's infrastructure incurred severe damage.


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CPUSA. The Enron Collapse.

2002-01-27 Thread sipila


Joe Esterby
Sent: 26 January, 2002 12:45 PM

Subject: The Enron Collapse
To all members: This report is available in better, printable form at:

By Tim Wheeler

Enron! Never before, not even during the depths of Teapot Dome and the
Watergate, has the scandalous influence of corporate money hung so heavy
over Washington. This scandal is exposing in a new way that the Federal
Government is bought and paid for and serves the interests of the
corporate rich. This scandal is going to keep unravelling for the rest of
Bush's term in office. It ranks with the Pentagon Papers, the Watergate,
the Iran-Contra conspiracy, and the Savings and Loan debacle in criminality
and corporate venality. It could eclipse these previous scandals in its
long-term effects on the economy and our monopoly-ruled political system.

Bush choked on a pretzel and fell off his couch a few days ago, but he
sobered up quick enough to deliver a loud blast against Enron in West
Virginia. He bemoaned the $8,000 his mother-in-law lost in the Enron
collapse. Extricating Bush from his crony capitalist entanglement with
Enron is now the highest political priority of the White House, the
Republican Party and the ultra-right. But there are so many smoking guns in
this crisis that the White House looks like the O.K. Corral.

The suffering and misery inflicted on innocent people by the Enron swindle
is already emerging as an overriding issue in the 2002 elections. It has
pushed the war on terrorism off the front pages. That war artificially
inflated George W. Bush's approval rating. But the Enron scandal comes in
the midst of a deepening economic recession. Enron's bankruptcy is
touching off a domino effect with creditors burned by Enron rejecting
appeals for bailout loans from other troubled companies. K-Mart's filing
for bankruptcy is blamed on this newfound wariness on Wall Street. The
collapse of Enron and K-Mart will add hundreds of
thousands more workers to the ranks of eight million unemployed. As that
reality dawns on the people, Bush's popularity could sink as fast as Enron

Today, a Senate hearing opens on the collapse of Enron. There are at least
eight hearings scheduled before House and Senate committees. The Securities
and Exchange Commission is investigating, the General Accounting Office.
There is a blizzard of lawsuits including one by the International
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and another by the labor-backed
Amalgamated Bank of New York on behalf of workers and stockholders whose
retirement benefits have been wiped out in the Enron collapse.

The Justice Department has set up a Task Force to investigate headed by
Deputy Attorney General Larry D. Thompson. All you need to know about
Thompson is that he orchestrated the smear campaign against Anita Hill in
securing Senate confirmation of his crony Clarence
Thomas to the U.S. Supreme Court. Thompson belonged to an Atlanta law firm
that counted Enron as a client. Thompson was rushed into the breach because
Attorney General Ashcroft was forced to recuse himself.

Ashcroft received $57,000 from Enron in his unsuccessful run for Senate
reelection in Missouri. The entire U.S. Attorney's office in Houston was
forced to remove itself from the Enron probe because they are so tainted by
ties to Enron. A striking fact of this scandal is the difficulty of finding
elected officials without ties to Enron to conduct the investigation. Half
the Senate and one third of the House, both Republicans and Democrats,
campaign contributions from Enron. Enron clearly favored the most rabid
rightwing Republicans like House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, of Houston, who
rammed through Enrons energy deregulation agenda. For the most part, the
giving to the Democrats was to buy their silence Now, there is a panicky
rush by these politicians to donate their Enron cash to funds that benefit
those who lost their pensions in the Enron collapse.

The political establishment is so tightly intertwined with Enron that calls
for the naming of a special prosecutor are certain to grow -- although we
know from the sandbagging of Lawrence Walsh in the Iran-Contra that this is
no guarantee of justice. This crisis has
also spurred a renewed effort to push through the Shays-Meehan bill to ban
soft money to curb the poisonous influence of corporate political action

The crimes are legion: massive corporate fraud; insider trading; influence
peddling; obstruction of justice; and tax evasion. Enron paid no taxes in
four of the last five years and was approved for $278 million in tax
refunds despite reports of hundreds of millions in profits. They carried
out this massive tax swindle by hiding the profits in their web of 900
off-shore companies, many of them dummy corporations. Enron was so
determined to avoid paying taxes that they filed a lawsuit in Texas to win
tax relief.

Justice Priscilla Owen, 

Working Class Crashes Bourgeois Party at the Waldorf.

2002-01-27 Thread sipila


Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2002 1:17 AM
Subject: Text: Capitalism, World Economic Felons, and the Waldorf
Working Class Crashes Bourgeois Party at the Waldorf:
By Heather Cottin 

The arrogance of the ruling class is boundless. While 20% of New York City
residents in 2002 have been forced to depend on soup kitchens and food
pantries to stay alive, the leaders of the world capitalist system will be
meeting and partying at the elegant Waldorf Astoria Hotel. They will be
following a long tradition of the bourgeoisie

In the Gilded Age, at the late 19th Century, the Robber Barons, Rockefeller,
Carnegie, Belmont, Morgan, and the others attended extravagant balls and
parties at the original Waldorf located on Fifth Avenue and 34th Street.  At
one party, according to Matthew Josephson in The Robber Barons, the men were
given cigarettes wrapped in $100 bills, while the women received 14-karat
gold bracelets as favors.

In the period between 1890 and 1900 there was a terrible depression, and the
median amount necessary for a family to live on for one year was about $500,
according to the Historical Statistics of the US.  These industrialists and
bankers must have sniggered as they cavalierly smoked up what amounted to
1/5 of a family's yearly survival.

One night in 1897, during the depth of a depression, one of the fabulously
wealthy men of the age, Mr. Bradley Martin, had the entire lobby of the
Waldorf-Astoria transformed into Hall Of Mirrors from the Palais de
Versailles, reflecting the complete disregard that the monarchy had for the
poor in the days just before the French Revolution. August Belmont wore a
suit of armor marked with gold inlay of ten thousand dollars' value. Women
wore beautiful and expensive jewels as if they were corsages (Protestantism
in America: A Narrative History by Jerald C. Brauer)

The ruling classes, then as now, were aware of the poverty running rampant
through the cities, the poverty that was forcing thousands of farmers off
their farms. They were the cause of it. It was they who paid the workers
their miserable wages. It was they who sent their thugs and Pinkerton
rent-a-cops to kill workers, as Carnegie did in the 1892 Homestead Strike.
It was the industrialists who paid the farmers so little they were forced to
sell their farms. 

A Populist Leader, Mary Lease thundered to a crowd in Kansas in 1890:
Wall Street owns the country. It is no longer a government of the people,
by the people   
 and for the people, but a government of Wall Street, by Wall Street and for
Wall Street. 

Mary Yellin' Lease said, The great common people in this country are
slaves and monopoly is the master ; . . . We will not pay our debts to the
loan shark companies until the government pays its debts to us. . . let the
bloodhounds of money who have dogged us thus far beware!

The working classes and the farmers were moving fast in those days. As the
economy declined, immigrants and native born people joined together against
the banks, the corporations, the system the workers called, wage slavery.

Eugene Victor Debs led the railroad workers in a strike that stopped the
railroads. It took the army to break it up and Debs went to jail. There he
read Marx's Das Kapital, and came out months later a socialist.

In the South, refusing to be intimidated by the Ku Klux Klan Black and White
farmers joined together against the ruling class whites and organized coops.
They opposed the dreaded crop lien system, which turned the African American
and white farmers into debtors on their own lands.

And how did the ruling classes respond to these strikes and acts of
defiance? They sent in the police and National Guards against strikers. They
funded and armed and encouraged the growth of the Klan. They looked the
other way when nightriders and vigilantes mowed down poor people, the
majority of whom were Black, throughout the South.

The bourgeoisie showed their sympathy for the plight of the workers by
throwing what they called poverty socials. A western millionaire had the
ballroom in his home decorated as a hobo camp and his ruling class guests
came in rags and tatters. It cost $14,000 to serve them hobo stew on
wooden plates. The cost of the party was equal to what it would have cost to
have fed, housed, clothed and provided for 2800 families for a year.

The wives and daughters of the bourgeoisie felt virtuous and noble as they
carried baskets of fruit to poor families in the crowded, fetid tenement
houses. The bourgeoisie gave occasional charity balls for the poor, just as
they do today. As they danced the night away in their satins and diamond
tiaras, the men talking business over cigars, their concern for the poor was
as cynical as it is today.

The City of New York paid the Astor family $17 million for the land and on
the site of the old hotel constructed the Empire State Building. The new

Update Global Resistance Agenda. All Slated Collateral Damages ofThe World, UNITE !

2002-01-27 Thread sipila

Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 11:13:41 +0200
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: All Slated Collateral Damages of The World, UNITE !

Update Global Resistance Agenda

Alliance with the 40 - 50 Populations destined as COLLATERAL

(Premises at the end)

1.  Uniting the Post-Sept.11 Peace Movement with the Global
Resistance Movement Developed since Seattle.

1.1  Merging the subscriber lists of the listservs of the
two movements

1.2  Participating in eachother's arrangements.

2. Vociferously Defining this United Resistance Movement as
Anti-Corporate, Anti-Imperialist, Anti-Fascist,
Anti-Terrorist and Pro A New Beginning From Scratch.

3.  Vociferously Declaring its IMMEDIATE Purpose to be
Isolation of the Fascist US Regime from the US People and
from the Entourage of Cowed Opportunist/Corrupt 'Allied'
Governments, Dismissal of the Illigitimate US Regime and
Putting an End to the US/Israel/UK Crusade Violating All
Human Rights and International Laws.

 4.  In US and Each of the 'Allied' Countries a (Caravan)
Campaign for Information of the Facts and thereby Forcing
these Governments Away from the More or Less Voluntary US
Alliance. Among the Most Powerful Arguments are:

  4.1  The US regime was complicit in the the Sept 11
(e.g. articles nos. 45, 148, 26, 214, 206, 223, 39, 216, 11,
152, 181, 160, 120, 162, 222, 223, 25 ) as pretext for
worldwide aggression and repeal of constitutional rights in
the Homeland.

  4.2  The Americans by now must have become accustomed to
the fear intentionately produced by this chock therapy.
And they don't even need to fear the Poor Man's only real
weapons equalizer that renders Star Wars missiles, etc.,
meaningless: the non-lethal Electromagnetic Bomb costing
$1000 to build,
 Given an adequate warning allowing for securing hospitals,
stopping air traffic, evacuating people with pacemakers,
pregnant women, etc., only the electrical and electronic
installations and devices of the targeted city will be

  4.3.  In each country pressure on the journalists'
organisations for establishing strikes against the corporate
owners of the mass media to end the complicit media bias and
silence policy.

5. The Resistance Movement's Solidarity and Alliance with
the Peoples Destined as 'Collateral Damage' and Possibly
some of the Governments of the 40 - 50 Targeted Countries on
the List of the White House Gangsters.

  5.1 is
hereby offered as forum for development of this alliance.

  5.2.  For example organizing of a consumers boycott of
US/Israel/UK products as a major task for the alliance.

6. Take Over The Corporations !

The root cause of all of the above and other crime and
misery being the transnational corporations, the lasting
solution is: Take Over The Corporations !
by utilizing the ultimate potential of organized consumers'
power in the classical 3-stages operation (Boycott -- Take
over -- Buy), see: and

When the shareholders of the targeted corporation after a
sufficiently long boycott period have seen their profits and
stock prices drop, they get positive to our offer of taking
over the ownership of the corporation against paying them
back their invested money over a negotiated period of 5 -10
years depending on the profit level of the corporation.

AFTER the takeover we now ask the consumers to buy ONLY from
the acquired corporation.

The vociferous heroic confrontation with the police
provocateurs in the streets in this way is supplemented with
peaceful hollowing of the corporate structure from inside.

Self-evidently we don't need to take over all 60.000
transnational corporations of the world. If we just control
key players within the most important key areas, the ensuing
immense economic and political power will enable us to
control the rest by the mere threat of taking over those who
don't obey to new revolutionary rules exclusively favouring
the needs of the people and the nature.

An appropriate corporation to start with is ExxonMobil/Esso.

Neck and neck with Monsanto, this most nefarious corporation
has a tiny lead over Monsanto because its ultimate goal is
the COMPLETE destruction of life on Earth.

By bribing and lobbying the various US governments to
continue and increase the insane US energy waste, hiring
corrupt 'scientists' to put out 'scientific' papers denying
the global warming, etc., this world champion polluter has
been and is the very most persistent and influential player
among the most hideous corporations fighting any progress
towards salvation of the planet, thus being THE most harmful
corporation in history !

The on-going efficient boycott of this corporation just has
to be 

April 19 - 22 Washington DC - Close the SOA - US out ofColombia!

2002-01-27 Thread sipila

From: Red Palante! [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 07:05:10 -0500
Subject: April 19 - 22  Washington DC - Close the SOA - US out of Colombia!

April 19 - 22  Washington DC - Close the SOA - US out of Colombia!

por SOA Watch
11:57am Fri Jan 25 '02
dirección: PO Box 4566 ~ Washington DC 20017 teléfono: (202) 234 3440

It is time to take action and put an end to US support of the
state-terrorism in Colombia.

Mobilization to Washington DC, USA – April 19 – 22, 2002

Colombia, with over 10,000 troops trained at the SOA, is the school’s
largest customer. Not surprisingly, Colombia currently has the worst human
rights record in all of Latin America, averaging one massacre per day.
2,000,000 people have been killed or displaced by civilian-targeted warfare
carried out by graduates of the SOA.

Unprecedented US military aid to Colombia is greatly exacerbating a brutal
civil war that has been raging in Colombia for decades. Sold to the U.S.
public as part of the war on drugs, the aid is actually being used in the
same old counterinsurgency warfare SOA graduates have waged across Latin

Human rights reports clearly document the collaboration between the
Colombian military and the right-wing paramilitary forces responsible for
an increasing share of the atrocities committed against civilians. As
usual, SOA graduates head the lists of perpetrators. Among many others,
SOA-trained Gen. Mario Montoya Uribe, identified by Colombian newspapers as
“the military official responsible for Plan Colombia” has documented ties
to paramilitary atrocities dating back to the 1970’s.
It is time to take action and put an end to US support of the
state-terrorism in Colombia.


Working in coalition with over 60 solidarity, labor, student, environmental
and human rights groups, SOA Watch calls for a National Mobilization to
close the SOA and end U.S. support of the war in Colombia.

Mobilize your community to come to Washington, DC, USA this spring.

Contact SOA  Watch for an organizing packet.

Red Palante!
Comunicacion Antagonista y
Resistencia Cultural

P.O. Box 66
00841 Helsinki
Phone +358-40-7177941
Fax +358-9-7591081
General class struggle news:
subscribe mails to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Geopolitical news:
subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Colombia: SINTRAEMCALI Occupation: Temperature Rising on theStreets

2002-01-27 Thread sipila

From: Red Palante! [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 07:02:05 -0500
Subject: Colombia: SINTRAEMCALI Occupation: Temperature Rising on the

SINTRAEMCALI Occupation: Temperature Rising on the Streets

por Mario Novelli  
7:57pm Fri Jan 25 '02

Thursday 24th of January, 2002 At 6.00 am this morning in the city of
Santiago de Cali, the working class movement, shoulder to shoulder with the
community, began to raise the stakes and the significance of the occupation
of the CAM Tower in defence of public services. Three of the most important
roads, which link the city to the rest of the country, were blocked by
thousands of workers. The blockades were maintained until 11. 30. a. m,
preventing anything and anyone from entering or leaving the city by road.
For the first time in this dispute, the commercial life of the city has
been seriously affected, a strategy which the union had, prior to today,
done its best to avoid. Since the occupation began EMCALI?s services have
remained intact, and apart from the marches disrupting traffic, city life
has remained fairly normal.

Today things changed, and for five and a half hours road links to the rest
of Colombia were cut. While serious conflict between the police and the
worker/community alliance was avoided, there was tension in all three
locations. At 11.30 a.m the workers and the communities, accompanied by
convoys of EMCALI trucks and jeeps, marched back in to the centre, reunited
in a mass of humanity that filled the streets outside the CAM Tower. The
city?s transport system ground to a halt, and traffic jams could be seen in
all directions. If the government thought that the occupation was running
out of steam and losing community support, today it received a firm and
resounding response, and things are likely to escalate further with the
build up for the Municipal Civic Strike which is planned for Monday. In the
rally that followed, union leaders inside the CAM Tower explained that yet
again the government had postponed the negotiations, this time until next
Monday: ?If this is how they want to play the game, then so be it. Today is
just a warning. If they think that they are going to tire us out, they are
wrong. We have now spent 30 days inside this Tower, and if we have to we
can spend another thirty more to achieve our objectives, . ? said one of
the union leaders from the balcony of the tower, face covered with the
balaclava that has become the symbol of the occupation.

The governments waiting game is a dangerous one, and they are forcing an
escalation of the conflict which threatens to spin out of control.
Unemployment in Cali has doubled in the last four years from 12% to 24% and
according to CEPAL (Centre for Latin American Statistics) a United Nations
research centre, 70% of Cali?s population now live below the official
poverty line. This situation has been worsened by the influx of thousands
of peasants who live in slums on the outskirts of the city or on the inner
city streets. Most were forced from their land by the paramilitaries,
others by the economic collapse of the agricultural industry. But not
everyone is suffering under neo-liberalism, and this is reflected in the
rise in inequality. In 1990 when Colombia began this economic model, the
difference in revenue between the poorest 10% and the richest 10% was 1:40,
it is now 1:80. 

Resentment is growing, and I witnessed this in the anger of the march when
the crowds began shouting at the residents in the high rise luxury
apartments that line the streets of one of the richest parts of the city.
Cali is a potential powder-keg, and one serious incident over the coming
days may just light the match.
Published: 25/01/02

Red Palante!
Comunicacion Antagonista y
Resistencia Cultural

P.O. Box 66
00841 Helsinki
Phone +358-40-7177941
Fax +358-9-7591081
General class struggle news:
subscribe mails to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Geopolitical news:
subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ILWU and unions worldwide: 'Release Jailed Korean Leaders!

2002-01-27 Thread sipila

Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 10:22:53 -0500

Subject: ILWU and unions worldwide: 'Release Jailed Korean Leaders!

San Francisco (Local 10) ILWU joins worldwide
support movement to demand release of jailed
Korean union activists

AFL-CIO delegation called on the Korean embassy
and delivered  a protest letter from President John Sweeney.

The IMF affiliate UAW sent a protest letter to Kim Dae-jung.
In San Francisco, a labor / community delegation held a
protest action at the Korean  consulate delivered a protest
letters addressed to President Kim Dae  Jung.

The ILWU Local 10 in San Francisco has adopted a resolution
of solidarity with the jailed Korean trade unionists and will be
seeking support  from the ILWU Coast Caucus of all
longshoremen  on the West Coast.

See below the messages of support for our Korean union
brothers and sisters from the AFL-CIO and the ILWU and
from others unions and  labour organizations, worldewide.
Truly, an injury to one is an injury to all and what happens
there, could happen here!

In great solidarity with our Korean Brothers
and Sisters, and working people and unionists
in all countries.


- Original Message -
From: mart-remote 
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2002 9:05 AM
Subject: Fwd: Fw: World Unions: 'Release Jailed Korean Leaders'

Subject: Fw: World Unions: 'Release Jailed Korean Leaders'
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 01:45:17 -0600
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 9:28 AM
Subject: World Unions: 'Release Jailed Korean Leaders'

Unions throughout the World Call for the
Release of Imprisoned Trade Unionists in Korea

January 22, 2002

Trade unions and workers in over 30 countries converged on
the Korean embassies and consulates in their respective countries
to denounce the imprisonement trade unionists in Korea, to tell the
Nobel Laureate President Kim Dae Jung Shame on you!, and demanded
the immediate release of KCTU president Dan Byung-ho, KCTU-KMWF
President Mun Sung-hyun, and all imprisoned trade unionists.

Unionists in Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bangladesh organised protest

Hong Kong: 
Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (HKCTU)
organised a protest demonstration at the Consulate General of
the Republic of Korea and delivered a protest letter to Kim Dae-jung
asking the Korean Government to  Release All Korean Unionists.

South Africa: 
The metalworkers' union NUMSA organised a protest
in which  more than 500 participated. Click here to read more about
their action.

Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) and the All India Trade
Union Congress (AITUC) sent a joint letter of protest to the
Korean president. Dozens of protests were organised in different
parts of the country, amongst others in Bombay, New Delhi,
Calcutta and Bangalore.

The Pakistan Metalworkers' Federation and Automobile,
Engineering and Metalworkers' Federation handed over a
protest letter to the consulate in Karachi.

About 70 trade unionists from the four IMF-MC affiliates
held a one-and-a-half-hour picket outside the South Korean
Embassy in  Kuala Lumpur.

About 1,000 trade unionists took part in a demonstration.
Philippines: The IMF-PC handed over a protest letter.

In Brazil, CUT, together with its (and the IMF's) metal
industry  affiliates also joined in the international day of

Japan Trade Union Confederation (JTUC) delivered a protest
letter to  the Korean embassy in Tokyo as a part of the
international day of  action for the release of imprisoned trade
unionists in Korea. A  delegation of the IMF-JC handed over a
protest letter to the South  Korean Embassy. Members of the
All-Japan Railway Workers Union,  Hokkaido Passenger Railway
Workers Union, East Japan Passenger  Railway Workers Union,
JR East Sea Workers Union, JR West Japan  Workers Union,
JR Kushu Workers Union, JR Freight Workers Union, JR  East
Japan Workers Union Federation delivered a joint protest letter to
the Korean embassy in Tokyo. Members of Japan Trade Union
Council (Zenokyo) and the AWC also held protest action at the
Korean embassy  and consulate in Tokyo and Osaka.

AMWF, CPSU, and other unions (affiliated to the IMF, PSI,
ICEM,  and IUF), and Korean community organisations
organised a protest action at  the Korean Consulate in Sydney.
In workshops and public places,  the AMWU has put up 10,000
posters calling for the release of Dan and Mun.

New Zealand: 
A delegation of members from New Zealand Council of Trade
Unions (NZCTU), Service and Food Workers Union, Finsec
(Finance  Sector), the Manufactuirng and Construction Union,
Youth Union  Movement, the Auckland womens committee of
the NZCTU and Asia  Pacific Workers Solidarity Links called
on the Korean Consulate in  Auckland to present a protest
letter demanding the release of the  trade unionist in South


China. People´s Daily Jan 28

2002-01-27 Thread sipila


Top Chinese Leader on Education, Selection of Cadres.

Top Chinese leader Jiang Zemin Friday stressed the importance of helping
leading cadres all over the country foster a correct notion of power, saying
priority should be given to education so as to strengthen the ranks of

Top Chinese leader Jiang Zemin Friday stressed the importance of helping
leading cadres all over the country foster a correct notion of power, saying
priority should be given to education so as to strengthen the ranks of
This should be taken as the Party's long-term strategic task that needs
unremitting efforts to complete, Jiang said while addressing the 7th Plenary
Session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist
Party of China (CPC), whichconcluded here Friday.
Jiang, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, said theParty's
discipline inspection work should play a more positive role in carrying
forward the Party's fine tradition and style of building a clean and honest
government, improving the leadership and governance of the Party, and
strengthening the capability of anti-corruption work and risk control.
Discipline inspection cadres should constantly improve their work skills
through research and study, so as to meet the demands of the changed
situation and new tasks, the general secretary said.
Jiang stressed the importance of improving the rank of cadres, describing
this as essential for the implementation of the Party'sline and policies and
for lasting political stability and social and economic development.
Education remains the basic work for improving the rank of cadres, and
leading cadres should, through education, foster a Marxist outlooks on the
world, life and values, and develop a correct view of power, position and
interests, Jiang said.
Jiang also stressed the need to improve the process of selecting and
appointing cadres, calling for an institutionalized system to evaluate the
performance of cadres.
He said the Party organizations at all levels, especially discipline
inspection departments, should improve their supervision of cadres in line
with the changed situation, while leading cadres at all levels should
improve their sense of self-discipline and conscientiously accept the
supervision of the Partyand the general public.
The general secretary spoke highly of the progress made by the Party's
discipline inspection organizations in improving the Party's style of work,
and building a clean and honest government, and in the struggle against
Among other senior Party leaders attending the meeting were Li Peng, Zhu
Rongji, Li Ruihuan, Hu Jintao, Wei Jianxing and Li Lanqing.

Thailand to Host ASEAN Trade Fair This Year
Thailand will host a landmark trade fair of the Association of Southeast
Asian Nations (ASEAN) later this year, according to a report of the Thai
News Agency (TNA) Saturday.

Thailand will host a landmark trade fair of the Association of Southeast
Asian Nations (ASEAN) later this year, according to a report of the Thai
News Agency (TNA) Saturday.
Commerce Minister Adisai Bodharamik was quoted as saying that the Thai
government would invest 100 million baht (2.27 million U.S. dollars) for the
host of the grand ASEAN trade fair, to be held at the Impact Exhibition
Center in Muang Thong Thani in Nonthaburi province between October 14 and
It will be the first ASEAN trade fair in over a decade. It will be,
therefore, a significant event for all ASEAN member countries to join forces
to create a new dimension for strengthened trade and investment in the
region, which has abundant resources, and is considered an immense market
with the total consumers of over 500 million, he stated.
Other Asian countries, including India and Pakistan, would also be welcome
to join the landmark regional trade fair, he disclosed.
Adisai said that the one-week trade fair would also pave the way for the
full opening up of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) in the near future.
ASEAN is a world major exporter of varied goods and products, and is a
global center of skilled labors and innovations. The trade fair will further
promote and enhance the grouping's potential and bargaining power against
powerful markets, he pointed out.
Inter-country trade in the ASEAN region currently grows over 30 percent
despite global economic slowdown. This is because the economic downturn,
instead, encourages, rather than discourage, ASEAN members to cooperate more
closely in trade and investment, which helps boost regional economic
prospect and overall bargaining power against markets outside the grouping,
the minister said. 

Forum Marks Jiang Zemin's Speech on Reunification.

More than 200 people from all walks of life in Shanghai, eastern China
metropolis gathered at a forum Friday to commemorate the seventh anniversary
of the Eight-Point Proposals on Peaceful Reunification of the Motherland by
Chinese President Jiang Zemin.

More than 200 people from all 

Test. No Contents.

2002-01-27 Thread sipila

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