>From: Press Agency Ozgurluk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>We translated this because we did not see this message in any other paper.
>AMSTERDAM – The United Nations, after political pressure, stopped
>an investigation into the ties between Turkish terrorism and organised
>crime. "The political sensitivities are to great that even the writing of a
>confidential report would cause diplomatic problems”, according the
>narcotics chief the UN, Pino Arlacchi. He writes this in a letter, of
>October 16, to the Dutch UN-ambassador in Vienna. “Given the
>circumstances, it is advisable not to write a report at all”, he continues.
>Justice spokesmen in parliament want clarity from the ministers of
>Foreign Affairs and Justice.
>An official of the Terrorism Department of the UN was  in the
>Netherlands, at the end of August, also for investigating the Turkish ties
>with organised crime. In a letter of November 28, from the head of judicial
>and police co-operation, the department of Foreign Affairs writes to the
>Dutch experts involved: “Thanks for your co-operation”. But the
>investigation was halted. CDA-spokesperson W. van de Camp (Christian-
>Democrats) says it is unacceptable that a UN-office stops investigating
>because of fear for diplomatic turbulence. “That’s giving in to organised
>The D66-parliamentarian B. Dittrich (Social-Liberals) speaks of an ostrich-
>policy and demands clarification from the minister of Foreign Affairs.
>According to Dittrich, there have been clues earlier that high circles in
>Turkey were involved in criminal practices and it cannot be that now
>there is pressure from this circuit to stop such an investigation. The
>Green-Left delegate F. Halsema wants Foreign Affairs to demand an
>explanation from the UN and says that stopping the investigation
>“cannot be accepted like that”.
>Also the PvdA-delegate E. Kalsbeek (Social-Democrats) assumes that
>the minister will come with an explanation for the Chamber, although she
>does not have the “illusion that he will do so in public”.
>According the VVD-spokesperson J. Niederer (Conservative Liberals),
>such an UN-investigation can only be stopped if Turkey shows that
>“aspects of state security are involved”.
>During a lecture in Washington, in the autumn, the Dutch criminologist
>F. Bovenkerk showed once again how close elements of the Turkish
>state are linked with organised crime. Other investigators share this view,
>as was shown in a recent paper, published by the Department of Justice.
>The directorate of the UN-Drug Office, which last week criticised the
>Dutch policy of tolerance, was not available for comments. Insiders point
>to the fact that investigations into ties between the Turkish Mafia
>organisations and the Grey Wolves meet with great resistance usually.
>Investigations which stumble upon such ties are frequently stopped
>because of “sensitivities”.
>The recent investigation of the prosecution and the police in Amsterdam,
>involving a raid in a mosque, is therefore called courageous by them, and
>very remarkable. The investigating judge last night ruled that eleven of
>the original 23 detainees in this case will remain in custody. The
>investigation is now also spreading to possible fraud with subsidies by
>Turkish institutions and attempts by criminals to in infiltrate mosque
>Kurt van Es and Jos Verlaan
>Het Parool. December 8, 2000


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