
China Hopes Bush Extends Good Ties
China believes the US policy towards China previously followed by the two
major political parties will continue after George W. Bush assumes the

Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan made the comment Friday during a meeting with
former US Secretary of State Lawrence S. Eagleburger.

Tang said Sino-US relations are currently at an important juncture.

"Developing relations with China is a common theme between Republicans and
Democrats in the US. Administrations of each party all adhere to the one
China policy," Tang was quoted as saying by a foreign ministry spokesman.

Tang said he highly values the progress achieved by the two states in the
development of bilateral relations in the past decade.

During the Republican administration of President Nixon, China and the US
opened the gate to developing relations and made a historic breakthrough in
bilateral relations, Tang said.

In addition, he said that during the Democrat administration of President
Carter, China and the US established diplomatic relations and in the later
administrations of presidents Reagan, Bush and Clinton, Sino-US relations
have witnessed further development.

"We believe that after Bush's election as president, the US bipartisan
China policy will continue," Tang said.

The foreign minister said it is important to maintain stability and develop
Sino-US relations.

We are looking forward to working with the new US Government to promote the
development in a sustained, sound and stable manner based on the three
China-US Joint Communiques, Tang said.

Stressing that the Taiwan question has always been the most important and
sensitive question in Sino-US relations, he said the US Government should
honor previous commitments.

It should support the peaceful reunification of China, which is of vital
importance to overall Sino-US relations and for stability in the Taiwan

Eagleberger said that the US shoulders, as does China, responsibility for
improving and developing bilateral relations.

Eagleberger said the US-China relationship is now the key and most
important of all its bilateral relations.

He said that he would make every effort to improve and develop Sino-US
relations.(China Daily)


Ministry Declares War on Gangsters
Cracking down on gangsterism will be a major task for the Ministry of
Public Security (MPS) in the next two years, said a high-profile official
from the ministry, showing the ministry's firm determination to eradicate
criminal gangs.

Jia Chunwang, minister of public security, made the statement at a
teleconference held last week in Beijing.

Together with the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's
Procuratorate and the Ministry of Justice, Jia's ministry has declared war
on criminal activities involving gangs.

The MPS hopes that such activities will be brought under control within the
two-year timeframe.

Cai Shaoqing, an expert on the history of gangsterism in China, from
Nanjing University, estimates that there are currently tens of thousands of
gang members in the country.

Such criminal activities "severely endanger public security and constitute
a menace to peaceful life," the MPS says.

Gang members always employ atrocious means by which to tyrannize common
people and have become local dictators in some places.

Some gangs even collude with overseas counterparts, according to an
official with the MPS.

In some places, cases of government officials conspiring with criminal
gangs have also been reported.

Police sources also indicate that many criminal groups in Beijing involve
students aged between 14 and 16.

Most crimes committed by gangs are serious offenses such as robbery,
kidnapping, trafficking in narcotics and smuggling.

In September, the police in Southwest China's Chongqing Municipality
shattered a gang which made a series of bank-robberies in Chongqing, Wuhan,
and Changsha.

The gangs are being charged with murdering 28 people and severely injuring
21 others in tens of cases since 1992. (China Daily)


West Municipality Stresses Pollution Control The mega city in southwest
China Chongqing has intensified its efforts to control pollution by
shutting down four industrial polluting sources on December 15 in the city.

The four polluting sources that were closed down were an old cement mill,
an asphalt refinery, a chemical pulp manufacturing workshop of a
copperplate paper mill and two old generator units of the Chongqing Power

Situated in the upper reach areas of the Yangtze River, China's largest,
Chongqing has long been famous for its long-term foggy weather all year

Foggy weather makes frequent appearances in the city due to huge daily
emissions of industrial soot and dust, which intermingle with rich vapor
rising from two rivers, the Yangtze and its tributary Jialing River
confluent at Chongqing.

In recent years, the city's government issued the Chongqing Environment
Protection Regulation, the Regulation on Controlling Pollution by Coal and
Sulfur Dioxide and other pollution-control regulations.

"Although these old enterprises had made significant contributions to local
economic development, they must have to be closed down to reduce industrial
pollution and improve the city's ecological environment," Bao Xuding, mayor
of the city, said.

Chongqing is one of major cities in the Three Gorges Reservoir, the world's
largest, which is under construction. It is essential for the city to
improve its environment in order to be a "garden- like" city, the mayor


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